diff mbox

[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 360: Merge lp:~mabac/linaro-image-tools/chdir-for-hashverify; use location of hash file as working dir...

Message ID 20110706183916.10312.7058.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

Mattias Backman July 6, 2011, 6:39 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Mattias Backman (mabac)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - James Westby (james-w)
revno: 360 [merge]
committer: Mattias Backman <mattias.backman@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Wed 2011-06-22 08:50:29 +0200
  Merge lp:~mabac/linaro-image-tools/chdir-for-hashverify; use location of hash file as working dir when verifying sha1sums of hwpacks.


You are subscribed to branch lp:linaro-image-tools.
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diff mbox


=== modified file 'linaro-media-create'
--- linaro-media-create	2011-06-17 12:47:16 +0000
+++ linaro-media-create	2011-06-21 09:16:28 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ 
 import os
 import sys
 import tempfile
-import subprocess
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
@@ -43,7 +42,11 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools.media_create import get_args_parser
-from linaro_image_tools.utils import ensure_command, is_arm_host
+from linaro_image_tools.utils import (
+    ensure_command,
+    is_arm_host,
+    verify_file_integrity,
+    )
 # Just define the global variables
 TMP_DIR = None
@@ -105,15 +108,9 @@ 
     sig_file_list = args.hwpacksigs[:]
-    verified_files = []
     if args.binarysig is not None:
-    for sig_file in sig_file_list:
-        hash_file = sig_file[0:-len('.asc')]
-        cmd_runner.run(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file]).wait()
-        sha1sums_out, _ = cmd_runner.run(['sha1sum', '-c', hash_file],
-                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
-        verified_files.extend(sha1sums_out.replace(': OK', '').splitlines())
+    verified_files = verify_file_integrity(sig_file_list)
     for verified_file in verified_files:
         print 'Hash verification of file %s OK.' % verified_file

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py	2011-04-04 10:38:07 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py	2011-06-21 07:41:30 +0000
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ 
 def run(args, as_root=False, chroot=None, stdin=None, stdout=None,
-        stderr=None):
+        stderr=None, cwd=None):
     """Run the given command as a sub process.
     Return a Popen instance.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ 
         as_root = True
     if as_root and os.getuid() != 0:
         args = SUDO_ARGS + args
-    return Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+    return Popen(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd)
 class Popen(subprocess.Popen):

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py	2011-05-10 15:43:32 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_pyflakes.py	2011-06-21 09:18:32 +0000
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ 
         (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate()
         stdout = stdout.splitlines()
-        expected = ["./linaro_image_tools/utils.py:26: redefinition of "
-                        "unused 'CommandNotFound' from line 24" ]
+        expected = ["./linaro_image_tools/utils.py:27: redefinition of "
+                        "unused 'CommandNotFound' from line 25" ]
         self.assertEquals(expected, stdout)
         self.assertEquals('', stderr)

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py	2011-03-24 18:41:59 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_utils.py	2011-06-21 09:16:28 +0000
@@ -35,12 +35,49 @@ 
+    verify_file_integrity,
 sudo_args = " ".join(cmd_runner.SUDO_ARGS)
+class TestVerifyFileIntegrity(TestCaseWithFixtures):
+    filenames_in_shafile = ['verified-file1', 'verified-file2']
+    class MockCmdRunnerPopen(object):
+        def __call__(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+            self.returncode = 0
+            return self
+        def communicate(self, input=None):
+            self.wait()
+            return ': OK\n'.join(
+                TestVerifyFileIntegrity.filenames_in_shafile) + ': OK\n', ''
+        def wait(self):
+            return self.returncode
+    def test_verify_files(self):
+        fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
+        hash_filename = "dummy-file.txt"
+        signature_filename = hash_filename + ".asc"
+        verify_file_integrity([signature_filename])
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ['gpg --verify %s' % signature_filename,
+             'sha1sum -c %s' % hash_filename],
+            fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+    def test_verify_files_returns_files(self):
+        self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(cmd_runner, 'Popen',
+                                             self.MockCmdRunnerPopen()))
+        hash_filename = "dummy-file.txt"
+        signature_filename = hash_filename + ".asc"
+        verified_files = verify_file_integrity([signature_filename])
+        self.assertEqual(self.filenames_in_shafile, verified_files)
 class TestEnsureCommand(TestCaseWithFixtures):
     install_pkg_providing_called = False

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/utils.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/utils.py	2011-05-10 15:42:59 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/utils.py	2011-06-21 09:16:28 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ 
 import os
 import platform
+import subprocess
     from CommandNotFound import CommandNotFound
@@ -28,6 +29,31 @@ 
 from linaro_image_tools import cmd_runner
+def verify_file_integrity(sig_file_list):
+    """Verify a list of signature files.
+    The parameter is a list of filenames of gpg signature files which will be
+    verified using gpg. For each of the files it is assumed that there is an
+    sha1 hash file with the same file name minus the '.asc' extension.
+    Each of the sha1 files will be checked using sha1sums. All files listed in
+    the sha1 hash file must be found in the same directory as the hash file.
+    """
+    verified_files = []
+    for sig_file in sig_file_list:
+        hash_file = sig_file[0:-len('.asc')]
+        cmd_runner.run(['gpg', '--verify', sig_file]).wait()
+        if os.path.dirname(hash_file) == '':
+            sha_cwd = None
+        else:
+            sha_cwd = os.path.dirname(hash_file)
+        sha1sums_out, _ = cmd_runner.run(['sha1sum', '-c', hash_file],
+                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=sha_cwd
+                                         ).communicate()
+        verified_files.extend(sha1sums_out.replace(': OK', '').splitlines())
+    return verified_files
 def install_package_providing(command):
     """Install a package which provides the given command.