
[00/56] Consolidated pul

Message ID cover.1484733982.git.ross.burton@intel.com
State New
Headers show


ssh://git@git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib ross/mut


Ross Burton Jan. 18, 2017, 10:08 a.m. UTC

A consolidated pull with meta-poky and bitbake commits at the beginning, then

Green on the autobuilder apart from three failures in checkuri: two transient
and one genuine: ed's upstream tarball has disappeared.


The following changes since commit 63f899a950daf1018999455bafa7a2be8b22f164:

  bitbake: toaster: bin/toaster whitelist TOASTER_DIR (2017-01-17 13:18:47 +0000)

are available in the git repository at:

  ssh://git@git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib ross/mut

for you to fetch changes up to 3409effd461f148eba2d51f6819e73f8bdcca777:

  oeqa/selftest/devtool: rewrite modify testcase (2017-01-18 10:04:30 +0000)

Andre McCurdy (1):
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: fix qtdemux_parse_svq3_stsd_data() memory leak

Andreas Müller (1):
      waf.bbclass: handle PACKAGECONFIG

André Draszik (2):
      python3-pygobject: enable cairo only when a display is available
      time: BBCLASSEXTEND to native and nativesdk

Benjamin Esquivel (1):
      poky: add fedora-25 to the SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS

Chen Qi (1):
      byacc: upgrade to 20161202

David Vincent (1):
      extrausers: Use static ids when available

Edwin Plauchu (4):
      swig: upgrade to 3.0.11
      python3-setuptools: upgrade to 31.1.1
      python3-pip: fixed dependecy with python3-enum
      python3-docutils: upgrade to 0.13.1

Fabio Berton (1):
      openssl: Use linux-aarch64 target for aarch64

Jose Perez Carranza (1):
      oeqa/selftest/tinfoil: add test IDs to tinfoil test cases

Joshua Lock (1):
      poky: Switch to post release name/version

Khem Raj (1):
      gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Backport patches for improving live playback

Maciej Borzecki (1):
      wic: partitionedfs: account for non-table partitions when checking if logical parititon is needed

Mariano Lopez (3):
      lib/oe/package_manager.py: Fix extract for ipk and deb
      oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py: Add missing sys module
      oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py: Be sure to stop qemu-system

Markus Lehtonen (10):
      oeqa.utils.metadata: re-organise host distro information
      oeqa.utils.metadata: re-organise distro information
      oeqa.utils.metadata: drop 'unknown' git data elements
      oeqa.utils.metadata: fix retrieval of git branch and revision
      oeqa.utils.metadata: rename 'revision' to 'commit'
      oeqa.utils.metadata: add commit count information
      oeqa.utils.metadata: have layer name as an attribute in xml
      oeqa.utils.metadata: add bitbake revision information
      oeqa.utils.metadata: allow storing any bitbake config variables
      oeqa.utils.metadata: include BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE

Maxin B. John (4):
      libproxy: update to version 0.4.14
      mdadm: upgrade to version 4.0
      netbase: upgrade to version 5.4
      harfbuzz: upgrade to 1.4.1

Nathan Lynch (5):
      lttng-ust: don't exclude manual pages from build
      lttng-ust: upgrade to 2.9.0
      lttng-modules: upgrade to 2.9.0
      lttng-tools: upgrade to 2.9.3
      babeltrace: upgrade to 1.5.1

Nathan Rossi (3):
      kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Allow unset load/entry addresses for ramdisks
      kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Don't assume KERNEL_IMAGETYPE == fitImage
      kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Check value of UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE

Ola Redell (1):
      kernel-module-split: Append KERNEL_VERSION string to kernel module name

Patrick Ohly (6):
      rm_work.bbclass: allow preserving additional content
      build.py: add preceedtask() API
      runqueue.py: revised completion scheduler
      rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass: more aggressively minimize disk usage
      rm_work.bbclass: clean up sooner
      gcc-source.inc: cleanly disable do_rm_work

Richard Purdie (1):
      event/ast: Add RecipeTaskPreProcess event before task finalisation

Robert Yang (3):
      qemuboot.bbclass: use IMGDEPLOYDIR
      scripts/runqemu: fix checking for <file>.cpio.gz
      runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var names

Ross Burton (4):
      perf: use PACKAGECONFIG instead of hand-rolled logic
      perf: add PACKAGECONFIG for systemtap
      gstreamer1.0: make libunwind detection deterministic
      oeqa/selftest/devtool: rewrite modify testcase

 bitbake/lib/bb/build.py                            |  16 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/event.py                            |   7 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/parse/ast.py                        |   1 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py                         | 125 ++-
 meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf                    |   5 +-
 meta/classes/extrausers.bbclass                    |   4 +
 meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass               |  23 +-
 meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass           |   9 +-
 meta/classes/qemuboot.bbclass                      |   5 +-
 meta/classes/rm_work.bbclass                       |  41 +-
 meta/classes/rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass         |  33 +
 meta/classes/testimage.bbclass                     |   2 +
 meta/classes/useradd-staticids.bbclass             |  37 +-
 meta/classes/waf.bbclass                           |   2 +
 meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py                     |   6 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/devtool.py                  |  73 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/tinfoil.py                  |   9 +
 meta/lib/oeqa/utils/metadata.py                    |  87 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py                  |  10 +
 meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl/openssl.inc      |   2 +-
 ...netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch |  24 +-
 .../netbase/{netbase_5.3.bb => netbase_5.4.bb}     |   6 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source.inc           |   2 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/python/python-setuptools.inc |   4 +-
 ...tools_31.0.0.bb => python-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} |   0
 ...docutils_0.12.bb => python3-docutils_0.13.1.bb} |   6 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pip_9.0.1.bb  |   1 +
 .../python/python3-pygobject_3.22.0.bb             |   2 +-
 ...ools_31.0.0.bb => python3-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} |   0
 .../swig/{swig_3.0.10.bb => swig_3.0.11.bb}        |   4 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/byacc/byacc.inc              |   3 +-
 .../0001-byacc-do-not-reorder-CC-and-CFLAGS.patch  | 161 ++++
 .../byacc/{byacc_20160606.bb => byacc_20161202.bb} |   4 +-
 .../0001-Fix-some-type-comparison-problems.patch   |  50 --
 .../mdadm/files/0001-Fix-typo-in-comparision.patch |  86 --
 ...dadm.h-bswap-is-already-defined-in-uclibc.patch |  55 --
 .../0001-raid6check-Fix-if-else-indentation.patch  |  37 -
 ...il.c-include-poll.h-instead-of-sys-poll.h.patch |  45 -
 .../mdadm/files/mdadm-3.2.2_fix_for_x32.patch      |  23 -
 .../mdadm/{mdadm_3.4.bb => mdadm_4.0.bb}           |  10 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/time/time.inc                |   2 +
 .../{harfbuzz_1.3.4.bb => harfbuzz_1.4.1.bb}       |   4 +-
 .../{babeltrace_1.5.0.bb => babeltrace_1.5.1.bb}   |   5 +-
 ...lttng-modules_git.bb => lttng-modules_2.9.0.bb} |  10 +-
 .../0001-Fix-error.h-common-error.h.patch          |  33 -
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/run-ptest    |   5 +-
 .../utils-remove-bogus-interpreter.patch           |  35 +
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_2.9.3.bb     | 127 +++
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_git.bb       | 120 ---
 .../lttng-ust/lttng-ust-doc-examples-disable.patch |   2 +-
 .../lttng/{lttng-ust_git.bb => lttng-ust_2.9.0.bb} |  13 +-
 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf-features.inc         |  22 -
 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf.bb                   |  27 +-
 ...1-mssdemux-improved-live-playback-support.patch | 929 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...ming-implement-adaptivedemux-s-get_live_s.patch | 183 ++++
 ...ming-use-the-duration-from-the-list-of-fr.patch |  62 ++
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.10.2.bb   |   3 +
 ...e-seqh-after-calling-qtdemux_parse_svq3_s.patch |  33 +
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.10.2.bb  |   1 +
 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0.inc |   1 +
 .../gstreamer1.0/deterministic-unwind.patch        |  24 +
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0_1.10.2.bb               |   1 +
 .../{libproxy_0.4.13.bb => libproxy_0.4.14.bb}     |   4 +-
 scripts/lib/wic/utils/partitionedfs.py             |   3 +-
 scripts/oe-selftest                                |  12 +-
 scripts/runqemu                                    |  22 +-
 scripts/runqemu-export-rootfs                      |  21 +-
 67 files changed, 2024 insertions(+), 700 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 meta/classes/rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass
 rename meta/recipes-core/netbase/{netbase_5.3.bb => netbase_5.4.bb} (76%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python-setuptools_31.0.0.bb => python-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} (100%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python3-docutils_0.12.bb => python3-docutils_0.13.1.bb} (60%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python3-setuptools_31.0.0.bb => python3-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} (100%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/swig/{swig_3.0.10.bb => swig_3.0.11.bb} (58%)
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/byacc/byacc/0001-byacc-do-not-reorder-CC-and-CFLAGS.patch
 rename meta/recipes-extended/byacc/{byacc_20160606.bb => byacc_20161202.bb} (74%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-Fix-some-type-comparison-problems.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-Fix-typo-in-comparision.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-mdadm.h-bswap-is-already-defined-in-uclibc.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-raid6check-Fix-if-else-indentation.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-util.c-include-poll.h-instead-of-sys-poll.h.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/mdadm-3.2.2_fix_for_x32.patch
 rename meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/{mdadm_3.4.bb => mdadm_4.0.bb} (81%)
 rename meta/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/{harfbuzz_1.3.4.bb => harfbuzz_1.4.1.bb} (88%)
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{babeltrace_1.5.0.bb => babeltrace_1.5.1.bb} (81%)
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{lttng-modules_git.bb => lttng-modules_2.9.0.bb} (84%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/0001-Fix-error.h-common-error.h.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/utils-remove-bogus-interpreter.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_2.9.3.bb
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_git.bb
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{lttng-ust_git.bb => lttng-ust_2.9.0.bb} (84%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf-features.inc
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-mssdemux-improved-live-playback-support.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-smoothstreaming-implement-adaptivedemux-s-get_live_s.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-smoothstreaming-use-the-duration-from-the-list-of-fr.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good/qtdemux-free-seqh-after-calling-qtdemux_parse_svq3_s.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0/deterministic-unwind.patch
 rename meta/recipes-support/libproxy/{libproxy_0.4.13.bb => libproxy_0.4.14.bb} (88%)

Andre McCurdy (1):
  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good: fix qtdemux_parse_svq3_stsd_data() memory

Andreas Müller (1):
  waf.bbclass: handle PACKAGECONFIG

André Draszik (2):
  python3-pygobject: enable cairo only when a display is available
  time: BBCLASSEXTEND to native and nativesdk

Benjamin Esquivel (1):
  poky: add fedora-25 to the SANITY_TESTED_DISTROS

Chen Qi (1):
  byacc: upgrade to 20161202

David Vincent (1):
  extrausers: Use static ids when available

Edwin Plauchu (4):
  swig: upgrade to 3.0.11
  python3-setuptools: upgrade to 31.1.1
  python3-pip: fixed dependecy with python3-enum
  python3-docutils: upgrade to 0.13.1

Fabio Berton (1):
  openssl: Use linux-aarch64 target for aarch64

Jose Perez Carranza (1):
  oeqa/selftest/tinfoil: add test IDs to tinfoil test cases

Joshua Lock (1):
  poky: Switch to post release name/version

Khem Raj (1):
  gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Backport patches for improving live playback

Maciej Borzecki (1):
  wic: partitionedfs: account for non-table partitions when checking if
    logical parititon is needed

Mariano Lopez (3):
  lib/oe/package_manager.py: Fix extract for ipk and deb
  oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py: Add missing sys module
  oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py: Be sure to stop qemu-system

Markus Lehtonen (10):
  oeqa.utils.metadata: re-organise host distro information
  oeqa.utils.metadata: re-organise distro information
  oeqa.utils.metadata: drop 'unknown' git data elements
  oeqa.utils.metadata: fix retrieval of git branch and revision
  oeqa.utils.metadata: rename 'revision' to 'commit'
  oeqa.utils.metadata: add commit count information
  oeqa.utils.metadata: have layer name as an attribute in xml
  oeqa.utils.metadata: add bitbake revision information
  oeqa.utils.metadata: allow storing any bitbake config variables
  oeqa.utils.metadata: include BB_NUMBER_THREADS and PARALLEL_MAKE

Maxin B. John (4):
  libproxy: update to version 0.4.14
  mdadm: upgrade to version 4.0
  netbase: upgrade to version 5.4
  harfbuzz: upgrade to 1.4.1

Nathan Lynch (5):
  lttng-ust: don't exclude manual pages from build
  lttng-ust: upgrade to 2.9.0
  lttng-modules: upgrade to 2.9.0
  lttng-tools: upgrade to 2.9.3
  babeltrace: upgrade to 1.5.1

Nathan Rossi (3):
  kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Allow unset load/entry addresses for ramdisks
  kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Don't assume KERNEL_IMAGETYPE == fitImage
  kernel-fitimage.bbclass: Check value of UBOOT_SIGN_ENABLE

Ola Redell (1):
  kernel-module-split: Append KERNEL_VERSION string to kernel module

Patrick Ohly (6):
  rm_work.bbclass: allow preserving additional content
  build.py: add preceedtask() API
  runqueue.py: revised completion scheduler
  rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass: more aggressively minimize disk usage
  rm_work.bbclass: clean up sooner
  gcc-source.inc: cleanly disable do_rm_work

Richard Purdie (1):
  event/ast: Add RecipeTaskPreProcess event before task finalisation

Robert Yang (3):
  qemuboot.bbclass: use IMGDEPLOYDIR
  scripts/runqemu: fix checking for <file>.cpio.gz
  runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var names

Ross Burton (4):
  perf: use PACKAGECONFIG instead of hand-rolled logic
  perf: add PACKAGECONFIG for systemtap
  gstreamer1.0: make libunwind detection deterministic
  oeqa/selftest/devtool: rewrite modify testcase

 bitbake/lib/bb/build.py                            |  16 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/event.py                            |   7 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/parse/ast.py                        |   1 +
 bitbake/lib/bb/runqueue.py                         | 125 ++-
 meta-poky/conf/distro/poky.conf                    |   5 +-
 meta/classes/extrausers.bbclass                    |   4 +
 meta/classes/kernel-fitimage.bbclass               |  23 +-
 meta/classes/kernel-module-split.bbclass           |   9 +-
 meta/classes/qemuboot.bbclass                      |   5 +-
 meta/classes/rm_work.bbclass                       |  41 +-
 meta/classes/rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass         |  33 +
 meta/classes/testimage.bbclass                     |   2 +
 meta/classes/useradd-staticids.bbclass             |  37 +-
 meta/classes/waf.bbclass                           |   2 +
 meta/lib/oe/package_manager.py                     |   6 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/devtool.py                  |  73 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/selftest/tinfoil.py                  |   9 +
 meta/lib/oeqa/utils/metadata.py                    |  87 +-
 meta/lib/oeqa/utils/qemurunner.py                  |  10 +
 meta/recipes-connectivity/openssl/openssl.inc      |   2 +-
 ...netbase-add-rpcbind-as-an-alias-to-sunrpc.patch |  24 +-
 .../netbase/{netbase_5.3.bb => netbase_5.4.bb}     |   6 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/gcc/gcc-source.inc           |   2 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/python/python-setuptools.inc |   4 +-
 ...tools_31.0.0.bb => python-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} |   0
 ...docutils_0.12.bb => python3-docutils_0.13.1.bb} |   6 +-
 meta/recipes-devtools/python/python3-pip_9.0.1.bb  |   1 +
 .../python/python3-pygobject_3.22.0.bb             |   2 +-
 ...ools_31.0.0.bb => python3-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} |   0
 .../swig/{swig_3.0.10.bb => swig_3.0.11.bb}        |   4 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/byacc/byacc.inc              |   3 +-
 .../0001-byacc-do-not-reorder-CC-and-CFLAGS.patch  | 161 ++++
 .../byacc/{byacc_20160606.bb => byacc_20161202.bb} |   4 +-
 .../0001-Fix-some-type-comparison-problems.patch   |  50 --
 .../mdadm/files/0001-Fix-typo-in-comparision.patch |  86 --
 ...dadm.h-bswap-is-already-defined-in-uclibc.patch |  55 --
 .../0001-raid6check-Fix-if-else-indentation.patch  |  37 -
 ...il.c-include-poll.h-instead-of-sys-poll.h.patch |  45 -
 .../mdadm/files/mdadm-3.2.2_fix_for_x32.patch      |  23 -
 .../mdadm/{mdadm_3.4.bb => mdadm_4.0.bb}           |  10 +-
 meta/recipes-extended/time/time.inc                |   2 +
 .../{harfbuzz_1.3.4.bb => harfbuzz_1.4.1.bb}       |   4 +-
 .../{babeltrace_1.5.0.bb => babeltrace_1.5.1.bb}   |   5 +-
 ...lttng-modules_git.bb => lttng-modules_2.9.0.bb} |  10 +-
 .../0001-Fix-error.h-common-error.h.patch          |  33 -
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/run-ptest    |   5 +-
 .../utils-remove-bogus-interpreter.patch           |  35 +
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_2.9.3.bb     | 127 +++
 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_git.bb       | 120 ---
 .../lttng-ust/lttng-ust-doc-examples-disable.patch |   2 +-
 .../lttng/{lttng-ust_git.bb => lttng-ust_2.9.0.bb} |  13 +-
 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf-features.inc         |  22 -
 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf.bb                   |  27 +-
 ...1-mssdemux-improved-live-playback-support.patch | 929 +++++++++++++++++++++
 ...ming-implement-adaptivedemux-s-get_live_s.patch | 183 ++++
 ...ming-use-the-duration-from-the-list-of-fr.patch |  62 ++
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad_1.10.2.bb   |   3 +
 ...e-seqh-after-calling-qtdemux_parse_svq3_s.patch |  33 +
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good_1.10.2.bb  |   1 +
 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0.inc |   1 +
 .../gstreamer1.0/deterministic-unwind.patch        |  24 +
 .../gstreamer/gstreamer1.0_1.10.2.bb               |   1 +
 .../{libproxy_0.4.13.bb => libproxy_0.4.14.bb}     |   4 +-
 scripts/lib/wic/utils/partitionedfs.py             |   3 +-
 scripts/oe-selftest                                |  12 +-
 scripts/runqemu                                    |  22 +-
 scripts/runqemu-export-rootfs                      |  21 +-
 67 files changed, 2024 insertions(+), 700 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 meta/classes/rm_work_and_downloads.bbclass
 rename meta/recipes-core/netbase/{netbase_5.3.bb => netbase_5.4.bb} (76%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python-setuptools_31.0.0.bb => python-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} (100%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python3-docutils_0.12.bb => python3-docutils_0.13.1.bb} (60%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/python/{python3-setuptools_31.0.0.bb => python3-setuptools_32.1.1.bb} (100%)
 rename meta/recipes-devtools/swig/{swig_3.0.10.bb => swig_3.0.11.bb} (58%)
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/byacc/byacc/0001-byacc-do-not-reorder-CC-and-CFLAGS.patch
 rename meta/recipes-extended/byacc/{byacc_20160606.bb => byacc_20161202.bb} (74%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-Fix-some-type-comparison-problems.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-Fix-typo-in-comparision.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-mdadm.h-bswap-is-already-defined-in-uclibc.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-raid6check-Fix-if-else-indentation.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/0001-util.c-include-poll.h-instead-of-sys-poll.h.patch
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/files/mdadm-3.2.2_fix_for_x32.patch
 rename meta/recipes-extended/mdadm/{mdadm_3.4.bb => mdadm_4.0.bb} (81%)
 rename meta/recipes-graphics/harfbuzz/{harfbuzz_1.3.4.bb => harfbuzz_1.4.1.bb} (88%)
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{babeltrace_1.5.0.bb => babeltrace_1.5.1.bb} (81%)
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{lttng-modules_git.bb => lttng-modules_2.9.0.bb} (84%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/0001-Fix-error.h-common-error.h.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools/utils-remove-bogus-interpreter.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_2.9.3.bb
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/lttng-tools_git.bb
 rename meta/recipes-kernel/lttng/{lttng-ust_git.bb => lttng-ust_2.9.0.bb} (84%)
 delete mode 100644 meta/recipes-kernel/perf/perf-features.inc
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-mssdemux-improved-live-playback-support.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-smoothstreaming-implement-adaptivedemux-s-get_live_s.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/0001-smoothstreaming-use-the-duration-from-the-list-of-fr.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0-plugins-good/qtdemux-free-seqh-after-calling-qtdemux_parse_svq3_s.patch
 create mode 100644 meta/recipes-multimedia/gstreamer/gstreamer1.0/deterministic-unwind.patch
 rename meta/recipes-support/libproxy/{libproxy_0.4.13.bb => libproxy_0.4.14.bb} (88%)


Nicolas Dechesne Jan. 18, 2017, 10:15 a.m. UTC | #1
On Wed, Jan 18, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com> wrote:
> Khem Raj (1):

>       gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Backport patches for improving live playback


I was under the impression that this one would be dropped.. at least
based on last emails. maybe it was discussed separately.. did you
conclude that we need these patches?
Openembedded-core mailing list
Ross Burton Jan. 18, 2017, 11:24 a.m. UTC | #2
On 18 January 2017 at 10:15, Nicolas Dechesne <nicolas.dechesne@linaro.org>

> > Khem Raj (1):

> >       gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad: Backport patches for improving live

> playback

> >


> I was under the impression that this one would be dropped.. at least

> based on last emails. maybe it was discussed separately.. did you

> conclude that we need these patches?

Personally I'm easy either way.  It's not a giant patch and can be removed
when the upgrade happens.  Then again it's churn that interested parties
can equally hold in their own distro layer.

CCing Khem for his opinion.

Openembedded-core mailing list