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[ARM] Fix neon-reload-class.c testcase

Message ID 55715776.30707@linaro.org
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Kugan Vivekanandarajah June 5, 2015, 8:01 a.m. UTC
Hi All,

After my patch for cprop is committed
neon-reload-class.c is failing in arm mode. But this is kind of expected
behaviour so I looked at the original patch related to
neon-reload-class.c, which is:

As I understand, it was added to make sure that these constants are not
created as constant pool. from that point of view it looks like we
should remove the check for movw/movt.

I also checked the asm generated before the constant split for arm
(https://gcc.gnu.org/viewcvs?rev=223235&root=gcc&view=rev) just to be
sure that this is not due to the earlier patch. Reason for this is that
the constant generation has changed compared to what was shown in

I am also attaching the three versions of the neon-reload-class.s.

1. neon-reload-class_before_arm_split.s - before r223235
2. neon-reload-class_before_cprop.s - before r224048
3. neon-reload-class_new.s - after 224048

Is this OK for trunk?



2015-06-05  Kugan Vivekanandarajah  <kuganv@linaro.org>

	* gcc.target/arm/neon-reload-class.c: Remove movw and movt.
.arch armv7-a
	.fpu neon
	.eabi_attribute 20, 1
	.eabi_attribute 21, 1
	.eabi_attribute 23, 3
	.eabi_attribute 24, 1
	.eabi_attribute 25, 1
	.eabi_attribute 26, 2
	.eabi_attribute 30, 2
	.eabi_attribute 34, 1
	.eabi_attribute 18, 4
	.syntax divided
	.file	"neon-reload-class.c"
	.align	2
	.global	_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.type	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, %function
	@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
	@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
	cmp	r2, r1
	bxcs	lr
	stmfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
	add	r6, r1, #3
	add	lr, r2, #4
	add	r4, r2, #16
	sub	r6, r6, lr
	add	r7, r0, #16
	mov	r5, r4
	cmp	r2, r7
	cmpcc	r0, r5
	mov	ip, r6, lsr #2
	mov	r4, r7
	add	r5, ip, #1
	movcs	r4, #1
	movcc	r4, #0
	cmp	r5, #4
	movls	r4, #0
	andhi	r4, r4, #1
	cmp	r4, #0
	beq	.L3
	sub	ip, ip, #3
	cmp	r6, #11
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #2
	add	ip, ip, #1
	mov	r7, ip, asl #2
	bls	.L4
	vdup.32	q10, r3
	mov	r6, r0
	mov	r4, r2
	mov	lr, #0
	vld1.32	{q8}, [r6]
	add	lr, lr, #1
	cmp	ip, lr
	add	r6, r6, #16
	vmov	q9, q8  @ v4si
	vshr.u32	q8, q8, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #255
	vmul.i32	q9, q9, q10
	vmul.i32	q8, q8, q10
	vshr.u32	q9, q9, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #65280
	vadd.i32	q8, q8, q9
	vst1.32	{q8}, [r4]
	add	r4, r4, #16
	bhi	.L5
	cmp	r5, r7
	mov	r7, r7, asl #2
	add	r0, r0, r7
	add	r2, r2, r7
	ldmeqfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	lr, r2, #4
	mov	r5, #255
	mov	r6, #65280
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	movt	r5, 255
	movt	r6, 65280
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, lr
	and	r4, ip, r5
	and	ip, r5, ip, lsr #8
	mul	r4, r3, r4
	mul	ip, r3, ip
	and	r4, r5, r4, lsr #8
	and	ip, ip, r6
	add	ip, ip, r4
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, lr
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	lr, lr, #4
	b	.L7
	mov	r5, #255
	mov	r6, #65280
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	movt	r5, 255
	movt	r6, 65280
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, lr
	and	r4, ip, r5
	and	ip, r5, ip, lsr #8
	mul	r4, r3, r4
	mul	ip, r3, ip
	and	r4, r5, r4, lsr #8
	and	ip, ip, r6
	add	ip, ip, r4
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, lr
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	lr, lr, #4
	b	.L10
	.size	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, .-_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 6.0.0 20150602 (experimental)"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.arch armv7-a
	.fpu neon
	.eabi_attribute 20, 1
	.eabi_attribute 21, 1
	.eabi_attribute 23, 3
	.eabi_attribute 24, 1
	.eabi_attribute 25, 1
	.eabi_attribute 26, 2
	.eabi_attribute 30, 2
	.eabi_attribute 34, 1
	.eabi_attribute 18, 4
	.syntax divided
	.file	"neon-reload-class.c"
	.align	2
	.global	_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.type	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, %function
	@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
	@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
	cmp	r2, r1
	bxcs	lr
	stmfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
	add	r6, r1, #3
	add	r4, r2, #4
	add	lr, r2, #16
	sub	r6, r6, r4
	add	r7, r0, #16
	mov	r5, lr
	cmp	r2, r7
	cmpcc	r0, r5
	mov	ip, r6, lsr #2
	mov	lr, r7
	add	r5, ip, #1
	movcs	lr, #1
	movcc	lr, #0
	cmp	r5, #4
	movls	lr, #0
	andhi	lr, lr, #1
	cmp	lr, #0
	beq	.L3
	sub	ip, ip, #3
	cmp	r6, #11
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #2
	add	ip, ip, #1
	mov	r7, ip, asl #2
	bls	.L4
	vdup.32	q10, r3
	mov	r6, r0
	mov	r4, r2
	mov	lr, #0
	vld1.32	{q8}, [r6]
	add	lr, lr, #1
	cmp	ip, lr
	add	r6, r6, #16
	vmov	q9, q8  @ v4si
	vshr.u32	q8, q8, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #255
	vmul.i32	q9, q9, q10
	vmul.i32	q8, q8, q10
	vshr.u32	q9, q9, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #65280
	vadd.i32	q8, q8, q9
	vst1.32	{q8}, [r4]
	add	r4, r4, #16
	bhi	.L5
	cmp	r5, r7
	mov	r7, r7, asl #2
	add	r0, r0, r7
	add	r2, r2, r7
	ldmeqfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r2, #4
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, r4
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #8
	bic	ip, ip, #-16777216
	mul	r5, r3, r5
	bic	ip, ip, #65280
	mul	lr, r3, ip
	mov	ip, r5, lsr #8
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	ip, lr, #16711680
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	bic	ip, ip, #255
	add	ip, ip, r5
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, r4
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r4, #4
	b	.L7
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, r4
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #8
	bic	ip, ip, #-16777216
	mul	r5, r3, r5
	bic	ip, ip, #65280
	mul	lr, r3, ip
	mov	ip, r5, lsr #8
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	ip, lr, #16711680
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	bic	ip, ip, #255
	add	ip, ip, r5
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, r4
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r4, #4
	b	.L10
	.size	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, .-_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 6.0.0 20150528 (experimental)"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
.arch armv7-a
	.fpu neon
	.eabi_attribute 20, 1
	.eabi_attribute 21, 1
	.eabi_attribute 23, 3
	.eabi_attribute 24, 1
	.eabi_attribute 25, 1
	.eabi_attribute 26, 2
	.eabi_attribute 30, 2
	.eabi_attribute 34, 1
	.eabi_attribute 18, 4
	.syntax divided
	.file	"neon-reload-class.c"
	.align	2
	.global	_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.type	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, %function
	@ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
	@ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
	cmp	r2, r1
	bxcs	lr
	stmfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
	add	r6, r1, #3
	add	r4, r2, #4
	add	lr, r2, #16
	sub	r6, r6, r4
	add	r7, r0, #16
	mov	r5, lr
	cmp	r2, r7
	cmpcc	r0, r5
	mov	ip, r6, lsr #2
	mov	lr, r7
	add	r5, ip, #1
	movcs	lr, #1
	movcc	lr, #0
	cmp	r5, #4
	movls	lr, #0
	andhi	lr, lr, #1
	cmp	lr, #0
	beq	.L3
	sub	ip, ip, #3
	cmp	r6, #11
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #2
	add	ip, ip, #1
	mov	r7, ip, asl #2
	bls	.L4
	vdup.32	q10, r3
	mov	r6, r0
	mov	r4, r2
	mov	lr, #0
	vld1.32	{q8}, [r6]
	add	lr, lr, #1
	cmp	ip, lr
	add	r6, r6, #16
	vmov	q9, q8  @ v4si
	vshr.u32	q8, q8, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #255
	vmul.i32	q9, q9, q10
	vmul.i32	q8, q8, q10
	vshr.u32	q9, q9, #8
	vand.i16	q9, #255
	vand.i16	q8, #65280
	vadd.i32	q8, q8, q9
	vst1.32	{q8}, [r4]
	add	r4, r4, #16
	bhi	.L5
	cmp	r5, r7
	mov	r7, r7, asl #2
	add	r0, r0, r7
	add	r2, r2, r7
	ldmeqfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r2, #4
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, r4
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #8
	bic	ip, ip, #-16777216
	mul	r5, r3, r5
	bic	ip, ip, #65280
	mul	lr, r3, ip
	mov	ip, r5, lsr #8
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	ip, lr, #16711680
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	bic	ip, ip, #255
	add	ip, ip, r5
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, r4
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r4, #4
	b	.L7
	sub	r0, r0, #4
	ldr	ip, [r0, #4]!
	cmp	r1, r4
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	mov	ip, ip, lsr #8
	bic	ip, ip, #-16777216
	mul	r5, r3, r5
	bic	ip, ip, #65280
	mul	lr, r3, ip
	mov	ip, r5, lsr #8
	bic	r5, ip, #-16777216
	bic	ip, lr, #16711680
	bic	r5, r5, #65280
	bic	ip, ip, #255
	add	ip, ip, r5
	str	ip, [r2]
	mov	r2, r4
	ldmlsfd	sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc}
	add	r4, r4, #4
	b	.L10
	.size	_op_blend_p_caa_dp, .-_op_blend_p_caa_dp
	.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 6.0.0 20150520 (experimental)"
	.section	.note.GNU-stack,"",%progbits
diff mbox


diff --git a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/arm/neon-reload-class.c b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/arm/neon-reload-class.c
index c63aa04..48950f7 100644
--- a/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/arm/neon-reload-class.c
+++ b/gcc/testsuite/gcc.target/arm/neon-reload-class.c
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@  _op_blend_p_caa_dp(unsigned *s, unsigned* e, unsigned *d, unsigned c) {
 /* These constants should be emitted as immediates rather than loaded from memory.  */
-/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "(\\.d?word|mov(w|t))" } } */
+/* { dg-final { scan-assembler-not "(\\.d?word)" } } */