=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py'
@@ -202,11 +202,26 @@
return format
def get_file(self, file_alias):
- file_name, hwpack_tarfile = self.get_field(file_alias)
- if file_name is not None:
- hwpack_tarfile.extract(file_name, self.tempdir)
- file_name = os.path.join(self.tempdir, file_name)
- return file_name
+ """Get file(s) from a hwpack.
+ :param file_alias: Property name (not field name) which contains
+ file reference(s)
+ :return: path to a file or list of paths to files
+ """
+ file_names, hwpack_tarfile = self.get_field(file_alias)
+ if not file_names:
+ return file_names
+ single = False
+ if not isinstance(args, list):
+ single = True
+ file_names = [file_names]
+ out_files = []
+ for f in file_names:
+ hwpack_tarfile.extract(f, self.tempdir)
+ f = os.path.join(self.tempdir, f)
+ out_files.append(f)
+ if single:
+ return out_files[0]
+ return out_files
class BoardConfig(object):
@@ -778,8 +793,9 @@
bootloader_parts_dir = os.path.join(chroot_dir, parts_dir)
cmd_runner.run(['mkdir', '-p', boot_disk]).wait()
with partition_mounted(boot_partition, boot_disk):
- if cls.bootloader_file_in_boot_part:
- with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+ boot_files = []
+ with cls.hardwarepack_handler:
+ if cls.bootloader_file_in_boot_part:
# <legacy v1 support>
if cls.bootloader_flavor is not None:
default = os.path.join(
@@ -797,8 +813,15 @@
assert bootloader_bin is not None, (
"bootloader binary could not be found")
+ boot_files.append(bootloader_bin)
+ copy_files = cls.get_file('boot_copy_files')
+ if copy_files:
+ boot_files.extend(copy_files)
+ for f in boot_files:
proc = cmd_runner.run(
- ['cp', '-v', bootloader_bin, boot_disk], as_root=True)
+ ['cp', '-v', f, boot_disk], as_root=True)
=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py'
@@ -309,6 +309,37 @@
test_file = hp.get_file('bootloader_file')
self.assertEquals(data, open(test_file, 'r').read())
+ def test_get_file_v3(self):
+ # Test that get_file() works as expected with hwpackv3 and
+ # supports its new file fields.
+ metadata = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ format: 3.0
+ name: ahwpack
+ version: 4
+ architecture: armel
+ origin: linaro
+ bootloaders:
+ u_boot:
+ file: a_file
+ copy_files:
+ - file1
+ - file2
+ uefi:
+ file: b_file
+ """)
+ files = {'FORMAT': '3.0\n', 'metadata': metadata,
+ 'a_file': 'a_file content', 'file1': 'file1 content',
+ 'file2': 'file2 content'}
+ tarball = self.add_to_tarball(files.items())
+ hp = HardwarepackHandler([tarball], bootloader='u_boot')
+ with hp:
+ test_file = hp.get_file('bootloader_file')
+ self.assertEquals(files['a_file'], open(test_file, 'r').read())
+ test_files = hp.get_file('boot_copy_files')
+ self.assertEquals(len(test_files), 2)
+ self.assertEquals(files['file1'], open(test_files[0], 'r').read())
+ self.assertEquals(files['file2'], open(test_files[1], 'r').read())
class TestSetMetadata(TestCaseWithFixtures):
@@ -2907,6 +2938,21 @@
self.config, 'make_boot_files', self.save_args))
+ def prepare_config_v3(self, config):
+ class c(config):
+ pass
+ self.config = c
+ self.config.boot_script = 'boot_script'
+ self.config.hardwarepack_handler = \
+ TestSetMetadata.MockHardwarepackHandler('ahwpack.tar.gz')
+ self.config.hardwarepack_handler.get_format = lambda: '3.0'
+ self.config.hardwarepack_handler.get_file = \
+ lambda file_alias: ['file1', 'file2']
+ self.popen_fixture = self.useFixture(MockCmdRunnerPopenFixture())
+ self.useFixture(MockSomethingFixture(
+ self.config, 'make_boot_files', self.save_args))
def call_populate_boot(self, config, is_live=False):
'chroot_dir', 'rootfs_id', 'boot_partition', 'boot_disk',
@@ -2957,6 +3003,24 @@
expected_calls, self.popen_fixture.mock.commands_executed)
self.assertEquals(self.expected_args, self.saved_args)
+ def test_populate_boot_copy_files(self):
+ self.prepare_config_v3(boards.BoardConfig)
+ self.config.bootloader_flavor = "bootloader_flavor"
+ # Test that copy_files works per spec (puts stuff in boot partition)
+ # even if bootloader not in_boot_part.
+ self.config.bootloader_file_in_boot_part = False
+ self.call_populate_boot(self.config)
+ expected_calls = self.expected_calls[:]
+ expected_calls.insert(2,
+ '%s cp -v file1 '
+ 'boot_disk' % sudo_args)
+ expected_calls.insert(3,
+ '%s cp -v file2 '
+ 'boot_disk' % sudo_args)
+ self.assertEquals(
+ expected_calls, self.popen_fixture.mock.commands_executed)
+ self.assertEquals(self.expected_args, self.saved_args)
def test_populate_boot_no_bootloader_flavor(self):
self.config.bootloader_file_in_boot_part = True