diff mbox

[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 360: Merge from trunk.

Message ID 20110706141823.7642.9298.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
Headers show

Commit Message

James Tunnicliffe July 6, 2011, 2:18 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Angus Ainslie (angus-akkea)
  James Westby (james-w)
  Markus Andersson (markus-m-andersson)
  Mattias Backman (mabac)
  Ola Borgelin (olab)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
  proposed by: Ola Borgelin (olab)
  review: Approve - Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
  proposed by: Angus Ainslie (angus-akkea)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - Zach Pfeffer (pfefferz)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
revno: 360 [merge]
committer: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Wed 2011-07-06 15:16:10 +0100
  Merge from trunk.
  Added fetch_image_ui.py


You are subscribed to branch lp:linaro-image-tools.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk/+edit-subscription
diff mbox


=== added file 'fetch_image_ui.py'
--- fetch_image_ui.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ fetch_image_ui.py	2011-07-06 14:16:10 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1661 @@ 
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
+# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
+# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
+# USA.
+import wx
+import wx.wizard
+import wx.wizard as wiz
+import sys
+import re
+import os
+import linaro_image_tools.FetchImage as FetchImage
+import string
+import unittest
+import operator
+import Queue
+def add_button(bind_to,
+               sizer,
+               label,
+               style,
+               select_event,
+               hover_event,
+               unhover_event):
+    """Create a radio button with event bindings."""
+    if(style != None):
+        radio_button = wx.RadioButton(bind_to, label=label, style=style)
+    else:
+        radio_button = wx.RadioButton(bind_to, label=label)
+    sizer.Add(radio_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+    bind_to.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, select_event, radio_button)
+    wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW(radio_button, hover_event)
+    wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(radio_button, unhover_event)
+    return radio_button
+class ReleaseOrSnapshotPage(wiz.PyWizardPage):
+    """Ask the user if they want to use a release or a snapshot"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config):
+        wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.config = config
+        self.settings = self.config.settings
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.next = None
+        self.prev = None
+        self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1,
+"""This Wizard will write an operating system of your choosing to
+either a disk image or to an MMC card. First we need to know if
+your priority is stability or the latest and greatest features."""))
+        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.button_text = {'release':  "I would like to run stable, "
+                                        "tested software.",
+                            'snapshot': "I would like to run untested, but "
+                                        "more up-to-date software."}
+        add_button(self, self.box1, self.button_text['release'],
+                   wx.RB_GROUP, self.event_radio_button_select, None, None)
+        # Save the setting for the default selected value
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
+        add_button(self, self.box1, self.button_text['snapshot'], None,
+                   self.event_radio_button_select, None, None)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
+        self.radio_selected = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel()
+        # The radio button can be release, snapshot or "latest snapshot"
+        if(self.radio_selected == self.button_text['release']):
+            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
+        else:
+            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
+    def SetNext(self, next):
+        self.next = next
+    def GetNext(self):
+        return self.next
+class AboutMyHardwarePage(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Ask the user about their hardware. This only asks about the board, not
+       any specific hardware packs because there can be multiple names for the
+       same hardware pack or sometimes a hardware pack is only available in the
+       releases or snapshots repository. We whittle down the choice as we go
+       and the user can chose a hardare pack (if they don't like the default)
+       under advanced options in the Linaro Media Create options
+       page"""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.db = db
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        header = wx.StaticText(self,
+                               label = "Please select the hardware that you "
+                                       "would like to build an image for from "
+                                       "the following list")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        #--- Hardware Combo Box ---
+        # Make sure that the displayed release is the one set in settings if
+        # no selection is made
+        if "panda" in self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys():
+            default_hardware = "panda"
+        else:
+            default_hardware = self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()[-1]
+        self.settings['hardware'] = default_hardware
+        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = (
+                self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
+        self.cb_hardware = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                            value =
+                            self.settings['choice']['hardware'][default_hardware],
+                            style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,
+                  self.event_combo_box_hardware,
+                  self.cb_hardware)
+        self.box1.Add(self.cb_hardware, 0,
+                      wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(header)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def on_page_changing(self):
+        self.update_hardware_box()
+    def update_hardware_box(self):
+        self.cb_hardware.Clear()
+        sorted_hardware_names = sorted(self.settings['choice']['hardware']
+                                                                  .iteritems(),
+                                       key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+        table = self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] + "_hwpacks"
+        for device_name, human_readable_name in sorted_hardware_names:
+            for hwpack in self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][device_name]:
+                if self.db.hardware_is_available_in_table(table, hwpack):
+                    self.cb_hardware.Append(human_readable_name, device_name)
+                    break
+    #--- Event(s) ---
+    def event_combo_box_hardware(self, event):
+        self.settings['hardware'] = (event
+                                     .GetEventObject()
+                                      .GetClientData(event.GetSelection())
+                                       .encode('ascii'))
+        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = (
+                self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
+    #--- END event(s) ---
+class SelectStableRelease(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Ask the user which Linaro release they would like to run."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.db = db
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.wizard = parent
+        header = wx.StaticText(self, label = "Please select the stable Linaro "
+                                             "release you would like to use")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        self.sizer.Add(header)
+        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        platforms = []
+        for key, value in self.settings['choice']['platform'].items():
+            platforms.append(key)
+        default_release = self.settings['UI']['translate'][platforms[-1]]
+        self.cb_release = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                                      value = default_release,
+                                      style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,
+                  self.event_combo_box_release,
+                  self.cb_release)
+        if(default_release in self.settings['UI']['translate']):
+            default_release = self.settings['UI']['translate'][default_release]
+        self.settings['platform'] = (
+                    self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][default_release])
+        for item in platforms:
+            if(item in self.settings['UI']['translate']):
+                new_item = self.settings['UI']['translate'][item]
+                item = new_item
+            self.cb_release.Append(item, item.upper())
+        self.cb_build = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                                    style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_build, self.cb_build)
+        self.box1.Add(self.cb_release, 0,
+                      wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+        self.box1.Add(self.cb_build,   0,
+                      wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def update_build_box(self):
+        """Depending on what hardware has been chosen, the OS list may be
+        restricted. Filter out anything that is unavailable."""
+        self.cb_build.Clear()
+        builds = self.db.get_builds(self.settings['platform'])
+        self.cb_build.SetValue("No build available")
+        for build in builds:
+            if( self.db.hardware_is_available_for_platform_build(
+                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
+                                          self.settings['platform'],
+                                          build)
+                and self.db.build_is_available_for_platform_image(
+                                "release_binaries",
+                                self.settings['platform'],
+                                self.settings['image'],
+                                build)):
+                self.cb_build.Append(build)
+                self.cb_build.SetValue(build)
+                self.settings['release_build'] = build
+        available_hwpacks = (
+            self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_build_plaform(
+                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
+                                          self.settings['platform'],
+                                          self.settings['release_build']))
+        if len(available_hwpacks):
+            self.settings['hwpack'] = available_hwpacks[0]
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+        else:
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+    def update_release_and_build_boxes(self):
+        """Depending on what hardware has been chosen, some builds may be
+           unavailable..."""
+        self.cb_release.Clear()
+        default_release = None
+        for platform, value in self.settings['choice']['platform'].items():
+            if(self.db.hardware_is_available_for_platform(
+                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
+                                          platform)
+               and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                               'select * from release_binaries '
+                               'where platform == ? and image == ?',
+                                (platform, self.settings['image'])))):
+                if(platform in self.settings['UI']['translate']):
+                    platform = self.settings['UI']['translate'][platform]
+                self.cb_release.Append(platform, platform.upper())
+                if not default_release or default_release < platform:
+                    default_release = platform
+        self.settings['platform'] = (
+                    self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][default_release])
+        self.cb_release.SetValue(default_release)
+        self.update_build_box()
+    #--- Event(s) ---
+    def event_combo_box_release(self, evt):
+        str = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
+        if(str in self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate']):
+            str = self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][str]
+        self.settings['platform'] = str
+        self.update_build_box()
+    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
+        self.settings['release_build'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii')
+    #--- END event(s) ---
+class SelectSnapshot(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Present the user with a calendar widget and a list of builds available
+    on the selected date so they can chose a snapshot. Filter out days when
+    their chosen hardware does not have an available build."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.db = db
+        self.wizard = parent
+        self.width = width
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        header = wx.StaticText(self,
+                               label = "Builds are created most days. First "
+                                       "please select the day on which the "
+                                       "build you would like to use was built,"
+                                       " then, if there was more than one "
+                                       "build that day you will be able to "
+                                       "select the build number.")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.sizer.Add(header)
+        # Set today as the default build date in settings
+        # (matches the date picker)
+        self.today = wx.DateTime()
+        self.today.SetToCurrent()
+        self.settings['build_date'] = self.today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii')
+        dpc = wx.DatePickerCtrl(self, size = (120, -1),
+                                style = wx.DP_DEFAULT)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_DATE_CHANGED, self.on_date_changed, dpc)
+        #--- Build number Combo Box ---
+        # Make sure that the displayed build is the one set in settings if no
+        # selection is made
+        self.settings['build_number'] = 0
+        self.update_build()
+        self.cb_build = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                                    style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_build, self.cb_build)
+        #--- Layout ---
+        # -- Combo boxes for hardware and image selection --
+        grid2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        grid2.Add(dpc, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        grid2.Add(self.cb_build, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        box1.Add(grid2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(self)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.help_text, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5)
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def update_platform(self):
+        build_and_date = self.settings['snapshot_build'].split(":")
+        if len(build_and_date) == 2:
+            self.settings['platform'] = (
+                    self.db.execute_return_list(
+                            "select platform from snapshot_binaries "
+                            "where date == ? and build == ?",
+                            (build_and_date[0], build_and_date[1])))
+            if len(self.settings['platform']) > 0:
+                self.settings['platform'] = self.settings['platform'][0][0]
+    def update_build(self):
+        small_date = re.sub('-', '', self.settings['build_date'])
+        self.settings['snapshot_build'] = (small_date
+                                           + ":"
+                                           + str(self.settings['build_number']))
+    def fill_build_combo_box_for_date(self, date):
+        """Every time a date is chosen, this function should be called. It will
+        check to see if a compatible build is available. If there isn't, it
+        will search for one and provide some help text to tell the user when
+        compatable builds were built."""
+        # Re-populate the build combo box
+        self.cb_build.Clear()
+        builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
+                                      self.settings['image'],
+                                      date,
+                                      self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'])
+        if len(builds):
+            max = 0
+            for item in builds:
+                #Always get a tuple, only interested in the first entry
+                item = item[0]
+                self.cb_build.Append(item, item.upper())
+                if item > max:
+                    max = item
+            self.cb_build.SetValue(max)
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+            self.help_text.SetLabel("")
+        else:
+            self.cb_build.SetValue("No builds available")
+            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
+                                           self.settings['image'],
+                                           date,
+                                           self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'])
+            help_text = None
+            if future_date and past_date:
+                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
+                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
+                             "The previous build was on " + past_date +
+                             " and the next build was on " + future_date + ".")
+            elif future_date:
+                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
+                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
+                             "The next build was on " + future_date +
+                             " and I couldn't find a past build (looked one "
+                             "year back from the selected date).")
+            elif past_date:
+                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
+                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
+                             "The previous build was on " + past_date)
+                if date != self.today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'):
+                    help_text += (" and I couldn't find a future build (I "
+                                  "looked up to one year forward from the "
+                                  "selected date).")
+            else:
+                help_text = ("I could not find any builds that match your "
+                             "specifications close to the selected date (I "
+                             "looked forward and back one year from the "
+                             "selected date).")
+            self.help_text.SetLabel(help_text)
+            self.help_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+    #--- Event(s) ---
+    def on_date_changed(self, evt):
+        self.settings['build_date'] = evt.GetDate().FormatISODate().encode('ascii')
+        self.fill_build_combo_box_for_date(self.settings['build_date'])
+        self.update_build()
+    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
+        self.settings['build_number'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
+        self.update_build()
+    #--- END event(s) ---
+class SelectOS(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Ask the user which OS they would like to run. Filter out any choices
+    that are unavailable due to previous choices."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.wizard = parent
+        self.db = db
+        self.width = width
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.settings['image'] = None
+        header = wx.StaticText(self, label = "Please select the operating "
+                                             "system you would like to run on "
+                                             "your hardware.")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.sizer.Add(header)
+        self.cb_image = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                                    style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_os, self.cb_image)
+        #--- Layout ---
+        # -- Combo boxes for hardware and image selection --
+        self.box1.Add(self.cb_image, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(self)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.help_text, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5)
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def get_human_os_name(self, item):
+        """Given an OS name from the database, return a human name (either
+        translated from the YAML settings, or just prettified) and if it is a
+        LEB OS or not"""
+        item = re.sub("linaro-", "", item)  # Remove any linaro- decoration
+        human_name = item
+        if item in self.settings['UI']['descriptions']:
+            human_name = self.settings['UI']['descriptions'][item]
+        else:
+            # Make human_name look nicer...
+            human_name = string.capwords(item)
+        leb_search = re.search("^LEB:\s*(.*)$", human_name)
+        if leb_search:
+            return leb_search.group(1), True
+        return human_name, False
+    def fill_os_list(self):
+        """Filter the list of OS's from the config file based on the users
+        preferences so all choices in the list are valid (i.e. their hardware
+        is supported for the build they have chosen)."""
+        # select unique image from snapshot_binaries/release_binaries to
+        # generate list
+        os_list = None
+        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
+            os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
+        else:
+            os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
+        self.cb_image.Clear()
+        printed_tag = None
+        last_name = None
+        current_image_setting_valid = False
+        for state in ["LEB", "other"]:
+            for item in os_list:
+                if item == "old":
+                    # Old is a directory that sometimes hangs around,
+                    # but isn't one we want to display
+                    continue
+                # Save the original, untouched image name for use later.
+                # We give it a more human name for display
+                original = item
+                item = re.sub("linaro-", "", item)
+                os_hardware_combo_available = (
+                            self.db.image_hardware_combo_available(
+                                    self.settings['release_or_snapshot'],
+                                    original,
+                                    self.settings['compatable_hwpacks']))
+                if os_hardware_combo_available:
+                    human_name, is_LEB = self.get_human_os_name(item)
+                    if item == self.settings['image']:
+                        current_image_setting_valid = True
+                    if state == "LEB" and is_LEB:
+                        if printed_tag != state:
+                            self.cb_image.Append(
+                                            "- Linaro Supported Releases -")
+                            printed_tag = state
+                        self.cb_image.Append(human_name, original)
+                        if self.settings['image'] == None:
+                            self.settings['image'] = original
+                    elif state != "LEB" and not is_LEB:
+                        if printed_tag != state:
+                            self.cb_image.Append(
+                                            "- Community Supported Releases -")
+                            printed_tag = state
+                        self.cb_image.Append(human_name, original)
+                    last_name = original
+        if(    self.settings['image'] != None
+           and current_image_setting_valid == False):
+            # If we have an image setting, but it doesn't match the OS list, we
+            # have switched OS list. It may be that adding/removing "linaro-"
+            # from the name will get a match.
+            if re.search("linaro-", self.settings['image']):
+                test_name = re.sub("linaro-", "", self.settings['image'])
+            else:
+                test_name = "linaro-" + self.settings['image']
+            if test_name in os_list:
+                # Success! We have translated the name and can retain the
+                # "old setting"
+                self.settings['image'] = test_name
+                current_image_setting_valid = True
+        if(   self.settings['image'] == None
+           or current_image_setting_valid == False):
+            # This should only get hit if there are no LEBs available
+            self.settings['image'] = last_name
+        assert self.settings['image']
+        # Make sure the visible selected value matches the saved setting
+        self.cb_image.SetValue(
+                            self.get_human_os_name(self.settings['image'])[0])
+    #--- Event(s) ---
+    def event_combo_box_os(self, evt):
+        self.settings['image'] = self.cb_image.GetClientData(
+                                                            evt.GetSelection())
+        if self.settings['image']:  # Is None for items that aren't an OS
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+            image = re.sub("linaro-", "", self.settings['image'])
+            if image + "::long" in self.settings['UI']['descriptions']:
+                self.help_text.SetLabel(self.settings['UI']
+                                                     ['descriptions']
+                                                     [image + "::long"])
+            else:
+                self.help_text.SetLabel("")
+        else:  # Have selected help text
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+            self.help_text.SetLabel("Please select an operating system to run "
+                                    "on your chosen hardware.")
+        self.help_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
+    #--- END event(s) ---
+class LMC_settings(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Present the user with, intially, the choice of writing the file system
+    they are going to have created to a file, or directly to a device. Ask
+    which file/device to write to.
+    If writing to a device, the user is asked to tick a box saying that they
+    understand that the device they have chosen will be erased.
+    If the user ticks the advanced box, more options are shown."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.wizard = parent
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.yes_use_mmc = False
+        self.db = db
+        self.settings['path_selected'] = ""
+        header = wx.StaticText(self,
+                               label = "Media Creation Settings\n\n"
+                               "Please select if you would like to write the "
+                               "file system I am about to create to a memory "
+                               "card, or to a file on the local file system.")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        #--- Build some widgets ---
+        #-- Target file system --
+        file_systems = ["ext3", "ext4", "btrfs", "ext2"]
+        default_target = file_systems[0]
+        self.settings['rootfs'] = default_target
+        cb_rootfs = wx.ComboBox(self,
+                                value = default_target,
+                                style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        for item in file_systems:
+            cb_rootfs.Append(item, item.upper())
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_rootfs, cb_rootfs)
+        #-- Image size spinner
+        self.image_size_spinner = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1, "")
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,
+                  self.event_image_size,
+                  self.image_size_spinner)
+        #-- Swap size spinner
+        self.swap_size_spinner = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1, "")
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,
+                  self.event_swap_size,
+                  self.swap_size_spinner)
+        #--- Layout ---
+        self.sizer.Add(header, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        file_dev_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        box1.Add(file_dev_grid, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        grid1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        # self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] should match the first
+        # button below...
+        self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] = "file"
+        add_button(self,
+                   file_dev_grid,
+                   "Write to file",
+                   wx.RB_GROUP,
+                   self.event_radio_button_select,
+                   None, None)
+        add_button(self,
+                   file_dev_grid,
+                   "Write to device",
+                   None,
+                   self.event_radio_button_select,
+                   None, None)
+        self.help_text_values = {"device": "Please select a device to write "
+                                           "the file system to:",
+                                 "file":   "Please select a file to write the "
+                                           "file system to:"}
+        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(
+                             self,
+                             label =
+                             self.help_text_values[
+                                   self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']])
+        self.help_text.Wrap(width - 10)
+        #-- File/dev picker --
+        file_browse_button = wx.Button(self, -1, "Browse")
+        file_browse_grid   = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        self.file_path_and_name = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(300, -1))
+        file_browse_grid.Add(self.file_path_and_name, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        file_browse_grid.Add(file_browse_button, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,
+                  self.event_open_file_control,
+                  file_browse_button)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,
+                  self.event_file_path_and_name,
+                  self.file_path_and_name)
+        box1.Add(self.help_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        box1.Add(file_browse_grid, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        cb1 = wx.CheckBox(self, -1, "Show advanced options")
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.event_show_advanced_options, cb1)
+        box1.Add(cb1)
+        #-- Combo boxes for hardware and image selection --
+        optional_settings_box_title = wx.StaticBox(
+                                                self,
+                                                label = " Optional Settings ")
+        self.optional_settings_box = wx.StaticBoxSizer(
+                                                optional_settings_box_title,
+                                                wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.box2.AddWindow(self.optional_settings_box,
+                            0,
+                            border=2,
+                            flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND)
+        grid1.Add(cb_rootfs, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self,
+                                label = "The root file system of the image"),
+                                0,
+                                wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                                5)
+        # We want to sub-devide the cell, to add another grid sizer...
+        file_size_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        grid1.Add(file_size_grid,
+                  0,
+                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP)
+        # Add a spinner that allows us to type/click a numerical value (defined above)
+        file_size_grid.Add(self.image_size_spinner,
+                           0,
+                           wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                           5)
+        # Add a choice of MB or GB for size input
+        units = ["GB", "MB"]
+        self.size_unit = units[0]  # Set the default unit
+        unit_choice = wx.Choice(self, -1, (100, 50), choices = units)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.event_chose_unit, unit_choice)
+        file_size_grid.Add(unit_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
+        # Back out of the extra grid, add some help text
+        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(
+                            self,
+                            label = "Writing to file only: Image file size"),
+                            0,
+                            wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                            5)
+        # The swap size (MB only)
+        grid1.Add(self.swap_size_spinner,
+                  0,
+                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                  5)
+        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label = "Swap file size in MB"),
+                  0,
+                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                  5)
+        self.cb_hwpacks = wx.ComboBox(
+                                self,
+                                value = self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'][0],
+                                style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,
+                  self.event_combo_box_hwpack,
+                  self.cb_hwpacks)
+        grid1.Add(self.cb_hwpacks,
+                  0,
+                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                  5)
+        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label = "Compatible hardware packs"),
+                  0,
+                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                  5)
+        self.optional_settings_box.Add(grid1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        confirm_mmc_usage_title = wx.StaticBox(self, label = " Are you sure? ")
+        self.confirm_mmc_usage_box = wx.StaticBoxSizer(confirm_mmc_usage_title,
+                                                       wx.VERTICAL)
+        cb2 = wx.CheckBox(
+                        self,
+                        -1,
+                        "Yes, erase and use the device I have selected above.")
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.event_use_mmc_tickbox, cb2)
+        self.confirm_mmc_usage_box.Add(cb2)
+        self.box3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.box3.AddWindow(self.confirm_mmc_usage_box,
+                            0,
+                            border=2,
+                            flag=wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND)
+        self.sizer.Add(box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 0)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 0)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box3, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 0)
+        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def on_activate(self):
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+        self.set_hwpacks_for_hardware()
+    def set_hwpacks_for_hardware(self):
+        self.cb_hwpacks.Clear()
+        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
+            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['snapshot_build']
+            date_and_build = self.settings['build'].split(":")
+            compatable_hwpacks = (
+                self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_snapshot_build(
+                                        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
+                                        self.settings['platform'],
+                                        date_and_build[0],
+                                        date_and_build[1]))
+        else:
+            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['release_build']
+            compatable_hwpacks = (
+                self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_build_plaform(
+                                        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
+                                        self.settings['platform'],
+                                        self.settings['build']))
+        for hwpack in compatable_hwpacks:
+            self.cb_hwpacks.Append(hwpack)
+        self.cb_hwpacks.SetStringSelection(compatable_hwpacks[0])
+        self.settings['hwpack'] = compatable_hwpacks[0]
+    def update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible(self):
+        if(    self.settings['path_selected']
+           and self.settings['path_selected'] != ""):
+            if (   self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file"
+                or self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device"
+                   and self.yes_use_mmc):
+                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+            else:
+                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+        else:
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device":
+            self.box3.Show(self.confirm_mmc_usage_box, True)
+        else:
+            self.box3.Hide(self.confirm_mmc_usage_box, True)
+    # --- Event Handlers ---
+    def event_open_file_control(self, event):
+        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
+            dlg = wx.FileDialog(self,
+                                message="Save file as ...",
+                                defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
+                                defaultFile="",
+                                style=wx.SAVE)
+        elif self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device":
+            dlg = wx.FileDialog(self,
+                                message="Choose a device",
+                                defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
+                                defaultFile="",
+                                style=wx.OPEN | wx.CHANGE_DIR)
+        if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
+            self.settings['path_selected'] = dlg.GetPaths()[0]
+            self.file_path_and_name.SetValue(self.settings['path_selected'])
+        dlg.Destroy()
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+    def event_file_path_and_name(self, event):
+        self.settings['path_selected'] = event.GetString()
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+    def event_combo_box_hwpack(self, event):
+        self.settings['hwpack'] = event.GetString().encode('ascii')
+    def event_combo_box_rootfs(self, evt):
+        self.settings['rootfs'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
+    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
+        """Search the label of the button that has been selected to work out
+        what we are writing to."""
+        setting_search = re.search(
+                            "write to (\w+)",
+                            event
+                             .GetEventObject()
+                              .GetLabel()
+                               .encode('ascii')
+                                .lower())
+        assert setting_search
+        self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] = setting_search.group(1)
+        self.help_text.SetLabel(
+               self.help_text_values[self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']])
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+    def event_show_advanced_options(self, event):
+        if event.IsChecked():
+            self.box2.Show(self.optional_settings_box, True)
+        else:
+            self.box2.Hide(self.optional_settings_box, True)
+    def event_pick_file_path(self, evt):
+        self.settings['path_selected'] = os.path.abspath(evt.GetPath())
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+    def update_image_size_setting(self):
+        if(self.image_size_spinner.GetValue() > 0):
+            self.settings['image_size'] = (str(self.image_size_spinner
+                                                                 .GetValue())
+                                           + self.size_unit[0])
+        else:
+            self.settings['image_size'] = None
+    def event_image_size(self, event):
+        self.update_image_size_setting()
+    def event_chose_unit(self, event):
+        self.size_unit = event.GetString()
+        self.update_image_size_setting()
+    def event_swap_size(self, event):
+        self.settings['swap_file'] = str(self.image_size_spinner.GetValue())
+    def event_use_mmc_tickbox(self, event):
+        self.yes_use_mmc = event.IsChecked()
+        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
+class RunLMC(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
+    """Present the user with some information about their choices and a button
+    to start linaro-media-create. The linaro-media-create process is started in
+    a new thread and important events are communicated back to the UI through a
+    queue."""
+    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
+        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
+        self.settings = config.settings
+        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.db = db
+        self.width = width
+        self.wizard = parent
+        header = wx.StaticText(self, label = """Installing...""")
+        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
+        self.sizer.Add(header)
+        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        # We expect to print 4 lines of information, reserve space using blank
+        # lines.
+        self.settings_summary_text = wx.StaticText(self, label = "\n\n\n\n")
+        self.settings_summary_text.Wrap(width - 10)
+        self.box1.Add(self.settings_summary_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.start_button = wx.Button(self, 10, "Start", (20, 20))
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.start_lmc, self.start_button)
+        self.start_button.SetToolTipString("Start creating an image, using the"
+                                           "above settings.")
+        self.start_button.SetSize(self.start_button.GetBestSize())
+        self.box1.Add(self.start_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.status_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
+        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Downloading files"),
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.downloading_files_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.status_grid.Add(self.downloading_files_status,
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Unpacking downloads"),
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.unpacking_files_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.status_grid.Add(self.unpacking_files_status,
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Installing packages"),
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.installing_packages_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.status_grid.Add(self.installing_packages_status,
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Create file system"),
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.create_file_system_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.status_grid.Add(self.create_file_system_status,
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Populate file system"),
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.populate_file_system_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.status_grid.Add(self.populate_file_system_status,
+                             0,
+                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+                             5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.status_grid, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
+        self.sizer.Fit(self)
+        self.Move((50, 50))
+    def on_activate(self):
+        """Called just before the page is displayed to update the text based on
+        the users preferences."""
+        # The build is stored in different forms depending on if we are using a
+        # release or snapshot but from here on in it is a common value
+        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
+            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['snapshot_build']
+        else:
+            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['release_build']
+        settings_summary = ("Press start to create an image with the "
+                            "following settings:\n")
+        settings_summary += "Operating System: " + self.settings['image'] + "\n"
+        settings_summary += "Hardware: " + self.settings['hardware'] + "\n"
+        # Assumption is that a file may be in a long path, we don't know how
+        # big the font is and we don't want to allow the path to run off the
+        # end of the line, so if a file is chosen, just show the file name.
+        # Devices are (probably) /dev/some_short_name and the user really needs
+        # to check them, so we show the whole thing.
+        path = self.settings['path_selected']
+        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
+            path = self.settings['path_selected'].split(os.sep)[-1]
+        settings_summary += (  "Writing image to "
+                             + self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']
+                             + " " 
+                             + path)
+        self.settings_summary_text.SetLabel(settings_summary)
+        self.settings_summary_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
+    def start_lmc(self, event):
+        """Start a thread that runs linaro-media-create and a timer, which
+        checks for UI updates every 100ms"""
+        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
+            self.settings['image_file'] = self.settings['path_selected']
+        elif self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device":
+            self.settings['mmc'] = self.settings['path_selected']
+        else:
+            assert False, ("self.config.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] "
+                           "was an unexpected value"
+                           + self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'])
+        image_url, hwpack_url = self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings)
+        # Currently the UI is blocked when LMC is running, so grey out the
+        # buttons to indicate to the user that they won't work!
+        self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_BACKWARD).Disable()
+        self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_CANCEL).Disable()
+        if(image_url and hwpack_url):
+            print image_url
+            print hwpack_url
+            self.file_handler = FetchImage.FileHandler()
+            tools_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+            if tools_dir == '':
+                tools_dir = None
+            self.file_handler.create_media(image_url,
+                                           hwpack_url,
+                                           self.settings,
+                                           tools_dir,
+                                           True,
+                                           self)
+            self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
+            self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.timer_ping, self.timer)
+            self.timer.Start(milliseconds=100, oneShot=True)
+            self.start_button.Disable()
+            self.event_queue = Queue.Queue()
+            self.file_handler.start_lmc_gui_thread(self.event_queue)
+        else:
+            print >> sys.stderr, ("Unable to find files that match the"
+                                  "parameters specified")
+    def timer_ping(self, event):
+        """During start_lmc a timer is started to poll for events from
+        linaro-media-create every 100ms. This is the function which is called
+        to do that polling."""
+        if self.event_queue.empty() == False:
+            event = self.event_queue.get()
+            if event[0] == "start":
+                self.event_start(event[1])
+                self.timer.Start(milliseconds=100, oneShot=True)
+            elif event[0] == "end":
+                self.event_end(event[1])
+                self.timer.Start(milliseconds=100, oneShot=True)
+            elif event == "terminate":
+                # Process complete. Enable next button.
+                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+                self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
+            else:
+                print >> sys.stderr, "timer_ping: Unhandled event", event
+        else:
+            self.timer.Start(milliseconds=100, oneShot=True)
+    def unsigned_packages_query(self, package_list):
+        message = ('In order to continue, I need to install some unsigned'
+                   'packages into the image. Is this OK? The packages are:'
+                   '\n\n' + package_list)
+        dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,
+                               message,
+                               'Install Unsigned Packages Into Image?',
+                               wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT)
+        choice = dlg.ShowModal()
+        dlg.Destroy()
+        return choice == wx.ID_YES
+    #--- Event(s) ---
+    def event_start(self, event):
+        if event == "download OS":
+            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Downloading OS")
+        elif event == "download hwpack":
+            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Downloading Hardware Pack")
+        elif event == "unpack":
+            self.unpacking_files_status.SetLabel("Running")
+        elif event == "installing packages":
+            self.installing_packages_status.SetLabel("Running")
+        elif re.search('^unverified_packages:', event):
+            # Get rid of event ID and whitespace invariance
+            packages = " ".join(event.split()[1:])
+            install_unsigned_packages = self.unsigned_packages_query(packages)
+            if install_unsigned_packages == False:
+                self.file_handler.kill_create_media()
+                sys.exit(1)
+            else:
+                self.file_handler.send_to_create_process("y")
+        elif event == "create file system":
+            self.create_file_system_status.SetLabel("Running")
+        elif event == "populate file system":
+            self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Running")
+        else:
+            print "Unhandled start event:", event
+    def event_end(self, event):
+        if event == "download OS":
+            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Done (1/2)")
+        elif event == "download hwpack":
+            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Done")
+        elif event == "unpack":
+            self.unpacking_files_status.SetLabel("Done")
+        elif event == "installing packages":
+            self.installing_packages_status.SetLabel("Done")
+        elif event == "create file system":
+            self.create_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
+        elif event == "populate file system":
+            self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
+        else:
+            print "Unhhandled end event:", event
+    def event_combo_box_release(self, evt):
+        pass
+    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
+        pass
+    #--- END event(s) ---
+class TestDriveWizard(wx.wizard.Wizard):
+    def __init__(self, title):
+        wx.wizard.Wizard.__init__(self, None, -1, title, wx.NullBitmap)
+        self.Bind(wx.wizard.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.on_page_changing)
+        self.done_startup = False
+    def on_page_changing(self, evt):
+        'Executed before the page changes.'
+        if self.done_startup == False:
+            self.pages['lmc_settings'].box2.Hide(
+                            self.pages['lmc_settings'].optional_settings_box,
+                            True)
+            self.pages['lmc_settings'].box3.Hide(
+                            self.pages['lmc_settings'].confirm_mmc_usage_box,
+                            True)
+            self.done_startup = True
+        page = evt.GetPage()
+        if evt.GetDirection():  # If going forwards...
+            # Always enable back button if going forwards
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_BACKWARD).Enable()
+            # If going from a select snapshot or select release page, record
+            # which we were on so the back button of the next page works
+            if(self.config.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release"):
+                self.pages['select_os'].SetNext(self.pages['select_release'])
+                self.pages['select_release'].SetPrev(self.pages['select_os'])
+                self.pages['select_release'].SetNext(self.pages['lmc_settings'])
+                self.pages['lmc_settings'].SetPrev(self.pages['select_release'])
+            else:
+                self.pages['select_os'].SetNext(self.pages['select_snapshot'])
+                self.pages['select_snapshot'].SetPrev(self.pages['select_os'])
+                if(page == self.pages['select_os']):
+                    self.pages['select_snapshot'].fill_build_combo_box_for_date(
+                                            self.config.settings['build_date'])
+                self.pages['select_snapshot'].SetNext(self.pages['lmc_settings'])
+                self.pages['lmc_settings'].SetPrev(self.pages['select_snapshot'])
+            if page == self.pages['hardware_details']:
+                self.pages['select_os'].fill_os_list()
+            if page == self.pages['release_or_snapshot']:
+                self.pages['hardware_details'].on_page_changing()
+            # If about to move into the release selection, make sure the list
+            # is populated only with releases that are valid with our current
+            # selection
+            if(    page == self.pages['select_os']
+               and self.config.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release"):
+                self.pages['select_release'].update_release_and_build_boxes()
+            if page == self.pages['select_snapshot']:
+                # Execute when exiting page
+                self.pages['select_snapshot'].update_platform()
+            if(   page == self.pages['select_snapshot']
+               or page == self.pages['select_release']):
+                self.pages['lmc_settings'].on_activate()
+            if page == self.pages['lmc_settings']:
+                # Forward stays disabled until LMC has finished running
+                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
+                self.pages['run_lmc'].on_activate()
+        else:  # Always enable the forward button if reversing into a page
+            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
+    def go(self, first_page):
+        file_handler = FetchImage.FileHandler()
+        self.config = FetchImage.FetchImageConfig()
+        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
+        self.config.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = ['foo']
+        # If the settings file and server index need updating, grab them
+        file_handler.update_files_from_server(show_wx_progress = True)
+        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
+        # acceptable responses from the user
+        self.config.read_config(file_handler.settings_file)
+        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in
+        # the server index
+        db = FetchImage.DB(file_handler.index_file)
+        # Create the wizard and the pages
+        self.wizard = wiz.Wizard(self, -1, "Linaro Media Builder")
+        self.pages = {}
+        self.pages['release_or_snapshot'] = ReleaseOrSnapshotPage(self.wizard,
+                                                                  self.config)
+        self.wizard.FitToPage(self.pages['release_or_snapshot'])
+        (width, height) = self.wizard.GetSize()
+        self.pages['hardware_details']  = AboutMyHardwarePage(self.wizard,
+                                                              self.config,
+                                                              db,
+                                                              width)
+        self.pages['select_release']    = SelectStableRelease(self.wizard,
+                                                              self.config,
+                                                              db,
+                                                              width)
+        self.pages['select_snapshot']   = SelectSnapshot(self.wizard,
+                                                         self.config,
+                                                         db,
+                                                         width)
+        self.pages['select_os']         = SelectOS(self.wizard,
+                                                   self.config,
+                                                   db,
+                                                   width)
+        self.pages['lmc_settings']      = LMC_settings(self.wizard,
+                                                       self.config,
+                                                       db,
+                                                       width)
+        self.pages['run_lmc']           = RunLMC(self.wizard,
+                                                 self.config,
+                                                 db,
+                                                 width)
+        self.pages['release_or_snapshot'].SetNext(
+                                            self.pages['hardware_details'])
+        self.pages['hardware_details'].SetPrev(
+                                            self.pages['release_or_snapshot'])
+        self.pages['hardware_details'].SetNext(self.pages['select_os'])
+        self.pages['select_os'].SetPrev(self.pages['hardware_details'])
+        # Select OS goes to select build, which is customised for
+        # releases or snapshots
+        self.pages['lmc_settings'].SetNext(self.pages['run_lmc'])
+        self.pages['run_lmc'].SetPrev(self.pages['lmc_settings'])
+        for (name, page) in self.pages.items():
+            self.wizard.GetPageAreaSizer().Add(page)
+        self.wizard.RunWizard(self.pages['release_or_snapshot'])
+def run(start_page = None):
+    """Wrapper around the full wizard. Is encapsulated in its own function to
+       allow a restart to be performed, as described in __main___, easily"""
+    app = wx.PySimpleApp()  # Start the application
+    #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
+    w = TestDriveWizard('Simple Wizard')
+    return w.go(start_page)
+class TestURLLookupFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.file_handler   = FetchImage.FileHandler()
+        self.file_handler.update_files_from_server(show_wx_progress = True)
+        self.config         = FetchImage.FetchImageConfig()
+        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
+        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
+        # acceptable responses from the user
+        self.config.read_config(self.file_handler.settings_file)
+        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in the
+        # server index
+        self.db = FetchImage.DB(self.file_handler.index_file)
+    def test_000_url_lookup_snapshot_builds(self):
+        self.settings = self.config.settings
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
+        #--- Test finding builds near a particular day ---
+        # This functionality is required for further tests, hence forcing the
+        # run order by putting numbers in the function name.
+        today = wx.DateTime()
+        today.SetToCurrent()
+        # -- Don't iterate through platforms for snapshot --
+        # -- Select hardware --
+        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
+                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
+            compatable_hwpacks = self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][
+                                                    self.settings['hardware']]
+            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
+                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                        today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'),
+                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            if past_date == None:
+                # Some hardware packs are not available in the snapshot repo,
+                # so just skip if they aren't
+                continue
+            builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
+                                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                                        past_date,
+                                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            self.assertTrue(len(builds))
+            # If the above assert fails, either the DB is empty, or
+            # db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db failed
+    def test_100_url_lookup_snapshots(self):
+        self.settings = self.config.settings
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
+        #--- Test snapshot build lookup ---
+        # -- Fix a build date --
+        # We only need to look up a single snapshot date. Start with today and
+        # go with the day in the DB, build 0
+        today = wx.DateTime()
+        today.SetToCurrent()
+        # -- Don't iterate through platforms for snapshot --
+        # -- Select hardware --
+        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
+                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
+            compatable_hwpacks = self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][
+                                                    self.settings['hardware']]
+            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
+                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                        today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'),
+                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            if past_date == None:
+                # Some hardware packs are not available in the snapshot repo,
+                # so just skip if they aren't
+                continue
+            builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
+                                                        "linaro-alip",
+                                                        past_date,
+                                                        compatable_hwpacks)
+            self.assertTrue(len(builds))
+            # The above code is tested in test_000_url_lookup_snapshot_build.
+            # If the above assert fails, either the DB is empty, or
+            # db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db failed.
+            small_date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
+            self.settings['build'] = small_date + ":" + "0"
+            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
+            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
+                # If hardware pack is available...
+                if(self.settings['hwpack']
+                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('snapshot_hwpacks')):
+                    # -- Iterate through images
+                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
+                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
+                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
+                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
+                            # interest to us
+                            continue
+                        # -- Check build which matches these parameters
+                        #    (builds that don't match are excluded in UI) --
+                        if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                    'select * from snapshot_hwpacks '
+                                    'where hardware == ? '
+                                    'and date == ? '
+                                    'and build == ?',
+                                    (self.settings['hwpack'],
+                                     small_date,
+                                     "0")))
+                           and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                    'select * from snapshot_binaries '
+                                    'where image == ? '
+                                    'and date == ? '
+                                    'and build == ?',
+                                    (self.settings['image'],
+                                     small_date,
+                                     "0")))):
+                            # - Run the function under test! -
+                            image_url, hwpack_url = (
+                              self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
+                            self.assertTrue(image_url)
+                            self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
+    def test_101_url_lookup_releases(self):
+        #--- Test release build lookup ---
+        self.settings = self.config.settings
+        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
+        # -- Select hardware --
+        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
+                                    self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
+            compatable_hwpacks = (
+                  self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
+            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
+            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
+                # If hardware pack is available...
+                if(self.settings['hwpack']
+                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('release_hwpacks')):
+                    # -- Iterate through images
+                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
+                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
+                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
+                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
+                            # interest to us
+                            continue
+                        for platform, ignore in (
+                                  self.settings['choice']['platform'].items()):
+                            self.settings['platform'] = platform
+                            # -- Iterate through available builds --
+                            builds = self.db.get_builds(
+                                                    self.settings['platform'],
+                                                    self.settings['image'])
+                            for build in builds:
+                                self.settings['build'] = build
+                                # -- Check build which matches these parameters
+                                #(builds that don't match are excluded in UI)--
+                                if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                            'select * from release_hwpacks '
+                                            'where platform == ? '
+                                            'and hardware == ? '
+                                            'and build == ?',
+                                            (self.settings['platform'],
+                                             self.settings['hwpack'],
+                                             self.settings['build'])))
+                                   and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
+                                            'select * from release_binaries '
+                                            'where platform == ? '
+                                            'and image == ? '
+                                            'and build == ?',
+                                            (self.settings['platform'],
+                                             self.settings['image'],
+                                             self.settings['build'])))):
+                                    # - Run the function under test! -
+                                    image_url, hwpack_url = (
+                                        self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
+                                    self.assertTrue(image_url)
+                                    self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    run()

=== modified file 'linaro-android-media-create'
--- linaro-android-media-create	2011-05-26 09:16:35 +0000
+++ linaro-android-media-create	2011-06-30 12:09:46 +0000
@@ -133,12 +133,13 @@ 
     unpack_android_binary_tarball(args.system, SYSTEM_DIR)
     unpack_android_binary_tarball(args.userdata, DATA_DIR)
-    # Create partitions    
+    # Create partitions
     boot_partition, system_partition, cache_partition, \
         data_partition, sdcard_partition = setup_android_partitions( \
         board_config, media, args.image_size, args.boot_label,
         args.should_create_partitions, args.should_align_boot_part)
+    board_config.populate_raw_partition(args.device, BOOT_DIR)
     populate_partition(BOOT_DIR + "/boot", BOOT_DISK, boot_partition)
     board_config.populate_boot_script(boot_partition, BOOT_DISK, args.consoles)
     populate_partition(SYSTEM_DIR + "/system", SYSTEM_DISK, system_partition)

=== modified file 'linaro-hwpack-install'
--- linaro-hwpack-install	2011-01-29 16:35:06 +0000
+++ linaro-hwpack-install	2011-06-23 12:52:43 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ 
-SUPPORTED_FORMATS="1.0"  # A space-separated list of hwpack formats.
+SUPPORTED_FORMATS="1.0 2.0"  # A space-separated list of hwpack formats.
 if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then

=== modified file 'linaro-media-create'
--- linaro-media-create	2011-06-17 12:47:16 +0000
+++ linaro-media-create	2011-06-28 13:35:12 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ 
 import os
 import sys
 import tempfile
-import subprocess
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
@@ -43,7 +42,11 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create import get_args_parser
-from linaro_image_tools.utils import ensure_command, is_arm_host
+from linaro_image_tools.utils import (
+    ensure_command,
+    is_arm_host,
+    verify_file_integrity,
+    )
 # Just define the global variables
 TMP_DIR = None
@@ -101,19 +104,14 @@ 
     ROOT_DISK = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, 'root-disc')
     board_config = board_configs[args.board]
+    board_config.set_metadata(args.hwpacks)
     sig_file_list = args.hwpacksigs[:]
-    verified_files = []
     if args.binarysig is not None:
-    for sig_file in sig_file_list:
-        hash_file = sig_file[0:-len('.asc')]
-        cmd_runner.run(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file]).wait()
-        sha1sums_out, _ = cmd_runner.run(['sha1sum', '-c', hash_file],
-                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
-        verified_files.extend(sha1sums_out.replace(': OK', '').splitlines())
+    verified_files = verify_file_integrity(sig_file_list)
     for verified_file in verified_files:
         print 'Hash verification of file %s OK.' % verified_file

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-06-17 18:04:47 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-07-06 14:16:10 +0000
@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@ 
     def update_files_from_server(self, force_download=False,
-        settings_url     = "http://z.nanosheep.org/fetch_image_settings.yaml"
-        server_index_url = "http://z.nanosheep.org/server_index.bz2"
+        settings_url     = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/fetch_image_settings.yaml"
+        server_index_url = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/server_index.bz2"
         self.settings_file = self.download_if_old(settings_url,

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py	2011-04-04 10:38:07 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py	2011-06-21 07:41:30 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ 
 def run(args, as_root=False, chroot=None, stdin=None, stdout=None,
-        stderr=None):
+        stderr=None, cwd=None):
     """Run the given command as a sub process.
     Return a Popen instance.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ 
         as_root = True
     if as_root and os.getuid() != 0:
         args = SUDO_ARGS + args
-    return Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+    return Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd)
 class Popen(subprocess.Popen):

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/builder.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/builder.py	2011-03-23 22:25:10 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/builder.py	2011-06-20 13:33:01 +0000
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ 
 import logging
 import errno
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import os
+import shutil
+from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
 from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.config import Config
 from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.hardwarepack import HardwarePack, Metadata
@@ -45,6 +51,33 @@ 
             "No such config file: '%s'" % self.filename)
+class PackageUnpacker(object):
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        if self.tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(self.tempdir):
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
+    def unpack_package(self, package_file_name):
+        # We could extract only a single file, but since dpkg will pipe
+        # the entire package through tar anyway we might as well extract all.
+        p = cmd_runner.run(["tar", "-C", self.tempdir, "-xf", "-"],
+                           stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+        cmd_runner.run(["dpkg", "--fsys-tarfile", package_file_name],
+                       stdout=p.stdin).communicate()
+        p.communicate()
+    def get_file(self, package, file):
+        self.unpack_package(package)
+        logger.debug("Unpacked package %s." % package)
+        temp_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, file)
+        assert os.path.exists(temp_file), "The file '%s' was " \
+            "not found in the package '%s'." % (file, package)
+        return temp_file
 class HardwarePackBuilder(object):
     def __init__(self, config_path, version, local_debs):
@@ -56,9 +89,27 @@ 
                 raise ConfigFileMissing(config_path)
+        self.format = self.config.format
         self.version = version
         self.local_debs = local_debs
+    def find_fetched_package(self, packages, wanted_package_name):
+        wanted_package = None
+        for package in packages:
+            if package.name == wanted_package_name:
+                wanted_package = package
+                break
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("Package '%s' was not fetched." % \
+                                wanted_package_name)
+        packages.remove(wanted_package)
+        return wanted_package
+    def add_file_to_hwpack(self, package, wanted_file, package_unpacker, hwpack, target_path):
+        tempfile_name = package_unpacker.get_file(
+            package.filepath, wanted_file)
+        return hwpack.add_file(target_path, tempfile_name)
     def build(self):
         for architecture in self.config.architectures:
             logger.info("Building for %s" % architecture)
@@ -70,6 +121,8 @@ 
                 sources = sources.values()
                 packages = self.config.packages[:]
+                if self.config.u_boot_package is not None:
+                    packages.append(self.config.u_boot_package)
                 local_packages = [
                     for deb in self.local_debs]
@@ -81,10 +134,18 @@ 
                 fetcher = PackageFetcher(
                     sources, architecture=architecture,
-                with fetcher:
+                with fetcher, PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
                     packages = fetcher.fetch_packages(
                         packages, download_content=self.config.include_debs)
+                    if self.config.u_boot_package is not None:
+                        u_boot_package = self.find_fetched_package(
+                            packages, self.config.u_boot_package)
+                        hwpack.metadata.u_boot = self.add_file_to_hwpack(
+                            u_boot_package, self.config.u_boot_file,
+                            package_unpacker, hwpack, hwpack.U_BOOT_DIR)
                     logger.debug("Adding packages to hwpack")
                     for local_package in local_packages:

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/config.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/config.py	2011-01-28 19:50:48 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/config.py	2011-07-01 14:55:14 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,10 @@ 
 import ConfigParser
 import re
+from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.hardwarepack_format import (
+    HardwarePackFormatV1,
+    HardwarePackFormatV2,
+    )
 class HwpackConfigError(Exception):
@@ -38,10 +42,32 @@ 
     SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY = "sources-entry"
     PACKAGES_KEY = "packages"
+    PATH_REGEX = r"[a-z0-9][a-z0-9+\-./_]+$"
     ORIGIN_KEY = "origin"
     MAINTAINER_KEY = "maintainer"
     ARCHITECTURES_KEY = "architectures"
     ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY = "assume-installed"
+    U_BOOT_PACKAGE_KEY = "u-boot-package"
+    U_BOOT_FILE_KEY = "u-boot-file"
+    SERIAL_TTY_KEY = "serial_tty"
+    KERNEL_ADDR_KEY = "kernel_addr"
+    INITRD_ADDR_KEY = "initrd_addr"
+    LOAD_ADDR_KEY = "load_addr"
+    WIRED_INTERFACES_KEY = "wired_interfaces"
+    WIRELESS_INTERFACES_KEY = "wireless_interfaces"
+    PARTITION_LAYOUT_KEY = "partition_layout"
+    MMC_ID_KEY = "mmc_id"
+    FORMAT_KEY = "format"
+    BOOT_MIN_SIZE_KEY = "boot_min_size"
+    ROOT_MIN_SIZE_KEY = "root_min_size"
+    LOADER_MIN_SIZE_KEY = "loader_min_size"
+        'bootfs16_rootfs',
+        'bootfs_rootfs',
+        #'reserved_bootfs_rootfs',
+        ]
     def __init__(self, fp):
         """Create a Config.
@@ -58,15 +84,52 @@ 
         if not self.parser.has_section(self.MAIN_SECTION):
             raise HwpackConfigError("No [%s] section" % self.MAIN_SECTION)
+        self._validate_format()
+        if self.format.has_v2_fields:
+            self._validate_u_boot_package()
+            self._validate_u_boot_file()
+            self._validate_serial_tty()
+            self._validate_kernel_addr()
+            self._validate_initrd_addr()
+            self._validate_load_addr()
+            self._validate_wired_interfaces()
+            self._validate_wireless_interfaces()
+            self._validate_partition_layout()
+            self._validate_mmc_id()
+            self._validate_boot_min_size()
+            self._validate_root_min_size()
+            self._validate_loader_min_size()
+    def format(self):
+        """The format of the hardware pack. A subclass of HardwarePackFormat.
+        """
+        try:
+            format_string = self.parser.get(self.MAIN_SECTION, self.FORMAT_KEY)
+        except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+            # Default to 1.0 to aviod breaking existing hwpack files.
+            # When this code no longer supports 1.0, it effectively makes
+            # explicitly specifying format in hwpack files mandatory.
+            format_string = "1.0"
+        if format_string == '1.0':
+            return HardwarePackFormatV1()
+        elif format_string == '2.0':
+            return HardwarePackFormatV2()
+        else:
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Format version '%s' is not supported." % \
+                                     format_string)
+    @property
     def name(self):
         """The name of the hardware pack. A str."""
         return self.parser.get(self.MAIN_SECTION, self.NAME_KEY)
@@ -101,6 +164,96 @@ 
             return None
+    def serial_tty(self):
+        """/dev device name of the serial console for this kernel 
+        A str.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.SERIAL_TTY_KEY)
+    @property
+    def kernel_addr(self):
+        """address where u-boot should load the kernel 
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.KERNEL_ADDR_KEY)
+    @property
+    def initrd_addr(self):
+        """address where u-boot should load the kernel 
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.INITRD_ADDR_KEY)
+    @property
+    def load_addr(self):
+        """address for uImage generation
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.LOAD_ADDR_KEY)
+    @property
+    def wired_interfaces(self):
+        """The interfaces for wired networks
+        A list of str.
+        """
+        return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.WIRED_INTERFACES_KEY)
+    @property
+    def wireless_interfaces(self):
+        """The interfaces for wireless networks
+        A list of str.
+        """
+        return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.WIRELESS_INTERFACES_KEY)
+    @property
+    def partition_layout(self):
+        """bootfs16_rootfs, bootfs_rootfs and reserved_bootfs_rootfs; 
+        controls what kind of SD card partition layout we should use when 
+        writing images 
+        A str.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.PARTITION_LAYOUT_KEY)
+    @property
+    def mmc_id(self):
+        """which MMC drive contains the boot filesystem 
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.MMC_ID_KEY)
+    @property
+    def root_min_size(self):
+        """Minimum size of the root partition, in MiB.
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_KEY)
+    @property
+    def boot_min_size(self):
+        """Minimum size of the boot partition, in MiB.
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_KEY)
+    @property
+    def loader_min_size(self):
+        """Minimum size of the optional loader partition, in MiB.
+        An int.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_KEY)
+    @property
     def origin(self):
         """The origin that should be recorded in the hwpack.
@@ -144,6 +297,22 @@ 
         return self._get_list_from_main_section(self.PACKAGES_KEY)
+    def u_boot_package(self):
+        """The u-boot package that contains the u-boot bin.
+        A str.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.U_BOOT_PACKAGE_KEY)
+    @property
+    def u_boot_file(self):
+        """The u-boot bin file that will be unpacked from the u-boot package.
+        A str.
+        """
+        return self._get_option_from_main_section(self.U_BOOT_FILE_KEY)
+    @property
     def architectures(self):
         """The architectures to build the hwpack for.
@@ -174,17 +343,121 @@ 
                 section_name, self.SOURCES_ENTRY_KEY)
         return sources
+    def _validate_format(self):
+        format = self.format
+        if not format:
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Empty value for format")
+        if not format.is_supported:
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Format version '%s' is not supported." % \
+                                        format)
+    def _assert_matches_pattern(self, regex, config_item, error_message):
+            if re.match(regex, config_item) is None:
+                raise HwpackConfigError(error_message)
     def _validate_name(self):
             name = self.name
             if not name:
                 raise HwpackConfigError("Empty value for name")
-            if re.match(self.NAME_REGEX, name) is None:
-                raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid name: %s" % name)
+            self._assert_matches_pattern(
+                self.NAME_REGEX, name, "Invalid name: %s" % name)
         except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
             raise HwpackConfigError(
                 "No name in the [%s] section" % self.MAIN_SECTION)
+    def _validate_u_boot_file(self):
+        u_boot_file = self.u_boot_file
+        if not u_boot_file:
+            raise HwpackConfigError("No u_boot_file in the [%s] section" % \
+                                        self.MAIN_SECTION)
+        self._assert_matches_pattern(
+            self.PATH_REGEX, u_boot_file, "Invalid path: %s" % u_boot_file)
+    def _validate_serial_tty(self):
+        serial_tty = self.serial_tty
+        if serial_tty is None:
+            return
+        if len(serial_tty) < 4 or serial_tty[:3] != 'tty':
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid serial tty: %s" % serial_tty)
+    def _validate_addr(self, addr):
+        return re.match(r"^0x[a-fA-F0-9]{8}$", addr)
+    def _validate_kernel_addr(self):
+        addr = self.kernel_addr
+        if addr is None:
+            return
+        if not self._validate_addr(addr):
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid kernel address: %s" % addr)
+    def _validate_initrd_addr(self):
+        addr = self.initrd_addr
+        if addr is None:
+            return
+        if not self._validate_addr(addr):
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid initrd address: %s" % addr)
+    def _validate_load_addr(self):
+        addr = self.load_addr
+        if addr is None:
+            return
+        if not self._validate_addr(addr):
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid load address: %s" % addr)
+    def _validate_wired_interfaces(self):
+        pass
+    def _validate_wireless_interfaces(self):
+        pass
+    def _validate_partition_layout(self):
+        if self.partition_layout not in self.DEFINED_PARTITION_LAYOUTS:
+            raise HwpackConfigError(
+                "Undefined partition layout %s in the [%s] section. "
+                "Valid partition layouts are %s."
+                % (self.partition_layout, self.MAIN_SECTION,
+                   ", ".join(self.DEFINED_PARTITION_LAYOUTS)))
+    def _validate_mmc_id(self):
+        mmc_id = self.mmc_id
+        if mmc_id is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            int(mmc_id)
+        except:
+            raise HwpackConfigError("Invalid mmc id %s" % (mmc_id))
+    def _validate_root_min_size(self):
+        root_min_size = self.root_min_size
+        if root_min_size is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            assert int(root_min_size) > 0
+        except:
+            raise HwpackConfigError(
+                "Invalid root min size %s" % (root_min_size))
+    def _validate_boot_min_size(self):
+        boot_min_size = self.boot_min_size
+        if boot_min_size is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            assert int(boot_min_size) > 0
+        except:
+            raise HwpackConfigError(
+                "Invalid boot min size %s" % (boot_min_size))
+    def _validate_loader_min_size(self):
+        loader_min_size = self.loader_min_size
+        if loader_min_size is None:
+            return
+        try:
+            assert int(loader_min_size) > 0
+        except:
+            raise HwpackConfigError(
+                "Invalid loader min size %s" % (loader_min_size))
     def _validate_include_debs(self):
@@ -206,10 +479,21 @@ 
                 "No %s in the [%s] section"
                 % (self.PACKAGES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION))
         for package in packages:
-            if re.match(self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package) is None:
-                raise HwpackConfigError(
-                    "Invalid value in %s in the [%s] section: %s"
-                    % (self.PACKAGES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION, package))
+            self._assert_matches_pattern(
+                self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package, "Invalid value in %s in the " \
+                    "[%s] section: %s" % (self.PACKAGES_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION,
+                                          package))
+    def _validate_u_boot_package(self):
+        u_boot_package = self.u_boot_package
+        if not u_boot_package:
+            raise HwpackConfigError(
+                "No %s in the [%s] section"
+                % (self.U_BOOT_PACKAGE_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION))
+        self._assert_matches_pattern(
+            self.PACKAGE_REGEX, u_boot_package, "Invalid value in %s in the " \
+                "[%s] section: %s" % (self.U_BOOT_PACKAGE_KEY,
+                                      self.MAIN_SECTION, u_boot_package))
     def _validate_architectures(self):
         architectures = self.architectures
@@ -221,11 +505,10 @@ 
     def _validate_assume_installed(self):
         assume_installed = self.assume_installed
         for package in assume_installed:
-            if re.match(self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package) is None:
-                raise HwpackConfigError(
-                    "Invalid value in %s in the [%s] section: %s"
-                    % (self.ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY, self.MAIN_SECTION,
-                        package))
+            self._assert_matches_pattern(
+                self.PACKAGE_REGEX, package, "Invalid value in %s in the " \
+                    "[%s] section: %s" % (self.ASSUME_INSTALLED_KEY,
+                                          self.MAIN_SECTION, package))
     def _validate_section_sources_entry(self, section_name):

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack.py	2011-03-23 22:25:10 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack.py	2011-06-29 14:25:49 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ 
 # USA.
 import time
+import os
 from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.better_tarfile import writeable_tarfile
 from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.packages import (
@@ -27,6 +28,9 @@ 
+from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.hardwarepack_format import (
+    HardwarePackFormatV1,
 class Metadata(object):
@@ -55,11 +59,12 @@ 
     def __init__(self, name, version, architecture, origin=None,
-                 maintainer=None, support=None):
+                 maintainer=None, support=None, format=HardwarePackFormatV1()):
         """Create the Metadata for a hardware pack.
         See the instance variables for a description of the arguments.
+        self.format = format
         self.name = name
         if ' ' in version:
             raise AssertionError(
@@ -72,6 +77,29 @@ 
         self.architecture = architecture
+    def add_v2_config(self, serial_tty=None, kernel_addr=None, initrd_addr=None,
+                      load_addr=None, fdt=None, wired_interfaces=[],
+                      wireless_interfaces=[], partition_layout=None,
+                      mmc_id=None, boot_min_size=None, root_min_size=None,
+                      loader_min_size=None):
+        """Add fields that are specific to the new format.
+        These fields are not present in earlier config files.
+        """
+        self.u_boot = None
+        self.serial_tty = serial_tty
+        self.kernel_addr = kernel_addr
+        self.initrd_addr = initrd_addr
+        self.load_addr = load_addr
+        self.wired_interfaces = wired_interfaces
+        self.wireless_interfaces = wireless_interfaces
+        self.partition_layout = partition_layout
+        self.mmc_id = mmc_id
+        self.boot_min_size = boot_min_size
+        self.root_min_size = root_min_size
+        self.loader_min_size = loader_min_size
+    @classmethod
     def from_config(cls, config, version, architecture):
         """Create a Metadata from a Config object.
@@ -89,9 +117,24 @@ 
         :type architecture: str
-        return cls(
+        metadata = cls(
             config.name, version, architecture, origin=config.origin,
-            maintainer=config.maintainer, support=config.support)
+            maintainer=config.maintainer, support=config.support,
+            format=config.format)
+        if config.format.has_v2_fields:
+            metadata.add_v2_config(serial_tty=config.serial_tty,
+                                   kernel_addr=config.kernel_addr,
+                                   initrd_addr=config.initrd_addr,
+                                   load_addr=config.load_addr,
+                                   wired_interfaces=config.wired_interfaces,
+                                   wireless_interfaces=config.wireless_interfaces,
+                                   partition_layout=config.partition_layout,
+                                   mmc_id=config.mmc_id,
+                                   boot_min_size=config.boot_min_size,
+                                   root_min_size=config.root_min_size,
+                                   loader_min_size=config.loader_min_size)
+        return metadata
     def __str__(self):
         """Get the contents of the metadata file."""
@@ -104,6 +147,36 @@ 
             metadata += "MAINTAINER=%s\n" % self.maintainer
         if self.support is not None:
             metadata += "SUPPORT=%s\n" % self.support
+        if not self.format.has_v2_fields:
+            return metadata
+        if self.u_boot is not None:
+            metadata += "U_BOOT=%s\n" % self.u_boot
+        if self.serial_tty is not None:
+            metadata += "SERIAL_TTY=%s\n" % self.serial_tty
+        if self.kernel_addr is not None:
+            metadata += "KERNEL_ADDR=%s\n" % self.kernel_addr
+        if self.initrd_addr is not None:
+            metadata += "INITRD_ADDR=%s\n" % self.initrd_addr
+        if self.load_addr is not None:
+            metadata += "LOAD_ADDR=%s\n" % self.load_addr
+        if self.wired_interfaces != []:
+            metadata += "WIRED_INTERFACES=%s\n" % " ".join(self.wired_interfaces)
+        if self.wireless_interfaces != []:
+            metadata += "WIRELESS_INTERFACES=%s\n" % " ".join(
+                self.wireless_interfaces)
+        if self.partition_layout is not None:
+            metadata += "PARTITION_LAYOUT=%s\n" % self.partition_layout
+        if self.mmc_id is not None:
+            metadata += "MMC_ID=%s\n" % self.mmc_id
+        if self.boot_min_size is not None:
+            metadata += "BOOT_MIN_SIZE=%s\n" % self.boot_min_size
+        if self.root_min_size is not None:
+            metadata += "ROOT_MIN_SIZE=%s\n" % self.root_min_size
+        if self.loader_min_size is not None:
+            metadata += "LOADER_MIN_SIZE=%s\n" % self.loader_min_size
         return metadata
@@ -116,8 +189,6 @@ 
     :type FORMAT: str
-    # The format version cannot contain white spaces. 
-    FORMAT = "1.0"
     METADATA_FILENAME = "metadata"
     MANIFEST_FILENAME = "manifest"
@@ -125,6 +196,7 @@ 
     SOURCES_LIST_DIRNAME = "sources.list.d"
     SOURCES_LIST_GPG_DIRNAME = "sources.list.d.gpg"
+    U_BOOT_DIR = "u-boot"
     def __init__(self, metadata):
         """Create a HardwarePack.
@@ -135,6 +207,8 @@ 
         self.metadata = metadata
         self.sources = {}
         self.packages = []
+        self.format = metadata.format
+        self.files = []
     def filename(self, extension=".tar.gz"):
         """The filename that this hardware pack should have.
@@ -200,6 +274,11 @@ 
                 relationships, self.metadata.architecture)
+    def add_file(self, dir, file):
+        target_file = os.path.join(dir, os.path.basename(file))
+        self.files.append((file, target_file))
+        return target_file
     def manifest_text(self):
         manifest_content = ""
         for package in self.packages:
@@ -225,9 +304,11 @@ 
         kwargs["default_mtime"] = time.time()
         with writeable_tarfile(fileobj, mode="w:gz", **kwargs) as tf:
-                self.FORMAT_FILENAME, self.FORMAT + "\n")
+                self.FORMAT_FILENAME, "%s\n" % self.format)
                 self.METADATA_FILENAME, str(self.metadata))
+            for fs_file_name, arc_file_name in self.files:
+                tf.add(fs_file_name, arcname=arc_file_name)
             for package in self.packages:
                 if package.content is not None:

=== added file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack_format.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack_format.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/hardwarepack_format.py	2011-06-17 12:28:43 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
+# Author: James Westby <james.westby@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
+# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
+# USA.
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HardwarePackFormat(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.format_as_string = None
+        self.is_deprecated = False
+        self.is_supported = False
+        self.has_v2_fields = False
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.format_as_string is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        if self.is_deprecated:
+            logger.warning("The format '%s' is deprecated, please update " \
+                               "your hardware pack configuration." % \
+                               self.format_as_string)
+        return self.format_as_string
+class HardwarePackFormatV1(HardwarePackFormat):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(HardwarePackFormatV1, self).__init__()
+        self.format_as_string = "1.0"
+        self.is_supported = True
+        self.is_deprecated = False
+class HardwarePackFormatV2(HardwarePackFormat):
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(HardwarePackFormatV2, self).__init__()
+        self.format_as_string = "2.0"
+        self.is_supported = True
+        self.is_deprecated = False
+        self.has_v2_fields = True

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/packages.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/packages.py	2011-05-25 20:59:19 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/packages.py	2011-06-20 13:33:01 +0000
@@ -724,4 +724,5 @@ 
                     "The item %r could not be fetched: %s" %
                     (acqfile.destfile, acqfile.error_text))
             result_package.content = open(destfile)
+            result_package._file_path = destfile
         return fetched.values()

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_builder.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_builder.py	2011-03-24 11:14:44 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_builder.py	2011-06-20 13:46:16 +0000
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.builder import (
+    PackageUnpacker,
     logger as builder_logger,
@@ -50,6 +51,10 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools.testing import TestCaseWithFixtures
+from linaro_image_tools.tests.fixtures import (
+    MockSomethingFixture,
+    MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture,
+    )
 class ConfigFileMissingTests(TestCase):
@@ -59,6 +64,52 @@ 
         self.assertEqual("No such config file: 'path'", str(exc))
+class PackageUnpackerTests(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    def test_creates_tempdir(self):
+        with PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
+            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(package_unpacker.tempdir))
+    def test_tempfiles_are_removed(self):
+        tempdir = None
+        with PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
+            tempdir = package_unpacker.tempdir
+        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tempdir))
+    def test_unpack_package(self):
+        fixture = MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture(assert_child_finished=False)
+        self.useFixture(fixture)
+        package_file_name = "package-to-unpack"
+        with PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
+            package_unpacker.unpack_package(package_file_name)
+            package_dir = package_unpacker.tempdir
+        self.assertEquals(
+            ["tar -C %s -xf -" % package_dir,
+             "dpkg --fsys-tarfile %s" % package_file_name],
+            fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_get_file_returns_tempfile(self):
+        package = 'package'
+        file = 'dummyfile'
+        with PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
+            self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                    package_unpacker, 'unpack_package', lambda package: None))
+            self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                    os.path, 'exists', lambda file: True))
+            tempfile = package_unpacker.get_file(package, file)
+            self.assertEquals(tempfile,
+                              os.path.join(package_unpacker.tempdir, file))
+    def test_get_file_raises(self):
+        package = 'package'
+        file = 'dummyfile'
+        with PackageUnpacker() as package_unpacker:
+            self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                    package_unpacker, 'unpack_package', lambda package: None))
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError, package_unpacker.get_file,
+                              package, file)
 class HardwarePackBuilderTests(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -95,6 +146,58 @@ 
         config = self.useFixture(ConfigFileFixture(config_text))
         return Metadata(hwpack_name, hwpack_version, architecture), config
+    def test_find_fetched_package_finds(self):
+        package_name = "dummy-package"
+        wanted_package_name = "wanted-package"
+        available_package = DummyFetchedPackage(package_name, "1.1")
+        wanted_package = DummyFetchedPackage(wanted_package_name, "1.1")
+        sources_dict = self.sourcesDictForPackages([available_package,
+                                                    wanted_package])
+        _, config = self.makeMetaDataAndConfigFixture(
+            [package_name, wanted_package_name], sources_dict,
+            extra_config={'format': '2.0', 'u-boot-package': 'wanted-package',
+                          'u-boot-file': 'wanted-file', 
+                          'partition_layout': 'bootfs_rootfs'})
+        builder = HardwarePackBuilder(config.filename, "1.0", [])
+        found_package = builder.find_fetched_package(
+            [available_package, wanted_package], wanted_package_name)
+        self.assertEquals(wanted_package, found_package)
+    def test_find_fetched_package_removes(self):
+        package_name = "dummy-package"
+        wanted_package_name = "wanted-package"
+        available_package = DummyFetchedPackage(package_name, "1.1")
+        wanted_package = DummyFetchedPackage(wanted_package_name, "1.1")
+        sources_dict = self.sourcesDictForPackages([available_package,
+                                                    wanted_package])
+        _, config = self.makeMetaDataAndConfigFixture(
+            [package_name, wanted_package_name], sources_dict,
+            extra_config={'format': '2.0', 'u-boot-package': 'wanted-package',
+                          'u-boot-file': 'wanted-file', 
+                          'partition_layout': 'bootfs_rootfs'})
+        builder = HardwarePackBuilder(config.filename, "1.0", [])
+        packages = [available_package, wanted_package]
+        builder.find_fetched_package(packages, wanted_package_name)
+        self.assertEquals(packages, [available_package])
+    def test_find_fetched_package_raises(self):
+        package_name = "dummy-package"
+        wanted_package_name = "wanted-package"
+        available_package = DummyFetchedPackage(package_name, "1.1")
+        sources_dict = self.sourcesDictForPackages([available_package])
+        _, config = self.makeMetaDataAndConfigFixture(
+            [package_name], sources_dict,
+            extra_config={'format': '2.0', 'u-boot-package': 'wanted-package',
+                          'u-boot-file': 'wanted-file', 
+                          'partition_layout': 'bootfs_rootfs'})
+        builder = HardwarePackBuilder(config.filename, "1.0", [])
+        packages = [available_package]
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, builder.find_fetched_package,
+                          packages, wanted_package_name)
     def test_creates_external_manifest(self):
         available_package = DummyFetchedPackage("foo", "1.1")
         sources_dict = self.sourcesDictForPackages([available_package])

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_config.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_config.py	2011-05-10 15:09:20 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_config.py	2011-06-29 14:25:49 +0000
@@ -30,6 +30,13 @@ 
     valid_start = (
         "[hwpack]\nname = ahwpack\npackages = foo\narchitectures = armel\n")
+    valid_start_v2 = valid_start + "format = 2.0\n"
+    valid_complete_v2 = (valid_start_v2 +
+                         "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n" \
+                             "u-boot-file = usr/lib/u-boot/smdkv310/" \
+                             "u-boot.bin\nserial_tty=ttySAC1\n" \
+                             "partition_layout = bootfs_rootfs\n")
+    valid_end = "[ubuntu]\nsources-entry = foo bar\n"
     def test_create(self):
         config = Config(StringIO())
@@ -170,6 +177,231 @@ 
                 "[ubuntu]\nsources-entry = foo bar\n")
         self.assertEqual(None, config.validate())
+    def test_validate_supported_format(self):
+        config = self.get_config(
+                self.valid_start
+                + "\nformat = 0.9\n")
+        self.assertValidationError(
+            "Format version '0.9' is not supported.", config)
+    def test_validate_invalid_u_boot_package_name(self):
+        config = self.get_config(
+                self.valid_start_v2 + "u-boot-package = ~~\n")
+        self.assertValidationError(
+            "Invalid value in u-boot-package in the [hwpack] section: ~~",
+            config)
+    def test_validate_empty_u_boot_package(self):
+        config = self.get_config(
+            self.valid_start_v2 + "u-boot-package = \n")
+        self.assertValidationError(
+            "No u-boot-package in the [hwpack] section", config)
+    def test_validate_no_u_boot_file(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 + 
+                                 "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("No u_boot_file in the [hwpack] section",
+                                   config)
+    def test_validate_empty_u_boot_file(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 + 
+                                 "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n" \
+                                     "u-boot-file = \n")
+        self.assertValidationError("No u_boot_file in the [hwpack] section", config)
+    def test_validate_invalid_u_boot_file(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 + 
+                                 "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n" \
+                                     "u-boot-file = ~~\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid path: ~~", config)
+    def test_validate_partition_layout(self):
+        partition_layout = 'apafs_bananfs'
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 + "u-boot-package = " \
+                                     "u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\nu-boot-file = " \
+                                     "u-boot.bin\npartition_layout = %s\n" % \
+                                     partition_layout)
+        self.assertValidationError(
+            "Undefined partition layout %s in the [%s] section. "
+            "Valid partition layouts are %s."
+            % (partition_layout, 'hwpack',
+               ", ".join(config.DEFINED_PARTITION_LAYOUTS)), config)
+    def test_validate_wired_interfaces(self):
+        self.assertTrue("XXX What is an invalid interface name?")
+    def test_validate_wireless_interfaces(self):
+        self.assertTrue("XXX What is an invalid interface name?")
+    def test_validate_serial_tty(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 +
+                                 "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n" \
+                                     "u-boot-file = u-boot.bin\nserial_tty=tty\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid serial tty: tty", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_start_v2 +
+                                 "u-boot-package = u-boot-linaro-s5pv310\n" \
+                                     "u-boot-file = u-boot.bin\n" \
+                                     "serial_tty=ttxSAC1\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid serial tty: ttxSAC1", config)
+    def test_validate_mmc_id(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "mmc_id = x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid mmc id x", config)
+    def test_validate_boot_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "boot_min_size = x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid boot min size x", config)
+    def test_validate_root_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "root_min_size = x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid root min size x", config)
+    def test_validate_loader_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "loader_min_size = x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid loader min size x", config)
+    def test_validate_kernel_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "kernel_addr = 0x8000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid kernel address: 0x8000000", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "kernel_addr = 0x8000000x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid kernel address: 0x8000000x", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "kernel_addr = 80000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid kernel address: 80000000", config)
+    def test_validate_initrd_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "initrd_addr = 0x8000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid initrd address: 0x8000000", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "initrd_addr = 0x8000000x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid initrd address: 0x8000000x", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "initrd_addr = 80000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid initrd address: 80000000", config)
+    def test_validate_load_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "load_addr = 0x8000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid load address: 0x8000000", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "load_addr = 0x8000000x\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid load address: 0x8000000x", config)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "load_addr = 80000000\n")
+        self.assertValidationError("Invalid load address: 80000000", config)
+    def test_wired_interfaces(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "wired_interfaces = eth0\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual(["eth0"], config.wired_interfaces)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "wired_interfaces = eth0 eth1 usb2\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual(["eth0", "eth1", "usb2"], config.wired_interfaces)
+    def test_wireless_interfaces(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "wireless_interfaces = wlan0\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual(["wlan0"], config.wireless_interfaces)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "wireless_interfaces = wlan0 wl1 usb2\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual(["wlan0", "wl1", "usb2"], config.wireless_interfaces)
+    def test_partition_layout(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("bootfs_rootfs",
+                         config.partition_layout)
+    def test_u_boot_file(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("usr/lib/u-boot/smdkv310/u-boot.bin",
+                         config.u_boot_file)
+    def test_serial_tty(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("ttySAC1", config.serial_tty)
+    def test_mmc_id(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "mmc_id = 1\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("1", config.mmc_id)
+    def test_boot_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "boot_min_size = 50\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("50", config.boot_min_size)
+    def test_root_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "root_min_size = 50\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("50", config.root_min_size)
+    def test_loader_min_size(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "loader_min_size = 2\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("2", config.loader_min_size)
+    def test_kernel_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "kernel_addr = 0x80000000\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x80000000", config.kernel_addr)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "kernel_addr = 0x8aBcdEFf\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x8aBcdEFf", config.kernel_addr)
+    def test_initrd_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "initrd_addr = 0x80000000\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x80000000", config.initrd_addr)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "initrd_addr = 0x8aBcdEFf\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x8aBcdEFf", config.initrd_addr)
+    def test_load_addr(self):
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "load_addr = 0x80000000\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x80000000", config.load_addr)
+        config = self.get_config(self.valid_complete_v2 + 
+                                 "load_addr = 0x8aBcdEFf\n" + 
+                                 self.valid_end)
+        config.validate()
+        self.assertEqual("0x8aBcdEFf", config.load_addr)
     def test_name(self):
         config = self.get_config(
             "[hwpack]\nname = ahwpack\npackages = foo\n"

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_hardwarepack.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_hardwarepack.py	2011-03-23 22:25:10 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/hwpack/tests/test_hardwarepack.py	2011-06-29 14:30:25 +0000
@@ -37,29 +37,32 @@ 
+from linaro_image_tools.hwpack.hardwarepack_format import (
+    HardwarePackFormatV1,
+    HardwarePackFormatV2,
+    )
 class MetadataTests(TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(MetadataTests, self).setUp()
+        self.metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "3", "armel")
     def test_name(self):
-        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "3", "armel")
-        self.assertEqual("ahwpack", metadata.name)
+        self.assertEqual("ahwpack", self.metadata.name)
     def test_version(self):
-        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "3", "armel")
-        self.assertEqual("3", metadata.version)
+        self.assertEqual("3", self.metadata.version)
     def test_version_with_whitespace(self):
             AssertionError, Metadata, "ahwpack", "3 (with extras)", "armel")
     def test_architecture(self):
-        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "3", "armel")
-        self.assertEqual("armel", metadata.architecture)
+        self.assertEqual("armel", self.metadata.architecture)
     def test_default_origin_is_None(self):
-        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel")
-        self.assertEqual(None, metadata.origin)
+        self.assertEqual(None, self.metadata.origin)
     def test_origin(self):
         metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel", origin="linaro")
@@ -108,12 +111,112 @@ 
+    def test_str_with_serial_tty(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(serial_tty='ttyO2')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "SERIAL_TTY=ttyO2\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_kernel_addr(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(kernel_addr='0x80000000')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "KERNEL_ADDR=0x80000000\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_initrd_addr(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(initrd_addr='0x80000000')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "INITRD_ADDR=0x80000000\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_load_addr(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(load_addr='0x80000000')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "LOAD_ADDR=0x80000000\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_wired_interfaces(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(wired_interfaces=['eth0', 'usb0'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "WIRED_INTERFACES=eth0 usb0\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_wireless_interfaces(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(wireless_interfaces=['wlan0', 'wl0'])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "WIRELESS_INTERFACES=wlan0 wl0\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_partition_layout(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(partition_layout='bootfs_rootfs')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "PARTITION_LAYOUT=bootfs_rootfs\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_mmc_id(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(mmc_id='1')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "MMC_ID=1\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_boot_min_size(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(boot_min_size='50')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "BOOT_MIN_SIZE=50\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_root_min_size(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(root_min_size='100')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "ROOT_MIN_SIZE=100\n",
+            str(metadata))
+    def test_str_with_loader_min_size(self):
+        metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel",
+                            format=HardwarePackFormatV2())
+        metadata.add_v2_config(loader_min_size='1')
+        self.assertEqual(
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\n"
+            "LOADER_MIN_SIZE=1\n",
+            str(metadata))
     def test_from_config(self):
         class Config:
             name = "foo"
             origin = "linaro"
             maintainer = "someone"
             support = "supported"
+            format = HardwarePackFormatV1()
         config = Config()
         metadata = Metadata.from_config(config, "2.0", "i386")
         self.assertEqual(config.name, metadata.name)
@@ -130,14 +233,15 @@ 
         super(HardwarePackTests, self).setUp()
         self.metadata = Metadata("ahwpack", "4", "armel")
-    def test_format_is_1_0(self):
+    def test_format_is_correct(self):
+        format = '1.0'
         hwpack = HardwarePack(self.metadata)
-        self.assertEqual("1.0", hwpack.FORMAT)
+        self.assertEqual(format, hwpack.format.__str__())
     def test_format_has_no_spaces(self):
         hwpack = HardwarePack(self.metadata)
-        self.assertIs(None, re.search('\s', hwpack.FORMAT),
-                      "hwpack.FORMAT contains spaces.")
+        self.assertIs(None, re.search('\s', hwpack.format.__str__()),
+                      "hwpack.format contains spaces.")
     def test_filename(self):
         hwpack = HardwarePack(self.metadata)
@@ -167,7 +271,7 @@ 
         tf = self.get_tarfile(hwpack)
-            HardwarePackHasFile("FORMAT", content=hwpack.FORMAT+"\n"))
+            HardwarePackHasFile("FORMAT", content=hwpack.format.__str__()+"\n"))
     def test_creates_metadata_file(self):
         metadata = Metadata(

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/index_server.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/index_server.py	2011-06-17 18:04:47 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/index_server.py	2011-06-29 06:29:34 +0000
@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ 
 import os
 import re
-import FetchImage
 import urlparse
 import logging
 import bz2
+import linaro_image_tools.FetchImage
 RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT  = "/srv/releases.linaro.org/www/platform/"
 RELEASE_URL                 = "http://releases.linaro.org/platform/"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ 
     def __init__(self):
         self.db_file_name = "server_index"
-        self.db = FetchImage.DB(self.db_file_name)
+        self.db = linaro_image_tools.FetchImage.DB(self.db_file_name)
     def crawl(self):

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/android_boards.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/android_boards.py	2011-04-22 15:09:08 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/android_boards.py	2011-07-01 09:16:24 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import PART_ALIGN_S
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import BeagleConfig
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import PandaConfig
+from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import SnowballSdConfig
+from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import SnowballEmmcConfig
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import (
@@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
 import os
 class AndroidBoardConfig(object):
     def _get_bootargs(cls, consoles):
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@ 
         boot_env = cls._get_boot_env(consoles)
-        cmdline_filepath = os.path.join(boot_disk, "cmdline") 
+        cmdline_filepath = os.path.join(boot_disk, "cmdline")
         cmdline_file = open(cmdline_filepath, 'r')
         android_kernel_cmdline = cmdline_file.read()
         boot_env['bootargs'] = boot_env['bootargs'] + ' ' + \
@@ -96,7 +99,8 @@ 
-    def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=False):
+    def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=False,
+                       start_addr=0, extra_part=False):
         if cls.fat_size == 32:
             partition_type = '0x0C'
@@ -116,7 +120,7 @@ 
         # can only start on sector 1 (sector 0 is MBR / partition table)
         boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
-            1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, boot_align, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            start_addr + 1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, boot_align, PART_ALIGN_S)
         # apparently OMAP3 ROMs require the vfat length to be an even number
         # of sectors (multiple of 1 KiB); decrease the length if it's odd,
         # there should still be enough room
@@ -131,12 +135,28 @@ 
             _cache_end + 1, USERDATA_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         sdcard_start, _sdcard_end, _sdcard_len = align_partition(
             _userdata_end + 1, SDCARD_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+        # Snowball board needs a raw partition added to the beginning of image.
+        # If extra_part is True an extra primary partition will be added.
+        # Due to a maximum of 4 primary partitions cache data will be placed in
+        # a extended partition
+        if extra_part == True:
+            assert start_addr > 0, ("Not possible to add extra partition" \
+                                    "when boot partition starts at '0'")
+            return '%s,%s,%s,*\n%s,%s,L\n%s,-,E\n%s,%s,L\n%s,%s,L\n%s,,,-' % (
+            boot_start, boot_len, partition_type, system_start, _system_len,
+            cache_start, cache_start, _cache_len, userdata_start,
+            _userdata_len, sdcard_start)
         return '%s,%s,%s,*\n%s,%s,L\n%s,%s,L\n%s,-,E\n%s,%s,L\n%s,,,-' % (
             boot_start, boot_len, partition_type, system_start, _system_len,
             cache_start, _cache_len, userdata_start, userdata_start,
             _userdata_len, sdcard_start)
+    @classmethod
+    def populate_raw_partition(cls, media, boot_dir):
+        super(AndroidBoardConfig, cls).populate_raw_partition(boot_dir, media)
 class AndroidOmapConfig(AndroidBoardConfig):
@@ -149,10 +169,50 @@ 
 class AndroidPandaConfig(AndroidOmapConfig, PandaConfig):
     _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=ttyO2,115200n8'
+    extra_boot_args_options = (
+        'earlyprintk fixrtc nocompcache vram=48M '
+        'omapfb.vram=0:24M,1:24M mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000')
     android_specific_args = 'init=/init androidboot.console=ttyO2'
+class AndroidSnowballSdConfig(AndroidBoardConfig, SnowballSdConfig):
+    extra_boot_args_options = (
+        'earlyprintk rootdelay=1 fixrtc nocompcache '
+        'mem=128M@0 mali.mali_mem=64M@128M mem=24M@192M hwmem=167M@216M '
+        'mem_issw=1M@383M mem=640M@384M vmalloc=256M')
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=ttyO2,115200n8'
+    android_specific_args = 'init=/init androidboot.console=ttyAMA2'
+class AndroidSnowballEmmcConfig(AndroidBoardConfig, SnowballEmmcConfig):
+    extra_boot_args_options = (
+        'earlyprintk rootdelay=1 fixrtc nocompcache '
+        'mem=128M@0 mali.mali_mem=64M@128M mem=24M@192M hwmem=167M@216M '
+        'mem_issw=1M@383M mem=640M@384M vmalloc=256M')
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=ttyAMA2,115200n8'
+    android_specific_args = 'init=/init androidboot.console=ttyAMA2'
+    @classmethod
+    def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=False):
+        LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(
+            1 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+        loader_start, loader_end, loader_len = align_partition(
+            SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S,
+            LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
+        command = super(AndroidSnowballEmmcConfig, cls).get_sfdisk_cmd(
+            should_align_boot_part=True, start_addr=loader_end,
+            extra_part=True)
+        return '%s,%s,0xDA\n%s' % (
+            loader_start, loader_len, command)
 android_board_configs = {
     'beagle': AndroidBeagleConfig,
     'panda': AndroidPandaConfig,
+    'snowball_sd': AndroidSnowballSdConfig,
+    'snowball_emmc': AndroidSnowballEmmcConfig,

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py	2011-05-26 20:19:23 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py	2011-07-01 14:55:14 +0000
@@ -31,11 +31,15 @@ 
 import tempfile
 import struct
 from binascii import crc32
+import tarfile
+import ConfigParser
+import shutil
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.partitions import SECTOR_SIZE
 KERNEL_GLOB = 'vmlinuz-*-%(kernel_flavor)s'
 INITRD_GLOB = 'initrd.img-*-%(kernel_flavor)s'
 DTB_GLOB = 'dt-*-%(kernel_flavor)s/%(dtb_name)s'
@@ -58,21 +62,11 @@ 
 # align on 4 MiB
 PART_ALIGN_S = 4 * 1024 * 1024 / SECTOR_SIZE
 def align_up(value, align):
     """Round value to the next multiple of align."""
     return (value + align - 1) / align * align
-# optional bootloader partition; at least 1 MiB; in theory, an i.MX5x
-# bootloader partition could hold RedBoot, FIS table, RedBoot config, kernel,
-# and initrd, but we typically use U-Boot which is about 167 KiB as of
-# 2011/02/11 and currently doesn't even store its environment there, so this
-# should be enough
-LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(1 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
-# boot partition; at least 50 MiB; XXX this shouldn't be hardcoded
-BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
-# root partition; at least 50 MiB; XXX this shouldn't be hardcoded
-ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
 # Samsung v310 implementation notes and terminology
 # * BL0, BL1 etc. are the various bootloaders in order of execution
@@ -104,6 +98,7 @@ 
 assert SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_LEN * SECTOR_SIZE == 512 * 1024, (
     "BL1 expects BL2 (u-boot) to be 512 KiB")
 def align_partition(min_start, min_length, start_alignment, end_alignment):
     """Compute partition start and end offsets based on specified constraints.
@@ -125,10 +120,103 @@ 
     """A descriptor that provides @property behavior on class methods."""
     def __init__(self, getter):
         self.getter = getter
     def __get__(self, instance, cls):
         return self.getter(cls)
+class HardwarepackHandler(object):
+    FORMAT_1 = '1.0'
+    FORMAT_2 = '2.0'
+    FORMAT_MIXED = '1.0and2.0'
+    metadata_filename = 'metadata'
+    format_filename = 'FORMAT'
+    main_section = 'main'
+    hwpack_tarfiles = []
+    tempdir = None
+    def __init__(self, hwpacks):
+        self.hwpacks = hwpacks
+        self.hwpack_tarfiles = []
+    class FakeSecHead(object):
+        """ Add a fake section header to the metadata file.
+        This is done so we can use ConfigParser to parse the file.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, fp):
+            self.fp = fp
+            self.sechead = '[%s]\n' % HardwarepackHandler.main_section
+        def readline(self):
+            if self.sechead:
+                try:
+                    return self.sechead
+                finally:
+                    self.sechead = None
+            else:
+                return self.fp.readline()
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        for hwpack in self.hwpacks:
+            hwpack_tarfile = tarfile.open(hwpack, mode='r:gz')
+            self.hwpack_tarfiles.append(hwpack_tarfile)
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
+        for hwpack_tarfile in self.hwpack_tarfiles:
+            if hwpack_tarfile is not None:
+                hwpack_tarfile.close()
+        self.hwpack_tarfiles = []
+        if self.tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(self.tempdir):
+            shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
+    def get_field(self, section, field):
+        data = None
+        hwpack_with_data = None
+        for hwpack_tarfile in self.hwpack_tarfiles:
+            metadata = hwpack_tarfile.extractfile(self.metadata_filename)
+            # Use RawConfigParser which does not support the magical interpolation
+            # behavior of ConfigParser so we don't mess up metadata accidentally.
+            parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+            parser.readfp(self.FakeSecHead(metadata))
+            try:
+                new_data = parser.get(section, field)
+                if new_data is not None:
+                    assert data is None, "The metadata field '%s' is set to " \
+                        "'%s' and new value '%s' is found" % (field, data, new_data)
+                    data = new_data
+                    hwpack_with_data = hwpack_tarfile
+            except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
+                continue
+        return data, hwpack_with_data
+    def get_format(self):
+        format = None
+        supported_formats = [self.FORMAT_1, self.FORMAT_2]
+        for hwpack_tarfile in self.hwpack_tarfiles:
+            format_file = hwpack_tarfile.extractfile(self.format_filename)
+            format_string = format_file.read().strip()
+            if not format_string in supported_formats:
+                raise AssertionError(
+                    "Format version '%s' is not supported." % \
+                        format_string)
+            if format is None:
+                format = format_string
+            elif format != format_string:
+                return self.FORMAT_MIXED
+        return format
+    def get_file(self, file_alias):
+        file_name, hwpack_tarfile = self.get_field(self.main_section,
+                                                   file_alias)
+        if file_name is not None:
+            hwpack_tarfile.extract(file_name, self.tempdir)
+            file_name = os.path.join(self.tempdir, file_name)
+        return file_name
 class BoardConfig(object):
     """The configuration used when building an image for a board."""
     # These attributes may not need to be redefined on some subclasses.
@@ -138,12 +226,17 @@ 
     mmc_option = '0:1'
     mmc_part_offset = 0
     fat_size = 32
-    extra_serial_opts = ''
-    live_serial_opts = ''
+    _extra_serial_opts = ''
+    _live_serial_opts = ''
     extra_boot_args_options = None
     supports_writing_to_mmc = True
+    LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(1 * 1024**2, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+    BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024**2, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+    ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024**2, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
-    # These attributes must be defined on all subclasses.
+    # These attributes must be defined on all subclasses for backwards
+    # compatibility with hwpacks v1 format. Hwpacks v2 format allows these to
+    # be specified in the hwpack metadata.
     kernel_addr = None
     initrd_addr = None
     load_addr = None
@@ -152,6 +245,88 @@ 
     kernel_flavors = None
     boot_script = None
     serial_tty = None
+    wired_interfaces = None
+    wireless_interfaces = None
+    mmc_id = None
+    hardwarepack_handler = None
+    @classmethod
+    def get_metadata_field(cls, target, field_name):
+        """ Return the metadata value for field_name if it can be found.
+        """
+        data, _ = cls.hardwarepack_handler.get_field(
+            cls.hardwarepack_handler.main_section, field_name)
+        return data
+    @classmethod
+    def set_metadata(cls, hwpacks):
+        cls.hardwarepack_handler = HardwarepackHandler(hwpacks)
+        with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+            if (cls.hardwarepack_handler.get_format() ==
+                cls.hardwarepack_handler.FORMAT_1):
+                return
+            if (cls.hardwarepack_handler.get_format() ==
+                cls.hardwarepack_handler.FORMAT_2):
+                # Clear V1 defaults.
+                cls.kernel_addr = None
+                cls.initrd_addr = None
+                cls.load_addr = None
+                cls.serial_tty = None
+                cls.fat_size = None
+                cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S = None
+                cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S = None
+                cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S = None
+            # Set new values from metadata.
+            cls.kernel_addr = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.kernel_addr, 'kernel_addr')
+            cls.initrd_addr = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.initrd_addr, 'initrd_addr')
+            cls.load_addr = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.load_addr, 'load_addr')
+            cls.serial_tty = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.serial_tty, 'serial_tty')
+            cls.wired_interfaces = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.wired_interfaces, 'wired_interfaces')
+            cls.wireless_interfaces = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.wireless_interfaces, 'wireless_interfaces')
+            cls.mmc_id = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.mmc_id, 'mmc_id')
+            partition_layout = cls.get_metadata_field(cls.fat_size, 'partition_layout')
+            if partition_layout == 'bootfs_rootfs' or partition_layout is None:
+                cls.fat_size = 32
+            elif partition_layout == 'bootfs16_rootfs':
+                cls.fat_size = 16
+            else:
+                raise AssertionError("Unknown partition layout '%s'." % partition_layout)
+            boot_min_size = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, 'boot_min_size')
+            if boot_min_size is not None:
+                cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(int(boot_min_size) * 1024**2,
+                                               SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+            root_min_size = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, 'root_min_size')
+            if root_min_size is not None:
+                cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(int(root_min_size) * 1024**2,
+                                               SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+            loader_min_size = cls.get_metadata_field(
+                cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 'loader_min_size')
+            if loader_min_size is not None:
+                cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(int(loader_min_size) * 1024**2,
+                                               SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+    @classmethod
+    def get_file(cls, file_alias, default=None):
+        file_in_hwpack = cls.hardwarepack_handler.get_file(file_alias)
+        if file_in_hwpack is not None:
+            return file_in_hwpack
+        else:
+            return default
     def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=False):
@@ -167,9 +342,6 @@ 
             partition_type = '0x0E'
-        BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
-        ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S = align_up(50 * 1024 * 1024, SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
         # align on sector 63 for compatibility with broken versions of x-loader
         # unless align_boot_part is set
         boot_align = 63
@@ -178,7 +350,7 @@ 
         # can only start on sector 1 (sector 0 is MBR / partition table)
         boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
-            1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, boot_align, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            1, cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, boot_align, PART_ALIGN_S)
         # apparently OMAP3 ROMs require the vfat length to be an even number
         # of sectors (multiple of 1 KiB); decrease the length if it's odd,
         # there should still be enough room
@@ -189,7 +361,7 @@ 
         # instruct the use of all remaining space; XXX if we had some root size
         # config, we could do something more sensible
         root_start, _root_end, _root_len = align_partition(
-            boot_end + 1, ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            boot_end + 1, cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         return '%s,%s,%s,*\n%s,,,-' % (
             boot_start, boot_len, partition_type, root_start)
@@ -299,10 +471,12 @@ 
         if cls.uboot_in_boot_part:
             assert cls.uboot_flavor is not None, (
                 "uboot_in_boot_part is set but not uboot_flavor")
-            uboot_bin = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot',
-                cls.uboot_flavor, 'u-boot.bin')
-            cmd_runner.run(
-                ['cp', '-v', uboot_bin, boot_disk], as_root=True).wait()
+            with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+                uboot_bin = cls.get_file('u_boot', default=os.path.join(
+                        chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', cls.uboot_flavor,
+                        'u-boot.bin'))
+                cmd_runner.run(
+                    ['cp', '-v', uboot_bin, boot_disk], as_root=True).wait()
             uboot_parts_dir, is_live, is_lowmem, consoles, chroot_dir,
@@ -337,9 +511,14 @@ 
             "No kernel found matching %s for flavors %s" % (
                 KERNEL_GLOB, " ".join(cls.kernel_flavors)))
+    @classmethod
+    def populate_raw_partition(cls, media, boot_dir):
+        # Override in subclass if needed
+        pass
 class OmapConfig(BoardConfig):
-    kernel_flavors = ['linaro-omap4', 'linaro-omap', 'omap4']
+    kernel_flavors = ['linaro-omap4', 'linaro-lt-omap', 'linaro-omap', 'omap4']
     uboot_in_boot_part = True
     # XXX: Here we define these things as dynamic properties because our
@@ -471,8 +650,8 @@ 
 class Ux500Config(BoardConfig):
     serial_tty = 'ttyAMA2'
-    extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,115200n8' % serial_tty
-    live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s' % serial_tty
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,115200n8'
+    _live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s'
     kernel_addr = '0x00100000'
     initrd_addr = '0x08000000'
     load_addr = '0x00008000'
@@ -485,6 +664,14 @@ 
         'hwmem=48M@302M mem=152M@360M')
     mmc_option = '1:1'
+    @classproperty
+    def live_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._live_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
+    @classproperty
+    def extra_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._extra_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
     def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
                          boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
@@ -517,7 +704,7 @@ 
        and u-boot.'''
     # Boot ROM looks for a boot table of contents (TOC) at 0x20000
     # Actually, it first looks at address 0, but that's where l-m-c
-    # puts the MBR, so the boot loader skips that address. 
+    # puts the MBR, so the boot loader skips that address.
     supports_writing_to_mmc = False
     SNOWBALL_STARTUP_FILES_CONFIG = 'startfiles.cfg'
@@ -537,20 +724,20 @@ 
         This is done since the boot rom always boots off the internal memory;
         there simply is no point to having a loader partition on SD card.
-        # boot ROM expects bootloader at 0x20000, which is sector 0x100 
+        # boot ROM expects bootloader at 0x20000, which is sector 0x100
         # with the usual SECTOR_SIZE of 0x200.
         # (sector 0 is MBR / partition table)
         loader_start, loader_end, loader_len = align_partition(
-            SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S, 
-            LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S,
+            cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
         boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
-            loader_end + 1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            loader_end + 1, cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         # we ignore _root_end / _root_len and return an sfdisk command to
         # instruct the use of all remaining space; XXX if we had some root size
         # config, we could do something more sensible
         root_start, _root_end, _root_len = align_partition(
-            boot_end + 1, ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            boot_end + 1, cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         return '%s,%s,0xDA\n%s,%s,0x0C,*\n%s,,,-' % (
         loader_start, loader_len, boot_start, boot_len, root_start)
@@ -562,15 +749,22 @@ 
         make_uImage(cls.load_addr, k_img_data, boot_dir)
         boot_script_path = os.path.join(boot_dir, cls.boot_script)
         make_boot_script(boot_env, boot_script_path)
+        cls.populate_raw_partition(chroot_dir, boot_device_or_file)
+    @classmethod
+    def populate_raw_partition(cls, chroot_dir, boot_device_or_file):
+        # Populate created raw partition with TOC and startup files.
+        config_files_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'boot')
         _, toc_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
-        atexit.register(os.unlink, toc_filename)
-        config_files_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'boot')
         new_files = cls.get_file_info(config_files_path)
         with open(toc_filename, 'wb') as toc:
             cls.create_toc(toc, new_files)
         cls.install_snowball_boot_loader(toc_filename, new_files,
+        cls.delete_file(toc_filename)
+        cls.delete_file(os.path.join(config_files_path,
+                                     cls.SNOWBALL_STARTUP_FILES_CONFIG))
     def install_snowball_boot_loader(cls, toc_file_name, files,
@@ -584,13 +778,21 @@ 
         for file in files:
             # XXX We need checks that these files do not overwrite each
             # other. This code assumes that offset and file sizes are ok.
+            filename = file['filename']
             if (file['offset'] % SECTOR_SIZE) != 0:
                 seek_bytes = start_sector * SECTOR_SIZE + file['offset']
-                _dd(file['filename'], boot_device_or_file, block_size=1,
+                _dd(filename, boot_device_or_file, block_size=1,
-                seek_sectors = start_sector + file['offset']/SECTOR_SIZE
-                _dd(file['filename'], boot_device_or_file, seek=seek_sectors)
+                seek_sectors = start_sector + file['offset'] / SECTOR_SIZE
+                _dd(filename, boot_device_or_file, seek=seek_sectors)
+            cls.delete_file(filename)
+    @classmethod
+    def delete_file(cls, file_path):
+            cmd = ["rm", "%s" % file_path]
+            proc = cmd_runner.run(cmd, as_root=True)
+            proc.wait()
     def create_toc(cls, f, files):
@@ -605,6 +807,8 @@ 
             # i; int; load_address,
             # 12s; string of char; name
             # http://igloocommunity.org/support/index.php/ConfigPartitionOverview
+            assert len(file['section_name']) < 12, (
+                "Section name %s too large" % file['section_name'])
             flags = 0
             load_adress = file['align']
             data = struct.pack('<IIIii12s', file['offset'], file['size'],
@@ -642,12 +846,20 @@ 
 class Mx5Config(BoardConfig):
     serial_tty = 'ttymxc0'
-    extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,115200n8' % serial_tty
-    live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s' % serial_tty
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,115200n8'
+    _live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s'
     boot_script = 'boot.scr'
     mmc_part_offset = 1
     mmc_option = '0:2'
+    @classproperty
+    def live_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._live_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
+    @classproperty
+    def extra_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._extra_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
     def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=None):
         """Return the sfdisk command to partition the media.
@@ -663,15 +875,15 @@ 
         # onwards, so it's safer to just start at the first sector, sector 1
         # (sector 0 is MBR / partition table)
         loader_start, loader_end, loader_len = align_partition(
-            1, LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            1, cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
         boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
-            loader_end + 1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            loader_end + 1, cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         # we ignore _root_end / _root_len and return a sfdisk command to
         # instruct the use of all remaining space; XXX if we had some root size
         # config, we could do something more sensible
         root_start, _root_end, _root_len = align_partition(
-            boot_end + 1, ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            boot_end + 1, cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         return '%s,%s,0xDA\n%s,%s,0x0C,*\n%s,,,-' % (
             loader_start, loader_len, boot_start, boot_len, root_start)
@@ -680,9 +892,12 @@ 
     def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
                          boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
-        uboot_file = os.path.join(
-            chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', cls.uboot_flavor, 'u-boot.imx')
-        install_mx5_boot_loader(uboot_file, boot_device_or_file)
+        with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+            uboot_file = cls.get_file('u_boot', default=os.path.join(
+                    chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', cls.uboot_flavor,
+                    'u-boot.imx'))
+            install_mx5_boot_loader(uboot_file, boot_device_or_file,
+                                    cls.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S)
         make_uImage(cls.load_addr, k_img_data, boot_dir)
         make_uInitrd(i_img_data, boot_dir)
         make_dtb(d_img_data, boot_dir)
@@ -730,8 +945,8 @@ 
     uboot_flavor = 'ca9x4_ct_vxp'
     uboot_in_boot_part = True
     serial_tty = 'ttyAMA0'
-    extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,38400n8' % serial_tty
-    live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s' % serial_tty
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,38400n8'
+    _live_serial_opts = 'serialtty=%s'
     kernel_addr = '0x60008000'
     initrd_addr = '0x81000000'
     load_addr = kernel_addr
@@ -741,6 +956,14 @@ 
     # only allows for FAT16
     fat_size = 16
+    @classproperty
+    def live_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._live_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
+    @classproperty
+    def extra_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._extra_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
     def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
                          boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
@@ -748,10 +971,11 @@ 
         make_uImage(cls.load_addr, k_img_data, boot_dir)
         make_uInitrd(i_img_data, boot_dir)
 class SMDKV310Config(BoardConfig):
     uboot_flavor = 'smdkv310'
     serial_tty = 'ttySAC1'
-    extra_serial_opts = 'console=%s,115200n8' % serial_tty
+    _extra_serial_opts = 'console=%s,115200n8'
     kernel_addr = '0x40007000'
     initrd_addr = '0x42000000'
     load_addr = '0x40008000'
@@ -760,6 +984,10 @@ 
     mmc_part_offset = 1
     mmc_option = '0:2'
+    @classproperty
+    def extra_serial_opts(cls):
+        return cls._extra_serial_opts % cls.serial_tty
     def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=False):
         # bootloaders partition needs to hold BL1, U-Boot environment, and BL2
@@ -773,14 +1001,14 @@ 
         # FAT boot partition
         boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
-            loaders_end + 1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            loaders_end + 1, cls.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         # root partition
         # we ignore _root_end / _root_len and return a sfdisk command to
         # instruct the use of all remaining space; XXX if we had some root size
         # config, we could do something more sensible
         root_start, _root_end, _root_len = align_partition(
-            boot_end + 1, ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+            boot_end + 1, cls.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
         return '%s,%s,0xDA\n%s,%s,0x0C,*\n%s,,,-' % (
             loaders_start, loaders_len, boot_start, boot_len, root_start)
@@ -800,19 +1028,8 @@ 
     def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
                          boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
-        spl_file = os.path.join(
-            chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', cls.uboot_flavor,
-            'v310_mmc_spl.bin')
-        # XXX need to check that the length of spl_file is smaller than
-        # SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_LEN
-        _dd(spl_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_START)
-        uboot_file = os.path.join(
-            chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', cls.uboot_flavor, 'u-boot.bin')
-        # XXX need to check that the length of uboot_file is smaller than
-        # SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_LEN
-        _dd(uboot_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_START)
+        cls.install_smdk_boot_loader(chroot_dir, boot_device_or_file,
+                                     cls.uboot_flavor)
         env_size = SAMSUNG_V310_ENV_LEN * SECTOR_SIZE
         env_file = make_flashable_env(boot_env, env_size)
         _dd(env_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=SAMSUNG_V310_ENV_START)
@@ -825,6 +1042,45 @@ 
         boot_script_path = os.path.join(boot_dir, cls.boot_script)
         make_boot_script(boot_env, boot_script_path)
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_smdk_spl(cls, chroot_dir, uboot_flavor):
+        spl_dir = os.path.join(
+            chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor)
+        old_spl_path = os.path.join(spl_dir, 'v310_mmc_spl.bin')
+        new_spl_path = os.path.join(spl_dir, 'u-boot-mmc-spl.bin')
+        spl_file = old_spl_path
+        # The new upstream u-boot filename has changed
+        if not os.path.exists(spl_file):
+            spl_file = new_spl_path
+        if not os.path.exists(spl_file):
+            # missing SPL loader
+            raise AssertionError("Couldn't find the SPL file, tried %s and %s"
+                                 % (old_spl_path, new_spl_path))
+        return spl_file
+    @classmethod
+    def _get_smdk_uboot(cls, chroot_dir, uboot_flavor):
+        uboot_file = os.path.join(
+            chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor, 'u-boot.bin')
+        return uboot_file
+    @classmethod
+    def install_smdk_boot_loader(cls, chroot_dir, boot_device_or_file,
+                                 uboot_flavor):
+        spl_file = cls._get_smdk_spl(chroot_dir, uboot_flavor)
+        assert os.path.getsize(spl_file) <= SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_LEN, (
+            "%s is larger than SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_LEN" % spl_file)
+        _dd(spl_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_START)
+        with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+            uboot_file = cls.get_file('u_boot', default=cls._get_smdk_uboot(
+                    chroot_dir, uboot_flavor))
+        assert os.path.getsize(uboot_file) <= SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_LEN, (
+            "%s is larger than SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_LEN" % uboot_file)
+        _dd(uboot_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_START)
 board_configs = {
     'beagle': BeagleConfig,
@@ -837,7 +1093,7 @@ 
     'efikamx': EfikamxConfig,
     'efikasb': EfikasbConfig,
     'mx51evk': Mx51evkConfig,
-    'mx53loco' : Mx53LoCoConfig,
+    'mx53loco': Mx53LoCoConfig,
     'overo': OveroConfig,
     'smdkv310': SMDKV310Config,
@@ -961,13 +1217,13 @@ 
     return tmpfile
-def install_mx5_boot_loader(imx_file, boot_device_or_file):
+def install_mx5_boot_loader(imx_file, boot_device_or_file, loader_min_size):
     # bootloader partition starts at +1s but we write the file at +2s, so we
     # need to check that the bootloader partition minus 1s is at least as large
     # as the u-boot binary; note that the real bootloader partition might be
     # larger than LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, but if u-boot is larger it's a sign we
     # need to bump LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S
-    max_size = (LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S - 1) * SECTOR_SIZE
+    max_size = (loader_min_size - 1) * SECTOR_SIZE
     assert os.path.getsize(imx_file) <= max_size, (
         "%s is larger than guaranteed bootloader partition size" % imx_file)
     _dd(imx_file, boot_device_or_file, seek=2)
@@ -1008,4 +1264,3 @@ 
         ["cp", "-v", boot_script_path, "%s/boot.ini" % boot_disk],

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/partitions.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/partitions.py	2011-05-31 06:45:22 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/partitions.py	2011-06-29 09:16:39 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ 
 # Author: Guilherme Salgado <guilherme.salgado@linaro.org>
 # This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
 # Linaro Image Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
@@ -71,9 +72,8 @@ 
         bootfs = partitions[0]
         system = partitions[1]
         cache = partitions[2]
-        data = partitions[4]
-        sdcard = partitions[5]
+        data = partitions[3]
+        sdcard = partitions[4]
     print "\nFormating boot partition\n"
     proc = cmd_runner.run(
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ 
     return bootfs, system, cache, data, sdcard
 # I wonder if it'd make sense to convert this into a small shim which calls
 # the appropriate function for the given type of device?  I think it's still
 # small enough that there's not much benefit in doing that, but if it grows we
@@ -296,18 +297,28 @@ 
     # Here we can use parted.Device to read the partitions because we're
     # reading from a regular file rather than a block device.  If it was a
     # block device we'd need root rights.
+    vfat_partition = None
     disk = Disk(Device(image_file))
     partition_info = []
     for partition in disk.partitions:
-        geometry = partition.geometry
-        partition_info.append((geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE,
-                               geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE))
+        # Will ignore any partitions before boot and of type EXTENDED
+        if 'boot' in partition.getFlagsAsString():
+            vfat_partition = partition
+            geometry = partition.geometry
+            partition_info.append((geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE,
+                                   geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE))
+        elif (vfat_partition is not None and
+              partition.type != PARTITION_EXTENDED):
+            geometry = partition.geometry
+            partition_info.append((geometry.start * SECTOR_SIZE,
+                                   geometry.length * SECTOR_SIZE))
         # NB: don't use vfat_partition.nextPartition() as that might return
         # a partition of type PARTITION_FREESPACE; it's much easier to
         # iterate disk.partitions which only returns
         # parted.PARTITION_NORMAL partitions
-    assert len(partition_info) == 6
+    assert vfat_partition is not None, (
+        "Couldn't find boot partition on %s" % image_file)
+    assert len(partition_info) == 5
     return partition_info
@@ -347,6 +358,7 @@ 
     return boot_partition, system_partition, cache_partition, \
         data_partition, sdcard_partition
 def get_boot_and_root_partitions_for_media(media, board_config):
     """Return the device files for the boot and root partitions of media.

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py	2011-06-14 09:45:13 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py	2011-07-01 14:55:14 +0000
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ 
 import textwrap
 import time
 import types
+import struct
+import tarfile
+from StringIO import StringIO
 from testtools import TestCase
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
@@ -38,9 +41,11 @@ 
+    android_boards,
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards import (
@@ -56,6 +61,11 @@ 
+    HardwarepackHandler,
+    BoardConfig,
+    )
+from linaro_image_tools.media_create.android_boards import (
+    android_board_configs,
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create.chroot_utils import (
@@ -113,6 +123,359 @@ 
 sudo_args = " ".join(cmd_runner.SUDO_ARGS)
+class TestHardwarepackHandler(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super(TestHardwarepackHandler, self).setUp()
+        self.tar_dir_fixture = CreateTempDirFixture()
+        self.useFixture(self.tar_dir_fixture)
+        self.tarball_fixture = CreateTarballFixture(
+            self.tar_dir_fixture.get_temp_dir())
+        self.useFixture(self.tarball_fixture)
+        self.metadata = (
+            "NAME=ahwpack\nVERSION=4\nARCHITECTURE=armel\nORIGIN=linaro\n")
+    def add_to_tarball(self, files, tarball=None):
+        if tarball is None:
+            tarball = self.tarball_fixture.get_tarball()
+        tar_file = tarfile.open(tarball, mode='w:gz')
+        for filename, data in files:
+            tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(filename)
+            tarinfo.size = len(data)
+            tar_file.addfile(tarinfo, StringIO(data))
+        tar_file.close()
+        return tarball
+    def test_get_format_1(self):
+        data = '1.0'
+        format = "%s\n" % data
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format), ('metadata', self.metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertEquals(hp.get_format(), data)
+    def test_get_format_2(self):
+        data = '2.0'
+        format = "%s\n" % data
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format), ('metadata', self.metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertEquals(hp.get_format(), data)
+    def test_get_unknown_format_raises(self):
+        data = '9.9'
+        format = "%s\n" % data
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format), ('metadata', self.metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError, hp.get_format)
+    def test_mixed_formats(self):
+        format1 = "%s\n" % '1.0'
+        format2 = "%s\n" % '2.0'
+        tarball1 = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format1), ('metadata', self.metadata)],
+            tarball=self.tarball_fixture.get_tarball())
+        tarball_fixture2 = CreateTarballFixture(
+            self.tar_dir_fixture.get_temp_dir(), reldir='tarfile2',
+            filename='secondtarball.tar.gz')
+        self.useFixture(tarball_fixture2)
+        tarball2 = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format2), ('metadata', self.metadata)],
+            tarball=tarball_fixture2.get_tarball())
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball2, tarball1])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertEquals(hp.get_format(), '1.0and2.0')
+    def test_identical_formats_ok(self):
+        format1 = "%s\n" % '2.0'
+        format2 = "%s\n" % '2.0'
+        tarball1 = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format1), ('metadata', self.metadata)],
+            tarball=self.tarball_fixture.get_tarball())
+        tarball_fixture2 = CreateTarballFixture(
+            self.tar_dir_fixture.get_temp_dir(), reldir='tarfile2',
+            filename='secondtarball.tar.gz')
+        self.useFixture(tarball_fixture2)
+        tarball2 = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('FORMAT', format2), ('metadata', self.metadata)],
+            tarball=tarball_fixture2.get_tarball())
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball1, tarball2])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertEquals(hp.get_format(), '2.0')
+    def test_get_metadata(self):
+        data = 'data to test'
+        metadata = self.metadata + "TEST=%s\n" % data
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('metadata', metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            test_data, _ = hp.get_field(hp.main_section, 'test')
+            self.assertEqual(test_data, data)
+    def test_preserves_formatters(self):
+        data = '%s%d'
+        metadata = self.metadata + "TEST=%s\n" % data
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('metadata', metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            test_data, _ = hp.get_field(hp.main_section, 'test')
+            self.assertEqual(test_data, data)
+    def test_creates_tempdir(self):
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('metadata', self.metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(hp.tempdir))
+    def test_tempfiles_are_removed(self):
+        tempdir = None
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('metadata', self.metadata)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            tempdir = hp.tempdir
+        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(tempdir))
+    def test_get_file(self):
+        data = 'test file contents\n'
+        metadata_file = 'TESTFILE'
+        file_in_archive = 'testfile'
+        metadata = self.metadata + "%s=%s\n" % (metadata_file, file_in_archive)
+        tarball = self.add_to_tarball(
+            [('metadata', metadata),
+             (file_in_archive, data)])
+        hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball])
+        with hp:
+            test_file = hp.get_file(metadata_file)
+            self.assertEquals(data, open(test_file, 'r').read())
+class TestSetMetadata(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    class MockHardwarepackHandler(HardwarepackHandler):
+        metadata_dict = {}
+        def __enter__(self):
+            return self
+        def get_field(self, section, field):
+            try:
+                return self.metadata_dict[field], None
+            except:
+                return None, None
+        def get_format(self):
+            return '2.0'
+        def get_file(self, file_alias):
+            return None
+    def test_does_not_set_if_old_format(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(None, config.kernel_addr)
+    def test_sets_kernel_addr(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'kernel_addr'
+        data_to_set = '0x8123ABCD'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.kernel_addr)
+    def test_sets_initrd_addr(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'initrd_addr'
+        data_to_set = '0x8123ABCD'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.initrd_addr)
+    def test_sets_load_addr(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'load_addr'
+        data_to_set = '0x8123ABCD'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.load_addr)
+    def test_sets_serial_tty(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'serial_tty'
+        data_to_set = 'ttyAA'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.serial_tty)
+    def test_sets_wired_interfaces(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'wired_interfaces'
+        data_to_set = 'eth0 eth1'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.wired_interfaces)
+    def test_sets_wireless_interfaces(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'wireless_interfaces'
+        data_to_set = 'wlan0 wl1'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.wireless_interfaces)
+    def test_sets_mmc_id(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'mmc_id'
+        data_to_set = '1'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(data_to_set, config.mmc_id)
+    def test_sets_boot_min_size(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'boot_min_size'
+        data_to_set = '100'
+        expected = align_up(int(data_to_set) * 1024 * 1024,
+                            SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(expected, config.BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S)
+    def test_sets_root_min_size(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'root_min_size'
+        data_to_set = '3'
+        expected = align_up(int(data_to_set) * 1024 * 1024,
+                            SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(expected, config.ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S)
+    def test_sets_loader_min_size(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'loader_min_size'
+        data_to_set = '2'
+        expected = align_up(int(data_to_set) * 1024 * 1024,
+                            SECTOR_SIZE) / SECTOR_SIZE
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(expected, config.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S)
+    def test_sets_partition_layout_32(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'partition_layout'
+        data_to_set = 'bootfs_rootfs'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(32, config.fat_size)
+    def test_sets_partition_layout_16(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'partition_layout'
+        data_to_set = 'bootfs16_rootfs'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        config.set_metadata('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.assertEquals(16, config.fat_size)
+    def test_sets_partition_layout_raises(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards, 'HardwarepackHandler',
+                self.MockHardwarepackHandler))
+        field_to_test = 'partition_layout'
+        data_to_set = 'bootfs_bogus_rootfs'
+        self.MockHardwarepackHandler.metadata_dict = {
+            field_to_test: data_to_set,
+            }
+        class config(BoardConfig):
+            pass
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError, config.set_metadata, 'ahwpack.tar.gz')
 class TestGetMLOFile(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     def test_mlo_from_new_xloader(self):
@@ -150,6 +513,309 @@ 
             AssertionError, _get_mlo_file, tempdir)
+class TestGetSMDKSPL(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    def test_no_file_present(self):
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        uboot_flavor = "some_uboot_flavour"
+        self.assertRaises(
+            AssertionError, boards.SMDKV310Config._get_smdk_spl, tempdir,
+            uboot_flavor)
+    def test_old_file_present(self):
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        uboot_flavor = "some_uboot_flavour"
+        path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor)
+        os.makedirs(path)
+        spl_path = os.path.join(path, 'v310_mmc_spl.bin')
+        open(spl_path, 'w').close()
+        self.assertEquals(spl_path, boards.SMDKV310Config._get_smdk_spl(
+                tempdir, uboot_flavor))
+    def test_new_file_present(self):
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        uboot_flavor = "some_uboot_flavour"
+        path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor)
+        os.makedirs(path)
+        spl_path = os.path.join(path, 'u-boot-mmc-spl.bin')
+        open(spl_path, 'w').close()
+        self.assertEquals(spl_path, boards.SMDKV310Config._get_smdk_spl(
+                tempdir, uboot_flavor))
+    def test_prefers_old_path(self):
+        tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        uboot_flavor = "some_uboot_flavour"
+        path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor)
+        os.makedirs(path)
+        old_spl_path = os.path.join(path, 'v310_mmc_spl.bin')
+        new_spl_path = os.path.join(path, 'u-boot-mmc-spl.bin')
+        open(old_spl_path, 'w').close()
+        open(new_spl_path, 'w').close()
+        self.assertEquals(old_spl_path, boards.SMDKV310Config._get_smdk_spl(
+                tempdir, uboot_flavor))
+class TestGetSMDKUboot(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    def test_uses_uboot_flavour(self):
+        chroot_dir = "chroot"
+        uboot_flavor = "some_uboot_flavour"
+        uboot_file = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'usr', 'lib', 'u-boot', uboot_flavor,
+            'u-boot.bin')
+        self.assertEquals(uboot_file, boards.SMDKV310Config._get_smdk_uboot(
+                chroot_dir, uboot_flavor))
+class TestCreateToc(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    ''' Tests boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.create_toc()'''
+    def setUp(self):
+        ''' Create a temporary directory to work in'''
+        super(TestCreateToc, self).setUp()
+        self.tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        #Create the test's input data structures
+        zero = '\x00\x00\x00\x00'
+        line1 = zero + zero + zero + zero + zero + 'b' + zero + zero + \
+                 '\x00\x00\x00'
+        maxint = '\xFF\xFF\xFF\x7F'
+        minint = '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF'
+        line2 = maxint + maxint + zero + minint + minint + \
+                 'hello' + zero + '\x00\x00\x00'
+        line3 = '\x01\x00\x00\x00' '\x64\x00\x00\x00' + zero + \
+                 '\x05\x00\x00\x00' '\x05\x00\x00\x00' \
+                 'hello' + zero + '\x00\x00\x00'
+        self.expected = line1 + line2 + line3
+    def create_files_structure(self, src_data):
+        ''' Creates the data structure that the tested function
+            needs as input'''
+        files = []
+        for line in src_data:
+            files.append({'section_name': line[5],
+                  'filename': 'N/A',
+                  'align': line[3],
+                  'offset': line[0],
+                  'size': line[1],
+                  'load_adress': 'N/A'})
+        return files
+    def test_create_toc_normal_case(self):
+        ''' Creates a toc file, and then reads the created
+            file and compares it to precomputed data'''
+        correct_data = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'b'),
+                        (0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, -1, -1, 'hello'),
+                        (1, 100, 1000, 5, 10, 'hello')]
+        files = self.create_files_structure(correct_data)
+        filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'toc')
+        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.create_toc(f, files)
+        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+            actual = f.read()
+        self.assertEquals(96, len(actual))
+        for i in range(len(actual)):
+            self.assertEquals(self.expected[i], actual[i], 'Mismatch at ix' \
+                ' %d, ref=%c, actual=%c' % (i, self.expected[i], actual[i]))
+    def test_create_toc_error_too_large_section_name(self):
+        '''Verify that trying to write past the end of the
+           section name field raises an exception'''
+        illegal_name_data = [(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Too_longName')]
+        files = self.create_files_structure(illegal_name_data)
+        with open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'toc'), 'w') as f:
+            self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+                              boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.create_toc,
+                              f, files)
+    def test_create_toc_error_negative_unsigned(self):
+        '''Verify that trying to write a negative number to an unsigned
+           field raises an exception'''
+        illegal_unsigned_data = [(-3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'xxx')]
+        files = self.create_files_structure(illegal_unsigned_data)
+        with open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'toc'), 'w') as f:
+            self.assertRaises(struct.error,
+                              boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.create_toc,
+                              f, files)
+class TestSnowballBootFiles(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    ''' Tests boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.install_snowball_boot_loader()'''
+    ''' Tests boards.SnowballEmmcConfig._make_boot_files()'''
+    ''' Tests boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.get_file_info()'''
+    def setUp(self):
+        ''' Create temporary directory to work in'''
+        super(TestSnowballBootFiles, self).setUp()
+        self.tempdir = self.useFixture(CreateTempDirFixture()).get_temp_dir()
+        self.temp_bootdir_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'boot')
+        if not os.path.exists(self.temp_bootdir_path):
+            os.makedirs(self.temp_bootdir_path)
+    def setupFiles(self):
+        ''' Adds some files in the temp dir that the tested function
+            can use as input:
+            * A config file, which the tested function reads to
+              discover which binary files should be written to
+              the loader partition.
+            * Test versions of the binary files themselves,
+              containing dummy data.
+            Returns the expected value that the tested function should
+            return, given these input files.  '''
+        src_data = [('ISSW', 'boot_image_issw.bin', -1, 0, '5'),
+                    ('X-LOADER', 'boot_image_x-loader.bin', -1, 0, '6'),
+                    ('MEM_INIT', 'mem_init.bin', 0, 0x160000, '7'),
+                    ('PWR_MGT', 'power_management.bin', 0, 0x170000, '8'),
+                    ('NORMAL', 'u-boot.bin', 0, 0xBA0000, '9'),
+                    ('UBOOT_ENV', 'u-boot-env.bin', 0, 0x00C1F000, '10')]
+        # Create a config file
+        cfg_file = os.path.join(self.temp_bootdir_path,
+        boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_STARTUP_FILES_CONFIG)
+        with open(cfg_file, 'w') as f:
+            for line in src_data:
+                # Write comments, so we test that the parser can read them
+                f.write('#Yet another comment\n')
+                f.write('%s %s %i %#x %s\n' % line)
+        expected = []
+        # Define dummy binary files, containing nothing but their own
+        # section names.
+        for line in src_data:
+            with open(os.path.join(self.temp_bootdir_path, line[1]), 'w') as f:
+                f.write(line[0])
+        #define the expected values read from the config file
+        expected = []
+        ofs = [boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.TOC_SIZE,
+               boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.TOC_SIZE + len('ISSW'), 0x160000,
+               0x170000, 0xBA0000, 0xC1F000]
+        size = [len('ISSW'), len('X-LOADER'), len('MEM_INIT'), \
+                len('PWR_MGT'), len('NORMAL'), len('UBOOT_ENV')]
+        i = 0
+        for line in src_data:
+            filename = os.path.join(self.temp_bootdir_path, line[1])
+            expected.append({'section_name': line[0],
+                             'filename': filename,
+                             'align': int(line[2]),
+                             'offset': ofs[i],
+                             'size': long(size[i]),
+                             'load_adress': line[4]})
+            i += 1
+        return expected
+    def test_file_name_size(self):
+        ''' Test using a to large toc file '''
+        _, toc_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        atexit.register(os.unlink, toc_filename)
+        filedata = 'X'
+        bytes = boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.TOC_SIZE + 1
+        tmpfile = open(toc_filename, 'wb')
+        for n in xrange(bytes):
+            tmpfile.write(filedata)
+        tmpfile.close()
+        files = self.setupFiles()
+        self.assertRaises(AssertionError,
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.install_snowball_boot_loader,
+            toc_filename, files, "boot_device_or_file",
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S)
+    def test_install_snowball_boot_loader_toc(self):
+        fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
+        toc_filename = self.createTempFileAsFixture()
+        files = self.setupFiles()
+        boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.install_snowball_boot_loader(toc_filename,
+            files, "boot_device_or_file",
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S)
+        expected = [
+            '%s dd if=%s of=boot_device_or_file bs=512 conv=notrunc' \
+            ' seek=%s' % (sudo_args, toc_filename,
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot_image_issw.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=257' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/boot_image_issw.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot_image_x-loader.bin of=boot_device_or_file' \
+            ' bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=131588'
+            % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/boot_image_x-loader.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/mem_init.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=3072' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/mem_init.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/power_management.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=3200' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/power_management.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/u-boot.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=24064' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/u-boot.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/u-boot-env.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512'
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=25080' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm %s/u-boot-env.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path)]
+        self.assertEqual(expected, fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_snowball_make_boot_files(self):
+        fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(tempfile, 'mkstemp',
+            lambda: (-1, '/tmp/temp_snowball_make_boot_files')))
+        self.setupFiles()
+        k_img_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'vmlinuz-1-ux500')
+        i_img_file = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'initrd.img-1-ux500')
+        boot_env = board_configs['snowball_emmc']._get_boot_env(
+            is_live=False, is_lowmem=False, consoles=[],
+            rootfs_uuid="test_boot_env_uuid", d_img_data=None)
+        boards.SnowballEmmcConfig._make_boot_files(boot_env, self.tempdir,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path, 'boot_device_or_file', k_img_file,
+            i_img_file, None)
+        expected = [
+            '%s mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00008000 -e' \
+            ' 0x00008000 -n Linux -d %s %s/boot/uImage' % (sudo_args,
+            k_img_file, self.tempdir),
+            '%s cp /tmp/temp_snowball_make_boot_files %s/boot/boot.txt'
+            % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n boot' \
+            ' script -d %s/boot/boot.txt %s/boot/flash.scr'
+            % (sudo_args, self.tempdir, self.tempdir),
+            '%s dd if=/tmp/temp_snowball_make_boot_files' \
+            ' of=boot_device_or_file bs=512 conv=notrunc seek=256'
+            % (sudo_args),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/boot_image_issw.bin of=boot_device_or_file' \
+            ' bs=512 conv=notrunc seek=257' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/boot_image_issw.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/boot_image_x-loader.bin of=boot_device_or_file' \
+            ' bs=1 conv=notrunc seek=131588' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/boot_image_x-loader.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/mem_init.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=3072' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/mem_init.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/power_management.bin of=boot_device_or_file' \
+            ' bs=512 conv=notrunc seek=3200' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/power_management.bin' % (sudo_args,
+            self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/u-boot.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=24064' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/u-boot.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s dd if=%s/boot/u-boot-env.bin of=boot_device_or_file bs=512' \
+            ' conv=notrunc seek=25080' % (sudo_args, self.tempdir),
+            '%s rm %s/u-boot-env.bin' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path),
+            '%s rm /tmp/temp_snowball_make_boot_files' % (sudo_args),
+            '%s rm %s/startfiles.cfg' % (sudo_args, self.temp_bootdir_path)]
+        self.assertEqual(expected, fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_missing_files(self):
+        '''When the files cannot be read, an IOError should be raised'''
+        self.assertRaises(IOError,
+                          boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.get_file_info,
+                          self.tempdir)
+    def test_normal_case(self):
+        expected = self.setupFiles()
+        actual = boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.get_file_info(
+            self.temp_bootdir_path)
+        self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
 class TestBootSteps(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -199,6 +865,10 @@ 
     def test_mx5_steps(self):
         class SomeMx5Config(boards.Mx5Config):
             uboot_flavor = 'uboot_flavor'
+        SomeMx5Config.hardwarepack_handler = (
+            TestSetMetadata.MockHardwarepackHandler('ahwpack.tar.gz'))
+        SomeMx5Config.hardwarepack_handler.get_format = (
+            lambda: '1.0')
         expected = [
             'install_mx5_boot_loader', 'make_uImage', 'make_uInitrd',
@@ -206,9 +876,21 @@ 
         self.assertEqual(expected, self.funcs_calls)
     def test_smdkv310_steps(self):
+        def mock_func_creator(name):
+            return classmethod(
+                lambda *args, **kwargs: self.funcs_calls.append(name))
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+                linaro_image_tools.media_create.boards.SMDKV310Config,
+                'install_smdk_boot_loader',
+                mock_func_creator('install_smdk_boot_loader')))
+        boards.SMDKV310Config.hardwarepack_handler = (
+            TestSetMetadata.MockHardwarepackHandler('ahwpack.tar.gz'))
+        boards.SMDKV310Config.hardwarepack_handler.get_format = (
+            lambda: '1.0')
         expected = [
-            '_dd', '_dd', 'make_flashable_env', '_dd', 'make_uImage',
+            'install_smdk_boot_loader', 'make_flashable_env', '_dd', 'make_uImage',
             'make_uInitrd', 'make_boot_script']
         self.assertEqual(expected, self.funcs_calls)
@@ -354,6 +1036,18 @@ 
+    def test_panda_android(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '63,270272,0x0C,*\n270336,524288,L\n794624,524288,L\n' \
+                '1318912,-,E\n1318912,1048576,L\n2367488,,,-', 
+                android_boards.AndroidPandaConfig.get_sfdisk_cmd())
+    def test_snowball_emmc_android(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '256,7936,0xDA\n8192,262144,0x0C,*\n270336,524288,L\n' \
+                '794624,-,E\n794624,524288,L\n1318912,1048576,L\n2367488,,,-', 
+                android_boards.AndroidSnowballEmmcConfig.get_sfdisk_cmd())
 class TestGetBootCmd(TestCase):
@@ -509,6 +1203,41 @@ 
         self.assertEqual(expected, boot_commands)
+class TestGetBootCmdAndroid(TestCase):
+    def test_panda(self):
+        # XXX: To fix bug 697824 we have to change class attributes of our
+        # OMAP board configs, and some tests do that so to make sure they
+        # don't interfere with us we'll reset that before doing anything.
+        config = android_board_configs['panda']
+        config.serial_tty = config._serial_tty
+        boot_commands = config._get_boot_env(consoles=[])
+        expected = {
+            'bootargs': 'console=tty0 console=ttyO2,115200n8 '
+                        'rootwait ro earlyprintk fixrtc '
+                        'nocompcache vram=48M omapfb.vram=0:24M,1:24M '
+                        'mem=456M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 '
+                        'init=/init androidboot.console=ttyO2',
+            'bootcmd': 'fatload mmc 0:1 0x80200000 uImage; '
+                       'fatload mmc 0:1 0x81600000 uInitrd; '
+                       'bootm 0x80200000 0x81600000'}
+        self.assertEqual(expected, boot_commands)
+    def test_android_snowball_emmc(self):
+        boot_commands = (android_boards.AndroidSnowballEmmcConfig.
+                         _get_boot_env(consoles=[]))
+        expected = {
+            'bootargs': 'console=tty0 console=ttyAMA2,115200n8 '
+                        'rootwait ro earlyprintk '
+                        'rootdelay=1 fixrtc nocompcache '
+                        'mem=128M@0 mali.mali_mem=64M@128M mem=24M@192M '
+                        'hwmem=167M@216M mem_issw=1M@383M mem=640M@384M '
+                        'vmalloc=256M init=/init androidboot.console=ttyAMA2',
+            'bootcmd': 'fatload mmc 1:1 0x00100000 uImage; '
+                       'fatload mmc 1:1 0x08000000 uInitrd; '
+                       'bootm 0x00100000 0x08000000'}
+        self.assertEqual(expected, boot_commands)
 class TestUnpackBinaryTarball(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     def setUp(self):
@@ -607,7 +1336,8 @@ 
     def test_install_mx5_boot_loader(self):
         fixture = self._mock_Popen()
         imx_file = self.createTempFileAsFixture()
-        install_mx5_boot_loader(imx_file, "boot_device_or_file")
+        install_mx5_boot_loader(imx_file, "boot_device_or_file",
+                                BoardConfig.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S)
         expected = [
             '%s dd if=%s of=boot_device_or_file bs=512 '
             'conv=notrunc seek=2' % (sudo_args, imx_file)]
@@ -616,9 +1346,10 @@ 
     def test_install_mx5_boot_loader_too_large(self):
             os.path, "getsize",
-            lambda s: (LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S - 1) * SECTOR_SIZE + 1))
+            lambda s: (BoardConfig.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S - 1) * SECTOR_SIZE + 1))
-            install_mx5_boot_loader, "imx_file", "boot_device_or_file")
+            install_mx5_boot_loader, "imx_file", "boot_device_or_file",
+                          BoardConfig.LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S)
     def test_install_omap_boot_loader(self):
         fixture = self._mock_Popen()
@@ -630,6 +1361,32 @@ 
             '%s cp -v chroot_dir/MLO boot_disk' % sudo_args, 'sync']
         self.assertEqual(expected, fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_install_smdk_u_boot(self):
+        fixture = self._mock_Popen()
+        uboot_flavor = "some_u_boot_flavour"
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+            boards.SMDKV310Config, '_get_smdk_spl',
+            classmethod(lambda cls, chroot_dir, uboot_flavor: "%s/%s/SPL" % (
+                        chroot_dir, uboot_flavor))))
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+            boards.SMDKV310Config, '_get_smdk_uboot',
+            classmethod(lambda cls, chroot_dir, uboot_flavor: "%s/%s/uboot" % (
+                        chroot_dir, uboot_flavor))))
+        boards.SMDKV310Config.hardwarepack_handler = (
+            TestSetMetadata.MockHardwarepackHandler('ahwpack.tar.gz'))
+        boards.SMDKV310Config.hardwarepack_handler.get_format = (
+            lambda: '1.0')
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(os.path, 'getsize',
+                                             lambda file: 1))
+        boards.SMDKV310Config.install_smdk_boot_loader(
+            "chroot_dir", "boot_disk", uboot_flavor)
+        expected = [
+            '%s dd if=chroot_dir/%s/SPL of=boot_disk bs=512 conv=notrunc '
+            'seek=%d' % (sudo_args, uboot_flavor, SAMSUNG_V310_BL1_START),
+            '%s dd if=chroot_dir/%s/uboot of=boot_disk bs=512 conv=notrunc '
+            'seek=%d' % (sudo_args, uboot_flavor, SAMSUNG_V310_BL2_START)]
+        self.assertEqual(expected, fixture.mock.commands_executed)
     def test_get_plain_boot_script_contents(self):
         boot_env = {'bootargs': 'mybootargs', 'bootcmd': 'mybootcmd'}
         boot_script_data = get_plain_boot_script_contents(boot_env)
@@ -893,13 +1650,21 @@ 
             (63 * SECTOR_SIZE, 32768 * SECTOR_SIZE),
             (32831 * SECTOR_SIZE, 65536 * SECTOR_SIZE),
             (98367 * SECTOR_SIZE, 65536 * SECTOR_SIZE),
-            (294975 * SECTOR_SIZE, (self.android_image_size - 
-                                     294975 * SECTOR_SIZE)),
             ((294975 + ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE,
              (131072 - ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE),
             ((426047 + ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE, 
              self.android_image_size - (426047 + ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE)
+        self.android_snowball_offsets_and_sizes = [
+            (8192 * SECTOR_SIZE, 24639 * SECTOR_SIZE),
+            (32831 * SECTOR_SIZE, 65536 * SECTOR_SIZE),
+            ((98367  + ext_part_size)* SECTOR_SIZE, 
+             (65536 - ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE),
+            (294975 * SECTOR_SIZE, 131072 * SECTOR_SIZE),
+            ((426047 + ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE, 
+             self.android_image_size - (426047 + ext_part_size) * SECTOR_SIZE)
+            ]
     def tearDown(self):
         super(TestPartitionSetup, self).tearDown()
@@ -916,6 +1681,13 @@ 
             '63,32768,0x0C,*\n32831,65536,L\n98367,65536,L\n294975,-,E\n' \
                 '294975,131072,L\n426047,,,-', '%s' % self.android_image_size)
+    def _create_snowball_android_tmpfile(self):
+        # raw, boot, system, cache, (extended), userdata and sdcard partitions
+        return self._create_qemu_img_with_partitions(
+            '256,7936,0xDA\n8192,24639,0x0C,*\n32831,65536,L\n' \
+            '98367,-,E\n98367,65536,L\n294975,131072,L\n' \
+            '426047,,,-', '%s' % self.android_image_size)
     def test_convert_size_no_suffix(self):
         self.assertEqual(524288, convert_size_to_bytes('524288'))
@@ -945,6 +1717,15 @@ 
             self.assertEqual(device_pair, expected_pair)
+    def test_calculate_snowball_android_partition_size_and_offset(self):
+        tmpfile = self._create_snowball_android_tmpfile()
+        device_info = calculate_android_partition_size_and_offset(tmpfile)
+        # We use map(None, ...) since it would catch if the lists are not of
+        # equal length and zip() would not in all cases.
+        for device_pair, expected_pair in map(None, device_info,
+                                              self.android_snowball_offsets_and_sizes):
+            self.assertEqual(device_pair, expected_pair)
     def test_partition_numbering(self):
         # another Linux partition at +24 MiB after the boot/root parts
         tmpfile = self._create_qemu_img_with_partitions(
@@ -1054,7 +1835,7 @@ 
         # get_boot_and_root_loopback_devices will also setup two exit handlers
         # to de-register the loopback devices set up above.
-        self.assertEqual(6, len(atexit_fixture.mock.funcs))
+        self.assertEqual(5, len(atexit_fixture.mock.funcs))
         popen_fixture.mock.calls = []
         # We did not really run losetup above (as it requires root) so here we
@@ -1065,7 +1846,6 @@ 
              '%s losetup -d ' % sudo_args,
              '%s losetup -d ' % sudo_args,
              '%s losetup -d ' % sudo_args,
-             '%s losetup -d ' % sudo_args,
              '%s losetup -d ' % sudo_args],
@@ -1159,6 +1939,9 @@ 
         self.config = c
         self.config.boot_script = 'boot_script'
+        self.config.hardwarepack_handler = \
+            TestSetMetadata.MockHardwarepackHandler('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+        self.config.hardwarepack_handler.get_format = lambda: '1.0'
         self.popen_fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
             self.config, 'make_boot_files', self.save_args))

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/fixtures.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/fixtures.py	2011-04-04 11:29:01 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/fixtures.py	2011-06-20 09:10:10 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ 
 import os
 import shutil
 import tempfile
+from StringIO import StringIO
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
@@ -68,8 +69,11 @@ 
     # used in tests to make sure all callsites wait for their child.
     child_finished = True
+    def __init__(self, assert_child_finished=True):
+        self.assert_child_finished = assert_child_finished
     def __call__(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
-        if not self.child_finished:
+        if self.assert_child_finished and not self.child_finished:
             raise AssertionError(
                 "You should call wait() or communicate() to ensure "
                 "the subprocess is finished before proceeding.")
@@ -97,6 +101,9 @@ 
     def commands_executed(self):
         return [' '.join(args) for args in self.calls]
+    @property
+    def stdin(self):
+        return StringIO()
 class MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture(MockSomethingFixture):
     """A test fixture which mocks cmd_runner.do_run with the given mock.
@@ -104,13 +111,13 @@ 
     If no mock is given, a MockCmdRunnerPopen instance is used.
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, assert_child_finished=True):
         super(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture, self).__init__(
-            cmd_runner, 'Popen', MockCmdRunnerPopen())
+            cmd_runner, 'Popen', MockCmdRunnerPopen(assert_child_finished))
     def tearDown(self):
         super(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture, self).tearDown()
-        if not self.mock.child_finished:
+        if self.mock.assert_child_finished and not self.mock.child_finished:
             raise AssertionError(
                 "You should call wait() or communicate() to ensure "
                 "the subprocess is finished before proceeding.")

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py	2011-05-10 15:43:32 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py	2011-06-21 09:18:32 +0000
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ 
         (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
         stdout = stdout.splitlines()
-        expected = ["./linaro_image_tools/utils.py:26: redefinition of "
-                        "unused 'CommandNotFound' from line 24" ]
+        expected = ["./linaro_image_tools/utils.py:27: redefinition of "
+                        "unused 'CommandNotFound' from line 25" ]
         self.assertEquals(expected, stdout)
         self.assertEquals('', stderr)

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py	2011-03-24 18:41:59 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py	2011-06-21 09:16:28 +0000
@@ -35,12 +35,49 @@ 
+    verify_file_integrity,
 sudo_args = " ".join(cmd_runner.SUDO_ARGS)
+class TestVerifyFileIntegrity(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    filenames_in_shafile = ['verified-file1', 'verified-file2']
+    class MockCmdRunnerPopen(object):
+        def __call__(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+            self.returncode = 0
+            return self
+        def communicate(self, input=None):
+            self.wait()
+            return ': OK\n'.join(
+                TestVerifyFileIntegrity.filenames_in_shafile) + ': OK\n', ''
+        def wait(self):
+            return self.returncode
+    def test_verify_files(self):
+        fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
+        hash_filename = "dummy-file.txt"
+        signature_filename = hash_filename + ".asc"
+        verify_file_integrity([signature_filename])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ['gpg --verify %s' % signature_filename,
+             'sha1sum -c %s' % hash_filename],
+            fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_verify_files_returns_files(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(cmd_runner, 'Popen',
+                                             self.MockCmdRunnerPopen()))
+        hash_filename = "dummy-file.txt"
+        signature_filename = hash_filename + ".asc"
+        verified_files = verify_file_integrity([signature_filename])
+        self.assertEqual(self.filenames_in_shafile, verified_files)
 class TestEnsureCommand(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     install_pkg_providing_called = False

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/utils.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/utils.py	2011-05-10 15:42:59 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/utils.py	2011-06-21 09:16:28 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ 
 import os
 import platform
+import subprocess
     from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound
@@ -28,6 +29,31 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
+def verify_file_integrity(sig_file_list):
+    """Verify a list of signature files.
+    The parameter is a list of filenames of gpg signature files which will be
+    verified using gpg. For each of the files it is assumed that there is an
+    sha1 hash file with the same file name minus the '.asc' extension.
+    Each of the sha1 files will be checked using sha1sums. All files listed in
+    the sha1 hash file must be found in the same directory as the hash file.
+    """
+    verified_files = []
+    for sig_file in sig_file_list:
+        hash_file = sig_file[0:-len('.asc')]
+        cmd_runner.run(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file]).wait()
+        if os.path.dirname(hash_file) == '':
+            sha_cwd = None
+        else:
+            sha_cwd = os.path.dirname(hash_file)
+        sha1sums_out, _ = cmd_runner.run(['sha1sum', '-c', hash_file],
+                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=sha_cwd
+                                         ).communicate()
+        verified_files.extend(sha1sums_out.replace(': OK', '').splitlines())
+    return verified_files
 def install_package_providing(command):
     """Install a package which provides the given command.

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2011-05-26 20:32:40 +0000
+++ setup.py	2011-06-29 19:44:15 +0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ 
-        version="",
+        version="2011.06-1.1",
         description="Tools to create and write Linaro images",
         license="GPL v3 or later",