From patchwork Mon Oct 30 09:58:45 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Pankaj Gupta X-Patchwork-Id: 739773 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C4E4B10A0E for ; Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:00:45 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="ghZOl1n1" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 91C7910FA; Mon, 30 Oct 2023 03:00:39 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=kOs+qjtxwsTuF0NOEYHDSytF735xVn3gGMfmzhkjAHIXrW6+IRtNwBnO5ocgjBT3LDbJP7dYLGEUA6GXc5aRDorng48CaWipysBvJ0a/FjqnXBez66MukP1Cdy4MfwkSMUydkN9E1iNX3N6L/kbWJBbJPCro1EU/jYDsA8jfbkTEO3jIe61yTG6H0kO8SEnKYkiZO3H4fBiR24Wjz4DsM42lPm0dSDpgZFXYrcOb0o5oiRoweiTv44JSu5Ue77DgPmiNuJqNYPnGVzo3IFAHDgQUHuTCSIBBZixgd/QsfPopTjGf6yRLntMnlWd8myL5tpNrircp1SI8IeYhsxLBiQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=HKdaMP7yCkMydLv97b+nZ2ZdA3o4q7nE/MeY1h5Fgm0=; b=RFgvxdJPWV0TMtxvD6+XJAMzvIH0Ptt9oCnRkPbogcuJfa6CDUS5A6tK5e30+G2T+a3QBPNeH02XWyLSI009SNs6uFLGyjKGUgMKL38v/cLAe6h1qAK0O63uXRKoW+U5+c2A/2knf25ILmj5cbNA9zXpDY0iegeO8muoGGnOpV/ereeoJ2btJPCsbS3wE5JyvWVkuPyYUZ1pmSXsWcqxp1sb4ftDh9lO+lqK1ZTgggS3Z6xI+BEeLk6jKMCw+151R/CfP8XVvFKiGfGTfV5GlMcydxFCJ1jGECFA4NP7echJDm9cktk6wem/z7yXFXa1Dq/Lgq/O7pLMqbWR9wSH/w== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=HKdaMP7yCkMydLv97b+nZ2ZdA3o4q7nE/MeY1h5Fgm0=; b=ghZOl1n19qIeaSGpLQus6uX+CGFlTCoW+4u7uN20rhILVoSjKp1KZ1hWW0BzJ3cYdbwpiukkOJ968ZGbY2y0FpWYPKiRPzCO5FllX0Kuit7ENkrD2eMNMgEOzFDn4HO9LG+tX5LD1aSWERceal63/k3+UG0VdzfcXLTnhPN/yYQ= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:10:2dd::15) by (2603:10a6:20b:340::8) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6954.16; Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:00:08 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::9ba:8e4f:1465:9351]) by ([fe80::9ba:8e4f:1465:9351%4]) with mapi id 15.20.6954.016; Mon, 30 Oct 2023 10:00:08 +0000 From: Pankaj Gupta To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cc: Pankaj Gupta Subject: [PATCH v7 07/11] firmware: imx: add driver for NXP EdgeLock Enclave Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2023 15:28:45 +0530 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:4:7c::28) To (2603:10a6:10:2dd::15) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: DU2PR04MB8630:EE_|AS8PR04MB8513:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 5afe8604-d54b-448d-6200-08dbd92efed7 X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; 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DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 5afe8604-d54b-448d-6200-08dbd92efed7 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 30 Oct 2023 10:00:08.1070 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: bHyglLZjBawnb7nl0FtNXW8Y8/OVL1ntYnJrUb5bnivRsQsSSsQgh5lydeClNScqi74cgz22Ss3Ro0u4//MQ3Q== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: AS8PR04MB8513 The Edgelock Enclave , is the secure enclave embedded in the SoC to support the features like HSM, SHE & V2X, using message based communication channel. ELE FW communicates on a dedicated MU with application core where kernel is running. It exists on specific i.MX processors. e.g. i.MX8ULP, i.MX93. User-space library using this driver: - i.MX Secure Enclave library: -- URL:, - i.MX Secure Middle-Ware: -- URL: Signed-off-by: Pankaj Gupta --- Documentation/ABI/testing/se-cdev | 41 + drivers/firmware/imx/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/firmware/imx/Makefile | 2 + drivers/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.c | 101 ++ drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.c | 139 +++ drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.h | 30 + drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.c | 1308 +++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.h | 154 +++ include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.h | 40 + include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_mu_ioctl.h | 74 ++ 10 files changed, 1901 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/ABI/testing/se-cdev create mode 100644 drivers/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.c create mode 100644 drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.c create mode 100644 drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.h create mode 100644 drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.c create mode 100644 drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.h create mode 100644 include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.h create mode 100644 include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_mu_ioctl.h diff --git a/Documentation/ABI/testing/se-cdev b/Documentation/ABI/testing/se-cdev new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..14a7143fcaf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/ABI/testing/se-cdev @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +What: /dev/_mu[0-9]+_ch[0-9]+ +Date: August 2023 +KernelVersion: 6.6 +Contact:, +Description: + NXP offers multiple hardware IP(s) for secure-enclaves like EdgeLock- + Enclave(ELE), SECO. The character device file-descriptors + /dev/_mu*_ch* are the interface between user-space NXP's secure- + enclave shared-library and the kernel driver. + + The ioctl(2)-based ABI is defined and documented in + [include] + ioctl(s) are used primarily for: + - shared memory management + - allocation of I/O buffers + - get mu info + - setting a dev-ctx as receiver that is slave to fw + + The following file operations are supported: + + open(2) + Currently the only useful flags are O_RDWR. + + read(2) + Every read() from the opened character device context is waiting on + wakeup_intruptible, that gets set by the registered mailbox callback + function; indicating a message received from the firmware on message- + unit. + + write(2) + Every write() to the opened character device context needs to acquire + mailbox_lock, before sending message on to the message unit. + + close(2) + Stops and free up the I/O contexts that was associated + with the file descriptor. + +Users:, + + crypto/skcipher, + drivers/nvmem/imx-ocotp-ele.c diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/Kconfig b/drivers/firmware/imx/Kconfig index c027d99f2a59..2822e5d4b24c 100644 --- a/drivers/firmware/imx/Kconfig +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/Kconfig @@ -28,3 +28,15 @@ config IMX_SCU_PD depends on IMX_SCU help The System Controller Firmware (SCFW) based power domain driver. + +config IMX_SEC_ENCLAVE + tristate "i.MX Embedded Secure Enclave - EdgeLock Enclave Firmware driver." + depends on IMX_MBOX && ARCH_MXC && ARM64 + default m if ARCH_MXC + + help + It is possible to use APIs exposed by the iMX Secure Enclave HW IP called: + - EdgeLock Enclave Firmware (for i.MX8ULP, i.MX93), + like base, HSM, V2X & SHE using the SAB protocol via the shared Messaging + Unit. This driver exposes these interfaces via a set of file descriptors + allowing to configure shared memory, send and receive messages. diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/Makefile b/drivers/firmware/imx/Makefile index 8f9f04a513a8..77ec0f922788 100644 --- a/drivers/firmware/imx/Makefile +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/Makefile @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_DSP) += imx-dsp.o obj-$(CONFIG_IMX_SCU) += imx-scu.o misc.o imx-scu-irq.o rm.o imx-scu-soc.o +sec_enclave-objs = se_fw.o ele_common.o ele_base_msg.o +obj-${CONFIG_IMX_SEC_ENCLAVE} += sec_enclave.o diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.c b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..813f769f7bc3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.c @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Copyright 2021-2023 NXP + */ + +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "ele_common.h" + +int ele_get_info(struct device *dev, phys_addr_t addr, u32 data_size) +{ + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret; + unsigned int status; + + ret = imx_se_alloc_tx_rx_buf(priv); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = plat_fill_cmd_msg_hdr(priv, + (struct mu_hdr *)&priv->tx_msg->header, + ELE_GET_INFO_REQ, + ELE_GET_INFO_REQ_MSG_SZ, + true); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + priv->tx_msg->data[0] = upper_32_bits(addr); + priv->tx_msg->data[1] = lower_32_bits(addr); + priv->tx_msg->data[2] = data_size; + ret = imx_ele_msg_send_rcv(priv); + if (ret < 0) + goto exit; + + ret = validate_rsp_hdr(priv, + priv->rx_msg->header, + ELE_GET_INFO_REQ, + ELE_GET_INFO_RSP_MSG_SZ, + true); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + status = RES_STATUS(priv->rx_msg->data[0]); + if (status != priv->success_tag) { + dev_err(dev, "Command Id[%d], Response Failure = 0x%x", + ELE_GET_INFO_REQ, status); + ret = -1; + } + +exit: + imx_se_free_tx_rx_buf(priv); + + return ret; +} + +int ele_ping(struct device *dev) +{ + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret; + unsigned int status; + + ret = imx_se_alloc_tx_rx_buf(priv); + if (ret) + return ret; + + ret = plat_fill_cmd_msg_hdr(priv, + (struct mu_hdr *)&priv->tx_msg->header, + ELE_PING_REQ, ELE_PING_REQ_SZ, + true); + if (ret) { + pr_err("Error: plat_fill_cmd_msg_hdr failed.\n"); + goto exit; + } + + ret = imx_ele_msg_send_rcv(priv); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + ret = validate_rsp_hdr(priv, + priv->rx_msg->header, + ELE_PING_REQ, + ELE_PING_RSP_SZ, + true); + if (ret) + goto exit; + + status = RES_STATUS(priv->rx_msg->data[0]); + if (status != priv->success_tag) { + dev_err(dev, "Command Id[%d], Response Failure = 0x%x", + ELE_PING_REQ, status); + ret = -1; + } +exit: + imx_se_free_tx_rx_buf(priv); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.c b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4410245a19ec --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.c @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Copyright 2023 NXP + */ + +#include "ele_common.h" +#include "se_fw.h" + +int imx_se_alloc_tx_rx_buf(struct ele_mu_priv *priv) +{ + int ret = 0; + + priv->tx_msg = devm_kzalloc(priv->dev, + sizeof(*priv->tx_msg), + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv->tx_msg) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_err(priv->dev, "Fail allocate mem for tx_msg.\n"); + return ret; + } + + priv->rx_msg = devm_kzalloc(priv->dev, + sizeof(*priv->rx_msg), + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!priv->rx_msg) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_err(priv->dev, "Fail allocate mem for rx_msg.\n"); + return ret; + } + + return ret; +} + +void imx_se_free_tx_rx_buf(struct ele_mu_priv *priv) +{ + if (priv->tx_msg) + devm_kfree(priv->dev, priv->tx_msg); + + if (priv->rx_msg) + devm_kfree(priv->dev, priv->rx_msg); +} + +int imx_ele_msg_send_rcv(struct ele_mu_priv *priv) +{ + unsigned int wait; + int err; + + mutex_lock(&priv->mu_cmd_lock); + mutex_lock(&priv->mu_lock); + + err = mbox_send_message(priv->tx_chan, priv->tx_msg); + if (err < 0) { + pr_err("Error: mbox_send_message failure.\n"); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mu_lock); + mutex_unlock(&priv->mu_cmd_lock); + return err; + } + err = 0; + + mutex_unlock(&priv->mu_lock); + + wait = msecs_to_jiffies(1000); + if (!wait_for_completion_timeout(&priv->done, wait)) { + pr_err("Error: wait_for_completion timed out.\n"); + err = -ETIMEDOUT; + } + + mutex_unlock(&priv->mu_cmd_lock); + + return err; +} + +/* Fill a command message header with a given command ID and length in bytes. */ +int plat_fill_cmd_msg_hdr(struct ele_mu_priv *priv, + struct mu_hdr *hdr, + uint8_t cmd, + uint32_t len, + bool is_base_api) +{ + hdr->tag = priv->cmd_tag; + hdr->ver = (is_base_api) ? priv->base_api_ver : priv->fw_api_ver; + hdr->command = cmd; + hdr->size = len >> 2; + + return 0; +} + +int validate_rsp_hdr(struct ele_mu_priv *priv, unsigned int header, + uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t sz, bool is_base_api) +{ + unsigned int tag, command, size, ver; + int ret = -EINVAL; + + tag = MSG_TAG(header); + command = MSG_COMMAND(header); + size = MSG_SIZE(header); + ver = MSG_VER(header); + + do { + if (tag != priv->rsp_tag) { + dev_err(priv->dev, + "MSG[0x%x] Hdr: Resp tag mismatch. (0x%x != 0x%x)", + msg_id, tag, priv->rsp_tag); + break; + } + + if (command != msg_id) { + dev_err(priv->dev, + "MSG Header: Cmd id mismatch. (0x%x != 0x%x)", + command, msg_id); + break; + } + + if (size != (sz >> 2)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, + "MSG[0x%x] Hdr: Cmd size mismatch. (0x%x != 0x%x)", + msg_id, size, (sz >> 2)); + break; + } + + if (is_base_api && (ver != priv->base_api_ver)) { + dev_err(priv->dev, + "MSG[0x%x] Hdr: Base API Vers mismatch. (0x%x != 0x%x)", + msg_id, ver, priv->base_api_ver); + break; + } else if (!is_base_api && ver != priv->fw_api_ver) { + dev_err(priv->dev, + "MSG[0x%x] Hdr: FW API Vers mismatch. (0x%x != 0x%x)", + msg_id, ver, priv->fw_api_ver); + break; + } + + ret = 0; + + } while (false); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.h b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..284b7f66d8e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/ele_common.h @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ +/* + * Copyright 2023 NXP + */ + + +#ifndef __ELE_COMMON_H__ +#define __ELE_COMMON_H__ + +#include "se_fw.h" + +int imx_ele_msg_send_rcv(struct ele_mu_priv *priv); +void imx_se_free_tx_rx_buf(struct ele_mu_priv *priv); +int imx_se_alloc_tx_rx_buf(struct ele_mu_priv *priv); +int validate_rsp_hdr(struct ele_mu_priv *priv, unsigned int header, + uint8_t msg_id, uint8_t sz, bool is_base_api); +int plat_fill_cmd_msg_hdr(struct ele_mu_priv *priv, + struct mu_hdr *hdr, + uint8_t cmd, + uint32_t len, + bool is_base_api); +#ifdef CONFIG_IMX_ELE_TRNG +int ele_trng_init(struct device *dev); +#else +static inline int ele_trng_init(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} +#endif +#endif diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.c b/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fc06e9076d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.c @@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ +/* + * Copyright 2021-2023 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "se_fw.h" + +#define SOC_ID_OF_IMX8ULP 0x084D +#define SOC_ID_OF_IMX93 0x9300 +#define SOC_VER_MASK 0xFFFF0000 +#define SOC_ID_MASK 0x0000FFFF +#define RESERVED_DMA_POOL BIT(1) + +struct imx_info { + const uint8_t pdev_name[2][20]; + bool socdev; + uint8_t mu_did; + uint8_t max_dev_ctx; + uint8_t cmd_tag; + uint8_t rsp_tag; + uint8_t success_tag; + uint8_t base_api_ver; + uint8_t fw_api_ver; + uint8_t *se_name; + uint8_t *mbox_tx_name; + uint8_t *mbox_rx_name; + uint8_t *pool_name; + bool reserved_dma_ranges; +}; + +struct imx_info_list { + uint8_t num_mu; + struct imx_info info[]; +}; + +static LIST_HEAD(priv_data_list); + +static const struct imx_info_list imx8ulp_info = { + .num_mu = 1, + .info = { + { + .pdev_name = {"se-fw2", "mu2"}, + .socdev = true, + .mu_did = 7, + .max_dev_ctx = 4, + .cmd_tag = 0x17, + .rsp_tag = 0xe1, + .success_tag = 0xd6, + .base_api_ver = MESSAGING_VERSION_6, + .fw_api_ver = MESSAGING_VERSION_7, + .se_name = "ele", + .mbox_tx_name = "tx", + .mbox_rx_name = "rx", + .pool_name = "sram", + .reserved_dma_ranges = true, + }, + }, +}; + +static const struct imx_info_list imx93_info = { + .num_mu = 1, + .info = { + { + .pdev_name = {"se-fw2", "mu2"}, + .socdev = true, + .mu_did = 3, + .max_dev_ctx = 4, + .cmd_tag = 0x17, + .rsp_tag = 0xe1, + .success_tag = 0xd6, + .base_api_ver = MESSAGING_VERSION_6, + .fw_api_ver = MESSAGING_VERSION_7, + .se_name = "ele", + .mbox_tx_name = "tx", + .mbox_rx_name = "rx", + .pool_name = NULL, + .reserved_dma_ranges = true, + }, + }, +}; + +static const struct of_device_id se_fw_match[] = { + { .compatible = "fsl,imx8ulp-se-fw", .data = (void *)&imx8ulp_info}, + { .compatible = "fsl,imx93-se-fw", .data = (void *)&imx93_info}, + {}, +}; + +static struct imx_info *get_imx_info(struct imx_info_list *info_list, + const uint8_t *pdev_name, + uint8_t len) +{ + int i = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < info_list->num_mu; i++) + if (!memcmp(info_list->info[i].pdev_name[0], pdev_name, len)) + return &info_list->info[i]; + + return NULL; +} + +/* + * Callback called by mailbox FW when data are received + */ +static void ele_mu_rx_callback(struct mbox_client *c, void *msg) +{ + struct device *dev = c->dev; + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx; + bool is_response = false; + int msg_size; + struct mu_hdr header; + + /* The function can be called with NULL msg */ + if (!msg) { + dev_err(dev, "Message is invalid\n"); + return; + } + + header.tag = ((u8 *)msg)[TAG_OFFSET]; + header.command = ((u8 *)msg)[CMD_OFFSET]; + header.size = ((u8 *)msg)[SZ_OFFSET]; + header.ver = ((u8 *)msg)[VER_OFFSET]; + + /* Incoming command: wake up the receiver if any. */ + if (header.tag == priv->cmd_tag) { + dev_dbg(dev, "Selecting cmd receiver\n"); + dev_ctx = priv->cmd_receiver_dev; + } else if (header.tag == priv->rsp_tag) { + if (priv->waiting_rsp_dev) { + dev_dbg(dev, "Selecting rsp waiter\n"); + dev_ctx = priv->waiting_rsp_dev; + is_response = true; + } else { + /* + * Reading the EdgeLock Enclave response + * to the command, sent by other + * linux kernel services. + */ + spin_lock(&priv->lock); + if (priv->rx_msg) + memcpy(priv->rx_msg, msg, header.size << 2); + else + dev_err(dev, "No RX buffer to save response.\n"); + + complete(&priv->done); + spin_unlock(&priv->lock); + return; + } + } else { + dev_err(dev, "Failed to select a device for message: %.8x\n", + *((u32 *) &header)); + return; + } + + if (!dev_ctx) { + dev_err(dev, "No device context selected for message: %.8x\n", + *((u32 *)&header)); + return; + } + /* Init reception */ + msg_size = header.size; + if (msg_size > MAX_RECV_SIZE) { + dev_err(dev, "%s: Message is too big (%d > %d)", + dev_ctx->, + msg_size, + MAX_RECV_SIZE); + return; + } + + memcpy(dev_ctx->temp_resp, msg, msg_size << 2); + dev_ctx->temp_resp_size = msg_size; + + /* Allow user to read */ + dev_ctx->pending_hdr = dev_ctx->temp_resp[0]; + wake_up_interruptible(&dev_ctx->wq); + + if (is_response) + priv->waiting_rsp_dev = NULL; + +} + +phys_addr_t get_phy_buf_mem_pool(struct device *dev, + char *mem_pool_name, + u32 **buf, + uint32_t size) +{ + struct device_node *of_node = dev->of_node; + struct gen_pool *mem_pool = of_gen_pool_get(of_node, + mem_pool_name, 0); + if (!mem_pool) { + dev_err(dev, "Unable to get sram pool\n"); + return 0; + } + + *buf = (u32 *)gen_pool_alloc(mem_pool, size); + if (!buf) { + dev_err(dev, "Unable to alloc sram from sram pool\n"); + return 0; + } + + return gen_pool_virt_to_phys(mem_pool, (ulong)*buf); +} + +void free_phybuf_mem_pool(struct device *dev, + char *mem_pool_name, + u32 *buf, + uint32_t size) +{ + struct device_node *of_node = dev->of_node; + struct gen_pool *mem_pool = of_gen_pool_get(of_node, + mem_pool_name, 0); + + if (!mem_pool) + dev_err(dev, "%s failed: Unable to get sram pool.\n", __func__); + + gen_pool_free(mem_pool, (unsigned long)buf, size); +} + +static int imx_soc_device_register(struct device *dev, + struct imx_info *info) +{ + struct soc_device_attribute *attr; + struct soc_device *sdev = NULL; + phys_addr_t get_info_addr = 0; + u32 *get_info_data = NULL; + u8 major_ver, minor_ver; + int err; + + if (info->pool_name) { + get_info_addr = get_phy_buf_mem_pool(dev, + info->pool_name, + &get_info_data, + DEVICE_GET_INFO_SZ); + } else { + get_info_data = dmam_alloc_coherent(dev, + DEVICE_GET_INFO_SZ, + &get_info_addr, + GFP_KERNEL); + } + if (!get_info_addr) { + dev_err(dev, "Unable to alloc buffer for device info.\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + attr = kzalloc(sizeof(*attr), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!attr) + return -ENOMEM; + + err = ele_get_info(dev, get_info_addr, ELE_GET_INFO_READ_SZ); + if (err) { + attr->revision = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "A0"); + } else { + major_ver = (get_info_data[GET_INFO_SOC_INFO_WORD_OFFSET] + & SOC_VER_MASK) >> 24; + minor_ver = ((get_info_data[GET_INFO_SOC_INFO_WORD_OFFSET] + & SOC_VER_MASK) >> 16) & 0xFF; + if (minor_ver) + attr->revision = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, + "%x.%x", + major_ver, + minor_ver); + else + attr->revision = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, + "%x", + major_ver); + + switch (get_info_data[GET_INFO_SOC_INFO_WORD_OFFSET] + & SOC_ID_MASK) { + case SOC_ID_OF_IMX8ULP: + attr->soc_id = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, + "i.MX8ULP"); + break; + case SOC_ID_OF_IMX93: + attr->soc_id = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, + "i.MX93"); + break; + } + } + + err = of_property_read_string(of_root, "model", + &attr->machine); + if (err) { + kfree(attr); + return -EINVAL; + } + attr->family = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "Freescale i.MX"); + + attr->serial_number + = kasprintf(GFP_KERNEL, "%016llX", + (u64)get_info_data[GET_INFO_SL_NUM_MSB_WORD_OFF] << 32 + | get_info_data[GET_INFO_SL_NUM_LSB_WORD_OFF]); + + if (info->pool_name) { + free_phybuf_mem_pool(dev, info->pool_name, + get_info_data, DEVICE_GET_INFO_SZ); + } else { + dmam_free_coherent(dev, + DEVICE_GET_INFO_SZ, + get_info_data, + get_info_addr); + } + + sdev = soc_device_register(attr); + if (IS_ERR(sdev)) { + kfree(attr->soc_id); + kfree(attr->serial_number); + kfree(attr->revision); + kfree(attr->family); + kfree(attr->machine); + kfree(attr); + return PTR_ERR(sdev); + } + + return 0; +} + +/* + * File operations for user-space + */ + +/* Write a message to the MU. */ +static ssize_t ele_mu_fops_write(struct file *fp, const char __user *buf, + size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx + = container_of(fp->private_data, + struct ele_mu_device_ctx, + miscdev); + struct ele_mu_priv *ele_mu_priv = dev_ctx->priv; + u32 nb_words = 0; + struct mu_hdr header; + int err; + + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: write from buf (%p)%zu, ppos=%lld\n", + dev_ctx->, + buf, size, ((ppos) ? *ppos : 0)); + + if (down_interruptible(&dev_ctx->fops_lock)) + return -EBUSY; + + if (dev_ctx->status != MU_OPENED) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + if (size < ELE_MU_HDR_SZ) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: User buffer too small(%zu < %d)\n", + dev_ctx->, + size, ELE_MU_HDR_SZ); + err = -ENOSPC; + goto exit; + } + + if (size > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: User buffer too big(%zu > %d)\n", + dev_ctx->, + size, + MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES); + err = -ENOSPC; + goto exit; + } + + /* Copy data to buffer */ + if (copy_from_user(dev_ctx->temp_cmd, buf, size)) { + err = -EFAULT; + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Fail copy message from user\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + + print_hex_dump_debug("from user ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 4, 4, + dev_ctx->temp_cmd, size, false); + + header = *((struct mu_hdr *) (&dev_ctx->temp_cmd[0])); + + /* Check the message is valid according to tags */ + if (header.tag == ele_mu_priv->cmd_tag) { + /* + * Command-lock will be unlocked in ele_mu_fops_read + * when the response to this command, is read. + * + * This command lock is taken to serialize + * the command execution over an MU. + * + * A command execution considered completed, when the + * response to the command is received. + */ + mutex_lock(&ele_mu_priv->mu_cmd_lock); + ele_mu_priv->waiting_rsp_dev = dev_ctx; + } else if (header.tag == ele_mu_priv->rsp_tag) { + /* Check the device context can send the command */ + if (dev_ctx != ele_mu_priv->cmd_receiver_dev) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Channel not configured to send resp to FW.", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EPERM; + goto exit; + } + } else { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: The message does not have a valid TAG\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + /* + * Check that the size passed as argument matches the size + * carried in the message. + */ + nb_words = header.size; + if (nb_words << 2 != size) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: User buffer too small\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + + mutex_lock(&ele_mu_priv->mu_lock); + + /* Send message */ + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: sending message\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = mbox_send_message(ele_mu_priv->tx_chan, dev_ctx->temp_cmd); + if (err < 0) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to send message\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto unlock; + } + + err = nb_words << 2; + +unlock: + mutex_unlock(&ele_mu_priv->mu_lock); + +exit: + if (err < 0) + mutex_unlock(&ele_mu_priv->mu_cmd_lock); + up(&dev_ctx->fops_lock); + return err; +} + +/* + * Read a message from the MU. + * Blocking until a message is available. + */ +static ssize_t ele_mu_fops_read(struct file *fp, char __user *buf, + size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx + = container_of(fp->private_data, + struct ele_mu_device_ctx, + miscdev); + struct ele_mu_priv *ele_mu_priv = dev_ctx->priv; + u32 data_size = 0, size_to_copy = 0; + struct ele_buf_desc *b_desc; + int err; + struct mu_hdr header = {0}; + + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: read to buf %p(%zu), ppos=%lld\n", + dev_ctx->, + buf, size, ((ppos) ? *ppos : 0)); + + if (down_interruptible(&dev_ctx->fops_lock)) + return -EBUSY; + + if (dev_ctx->status != MU_OPENED) { + err = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + /* Wait until the complete message is received on the MU. */ + err = wait_event_interruptible(dev_ctx->wq, dev_ctx->pending_hdr != 0); + if (err) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Err[0x%x]:Interrupted by signal.\n", + dev_ctx->, err); + goto exit; + } + + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: %s %s\n", + dev_ctx->, + __func__, + "message received, start transmit to user"); + + /* + * Check that the size passed as argument is larger than + * the one carried in the message. + */ + data_size = dev_ctx->temp_resp_size << 2; + size_to_copy = data_size; + if (size_to_copy > size) { + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: User buffer too small (%zu < %d)\n", + dev_ctx->, + size, size_to_copy); + size_to_copy = size; + } + + /* + * We may need to copy the output data to user before + * delivering the completion message. + */ + while (!list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_out)) { + b_desc = list_first_entry_or_null(&dev_ctx->pending_out, + struct ele_buf_desc, + link); + if (!b_desc) + continue; + + if (b_desc->usr_buf_ptr && b_desc->shared_buf_ptr) { + + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Copy output data to user\n", + dev_ctx->; + if (copy_to_user(b_desc->usr_buf_ptr, + b_desc->shared_buf_ptr, + b_desc->size)) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Failure copying output data to user.", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + } + + if (b_desc->shared_buf_ptr) + memset(b_desc->shared_buf_ptr, 0, b_desc->size); + + __list_del_entry(&b_desc->link); + devm_kfree(dev_ctx->dev, b_desc); + } + + header = *((struct mu_hdr *) (&dev_ctx->temp_resp[0])); + + /* Copy data from the buffer */ + print_hex_dump_debug("to user ", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 4, 4, + dev_ctx->temp_resp, size_to_copy, false); + if (copy_to_user(buf, dev_ctx->temp_resp, size_to_copy)) { + dev_err(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to copy to user\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + + err = size_to_copy; + + /* free memory allocated on the shared buffers. */ + dev_ctx->secure_mem.pos = 0; + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.pos = 0; + + dev_ctx->pending_hdr = 0; + +exit: + /* + * Clean the used Shared Memory space, + * whether its Input Data copied from user buffers, or + * Data received from FW. + */ + while (!list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_in) || + !list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_out)) { + if (!list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_in)) + b_desc = list_first_entry_or_null(&dev_ctx->pending_in, + struct ele_buf_desc, + link); + else + b_desc = list_first_entry_or_null(&dev_ctx->pending_out, + struct ele_buf_desc, + link); + + if (!b_desc) + continue; + + if (b_desc->shared_buf_ptr) + memset(b_desc->shared_buf_ptr, 0, b_desc->size); + + __list_del_entry(&b_desc->link); + devm_kfree(dev_ctx->dev, b_desc); + } + if (header.tag == ele_mu_priv->rsp_tag) + mutex_unlock(&ele_mu_priv->mu_cmd_lock); + + up(&dev_ctx->fops_lock); + return err; +} + +/* Give access to EdgeLock Enclave, to the memory we want to share */ +static int ele_mu_setup_ele_mem_access(struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx, + u64 addr, u32 len) +{ + /* Assuming EdgeLock Enclave has access to all the memory regions */ + int ret = 0; + + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Fail find memreg\n", dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Fail set permission for resource\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + +exit: + return ret; +} + +static int ele_mu_ioctl_get_mu_info(struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx, + unsigned long arg) +{ + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev_ctx->dev); + struct ele_mu_ioctl_get_mu_info info; + int err = -EINVAL; + + info.ele_mu_id = 0; + info.interrupt_idx = 0; + = 0; + info.did = priv->ele_mu_did; + + dev_dbg(priv->dev, + "%s: info [mu_idx: %d, irq_idx: %d, tz: 0x%x, did: 0x%x]\n", + dev_ctx->, + info.ele_mu_id, info.interrupt_idx,, info.did); + + if (copy_to_user((u8 *)arg, &info, sizeof(info))) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to copy mu info to user\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + +exit: + return err; +} + +/* + * Copy a buffer of data to/from the user and return the address to use in + * messages + */ +static int ele_mu_ioctl_setup_iobuf_handler(struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx, + unsigned long arg) +{ + struct ele_buf_desc *b_desc; + struct ele_mu_ioctl_setup_iobuf io = {0}; + struct ele_shared_mem *shared_mem; + int err = 0; + u32 pos; + + if (copy_from_user(&io, (u8 *)arg, sizeof(io))) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed copy iobuf config from user\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + + dev_dbg(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: io [buf: %p(%d) flag: %x]\n", + dev_ctx->, + io.user_buf, io.length, io.flags); + + if (io.length == 0 || !io.user_buf) { + /* + * Accept NULL pointers since some buffers are optional + * in FW commands. In this case we should return 0 as + * pointer to be embedded into the message. + * Skip all data copy part of code below. + */ + io.ele_addr = 0; + goto copy; + } + + /* Select the shared memory to be used for this buffer. */ + if (io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SEC_MEM) { + /* App requires to use secure memory for this buffer.*/ + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed allocate SEC MEM memory\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } else { + /* No specific requirement for this buffer. */ + shared_mem = &dev_ctx->non_secure_mem; + } + + /* Check there is enough space in the shared memory. */ + if (shared_mem->size < shared_mem->pos + || io.length >= shared_mem->size - shared_mem->pos) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Not enough space in shared memory\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -ENOMEM; + goto exit; + } + + /* Allocate space in shared memory. 8 bytes aligned. */ + pos = shared_mem->pos; + shared_mem->pos += round_up(io.length, 8u); + io.ele_addr = (u64)shared_mem->dma_addr + pos; + + if ((io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SEC_MEM) && + !(io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SHORT_ADDR)) { + /*Add base address to get full address.*/ + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed allocate SEC MEM memory\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + + memset(shared_mem->ptr + pos, 0, io.length); + if ((io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_INPUT) || + (io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_IN_OUT)) { + /* + * buffer is input: + * copy data from user space to this allocated buffer. + */ + if (copy_from_user(shared_mem->ptr + pos, io.user_buf, + io.length)) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed copy data to shared memory\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } + } + + b_desc = devm_kmalloc(dev_ctx->dev, sizeof(*b_desc), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!b_desc) { + err = -ENOMEM; + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed allocating mem for pending buffer\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + + b_desc->shared_buf_ptr = shared_mem->ptr + pos; + b_desc->usr_buf_ptr = io.user_buf; + b_desc->size = io.length; + + if (io.flags & ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_INPUT) { + /* + * buffer is input: + * add an entry in the "pending input buffers" list so + * that copied data can be cleaned from shared memory + * later. + */ + list_add_tail(&b_desc->link, &dev_ctx->pending_in); + } else { + /* + * buffer is output: + * add an entry in the "pending out buffers" list so data + * can be copied to user space when receiving ELE + * response. + */ + list_add_tail(&b_desc->link, &dev_ctx->pending_out); + } + +copy: + /* Provide the EdgeLock Enclave address to user space only if success.*/ + if (copy_to_user((u8 *)arg, &io, sizeof(io))) { + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to copy iobuff setup to user\n", + dev_ctx->; + err = -EFAULT; + goto exit; + } +exit: + return err; +} + +/* Open a char device. */ +static int ele_mu_fops_open(struct inode *nd, struct file *fp) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx + = container_of(fp->private_data, + struct ele_mu_device_ctx, + miscdev); + int err; + + /* Avoid race if opened at the same time */ + if (down_trylock(&dev_ctx->fops_lock)) + return -EBUSY; + + /* Authorize only 1 instance. */ + if (dev_ctx->status != MU_FREE) { + err = -EBUSY; + goto exit; + } + + /* + * Allocate some memory for data exchanges with S40x. + * This will be used for data not requiring secure memory. + */ + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.ptr = dmam_alloc_coherent(dev_ctx->dev, + MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER, + &dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.dma_addr, + GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.ptr) { + err = -ENOMEM; + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to map shared memory with FW.\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto exit; + } + + err = ele_mu_setup_ele_mem_access(dev_ctx, + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.dma_addr, + MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER); + if (err) { + err = -EPERM; + dev_err(dev_ctx->priv->dev, + "%s: Failed to share access to shared memory\n", + dev_ctx->; + goto free_coherent; + } + + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.size = MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER; + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.pos = 0; + dev_ctx->status = MU_OPENED; + + dev_ctx->pending_hdr = 0; + + goto exit; + +free_coherent: + dmam_free_coherent(dev_ctx->priv->dev, MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER, + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.ptr, + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.dma_addr); + +exit: + up(&dev_ctx->fops_lock); + return err; +} + +/* Close a char device. */ +static int ele_mu_fops_close(struct inode *nd, struct file *fp) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx = container_of(fp->private_data, + struct ele_mu_device_ctx, miscdev); + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_ctx->priv; + struct ele_buf_desc *b_desc; + + /* Avoid race if closed at the same time */ + if (down_trylock(&dev_ctx->fops_lock)) + return -EBUSY; + + /* The device context has not been opened */ + if (dev_ctx->status != MU_OPENED) + goto exit; + + /* check if this device was registered as command receiver. */ + if (priv->cmd_receiver_dev == dev_ctx) + priv->cmd_receiver_dev = NULL; + + /* check if this device was registered as waiting response. */ + if (priv->waiting_rsp_dev == dev_ctx) { + priv->waiting_rsp_dev = NULL; + mutex_unlock(&priv->mu_cmd_lock); + } + + /* Unmap secure memory shared buffer. */ + if (dev_ctx->secure_mem.ptr) + devm_iounmap(dev_ctx->dev, dev_ctx->secure_mem.ptr); + + dev_ctx->secure_mem.ptr = NULL; + dev_ctx->secure_mem.dma_addr = 0; + dev_ctx->secure_mem.size = 0; + dev_ctx->secure_mem.pos = 0; + + /* Free non-secure shared buffer. */ + dmam_free_coherent(dev_ctx->priv->dev, MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER, + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.ptr, + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.dma_addr); + + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.ptr = NULL; + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.dma_addr = 0; + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.size = 0; + dev_ctx->non_secure_mem.pos = 0; + + while (!list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_in) || + !list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_out)) { + if (!list_empty(&dev_ctx->pending_in)) + b_desc = list_first_entry_or_null(&dev_ctx->pending_in, + struct ele_buf_desc, + link); + else + b_desc = list_first_entry_or_null(&dev_ctx->pending_out, + struct ele_buf_desc, + link); + + if (!b_desc) + continue; + + if (b_desc->shared_buf_ptr) + memset(b_desc->shared_buf_ptr, 0, b_desc->size); + + __list_del_entry(&b_desc->link); + devm_kfree(dev_ctx->dev, b_desc); + } + + dev_ctx->status = MU_FREE; + +exit: + up(&dev_ctx->fops_lock); + return 0; +} + +/* IOCTL entry point of a char device */ +static long ele_mu_ioctl(struct file *fp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx + = container_of(fp->private_data, + struct ele_mu_device_ctx, + miscdev); + struct ele_mu_priv *ele_mu_priv = dev_ctx->priv; + int err = -EINVAL; + + /* Prevent race during change of device context */ + if (down_interruptible(&dev_ctx->fops_lock)) + return -EBUSY; + + switch (cmd) { + case ELE_MU_IOCTL_ENABLE_CMD_RCV: + if (!ele_mu_priv->cmd_receiver_dev) { + ele_mu_priv->cmd_receiver_dev = dev_ctx; + err = 0; + } + break; + case ELE_MU_IOCTL_GET_MU_INFO: + err = ele_mu_ioctl_get_mu_info(dev_ctx, arg); + break; + case ELE_MU_IOCTL_SETUP_IOBUF: + err = ele_mu_ioctl_setup_iobuf_handler(dev_ctx, arg); + break; + default: + err = -EINVAL; + dev_dbg(ele_mu_priv->dev, + "%s: IOCTL %.8x not supported\n", + dev_ctx->, + cmd); + } + + up(&dev_ctx->fops_lock); + return (long)err; +} + +/* Char driver setup */ +static const struct file_operations ele_mu_fops = { + .open = ele_mu_fops_open, + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .release = ele_mu_fops_close, + .unlocked_ioctl = ele_mu_ioctl, + .read = ele_mu_fops_read, + .write = ele_mu_fops_write, +}; + +/* interface for managed res to free a mailbox channel */ +static void if_mbox_free_channel(void *mbox_chan) +{ + mbox_free_channel(mbox_chan); +} + +/* interface for managed res to unregister a char device */ +static void if_misc_deregister(void *miscdevice) +{ + misc_deregister(miscdevice); +} + +static int ele_mu_request_channel(struct device *dev, + struct mbox_chan **chan, + struct mbox_client *cl, + const char *name) +{ + struct mbox_chan *t_chan; + int ret = 0; + + t_chan = mbox_request_channel_byname(cl, name); + if (IS_ERR(t_chan)) { + ret = PTR_ERR(t_chan); + if (ret != -EPROBE_DEFER) + dev_err(dev, + "Failed to request chan %s ret %d\n", name, + ret); + goto exit; + } + + ret = devm_add_action(dev, if_mbox_free_channel, t_chan); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, "failed to add devm removal of mbox %s\n", name); + goto exit; + } + + *chan = t_chan; + +exit: + return ret; +} + +static int se_probe_cleanup(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + int ret; + int i; + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct ele_mu_priv *priv; + + priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + if (!priv) { + ret = -EINVAL; + dev_err(dev, "Invalid ELE-MU Priv data"); + return ret; + } + + if (priv->tx_chan) + mbox_free_channel(priv->tx_chan); + if (priv->rx_chan) + mbox_free_channel(priv->rx_chan); + + if (priv->flags & RESERVED_DMA_POOL) { + of_reserved_mem_device_release(dev); + priv->flags &= (~RESERVED_DMA_POOL); + } + + if (priv->ctxs) { + for (i = 0; i < priv->max_dev_ctx; i++) { + if (priv->ctxs[i]) + devm_kfree(dev, priv->ctxs[i]); + } + devm_kfree(dev, priv->ctxs); + } + + __list_del_entry(&priv->priv_data); + + devm_kfree(dev, priv); + return ret; +} + +static int se_fw_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *dev_ctx; + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct ele_mu_priv *priv; + const struct of_device_id *of_id = of_match_device(se_fw_match, dev); + struct imx_info *info = NULL; + char *devname; + int ret; + int i; + struct device_node *np; + + priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!priv) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_dbg(dev, "Fail allocate mem for private data\n"); + return ret; + } + memset(priv, 0x0, sizeof(*priv)); + priv->dev = dev; + dev_set_drvdata(dev, priv); + + list_add_tail(&priv->priv_data, &priv_data_list); + + /* + * Get the address of MU. + */ + np = pdev->dev.of_node; + if (!np) { + dev_dbg(dev, "Cannot find entry in device tree\n"); + ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto exit; + } + + /* Initialize the mutex. */ + mutex_init(&priv->mu_cmd_lock); + mutex_init(&priv->mu_lock); + + priv->cmd_receiver_dev = NULL; + priv->waiting_rsp_dev = NULL; + + /* Mailbox client configuration */ + priv-> = dev; + priv->ele_mb_cl.tx_block = false; + priv->ele_mb_cl.knows_txdone = true; + priv->ele_mb_cl.rx_callback = ele_mu_rx_callback; + + info = get_imx_info((struct imx_info_list *)of_id->data, + pdev->name, strlen(pdev->name) + 1); + + if (!info) { + dev_dbg(dev, "Cannot find matching dev-info.\n"); + ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; + goto exit; + } + + priv->info = info; + memcpy(priv->pdev_name, pdev->name, strlen(pdev->name) + 1); + priv->max_dev_ctx = info->max_dev_ctx; + priv->cmd_tag = info->cmd_tag; + priv->rsp_tag = info->rsp_tag; + priv->success_tag = info->success_tag; + priv->base_api_ver = info->base_api_ver; + priv->fw_api_ver = info->fw_api_ver; + + ret = ele_mu_request_channel(dev, &priv->tx_chan, + &priv->ele_mb_cl, info->mbox_tx_name); + if (ret) { + if (ret == -EPROBE_DEFER) + dev_dbg(dev, "Mailbox tx channel, is not ready.\n"); + else + dev_dbg(dev, "Failed to request tx channel\n"); + + goto exit; + } + + ret = ele_mu_request_channel(dev, &priv->rx_chan, + &priv->ele_mb_cl, info->mbox_rx_name); + if (ret) { + if (ret == -EPROBE_DEFER) + dev_dbg(dev, "Mailbox rx channel, is not ready.\n"); + else + dev_dbg(dev, "Failed to request rx channel\n"); + + goto exit; + } + + priv->ctxs = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(dev_ctx) * priv->max_dev_ctx, + GFP_KERNEL); + + if (!priv->ctxs) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_dbg(dev, "Fail allocate mem for private dev-ctxs.\n"); + goto exit; + } + + /* Create users */ + for (i = 0; i < priv->max_dev_ctx; i++) { + dev_ctx = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*dev_ctx), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!dev_ctx) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_dbg(dev, + "Fail to allocate memory for device context\n"); + goto exit; + } + + dev_ctx->dev = dev; + dev_ctx->status = MU_FREE; + dev_ctx->priv = priv; + + priv->ctxs[i] = dev_ctx; + + /* Default value invalid for an header. */ + init_waitqueue_head(&dev_ctx->wq); + + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev_ctx->pending_out); + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&dev_ctx->pending_in); + sema_init(&dev_ctx->fops_lock, 1); + + devname = devm_kasprintf(dev, GFP_KERNEL, "%s_%s_ch%d", + info->se_name, + info->pdev_name[1], i); + if (!devname) { + ret = -ENOMEM; + dev_dbg(dev, + "Fail to allocate memory for misc dev name\n"); + goto exit; + } + + dev_ctx-> = devname; + dev_ctx->miscdev.minor = MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR; + dev_ctx->miscdev.fops = &ele_mu_fops; + dev_ctx->miscdev.parent = dev; + ret = misc_register(&dev_ctx->miscdev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, "failed to register misc device %d\n", + ret); + goto exit; + } + + ret = devm_add_action(dev, if_misc_deregister, + &dev_ctx->miscdev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, + "failed[%d] to add action to the misc-dev\n", + ret); + goto exit; + } + } + + init_completion(&priv->done); + spin_lock_init(&priv->lock); + + dev_set_drvdata(dev, priv); + + if (info->reserved_dma_ranges) { + ret = of_reserved_mem_device_init(dev); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, + "failed to init reserved memory region %d\n", + ret); + priv->flags &= (~RESERVED_DMA_POOL); + goto exit; + } + priv->flags |= RESERVED_DMA_POOL; + } + + if (info->socdev) { + ret = imx_soc_device_register(dev, info); + if (ret) { + dev_err(dev, + "failed[%d] to register SoC device\n", ret); + goto exit; + } + } + + ret = ele_ping(dev); + if (ret) + dev_err(dev, "Failed[%d] to ping the fw.\n", ret); + + dev_info(dev, "i.MX secure-enclave: %s interface to firmware, configured.\n", + info->pdev_name[1]); + + return devm_of_platform_populate(dev); + +exit: + /* if execution control reaches here, ele-mu probe fail. + * hence doing the cleanup + */ + return se_probe_cleanup(pdev); +} + +static int se_fw_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + se_probe_cleanup(pdev); + + return 0; +} + +#ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP +static int se_fw_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int se_fw_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct ele_mu_priv *priv = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < priv->max_dev_ctx; i++) + wake_up_interruptible(&priv->ctxs[i]->wq); + + return 0; +} +#endif + +static const struct dev_pm_ops se_fw_pm = { + SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(se_fw_suspend, se_fw_resume) +}; + +static struct platform_driver se_fw_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "fsl-se-fw", + .of_match_table = se_fw_match, + .pm = &se_fw_pm, + }, + .probe = se_fw_probe, + .remove = se_fw_remove, +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, se_fw_match); + +module_platform_driver(se_fw_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Pankaj Gupta "); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iMX Secure Enclave FW Driver."); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); diff --git a/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.h b/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c7d7eaec199b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/firmware/imx/se_fw.h @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ +/* + * Copyright 2021-2023 NXP + */ + +#ifndef SE_MU_H +#define SE_MU_H + +#include +#include +#include + +#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 31 +#define MAX_RECV_SIZE MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE +#define MAX_RECV_SIZE_BYTES (MAX_RECV_SIZE << 2) +#define MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE_BYTES (MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE << 2) + +#define ELE_MSG_DATA_NUM 10 + +#define MSG_TAG(x) (((x) & 0xff000000) >> 24) +#define MSG_COMMAND(x) (((x) & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) +#define MSG_SIZE(x) (((x) & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) +#define MSG_VER(x) ((x) & 0x000000ff) +#define RES_STATUS(x) ((x) & 0x000000ff) +#define MAX_DATA_SIZE_PER_USER (65 * 1024) +#define S4_DEFAULT_MUAP_INDEX (2) +#define S4_MUAP_DEFAULT_MAX_USERS (4) +#define MESSAGING_VERSION_6 0x6 +#define MESSAGING_VERSION_7 0x7 + +#define DEFAULT_MESSAGING_TAG_COMMAND (0x17u) +#define DEFAULT_MESSAGING_TAG_RESPONSE (0xe1u) + +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SEC_MEM (0x02u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SHORT_ADDR (0x04u) + +struct ele_imem_buf { + u8 *buf; + phys_addr_t phyaddr; + u32 size; +}; + +struct ele_buf_desc { + u8 *shared_buf_ptr; + u8 *usr_buf_ptr; + u32 size; + struct list_head link; +}; + +/* Status of a char device */ +enum mu_device_status_t { + MU_FREE, + MU_OPENED +}; + +struct ele_shared_mem { + dma_addr_t dma_addr; + u32 size; + u32 pos; + u8 *ptr; +}; + +/* Private struct for each char device instance. */ +struct ele_mu_device_ctx { + struct device *dev; + struct ele_mu_priv *priv; + struct miscdevice miscdev; + + enum mu_device_status_t status; + wait_queue_head_t wq; + struct semaphore fops_lock; + + u32 pending_hdr; + struct list_head pending_in; + struct list_head pending_out; + + struct ele_shared_mem secure_mem; + struct ele_shared_mem non_secure_mem; + + u32 temp_cmd[MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; + u32 temp_resp[MAX_RECV_SIZE]; + u32 temp_resp_size; + struct notifier_block ele_notify; +}; + +/* Header of the messages exchange with the EdgeLock Enclave */ +struct mu_hdr { + u8 ver; + u8 size; + u8 command; + u8 tag; +} __packed; + +#define ELE_MU_HDR_SZ 4 +#define TAG_OFFSET (ELE_MU_HDR_SZ - 1) +#define CMD_OFFSET (ELE_MU_HDR_SZ - 2) +#define SZ_OFFSET (ELE_MU_HDR_SZ - 3) +#define VER_OFFSET (ELE_MU_HDR_SZ - 4) + +struct ele_api_msg { + u32 header; /* u8 Tag; u8 Command; u8 Size; u8 Ver; */ + u32 data[ELE_MSG_DATA_NUM]; +}; + +struct ele_mu_priv { + struct list_head priv_data; + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *cmd_receiver_dev; + struct ele_mu_device_ctx *waiting_rsp_dev; + /* + * prevent parallel access to the MU registers + * e.g. a user trying to send a command while the other one is + * sending a response. + */ + struct mutex mu_lock; + /* + * prevent a command to be sent on the MU while another one is still + * processing. (response to a command is allowed) + */ + struct mutex mu_cmd_lock; + struct device *dev; + u8 ele_mu_did; + u8 pdev_name[20]; + u32 ele_mu_id; + u8 cmd_tag; + u8 rsp_tag; + u8 success_tag; + u8 base_api_ver; + u8 fw_api_ver; + const void *info; + + struct mbox_client ele_mb_cl; + struct mbox_chan *tx_chan, *rx_chan; + struct ele_api_msg *tx_msg, *rx_msg; + struct completion done; + spinlock_t lock; + /* + * Flag to retain the state of initialization done at + * the time of ele-mu probe. + */ + uint32_t flags; + u8 max_dev_ctx; + struct ele_mu_device_ctx **ctxs; + struct ele_imem_buf imem; +}; + +phys_addr_t get_phy_buf_mem_pool(struct device *dev, + char *mem_pool_name, + u32 **buf, + uint32_t size); +void free_phybuf_mem_pool(struct device *dev, + char *mem_pool_name, + u32 *buf, + uint32_t size); +#endif diff --git a/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.h b/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..49e3619372be --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_base_msg.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ +/* + * Copyright 2021-2023 NXP + * + * Header file for the ELE Base API(s). + */ + +#ifndef ELE_BASE_MSG_H +#define ELE_BASE_MSG_H + +#include + +#define WORD_SZ 4 +#define ELE_NONE_VAL 0x0 + +#define ELE_SUCCESS_IND 0xD6 + +#define ELE_GET_INFO_REQ 0xDA +#define ELE_GET_INFO_REQ_MSG_SZ 0x10 +#define ELE_GET_INFO_RSP_MSG_SZ 0x08 + +#define ELE_GET_INFO_BUFF_SZ 0x100 +#define ELE_GET_INFO_READ_SZ 0xA0 +#define DEVICE_GET_INFO_SZ 0x100 + +#define GET_INFO_SOC_INFO_WORD_OFFSET 1 +#define GET_INFO_UUID_WORD_OFFSET 3 +#define GET_INFO_SL_NUM_MSB_WORD_OFF \ + (GET_INFO_UUID_WORD_OFFSET + 3) +#define GET_INFO_SL_NUM_LSB_WORD_OFF \ + (GET_INFO_UUID_WORD_OFFSET + 0) + +#define ELE_PING_REQ 0x01 +#define ELE_PING_REQ_SZ 0x04 +#define ELE_PING_RSP_SZ 0x08 + +int ele_get_info(struct device *dev, phys_addr_t addr, u32 data_size); +int ele_ping(struct device *dev); + +#endif diff --git a/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_mu_ioctl.h b/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_mu_ioctl.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e4017dd1337a --- /dev/null +++ b/include/linux/firmware/imx/ele_mu_ioctl.h @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 WITH Linux-syscall-note) OR BSD-3-Clause*/ +/* + * Copyright 2019-2023 NXP + */ + +#ifndef ELE_MU_IOCTL_H +#define ELE_MU_IOCTL_H + +/* IOCTL definitions. */ + +struct ele_mu_ioctl_setup_iobuf { + u8 *user_buf; + u32 length; + u32 flags; + u64 ele_addr; +}; + +struct ele_mu_ioctl_shared_mem_cfg { + u32 base_offset; + u32 size; +}; + +struct ele_mu_ioctl_get_mu_info { + u8 ele_mu_id; + u8 interrupt_idx; + u8 tz; + u8 did; +}; + +struct ele_mu_ioctl_signed_message { + u8 *message; + u32 msg_size; + u32 error_code; +}; + +/* IO Buffer Flags */ +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_OUTPUT (0x00u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_INPUT (0x01u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SEC_MEM (0x02u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_USE_SHORT_ADDR (0x04u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_DATA_BUF_SHE_V2X (0x08u) +#define ELE_MU_IO_FLAGS_IS_IN_OUT (0x10u) + +/* IOCTLS */ +#define ELE_MU_IOCTL 0x0A /* like MISC_MAJOR. */ + +/* + * ioctl to designated the current fd as logical-reciever. + * This is ioctl is send when the nvm-daemon, a slave to the + * firmware is started by the user. + */ +#define ELE_MU_IOCTL_ENABLE_CMD_RCV _IO(ELE_MU_IOCTL, 0x01) + +/* + * ioctl to get the buffer allocated from the memory, which is shared + * between kernel and FW. + * Post allocation, the kernel tagged the allocated memory with: + * Output + * Input + * Input-Output + * Short address + * Secure-memory + */ +#define ELE_MU_IOCTL_SETUP_IOBUF _IOWR(ELE_MU_IOCTL, 0x03, \ + struct ele_mu_ioctl_setup_iobuf) + +/* + * ioctl to get the mu information, that is used to exchange message + * with FW, from user-spaced. + */ +#define ELE_MU_IOCTL_GET_MU_INFO _IOR(ELE_MU_IOCTL, 0x04, \ + struct ele_mu_ioctl_get_mu_info) + +#endif