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[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 385: After downloading files fetch_image[_ui].py checks the sha1sums and GPG signatures of the downloads.

Message ID 20110722204052.14374.64962.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

James Tunnicliffe July 22, 2011, 8:40 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
  review: Approve - James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
revno: 385 [merge]
committer: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Fri 2011-07-22 21:38:17 +0100
  After downloading files fetch_image[_ui].py checks the sha1sums and GPG signatures of the downloads.
  If a GPG signature doesn't verify a sha1sum file, the GPG signatures and sha1sums are re-downloaded. The GPG signatures are then re-checked. If the GPG signatures still don't verify all the sha1sums, we abort.
  If a sha1sum check fails, the file it is checksumming is re-downloaded. If after retrying a download then sha1sum check still fails the process is aborted.
  If if all GPG signatures are valid and sha1sum checks pass, we mark the packages as signed.
  If GPG signatures or SHA1 sums are unavailable for any package, and the above rules are met, we continue with image creation, but the packages are marked as unsigned.


You are subscribed to branch lp:linaro-image-tools.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk/+edit-subscription
diff mbox


=== modified file 'fetch_image_ui.py'
--- fetch_image_ui.py	2011-07-21 20:41:51 +0000
+++ fetch_image_ui.py	2011-07-22 16:42:58 +0000
@@ -1134,8 +1134,15 @@ 
                              wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
+        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        self.blank = wx.StaticText(self, label="")  # Just like a spacer GIF...
+        self.messages = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
+        self.box2.Add(self.blank, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.box2.Add(self.messages, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
         self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
         self.sizer.Add(self.status_grid, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
+        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
         self.Move((50, 50))
@@ -1233,7 +1240,7 @@ 
             elif event[0] == "end":
-            elif event == "terminate":
+            elif event == "terminate" or event[0] == "abort":
                 # Process complete. Enable next button.
@@ -1242,6 +1249,9 @@ 
             elif event[0] == "update":
                 self.event_update(event[1], event[2], event[3])
+            elif event[0] == "message":
+                self.messages.SetLabel(event[1])
                 print >> sys.stderr, "timer_ping: Unhandled event", event
@@ -1265,7 +1275,7 @@ 
     #--- Event(s) ---
     def event_start(self, event):
         if event == "download":
-            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Downloading")
+            pass
         elif event == "unpack":
         elif event == "installing packages":

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-07-21 20:41:51 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/FetchImage.py	2011-07-22 18:10:03 +0000
@@ -39,293 +39,22 @@ 
 import utils
-class FileHandler():
-    """Downloads files and creates images from them by calling
-    linaro-media-create"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        import xdg.BaseDirectory as xdgBaseDir
-        self.homedir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_config_home,
-                                     "linaro",
-                                     "image-tools",
-                                     "fetch_image")
-        self.cachedir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_cache_home,
-                                     "linaro",
-                                     "image-tools",
-                                     "fetch_image")
-    def has_key_and_evaluates_True(self, dictionary, key):
-        return bool(key in dictionary and dictionary[key])
-    def append_setting_to(self, list, dictionary, key, setting_name=None):
-        if not setting_name:
-            setting_name = "--" + key
-        if self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(dictionary, key):
-            list.append(setting_name)
-            list.append(dictionary[key])
-    def build_lmc_command(self,
-                          binary_file,
-                          hwpack_file,
-                          settings,
-                          tools_dir,
-                          hwpack_verified,
-                          run_in_gui=False):
-        import linaro_image_tools.utils
-        args = ["pkexec"]
-        # Prefer a local linaro-media-create (from a bzr checkout for instance)
-        # to an installed one
-        lmc_command = linaro_image_tools.utils.find_command(
-                                                    'linaro-media-create',
-                                                    tools_dir)
-        if lmc_command:
-            args.append(os.path.abspath(lmc_command))
-        else:
-            args.append("linaro-media-create")
-        if run_in_gui:
-            args.append("--nocheck-mmc")
-        if hwpack_verified:
-            # We verify the hwpack before calling linaro-media-create because
-            # these tools run linaro-media-create as root and to get the GPG
-            # signature verification to work, root would need to have GPG set
-            # up with the Canonical Linaro Image Build Automatic Signing Key
-            # imported. It seems far more likely that users will import keys
-            # as themselves, not root!
-            args.append("--hwpack-force-yes")
-        if 'rootfs' in settings and settings['rootfs']:
-            args.append("--rootfs")
-            args.append(settings['rootfs'])
-        assert(self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'image_file') ^
-               self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'mmc')), ("Please "
-               "specify either an image file, or an mmc target, not both.")
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'mmc')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'image_file')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_size')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_file')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'yes_to_mmc_selection',
-                                               '--nocheck_mmc')
-        args.append("--dev")
-        args.append(settings['hardware'])
-        args.append("--binary")
-        args.append(binary_file)
-        args.append("--hwpack")
-        args.append(hwpack_file)
-        logging.info(" ".join(args))
-        return args
-    def get_sig_files(self, downloaded_files):
-        """
-        Find sha1sum.txt files in downloaded_files, append ".asc" and return
-        list.
-        The reason for not just searching for .asc files is because if they
-        don't exist, utils.verify_file_integrity(sig_files) won't check the
-        sha1sums that do exist, and they are useful to us. Trying to check
-        a GPG signature that doesn't exist just results in the signature check
-        failing, which is correct and we act accordingly.
-        """
-        sig_files = []
-        for filename in downloaded_files.values():
-            if re.search(r"sha1sums\.txt$", filename):
-                sig_files.append(filename + ".asc")
-        return sig_files
-    def create_media(self, image_url, hwpack_url, settings, tools_dir):
-        """Create a command line for linaro-media-create based on the settings
-        provided then run linaro-media-create, either in a separate thread
-        (GUI mode) or in the current one (CLI mode)."""
-        sha1sums_urls = self.sha1sum_file_download_list(image_url,
-                                                        hwpack_url,
-                                                        settings)
-        sha1sum_files = self.download_files(sha1sums_urls,
-                                            settings)
-        to_download = self.generate_download_list(image_url,
-                                                  hwpack_url,
-                                                  sha1sum_files)
-        downloaded_files = self.download_files(to_download,
-                                               settings)
-        sig_files = self.get_sig_files(downloaded_files)
-        verified_files, gpg_sig_ok = utils.verify_file_integrity(sig_files)
-        hwpack = os.path.basename(downloaded_files[hwpack_url])
-        hwpack_verified = (hwpack in verified_files) and gpg_sig_ok
-        lmc_command = self.build_lmc_command(downloaded_files[image_url],
-                                             downloaded_files[hwpack_url],
-                                             settings,
-                                             tools_dir,
-                                             hwpack_verified)
-        self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command)
-        self.create_process.wait()
-    class LinaroMediaCreate(threading.Thread):
-        """Thread class for running linaro-media-create"""
-        def __init__(self,
-                     image_url,
-                     hwpack_url,
-                     file_handler,
-                     event_queue,
-                     settings,
-                     tools_dir):
-            threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-            self.image_url      = image_url
-            self.hwpack_url     = hwpack_url
-            self.file_handler   = file_handler
-            self.event_queue    = event_queue
-            self.settings       = settings
-            self.tools_dir      = tools_dir
-        def run(self):
-            """
-            1. Download required files.
-            2. Build linaro-media-create command
-            3. Start linaro-media-create and look for lines in the output that:
-               1. Tell us that an event has happened that we can use to update
-                  the UI progress.
-               2. Tell us that linaro-media-create is asking a question that
-                  needs to be re-directed to the GUI
-            """
-            sha1sums_urls = self.file_handler.sha1sum_file_download_list(
-                                                               self.image_url,
-                                                               self.hwpack_url,
-                                                               self.settings)
-            self.event_queue.put(("update",
-                                  "download",
-                                  "message",
-                                  "Calculating download size"))
-            sha1sum_files = self.file_handler.download_files(sha1sums_urls,
-                                                             self.settings)
-            to_download = self.file_handler.generate_download_list(
-                                                            self.image_url,
-                                                            self.hwpack_url,
-                                                            sha1sum_files)
-            downloaded_files = self.file_handler.download_files(
-                                                            to_download,
-                                                            self.settings,
-                                                            self.event_queue)
-            sig_files = self.file_handler.get_sig_files(downloaded_files)
-            verified_files, gpg_sig_ok = utils.verify_file_integrity(sig_files)
-            hwpack = os.path.basename(downloaded_files[self.hwpack_url])
-            hwpack_verified = (hwpack in verified_files) and gpg_sig_ok
-            lmc_command = self.file_handler.build_lmc_command(
-                                            downloaded_files[self.image_url],
-                                            downloaded_files[self.hwpack_url],
-                                            self.settings,
-                                            self.tools_dir,
-                                            hwpack_verified,
-                                            True)
-            self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command,
-                                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-            self.line                       = ""
-            self.saved_lines                = ""
-            self.save_lines                 = False
-            self.state                      = None
-            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
-            self.event_queue.put(("start", "unpack"))
-            while(1):
-                if self.create_process.poll() != None:   # linaro-media-create
-                                                         # has finished.
-                    self.event_queue.put(("terminate"))  # Tell the GUI
-                    return                               # Terminate the thread
-                self.input = self.create_process.stdout.read(1)
-                # We build up lines by extracting data from linaro-media-create
-                # a single character at a time. This is because if we fetch
-                # whole lines, using Popen.communicate a character is
-                # automatically sent back to the running process, which if the
-                # process is waiting for user input, can trigger a default
-                # action. By using stdout.read(1) we pick off a character at a
-                # time and avoid this problem.
-                if self.input == '\n':
-                    if self.save_lines:
-                        self.saved_lines += self.line
-                    self.line = ""
-                else:
-                    self.line += self.input
-                if self.line == "Updating apt package lists ...":
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "unpack"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "installing packages"))
-                    self.state = "apt"
-                elif(self.line ==
-                     "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"):
-                    self.saved_lines = ""
-                    self.save_lines = True
-                elif(self.line ==
-                     "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? "):
-                    self.saved_lines = re.sub("WARNING: The following packages"
-                                              " cannot be authenticated!",
-                                              "", self.saved_lines)
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start",
-                                          "unverified_packages:"
-                                          + self.saved_lines))
-                    self.line = ""
-                    self.waiting_for_event_response = True  # Wait for restart
-                elif self.line == "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ":
-                    self.send_to_create_process("y")
-                    self.line = ""
-                elif self.line == "Done" and self.state == "apt":
-                    self.state = "create file system"
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "installing packages"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "create file system"))
-                elif(    self.line == "Created:"
-                     and self.state == "create file system"):
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "create file system"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "populate file system"))
-                    self.state = "populate file system"
-                while self.waiting_for_event_response:
-                    time.sleep(0.2)
-        def send_to_create_process(self, text):
-            print >> self.create_process.stdin, text
-            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
+class DownloadManager():
+    def __init__(self, cachedir):
+        self.cachedir           = cachedir
+        self.image_url          = None
+        self.hwpack_url         = None
+        self.settings           = None
+        self.event_queue        = None
+        self.to_download        = None
+        self.sha1_files         = None
+        self.gpg_files          = None
+        self.downloaded_files   = None
+        self.sig_files          = None
+        self.verified_files     = None
+        self.gpg_sig_ok         = None
+        self.have_sha1sums      = None
+        self.have_gpg_sigs      = None
     def name_and_path_from_url(self, url):
         """Return the file name and the path at which the file will be stored
@@ -350,7 +79,7 @@ 
                 response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
                 if trycount < maxtries - 1:
-                    print "Unable to connect to", url, "retrying in 5 seconds..."
+                    print "Unable to connect to", url, "retrying in 5 seconds."
@@ -383,10 +112,7 @@ 
         return dir
-    def sha1sum_file_download_list(self,
-                                     image_url,
-                                     hwpack_url,
-                                     settings):
+    def sha1sum_file_download_list(self):
         Need more than just the hwpack and OS image if we want signature
         verification to work, we need sha1sums, signatures for sha1sums
@@ -400,24 +126,21 @@ 
         downloads_list = []
         # Get list of files in OS image directory
-        image_dir  = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(image_url)
-        hwpack_dir = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(hwpack_url)
+        image_dir  = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(self.image_url)
+        hwpack_dir = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(self.hwpack_url)
         for link in image_dir:
             if re.search("sha1sums\.txt$", link):
         for link in hwpack_dir:
-            if(    re.search(settings['hwpack'], link)
+            if(    re.search(self.settings['hwpack'], link)
                and re.search("sha1sums\.txt$", link)):
         return downloads_list
-    def generate_download_list(self,
-                               image_url,
-                               hwpack_url,
-                               sha1sum_file_names):
+    def generate_download_list(self):
         Generate a list of files based on what is in the sums files that
         we have downloaded. We may have downloaded some sig files based on
@@ -441,9 +164,9 @@ 
-        downloads_list = [image_url, hwpack_url]
+        downloads_list = [self.image_url, self.hwpack_url]
-        for sha1sum_file_name in sha1sum_file_names.values():
+        for sha1sum_file_name in self.sha1_files.values():
             sha1sum_file = open(sha1sum_file_name)
             common_prefix = None
@@ -452,15 +175,15 @@ 
             for line in sha1sum_file:
                 line = line.split()    # line[1] is now the file name
-                if line[1] == os.path.basename(image_url):
+                if line[1] == os.path.basename(self.image_url):
                     # Found a line that matches an image or hwpack URL - keep
                     # the contents of this sig file
-                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(image_url)
+                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.image_url)
-                if line[1] == os.path.basename(hwpack_url):
+                if line[1] == os.path.basename(self.hwpack_url):
                     # Found a line that matches an image or hwpack URL - keep
                     # the contents of this sig file
-                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(hwpack_url)
+                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.hwpack_url)
             if common_prefix:
                 for file_name in files:
@@ -488,12 +211,15 @@ 
     def download_files(self,
-                       event_queue=None):
+                       event_queue=None,
+                       force_download=False):
         Download files specified in the downloads_list, which is a list of
         url, name tuples.
+        force_download = settings["force_download"] or force_download
         downloaded_files = {}
         bytes_to_download = 0
@@ -502,7 +228,7 @@ 
             file_name, file_path = self.name_and_path_from_url(url)
             file_name = file_path + os.sep + file_name
-            if os.path.exists(file_name):
+            if os.path.exists(file_name) and not force_download:
                 continue  # If file already exists, don't download it
             response = self.urllib2_open(url)
@@ -523,7 +249,7 @@ 
                 path = self.download(url,
-                                     settings["force_download"])
+                                     force_download)
             except Exception:
                 # Download error. Hardly matters what, we can't continue.
                 print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
@@ -627,19 +353,412 @@ 
         return self.download(url, event_queue, force_download)
+    def get_sig_files(self):
+        """
+        Find sha1sum.txt files in downloaded_files, append ".asc" and return
+        list.
+        The reason for not just searching for .asc files is because if they
+        don't exist, utils.verify_file_integrity(sig_files) won't check the
+        sha1sums that do exist, and they are useful to us. Trying to check
+        a GPG signature that doesn't exist just results in the signature check
+        failing, which is correct and we act accordingly.
+        """
+        self.sig_files = []
+        for filename in self.downloaded_files.values():
+            if re.search(r"sha1sums\.txt$", filename):
+                self.sig_files.append(filename + ".asc")
+    def _download_sigs_gen_download_list(self, force_download=False):
+        to_download = self.sha1sum_file_download_list()
+        self.sha1_files = self.download_files(
+                            to_download, self.settings,
+                            force_download=force_download)
+        self.to_download = self.generate_download_list()
+        gpg_urls = [f for f in self.to_download if re.search('\.asc$', f)]
+        gpg_files = self.download_files(gpg_urls, self.settings,
+                                        force_download=force_download)
+    def _check_downloads(self):
+        self.get_sig_files()
+        self.verified_files, self.gpg_sig_ok = utils.verify_file_integrity(
+                                                            self.sig_files)
+        # Expect to have 2 sha1sum files (one for hwpack, one for OS bin)
+        self.have_sha1sums = len(self.sha1_files) ==2
+        # We expect 2 GPG signatures. Check that we have both of them.
+        self.have_gpg_sigs = (len(self.sig_files) == 2 and
+                              os.path.exists(self.sig_files[0]) and
+                              os.path.exists(self.sig_files[1]))
+    def _unverified_files(self):
+        """
+        Return a list of URLs of files that didn't get verified
+        """
+        verified_files = self.verified_files
+        unverified_files = []
+        for sig_file in self.sig_files:
+            name = os.path.basename(sig_file)
+            verified_files.append(name)
+            verified_files.append(name[0:-len('.asc')])
+        # Generate a list of files that didn't verify
+        for url in self.to_download:
+            url_file = os.path.basename(url)
+            if url_file not in verified_files:
+                unverified_files.append(url)
+        return unverified_files
+    def download_files_and_verify(self, image_url, hwpack_url,
+                                  settings, event_queue=None):
+        self.image_url      = image_url
+        self.hwpack_url     = hwpack_url
+        self.settings       = settings
+        self.event_queue    = event_queue
+        self._download_sigs_gen_download_list()
+        self.downloaded_files = self.download_files(self.to_download,
+                                                    self.settings,
+                                                    self.event_queue)
+        self._check_downloads()
+        if(self.have_sha1sums and self.have_gpg_sigs
+           and not self.gpg_sig_ok):
+            # GPG signatures failed for sha1sum files. Re-download the
+            # sha1sums and GPG signatues. If the GPG signature then
+            # matches the sha1sums we will re-download any failing hwpack
+            # and OS binary files in the if below.
+            self._download_sigs_gen_download_list(force_download=True)
+            self._check_downloads()
+            if(self.have_sha1sums and self.have_gpg_sigs
+               and not self.gpg_sig_ok):
+                # If after re-trying the downloads we still can't get a GPG
+                # signature match on a sha1sum file (and both files exist)
+                # the abort.
+                message = "Package signature check failed. Aborting"
+                if self.event_queue:
+                    self.event_queue.put("message", message)
+                    self.event_queue.put("abort")
+                else:
+                    print >> sys.stderr, message
+                return [], False
+        if(self.have_sha1sums and 
+           self.gpg_sig_ok or not self.have_gpg_sigs):
+            # The GPG signature is OK, so the sha1sums file and GPG sig are
+            # both good. OR We have sha1sum files and no GPG sigs. We can
+            # Still validate downloads against the sha1sums, just not mark
+            # the packages as signed.
+            to_retry = self._unverified_files()
+            if len(to_retry):
+                if self.event_queue:
+                    self.event_queue.put(("message", "Retrying bad files"))
+                else:
+                    print "Re-downloading corrupt files"
+                # There are some files to re-download
+                redownloaded_files = self.download_files(
+                                           to_retry, self.settings,
+                                           self.event_queue,
+                                           force_download=True)
+                (self.verified_files,
+                 self.gpg_sig_ok) = utils.verify_file_integrity(self.sig_files)
+                to_retry = self._unverified_files()
+                if len(to_retry):
+                    # We can't get valid package downloads. Either the sha1sums
+                    # file was incorrectly generated or the download is
+                    # corrupt. Display a message to the user and quit.
+                    message = "Download retry failed. Aborting"
+                    if self.event_queue:
+                        self.event_queue.put("message", message)
+                        self.event_queue.put("abort")
+                    else:
+                        print >> sys.stderr, message
+                    return [], False
+        hwpack = os.path.basename(self.downloaded_files[hwpack_url])
+        hwpack_verified = (hwpack in self.verified_files) and self.gpg_sig_ok
+        if self.event_queue:  # Clear messages, if any, from GUI
+            self.event_queue.put(("message", ""))
+        return self.downloaded_files, hwpack_verified
+class FileHandler():
+    """Downloads files and creates images from them by calling
+    linaro-media-create"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        import xdg.BaseDirectory as xdgBaseDir
+        self.homedir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_config_home,
+                                     "linaro",
+                                     "image-tools",
+                                     "fetch_image")
+        self.cachedir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_cache_home,
+                                     "linaro",
+                                     "image-tools",
+                                     "fetch_image")
+        self.downloader = DownloadManager(self.cachedir)
+    def has_key_and_evaluates_True(self, dictionary, key):
+        return bool(key in dictionary and dictionary[key])
+    def append_setting_to(self, list, dictionary, key, setting_name=None):
+        if not setting_name:
+            setting_name = "--" + key
+        if self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(dictionary, key):
+            list.append(setting_name)
+            list.append(dictionary[key])
+    def build_lmc_command(self,
+                          binary_file,
+                          hwpack_file,
+                          settings,
+                          tools_dir,
+                          hwpack_verified,
+                          run_in_gui=False):
+        import linaro_image_tools.utils
+        args = ["pkexec"]
+        # Prefer a local linaro-media-create (from a bzr checkout for instance)
+        # to an installed one
+        lmc_command = linaro_image_tools.utils.find_command(
+                                                    'linaro-media-create',
+                                                    tools_dir)
+        if lmc_command:
+            args.append(os.path.abspath(lmc_command))
+        else:
+            args.append("linaro-media-create")
+        if run_in_gui:
+            args.append("--nocheck-mmc")
+        if hwpack_verified:
+            # We verify the hwpack before calling linaro-media-create because
+            # these tools run linaro-media-create as root and to get the GPG
+            # signature verification to work, root would need to have GPG set
+            # up with the Canonical Linaro Image Build Automatic Signing Key
+            # imported. It seems far more likely that users will import keys
+            # as themselves, not root!
+            args.append("--hwpack-force-yes")
+        if 'rootfs' in settings and settings['rootfs']:
+            args.append("--rootfs")
+            args.append(settings['rootfs'])
+        assert(self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'image_file') ^
+               self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'mmc')), ("Please "
+               "specify either an image file, or an mmc target, not both.")
+        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'mmc')
+        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'image_file')
+        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_size')
+        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_file')
+        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'yes_to_mmc_selection',
+                                               '--nocheck_mmc')
+        args.append("--dev")
+        args.append(settings['hardware'])
+        args.append("--binary")
+        args.append(binary_file)
+        args.append("--hwpack")
+        args.append(hwpack_file)
+        logging.info(" ".join(args))
+        return args
+    def create_media(self, image_url, hwpack_url, settings, tools_dir):
+        """Create a command line for linaro-media-create based on the settings
+        provided then run linaro-media-create, either in a separate thread
+        (GUI mode) or in the current one (CLI mode)."""
+        downloaded_files, hwpack_verified = (
+            self.downloader.download_files_and_verify(image_url, hwpack_url,
+                                                      settings))
+        if len(downloaded_files) == 0:
+            return
+        lmc_command = self.build_lmc_command(downloaded_files[image_url],
+                                             downloaded_files[hwpack_url],
+                                             settings,
+                                             tools_dir,
+                                             hwpack_verified)
+        self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command)
+        self.create_process.wait()
+    class LinaroMediaCreate(threading.Thread):
+        """Thread class for running linaro-media-create"""
+        def __init__(self,
+                     image_url,
+                     hwpack_url,
+                     file_handler,
+                     event_queue,
+                     settings,
+                     tools_dir):
+            threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+            self.image_url      = image_url
+            self.hwpack_url     = hwpack_url
+            self.file_handler   = file_handler
+            self.downloader     = file_handler.downloader
+            self.event_queue    = event_queue
+            self.settings       = settings
+            self.tools_dir      = tools_dir
+        def run(self):
+            """
+            1. Download required files.
+            2. Build linaro-media-create command
+            3. Start linaro-media-create and look for lines in the output that:
+               1. Tell us that an event has happened that we can use to update
+                  the UI progress.
+               2. Tell us that linaro-media-create is asking a question that
+                  needs to be re-directed to the GUI
+            """
+            self.event_queue.put(("update",
+                                  "download",
+                                  "message",
+                                  "Downloading"))
+            files, hwpack_ok = self.downloader.download_files_and_verify(
+                                self.image_url, self.hwpack_url,
+                                self.settings, self.event_queue)
+            if len(files) == 0:
+                return
+            lmc_command = self.file_handler.build_lmc_command(
+                                            files[self.image_url],
+                                            files[self.hwpack_url],
+                                            self.settings,
+                                            self.tools_dir,
+                                            hwpack_ok,
+                                            True)
+            self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command,
+                                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+            self.line                       = ""
+            self.saved_lines                = ""
+            self.save_lines                 = False
+            self.state                      = None
+            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
+            self.event_queue.put(("start", "unpack"))
+            while(1):
+                if self.create_process.poll() != None:   # linaro-media-create
+                                                         # has finished.
+                    self.event_queue.put(("terminate"))  # Tell the GUI
+                    return                               # Terminate the thread
+                self.input = self.create_process.stdout.read(1)
+                # We build up lines by extracting data from linaro-media-create
+                # a single character at a time. This is because if we fetch
+                # whole lines, using Popen.communicate a character is
+                # automatically sent back to the running process, which if the
+                # process is waiting for user input, can trigger a default
+                # action. By using stdout.read(1) we pick off a character at a
+                # time and avoid this problem.
+                if self.input == '\n':
+                    if self.save_lines:
+                        self.saved_lines += self.line
+                    self.line = ""
+                else:
+                    self.line += self.input
+                if self.line == "Updating apt package lists ...":
+                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "unpack"))
+                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "installing packages"))
+                    self.state = "apt"
+                elif(self.line ==
+                     "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"):
+                    self.saved_lines = ""
+                    self.save_lines = True
+                elif(self.line ==
+                     "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? "):
+                    self.saved_lines = re.sub("WARNING: The following packages"
+                                              " cannot be authenticated!",
+                                              "", self.saved_lines)
+                    self.event_queue.put(("start",
+                                          "unverified_packages:"
+                                          + self.saved_lines))
+                    self.line = ""
+                    self.waiting_for_event_response = True  # Wait for restart
+                elif self.line == "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ":
+                    self.send_to_create_process("y")
+                    self.line = ""
+                elif self.line == "Done" and self.state == "apt":
+                    self.state = "create file system"
+                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "installing packages"))
+                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "create file system"))
+                elif(    self.line == "Created:"
+                     and self.state == "create file system"):
+                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "create file system"))
+                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "populate file system"))
+                    self.state = "populate file system"
+                while self.waiting_for_event_response:
+                    time.sleep(0.2)
+        def send_to_create_process(self, text):
+            print >> self.create_process.stdin, text
+            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
     def update_files_from_server(self, force_download=False,
         settings_url     = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/fetch_image_settings.yaml"
         server_index_url = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/server_index.bz2"
-        self.settings_file = self.download_if_old(settings_url,
-                                                  event_queue,
-                                                  force_download)
+        self.settings_file = self.downloader.download_if_old(settings_url,
+                                                             event_queue,
+                                                             force_download)
-        self.index_file = self.download_if_old(server_index_url,
-                                               event_queue,
-                                               force_download)
+        self.index_file = self.downloader.download_if_old(server_index_url,
+                                                          event_queue,
+                                                          force_download)
         zip_search = re.search(r"^(.*)\.bz2$", self.index_file)
@@ -1153,9 +1272,13 @@ 
                            (date, hwpack))
             if len(builds):
-                # A hardware pack exists for that date, return what we found
-                # for binaries
-                return binaries
+                # A hardware pack exists for that date, return a list of builds
+                # that exist for both hwpack and binary
+                ret = []
+                for build in builds:
+                    if build in binaries:
+                        ret.append(build)
+                return ret
         # No hardware pack exists for the date requested, return empty table
         return []
@@ -1243,16 +1366,43 @@ 
             count = 0
             while(1):  # Just so we can try several times...
                 if(args['build'] == "latest"):
-                    # First result of SQL query is latest build (ORDER BY)
+                    # Start from today, add 1 day because
+                    # get_next_prev_day_with_builds aways searches from the
+                    # day passed to it, not including that day. This will give
+                    # us the latest build dated today or earlier with both
+                    # a hwpack and OS binary
+                    date = (datetime.date.today() +
+                            datetime.timedelta(days=1)).isoformat()
+                    _, past_date = self.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
+                                           args['image'],
+                                           date,
+                                           [args['hwpack']])
+                    builds = self.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
+                                    args['image'], past_date, [args['hwpack']])
+                    # Work out latest build
+                    build = None
+                    for b in builds:
+                        if build == None or b[0] > build:
+                            build = b[0]
+                    # We store dates in the DB in ISO format with the dashes
+                    # missing
+                    date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
                     image_url = self.get_url("snapshot_binaries",
-                                     ("image", args['image'])],
-                                    "ORDER BY date DESC, build DESC")
+                                     ("image", args['image']),
+                                     ("build", build),
+                                     ("date", date)])
                     hwpack_url = self.get_url("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                     ("hardware", args['hwpack'])],
-                                    "ORDER BY date DESC, build DESC")
+                                     ("hardware", args['hwpack']),
+                                     ("build", build),
+                                     ("date", date)])
                     build_bits = args['build'].split(":")