diff mbox series

xcb-proto: use python3native to have reproducible pyc files

Message ID 20181120151844.13614-1-ross.burton@intel.com
State Accepted
Commit 7709b2551c07cfad591bb37817474fd106e7c2f1
Headers show
Series xcb-proto: use python3native to have reproducible pyc files | expand

Commit Message

Ross Burton Nov. 20, 2018, 3:18 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>

 meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto/xcb-proto_1.13.bb | 26 ++--------------------
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)


Openembedded-core mailing list
diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto/xcb-proto_1.13.bb b/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto/xcb-proto_1.13.bb
index d5037868d54..74670909201 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto/xcb-proto_1.13.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-graphics/xorg-proto/xcb-proto_1.13.bb
@@ -12,40 +12,18 @@  LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=d763b081cb10c223435b01e00dc0aba7 \
 SRC_URI = "http://xcb.freedesktop.org/dist/${BP}.tar.bz2"
 SRC_URI[md5sum] = "abe9aa4886138150bbc04ae4f29b90e3"
 SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "7b98721e669be80284e9bbfeab02d2d0d54cd11172b72271e47a2fe875e2bde1"
-inherit autotools pkgconfig
-# Force the use of Python 3 and a specific library path so we don't need to
-# depend on python3-native
-CACHED_CONFIGUREVARS += "PYTHON=python3 am_cv_python_pythondir=${libdir}/xcb-proto"
+inherit autotools pkgconfig python3native
 PACKAGES += "python-xcbgen"
 FILES_${PN} = ""
 FILES_${PN}-dev += "${datadir}/xcb/*.xml ${datadir}/xcb/*.xsd"
-FILES_python-xcbgen = "${libdir}/xcb-proto"
 RDEPENDS_${PN}-dev = ""
 RRECOMMENDS_${PN}-dbg = "${PN}-dev (= ${EXTENDPKGV})"
 BBCLASSEXTEND = "native nativesdk"
-# Need to do this dance because we're forcing the use of host Python above and
-# if xcb-proto is built with Py3.5 and then re-used from sstate on a host with
-# Py3.6 the second build will write new cache files into the sysroot which won't
-# be listed in the manifest so won't be deleted, resulting in an error on
-# rebuilds.  Solve this by deleting the entire cache directory when this package
-# is removed from the sysroot.
-SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS += "xcb_sstate_postinst"
-xcb_sstate_postinst() {
-	if [ "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot" -o "${BB_CURRENTTASK}" = "populate_sysroot_setscene" ]
-	then
-rm -rf ${libdir}/xcb-proto/xcbgen/__pycache__
-	fi