diff mbox

[RFC] kconfig: introduce kconfig for UBI

Message ID 0492d23b-6d21-f0de-af51-897b68d91e29@ti.com
State New
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Commit Message

Andrew Davis Sept. 20, 2016, 2:26 p.m. UTC
On 09/20/2016 12:50 AM, Heiko Schocher wrote:
> Hello Andrew,


> Am 19.09.2016 um 18:03 schrieb Andrew F. Davis:

>> BTW, the following addresses that bounce should be removed from wherever

>> you found them or added to .get_maintainer.ignore if they are part of

>> old commits:


>> Bo Shen <voice.shen@atmel.com>

>> Albert ARIBAUD <albert-u-boot@aribaud.net>

>> Gerald Kerma <dreagle@doukki.net>

>> Karl Beldan <kbeldan@baylibre.com>

>> Vaibhav Hiremath <hvaibhav@ti.com>

>> Sudhakar Rajashekhara <sudhakar.raj@ti.com>



> Hmm.. I used patman for creating the patch and so patman created with

> the help of scripts/get_maintainer.pl creates the cc list ...


It seems most of these are from MAINTAINER files, these names need to be
removed and their subsystem status changed to unmaintained until new
maintainers can step up.

> I just tried to create such a ".get_maintainer.ignore" file, but

> doesn;t work ... ah, I see, the get_maintainer.pl from U-Boot does

> not support the ".get_maintainer.ignore" file


> Hmm.. looked into it, not easy (for me) to fix this "fast" ...


Looks like the scripts/get_maintainer.pl needs to be synced with the
Linux version, something like:


From b9a032c6e33cfe59f9d2cd6d0901bf588aad3b5f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrew F. Davis" <afd@ti.com>

Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 07:59:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] get_maintainer.pl: Sync with latest version from Linux

Signed-off-by: Andrew F. Davis <afd@ti.com>

 scripts/get_maintainer.pl | 188
 1 file changed, 125 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

     --n => include name 'Full Name <addr\@domain.tld>'
     --l => include list(s) if any
     --s => include subscriber only list(s) if any
@@ -794,7 +817,7 @@ Other options:
   --help => show this help information

 Default options:
-  [--email --nogit --git-fallback --m --n --l --multiline -pattern-depth=0
+  [--email --nogit --git-fallback --m --r --n --l --multiline
    --remove-duplicates --rolestats]

@@ -826,6 +849,9 @@ Notes:
       Entries in this file can be any command line argument.
       This file is prepended to any additional command line arguments.
       Multiple lines and # comments are allowed.
+  Most options have both positive and negative forms.
+      The negative forms for --<foo> are --no<foo> and --no-<foo>.

@@ -954,20 +980,29 @@ sub find_ending_index {
     return $index;

-sub get_maintainer_role {
+sub get_subsystem_name {
     my ($index) = @_;

-    my $i;
     my $start = find_starting_index($index);
-    my $end = find_ending_index($index);

-    my $role = "unknown";
     my $subsystem = $typevalue[$start];
-    if (length($subsystem) > 20) {
-	$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, 17);
+    if ($output_section_maxlen && length($subsystem) >
$output_section_maxlen) {
+	$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, $output_section_maxlen - 3);
 	$subsystem =~ s/\s*$//;
 	$subsystem = $subsystem . "...";
+    return $subsystem;
+sub get_maintainer_role {
+    my ($index) = @_;
+    my $i;
+    my $start = find_starting_index($index);
+    my $end = find_ending_index($index);
+    my $role = "unknown";
+    my $subsystem = get_subsystem_name($index);

     for ($i = $start + 1; $i < $end; $i++) {
 	my $tv = $typevalue[$i];
@@ -1001,16 +1036,7 @@ sub get_maintainer_role {
 sub get_list_role {
     my ($index) = @_;

-    my $i;
-    my $start = find_starting_index($index);
-    my $end = find_ending_index($index);
-    my $subsystem = $typevalue[$start];
-    if (length($subsystem) > 20) {
-	$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, 17);
-	$subsystem =~ s/\s*$//;
-	$subsystem = $subsystem . "...";
-    }
+    my $subsystem = get_subsystem_name($index);

     if ($subsystem eq "THE REST") {
 	$subsystem = "";
@@ -1084,6 +1110,23 @@ sub add_categories {
 		    my $role = get_maintainer_role($i);
 		    push_email_addresses($pvalue, $role);
+	    } elsif ($ptype eq "R") {
+		my ($name, $address) = parse_email($pvalue);
+		if ($name eq "") {
+		    if ($i > 0) {
+			my $tv = $typevalue[$i - 1];
+			if ($tv =~ m/^([A-Z]):\s*(.*)/) {
+			    if ($1 eq "P") {
+				$name = $2;
+				$pvalue = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+		if ($email_reviewer) {
+		    my $subsystem = get_subsystem_name($i);
+		    push_email_addresses($pvalue, "reviewer:$subsystem");
+		}
 	    } elsif ($ptype eq "T") {
 		push(@scm, $pvalue);
 	    } elsif ($ptype eq "W") {
@@ -1868,6 +1911,7 @@ sub vcs_assign {
 	my $percent = $sign_offs * 100 / $divisor;

 	$percent = 100 if ($percent > 100);
+	next if (ignore_email_address($line));
 	last if ($sign_offs < $email_git_min_signatures ||
 		 $count > $email_git_max_maintainers ||
@@ -2082,6 +2126,24 @@ sub vcs_file_blame {

+sub vcs_file_exists {
+    my ($file) = @_;
+    my $exists;
+    my $vcs_used = vcs_exists();
+    return 0 if (!$vcs_used);
+    my $cmd = $VCS_cmds{"file_exists_cmd"};
+    $cmd =~ s/(\$\w+)/$1/eeg;		# interpolate $cmd
+    $cmd .= " 2>&1";
+    $exists = &{$VCS_cmds{"execute_cmd"}}($cmd);
+    return 0 if ($? != 0);
+    return $exists;
 sub uniq {
     my (@parms) = @_;

U-Boot mailing list
diff mbox


diff --git a/scripts/get_maintainer.pl b/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
index 83a4e5b..edcccff 100755
--- a/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
+++ b/scripts/get_maintainer.pl
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@  my $P = $0;
 my $V = '0.26';

 use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);
-use File::Find;
+use Cwd;

+my $cur_path = fastgetcwd() . '/';
 my $lk_path = "./";
 my $email = 1;
 my $email_usename = 1;
 my $email_maintainer = 1;
+my $email_reviewer = 1;
 my $email_list = 1;
 my $email_subscriber_list = 0;
 my $email_git_penguin_chiefs = 0;
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@  my $output_multiline = 1;
 my $output_separator = ", ";
 my $output_roles = 0;
 my $output_rolestats = 1;
+my $output_section_maxlen = 50;
 my $scm = 0;
 my $web = 0;
 my $subsystem = 0;
@@ -128,6 +131,7 @@  my %VCS_cmds_git = (
     "author_pattern" => "^GitAuthor: (.*)",
     "subject_pattern" => "^GitSubject: (.*)",
     "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\\t(\\d+)\\t\$file\$",
+    "file_exists_cmd" => "git ls-files \$file",

 my %VCS_cmds_hg = (
@@ -156,6 +160,7 @@  my %VCS_cmds_hg = (
     "author_pattern" => "^HgAuthor: (.*)",
     "subject_pattern" => "^HgSubject: (.*)",
     "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\t(\\d+)\t\$file\$",
+    "file_exists_cmd" => "hg files \$file",

 my $conf = which_conf(".get_maintainer.conf");
@@ -184,6 +189,27 @@  if (-f $conf) {
     unshift(@ARGV, @conf_args) if @conf_args;

+my @ignore_emails = ();
+my $ignore_file = which_conf(".get_maintainer.ignore");
+if (-f $ignore_file) {
+    open(my $ignore, '<', "$ignore_file")
+	or warn "$P: Can't find a readable .get_maintainer.ignore file $!\n";
+    while (<$ignore>) {
+	my $line = $_;
+	$line =~ s/\s*\n?$//;
+	$line =~ s/^\s*//;
+	$line =~ s/\s+$//;
+	$line =~ s/#.*$//;
+	next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);
+	if (rfc822_valid($line)) {
+	    push(@ignore_emails, $line);
+	}
+    }
+    close($ignore);
 if (!GetOptions(
 		'email!' => \$email,
 		'git!' => \$email_git,
@@ -201,6 +227,7 @@  if (!GetOptions(
 		'remove-duplicates!' => \$email_remove_duplicates,
 		'mailmap!' => \$email_use_mailmap,
 		'm!' => \$email_maintainer,
+		'r!' => \$email_reviewer,
 		'n!' => \$email_usename,
 		'l!' => \$email_list,
 		's!' => \$email_subscriber_list,
@@ -259,7 +286,8 @@  if ($sections) {

 if ($email &&
-    ($email_maintainer + $email_list + $email_subscriber_list +
+    ($email_maintainer + $email_reviewer +
+     $email_list + $email_subscriber_list +
      $email_git + $email_git_penguin_chiefs + $email_git_blame) == 0) {
     die "$P: Please select at least 1 email option\n";
@@ -274,53 +302,34 @@  if (!top_of_kernel_tree($lk_path)) {
 my @typevalue = ();
 my %keyword_hash;

-my @maint_files = ();
-push(@maint_files, "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS");
-sub maint_wanted {
-    return unless $_ =~ /^MAINTAINERS/;
-    push(@maint_files, "$File::Find::name");
-File::Find::find(\&maint_wanted, "${lk_path}board");
-foreach my $maint_file (@maint_files) {
-    my $maint;
-    open ($maint, '<', "$maint_file")
-	or die "$P: Can't open $maint_file: $!\n";
-    read_maintainers($maint);
-    close($maint);
-sub read_maintainers {
-    my ($maint) = @_;
-    while (<$maint>) {
-	my $line = $_;
-	if ($line =~ m/^([A-Z]):\s*(.*)/) {
-	    my $type = $1;
-	    my $value = $2;
-	    ##Filename pattern matching
-	    if ($type eq "F" || $type eq "X") {
-		$value =~ s@\.@\\\.@g;       ##Convert . to \.
-		$value =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;       ##Convert * to .*
-		$value =~ s/\?/\./g;         ##Convert ? to .
-		##if pattern is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
-		if ((-d $value)) {
-		    $value =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
-		}
-	    } elsif ($type eq "K") {
-		$keyword_hash{@typevalue} = $value;
+open (my $maint, '<', "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS")
+    or die "$P: Can't open MAINTAINERS: $!\n";
+while (<$maint>) {
+    my $line = $_;
+    if ($line =~ m/^([A-Z]):\s*(.*)/) {
+	my $type = $1;
+	my $value = $2;
+	##Filename pattern matching
+	if ($type eq "F" || $type eq "X") {
+	    $value =~ s@\.@\\\.@g;       ##Convert . to \.
+	    $value =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;       ##Convert * to .*
+	    $value =~ s/\?/\./g;         ##Convert ? to .
+	    ##if pattern is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
+	    if ((-d $value)) {
+		$value =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
-	    push(@typevalue, "$type:$value");
-	} elsif (!/^(\s)*$/) {
-	    $line =~ s/\n$//g;
-	    push(@typevalue, $line);
+	} elsif ($type eq "K") {
+	    $keyword_hash{@typevalue} = $value;
+	push(@typevalue, "$type:$value");
+    } elsif (!/^(\s)*$/) {
+	$line =~ s/\n$//g;
+	push(@typevalue, $line);

@@ -421,7 +430,9 @@  foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
 	    die "$P: file '${file}' not found\n";
-    if ($from_filename) {
+    if ($from_filename || ($file ne "&STDIN" && vcs_file_exists($file))) {
+	$file =~ s/^\Q${cur_path}\E//;	#strip any absolute path
+	$file =~ s/^\Q${lk_path}\E//;	#or the path to the lk tree
 	push(@files, $file);
 	if ($file ne "MAINTAINERS" && -f $file && ($keywords || $file_emails)) {
 	    open(my $f, '<', $file)
@@ -528,6 +539,16 @@  if ($web) {


+sub ignore_email_address {
+    my ($address) = @_;
+    foreach my $ignore (@ignore_emails) {
+	return 1 if ($ignore eq $address);
+    }
+    return 0;
 sub range_is_maintained {
     my ($start, $end) = @_;

@@ -764,10 +785,12 @@  MAINTAINER field selection options:
     --git-max-maintainers => maximum maintainers to add (default:
     --git-min-percent => minimum percentage of commits required
(default: $email_git_min_percent)
     --git-blame => use git blame to find modified commits for patch or file
+    --git-blame-signatures => when used with --git-blame, also include
all commit signers
     --git-since => git history to use (default: $email_git_since)
     --hg-since => hg history to use (default: $email_hg_since)
     --interactive => display a menu (mostly useful if used with the
--git option)
     --m => include maintainer(s) if any
+    --r => include reviewer(s) if any