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[Branch,~linaro-validation/lava-dashboard-tool/trunk] Rev 160: Absorbed by lava-tool

Message ID 20130430170613.14354.1299.launchpad@ackee.canonical.com
State Accepted
Headers show

Commit Message

Antonio Terceiro April 30, 2013, 5:06 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Antonio Terceiro (terceiro)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Antonio Terceiro (terceiro)
  review: Approve - Senthil Kumaran S (stylesen)
revno: 160 [merge]
tags: release-0.8
committer: Antonio Terceiro <antonio.terceiro@linaro.org>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2013-04-29 23:14:39 -0300
  Absorbed by lava-tool


You are subscribed to branch lp:lava-dashboard-tool.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-validation/lava-dashboard-tool/trunk/+edit-subscription
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=== removed directory 'lava_dashboard_tool'
=== removed file 'lava_dashboard_tool/__init__.py'
--- lava_dashboard_tool/__init__.py	2012-03-22 18:38:32 +0000
+++ lava_dashboard_tool/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Linaro Limited
-# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of lava-dashboard-tool.
-# lava-dashboard-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation
-# lava-dashboard-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with lava-dashboard-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Launch Control Tool package
-__version__ = (0, 8, 0, "dev", 0)

=== removed file 'lava_dashboard_tool/commands.py'
--- lava_dashboard_tool/commands.py	2012-03-22 18:12:14 +0000
+++ lava_dashboard_tool/commands.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,981 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Linaro Limited
-# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of lava-dashboard-tool.
-# lava-dashboard-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation
-# lava-dashboard-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with lava-dashboard-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Module with command-line tool commands that interact with the dashboard
-server. All commands listed here should have counterparts in the
-launch_control.dashboard_app.xml_rpc package.
-import argparse
-import contextlib
-import errno
-import os
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-import xmlrpclib
-import simplejson
-from json_schema_validator.extensions import datetime_extension
-from lava_tool.authtoken import AuthenticatingServerProxy, KeyringAuthBackend
-from lava.tool.commands import ExperimentalCommandMixIn
-from lava.tool.command import Command, CommandGroup
-class dashboard(CommandGroup):
-    """
-    Commands for interacting with LAVA Dashboard
-    """
-    namespace = "lava.dashboard.commands"
-class InsufficientServerVersion(Exception):
-    """
-    Exception raised when server version that a command interacts with is too
-    old to support required features.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, server_version, required_version):
-        self.server_version = server_version
-        self.required_version = required_version
-class DataSetRenderer(object):
-    """
-    Support class for rendering a table out of list of dictionaries.
-    It supports several features that make printing tabular data easier.
-    * Automatic layout
-    * Custom column headers
-    * Custom cell formatting
-    * Custom table captions
-    * Custom column ordering
-    * Custom Column separators
-    * Custom dataset notification
-    The primary method is render() which does all of the above. You
-    need to pass a dataset argument which is a list of dictionaries.
-    Each dictionary must have the same keys. In particular the first row
-    is used to determine columns.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, column_map=None, row_formatter=None, empty=None,
-            order=None, caption=None, separator=" ", header_separator=None):
-        if column_map is None:
-            column_map = {}
-        if row_formatter is None:
-            row_formatter = {}
-        if empty is None:
-            empty = "There is no data to display"
-        self.column_map = column_map
-        self.row_formatter = row_formatter
-        self.empty = empty
-        self.order = order
-        self.separator = separator
-        self.caption = caption
-        self.header_separator = header_separator
-    def _analyze_dataset(self, dataset):
-        """
-        Determine the columns that will be displayed and the maximum
-        length of each of those columns.
-        Returns a tuple (dataset, columms, maxlen) where columns is a
-        list of column names and maxlen is a dictionary mapping from
-        column name to maximum length of any value in the row or the
-        column header and the dataset is a copy of the dataset altered
-        as necessary.
-        Some examples:
-        First the dataset, an array of dictionaries
-        >>> dataset = [
-        ...     {'a': 'shorter', 'bee': ''},
-        ...     {'a': 'little longer', 'bee': 'b'}]
-        Note that column 'bee' is actually three characters long as the
-        column name made it wider.
-        >>> dataset_out, columns, maxlen = DataSetRenderer(
-        ...     )._analyze_dataset(dataset)
-        Unless you format rows with a custom function the data is not altered.
-        >>> dataset_out is dataset
-        True
-        Columns come out in sorted alphabetic order
-        >>> columns
-        ['a', 'bee']
-        Maximum length determines the width of each column. Note that
-        the header affects the column width.
-        >>> maxlen
-        {'a': 13, 'bee': 3}
-        You can constrain or reorder columns. In that case columns you
-        decided to ignore are simply left out of the output.
-        >>> dataset_out, columns, maxlen = DataSetRenderer(
-        ...     order=['bee'])._analyze_dataset(dataset)
-        >>> columns
-        ['bee']
-        >>> maxlen
-        {'bee': 3}
-        You can format values anyway you like:
-        >>> dataset_out, columns, maxlen = DataSetRenderer(row_formatter={
-        ...     'bee': lambda value: "%10s" % value}
-        ...     )._analyze_dataset(dataset)
-        Dataset is altered to take account of the row formatting
-        function. The original dataset argument is copied.
-        >>> dataset_out
-        [{'a': 'shorter', 'bee': '          '}, {'a': 'little longer', 'bee': '         b'}]
-        >>> dataset_out is not dataset
-        True
-        Columns stay the same though:
-        >>> columns
-        ['a', 'bee']
-        Note how formatting altered the width of the column 'bee'
-        >>> maxlen
-        {'a': 13, 'bee': 10}
-        You can also format columns (with nice aliases).Note how
-        column 'bee' maximum width is now dominated by the long column
-        name:
-        >>> dataset_out, columns, maxlen = DataSetRenderer(column_map={
-        ...     'bee': "Column B"})._analyze_dataset(dataset)
-        >>> maxlen
-        {'a': 13, 'bee': 8}
-        """
-        if self.order:
-            columns = self.order
-        else:
-            columns = sorted(dataset[0].keys())
-        if self.row_formatter:
-            dataset_out = [dict(row) for row in dataset]
-        else:
-            dataset_out = dataset
-        for row in dataset_out:
-            for column in row:
-                if column in self.row_formatter:
-                    row[column] = self.row_formatter[column](row[column])
-        maxlen = dict(
-                [(column, max(
-                    len(self.column_map.get(column, column)),
-                    max([
-                        len(str(row[column])) for row in dataset_out])))
-                    for column in columns])
-        return dataset_out, columns, maxlen
-    def _render_header(self, dataset, columns, maxlen):
-        """
-        Render a header, possibly with a caption string
-        Caption is controlled by the constructor.
-        >>> dataset = [
-        ...     {'a': 'shorter', 'bee': ''},
-        ...     {'a': 'little longer', 'bee': 'b'}]
-        >>> columns = ['a', 'bee']
-        >>> maxlen = {'a': 13, 'bee': 3}
-        By default there is no caption, just column names:
-        >>> DataSetRenderer()._render_header(
-        ...     dataset, columns, maxlen)
-              a       bee
-        If you enable the header separator then column names will be visually
-        separated from the first row of data.
-        >>> DataSetRenderer(header_separator=True)._render_header(
-        ...     dataset, columns, maxlen)
-              a       bee
-        -----------------
-        If you provide a caption it gets rendered as a centered
-        underlined text before the data:
-        >>> DataSetRenderer(caption="Dataset")._render_header(
-        ...     dataset, columns, maxlen)
-             Dataset     
-        =================
-              a       bee
-        You can use both caption and header separator
-        >>> DataSetRenderer(caption="Dataset", header_separator=True)._render_header(
-        ...     dataset, columns, maxlen)
-             Dataset     
-        =================
-              a       bee
-        -----------------
-        Observe how the total length of the output horizontal line
-        depends on the separator! Also note the columns labels are
-        aligned to the center of the column
-        >>> DataSetRenderer(caption="Dataset", separator=" | ")._render_header(
-        ...     dataset, columns, maxlen)
-              Dataset      
-        ===================
-              a       | bee
-        """
-        total_len = sum(maxlen.itervalues())
-        if len(columns):
-            total_len += len(self.separator) * (len(columns) - 1)
-        # Print the caption
-        if self.caption:
-            print "{0:^{1}}".format(self.caption, total_len)
-            print "=" * total_len
-        # Now print the coulum names
-        print self.separator.join([
-            "{0:^{1}}".format(self.column_map.get(column, column),
-                maxlen[column]) for column in columns])
-        # Finally print the header separator
-        if self.header_separator:
-            print "-" * total_len
-    def _render_rows(self, dataset, columns, maxlen):
-        """
-        Render rows of the dataset.
-        Each row is printed on one line using the maxlen argument to
-        determine correct column size. Text is aligned left.
-        First the dataset, columns and maxlen as produced by
-        _analyze_dataset()
-        >>> dataset = [
-        ...     {'a': 'shorter', 'bee': ''},
-        ...     {'a': 'little longer', 'bee': 'b'}]
-        >>> columns = ['a', 'bee']
-        >>> maxlen = {'a': 13, 'bee': 3}
-        Now a plain table. Note! To really understand this test
-        you should check out the length of the strings below. There
-        are two more spaces after 'b' in the second row
-        >>> DataSetRenderer()._render_rows(dataset, columns, maxlen)
-        shorter          
-        little longer b  
-        """
-        for row in dataset:
-            print self.separator.join([
-                "{0!s:{1}}".format(row[column], maxlen[column])
-                for column in columns])
-    def _render_dataset(self, dataset):
-        """
-        Render the header followed by the rows of data.
-        """
-        dataset, columns, maxlen = self._analyze_dataset(dataset)
-        self._render_header(dataset, columns, maxlen)
-        self._render_rows(dataset, columns, maxlen)
-    def _render_empty_dataset(self):
-        """
-        Render empty dataset.
-        By default it just prints out a fixed sentence:
-        >>> DataSetRenderer()._render_empty_dataset()
-        There is no data to display
-        This can be changed by passing an argument to the constructor
-        >>> DataSetRenderer(empty="there is no data")._render_empty_dataset()
-        there is no data
-        """
-        print self.empty
-    def render(self, dataset):
-        if len(dataset) > 0:
-            self._render_dataset(dataset)
-        else:
-            self._render_empty_dataset()
-class XMLRPCCommand(Command):
-    """
-    Abstract base class for commands that interact with dashboard server
-    over XML-RPC.
-    The only difference is that you should implement invoke_remote()
-    instead of invoke(). The provided implementation catches several
-    socket and XML-RPC errors and prints a pretty error message.
-    """
-    @staticmethod
-    def _construct_xml_rpc_url(url):
-        """
-        Construct URL to the XML-RPC service out of the given URL
-        """
-        parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
-        if not parts.path.endswith("/RPC2/"):
-            path = parts.path.rstrip("/") + "/xml-rpc/"
-        else:
-            path = parts.path
-        return urlparse.urlunsplit(
-            (parts.scheme, parts.netloc, path, "", ""))
-    @staticmethod
-    def _strict_server_version(version):
-        """
-        Calculate strict server version (as defined by
-        distutils.version.StrictVersion). This works by discarding .candidate
-        and .dev release-levels.
-        >>> XMLRPCCommand._strict_server_version("0.4.0.candidate.5")
-        '0.4.0'
-        >>> XMLRPCCommand._strict_server_version("0.4.0.dev.126")
-        '0.4.0'
-        >>> XMLRPCCommand._strict_server_version("0.4.0.alpha.1")
-        '0.4.0a1'
-        >>> XMLRPCCommand._strict_server_version("0.4.0.beta.2")
-        '0.4.0b2'
-        """
-        try:
-            major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial = version.split(".") 
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ValueError(
-                ("version %r does not follow pattern "
-                 "'major.minor.micro.releaselevel.serial'") % version)
-        if releaselevel in ["dev", "candidate", "final"]:
-            return "%s.%s.%s" % (major, minor, micro)
-        elif releaselevel == "alpha":
-            return "%s.%s.%sa%s" % (major, minor, micro, serial)
-        elif releaselevel == "beta":
-            return "%s.%s.%sb%s" % (major, minor, micro, serial)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                ("releaselevel %r is not one of 'final', 'alpha', 'beta', "
-                 "'candidate' or 'final'") % releaselevel)
-    def _check_server_version(self, server_obj, required_version):
-        """
-        Check that server object has is at least required_version.
-        This method may raise InsufficientServerVersion.
-        """
-        from distutils.version import StrictVersion, LooseVersion
-        # For backwards compatibility the server reports
-        # major.minor.micro.releaselevel.serial which is not PEP-386 compliant
-        server_version = StrictVersion(
-            self._strict_server_version(server_obj.version()))
-        required_version = StrictVersion(required_version)
-        if server_version < required_version:
-            raise InsufficientServerVersion(server_version, required_version)
-    def __init__(self, parser, args):
-        super(XMLRPCCommand, self).__init__(parser, args)
-        xml_rpc_url = self._construct_xml_rpc_url(self.args.dashboard_url) 
-        self.server = AuthenticatingServerProxy(
-            xml_rpc_url,
-            verbose=args.verbose_xml_rpc,
-            allow_none=True,
-            use_datetime=True,
-            auth_backend=KeyringAuthBackend())
-    def use_non_legacy_api_if_possible(self, name='server'):
-        # Legacy APIs are registered in top-level object, non-legacy APIs are
-        # prefixed with extension name.
-        if "dashboard.version" in getattr(self, name).system.listMethods():
-            setattr(self, name, getattr(self, name).dashboard)
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        dashboard_group = parser.add_argument_group("dashboard specific arguments")
-        default_dashboard_url = os.getenv("DASHBOARD_URL")
-        if default_dashboard_url:
-            dashboard_group.add_argument("--dashboard-url",
-                    metavar="URL", help="URL of your validation dashboard (currently %(default)s)",
-                    default=default_dashboard_url)
-        else:
-            dashboard_group.add_argument("--dashboard-url", required=True,
-                    metavar="URL", help="URL of your validation dashboard")
-        debug_group = parser.add_argument_group("debugging arguments")
-        debug_group.add_argument("--verbose-xml-rpc",
-                action="store_true", default=False,
-                help="Show XML-RPC data")
-        return dashboard_group
-    @contextlib.contextmanager
-    def safety_net(self):
-        try:
-            yield
-        except socket.error as ex:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to connect to server at %s" % (
-                    self.args.dashboard_url,)
-            # It seems that some errors are reported as -errno
-            # while others as +errno.
-            ex.errno = abs(ex.errno)
-            if ex.errno == errno.ECONNREFUSED:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Connection was refused."
-                parts = urlparse.urlsplit(self.args.dashboard_url)
-                if parts.netloc == "localhost:8000":
-                    print >> sys.stderr, "Perhaps the server is not running?"
-            elif ex.errno == errno.ENOENT:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to resolve address"
-            else:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Socket %d: %s" % (ex.errno, ex.strerror)
-        except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError as ex:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to exchange XML-RPC message with dashboard server"
-            print >> sys.stderr, "HTTP error code: %d/%s" % (ex.errcode, ex.errmsg)
-        except xmlrpclib.Fault as ex:
-            self.handle_xmlrpc_fault(ex.faultCode, ex.faultString)
-        except InsufficientServerVersion as ex:
-            print >> sys.stderr, ("This command requires at least server version "
-                                 "%s, actual server version is %s" %
-                                 (ex.required_version, ex.server_version))
-    def invoke(self):
-        with self.safety_net():
-            self.use_non_legacy_api_if_possible()
-            return self.invoke_remote()
-    def handle_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultCode, faultString):
-        if faultCode == 500:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Dashboard server has experienced internal error"
-            print >> sys.stderr, faultString
-        else:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "XML-RPC error %d: %s" % (faultCode, faultString)
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class server_version(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Display dashboard server version
-    """
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        print "Dashboard server version: %s" % (self.server.version(),)
-class put(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Upload a bundle on the server
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(put, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("LOCAL",
-                type=argparse.FileType("rb"),
-                help="pathname on the local file system")
-        parser.add_argument("REMOTE",
-                default="/anonymous/", nargs='?',
-                help="pathname on the server")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        content = self.args.LOCAL.read()
-        filename = self.args.LOCAL.name
-        pathname = self.args.REMOTE
-        content_sha1 = self.server.put(content, filename, pathname)
-        print "Stored as bundle {0}".format(content_sha1)
-    def handle_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultCode, faultString):
-        if faultCode == 404:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Bundle stream %s does not exist" % (
-                    self.args.REMOTE)
-        elif faultCode == 409:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "You have already uploaded this bundle to the dashboard"
-        else:
-            super(put, self).handle_xmlrpc_fault(faultCode, faultString)
-class get(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Download a bundle from the server
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(get, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("SHA1",
-                type=str,
-                help="SHA1 of the bundle to download")
-        parser.add_argument("--overwrite",
-                action="store_true",
-                help="Overwrite files on the local disk")
-        parser.add_argument("--output", "-o",
-                type=argparse.FileType("wb"),
-                default=None,
-                help="Alternate name of the output file")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        response = self.server.get(self.args.SHA1)
-        if self.args.output is None:
-            filename = self.args.SHA1
-            if os.path.exists(filename) and not self.args.overwrite:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "File {filename!r} already exists".format(
-                        filename=filename)
-                print >> sys.stderr, "You may pass --overwrite to write over it"
-                return -1
-            stream = open(filename, "wb")
-        else:
-            stream = self.args.output
-            filename = self.args.output.name
-        stream.write(response['content'])
-        print "Downloaded bundle {0} to file {1!r}".format(
-                self.args.SHA1, filename)
-    def handle_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultCode, faultString):
-        if faultCode == 404:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Bundle {sha1} does not exist".format(
-                    sha1=self.args.SHA1)
-        else:
-            super(get, self).handle_xmlrpc_fault(faultCode, faultString)
-class deserialize(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Deserialize a bundle on the server
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(deserialize, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("SHA1",
-                type=str,
-                help="SHA1 of the bundle to deserialize")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        response = self.server.deserialize(self.args.SHA1)
-        print "Bundle {sha1} deserialized".format(
-            sha1=self.args.SHA1)
-    def handle_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultCode, faultString):
-        if faultCode == 404:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Bundle {sha1} does not exist".format(
-                    sha1=self.args.SHA1)
-        elif faultCode == 409:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Unable to deserialize bundle {sha1}".format(
-                sha1=self.args.SHA1)
-            print >> sys.stderr, faultString
-        else:
-            super(deserialize, self).handle_xmlrpc_fault(faultCode, faultString)
-def _get_pretty_renderer(**kwargs):
-    if "separator" not in kwargs:
-        kwargs["separator"] = " | "
-    if "header_separator" not in kwargs:
-        kwargs["header_separator"] = True
-    return DataSetRenderer(**kwargs)
-class streams(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Show streams you have access to
-    """
-    renderer = _get_pretty_renderer(
-        order=('pathname', 'bundle_count', 'name'),
-        column_map={
-            'pathname': 'Pathname',
-            'bundle_count': 'Number of bundles',
-            'name': 'Name'},
-        row_formatter={
-            'name': lambda name: name or "(not set)"},
-        empty="There are no streams you can access on the server",
-        caption="Bundle streams")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self.renderer.render(self.server.streams())
-class bundles(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Show bundles in the specified stream
-    """
-    renderer = _get_pretty_renderer(
-            column_map={
-                'uploaded_by': 'Uploader',
-                'uploaded_on': 'Upload date',
-                'content_filename': 'File name',
-                'content_sha1': 'SHA1',
-                'is_deserialized': "Deserialized?"},
-            row_formatter={
-                'is_deserialized': lambda x: "yes" if x else "no",
-                'uploaded_by': lambda x: x or "(anonymous)",
-                'uploaded_on': lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")},
-            order=('content_sha1', 'content_filename', 'uploaded_by',
-                'uploaded_on', 'is_deserialized'),
-            empty="There are no bundles in this stream",
-            caption="Bundles",
-            separator=" | ")
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(bundles, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("PATHNAME",
-                default="/anonymous/", nargs='?',
-                help="pathname on the server (defaults to %(default)s)")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self.renderer.render(self.server.bundles(self.args.PATHNAME))
-    def handle_xmlrpc_fault(self, faultCode, faultString):
-        if faultCode == 404:
-            print >> sys.stderr, "Bundle stream %s does not exist" % (
-                    self.args.PATHNAME)
-        else:
-            super(bundles, self).handle_xmlrpc_fault(faultCode, faultString)
-class make_stream(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Create a bundle stream on the server
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(make_stream, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument(
-            "pathname",
-            type=str,
-            help="Pathname of the bundle stream to create")
-        parser.add_argument(
-            "--name",
-            type=str,
-            default="",
-            help="Name of the bundle stream (description)")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.3")
-        pathname = self.server.make_stream(self.args.pathname, self.args.name)
-        print "Bundle stream {pathname} created".format(pathname=pathname)
-class backup(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Backup data uploaded to a dashboard instance.
-    Not all data is preserved. The following data is lost: identity of the user
-    that uploaded each bundle, time of uploading and deserialization on the
-    server, name of the bundle stream that contained the data
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(backup, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("BACKUP_DIR", type=str,
-                            help="Directory to backup to")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        if not os.path.exists(self.args.BACKUP_DIR):
-            os.mkdir(self.args.BACKUP_DIR)
-        for bundle_stream in self.server.streams():
-            print "Processing stream %s" % bundle_stream["pathname"]
-            bundle_stream_dir = os.path.join(self.args.BACKUP_DIR, urllib.quote_plus(bundle_stream["pathname"]))
-            if not os.path.exists(bundle_stream_dir):
-                os.mkdir(bundle_stream_dir)
-            with open(os.path.join(bundle_stream_dir, "metadata.json"), "wt") as stream:
-                simplejson.dump({
-                    "pathname": bundle_stream["pathname"],
-                    "name": bundle_stream["name"],
-                    "user": bundle_stream["user"],
-                    "group": bundle_stream["group"],
-                }, stream)
-            for bundle in self.server.bundles(bundle_stream["pathname"]):
-                print " * Backing up bundle %s" % bundle["content_sha1"]
-                data = self.server.get(bundle["content_sha1"])
-                bundle_pathname = os.path.join(bundle_stream_dir, bundle["content_sha1"]) 
-                # Note: we write bundles as binary data to preserve anything the user might have dumped on us
-                with open(bundle_pathname + ".json", "wb") as stream:
-                    stream.write(data["content"])
-                with open(bundle_pathname + ".metadata.json", "wt") as stream:
-                    simplejson.dump({
-                        "uploaded_by": bundle["uploaded_by"],
-                        "uploaded_on": datetime_extension.to_json(bundle["uploaded_on"]),
-                        "content_filename": bundle["content_filename"],
-                        "content_sha1": bundle["content_sha1"],
-                        "content_size": bundle["content_size"],
-                    }, stream)
-class restore(XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Restore a dashboard instance from backup
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(restore, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("BACKUP_DIR", type=str,
-                            help="Directory to backup from")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.3")
-        for stream_pathname_quoted in os.listdir(self.args.BACKUP_DIR):
-            filesystem_stream_pathname = os.path.join(self.args.BACKUP_DIR, stream_pathname_quoted)
-            if not os.path.isdir(filesystem_stream_pathname):
-                continue
-            stream_pathname = urllib.unquote(stream_pathname_quoted)
-            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(filesystem_stream_pathname, "metadata.json")):
-                with open(os.path.join(filesystem_stream_pathname, "metadata.json"), "rt") as stream:
-                    stream_metadata = simplejson.load(stream)
-            else:
-                stream_metadata = {}
-            print "Processing stream %s" % stream_pathname
-            try:
-                self.server.make_stream(stream_pathname, stream_metadata.get("name", "Restored from backup"))
-            except xmlrpclib.Fault as ex:
-                if ex.faultCode != 409:
-                    raise
-            for content_sha1 in [item[:-len(".json")] for item in os.listdir(filesystem_stream_pathname) if item.endswith(".json") and not item.endswith(".metadata.json") and item != "metadata.json"]:
-                filesystem_content_filename = os.path.join(filesystem_stream_pathname, content_sha1 + ".json")
-                if not os.path.isfile(filesystem_content_filename):
-                    continue
-                with open(os.path.join(filesystem_stream_pathname, content_sha1) + ".metadata.json", "rt") as stream:
-                    bundle_metadata = simplejson.load(stream)
-                with open(filesystem_content_filename, "rb") as stream:
-                    content = stream.read()
-                print " * Restoring bundle %s" % content_sha1
-                try:
-                    self.server.put(content, bundle_metadata["content_filename"], stream_pathname)
-                except xmlrpclib.Fault as ex:
-                    if ex.faultCode != 409:
-                        raise
-class pull(ExperimentalCommandMixIn, XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Copy bundles and bundle streams from one dashboard to another.
-    This command checks for two environment varialbes:
-    The value of DASHBOARD_URL is used as a replacement for --dashbard-url.
-    The value of REMOTE_DASHBOARD_URL as a replacement for FROM.
-    Their presence automatically makes the corresponding argument optional.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, parser, args):
-        super(pull, self).__init__(parser, args)
-        remote_xml_rpc_url = self._construct_xml_rpc_url(self.args.FROM)
-        self.remote_server = AuthenticatingServerProxy(
-            remote_xml_rpc_url,
-            verbose=args.verbose_xml_rpc,
-            use_datetime=True,
-            allow_none=True,
-            auth_backend=KeyringAuthBackend())
-        self.use_non_legacy_api_if_possible('remote_server')
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        group = super(pull, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        default_remote_dashboard_url = os.getenv("REMOTE_DASHBOARD_URL")
-        if default_remote_dashboard_url:
-            group.add_argument(
-                "FROM", nargs="?",
-                help="URL of the remote validation dashboard (currently %(default)s)",
-                default=default_remote_dashboard_url)
-        else:
-            group.add_argument(
-                "FROM",
-                help="URL of the remote validation dashboard)")
-        group.add_argument("STREAM", nargs="*", help="Streams to pull from (all by default)")
-    @staticmethod
-    def _filesizeformat(num_bytes):
-        """
-        Formats the value like a 'human-readable' file size (i.e. 13 KB, 4.1 MB,
-        102 num_bytes, etc).
-        """
-        try:
-            num_bytes = float(num_bytes)
-        except (TypeError, ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError):
-            return "%(size)d byte", "%(size)d num_bytes" % {'size': 0}
-        filesize_number_format = lambda value: "%0.2f" % (round(value, 1),)
-        if num_bytes < 1024:
-            return "%(size)d bytes" % {'size': num_bytes}
-        if num_bytes < 1024 * 1024:
-            return "%s KB" % filesize_number_format(num_bytes / 1024)
-        if num_bytes < 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
-            return "%s MB" % filesize_number_format(num_bytes / (1024 * 1024))
-        return "%s GB" % filesize_number_format(num_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024))
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.3")
-        print "Checking local and remote streams"
-        remote = self.remote_server.streams()
-        if self.args.STREAM:
-            # Check that all requested streams are available remotely
-            requested_set = frozenset(self.args.STREAM)
-            remote_set = frozenset((stream["pathname"] for stream in remote))
-            unavailable_set = requested_set - remote_set
-            if unavailable_set:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "Remote stream not found: %s" % ", ".join(unavailable_set)
-                return -1
-            # Limit to requested streams if necessary
-            remote = [stream for stream in remote if stream["pathname"] in requested_set]
-        local = self.server.streams()
-        missing_pathnames = set([stream["pathname"] for stream in remote]) - set([stream["pathname"] for stream in local])
-        for stream in remote:
-            if stream["pathname"] in missing_pathnames:
-                self.server.make_stream(stream["pathname"], stream["name"])
-                local_bundles = []
-            else:
-                local_bundles = [bundle for bundle in self.server.bundles(stream["pathname"])]
-            remote_bundles = [bundle for bundle in self.remote_server.bundles(stream["pathname"])]
-            missing_bundles = set((bundle["content_sha1"] for bundle in remote_bundles))
-            missing_bundles -= set((bundle["content_sha1"] for bundle in local_bundles))
-            try:
-                missing_bytes = sum(
-                    (bundle["content_size"]
-                     for bundle in remote_bundles
-                     if bundle["content_sha1"] in missing_bundles))
-            except KeyError as ex:
-                # Older servers did not return content_size so this part is optional
-                missing_bytes = None
-            if missing_bytes:
-                print "Stream %s needs update (%s)" % (stream["pathname"], self._filesizeformat(missing_bytes))
-            elif missing_bundles:
-                print "Stream %s needs update (no estimate available)" % (stream["pathname"],)
-            else:
-                print "Stream %s is up to date" % (stream["pathname"],)
-            for content_sha1 in missing_bundles:
-                print "Getting %s" % (content_sha1,),
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                data = self.remote_server.get(content_sha1)
-                print "got %s, storing" % (self._filesizeformat(len(data["content"]))),
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                try:
-                    self.server.put(data["content"], data["content_filename"], stream["pathname"])
-                except xmlrpclib.Fault as ex:
-                    if ex.faultCode == 409:  # duplicate
-                        print "already present (in another stream)"
-                    else:
-                        raise
-                else:            
-                    print "done"
-class data_views(ExperimentalCommandMixIn, XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Show data views defined on the server
-    """
-    renderer = _get_pretty_renderer(
-        column_map={
-            'name': 'Name',
-            'summary': 'Summary',
-        },
-        order=('name', 'summary'),
-        empty="There are no data views defined yet",
-        caption="Data Views")
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.4")
-        self.renderer.render(self.server.data_views())
-        print
-        print "Tip: to invoke a data view try `lc-tool query-data-view`"
-class query_data_view(ExperimentalCommandMixIn, XMLRPCCommand):
-    """
-    Invoke a specified data view
-    """
-    @classmethod
-    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
-        super(query_data_view, cls).register_arguments(parser)
-        parser.add_argument("QUERY", metavar="QUERY", nargs="...",
-                           help="Data view name and any optional and required arguments")
-    def _probe_data_views(self):
-        """
-        Probe the server for information about data views
-        """
-        with self.safety_net():
-            self.use_non_legacy_api_if_possible()
-            self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.4")
-            return self.server.data_views()
-    def reparse_arguments(self, parser, raw_args):
-        self.data_views = self._probe_data_views()
-        if self.data_views is None:
-            return
-        # Here we hack a little, the last actuin is the QUERY action added
-        # in register_arguments above. By removing it we make the output
-        # of lc-tool query-data-view NAME --help more consistent.
-        del parser._actions[-1]
-        subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(
-            title="Data views available on the server")
-        for data_view in self.data_views: 
-            data_view_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
-                data_view["name"],
-                help=data_view["summary"],
-                epilog=data_view["documentation"])
-            data_view_parser.set_defaults(data_view=data_view)
-            group = data_view_parser.add_argument_group("Data view parameters")
-            for argument in data_view["arguments"]:
-                if argument["default"] is None:
-                    group.add_argument(
-                        "--{name}".format(name=argument["name"].replace("_", "-")),
-                        dest=argument["name"],
-                        help=argument["help"],
-                        type=str,
-                        required=True)
-                else:
-                    group.add_argument(
-                        "--{name}".format(name=argument["name"].replace("_", "-")),
-                        dest=argument["name"],
-                        help=argument["help"],
-                        type=str,
-                        default=argument["default"])
-        self.args = self.parser.parse_args(raw_args)
-    def invoke(self):
-        # Override and _not_ call 'use_non_legacy_api_if_possible' as we
-        # already did this reparse_arguments
-        with self.safety_net():
-            return self.invoke_remote()
-    def invoke_remote(self):
-        if self.data_views is None:
-            return -1
-        self._check_server_version(self.server, "0.4")
-        # Build a collection of arguments for data view
-        data_view_args = {}
-        for argument in self.args.data_view["arguments"]:
-            arg_name = argument["name"]
-            if arg_name in self.args:
-                data_view_args[arg_name] = getattr(self.args, arg_name) 
-        # Invoke the data view
-        response = self.server.query_data_view(self.args.data_view["name"], data_view_args) 
-        # Create a pretty-printer
-        renderer = _get_pretty_renderer(
-            caption=self.args.data_view["summary"],
-            order=[item["name"] for item in response["columns"]])
-        # Post-process the data so that it fits the printer
-        data_for_renderer = [
-            dict(zip(
-                [column["name"] for column in response["columns"]],
-                row))
-            for row in response["rows"]]
-        # Print the data
-        renderer.render(data_for_renderer)
-class version(Command):
-    """
-    Show dashboard client version
-    """
-    def invoke(self):
-        import versiontools
-        from lava_dashboard_tool import __version__
-        print "Dashboard client version: {version}".format(
-            version=versiontools.format_version(__version__))

=== removed file 'lava_dashboard_tool/main.py'
--- lava_dashboard_tool/main.py	2011-06-23 11:23:24 +0000
+++ lava_dashboard_tool/main.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2011  Linaro Limited
-# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
-# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of lava-dashboard-tool.
-# lava-dashboard-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation
-# lava-dashboard-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with lava-dashboard-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from lava_tool.dispatcher import LavaDispatcher, run_with_dispatcher_class
-class LaunchControlDispatcher(LavaDispatcher):
-    toolname = 'lava_dashboard_tool'
-    description = """
-    Command line tool for interacting with Launch Control
-    """
-    epilog = """
-    Please report all bugs using the Launchpad bug tracker:
-    http://bugs.launchpad.net/lava-dashboard-tool/+filebug
-    """
-def main():
-    run_with_dispatcher_class(LaunchControlDispatcher)

=== removed directory 'lava_dashboard_tool/tests'
=== removed file 'lava_dashboard_tool/tests/__init__.py'
--- lava_dashboard_tool/tests/__init__.py	2011-06-23 11:23:24 +0000
+++ lava_dashboard_tool/tests/__init__.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Linaro Limited
-# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of lava-dashboard-tool.
-# lava-dashboard-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation
-# lava-dashboard-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with lava-dashboard-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Package with unit tests for lava_dashboard_tool
-import doctest
-import unittest
-def app_modules():
-    return [
-            'lava_dashboard_tool.commands',
-            ]
-def test_modules():
-    return [
-            'lava_dashboard_tool.tests.test_commands',
-            ]
-def test_suite():
-    """
-    Build an unittest.TestSuite() object with all the tests in _modules.
-    Each module is harvested for both regular unittests and doctests
-    """
-    modules = app_modules() + test_modules()
-    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-    loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-    for name in modules:
-        unit_suite = loader.loadTestsFromName(name)
-        suite.addTests(unit_suite)
-        doc_suite = doctest.DocTestSuite(name)
-        suite.addTests(doc_suite)
-    return suite

=== removed file 'lava_dashboard_tool/tests/test_commands.py'
--- lava_dashboard_tool/tests/test_commands.py	2011-06-23 11:23:24 +0000
+++ lava_dashboard_tool/tests/test_commands.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2010,2011 Linaro Limited
-# Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of lava-dashboard-tool.
-# lava-dashboard-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation
-# lava-dashboard-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with lava-dashboard-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-Unit tests for the launch_control.commands package
-from unittest import TestCase
-from lava_dashboard_tool.commands import XMLRPCCommand
-class XMLRPCCommandTestCase(TestCase):
-    def test_construct_xml_rpc_url_preserves_path(self):
-        self.assertEqual(
-            XMLRPCCommand._construct_xml_rpc_url("http://domain/path"),
-            "http://domain/path/xml-rpc/")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            XMLRPCCommand._construct_xml_rpc_url("http://domain/path/"),
-            "http://domain/path/xml-rpc/")
-    def test_construct_xml_rpc_url_adds_proper_suffix(self):
-        self.assertEqual(
-            XMLRPCCommand._construct_xml_rpc_url("http://domain/"),
-            "http://domain/xml-rpc/")
-        self.assertEqual(
-            XMLRPCCommand._construct_xml_rpc_url("http://domain"),
-            "http://domain/xml-rpc/")

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2012-03-22 18:12:14 +0000
+++ setup.py	2013-04-22 17:34:20 +0000
@@ -23,48 +23,14 @@ 
-    version=":versiontools:lava_dashboard_tool:__version__",
+    version="0.8",
     author="Zygmunt Krynicki",
-    description="Command line utility for Launch Control",
+    description="Command line utility for Launch Control (deprecated)",
-    entry_points="""
-    [console_scripts]
-    lava-dashboard-tool=lava_dashboard_tool.main:main
-    [lava.commands]
-    dashboard=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:dashboard
-    [lava.dashboard.commands]
-    backup=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:backup
-    bundles=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:bundles
-    data_views=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:data_views
-    deserialize=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:deserialize
-    get=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:get
-    make_stream=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:make_stream
-    pull=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:pull
-    put=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:put
-    query_data_view=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:query_data_view
-    restore=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:restore
-    server_version=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:server_version
-    streams=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:streams
-    version=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:version
-    [lava_dashboard_tool.commands]
-    backup=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:backup
-    bundles=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:bundles
-    data_views=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:data_views
-    deserialize=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:deserialize
-    get=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:get
-    make_stream=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:make_stream
-    pull=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:pull
-    put=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:put
-    query_data_view=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:query_data_view
-    restore=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:restore
-    server_version=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:server_version
-    streams=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:streams
-    version=lava_dashboard_tool.commands:version
-    """,
         "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
         "Intended Audience :: Developers",
@@ -75,9 +41,8 @@ 
         "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7",
         "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing"],
-        'lava-tool [auth] >= 0.4',
-        'json-schema-validator >= 2.0',
-        'versiontools >= 1.3.1'],
+        'lava-tool >= 0.7.dev',
+    ],
     setup_requires=['versiontools >= 1.3.1'],