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[Branch,~linaro-image-tools/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 339: Initial support for ST-Ericsson Snowball based on an implementation by Tony Mansson and Hans Odeb...

Message ID 20110520134536.21036.13864.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

Mattias Backman May 20, 2011, 1:45 p.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Mattias Backman (mabac)
  Tony Mansson (tony-mansson)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Mattias Backman (mabac)
  review: Approve - Tony Mansson (tony-mansson)
  review: Approve - Hans Odeberg (hans-odeberg)
  review: Approve - Loïc Minier (lool)
  proposed by: Loïc Minier (lool)
revno: 339 [merge]
committer: Mattias Backman <mattias.backman@linaro.org>
branch nick: linaro-image-tools
timestamp: Fri 2011-05-20 15:37:53 +0200
  Initial support for ST-Ericsson Snowball based on an implementation by Tony Mansson and Hans Odeberg.
  This adds the BoardConfig classes SnowballSdConfig and SnowballEmmcConfig. Start files for the Snowball boot loader partition is contained in the hwpack along with a startfiles.cfg files which describes them.


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=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py	2011-04-26 16:37:19 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/boards.py	2011-05-20 07:51:46 +0000
@@ -495,6 +495,150 @@ 
         make_boot_script(boot_env, boot_script_path)
+class SnowballSdConfig(Ux500Config):
+    '''Use only with --mmc option. Creates the standard vfat and ext2
+       partitions for kernel and rootfs on an SD card.
+       Note that the Snowball board needs a loader partition on the
+       internal eMMC flash to boot. That partition is created with
+       the SnowballConfigImage configuration.'''
+    @classmethod
+    def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
+                         boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
+                         d_img_data):
+        make_uImage(cls.load_addr, k_img_data, boot_dir)
+        boot_script_path = os.path.join(boot_dir, cls.boot_script)
+        make_boot_script(boot_env, boot_script_path)
+class SnowballEmmcConfig(SnowballSdConfig):
+    '''Use only with --image option. Creates a raw image which contains an
+       additional (raw) loader partition, containing some boot stages
+       and u-boot.'''
+    # Boot ROM looks for a boot table of contents (TOC) at 0x20000
+    # Actually, it first looks at address 0, but that's where l-m-c
+    # puts the MBR, so the boot loader skips that address. 
+    SNOWBALL_STARTUP_FILES_CONFIG = 'startfiles.cfg'
+    TOC_SIZE = 512
+    @classmethod
+    def get_sfdisk_cmd(cls, should_align_boot_part=None):
+        """Return the sfdisk command to partition the media.
+        :param should_align_boot_part: Ignored.
+        The Snowball partitioning scheme depends on whether the target is
+        a raw image or an SD card. Both targets have the normal
+        FAT 32 boot partition and EXT? root partition.
+        The raw image prepends these two partitions with a raw loader partition,
+        containing HW-dependent boot stages up to and including u-boot.
+        This is done since the boot rom always boots off the internal memory;
+        there simply is no point to having a loader partition on SD card.
+        """
+        # boot ROM expects bootloader at 0x20000, which is sector 0x100 
+        # with the usual SECTOR_SIZE of 0x200.
+        # (sector 0 is MBR / partition table)
+        loader_start, loader_end, loader_len = align_partition(
+            SnowballEmmcConfig.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S, 
+            LOADER_MIN_SIZE_S, 1, PART_ALIGN_S)
+        boot_start, boot_end, boot_len = align_partition(
+            loader_end + 1, BOOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+        # we ignore _root_end / _root_len and return an sfdisk command to
+        # instruct the use of all remaining space; XXX if we had some root size
+        # config, we could do something more sensible
+        root_start, _root_end, _root_len = align_partition(
+            boot_end + 1, ROOT_MIN_SIZE_S, PART_ALIGN_S, PART_ALIGN_S)
+        return '%s,%s,0xDA\n%s,%s,0x0C,*\n%s,,,-' % (
+        loader_start, loader_len, boot_start, boot_len, root_start)
+    @classmethod
+    def _make_boot_files(cls, boot_env, chroot_dir, boot_dir,
+                         boot_device_or_file, k_img_data, i_img_data,
+                         d_img_data):
+        make_uImage(cls.load_addr, k_img_data, boot_dir)
+        boot_script_path = os.path.join(boot_dir, cls.boot_script)
+        make_boot_script(boot_env, boot_script_path)
+        _, toc_filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
+        atexit.register(os.unlink, toc_filename)
+        config_files_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, 'boot')
+        new_files = cls.get_file_info(config_files_path)
+        with open(toc_filename, 'wb') as toc:
+            cls.create_toc(toc, new_files)
+        cls.install_snowball_boot_loader(toc_filename, new_files,
+                                     boot_device_or_file,
+                                     cls.SNOWBALL_LOADER_START_S)
+    @classmethod
+    def install_snowball_boot_loader(cls, toc_file_name, files,
+                                     boot_device_or_file, start_sector):
+        ''' Copies TOC and boot files into the boot partition.
+        A sector size of 1 is used for some files, as they do not
+        necessarily start on an even address. '''
+        assert os.path.getsize(toc_file_name) <= cls.TOC_SIZE
+        _dd(toc_file_name, boot_device_or_file, seek=start_sector)
+        for file in files:
+            # XXX We need checks that these files do not overwrite each
+            # other. This code assumes that offset and file sizes are ok.
+            if (file['offset'] % SECTOR_SIZE) != 0:
+                seek_bytes = start_sector * SECTOR_SIZE + file['offset']
+                _dd(file['filename'], boot_device_or_file, block_size=1,
+                    seek=seek_bytes)
+            else:
+                seek_sectors = start_sector + file['offset']/SECTOR_SIZE
+                _dd(file['filename'], boot_device_or_file, seek=seek_sectors)
+    @classmethod
+    def create_toc(cls, f, files):
+        ''' Writes a table of contents of the boot binaries.
+        Boot rom searches this table to find the binaries.'''
+        for file in files:
+            # Format string means: < little endian,
+            # I; unsigned int; offset,
+            # I; unsigned int; size,
+            # I; unsigned int; flags,
+            # i; int; align,
+            # i; int; load_address,
+            # 12s; string of char; name
+            # http://igloocommunity.org/support/index.php/ConfigPartitionOverview
+            flags = 0
+            load_adress = file['align']
+            data = struct.pack('<IIIii12s', file['offset'], file['size'],
+                               flags, file['align'], load_adress,
+                               file['section_name'])
+            f.write(data)
+    @classmethod
+    def get_file_info(cls, bin_dir):
+        ''' Fills in the offsets of files that are located in
+        non-absolute memory locations depending on their sizes.'
+        Also fills in file sizes'''
+        ofs = cls.TOC_SIZE
+        files = []
+        with open(os.path.join(bin_dir, cls.SNOWBALL_STARTUP_FILES_CONFIG),
+                  'r') as info_file:
+            for line in info_file:
+                file_data = line.split()
+                if file_data[0][0] == '#':
+                    continue
+                filename = os.path.join(bin_dir, file_data[1])
+                address = long(file_data[3], 16)
+                if address != 0:
+                    ofs = address
+                size = os.path.getsize(filename)
+                files.append({'section_name': file_data[0],
+                              'filename': filename,
+                              'align': int(file_data[2]),
+                              'offset': ofs,
+                              'size': size,
+                              'load_adress': file_data[4]})
+                ofs += size
+        return files
 class Mx5Config(BoardConfig):
     serial_tty = 'ttymxc0'
     extra_serial_opts = 'console=tty0 console=%s,115200n8' % serial_tty
@@ -687,6 +831,8 @@ 
     'panda': PandaConfig,
     'vexpress': VexpressConfig,
     'ux500': Ux500Config,
+    'snowball_sd': SnowballSdConfig,
+    'snowball_emmc': SnowballEmmcConfig,
     'efikamx': EfikamxConfig,
     'efikasb': EfikasbConfig,
     'mx51evk': Mx51evkConfig,

=== modified file 'linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py'
--- linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py	2011-05-10 15:05:57 +0000
+++ linaro_image_tools/media_create/tests/test_media_create.py	2011-05-20 08:24:17 +0000
@@ -213,6 +213,11 @@ 
         expected = ['make_uImage', 'make_uInitrd', 'make_boot_script']
         self.assertEqual(expected, self.funcs_calls)
+    def test_snowball_sd_steps(self):
+        self.make_boot_files(boards.SnowballSdConfig)
+        expected = ['make_uImage', 'make_boot_script']
+        self.assertEqual(expected, self.funcs_calls)
     def test_panda_steps(self):
@@ -330,6 +335,16 @@ 
+    def test_snowball_sd(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '63,106432,0x0C,*\n106496,,,-',
+            boards.SnowballSdConfig.get_sfdisk_cmd())
+    def test_snowball_emmc(self):
+        self.assertEqual(
+            '256,7936,0xDA\n8192,106496,0x0C,*\n114688,,,-',
+            boards.SnowballEmmcConfig.get_sfdisk_cmd())
     def test_smdkv310(self):
@@ -393,6 +408,23 @@ 
                        'bootm 0x00100000 0x08000000'}
         self.assertEqual(expected, boot_commands)
+    def test_snowball_emmc(self):
+        boot_commands = board_configs['snowball_emmc']._get_boot_env(
+            is_live=False, is_lowmem=False, consoles=[],
+            rootfs_uuid="deadbeef", d_img_data=None)
+        expected = {
+            'bootargs': 'console=tty0 console=ttyAMA2,115200n8  '
+                        'root=UUID=deadbeef rootwait ro earlyprintk '
+                        'rootdelay=1 fixrtc nocompcache mem=96M@0 '
+                        'mem_modem=32M@96M mem=44M@128M pmem=22M@172M '
+                        'mem=30M@194M mem_mali=32M@224M pmem_hwb=54M@256M '
+                        'hwmem=48M@302M mem=152M@360M',
+            'bootcmd': 'fatload mmc 1:1 0x00100000 uImage; '
+                       'fatload mmc 1:1 0x08000000 uInitrd; '
+                       'bootm 0x00100000 0x08000000'}
+        self.assertEqual(expected, boot_commands)
     def test_panda(self):
         # XXX: To fix bug 697824 we have to change class attributes of our
         # OMAP board configs, and some tests do that so to make sure they