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[Branch,~linaro-validation/lava-server/trunk] Rev 353: add slightly modified version of ajax-backed table code from scheduler

Message ID 20120308003115.19489.96257.launchpad@ackee.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

Michael-Doyle Hudson March 8, 2012, 12:31 a.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson)
  review: Approve - Zygmunt Krynicki (zkrynicki)
revno: 353 [merge]
committer: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2012-03-08 13:28:53 +1300
  add slightly modified version of ajax-backed table code from scheduler


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=== modified file 'lava/utils/data_tables/backends.py'
--- lava/utils/data_tables/backends.py	2012-03-01 04:39:00 +0000
+++ lava/utils/data_tables/backends.py	2012-03-07 23:39:48 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ 
 # Copyright (C) 2012 Linaro Limited
 # Author: Zygmunt Krynicki <zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org>
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
 # This file is part of LAVA Server.
@@ -18,6 +19,9 @@ 
 from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
 from django.db.models import Q
+from django.template import compile_string
+from django_tables2.rows import BoundRow
 from lava.utils.data_tables.interface import IBackend
@@ -73,6 +77,7 @@ 
         return response
 class Column(object):
     Column definition for the QuerySetBackend
@@ -152,3 +157,119 @@ 
                   for column in self.columns])
             for object in queryset]
         return response
+simple_nodelist = compile_string('{{ value }}', None)
+class TableBackend(_BackendBase):
+    """
+    Database backend for data tables.
+    Stores and processes/computes the data in the database.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, table):
+        self.table = table
+    def _render_cell(self, col, data):
+        """Render data for a column.
+        The intent here is to match as precisely as possible the way a cell
+        would be rendered into HTML by django-tables2.  There are two bits of
+        magic in play here:
+        1) calling the correct render or render_FOO method with the correct
+           arguments, and
+        2) the default Django rendering (escaping if needed, calling unicode()
+           on model objects etc).
+        The first magic is implemented in BoundRow.__getitem__, so we go
+        through that, and we get the default Django rendering behaviour by
+        actually rendering what __getitem__ returns in a trivially simple
+        template (DataTables just sets the innerHTML of the cell to what we
+        return with no escaping or what have you, so this results in
+        consistent behaviour).
+        """
+        context = self.table.context
+        context.update({"value": BoundRow(self.table, data)[col.name]})
+        try:
+            return simple_nodelist.render(context)
+        finally:
+            context.pop()
+    def _build_q_for_search(self, sSearch):
+        """Construct a Q object that searches for sSearch.
+        The search is split into words, and we return each row that matches
+        all words.
+        A row matches a word if the word appears in (in the sense of
+        'icontains') one of the `searchable_columns`.  This clearly only
+        really works for text columns.  Extending this to work on
+        IntegerFields with choices seems possible (you can translate matching
+        a word into matching the values corresponding to choices whose names
+        contain the word) but going significantly beyond that would require
+        some hairy machinery (you could imagine auto generating a model for
+        each table that stores the rendered rows and searching in that... but
+        that's mad, surely).
+        """
+        terms = sSearch.split()
+        andQ = None
+        for term in terms:
+            orQ = None
+            for col in self.table.searchable_columns:
+                q = Q(**{col+"__icontains" : term})
+                orQ = orQ | q if orQ else q
+            andQ = andQ & orQ if andQ else orQ
+        return andQ
+    def apply_sorting_columns(self, queryset, sorting_columns):
+        """Sort queryset accoding to sorting_columns.
+        `sorting_columns` uses the format used by DataTables, e.g. [[0,
+        'asc']] or [[4, 'desc']] or even [[0, 'asc'], [1, 'desc']].
+        """
+        if not sorting_columns:
+            return queryset
+        order_by = []
+        for column_index, order in sorting_columns:
+            col = self.table.columns[column_index]
+            order_by.append(
+                "{asc_desc}{column}".format(
+                    asc_desc="-" if order == 'desc' else '',
+                    column=col.accessor.replace('.', '__')))
+        return queryset.order_by(*order_by)
+    def process(self, query):
+        """Return the JSON data described by `query`."""
+        # Get the basic response structure
+        response = super(TableBackend, self).process(query)
+        queryset = self.table.full_queryset
+        response['iTotalDisplayRecords'] = self.table.full_length
+        # 1) Apply search/filtering
+        if query.sSearch:
+            if query.bRegex:
+                raise NotImplementedError(
+                    "Searching with regular expresions is not implemented")
+            else:
+                if self.table.searchable_columns is None:
+                    raise NotImplementedError("Searching is not implemented")
+                response['iTotalRecords'] = queryset.count()
+                queryset = queryset.filter(
+                    self._build_q_for_search(query.sSearch))
+        else:
+            response['iTotalRecords'] = response['iTotalDisplayRecords']
+        # TODO: Support per-column search
+        # 2) Apply sorting
+        queryset = self.apply_sorting_columns(queryset, query.sorting_columns)
+        # 3) Apply offset/limit
+        queryset = queryset[query.iDisplayStart:query.iDisplayStart + query.iDisplayLength]
+        #  Compute the response
+        # Note, despite the 'aaData' identifier we're
+        # returing aoData-typed result (array of objects)
+        response['aaData'] = [
+            dict([(column.name, self._render_cell(column, object))
+                  for column in self.table.columns])
+            for object in queryset]
+        return response

=== added file 'lava/utils/data_tables/tables.py'
--- lava/utils/data_tables/tables.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lava/utils/data_tables/tables.py	2012-03-08 00:11:20 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Linaro Limited
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of LAVA Server.
+# LAVA Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation
+# LAVA Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with LAVA Server.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Tables designed to be used with the DataTables jQuery plug in.
+There are just three steps to using this:
+1) Define the table::
+    class BookTable(DataTablesTable):
+        author = Column()
+        title = Column()
+        def get_queryset(self):
+            return Book.objects.all()
+2) Define a view for providing the data from the table in json format::
+    def book_table_json(request):
+        return BookTable.json(request)
+3) Include the table in the view for the page you are building::
+    def book_list(request):
+        return render_to_response(
+            'my_bookshop_app/book_list.html',
+            {
+                'book_table': BookTable('booklist', reverse(book_table_json))
+            },
+            RequestContext(request))
+   and in the template::
+    <script type="text/javascript" src=".../jquery.min.js">
+    </script>
+    <script type="text/javascript" src=".../jquery.dataTables.min.js">
+    </script>
+    {% load django_tables2 %}
+    ...
+    {% render_table book_table %}
+That's it!
+If the table depends on some parameter, you can pass paramters which end up
+getting passed to the get_queryset method.  For example::
+    class AuthorBookTable(DataTablesTable):
+        title = Column()
+        def get_queryset(self, author):
+            return author.books
+    def author_book_table_json(request, name):
+        author = get_object_or_404(Author, name=name)
+        return AuthorBookTable.json(request, (author,))
+    def author_book_list(request, name):
+        return render_to_response(
+            author = get_object_or_404(Author, name=name)
+            'my_bookshop_app/author_book_list.html',
+            {
+                'author': author,
+                'author_book_table': AuthorBookTable(
+                    'booklist', reverse(author_book_table_json))
+            },
+            RequestContext(request))
+In general, usage is designed to be very similar to using the raw
+django-tables2 tables.  Because the data in the table rendered into html and
+in the json view need to be consistent, many of the options that you can pass
+to Table's __init__ are not available for DataTablesTable.  In practice this
+means that you need a DataTablesTable subclass for each different table.
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+import simplejson
+from django.template import RequestContext
+from django_tables2.tables import Table
+from django_tables2.utils import AttributeDict
+from lava.utils.data_tables.views import DataTableView
+from lava.utils.data_tables.backends import TableBackend
+class MetaTable(ABCMeta, Table.__metaclass__):
+    pass
+class DataTablesTable(Table):
+    """A table designed to be used with the DataTables jQuery plug in.
+    """
+    __metaclass__ = MetaTable
+    def __init__(self, id, source=None, params=(), sortable=None,
+                 empty_text=None, attrs=None, template=None):
+        """Initialize the table.
+        Options that Table supports that affect the data presented are not
+        supported in this subclass.  Extra paramters are:
+        :param id: The id of the table in the resulting HTML.  You just need
+            to provide somethign that will be unique in the generated page.
+        :param source: The URL to get json data from.
+        :param params: A tuple of arguments to pass to the get_queryset()
+            method.
+        """
+        if template is None:
+            template = 'lava_scheduler_app/ajax_table.html'
+        # The reason we pass data=[] here and patch the queryset in below is
+        # because of a bootstrapping issue.  We want to sort the initial
+        # queryset, and this is much cleaner if the table has has its .columns
+        # set up which is only done in Table.__init__...
+        super(DataTablesTable, self).__init__(
+            data=[], sortable=sortable, empty_text=empty_text, attrs=attrs,
+            template=template)
+        self.full_queryset = self.get_queryset(*params)
+        self.full_length = self.full_queryset.count()
+        ordering = self.datatable_opts.get('aaSorting', [[0, 'asc']])
+        sorted_queryset = TableBackend(self).apply_sorting_columns(
+            self.full_queryset, ordering)
+        display_length = self.datatable_opts.get('iDisplayLength', 10)
+        del self.data.list
+        self.data.queryset = sorted_queryset[:display_length]
+        if source is not None:
+            self.source = source
+        # We are careful about modifying the attrs here -- if it comes from
+        # class Meta:-type options, we don't want to modify the original
+        # value!
+        if self.attrs:
+            attrs = AttributeDict(self.attrs)
+        else:
+            attrs = AttributeDict()
+        attrs.update({
+            'id': id,
+            # Forcing class to display here is a bit specific really.
+            'class': 'display',
+            })
+        self.attrs = attrs
+    @classmethod
+    def json(cls, request, params=()):
+        """Format table data according to request.
+        This method is designed to be called from the view that is passed as
+        the 'source' argument to a table.  The simplest implementation of such
+        a view would be something like::
+            def table_data(request):
+                return MyTable.json(request)
+        but in general the view might take paramters and pass them as the
+        `params` argument to this function.
+        :param params: A tuple of arguments to pass to the table's
+            get_queryset() method.
+        """
+        table = cls(None, params=params)
+        table.context = RequestContext(request)
+        return DataTableView.as_view(
+            backend=TableBackend(table)
+            )(request)
+    def datatable_options(self):
+        """The DataTable options for this table, serialized as JSON."""
+        opts = {
+            'bJQueryUI': True,
+            'bServerSide': True,
+            'bProcessing': True,
+            'sAjaxSource': self.source,
+            'bFilter': bool(self.searchable_columns),
+            'iDeferLoading': self.full_length,
+            }
+        opts.update(self.datatable_opts)
+        aoColumnDefs = opts['aoColumnDefs'] = []
+        for col in self.columns:
+            aoColumnDefs.append({
+                'bSortable': bool(col.sortable),
+                'mDataProp': col.name,
+                'aTargets': [col.name],
+                })
+        return simplejson.dumps(opts)
+    # Subclasses must override get_queryset() and may want to provide values
+    # for source, datatable_opts and searchable_columns.
+    @abstractmethod
+    def get_queryset(self, *args):
+        """The data the table displays.
+        The return data will be sorted, filtered and sliced depending on how
+        the table is manipulated by the user.
+        """
+    # The URL to get data from (i.e. the sAjaxSource of the table).  Often
+    # it's more convenient to pass this to the table __init__ to allow the
+    # code to be laid out in a more logical order.
+    source = None
+    # Extra DataTable options.  Values you might want to override here include
+    # 'iDisplayLength' (how big to make the table's pages by default) and
+    # 'aaSorting' (the initial sort of the table).  See
+    # http://datatables.net/usage/options for more.
+    datatable_opts = {}
+    # Perform searches by looking in these columns.  Searching will not be
+    # enabled unless you set this.  Searching is only supported in textual
+    # columns for now (supporting an IntegerField with Choices seems possible
+    # too).
+    searchable_columns = []