Show patches with: Submitter = Shivamurthy Shastri       |   5 patches
Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[edk2,v2] OptionRomPkg: Ax88772b: Fixing register access issue in Apple Eth Adapter --- 2016-03-30 Shivamurthy Shastri Superseded
[edk2,v2] OptionRomPkg: Ax88772b: support for multiple dongles and chips --- 2016-03-23 Shivamurthy Shastri Accepted
[edk2,v2] OptionRomPkg: Ax88772b: Fixing compilation --- 2016-03-30 Shivamurthy Shastri Accepted
[edk2,v2] OptionRomPkg: Ax88772b: Fixing register access issue in Apple Eth Adapter --- 2016-03-30 Shivamurthy Shastri Accepted
[edk2] EmbeddedPkg/AndroidFastbootTransportTcpDxe: Resolved compiler and build warnings --- 2016-03-01 Shivamurthy Shastri New