diff mbox

[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 498: Removing linaro-fetch-image now that it is a separate project

Message ID 20120306111710.5441.71693.launchpad@ackee.canonical.com
State Accepted
Headers show

Commit Message

James Tunnicliffe March 6, 2012, 11:17 a.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: James Tunnicliffe (dooferlad)
  review: Approve - Paul Sokolovsky (pfalcon)
revno: 498 [merge]
committer: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Tue 2012-03-06 11:12:55 +0000
  Removing linaro-fetch-image now that it is a separate project


You are subscribed to branch lp:linaro-image-tools.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk/+edit-subscription
diff mbox


=== removed file 'linaro-fetch-image'
--- linaro-fetch-image	2011-08-12 15:50:12 +0000
+++ linaro-fetch-image	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
-# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
-# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
-# USA.
-import sys
-import os
-import linaro_image_tools.fetch_image as fetch_image
-import logging
-def main():
-    file_handler = fetch_image.FileHandler()
-    config = fetch_image.FetchImageConfig()
-    # Unfortunately we need to do a bit of a hack here and look for some
-    # options before performing a full options parse.
-    clean_cache = ("--clean-cache" in sys.argv[1:]
-                   or "-x" in sys.argv[1:])
-    force_download = ("--force-download" in sys.argv[1:]
-                      or "-d" in sys.argv[1:])
-    if clean_cache:
-        file_handler.clean_cache()
-    # If the settings file and server index need updating, grab them
-    file_handler.update_files_from_server(force_download)
-    # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
-    # acceptable responses from the user
-    config.read_config(file_handler.settings_file)
-    # Using the settings that the YAML defines as what we need for a build,
-    # generate a command line parser and parse the command line
-    config.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
-    if config.args['platform'] == "snapshot":
-        config.args['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
-    else:
-        config.args['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-    # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in the
-    # server index
-    db = fetch_image.DB(file_handler.index_file)
-    image_url, hwpack_url = db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(config.args)
-    if(image_url and hwpack_url):
-        tools_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-        if tools_dir == '':
-            tools_dir = None
-        file_handler.create_media(image_url, hwpack_url,
-                                  config.args, tools_dir)
-    else:
-        logging.error(
-            "Unable to find files that match the parameters specified")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()

=== removed file 'linaro-fetch-image-ui'
--- linaro-fetch-image-ui	2011-12-13 14:13:26 +0000
+++ linaro-fetch-image-ui	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1760 +0,0 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
-# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
-# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
-# USA.
-import wx
-import wx.html
-import wx.wizard
-import wx.wizard as wiz
-import sys
-import re
-import os
-import linaro_image_tools.fetch_image as fetch_image
-import string
-import operator
-import Queue
-import time
-import datetime
-from linaro_image_tools.fetch_image import (QEMU, HARDWARE)
-from linaro_image_tools.media_create.check_device import (
-    _get_system_bus_and_udisks_iface,
-    _get_dbus_property,
-    )
-import dbus
-def add_button(bind_to,
-               sizer,
-               label,
-               style,
-               select_event,
-               hover_event,
-               unhover_event):
-    """Create a radio button with event bindings."""
-    if(style != None):
-        radio_button = wx.RadioButton(bind_to, label=label, style=style)
-    else:
-        radio_button = wx.RadioButton(bind_to, label=label)
-    sizer.Add(radio_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
-    bind_to.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, select_event, radio_button)
-    wx.EVT_ENTER_WINDOW(radio_button, hover_event)
-    wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(radio_button, unhover_event)
-    return radio_button
-class ReleaseOrSnapshotPage(wiz.PyWizardPage):
-    """Ask the user if they want to use a release or a snapshot"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, pages, width):
-        wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.config = config
-        self.settings = self.config.settings
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.next = None
-        self.prev = None
-        self.db = db
-        self.wizard = parent
-        self.pages = pages
-        self.width = width
-        self.settings['image'] = None
-        self.os_selected = True
-        self.width = width
-        message = ("Would you like to use a Linaro release, or a more up to "
-                   "date, but possibly unstable build?")
-        header = wx.StaticText(self, -1, message)
-        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
-        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.button_text = {'release':  "I would like to run stable, "
-                                        "tested software.",
-                            'snapshot': "I would like to run untested, but "
-                                        "more up-to-date software."}
-        self.rel_btn = add_button(self, self.box1, self.button_text['release'],
-                                  wx.RB_GROUP, self.event_radio_button_select,
-                                  None, None)
-        # Save the setting for the default selected value
-        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-        self.snap_btn = add_button(self, self.box1,
-                                   self.button_text['snapshot'], None,
-                                   self.event_radio_button_select, None, None)
-        self.cp = wx.CollapsiblePane(self, label="Advanced Options",
-                                     style=wx.CP_DEFAULT_STYLE |
-                                           wx.CP_NO_TLW_RESIZE)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COLLAPSIBLEPANE_CHANGED, self.event_on_pane_changed,
-                  self.cp)
-        self.make_pane_content(self.cp.GetPane())
-        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.box2.Add(self.cp, 0)
-        self.help_text_main = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "")
-        self.sizer.Add(header)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.help_text_main, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.cp.SetSizer(self.sizer)
-        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
-        self.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.Move((50, 50))
-    def make_pane_content(self, pane):
-        self.adv_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        message = ("You have the option of selecting from several OS images "
-                   "and builds.")
-        header = wx.StaticText(pane, -1, message)
-        header.Wrap(self.width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 px wide
-        self.adv_box.Add(header)
-        self.grid1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        self.grid2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        self.grid3 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 1, 0, 0)
-        platforms = []
-        for key, value in self.settings['choice']['platform'].items():
-            platforms.append(key)
-        style = wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY
-        self.settings['platform'] = None
-        self.cb_release = wx.ComboBox(pane, style=style)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_cb_release, self.cb_release)
-        self.cb_build = wx.ComboBox(pane, style=style)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_build, self.cb_build)
-        self.cb_image = wx.ComboBox(pane, style=style)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_os, self.cb_image)
-        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(pane, -1, "")
-        alignment = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP
-        align_text = alignment | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL
-        self.grid1.Add(self.cb_image, 0, alignment, 5)
-        self.grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, -1, "The OS to run"),
-                          0, align_text, 5)
-        self.grid2.Add(self.cb_release, 0, alignment, 5)
-        self.grid2.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, -1, "Available Linaro releases"),
-                          0, align_text, 5)
-        self.grid2.Add(self.cb_build, 0, alignment, 5)
-        self.grid2.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, -1, "Available milestones"),
-                          0, align_text, 5)
-        self.adv_box.Add(self.grid1, 0, alignment, 0)
-        self.adv_box.Add(self.grid2, 0, alignment, 0)
-        self.adv_box.Add(self.grid3, 0, alignment, 0)
-        self.update_visibility()
-        self.adv_box.Add(self.help_text, 0, alignment, 5)
-        pane.SetSizer(self.adv_box)
-        self.adv_box.Fit(pane)
-        # The following line is here because when the pane is shown and grid2
-        # is not visible and an option is then selected to make it visible,
-        # the pane does not (and seemingly can not) resize to accommodate
-        # the contents of grid2. This results in some content staying
-        # invisible until the pane is hidden and shown again. This blank bit
-        # of text is just there to bulk up the size of the pane so work around
-        # this. Padding is the size of grid2 / 2 (padding is applied all around
-        # the StaticText).
-        self.grid3.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, -1, ""), 0, align_text,
-                       self.grid2.GetSize().height/2)
-        self.adv_box.Fit(pane)
-    def update_visibility(self):
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-            self.adv_box.Hide(self.grid2, True)
-        else:
-            self.adv_box.Show(self.grid2, True)
-    def update_next_active(self):
-        if self.build_available and self.os_selected:
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
-        else:
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
-    def update_build_box(self):
-        """Depending on what hardware has been chosen, the OS list may be
-        restricted. Filter out anything that is unavailable."""
-        self.cb_build.Clear()
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-            # This combo box is not used by snapshot builds
-            self.cb_build.SetValue("Not applicable")
-            self.build_available = True
-            return
-        builds = self.db.get_builds(self.settings['platform'])
-        self.cb_build.SetValue("No build available")
-        for build in builds:
-            if(self.db.hardware_is_available_for_platform_build(
-                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
-                                          self.settings['platform'],
-                                          build)
-                and self.db.build_is_available_for_platform_image(
-                                "release_binaries",
-                                self.settings['platform'],
-                                self.settings['image'],
-                                build)):
-                self.cb_build.Append(build)
-                self.cb_build.SetValue(build)
-                self.settings['release_build'] = build
-        available_hwpacks = (
-            self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_build_plaform(
-                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
-                                          self.settings['platform'],
-                                          self.settings['release_build']))
-        if len(available_hwpacks):
-            self.settings['hwpack'] = available_hwpacks[0]
-            self.build_available = True
-        else:
-            self.build_available = False
-        self.update_next_active()
-    def update_release_and_build_boxes(self):
-        """Depending on what hardware has been chosen, some builds may be
-           unavailable..."""
-        self.cb_release.Clear()
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-            # This combo box is not used by snapshot builds
-            self.cb_release.SetValue("Not applicable")
-            return
-        if not self.os_selected:
-            self.cb_release.SetValue("-")
-            self.update_build_box()
-            self.update_next_active()
-            return
-        default_release = None
-        for platform, value in self.settings['choice']['platform'].items():
-            if(self.db.hardware_is_available_for_platform(
-                                          self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
-                                          platform)
-               and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                               'select * from release_binaries '
-                               'where platform == ? and image == ?',
-                                (platform, self.settings['image'])))):
-                if platform in self.settings['UI']['translate']:
-                    platform = self.settings['UI']['translate'][platform]
-                self.cb_release.Append(platform, platform.upper())
-                if not default_release or default_release < platform:
-                    default_release = platform
-        if default_release in self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate']:
-            default = self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][default_release]
-        else:
-            default = default_release
-        if not self.settings['platform']:
-            # No platform has been chose, go with the default
-            self.settings['platform'] = default
-            self.cb_release.SetValue(default_release)
-        else:
-            # Don't change the value of platform if it is set.
-            pf = self.settings['UI']['translate'][self.settings['platform']]
-            self.cb_release.SetValue(pf)
-        self.update_build_box()
-        self.update_next_active()
-    def get_human_os_name(self, item):
-        """Given an OS name from the database, return a human name (either
-        translated from the YAML settings, or just prettified) and if it is a
-        LEB OS or not"""
-        item = re.sub("linaro-", "", item)  # Remove any linaro- decoration
-        if item in self.settings['UI']['descriptions']:
-            human_name = self.settings['UI']['descriptions'][item]
-        else:
-            # Make human_name look nicer...
-            human_name = string.capwords(item)
-        leb_search = re.search("^LEB:\s*(.*)$", human_name)
-        if leb_search:
-            return leb_search.group(1), True
-        return human_name, False
-    def fill_os_list(self):
-        """Filter the list of OS's from the config file based on the users
-        preferences so all choices in the list are valid (i.e. their hardware
-        is supported for the build they have chosen)."""
-        # select unique image from snapshot_binaries/release_binaries to
-        # generate list
-        os_list = None
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
-            os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
-        else:
-            os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
-        self.cb_image.Clear()
-        printed_tag = None
-        last_name = None
-        current_image_setting_valid = False
-        for state in ["LEB", "other"]:
-            for item in os_list:
-                if item == "old":
-                    # Old is a directory that sometimes hangs around,
-                    # but isn't one we want to display
-                    continue
-                # Save the original, untouched image name for use later.
-                # We give it a more human name for display
-                original = item
-                item = re.sub("linaro-", "", item)
-                os_hardware_combo_available = (
-                            self.db.image_hardware_combo_available(
-                                    self.settings['release_or_snapshot'],
-                                    original,
-                                    self.settings['compatable_hwpacks']))
-                if os_hardware_combo_available:
-                    human_name, is_LEB = self.get_human_os_name(item)
-                    if item == self.settings['image']:
-                        current_image_setting_valid = True
-                    if state == "LEB" and is_LEB:
-                        if printed_tag != state:
-                            self.cb_image.Append(
-                                            "- Linaro Supported Releases -")
-                            printed_tag = state
-                        self.cb_image.Append(human_name, original)
-                        if self.settings['image'] == None:
-                            self.settings['image'] = original
-                            self.os_selected = True
-                    elif state != "LEB" and not is_LEB:
-                        if printed_tag != state:
-                            self.cb_image.Append(
-                                            "- Community Supported Releases -")
-                            printed_tag = state
-                        self.cb_image.Append(human_name, original)
-                    last_name = original
-        if(    self.settings['image'] != None
-           and current_image_setting_valid == False):
-            # If we have an image setting, but it doesn't match the OS list, we
-            # have switched OS list. It may be that adding/removing "linaro-"
-            # from the name will get a match.
-            if re.search("linaro-", self.settings['image']):
-                test_name = re.sub("linaro-", "", self.settings['image'])
-            else:
-                test_name = "linaro-" + self.settings['image']
-            if test_name in os_list:
-                # Success! We have translated the name and can retain the
-                # "old setting"
-                self.settings['image'] = test_name
-                current_image_setting_valid = True
-                self.os_selected = True
-        if(   self.settings['image'] == None
-           or current_image_setting_valid == False):
-            # This should only get hit if there are no LEBs available
-            self.settings['image'] = last_name
-            self.os_selected = True
-        assert self.settings['image']
-        # Make sure the visible selected value matches the saved setting
-        self.cb_image.SetValue(
-                            self.get_human_os_name(self.settings['image'])[0])
-    def force_rel_snap_if_hw_requires(self):
-        """
-        If a hardware pack is only available on a release or snapshot build
-        then force self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] and grey out the
-        other radio button. Also display a helpful message.
-        """
-        snapshot_ok = False
-        release_ok = False
-        for hwpack in self.settings['compatable_hwpacks']:
-            if self.db.hardware_is_available_in_table("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                                      hwpack):
-                snapshot_ok = True
-            if self.db.hardware_is_available_in_table("release_hwpacks",
-                                                         hwpack):
-                release_ok = True
-        assert release_ok or snapshot_ok, ("release or snapshot should have"
-                                           "a hardware pack available")
-        self.rel_btn.Enable()
-        self.snap_btn.Enable()
-        message = ""
-        if not release_ok:
-            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
-            self.rel_btn.Disable()
-            self.rel_btn.SetValue(False)
-            self.snap_btn.SetValue(True)
-            message = ("The hardware you have chosen is only available for "
-                       "snapshot builds, so release builds have been disabled")
-        if not snapshot_ok:
-            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-            self.snap_btn.Disable()
-            self.snap_btn.SetValue(False)
-            self.rel_btn.SetValue(True)
-            message = ("The hardware you have chosen is only available for "
-                       "release builds, so snapshot builds have been disabled")
-        self.help_text_main.SetLabel(message)
-        self.help_text_main.Wrap(self.width - 10)
-    def GetNext(self):
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
-            return self.pages['lmc_settings']
-        else:
-            return self.pages['select_snapshot']
-    def GetPrev(self):
-        return self.pages['hardware_details']
-    #--- Event(s) ---
-    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
-        # The radio button can be release or snapshot
-        self.radio_selected = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel()
-        if self.radio_selected == self.button_text['release']:
-            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-        else:
-            self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
-        self.event_on_pane_changed(event)
-    def event_on_pane_changed(self, event):
-        self.fill_os_list()
-        self.update_release_and_build_boxes()
-        self.update_visibility()
-        self.Layout()
-        self.update_next_active()
-    def event_cb_release(self, evt):
-        str = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
-        if str in self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate']:
-            str = self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][str]
-        self.settings['platform'] = str
-        self.update_build_box()
-    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
-        self.settings['release_build'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii')
-    def event_combo_box_os(self, evt):
-        self.settings['image'] = self.cb_image.GetClientData(
-                                                            evt.GetSelection())
-        if self.settings['image']:  # Is None for items that aren't an OS
-            self.os_selected = True
-            image = re.sub("linaro-", "", self.settings['image'])
-            if image + "::long" in self.settings['UI']['descriptions']:
-                self.help_text.SetLabel(self.settings['UI']
-                                                     ['descriptions']
-                                                     [image + "::long"])
-            else:
-                self.help_text.SetLabel("")
-        else:  # Have selected help text
-            self.os_selected = False
-            self.help_text.SetLabel("Please select an operating system to run "
-                                    "on your chosen hardware.")
-        self.help_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
-        self.update_release_and_build_boxes()
-        self.update_next_active()
-    #--- END event(s) ---
-class AboutMyHardwarePage(wiz.PyWizardPage):
-    """Ask the user about their hardware. This only asks about the board, not
-       any specific hardware packs because there can be multiple names for the
-       same hardware pack or sometimes a hardware pack is only available in the
-       releases or snapshots repository. We whittle down the choice as we go
-       and the user can chose a hardare pack (if they don't like the default)
-       under advanced options in the Linaro Media Create options
-       page"""
-    def __init__(self, parent, config, db):
-        wiz.PyWizardPage.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.settings = config.settings
-        self.db = db
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.next = None
-        message = """\
-This Wizard will write an operating system of your choosing to either a disk
-image or to an MMC card. First we need to know what hardware you have."""
-        header = wx.StaticText(self, label=message)
-        #--- Hardware Combo Box ---
-        # Make sure that the displayed release is the one set in settings if
-        # no selection is made
-        if "panda" in self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys():
-            default_hardware = "panda"
-        else:
-            default_hardware = self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()[-1]
-        self.settings['hardware'] = default_hardware
-        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = (
-                self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
-        self.cb_hardware = wx.ComboBox(self,
-                            value=self.settings['choice']
-                                               ['hardware']
-                                               [default_hardware],
-                            style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,
-                  self.event_combo_box_hardware,
-                  self.cb_hardware)
-        file_dev_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 1, 0, 0)
-        line_1_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        self.box2.Add(file_dev_grid, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        # self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] should match the first
-        # button below...
-        self.button_text = {'hardware': "I have a",
-                            'sim': "I want to run on a hardware simulation."}
-        self.settings['hw_or_qemu'] = HARDWARE
-        add_button(self,
-                   line_1_grid,
-                   self.button_text['hardware'],
-                   wx.RB_GROUP,
-                   self.event_radio_button_select,
-                   None, None)
-        line_1_grid.Add(self.cb_hardware)
-        file_dev_grid.Add(line_1_grid)
-        add_button(self,
-                   file_dev_grid,
-                   self.button_text['sim'],
-                   None,
-                   self.event_radio_button_select,
-                   None, None)
-        self.sizer.Add(header)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
-        self.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.Move((50, 50))
-    def on_page_changing(self):
-        self.update_hardware_box()
-    def update_hardware_box(self):
-        self.cb_hardware.Clear()
-        sorted_hardware_names = sorted(self.settings['choice']['hardware']
-                                                                  .iteritems(),
-                                       key=operator.itemgetter(1))
-        for device_name, human_readable_name in sorted_hardware_names:
-            for hwpack in self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][device_name]:
-                if(self.db.hardware_is_available_in_table("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                                          hwpack)
-                   or self.db.hardware_is_available_in_table("release_hwpacks",
-                                                             hwpack)):
-                    self.cb_hardware.Append(human_readable_name, device_name)
-                    break
-    #--- Event(s) ---
-    def event_combo_box_hardware(self, event):
-        self.settings['hardware'] = (event
-                                     .GetEventObject()
-                                      .GetClientData(event.GetSelection())
-                                       .encode('ascii'))
-        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = (
-                self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
-    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
-        val = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel()
-        if val == self.button_text['sim']:
-            self.settings['hw_or_qemu'] = QEMU
-            assert "beagle" in self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()
-            self.settings['hardware'] = "beagle"
-            self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = (
-                self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
-        elif val == self.button_text['hardware']:
-            self.settings['hw_or_qemu'] = HARDWARE
-    #--- END event(s) ---
-    def SetNext(self, next):
-        self.next = next
-    def GetNext(self):
-        return self.next
-class SelectSnapshot(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
-    """Present the user with a calendar widget and a list of builds available
-    on the selected date so they can chose a snapshot. Filter out days when
-    their chosen hardware does not have an available build."""
-    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
-        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.settings = config.settings
-        self.db = db
-        self.wizard = parent
-        self.width = width
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        header = wx.StaticText(self,
-                               label="Builds are created most days. First "
-                                     "please select the day on which the "
-                                     "build you would like to use was built,"
-                                     " then, if there was more than one "
-                                     "build that day you will be able to "
-                                     "select the build number.")
-        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
-        box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.sizer.Add(header)
-        # Set today as the default build date in settings
-        # (matches the date picker)
-        self.today = wx.DateTime()
-        self.today.SetToCurrent()
-        self.settings['build_date'] = self.today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii')
-        dpc = wx.DatePickerCtrl(self, size=(120, -1),
-                                style=wx.DP_DEFAULT)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_DATE_CHANGED, self.on_date_changed, dpc)
-        #--- Build number Combo Box ---
-        # Make sure that the displayed build is the one set in settings if no
-        # selection is made
-        self.settings['build_number'] = 0
-        self.update_build()
-        self.cb_build = wx.ComboBox(self,
-                                    style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_build, self.cb_build)
-        #--- Layout ---
-        # -- Combo boxes for hardware and image selection --
-        grid2 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        grid2.Add(dpc, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        grid2.Add(self.cb_build, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        box1.Add(grid2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(self)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.help_text, 1, wx.EXPAND, 5)
-        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
-        self.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.Move((50, 50))
-    def update_platform(self):
-        build_and_date = self.settings['snapshot_build'].split(":")
-        if len(build_and_date) == 2:
-            self.settings['platform'] = (
-                    self.db.execute_return_list(
-                            "select platform from snapshot_binaries "
-                            "where date == ? and build == ?",
-                            (build_and_date[0], build_and_date[1])))
-            if len(self.settings['platform']) > 0:
-                self.settings['platform'] = self.settings['platform'][0][0]
-    def update_build(self):
-        small_date = re.sub('-', '', self.settings['build_date'])
-        self.settings['snapshot_build'] = (small_date
-                                           + ":"
-                                           + str(self.settings['build_number']))
-    def fill_build_combo_box_for_date(self, date):
-        """Every time a date is chosen, this function should be called. It will
-        check to see if a compatible build is available. If there isn't, it
-        will search for one and provide some help text to tell the user when
-        compatable builds were built."""
-        # Re-populate the build combo box
-        self.cb_build.Clear()
-        builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
-                                      self.settings['image'],
-                                      date,
-                                      self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'])
-        if len(builds):
-            max = 0
-            for item in builds:
-                #Always get a tuple, only interested in the first entry
-                item = item[0]
-                self.cb_build.Append(item, item.upper())
-                if item > max:
-                    max = item
-            self.cb_build.SetValue(max)
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
-            self.help_text.SetLabel("")
-        else:
-            self.cb_build.SetValue("No builds available")
-            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
-                                           self.settings['image'],
-                                           date,
-                                           self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'])
-            help_text = None
-            if future_date and past_date:
-                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
-                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
-                             "The previous build was on " + past_date +
-                             " and the next build was on " + future_date + ".")
-            elif future_date:
-                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
-                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
-                             "The next build was on " + future_date +
-                             " and I couldn't find a past build (looked one "
-                             "year back from the selected date).")
-            elif past_date:
-                help_text = ("There are no builds that match your "
-                             "specifications available on the selected date. "
-                             "The previous build was on " + past_date)
-                if date != self.today.FormatISODate().encode('ascii'):
-                    help_text += (" and I couldn't find a future build (I "
-                                  "looked up to one year forward from the "
-                                  "selected date).")
-            else:
-                help_text = ("I could not find any builds that match your "
-                             "specifications close to the selected date (I "
-                             "looked forward and back one year from the "
-                             "selected date).")
-            self.help_text.SetLabel(help_text)
-            self.help_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
-    #--- Event(s) ---
-    def on_date_changed(self, evt):
-        self.settings['build_date'] = evt.GetDate().FormatISODate().encode('ascii')
-        self.fill_build_combo_box_for_date(self.settings['build_date'])
-        self.update_build()
-    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
-        self.settings['build_number'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
-        self.update_build()
-    #--- END event(s) ---
-class LMC_settings(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
-    """Present the user with, intially, the choice of writing the file system
-    they are going to have created to a file, or directly to a device. Ask
-    which file/device to write to.
-    If writing to a device, the user is asked to tick a box saying that they
-    understand that the device they have chosen will be erased.
-    If the user ticks the advanced box, more options are shown."""
-    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
-        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.settings = config.settings
-        self.wizard = parent
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.yes_use_mmc = False
-        self.db = db
-        self.settings['path_selected'] = ""
-        header = wx.StaticText(self,
-                               label="Media Creation Settings\n\n"
-                               "Please select if you would like to write the "
-                               "file system I am about to create to a memory "
-                               "card, or to a file on the local file system.")
-        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
-        #--- Layout ---
-        self.sizer.Add(header, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        file_dev_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        box1.Add(file_dev_grid, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        # self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] should match the first
-        # button below...
-        self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] = "file"
-        self.file_button = add_button(
-                   self,
-                   file_dev_grid,
-                   "Write to file",
-                   wx.RB_GROUP,
-                   self.event_radio_button_select,
-                   None, None)
-        self.device_button = add_button(
-                   self,
-                   file_dev_grid,
-                   "Write to device",
-                   None,
-                   self.event_radio_button_select,
-                   None, None)
-        self.help_text_values = {"device": "Please select a device to write "
-                                           "the file system to:",
-                                 "file":   "Please select a file to write the "
-                                           "file system to:"}
-        self.help_text = wx.StaticText(
-                             self,
-                             label=self.help_text_values[
-                                     self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']])
-        self.help_text.Wrap(width - 10)
-        #-- File/dev picker --
-        file_browse_button = wx.Button(self, -1, "Browse")
-        file_browse_grid   = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        self.file_path_and_name = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", size=(300, -1))
-        file_browse_grid.Add(self.file_path_and_name, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        file_browse_grid.Add(file_browse_button, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,
-                  self.event_open_file_control,
-                  file_browse_button)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT,
-                  self.event_file_path_and_name,
-                  self.file_path_and_name)
-        box1.Add(self.help_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        box1.Add(file_browse_grid, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-        # Advanced settings collapsible pane
-        self.cp = wx.CollapsiblePane(self, label="Advanced Options",
-                                     style=wx.CP_DEFAULT_STYLE |
-                                           wx.CP_NO_TLW_RESIZE)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COLLAPSIBLEPANE_CHANGED, self.event_on_pane_changed,
-                  self.cp)
-        self.make_pane_content(self.cp.GetPane())
-        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.box2.Add(self.cp)
-        self.sizer.Add(box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 0)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 0)
-        self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
-        self.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.Move((50, 50))
-    def make_pane_content(self, pane):
-        self.box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        grid1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        #--- Build some widgets ---
-        #-- Target file system --
-        file_systems = ["ext4", "btrfs", "ext3", "ext2"]
-        default_target = file_systems[0]
-        self.settings['rootfs'] = default_target
-        cb_rootfs = wx.ComboBox(pane,
-                                value=default_target,
-                                style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
-        for item in file_systems:
-            cb_rootfs.Append(item, item.upper())
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.event_combo_box_rootfs, cb_rootfs)
-        #-- Image size spinner
-        self.image_size_spinner = wx.SpinCtrl(pane, -1, "")
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,
-                  self.event_image_size,
-                  self.image_size_spinner)
-        #-- Swap size spinner
-        self.swap_size_spinner = wx.SpinCtrl(pane, -1, "")
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,
-                  self.event_swap_size,
-                  self.swap_size_spinner)
-        alignment = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP
-        grid1.Add(cb_rootfs, 0, alignment, 5)
-        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(pane,
-                                label="The root file system of the image"),
-                                0, alignment, 5)
-        # We want to sub-devide the cell, to add another grid sizer...
-        file_size_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 0, 0)
-        grid1.Add(file_size_grid,
-                  0,
-                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP)
-        # Add a spinner that allows us to type/click a numerical value (defined above)
-        file_size_grid.Add(self.image_size_spinner,
-                           0,
-                           alignment,
-                           5)
-        # Add a choice of MB or GB for size input
-        units = ["GB", "MB"]
-        self.size_unit = units[0]  # Set the default unit
-        unit_choice = wx.Choice(pane, -1, (100, 50), choices=units)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.event_chose_unit, unit_choice)
-        file_size_grid.Add(unit_choice, 0, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.TOP, 5)
-        # Back out of the extra grid, add some help text
-        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(
-                            pane,
-                            label="Writing to file only: Image file size"),
-                            0,
-                            alignment,
-                            5)
-        # The swap size (MB only)
-        grid1.Add(self.swap_size_spinner,
-                  0,
-                  alignment,
-                  5)
-        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, label="Swap file size in MB"),
-                  0,
-                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                  5)
-        self.cb_hwpacks = wx.ComboBox(
-                                pane,
-                                value=self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'][0],
-                                style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY)
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX,
-                  self.event_combo_box_hwpack,
-                  self.cb_hwpacks)
-        grid1.Add(self.cb_hwpacks,
-                  0,
-                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                  5)
-        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(pane, label="Compatible hardware packs"),
-                  0,
-                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                  5)
-        desc_link = wx.HyperlinkCtrl(
-                                pane, id=-1, url="",
-                                label="Hardware pack descriptions")
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_HYPERLINK, self.event_hwpack_link, desc_link)
-        grid1.Add(desc_link,
-                  0,
-                  wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                  5)
-        self.box.Add(grid1, 0, alignment, 0)
-        pane.SetSizer(self.box)
-        self.box.Fit(pane)
-    def on_activate(self):
-        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
-        self.set_hwpacks_for_hardware()
-        self.update_dev_file_buttons()
-    def update_dev_file_buttons(self):
-        if self.settings['hw_or_qemu'] == QEMU:
-            self.device_button.Disable()
-            self.device_button.SetValue(False)
-            self.file_button.SetValue(True)
-        else:
-            self.device_button.Enable()
-    def set_hwpacks_for_hardware(self):
-        self.cb_hwpacks.Clear()
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['snapshot_build']
-            date_and_build = self.settings['build'].split(":")
-            compatable_hwpacks = (
-                self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_snapshot_build(
-                                        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
-                                        self.settings['platform'],
-                                        date_and_build[0],
-                                        date_and_build[1]))
-        else:
-            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['release_build']
-            compatable_hwpacks = (
-                self.db.get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_build_plaform(
-                                        self.settings['compatable_hwpacks'],
-                                        self.settings['platform'],
-                                        self.settings['build']))
-        for hwpack in compatable_hwpacks:
-            self.cb_hwpacks.Append(hwpack)
-        self.cb_hwpacks.SetStringSelection(compatable_hwpacks[0])
-        self.settings['hwpack'] = compatable_hwpacks[0]
-    def update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible(self):
-        if(    self.settings['path_selected']
-           and self.settings['path_selected'] != ""):
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
-        else:
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
-    # --- Event Handlers ---
-    def event_on_pane_changed(self, event):
-        self.Layout()
-    def event_open_file_control(self, event):
-        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
-            dlg = wx.FileDialog(self,
-                                message="Save file as ...",
-                                defaultDir=os.getcwd(),
-                                defaultFile="",
-                                style=wx.SAVE)
-        elif self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device":
-            dlg = DevChoser(self, -1, "Please chose a device", self.settings)
-        result = dlg.ShowModal()
-        file_or_dev = self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']
-        if result == wx.ID_OK or file_or_dev == "device":
-            # The dev chooser doesn't do ok/cancel, it just finishes.
-            if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
-                self.settings['path_selected'] = dlg.GetPaths()[0]
-            self.file_path_and_name.SetValue(self.settings['path_selected'])
-        dlg.Destroy()
-        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
-    def event_file_path_and_name(self, event):
-        self.settings['path_selected'] = event.GetString()
-        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
-    def event_combo_box_hwpack(self, event):
-        self.settings['hwpack'] = event.GetString().encode('ascii')
-    def event_combo_box_rootfs(self, evt):
-        self.settings['rootfs'] = evt.GetString().encode('ascii').lower()
-    def event_hwpack_link(self, event):
-        hw_desc = self.settings['UI']['hwpack-descriptions']
-        body = "<h3>%s</h3><ul>" % self.settings['hardware']
-        for hwpack in self.cb_hwpacks.GetItems():
-            desc = ''
-            if hw_desc.has_key(hwpack):
-                desc = " - %s" % hw_desc[hwpack]
-            body += "<li><b>%s</b><i>%s</i></li>" % (hwpack, desc)
-        body += "</ul>"
-        HtmlDialog( event.GetEventObject().GetParent(),
-                    "Hardware Pack Descriptions: %s",
-                    body)
-    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
-        """Search the label of the button that has been selected to work out
-        what we are writing to."""
-        setting_search = re.search(
-                            "write to (\w+)",
-                            event
-                             .GetEventObject()
-                              .GetLabel()
-                               .encode('ascii')
-                                .lower())
-        assert setting_search
-        self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] = setting_search.group(1)
-        self.help_text.SetLabel(
-               self.help_text_values[self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']])
-        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
-    def event_pick_file_path(self, evt):
-        self.settings['path_selected'] = os.path.abspath(evt.GetPath())
-        self.update_forward_active_and_mmc_confirm_box_visible()
-    def update_image_size_setting(self):
-        if(self.image_size_spinner.GetValue() > 0):
-            self.settings['image_size'] = (str(self.image_size_spinner
-                                                                 .GetValue())
-                                           + self.size_unit[0])
-        else:
-            self.settings['image_size'] = None
-    def event_image_size(self, event):
-        self.update_image_size_setting()
-    def event_chose_unit(self, event):
-        self.size_unit = event.GetString()
-        self.update_image_size_setting()
-    def event_swap_size(self, event):
-        self.settings['swap_file'] = str(self.image_size_spinner.GetValue())
-class HtmlDialog(wx.Dialog):
-    def __init__(self, parent, title, content):
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)
-        html = wx.html.HtmlWindow(self)
-        html.SetPage(content)
-        self.SetSize(wx.Size(500,450))
-        self.ShowModal()
-        self.Destroy()
-class DevChoser(wx.Dialog):
-    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, settings):
-        self.settings = settings
-        wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title)
-        vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        dev_info = self.get_device_info()
-        dev_number = 1
-        grid1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, len(dev_info[0].keys())+1, 0, 0)
-        group = wx.RB_GROUP
-        alignment = wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP
-        keys = dev_info[0].keys()
-        grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label=""))
-        for key in keys:
-            grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label=key), 0, alignment, 5)
-        self.id_dev_map = {}
-        first = True
-        for info in dev_info:
-            button = add_button(self, grid1, str(dev_number), group,
-                                self.event_radio_button_select, None, None)
-            group = None
-            for key in keys:
-                message = info[key]
-                grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label=message), 0, alignment, 5)
-                if key == "path":
-                    self.id_dev_map[str(dev_number)] = info[key]
-                    if self.settings['path_selected'] == info[key]:
-                        button.SetValue(True)
-                    if first and not self.settings['path_selected']:
-                         self.settings['path_selected'] = info[key]
-            dev_number += 1
-        vbox.Add(grid1)
-        hbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-        okButton = wx.Button(self, -1, 'Use Selected Device')
-        okButton.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCloseMe)
-        hbox.Add(okButton, 1)
-        vbox.Add(hbox, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 10)
-        vbox.Fit(self)
-        self.SetSizer(vbox)
-    def event_radio_button_select(self, event):
-        val = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel()
-        self.settings['path_selected'] = self.id_dev_map[val]
-    def get_device_info(self):
-        """Get information about devices found on the system.
-        """
-        bus, udisks = _get_system_bus_and_udisks_iface()
-        devices = udisks.get_dbus_method('EnumerateDevices')()
-        devices.sort()
-        dev_info = []
-        for path in devices:
-            device = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", path)
-            props = ['drive-model', 'drive-vendor',
-                     'drive-connection-interface', 'drive-media']
-            info = {'path': _get_dbus_property('DeviceFile', device, path)}
-            if(not _get_dbus_property('device-is-partition', device, path) and
-               _get_dbus_property('device-is-media-available', device, path)):
-                for prop in props:
-                    info[prop] = str(_get_dbus_property(prop, device, path))
-                dev_info.append(info)
-        return dev_info
-    def OnCloseMe(self, event):
-        self.Close(True)
-    def OnCloseWindow(self, event):
-        self.Destroy()
-class RunLMC(wiz.WizardPageSimple):
-    """Present the user with some information about their choices and a button
-    to start linaro-media-create. The linaro-media-create process is started in
-    a new thread and important events are communicated back to the UI through a
-    queue."""
-    def __init__(self, parent, config, db, width):
-        wiz.WizardPageSimple.__init__(self, parent)
-        self.settings = config.settings
-        self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.db = db
-        self.width = width
-        self.wizard = parent
-        header = wx.StaticText(self, label="""Installing...""")
-        header.Wrap(width - 10)  # -10 because boarder below is 5 pixels wide
-        self.sizer.Add(header)
-        self.box1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        # We expect to print 4 lines of information, reserve space using blank
-        # lines.
-        self.settings_summary_text = wx.StaticText(self, label="\n\n\n\n")
-        self.settings_summary_text.Wrap(width - 10)
-        self.box1.Add(self.settings_summary_text, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.start_button = wx.Button(self, 10, "Start", (20, 20))
-        self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.start_lmc, self.start_button)
-        self.start_button.SetToolTipString("Start creating an image, using the"
-                                           "above settings.")
-        self.start_button.SetSize(self.start_button.GetBestSize())
-        self.box1.Add(self.start_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.download_guage = wx.Gauge(self,
-                                       -1,
-                                       1000,
-                                       size=(self.width * 2 / 3, 25))
-        self.status_grid = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2)
-        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Downloading files"),
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.downloading_files_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.downloading_files_status,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.download_guage,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.downloading_files_info = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.downloading_files_info,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Unpacking downloads"),
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.unpacking_files_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.unpacking_files_status,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Installing packages"),
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.installing_packages_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.installing_packages_status,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Create file system"),
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.create_file_system_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.create_file_system_status,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.status_grid.Add(wx.StaticText(self, label="Populate file system"),
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.populate_file_system_status = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.status_grid.Add(self.populate_file_system_status,
-                             0,
-                             wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.TOP,
-                             5)
-        self.box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-        self.blank = wx.StaticText(self, label="")  # Just like a spacer GIF...
-        self.messages = wx.StaticText(self, label="")
-        self.box2.Add(self.blank, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.box2.Add(self.messages, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box1, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.status_grid, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.sizer.Add(self.box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL, 5)
-        self.SetSizerAndFit(self.sizer)
-        self.sizer.Fit(self)
-        self.Move((50, 50))
-    def on_activate(self):
-        """Called just before the page is displayed to update the text based on
-        the users preferences."""
-        # The build is stored in different forms depending on if we are using a
-        # release or snapshot but from here on in it is a common value
-        if self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['snapshot_build']
-        else:
-            self.settings['build'] = self.settings['release_build']
-        settings_summary = ("Press start to create an image with the "
-                            "following settings:\n")
-        settings_summary += "Operating System: " + self.settings['image'] + "\n"
-        settings_summary += "Hardware: " + self.settings['hardware'] + "\n"
-        # Assumption is that a file may be in a long path, we don't know how
-        # big the font is and we don't want to allow the path to run off the
-        # end of the line, so if a file is chosen, just show the file name.
-        # Devices are (probably) /dev/some_short_name and the user really needs
-        # to check them, so we show the whole thing.
-        path = self.settings['path_selected']
-        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
-            path = self.settings['path_selected'].split(os.sep)[-1]
-        settings_summary += (  "Writing image to "
-                             + self.settings['write_to_file_or_device']
-                             + " "
-                             + path)
-        self.settings_summary_text.SetLabel(settings_summary)
-        self.settings_summary_text.Wrap(self.width - 10)
-    def start_lmc(self, event):
-        """Start a thread that runs linaro-media-create and a timer, which
-        checks for UI updates every 100ms"""
-        if self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "file":
-            self.settings['image_file'] = self.settings['path_selected']
-        elif self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] == "device":
-            self.settings['mmc'] = self.settings['path_selected']
-            title = 'Are you sure?'
-            text = "Completely erase {0}?".format(self.settings['mmc'])
-            dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, text, title,
-                                  wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION)
-            if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
-                return
-        else:
-            assert False, ("self.config.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] "
-                           "was an unexpected value"
-                           + self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'])
-        image_url, hwpack_url = self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings)
-        # Currently the UI is blocked when LMC is running, so grey out the
-        # buttons to indicate to the user that they won't work!
-        self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_BACKWARD).Disable()
-        self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_CANCEL).Disable()
-        if(image_url and hwpack_url):
-            self.file_handler = fetch_image.FileHandler()
-            self.timer = wx.Timer(self)
-            self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.timer_ping, self.timer)
-            self.timer.Start(milliseconds=100, oneShot=True)
-            tools_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-            if tools_dir == '':
-                tools_dir = None
-            self.start_button.Disable()
-            self.event_queue = Queue.Queue()
-            self.lmc_thread = self.file_handler.LinaroMediaCreate(
-                                                    image_url,
-                                                    hwpack_url,
-                                                    self.file_handler,
-                                                    self.event_queue,
-                                                    self.settings,
-                                                    tools_dir)
-            self.lmc_thread.start()
-        else:
-            print >> sys.stderr, ("Unable to find files that match the"
-                                  "parameters specified")
-    def timer_ping(self, event):
-        """During start_lmc a timer is started to poll for events from
-        linaro-media-create every 100ms. This is the function which is called
-        to do that polling."""
-        while not self.event_queue.empty():
-            event = self.event_queue.get()
-            if event[0] == "start":
-                self.event_start(event[1])
-            elif event[0] == "end":
-                self.event_end(event[1])
-            elif event == "terminate" or event == "abort":
-                # Process complete. Enable next button.
-                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
-                if event == "terminate":
-                    self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
-                else:
-                    self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Failed")
-                return  # Even if queue isn't empty, stop processing it
-            elif event[0] == "update":
-                self.event_update(event[1], event[2], event[3])
-            elif event[0] == "message":
-                self.messages.SetLabel(event[1])
-            else:
-                print >> sys.stderr, "timer_ping: Unhandled event", event
-        self.timer.Start(milliseconds=50, oneShot=True)
-    def unsigned_packages_query(self, package_list):
-        message = ('In order to continue, I need to install some unsigned'
-                   'packages into the image. Is this OK? The packages are:'
-                   '\n\n' + package_list)
-        dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,
-                               message,
-                               'Install Unsigned Packages Into Image?',
-                               wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT)
-        choice = dlg.ShowModal()
-        dlg.Destroy()
-        return choice == wx.ID_YES
-    #--- Event(s) ---
-    def event_start(self, event):
-        if event == "download":
-            pass
-        elif event == "unpack":
-            self.unpacking_files_status.SetLabel("Running")
-        elif event == "installing packages":
-            self.installing_packages_status.SetLabel("Running")
-        elif re.search('^unverified_packages:', event):
-            # Get rid of event ID and whitespace invariance
-            packages = " ".join(event.split()[1:])
-            install_unsigned_packages = self.unsigned_packages_query(packages)
-            if install_unsigned_packages == False:
-                # TODO: Tidy up other threads
-                sys.exit(1)
-            else:
-                self.lmc_thread.send_to_create_process("y")
-        elif event == "create file system":
-            self.create_file_system_status.SetLabel("Running")
-        elif event == "populate file system":
-            self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Running")
-        else:
-            print "Unhandled start event:", event
-    def event_end(self, event):
-        if event == "download":
-            self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel("Done")
-        elif event == "unpack":
-            self.unpacking_files_status.SetLabel("Done")
-        elif event == "installing packages":
-            self.installing_packages_status.SetLabel("Done")
-        elif event == "create file system":
-            self.create_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
-        elif event == "populate file system":
-            self.populate_file_system_status.SetLabel("Done")
-        else:
-            print "Unhhandled end event:", event
-    def event_update(self, task, update_type, value):
-        if task == "download":
-            if update_type == "progress":
-                self.total_bytes_downloaded += value
-                time_difference = time.time() - self.old_time
-                if time_difference > 1.0:
-                    self.old_time = time.time()
-                    # More than a second has passed since we calculated data
-                    # rate
-                    speed = (  float(  self.total_bytes_downloaded
-                                     - self.old_bytes_downloaded)
-                             / time_difference)
-                    self.old_bytes_downloaded = self.total_bytes_downloaded
-                    self.speeds.append(speed)
-                    average_speed = 0
-                    speeds_accumulated = 0
-                    for speed in reversed(self.speeds):
-                        average_speed += speed
-                        speeds_accumulated += 1
-                        if speeds_accumulated == 6:
-                            break  # do rolling average of 6 seconds
-                    average_speed /= speeds_accumulated
-                    time_remaining = (  (  self.total_bytes_to_download
-                                         - self.total_bytes_downloaded)
-                                      / speed)
-                    pretty_time = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(
-                                                              time_remaining)))
-                    # Following table assumes we don't get past TBps internet
-                    # connections soon :-)
-                    units = ["Bps", "kBps", "MBps", "GBps", "TBps"]
-                    units_index = 0
-                    while speed > 1024:
-                        speed /= 1024
-                        units_index += 1
-                    info = "Downloading at {0:.1f} {1}".format(
-                                                         speed,
-                                                         units[units_index])
-                    self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel(info)
-                    info = "{0} remaining".format(
-                                                         pretty_time)
-                    self.downloading_files_info.SetLabel(info)
-                self.download_guage.SetValue(  1000
-                                             * self.total_bytes_downloaded
-                                             / self.total_bytes_to_download)
-            elif update_type == "total bytes":
-                self.old_time = time.time()
-                self.old_bytes_downloaded = 0
-                self.total_bytes_to_download = value
-                self.total_bytes_downloaded = 0
-                self.speeds = []  # keep an array of speeds used to calculate
-                # the estimated time remaining - by not just using the
-                # current speed we can stop the ETA bouncing around too much.
-            elif update_type == "message":
-                self.downloading_files_status.SetLabel(value)
-    def event_combo_box_release(self, evt):
-        pass
-    def event_combo_box_build(self, evt):
-        pass
-    #--- END event(s) ---
-class TestDriveWizard(wx.wizard.Wizard):
-    def __init__(self, title):
-        wx.wizard.Wizard.__init__(self, None, -1, title, wx.NullBitmap)
-        self.Bind(wx.wizard.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING, self.on_page_changing)
-    def on_page_changing(self, evt):
-        """Executed before the page changes."""
-        hw_details_pg = self.pages['hardware_details']
-        rel_or_snap_pg = self.pages['release_or_snapshot']
-        select_snap_pg = self.pages['select_snapshot']
-        lmc_settings_pg = self.pages['lmc_settings']
-        page = evt.GetPage()
-        if evt.GetDirection():  # If going forwards...
-            # Always enable back button if going forwards
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_BACKWARD).Enable()
-            # If going from a select snapshot or select release page, record
-            # which we were on so the back button of the next page works
-            if self.config.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
-                lmc_settings_pg.SetPrev(rel_or_snap_pg)
-            else:
-                select_snap_pg.SetNext(lmc_settings_pg)
-                lmc_settings_pg.SetPrev(select_snap_pg)
-                select_snap_pg.SetPrev(rel_or_snap_pg)
-                if page == rel_or_snap_pg:
-                    select_snap_pg.fill_build_combo_box_for_date(
-                                            self.config.settings['build_date'])
-            if page == hw_details_pg:
-                rel_or_snap_pg.force_rel_snap_if_hw_requires()
-                rel_or_snap_pg.fill_os_list()
-                rel_or_snap_pg.update_release_and_build_boxes()
-            if page == select_snap_pg:
-                # Execute when exiting page
-                select_snap_pg.update_platform()
-            if(   page == select_snap_pg
-               or (page == rel_or_snap_pg and
-                   self.config.settings['release_or_snapshot'] == "release")):
-                lmc_settings_pg.on_activate()
-            if page == lmc_settings_pg:
-                # Forward stays disabled until LMC has finished running
-                self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Disable()
-                self.pages['run_lmc'].on_activate()
-        else:  # Always enable the forward button if reversing into a page
-            self.wizard.FindWindowById(wx.ID_FORWARD).Enable()
-    def go(self):
-        file_handler = fetch_image.FileHandler()
-        self.config = fetch_image.FetchImageConfig()
-        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
-        self.config.settings['compatable_hwpacks'] = ['foo']
-        # If the settings file and server index need updating, grab them
-        file_handler.update_files_from_server()
-        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
-        # acceptable responses from the user
-        self.config.read_config(file_handler.settings_file)
-        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in
-        # the server index
-        db = fetch_image.DB(file_handler.index_file)
-        # Create the wizard and the pages
-        self.wizard = wiz.Wizard(self, -1, "Linaro Media Builder")
-        self.pages = {}
-        self.pages['hardware_details']  = AboutMyHardwarePage(self.wizard,
-                                                              self.config,
-                                                              db)
-        self.wizard.FitToPage(self.pages['hardware_details'])
-        (width, height) = self.wizard.GetSize()
-        self.pages['release_or_snapshot'] = ReleaseOrSnapshotPage(self.wizard,
-                                                                  self.config,
-                                                                  db,
-                                                                  self.pages,
-                                                                  width)
-        self.pages['select_snapshot']   = SelectSnapshot(self.wizard,
-                                                         self.config,
-                                                         db,
-                                                         width)
-        self.pages['lmc_settings']      = LMC_settings(self.wizard,
-                                                       self.config,
-                                                       db,
-                                                       width)
-        self.pages['run_lmc']           = RunLMC(self.wizard,
-                                                 self.config,
-                                                 db,
-                                                 width)
-        self.pages['hardware_details'].SetNext(
-                                            self.pages['release_or_snapshot'])
-        self.pages['lmc_settings'].SetNext(self.pages['run_lmc'])
-        self.pages['run_lmc'].SetPrev(self.pages['lmc_settings'])
-        for (name, page) in self.pages.items():
-            self.wizard.GetPageAreaSizer().Add(page)
-        self.pages['hardware_details'].on_page_changing()
-        self.wizard.RunWizard(self.pages['hardware_details'])
-def run():
-    """Wrapper around the full wizard. Is encapsulated in its own function to
-       allow a restart to be performed, as described in __main___, easily"""
-    app = wx.PySimpleApp()  # Start the application
-    if app:
-        pass  # We don't use this directly. Stop pyflakes complaining!
-    w = TestDriveWizard('Simple Wizard')
-    return w.go()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    run()

=== removed file 'linaro-image-indexer'
--- linaro-image-indexer	2011-10-27 16:10:01 +0000
+++ linaro-image-indexer	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
-# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
-# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
-# USA.
-import os
-import re
-import urlparse
-import logging
-import bz2
-import linaro_image_tools.fetch_image
-RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/srv/releases.linaro.org/www"
-RELEASE_URL = "http://releases.linaro.org/"
-OLD_RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/srv/releases.linaro.org/www/platform"
-OLD_RELEASE_URL = "http://releases.linaro.org/platform/"
-SNAPSHOTS_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT = "/srv/snapshots.linaro.org/www/"
-SNAPSHOTS_URL = "http://snapshots.linaro.org/"
-class ServerIndexer():
-    """Create a database of files on the linaro image servers for use by image
-       creation tools."""
-    def reset(self):
-        self.url_parse = []
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.reset()
-        self.db_file_name = "server_index"
-        self.db = linaro_image_tools.fetch_image.DB(self.db_file_name)
-    def regexp_list_matches_some(self, to_search, list):
-        assert len(list), "empty list passed"
-        for item in list:
-            if re.search(item, to_search):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def regexp_list_matches_all(self, to_search, list):
-        assert len(list), "empty list passed"
-        for item in list:
-            if not re.search(item, to_search):
-                return False
-        return True
-    def crawl(self):
-        self.db.set_url_parse_info(self.url_parse)
-        logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools").info(self.url_parse)
-        for index in range(len(self.url_parse)):
-            info = self.url_parse[index]
-            table = info["table"]
-            logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools").info("%s %s %s %s %s" % \
-                (info["base_dir"], info["base_url"], table,
-                info["url_validator"], info["url_chunks"]))
-            self.go(info, table, index)
-            logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools").info("")
-    def go(self, info, table, index):
-        root_url = info["base_url"]
-        root_dir = info["base_dir"]
-        for root, subFolders, files in os.walk( root_dir ):
-            for file in files:
-                relative_location = re.sub(root_dir, "",
-                                           os.path.join(root, file))
-                relative_location = relative_location.lstrip("/")
-                to_match = info["url_validator"][0]
-                not_match = info["url_validator"][1]
-                url = urlparse.urljoin(root_url, relative_location)
-                url = urlparse.urljoin(url, file)
-                to_match_ok = False
-                if len(to_match) == 0:
-                    to_match_ok = True
-                if len(to_match) and self.regexp_list_matches_all(
-                                            relative_location, to_match):
-                    to_match_ok = True
-                not_match_ok = True
-                if len(not_match) and self.regexp_list_matches_some(
-                                        relative_location, not_match):
-                    not_match_ok = False
-                if( not (to_match_ok and not_match_ok)
-                   or not re.search("\.gz$", file)):
-                    continue  # URL doesn't match the validator. Ignore.
-                logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools").info(url)
-                self.db.record_url(url, index)
-        self.dump() 
-    def dump(self):
-        self.db.commit()
-    def close_and_bzip2(self):
-        # After finishing creating the database, create a compressed version
-        # for more efficient downloads
-        self.db.close()
-        bz2_db_file = bz2.BZ2File(self.db_file_name + ".bz2", "w")
-        db_file = open(self.db_file_name)
-        bz2_db_file.write(db_file.read())
-        bz2_db_file.close()
-    def add_directory_parse_list(self,
-                                 base_dir,
-                                 base_url,
-                                 url_validator,
-                                 db_columns,
-                                 table,
-                                 url_chunks):
-        if not id in self.url_parse:
-            self.url_parse.append({"base_dir": base_dir,
-                                   "base_url": base_url,
-                                   "url_validator": url_validator,
-                                   "db_columns": db_columns,
-                                   "url_chunks": url_chunks,
-                                   "table": table})
-            logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools").info(base_dir)
-            # Construct data needed to create the table
-            items = []
-            for item in url_chunks:
-                if(item != ""):
-                    # If the entry is a tuple, it indicates it is of the
-                    # form name, regexp
-                    if(isinstance(item, tuple)):
-                        items.append(item[0])
-                    else:
-                        items.append(item)
-            self.db.create_table_with_name_columns(table, db_columns)
-    def clean_removed_urls_from_db(self):
-        self.db.clean_removed_urls_from_db()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    crawler = ServerIndexer()
-    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
-    ch.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
-    ch.setFormatter(formatter)
-    logger = logging.getLogger("linaro_image_tools")
-    logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
-    logger.addHandler(ch)
-    #linaro-n/ubuntu-desktop/11.09
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(OLD_RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     OLD_RELEASE_URL,
-                                     ([], ["platform/", "old/", "hwpack",
-                                           "alpha", "beta", "final", "leb",
-                                           "leb", "release-candidate"]),
-                                     ["platform", "image", "build=final"],
-                                     "release_binaries",
-                                     ["", "image", "platform"])
-    #linaro-n/hwpacks/11.09
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(OLD_RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     OLD_RELEASE_URL,
-                                     (["/hwpacks/"],
-                                      ["alpha", "beta", "final", "leb",
-                                       "release-candidate"]),
-                                     ["platform", "hardware", "build=final"],
-                                     "release_hwpacks",
-                                     ["", "", "platform",
-                                      ("hardware", r"hwpack_linaro-(.*?)_")])
-    # 11.10/ubuntu/oneiric-images/ubuntu-desktop/
-    # NOT images/...
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     RELEASE_URL,
-                                     (["\d+\.\d+", "ubuntu", "oneiric-images"],
-                                      ["latest/", "platform/", "old/",
-                                       "hwpack", "^images/"]),
-                                     ["platform", "image", "build=final"],
-                                     "release_binaries",
-                                     ["platform", "", "", "image"])
-    # 11.10/ubuntu/oneiric-hwpacks/
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(RELEASES_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     RELEASE_URL,
-                                     (["\d+\.\d+", "ubuntu", "oneiric-hwpacks"],
-                                      ["latest/", "platform/", "old/",
-                                       "^images/"]),
-                                     ["platform", "hardware", "build=final"],
-                                     "release_hwpacks",
-                                     ["platform", "", "",
-                                      ("hardware", r"hwpack_linaro-(.*?)_")])
-    #oneiric/linaro-o-alip/20111026/0/images/tar/
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(SNAPSHOTS_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     SNAPSHOTS_URL,
-                                     (["^oneiric/"], ["/hwpack"]),
-                                     ["platform", "image", "date", "build"],
-                                     "snapshot_binaries",
-                                     ["platform", "image", "date", "build"])
-    #oneiric/lt-panda-oneiric/20111026/0/images/hwpack/
-    crawler.add_directory_parse_list(SNAPSHOTS_WWW_DOCUMENT_ROOT,
-                                     SNAPSHOTS_URL,
-                                     (["^oneiric/", "/hwpack"], []),
-                                     ["platform", "hardware", "date", "build"],
-                                     "snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                     ["platform", "hardware", "date", "build"])
-    crawler.crawl()
-    crawler.clean_removed_urls_from_db()
-    crawler.dump()
-    crawler.close_and_bzip2()

=== removed file 'linaro_image_tools/fetch_image.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/fetch_image.py	2011-10-28 11:30:44 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/fetch_image.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,1607 +0,0 @@ 
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
-# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
-# Linaro Image Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Linaro Image Tools; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301,
-# USA.
-import os
-import sys
-import re
-import urllib2
-import argparse
-import sqlite3
-import yaml
-import urlparse
-import logging
-import bz2
-import time
-import shutil
-import datetime
-import threading
-import subprocess
-import utils
-import xdg.BaseDirectory as xdgBaseDir
-QEMU = "qemu"
-HARDWARE = "hardware"
-class DownloadManager():
-    def __init__(self, cachedir):
-        self.cachedir           = cachedir
-        self.image_url          = None
-        self.hwpack_url         = None
-        self.settings           = None
-        self.event_queue        = None
-        self.to_download        = None
-        self.sha1_files         = None
-        self.downloaded_files   = None
-        self.sig_files          = None
-        self.verified_files     = None
-        self.gpg_sig_ok         = None
-        self.have_sha1sums      = None
-        self.have_gpg_sigs      = None
-    def name_and_path_from_url(self, url):
-        """Return the file name and the path at which the file will be stored
-        on the local system based on the URL we are downloading from"""
-        # Use urlparse to get rid of everything but the host and path
-        scheme, host, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-        url_search = re.search(r"^(.*)/(.*?)$", host + path)
-        assert url_search, "URL in unexpectd format" + host + path
-        # Everything in url_search.group(1) should be directories and the
-        # server name and url_search.group(2) the file name
-        file_path = self.cachedir + os.sep + url_search.group(1)
-        file_name = url_search.group(2)
-        return file_name, file_path
-    def urllib2_open(self, url):
-        maxtries = 10
-        for trycount in range(0, maxtries):
-            try:
-                response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-            except:
-                if trycount < maxtries - 1:
-                    print "Unable to connect to", url, "retrying in 5 seconds."
-                    time.sleep(5)
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    print "Connect failed:", url
-                    raise
-                    return None
-            else:
-                return response
-        return None
-    def list_files_in_dir_of_url(self, url):
-        """
-        return a directory listing of the directory that url sits in
-        """
-        import BeautifulSoup
-        url = os.path.dirname(url)
-        response = self.urllib2_open(url)
-        page = response.read()
-        dir = []
-        # Use BeautifulSoup to parse the HTML and iterate over all 'a' tags
-        soup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(page)
-        for link in soup.findAll('a'):
-            for attr, value in link.attrs:
-                if(    attr == "href"
-                   and not re.search(r'[\?=;/]', value)):
-                    # Ignore links that don't look like plain files
-                    dir.append('/'.join([url, value]))
-        return dir
-    def sha1sum_file_download_list(self):
-        """
-        Need more than just the hwpack and OS image if we want signature
-        verification to work, we need sha1sums, signatures for sha1sums
-        and manifest files.
-        Note that this code is a bit sloppy and may result in downloading
-        more sums than are strictly required, but the
-        files are small and the wrong files won't be used.
-        """
-        downloads_list = []
-        # Get list of files in OS image directory
-        image_dir  = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(self.image_url)
-        hwpack_dir = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(self.hwpack_url)
-        for link in image_dir:
-            if re.search("sha1sums\.txt$", link):
-                downloads_list.append(link)
-        for link in hwpack_dir:
-            if(    re.search(self.settings['hwpack'], link)
-               and re.search("sha1sums\.txt$", link)):
-                downloads_list.append(link)
-        return downloads_list
-    def generate_download_list(self):
-        """
-        Generate a list of files based on what is in the sums files that
-        we have downloaded. We may have downloaded some sig files based on
-        a rather sloppy file name match that we don't want to use. For the
-        hwpack sig files, check to see if the hwpack listed matches the hwpack
-        URL. If it doesn't ignore it.
-        1. Download sig file(s) that match the hardware spec (done by this
-           point).
-        2. Find which sig file really matches the hardware pack we have
-           downloaded. (this function calculates this list)
-        3. Download all the files listed in the sig file (done by another func)
-        We go through this process because sometimes a directory will have
-        more than one hardware pack that will match the hardware pack name,
-        for example panda and panda-x11 will both match "panda". These checks
-        make sure we only try and validate the signatures of the files that
-        we should be downloading and not try and validatate a signature of a
-        file that there is no reason for us to download, which would result in
-        an an invalid warning about installing unsigned packages when running
-        linaro-media-create.
-        """
-        downloads_list = [self.image_url, self.hwpack_url]
-        for sha1sum_file_name in self.sha1_files.values():
-            sha1sum_file = open(sha1sum_file_name)
-            common_prefix = None
-            files = []
-            for line in sha1sum_file:
-                line = line.split()    # line[1] is now the file name
-                if line[1] == os.path.basename(self.image_url):
-                    # Found a line that matches an image or hwpack URL - keep
-                    # the contents of this sig file
-                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.image_url)
-                if line[1] == os.path.basename(self.hwpack_url):
-                    # Found a line that matches an image or hwpack URL - keep
-                    # the contents of this sig file
-                    common_prefix = os.path.dirname(self.hwpack_url)
-            if common_prefix:
-                for file_name in files:
-                    downloads_list.append('/'.join([common_prefix,
-                                                    file_name]))
-                dir = self.list_files_in_dir_of_url(common_prefix + '/')
-                # We include the sha1sum files that pointed to the files that
-                # we are going to download so the full file list can be parsed
-                # later. The files won't be re-downloaded because they will be
-                # cached.
-                file_name = os.path.basename(sha1sum_file_name)
-                downloads_list.append('/'.join([common_prefix, file_name]))
-                signed_sums = os.path.basename(sha1sum_file_name) + ".asc"
-                for link in dir:
-                    if re.search(signed_sums, link):
-                        downloads_list.append(link)
-            sha1sum_file.close()
-        return downloads_list
-    def download_files(self,
-                       downloads_list,
-                       settings,
-                       event_queue=None,
-                       force_download=False):
-        """
-        Download files specified in the downloads_list, which is a list of
-        url, name tuples.
-        """
-        force_download = settings["force_download"] or force_download
-        downloaded_files = {}
-        bytes_to_download = 0
-        for url in downloads_list:
-            file_name, file_path = self.name_and_path_from_url(url)
-            file_name = file_path + os.sep + file_name
-            if os.path.exists(file_name) and not force_download:
-                continue  # If file already exists, don't download it
-            response = self.urllib2_open(url)
-            if response:
-                bytes_to_download += int(response.info()
-                                          .getheader('Content-Length').strip())
-                response.close()
-        if event_queue:
-            event_queue.put(("start", "download"))
-            event_queue.put(("update",
-                             "download",
-                             "total bytes",
-                             bytes_to_download))
-        for url in downloads_list:
-            path = None
-            try:
-                path = self.download(url,
-                                     event_queue,
-                                     force_download)
-            except Exception:
-                # Download error. Hardly matters what, we can't continue.
-                print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]
-                logging.error("Unable to download " + url + " - aborting.")
-            if path == None:  # User hit cancel when downloading
-                sys.exit(0)
-            downloaded_files[url] = path
-            logging.info("Have downloaded {0} to {1}".format(url, path))
-        if event_queue:
-            event_queue.put(("end", "download"))
-        return downloaded_files
-    def download(self,
-                 url,
-                 event_queue,
-                 force_download=False):
-        """Downloads the file requested buy URL to the local cache and returns
-        the full path to the downloaded file"""
-        file_name, file_path = self.name_and_path_from_url(url)
-        file_name = file_path + os.sep + file_name
-        if not os.path.isdir(file_path):
-            os.makedirs(file_path)
-        if force_download != True and os.path.exists(file_name):
-            logging.info(file_name + " already cached. Not downloading (use "
-                                     "--force-download to override).")
-            return file_name
-        logging.info("Fetching " + url)
-        response = self.urllib2_open(url)
-        self.do_download = True
-        file_out = open(file_name, 'w')
-        download_size_in_bytes = int(response.info()
-                                     .getheader('Content-Length').strip())
-        chunks_downloaded = 0
-        show_progress = download_size_in_bytes > 1024 * 200
-        if show_progress:
-            chunk_size = download_size_in_bytes / 1000
-            if not event_queue:
-                print "Fetching", url
-        else:
-            chunk_size = download_size_in_bytes
-        printed_progress = False
-        while self.do_download:
-            chunk = response.read(chunk_size)
-            if len(chunk):
-                # Print a % download complete so we don't get too bored
-                if show_progress:
-                    if event_queue:
-                        event_queue.put(("update",
-                                         "download",
-                                         "progress",
-                                         len(chunk)))
-                    else:
-                        # Have 1000 chunks so div by 10 to get %...
-                        sys.stdout.write("\r%d%%" % (chunks_downloaded / 10))
-                        printed_progress = True
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                file_out.write(chunk)
-                chunks_downloaded += 1
-            else:
-                if printed_progress:
-                    print ""
-                break
-        file_out.close()
-        if self.do_download == False:
-            os.remove(file_name)
-            return None
-        return file_name
-    def download_if_old(self, url, event_queue, force_download):
-        file_name, file_path = self.name_and_path_from_url(url)
-        file_path_and_name = file_path + os.sep + file_name
-        if(not os.path.isdir(file_path)):
-            os.makedirs(file_path)
-        try:
-            force_download = (force_download == True
-                              or (    time.mktime(time.localtime())
-                                    - os.path.getmtime(file_path_and_name)
-                                  > 60 * 60))
-        except OSError:
-            force_download = True  # File not found...
-        return self.download(url, event_queue, force_download)
-    def get_sig_files(self):
-        """
-        Find sha1sum.txt files in downloaded_files, append ".asc" and return
-        list.
-        The reason for not just searching for .asc files is because if they
-        don't exist, utils.verify_file_integrity(sig_files) won't check the
-        sha1sums that do exist, and they are useful to us. Trying to check
-        a GPG signature that doesn't exist just results in the signature check
-        failing, which is correct and we act accordingly.
-        """
-        self.sig_files = []
-        for filename in self.downloaded_files.values():
-            if re.search(r"sha1sums\.txt$", filename):
-                self.sig_files.append(filename + ".asc")
-    def _download_sigs_gen_download_list(self, force_download=False):
-        to_download = self.sha1sum_file_download_list()
-        self.sha1_files = self.download_files(
-                            to_download, self.settings,
-                            force_download=force_download)
-        self.to_download = self.generate_download_list()
-        gpg_urls = [f for f in self.to_download if re.search('\.asc$', f)]
-        self.download_files(
-            gpg_urls, self.settings, force_download=force_download)
-    def _check_downloads(self):
-        self.get_sig_files()
-        (self.verified_files, self.gpg_sig_ok,
-         self.gpg_out) = utils.verify_file_integrity(self.sig_files)
-        # Expect to have 2 sha1sum files (one for hwpack, one for OS bin)
-        self.have_sha1sums = len(self.sha1_files) ==2
-        # We expect 2 GPG signatures. Check that we have both of them.
-        self.have_gpg_sigs = (len(self.sig_files) == 2 and
-                              os.path.exists(self.sig_files[0]) and
-                              os.path.exists(self.sig_files[1]))
-    def _unverified_files(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of URLs of files that didn't get verified
-        """
-        verified_files = self.verified_files
-        unverified_files = []
-        for sig_file in self.sig_files:
-            name = os.path.basename(sig_file)
-            verified_files.append(name)
-            verified_files.append(name[0:-len('.asc')])
-        # Generate a list of files that didn't verify
-        for url in self.to_download:
-            url_file = os.path.basename(url)
-            if url_file not in verified_files:
-                unverified_files.append(url)
-        return unverified_files
-    def download_files_and_verify(self, image_url, hwpack_url,
-                                  settings, event_queue=None):
-        self.image_url      = image_url
-        self.hwpack_url     = hwpack_url
-        self.settings       = settings
-        self.event_queue    = event_queue
-        self._download_sigs_gen_download_list()
-        self.downloaded_files = self.download_files(self.to_download,
-                                                    self.settings,
-                                                    self.event_queue)
-        self._check_downloads()
-        if(self.have_sha1sums and self.have_gpg_sigs
-           and not self.gpg_sig_ok):
-            # GPG signatures failed for sha1sum files. Re-download the
-            # sha1sums and GPG signatues. If the GPG signature then
-            # matches the sha1sums we will re-download any failing hwpack
-            # and OS binary files in the if below.
-            no_pubkey_search = re.search("\[GNUPG:\] NO_PUBKEY (\S+)",
-                                         self.gpg_out)
-            if no_pubkey_search:
-                message = ("Package signature check failed.\n"
-                           "To check package signatures, please import "
-                           "key {0}")
-                # The GPG output we are using gives us the long key format,
-                # which doesn't match anything in the key management app
-                # that ships with Ubuntu Desktop. The last 8 digits though
-                # are the short key, which are what we normally deal with.
-                # That is, this seems to be the case. I haven't found any
-                # answers after searching around about the long keyID format,
-                # but this works for keys I have tested with...
-                message = message.format(no_pubkey_search.group(1)[-8:])
-                if self.event_queue:
-                    self.event_queue.put(("message", message))
-                else:
-                    print >> sys.stderr, message
-            else:
-                self._download_sigs_gen_download_list(force_download=True)
-                self._check_downloads()
-                if(self.have_sha1sums and self.have_gpg_sigs
-                   and not self.gpg_sig_ok):
-                    # If after re-trying the downloads we still can't get a GPG
-                    # signature match on a sha1sum file (and both files exist)
-                    # tell the user.
-                    message = "Package signature check failed"
-                    if self.event_queue:
-                        self.event_queue.put(("message", message))
-                        self.event_queue.put("abort")
-                    else:
-                        print >> sys.stderr, message
-                    return [], False
-        if(self.have_sha1sums and 
-           self.gpg_sig_ok or not self.have_gpg_sigs):
-            # The GPG signature is OK, so the sha1sums file and GPG sig are
-            # both good. OR We have sha1sum files and no GPG sigs. We can
-            # Still validate downloads against the sha1sums, just not mark
-            # the packages as signed.
-            to_retry = self._unverified_files()
-            if len(to_retry):
-                if self.event_queue:
-                    self.event_queue.put(("message", "Retrying bad files"))
-                else:
-                    print "Re-downloading corrupt files"
-                # There are some files to re-download
-                self.download_files(to_retry,
-                                    self.settings,
-                                    self.event_queue,
-                                    force_download=True)
-                (self.verified_files, self.gpg_sig_ok,
-                 self.gpg_out) = utils.verify_file_integrity(self.sig_files)
-                to_retry = self._unverified_files()
-                if len(to_retry):
-                    # We can't get valid package downloads. Either the sha1sums
-                    # file was incorrectly generated or the download is
-                    # corrupt. Display a message to the user and quit.
-                    message = "Download retry failed. Aborting"
-                    if self.event_queue:
-                        self.event_queue.put(("message", message))
-                        self.event_queue.put("abort")
-                    else:
-                        print >> sys.stderr, message
-                    return [], False
-        hwpack = os.path.basename(self.downloaded_files[hwpack_url])
-        hwpack_verified = (hwpack in self.verified_files) and self.gpg_sig_ok
-        return self.downloaded_files, hwpack_verified
-class FileHandler():
-    """Downloads files and creates images from them by calling
-    linaro-media-create"""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.datadir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_data_home,
-                                     "linaro",
-                                     "image-tools",
-                                     "fetch_image")
-        self.cachedir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_cache_home,
-                                     "linaro",
-                                     "image-tools",
-                                     "fetch_image")
-        self.downloader = DownloadManager(self.cachedir)
-    def has_key_and_evaluates_True(self, dictionary, key):
-        return bool(key in dictionary and dictionary[key])
-    def append_setting_to(self, list, dictionary, key, setting_name=None):
-        if not setting_name:
-            setting_name = "--" + key
-        if self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(dictionary, key):
-            list.append(setting_name)
-            list.append(dictionary[key])
-    def build_lmc_command(self,
-                          binary_file,
-                          hwpack_file,
-                          settings,
-                          tools_dir,
-                          hwpack_verified,
-                          run_in_gui=False):
-        import linaro_image_tools.utils
-        args = ["pkexec"]
-        # Prefer a local linaro-media-create (from a bzr checkout for instance)
-        # to an installed one
-        lmc_command = linaro_image_tools.utils.find_command(
-                                                    'linaro-media-create',
-                                                    tools_dir)
-        if lmc_command:
-            args.append(os.path.abspath(lmc_command))
-        else:
-            args.append("linaro-media-create")
-        if run_in_gui:
-            args.append("--nocheck-mmc")
-        if hwpack_verified:
-            # We verify the hwpack before calling linaro-media-create because
-            # these tools run linaro-media-create as root and to get the GPG
-            # signature verification to work, root would need to have GPG set
-            # up with the Canonical Linaro Image Build Automatic Signing Key
-            # imported. It seems far more likely that users will import keys
-            # as themselves, not root!
-            args.append("--hwpack-force-yes")
-        if 'rootfs' in settings and settings['rootfs']:
-            args.append("--rootfs")
-            args.append(settings['rootfs'])
-        assert(self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'image_file') ^
-               self.has_key_and_evaluates_True(settings, 'mmc')), ("Please "
-               "specify either an image file, or an mmc target, not both.")
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'mmc')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'image_file', '--image-file')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'image_size', '--image-size')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_size', '--swap-size')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'swap_file', '--swap-file')
-        self.append_setting_to(args, settings, 'yes_to_mmc_selection',
-                                               '--nocheck-mmc')
-        args.append("--dev")
-        args.append(settings['hardware'])
-        args.append("--binary")
-        args.append(binary_file)
-        args.append("--hwpack")
-        args.append(hwpack_file)
-        if not os.path.isdir(self.datadir):
-            os.makedirs(self.datadir)
-        with open(os.path.join(self.datadir, "linaro-media-create.log"),
-                               mode='w') as lmc_log:
-            lmc_log.write(" ".join(args) + "\n")
-        logging.info(" ".join(args))
-        return args
-    def create_media(self, image_url, hwpack_url, settings, tools_dir):
-        """Create a command line for linaro-media-create based on the settings
-        provided then run linaro-media-create, either in a separate thread
-        (GUI mode) or in the current one (CLI mode)."""
-        downloaded_files, hwpack_verified = (
-            self.downloader.download_files_and_verify(image_url, hwpack_url,
-                                                      settings))
-        if len(downloaded_files) == 0:
-            return
-        lmc_command = self.build_lmc_command(downloaded_files[image_url],
-                                             downloaded_files[hwpack_url],
-                                             settings,
-                                             tools_dir,
-                                             hwpack_verified)
-        self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command)
-        self.create_process.wait()
-    class LinaroMediaCreate(threading.Thread):
-        """Thread class for running linaro-media-create"""
-        def __init__(self,
-                     image_url,
-                     hwpack_url,
-                     file_handler,
-                     event_queue,
-                     settings,
-                     tools_dir):
-            threading.Thread.__init__(self)
-            self.image_url      = image_url
-            self.hwpack_url     = hwpack_url
-            self.file_handler   = file_handler
-            self.downloader     = file_handler.downloader
-            self.event_queue    = event_queue
-            self.settings       = settings
-            self.tools_dir      = tools_dir
-            self.datadir = os.path.join(xdgBaseDir.xdg_data_home,
-                                     "linaro",
-                                     "image-tools",
-                                     "fetch_image")
-        def run(self):
-            """
-            1. Download required files.
-            2. Build linaro-media-create command
-            3. Start linaro-media-create and look for lines in the output that:
-               1. Tell us that an event has happened that we can use to update
-                  the UI progress.
-               2. Tell us that linaro-media-create is asking a question that
-                  needs to be re-directed to the GUI
-            """
-            self.event_queue.put(("update",
-                                  "download",
-                                  "message",
-                                  "Downloading"))
-            files, hwpack_ok = self.downloader.download_files_and_verify(
-                                self.image_url, self.hwpack_url,
-                                self.settings, self.event_queue)
-            if len(files) == 0:
-                return
-            lmc_command = self.file_handler.build_lmc_command(
-                                            files[self.image_url],
-                                            files[self.hwpack_url],
-                                            self.settings,
-                                            self.tools_dir,
-                                            hwpack_ok,
-                                            True)
-            self.create_process = subprocess.Popen(lmc_command,
-                                                   stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-                                                   stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-            self.line                       = ""
-            self.saved_lines                = ""
-            self.save_lines                 = False
-            self.state                      = None
-            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
-            self.event_queue.put(("start", "unpack"))
-            lmc_log = open(os.path.join(self.datadir,
-                                        "linaro-media-create.log"), mode='a')
-            while(1):
-                if self.create_process.poll() != None:
-                    # linaro-media-create has finished. Tell the GUI the return
-                    # code so it can report pass/fail.
-                    if self.create_process.returncode:
-                        self.event_queue.put("abort")
-                    else:
-                        self.event_queue.put("terminate")
-                    return
-                self.input = self.create_process.stdout.read(1)
-                # We build up lines by extracting data from linaro-media-create
-                # a single character at a time. This is because if we fetch
-                # whole lines, using Popen.communicate a character is
-                # automatically sent back to the running process, which if the
-                # process is waiting for user input, can trigger a default
-                # action. By using stdout.read(1) we pick off a character at a
-                # time and avoid this problem.
-                if self.input == '\n':
-                    if self.save_lines:
-                        self.saved_lines += self.line
-                    lmc_log.write(self.line + "\n")
-                    lmc_log.flush()
-                    self.line = ""
-                else:
-                    self.line += self.input
-                if self.line == "Updating apt package lists ...":
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "unpack"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "installing packages"))
-                    self.state = "apt"
-                elif(self.line ==
-                     "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"):
-                    self.saved_lines = ""
-                    self.save_lines = True
-                elif(self.line ==
-                     "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? "):
-                    self.saved_lines = re.sub("WARNING: The following packages"
-                                              " cannot be authenticated!",
-                                              "", self.saved_lines)
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start",
-                                          "unverified_packages:"
-                                          + self.saved_lines))
-                    self.line = ""
-                    self.waiting_for_event_response = True  # Wait for restart
-                elif self.line == "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? ":
-                    self.send_to_create_process("y")
-                    self.line = ""
-                elif self.line == "Done" and self.state == "apt":
-                    self.state = "create file system"
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "installing packages"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "create file system"))
-                elif(    self.line == "Created:"
-                     and self.state == "create file system"):
-                    self.event_queue.put(("end", "create file system"))
-                    self.event_queue.put(("start", "populate file system"))
-                    self.state = "populate file system"
-                while self.waiting_for_event_response:
-                    time.sleep(0.2)
-            lmc_log.close()
-        def send_to_create_process(self, text):
-            print >> self.create_process.stdin, text
-            self.waiting_for_event_response = False
-    def update_files_from_server(self, force_download=False,
-                                 event_queue=None):
-        settings_url     = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/fetch_image_settings.yaml"
-        server_index_url = "http://releases.linaro.org/fetch_image/server_index.bz2"
-        self.settings_file = self.downloader.download_if_old(settings_url,
-                                                             event_queue,
-                                                             force_download)
-        self.index_file = self.downloader.download_if_old(server_index_url,
-                                                          event_queue,
-                                                          force_download)
-        zip_search = re.search(r"^(.*)\.bz2$", self.index_file)
-        if zip_search:
-            # index file is compressed, unzip it
-            zipped = bz2.BZ2File(self.index_file)
-            unzipped = open(zip_search.group(1), "w")
-            unzipped.write(zipped.read())
-            zipped.close()
-            unzipped.close()
-            self.index_file = zip_search.group(1)
-    def clean_cache(self):
-        shutil.rmtree(self.cachedir)
-class FetchImageConfig():
-    """Reads settings from the settings YAML file as well as those from the
-       command line providing a central settings repository."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.settings = {}
-    def read_config(self, file_name):
-        try:
-            f = open(file_name, "r")
-            if(f):
-                self.settings = dict(self.settings.items() +
-                                     yaml.load(f.read()).items())
-        except IOError:
-            print "Unable to read settings file %s", file_name
-            logging.error("Unable to read settings file %s", file_name)
-            sys.exit(0)
-        self.settings['write_to_file_or_device'] = "file"
-        # At this point, assume settings have been loaded.
-        # We need some reverse mappings set up
-        self.settings['UI']['reverse-descriptions'] = {}
-        for (key, value) in self.settings['UI']['descriptions'].items():
-            if isinstance(value, basestring):
-                value = re.sub('LEB:\s*', '', value)
-                self.settings['UI']['reverse-descriptions'][value] = key
-        # If an item doesn't have a translation, just add in a null one
-        if not self.settings['UI']['translate']:
-            self.settings['UI']['translate'] = {}
-        for key, value in self.settings['choice']['platform'].items():
-            if not key in self.settings['UI']['translate']:
-                self.settings['UI']['translate'][key] = key
-        self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'] = {}
-        for (key, value) in self.settings['UI']['translate'].items():
-            self.settings['UI']['reverse-translate'][value] = key
-    def parse_args(self, args):
-        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create a board image, "
-                                         "first downloading any required "
-                                         "files.")
-        for (key, value) in self.settings['choice'].items():
-            parser.add_argument(
-                       "-" + self.settings['UI']['cmdline short names'][key],
-                       "--" + key,
-                       help=self.settings['UI']['descriptions']['choice'][key],
-                       required=True)
-        parser.add_argument("-x", "--clean-cache",
-                            help="Delete all cached downloads",
-                            action='store_true')
-        parser.add_argument("-d", "--force-download",
-                            help="Force re-downloading of cached files",
-                            action='store_true')
-        parser.add_argument(
-                    "-t", "--image-file",
-                    help="Where to write image file to (use this XOR mmc)")
-        parser.add_argument(
-                  "-m", "--mmc",
-                  help="What disk to write image to (use this XOR image-file)")
-        parser.add_argument("--swap-file",
-                            help="Swap file size for created image")
-        parser.add_argument("--image-size",
-                            help="Image file size for created image")
-        parser.add_argument("--rootfs",
-                            help="Root file system type for created image")
-        self.args = vars(parser.parse_args(args))
-class DB():
-    """Interacts with the database storing URLs of files that are available
-       for download to create images with. Provides functions for both creation
-       and reading."""
-    def __init__(self, index_name):
-        # http://www.sqlite.org/lang_transaction.html - defer acquiring a locK
-        # until it is required.
-        self.db_file_name = index_name
-        self.database = sqlite3.connect(index_name, isolation_level="DEFERRED")
-        self.c = self.database.cursor()
-        self.touched_urls = {}
-    def close(self):
-        self.database.close()
-        self.database = None
-    def set_url_parse_info(self, url_parse):
-        self.url_parse = url_parse
-    def record_url(self, url, index):
-        """Check to see if the record exists in the index, if not, add it"""
-        assert self.url_parse[index]["base_url"], ("Can not match the "
-               "URL received (%s) to an entry provided by add_url_parse_list",
-               url)
-        assert re.search('^' + self.url_parse[index]["base_url"], url), (
-            "Base url is not part of the url to record.")
-        logging.info("Recording URL %s %d", url, index)
-        assert url not in self.touched_urls, ("URLs expected to only be added "
-                                              "to 1 place\n" + url)
-        self.touched_urls[url] = True
-        table = self.url_parse[index]["table"]
-        # Do not add the record if it already exists
-        self.c.execute("select url from " + table + " where url == ?", (url,))
-        if self.c.fetchone():
-            return
-        url_match = re.search(self.url_parse[index]["base_url"] + r"(.*)$",
-                              url)
-        url_chunks = url_match.group(1).lstrip('/').encode('ascii').split('/')
-        # url_chunks now contains all parts of the url, split on /,
-        # not including the base URL
-        # We now construct an SQL command to insert the index data into the
-        # database using the information we have.
-        sqlcmd = "INSERT INTO " + table + " ("
-        length = 0
-        for name in (self.url_parse[index]["url_chunks"] + ["url"]):
-            if name != "":
-                if isinstance(name, tuple):
-                    name = name[0]
-                sqlcmd += name + ", "
-                length += 1
-        # Handle fixed value columns
-        for name in self.url_parse[index]["db_columns"]:
-            name_search = re.search("(\w+)=(.*)", name)
-            if name_search:
-                sqlcmd += name_search.group(1) + ", "
-                length += 1
-        sqlcmd = sqlcmd.rstrip(", ")  # get rid of unwanted space & comma
-        sqlcmd += ") VALUES ("
-        # Add the appropriate number of ?s (+1 is so we have room for url)
-        sqlcmd += "".join(["?, " for x in range(length)])
-        sqlcmd = sqlcmd.rstrip(", ")  # get rid of unwanted space and comma
-        sqlcmd += ")"
-        # Get the parameters from the URL to record in the SQL database
-        sqlparams = []
-        chunk_index = 0
-        for name in self.url_parse[index]["url_chunks"]:
-            # If this part of the URL isn't a parameter, don't insert it
-            if name != "":
-                # If the entry is a tuple, it indicates it is of the form
-                # name, regexp
-                if isinstance(name, tuple):
-                    # use stored regexp to extract data for the database
-                    match = re.search(name[1], url_chunks[chunk_index])
-                    assert match, ("Unable to match regexp to string ",
-                                  + url_chunks[chunk_index] + " " + name[1])
-                    sqlparams.append(match.group(1))
-                else:
-                    sqlparams.append(url_chunks[chunk_index])
-            chunk_index += 1
-        sqlparams.append(url)
-        # Handle fixed value columns
-        for name in self.url_parse[index]["db_columns"]:
-            name_search = re.search("(\w+)=(.*)", name)
-            if name_search:
-                sqlparams.append(name_search.group(2))
-        logging.info("{0}: {1}".format(sqlcmd, sqlparams))
-        self.c.execute(sqlcmd, tuple(sqlparams))
-    def commit(self):
-        self.database.commit()
-    def __del__(self):
-        if(self.database):
-            self.commit()
-            self.database.close()
-    def create_table_with_name_columns(self, table, items):
-        cmd = "create table if not exists "
-        cmd += table + " ("
-        # Handle fixed items (kept in because a field can no longer be derived)
-        for item in items:
-            item = re.sub("=.*", "", item)
-            cmd += item + " TEXT, "
-        cmd += "url TEXT)"
-        self.execute(cmd)
-    def execute(self, cmd, params=None):
-        self.c = self.database.cursor()
-        logging.info(cmd)
-        if(params):
-            logging.info(params)
-            self.c.execute(cmd, params)
-        else:
-            self.c.execute(cmd)
-    def execute_return_list(self, cmd, params=None):
-        self.execute(cmd, params)
-        list = []
-        item = self.c.fetchone()
-        while item:
-            list.append(item)
-            item = self.c.fetchone()
-        return list
-    def delete_by_url(self, table, url):
-        self.execute("delete from " + table + " where url == ?", (url,))
-    def clean_removed_urls_from_db(self):
-        self.c = self.database.cursor()
-        for info in self.url_parse:
-            table = info["table"]
-            self.c.execute("select url from " + table)
-            to_delete = []
-            while(1):
-                url = self.c.fetchone()
-                if(url == None):
-                    break
-                if(url[0] not in self.touched_urls):
-                    to_delete.append(url[0])
-            # We can't delete an item from the database while iterating on the
-            # results of a previous query, so we store the URLs of entries to
-            # delete, and batch them up
-            for url in to_delete:
-                self.delete_by_url(table, url)
-        self.commit()
-    def get_url(self, table, key_value_pairs, sql_extras=None):
-        """Return the first matching URL from the specified table building up a
-        SQL query based on the values inkey_value_pairs creating key == value
-        sections of the query. sql_extras is appended to the created SQL query,
-         so we can get the first entry in an ordered list for instance"""
-        self.c = self.database.cursor()
-        cmd = "select url from " + table + " where "
-        params = []
-        first = True
-        for key, value in key_value_pairs:
-            if(first == False):
-                cmd += " AND "
-            else:
-                first = False
-            cmd += key + " == ? "
-            params.append(value)
-        if(sql_extras):
-            cmd += " " + sql_extras
-        self.c.execute(cmd, tuple(params))
-        url = self.c.fetchone()
-        return url
-    def get_platforms(self, table):
-        self.execute("select distinct platform from ?", table)
-        platforms = []
-        platform = self.c.fetchone()
-        while(platform):
-            platforms.append(platform)
-            platform = self.c.fetchone()
-        return platforms
-    def get_builds(self, platform, image=None):
-        """return a complete list of builds available from the releases
-        repository"""
-        build_tuples = self.execute_return_list(
-                                'select distinct build from release_binaries '
-                                'where platform == "' + platform + '"')
-        hwpack_build_tuples = self.execute_return_list(
-                                   'select distinct build from release_hwpacks'
-                                   ' where platform == "' + platform + '"')
-        # Need to also check hwpacks and image -> some builds are only
-        # Available for a particular image (OS). Guess this makes sense as OS
-        # customisations may come and go.
-        image_builds = [build[0] for build in build_tuples]
-        hwpack_builds = [build[0] for build in hwpack_build_tuples]
-        builds = []
-        for build in image_builds:
-            if build in hwpack_builds:
-                # Only use a build if it exists for the hardware pack as well
-                # as the image and platform chosen
-                builds.append(build)
-        builds.sort()
-        # Just so final is always the last item, if it exists...
-        if "final" in builds:
-            builds.remove("final")
-            builds.append("final")
-        return builds
-    def get_hwpacks(self, table, platform=None):
-        """Return a list of all the hardware packs available in the specified
-        table"""
-        query = 'select distinct hardware from ' + table
-        if platform:
-            query += ' where platform == "' + platform + '"'
-        results = self.execute_return_list(query)
-        hwpacks = [item[0] for item in results]
-        return hwpacks
-    def get_dates_and_builds_of_snapshots(self):
-        """Return all the dates that match an an OS and hardware pack build"""
-        # First get all dates from hwpack table
-        self.execute("select distinct date from snapshot_hwpacks "
-                     "order by date")
-        date_with_hwpack = {}
-        date = self.c.fetchone()
-        while date:
-            date_with_hwpack[date] = 1
-            date = self.c.fetchone()
-        # Now make sure there is a file system image for that date as well
-        self.execute("select distinct date from snapshot_binaries "
-                     "order by date")
-        date = self.c.fetchone()
-        while date:
-            if date in date_with_hwpack:
-                date_with_hwpack[date] = 2
-            date = self.c.fetchone()
-        # Now anything with both a hwpack and a file system has a value of 2
-        # recorded in date_with_hwpack[date]
-        date_with_build = {}
-        for key, date in date_with_hwpack.items():
-            if(key == 2):
-                date_with_build[date] = True
-        return date_with_build
-    def get_hardware_from_db(self, table):
-        """Get a list of hardware available from the given table"""
-        self.execute("select distinct hardware from " + table +
-                     " order by hardware")
-        hardware = []
-        hw = self.c.fetchone()
-        while hw:
-            hardware.append(hw[0])
-            hw = self.c.fetchone()
-        return hardware
-    def image_hardware_combo_available(self,
-                                       release_or_snapshot,
-                                       image,
-                                       hwpacks):
-        """Try and find a matching plaform, build pair for both the provided
-        image and one of the hwpacks in the list."""
-        binary_table = release_or_snapshot + "_binaries"
-        hwpack_table = release_or_snapshot + "_hwpacks"
-        binary_list = self.execute_return_list(
-                            'select distinct platform, build from '
-                             + binary_table + ' where image == ?', (image,))
-        for hwpack in hwpacks:
-            hwpack_list = self.execute_return_list(
-                                'select distinct platform, build from '
-                                + hwpack_table +
-                                ' where hardware == ?', (hwpack,))
-            for item in binary_list:
-                if item in hwpack_list:
-                    return True
-        return False
-    def hardware_is_available_in_table(self, table, hardware):
-        return len(self.execute_return_list(
-                    'select url from ' + table +
-                    ' where hardware == ?', (hardware,))) > 0
-    def hardware_is_available_for_platform(self,
-                                           hardware_list,
-                                           platform,
-                                           table="release_hwpacks"):
-        for hardware in self.execute_return_list(
-                              'select distinct hardware from ' + table +
-                              ' where platform == ?', (platform,)):
-            if hardware[0] in hardware_list:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_build_plaform(self,
-                                                         hardware_list,
-                                                         platform,
-                                                         build):
-        hwpacks = []
-        for hardware in self.execute_return_list(
-                             'select distinct hardware from release_hwpacks '
-                             'where platform == ? and build == ?',
-                             (platform, build)):
-            if hardware[0] in hardware_list:
-                hwpacks.append(hardware[0])
-        return hwpacks
-    def image_is_available_for_platform(self,
-                                        table,
-                                        platform,
-                                        image):
-        return len(self.execute_return_list(
-                        'select * from ' + table +
-                        ' where platform == ? and image == ?',
-                        (platform, image))) > 0
-    def hardware_is_available_for_platform_build(self,
-                                                 hardware_list,
-                                                 platform,
-                                                 build):
-        for hardware in self.execute_return_list(
-                             'select distinct hardware from release_hwpacks '
-                             'where platform == ? and build == ?',
-                              (platform, build)):
-            if hardware[0] in hardware_list:
-                return True
-        return False
-    def build_is_available_for_platform_image(self,
-                                              table,
-                                              platform,
-                                              image,
-                                              build):
-        return len(self.execute_return_list(
-                        'select * from ' + table +
-                        ' where platform == ? and image == ? and build == ?',
-                        (platform, image, build))) > 0
-    def get_available_hwpacks_for_hardware_snapshot_build(self,
-                                                          hardware_list,
-                                                          platform,
-                                                          date,
-                                                          build):
-        hwpacks = []
-        for hardware in self.execute_return_list(
-                             'select distinct hardware from snapshot_hwpacks '
-                             'where platform == ? '
-                             'and   date == ? '
-                             'and   build == ?',
-                              (platform, date, build)):
-            if hardware[0] in hardware_list:
-                hwpacks.append(hardware[0])
-        return hwpacks
-    def get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(self, image, date, hwpacks):
-        """Return a list of build numbers that are available on the given date
-        for the given image ensuring that the reqiested hardware is also
-        available."""
-        # Remove the dashes from the date we get in (YYYY-MM-DD --> YYYYMMDD)
-        date = re.sub('-', '', date)
-        binaries = self.execute_return_list(
-                        "select build from snapshot_binaries "
-                        "where date == ? and image == ?",
-                        (date, image))
-        if len(binaries) == 0:
-            # Try adding "linaro-" to the beginning of the image name
-            binaries = self.execute_return_list(
-                            "select build from snapshot_binaries "
-                            "where date == ? and image == ?",
-                            (date, "linaro-" + image))
-        for hwpack in hwpacks:
-            builds = self.execute_return_list(
-                           "select build from snapshot_hwpacks "
-                           "where date == ? and hardware == ?",
-                           (date, hwpack))
-            if len(builds):
-                # A hardware pack exists for that date, return a list of builds
-                # that exist for both hwpack and binary
-                ret = []
-                for build in builds:
-                    if build in binaries:
-                        ret.append(build)
-                return ret
-        # No hardware pack exists for the date requested, return empty table
-        return []
-    def get_next_prev_day_with_builds(self, image, date, hwpacks):
-        """Searches forwards and backwards in the database for a date with a
-        build. Will look 1 year in each direction. Returns a tuple of dates
-        in YYYYMMDD format."""
-        # Split ISO date into year, month, day
-        date_chunks = date.split('-')
-        current_date = datetime.date(int(date_chunks[0]),
-                                     int(date_chunks[1]),
-                                     int(date_chunks[2]))
-        one_day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
-        # In case of time zone issues we add 1 day to max_search_date
-        max_search_date = datetime.date.today() + one_day
-        day_count = 0
-        # Look in the future & past from the given date until we find a day
-        # with a build on it
-        test_date = {'future': current_date,
-                      'past':   current_date}
-        for in_the in ["future", "past"]:
-            test_date[in_the] = None
-            if in_the == "future":
-                loop_date_increment = one_day
-            else:
-                loop_date_increment = -one_day
-            test_date[in_the] = current_date
-            while test_date[in_the] <= max_search_date:
-                test_date[in_the] += loop_date_increment
-                builds = []
-                for hwpack in hwpacks:
-                    builds = self.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
-                                    image,
-                                    test_date[in_the].isoformat(),
-                                    [hwpack])
-                    if len(builds):
-                        break
-                if len(builds):
-                    break
-                day_count += 1
-                if day_count > 365:
-                    test_date[in_the] = None
-                    break
-            if test_date[in_the] and test_date[in_the] > max_search_date:
-                test_date[in_the] = None
-            if test_date[in_the]:
-                test_date[in_the] = test_date[in_the].isoformat()
-        return(test_date['future'], test_date['past'])
-    def get_os_list_from(self, table):
-        return [item[0] for item in self.execute_return_list(
-                                        "select distinct image from "
-                                         + table)]
-    def get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self, args):
-        """ We need a platform image and a hardware pack. These are specified
-            either as
-            Release:
-                Image: platform, image, build
-                HW Pack: platform, build, hardware
-            Snapshot:
-                Image: platform, image, date, build
-                HW Pack: platform, hardware, date, build"""
-        image_url = None
-        hwpack_url = None
-        old_image = args['image']
-        build_bits = None
-        if(args['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot"):
-            count = 0
-            while(1):  # Just so we can try several times...
-                if(args['build'] == "latest"):
-                    # Start from today, add 1 day because
-                    # get_next_prev_day_with_builds aways searches from the
-                    # day passed to it, not including that day. This will give
-                    # us the latest build dated today or earlier with both
-                    # a hwpack and OS binary
-                    date = (datetime.date.today() +
-                            datetime.timedelta(days=1)).isoformat()
-                    _, past_date = self.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
-                                           args['image'],
-                                           date,
-                                           [args['hwpack']])
-                    builds = self.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
-                                    args['image'], past_date, [args['hwpack']])
-                    # Work out latest build
-                    build = None
-                    for b in builds:
-                        if build == None or b[0] > build:
-                            build = b[0]
-                    # We store dates in the DB in ISO format with the dashes
-                    # missing
-                    date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
-                    image_url = self.get_url("snapshot_binaries",
-                                    [
-                                     ("image", args['image']),
-                                     ("build", build),
-                                     ("date", date)])
-                    hwpack_url = self.get_url("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                    [
-                                     ("hardware", args['hwpack']),
-                                     ("build", build),
-                                     ("date", date)])
-                else:
-                    build_bits = args['build'].split(":")
-                    assert re.search("^\d+$", build_bits[0]), (
-                            "Unexpected date format in build parameter "
-                            + build_bits[0])
-                    assert re.search("^\d+$", build_bits[1]), (
-                            "Build number in shapshot build parameter should "
-                            "be an integer " + build_bits[1])
-                    image_url = self.get_url("snapshot_binaries",
-                                    [
-                                     ("image", args['image']),
-                                     ("build", build_bits[1]),
-                                     ("date", build_bits[0])])
-                    hwpack_url = self.get_url("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                    [
-                                     ("hardware", args['hwpack']),
-                                     ("build", build_bits[1]),
-                                     ("date", build_bits[0])])
-                if(count == 1):
-                    break
-                count += 1
-                if(image_url == None):
-                    # If we didn't match anything, try prepending "linaro-"
-                    # to the image name
-                    args['image'] = "linaro-" + args['image']
-                else:
-                    break  # Got a URL, go.
-        elif args['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
-            image_url = self.get_url("release_binaries",
-                            [
-                             ("image", args['image']),
-                             ("build", args['build']),
-                             ("platform", args['platform'])])
-            hwpack_url = self.get_url("release_hwpacks",
-                            [
-                             ("hardware", args['hwpack']),
-                             ("build", args['build']),
-                             ("platform", args['platform'])])
-        else:
-            message = "Unexpected args['release_or_snapshot']: {0}".format(
-                       args['release_or_snapshot'])
-            raise AssertionError(message)
-        if(not image_url):
-            # If didn't get an image URL set up something so the return line
-            # doesn't crash
-            image_url = [None]
-            if args['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-                table = "snapshot_binaries"
-            else:
-                table = "release_binaries"
-            if not (self.get_url(table, [("image", old_image)]) or
-                    self.get_url(table, [("image", args['image'])])):
-                msg = "{0} does not match any OS indexed".format(old_image)
-                logging.error(msg)
-            if args['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-                if not self.get_url("snapshot_binaries",
-                                    [("date", build_bits[0])]):
-                    msg = "Can not find requested OS on date {0}".format(
-                           build_bits[0])
-                    logging.error(msg)
-                elif not self.get_url("snapshot_binaries",
-                                      [("build", build_bits[1])]):
-                    msg = "Can not find build {0} of requested OS".format(
-                           build_bits[1])
-                    logging.error(msg)
-            else:  # Release...
-                if not self.get_url("release_binaries",
-                                    [("build", args['build'])]):
-                    msg = "Can not find build {0} of selected OS".format(
-                           args['build'])
-                    logging.error(msg)
-                if not self.get_url("release_binaries",
-                                    [("platform", args['platform'])]):
-                    msg = "Can not find OS for platform {0}".format(
-                           args['platform'])
-                    logging.error(msg)
-        if(not hwpack_url):
-            # If didn't get a hardware pack URL set up something so the return
-            # line doesn't crash
-            hwpack_url = [None]
-            table = None
-            if args['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-                table = "snapshot_hwpacks"
-                build = build_bits[1]
-            elif args['release_or_snapshot'] == "release":
-                table = "release_hwpacks"
-                build = args['build']
-            if not self.get_url(table, [("hardware", args['hwpack'])]):
-                msg = "{0} does not match any hardware pack indexed".format(
-                       args['hwpack'])
-                logging.error(msg)
-            if args['release_or_snapshot'] == "snapshot":
-                if not self.get_url("snapshot_hwpacks",
-                                    [("date", build_bits[0])]):
-                    msg = "Hardware pack does not exist on date {0}".format(
-                           build_bits[0])
-                    logging.error(msg)
-            else:  # Release...
-                if not self.get_url("release_hwpacks",
-                                    [("platform", args['platform'])]):
-                    msg = "Hardware pack unavailable for platform {0}".format(
-                           args['platform'])
-            if not self.get_url(table, [("build", build)]):
-                msg = ("Build {0} doesn't exist for any hardware "
-                       "pack indexed".format(build))
-                logging.error(msg)
-        return(image_url[0], hwpack_url[0])

=== removed file 'linaro_image_tools/fetch_image_settings.yaml'
--- linaro_image_tools/fetch_image_settings.yaml	2012-01-25 10:00:56 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/fetch_image_settings.yaml	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@ 
-  descriptions:
-    alip: ARM Internet Platform
-    choice:
-      build: The build (alpha-1 / beta / final) or date of snapshot (YYYYMMDD:build_number or 'latest')
-        to fetch.
-      hardware: The board you are building the image to run on.
-      hwpack: The hardware pack to use when building the image.
-      image: A distribuion image, e.g. headless.
-      platform: Which Linaro platform to build an image from. Specify 'snapshot' to
-        use a snapshot rather than a release.
-    developer: Developer Tools
-    o-developer: Developer Tools
-    graphics: Graphics
-    o-graphics: Graphics
-    multimedia: Multimedia
-    o-multimedia: Multimedia
-    nano: Nano
-    o-nano: Nano
-    ubuntu-desktop: 'LEB: Linaro Ubuntu Desktop'
-    o-ubuntu-desktop: 'LEB: Linaro Ubuntu Desktop'
-    ubuntu-desktop::long: Linux for humans on low power machines
-    ubuntu-desktop::release_note: Shiny!
-    o-alip: ARM Linux Internet Platform
-    alip: ARM Linux Internet Platform
-    server: Server
-    o-server: Server
-  hwpack-descriptions:
-    omap3: Basic support for Beagle boards
-    omap3-x11-base: Includes support for 3D acceleration
-    overo: Same kernel as omap3.
-    panda: Basic support for Panda from linux-linaro-3.0
-    panda-x11-base: Basic support for Panda from linux-linaro-3.0 plus support for 3D acceleration
-    bsp-omap4: (DEPRECATED) - Used in Maverick release
-    lt-panda: TI Landing Team kernel (kernel-tilt.git)
-    lt-panda-x11-base-natty: TI Landing Team kernel (kernel-tilt.git) plus support for 3D acceleration
-    s5pv310: Support for this has been dropped in order to focus development efforts on Origen
-    lt-s5pv310: Support for this has been dropped in order to focus development efforts on Origen
-  help:
-    latest snapshot: Latest Snapshot help text
-    release: Release help text
-    snapshot: Snapshot help text
-  translate:
-  cmdline short names:
-    build: b
-    hardware: w
-    platform: a
-    image: i
-    hwpack: p
-  build: {}
-  hardware:
-    beagle: Beagle Board
-    igep: IGEPv2
-    panda: Panda Board
-    vexpress: Versatile Express
-    ux500: UX500
-    efikamx: EFIKA MX Smarttop 
-    efikasb: EFIKA MX Smartbook
-    mx51evk: i.MX51
-    mx53loco: i.MX53 Quick Start
-    # I don't have a --dev setting to linaro-media-create for a u8500 yet.
-    # u8500: U8500
-    overo: Overo
-    smdkv310: S5PV310
-    origen: Origen
-    # UI may need some work to support snowball. Currently under investigation.
-    #snowball_sd: Snowball
-  hwpack:
-    beagle:
-    - omap3
-    - omap3-x11-base
-    - omap3-oneiric
-    - omap3-x11-base-oneiric
-    igep:
-    - igep
-    - igep-oneiric
-    panda:
-    - panda
-    - panda-x11-base
-    - bsp-omap4
-    - lt-panda-x11-base-natty
-    - lt-panda
-    - panda-oneiric
-    - panda-x11-base-oneiric
-    - lt-panda-x11-base-oneiric
-    - lt-panda-oneiric
-    vexpress:
-    - vexpress
-    - vexpress-oneiric
-    - lt-vexpress-a9-oneiric
-    ux500:
-    - bsp-ux500
-    efikamx:
-    - efikamx
-    - efikamx-oneiric
-    efikasb:
-    - efikamx
-    - efikamx-oneiric
-    mx51evk:
-    - imx51
-    - imx51-oneiric
-    mx53loco:
-    - lt-mx5
-    - lt-mx5-oneiric
-    u8500:
-     - lt-u8500
-    overo:
-    - overo
-    - overo-oneiric
-    smdkv310:
-     - lt-s5pv310
-     - s5pv310
-    origen:
-     - lt-origen
-     - lt-origen-oneiric
-    snowball_sd:
-     - lt-snowball
-     - lt-snowball-v2
-     - lt-snowball-v3-oneiric
-     - lt-snowball-v2-oneiric
-  image:
-  - alip
-  - developer
-  - headless
-  - ubuntu-desktop
-  platform:
-    linaro-m:
-    - final
-    linaro-n:
-    - alpha-1
-    - alpha-2
-    - alpha-3
-    - beta
-    - rc
-    - final
-  platform:
-    '11.05':
-    - final
-    '11.06':
-    - final
-    '11.07':
-    - final
-    '11.08':
-    - final
-    '11.09':
-    - final
-    '11.10':
-    - final
-    '11.11':
-    - final
-    '11.12':
-    - final
-    '12.01':
-    - final
-platform: linaro-n
-repository: release

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py	2011-07-19 16:02:08 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/__init__.py	2012-03-02 13:56:37 +0000
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ 
     module_names = [
-        'linaro_image_tools.tests.test_fetch_image',
     # if pyflakes is installed and we're running from a bzr checkout...
     if has_command('pyflakes') and not os.path.isabs(__file__):

=== removed file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py	2011-08-17 13:18:37 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/tests/test_fetch_image.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Linaro
-# Author: James Tunnicliffe <james.tunnicliffe@linaro.org>
-# This file is part of Linaro Image Tools.
-# Linaro Image Tools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Linaro Image Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-import os
-from linaro_image_tools.testing import TestCaseWithFixtures
-import re
-import linaro_image_tools.fetch_image as fetch_image
-class TestURLLookupFunctions(TestCaseWithFixtures):
-    def setUp(self):
-        # We use local files for testing, so get paths sorted.
-        this_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
-        this_dir = os.path.dirname(this_file)
-        yaml_file_location = os.path.join(this_dir, "../"
-                                          "fetch_image_settings.yaml")
-        sample_db_location = os.path.join(this_dir, "test_server_index.sqlite")
-        self.file_handler   = fetch_image.FileHandler()
-        self.config         = fetch_image.FetchImageConfig()
-        self.config.settings["force_download"] = False
-        # Load settings YAML, which defines the parameters we ask for and
-        # acceptable responses from the user
-        self.config.read_config(yaml_file_location)
-        # Using the config we have, look up URLs to download data from in the
-        # server index
-        self.db = fetch_image.DB(sample_db_location)
-        super(TestURLLookupFunctions, self).setUp()
-    def test_url_lookup(self):
-        self.settings = self.config.settings
-        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "snapshot"
-        #--- Test first with a snapshot build lookup ---
-        # -- Fix a build date --
-        # We only need to look up a single snapshot date. We just use the
-        # latest in the database (we could use today and search from it, but
-        # the database is just one that is checked in, so it could be old
-        # and db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds may give up before finding it).
-        date = self.db.execute_return_list(
-                          "SELECT MAX(date) FROM snapshot_binaries")[0][0]
-        d = re.search("(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})", date)
-        date = (d.group(1) + "-" + d.group(2) + "-" + d.group(3))
-        # -- Don't iterate through platforms for snapshot --
-        # -- Select hardware --
-        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
-                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
-            compatable_hwpacks = self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][
-                                                    self.settings['hardware']]
-            future_date, past_date = self.db.get_next_prev_day_with_builds(
-                                        "linaro-alip",
-                                        date,
-                                        compatable_hwpacks)
-            if past_date == None:
-                # Some hardware packs are not available in the snapshot repo,
-                # so just skip if they aren't
-                continue
-            builds = self.db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db(
-                                                        "linaro-alip",
-                                                        past_date,
-                                                        compatable_hwpacks)
-            self.assertTrue(len(builds))
-            # If the above assert fails, either the DB is empty, or
-            # db.get_binary_builds_on_day_from_db failed
-            small_date = re.sub('-', '', past_date)
-            self.settings['build'] = small_date + ":" + "0"
-            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
-            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
-                # If hardware pack is available...
-                if(self.settings['hwpack']
-                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('snapshot_hwpacks')):
-                    # -- Iterate through images
-                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('snapshot_binaries')
-                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
-                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
-                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
-                            # interest to us
-                            continue
-                        # -- Check build which matches these parameters
-                        #    (builds that don't match are excluded in UI) --
-                        if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                    'select * from snapshot_hwpacks '
-                                    'where hardware == ? '
-                                    'and date == ? '
-                                    'and build == ?',
-                                    (self.settings['hwpack'],
-                                     small_date,
-                                     "0")))
-                           and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                    'select * from snapshot_binaries '
-                                    'where image == ? '
-                                    'and date == ? '
-                                    'and build == ?',
-                                    (self.settings['image'],
-                                     small_date,
-                                     "0")))):
-                            # - Run the function under test! -
-                            image_url, hwpack_url = (
-                              self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(self.settings))
-                            self.assertTrue(image_url)
-                            self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)
-        #--- Now test release build lookup ---
-        self.settings['release_or_snapshot'] = "release"
-        # -- Select hardware --
-        for self.settings['hardware'] in (
-                                   self.settings['choice']['hardware'].keys()):
-            compatable_hwpacks = (
-                  self.settings['choice']['hwpack'][self.settings['hardware']])
-            # -- Iterate through hardware packs --
-            for self.settings['hwpack'] in compatable_hwpacks:
-                # If hardware pack is available...
-                if(self.settings['hwpack']
-                    in self.db.get_hwpacks('release_hwpacks')):
-                    # -- Iterate through images
-                    os_list = self.db.get_os_list_from('release_binaries')
-                    for self.settings['image'] in os_list:
-                        if re.search('old', self.settings['image']):
-                            # Directories with old in the name are of no
-                            # interest to us
-                            continue
-                        for platform, ignore in (
-                                  self.settings['choice']['platform'].items()):
-                            self.settings['platform'] = platform
-                            # -- Iterate through available builds --
-                            builds = self.db.get_builds(
-                                                    self.settings['platform'],
-                                                    self.settings['image'])
-                            for build in builds:
-                                self.settings['build'] = build
-                                # -- Check build which matches these parameters
-                                #(builds that don't match are excluded in UI)--
-                                if(    len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                            'select * from release_hwpacks '
-                                            'where platform == ? '
-                                            'and hardware == ? '
-                                            'and build == ?',
-                                            (self.settings['platform'],
-                                             self.settings['hwpack'],
-                                             self.settings['build'])))
-                                   and len(self.db.execute_return_list(
-                                            'select * from release_binaries '
-                                            'where platform == ? '
-                                            'and image == ? '
-                                            'and build == ?',
-                                            (self.settings['platform'],
-                                             self.settings['image'],
-                                             self.settings['build'])))):
-                                    # - Run the function under test! -
-                                    image_url, hwpack_url = (
-                                             self.db.get_image_and_hwpack_urls(
-                                                      self.settings))
-                                    self.assertTrue(image_url)
-                                    self.assertTrue(hwpack_url)

=== removed file 'linaro_image_tools/tests/test_server_index.sqlite'
Binary files linaro_image_tools/tests/test_server_index.sqlite	2011-08-11 16:18:34 +0000 and linaro_image_tools/tests/test_server_index.sqlite	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 differ