@@ -220,3 +220,27 @@ matrix:
- RUN_TESTS="no"
- ./configure ${CONFIG} --extra-cflags="-g3 -O0 -fsanitize=thread -fuse-ld=gold" || cat config.log
+ # Build and upload to Coverity Scan.
+ # We do not impose any rate limiting here, but instead rely on the
+ # limiting done by the coverity servers, which for a project of QEMU's
+ # size means one build a day. The run-coverity-scan script will exit
+ # early if the limiter does not permit a new upload, so the effect will
+ # be that the first build (only) in each 24 hour period will be scanned.
+ # If we needed to apply a limit at the Travis end, the simplest approach
+ # would be to run the scan only if the branch was 'coverity-scan', and
+ # use a cron job to push master to the 'coverity-scan' branch periodically.
+ # We run on the trusty Travis hosts so that there's a wider set of
+ # dependencies satisfied to improve coverage.
+ - dist: trusty
+ env:
+ - COVERITY_BUILD_CMD="make -j3"
+ - COVERITY_EMAIL=peter.maydell@linaro.org
+ # This 'secure' setting sets COVERITY_TOKEN=<secret token>
+ # and was created with travis encrypt -r qemu/qemu COVERITY_TOKEN=...
+ - secure: "D3E6E5bacui53fYBQrx0wQr8ZTvo6VIBPKfg0QHj2uwa6OPFkUlcMr/EHWvdbZNAa4Q1bv1vhlED5OPRfPmQYzxQNT4SAxDZeuZnikgIymfqQXNOjKw4kRUDO9P42QanyFd+EAu2JDVClAeJPgBpa/ns4CNrGDK+Q3coGndCP8o="
+ before_script:
+ - if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "true" ]; then echo "Skipping Coverity (pullreq)"; exit 0; fi
+ - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" ]; then echo "Skipping Coverity (wrong branch)"; exit 0; fi
+ script:
+ - ./scripts/run-coverity-scan