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[01/10] dtoc: add support to scan drivers

Message ID 20200529181521.22073-2-walter.lozano@collabora.com
State New
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Series [01/10] dtoc: add support to scan drivers | expand

Commit Message

Walter Lozano May 29, 2020, 6:15 p.m. UTC
Currently dtoc scans dtbs to convert them to struct platdata and
to generate U_BOOT_DEVICE entries. These entries need to be filled
with the driver name, but at this moment the information used is the
compatible name present in the dtb. This causes that only nodes with
a compatible name that matches a driver name generate a working

In order to improve this behaviour, this patch adds to dtoc the
capability of scan drivers source code to generate a list of valid driver
names. This allows to rise a warning in the case that an U_BOOT_DEVICE
entry will try to use a name not valid.

Additionally, in order to add more flexibility to the solution, adds the
U_BOOT_DRIVER_ALIAS macro, which generates no code at all, but allows an
easy way to declare driver name aliases. Thanks to this, dtoc can look
for the driver name based on its alias when it populates the U_BOOT_DEVICE

Signed-off-by: Walter Lozano <walter.lozano at collabora.com>
 include/dm/device.h        |  7 ++++
 tools/dtoc/dtb_platdata.py | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/include/dm/device.h b/include/dm/device.h
index 975eec5d0e..2cfe10766f 100644
--- a/include/dm/device.h
+++ b/include/dm/device.h
@@ -282,6 +282,13 @@  struct driver {
 #define DM_GET_DRIVER(__name)						\
 	ll_entry_get(struct driver, __name, driver)
+ * Declare a macro to state a alias for a driver name. This macro will
+ * produce no code but its information will be parsed by tools like
+ * dtoc
+ */
+#define U_BOOT_DRIVER_ALIAS(__name, __alias)
  * dev_get_platdata() - Get the platform data for a device
diff --git a/tools/dtoc/dtb_platdata.py b/tools/dtoc/dtb_platdata.py
index ecfe0624d1..23cfda2f88 100644
--- a/tools/dtoc/dtb_platdata.py
+++ b/tools/dtoc/dtb_platdata.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@  static data.
 import collections
 import copy
+import os
+import re
 import sys
 from dtoc import fdt
@@ -140,6 +142,9 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
         _include_disabled: true to include nodes marked status = "disabled"
         _outfile: The current output file (sys.stdout or a real file)
         _lines: Stashed list of output lines for outputting in the future
+        _aliases: Dict that hold aliases for compatible strings
+        _drivers: List of valid driver names found in drivers/
+        _driver_aliases: Dict that holds aliases for driver names
     def __init__(self, dtb_fname, include_disabled):
         self._fdt = None
@@ -149,6 +154,35 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
         self._outfile = None
         self._lines = []
         self._aliases = {}
+        self._drivers = []
+        self._driver_aliases = {}
+    def get_normalized_compat_name(self, node):
+        """Get a node's normalized compat name
+        Returns a valid driver name by retrieving node's first compatible
+        string as a C identifier and perfomrming a check against _drivers
+        and a lookup in driver_aliases rising a warning in case of failure.
+        Args:
+            node: Node object to check
+        Return:
+            Tuple:
+                Driver name associated with the first compatible string
+                List of C identifiers for all the other compatible strings
+                    (possibly empty)
+        """
+        compat_c, aliases_c = get_compat_name(node)
+        if compat_c not in self._drivers:
+            compat_c_old = compat_c
+            compat_c = self._driver_aliases.get(compat_c)
+            if not compat_c:
+                print('WARNING: the driver %s was not found in the driver list' % (compat_c_old))
+                compat_c = compat_c_old
+            else: # pragma: no cover
+                aliases_c = [compat_c_old] + aliases_c
+        return compat_c, aliases_c
     def setup_output(self, fname):
         """Set up the output destination
@@ -243,6 +277,46 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
             return PhandleInfo(max_args, args)
         return None
+    def scan_driver(self, fn):
+        """Scan a driver file to build a list of driver names and aliases
+        This procedure will populate self._drivers and self._driver_aliases
+        Args
+            fn: Driver filename to scan
+        """
+        with open(fn) as fd:
+            buff = fd.read()
+            # The following re will search for driver names declared as
+            # U_BOOT_DRIVER(driver_name)
+            drivers = re.findall('U_BOOT_DRIVER\((.*)\)', buff)
+            for driver in drivers:
+                self._drivers.append(driver)
+            # The following re will search for driver aliases declared as
+            # U_BOOT_DRIVER_ALIAS(alias, driver_name)
+            driver_aliases = re.findall('U_BOOT_DRIVER_ALIAS\(\s*(\w+)\s*,\s*(\w+)\s*\)', buff)
+            for alias in driver_aliases: # pragma: no cover
+                if len(alias) != 2:
+                    continue
+                self._driver_aliases[alias[1]] = alias[0]
+    def scan_drivers(self):
+        """Scan the driver folders to build a list of driver names and aliases
+        This procedure will populate self._drivers and self._driver_aliases
+        """
+        for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('./'):
+            for fn in filenames:
+                if not fn.endswith('.c'):
+                    continue
+                self.scan_driver(dirpath + '/' + fn)
     def scan_dtb(self):
         """Scan the device tree to obtain a tree of nodes and properties
@@ -353,7 +427,7 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
         structs = {}
         for node in self._valid_nodes:
-            node_name, _ = get_compat_name(node)
+            node_name, _ = self.get_normalized_compat_name(node)
             fields = {}
             # Get a list of all the valid properties in this node.
@@ -377,14 +451,14 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
         upto = 0
         for node in self._valid_nodes:
-            node_name, _ = get_compat_name(node)
+            node_name, _ = self.get_normalized_compat_name(node)
             struct = structs[node_name]
             for name, prop in node.props.items():
                 if name not in PROP_IGNORE_LIST and name[0] != '#':
             upto += 1
-            struct_name, aliases = get_compat_name(node)
+            struct_name, aliases = self.get_normalized_compat_name(node)
             for alias in aliases:
                 self._aliases[alias] = struct_name
@@ -461,7 +535,7 @@  class DtbPlatdata(object):
             node: node to output
-        struct_name, _ = get_compat_name(node)
+        struct_name, _ = self.get_normalized_compat_name(node)
         var_name = conv_name_to_c(node.name)
         self.buf('static const struct %s%s %s%s = {\n' %
                  (STRUCT_PREFIX, struct_name, VAL_PREFIX, var_name))
@@ -562,6 +636,7 @@  def run_steps(args, dtb_file, include_disabled, output):
         raise ValueError('Please specify a command: struct, platdata')
     plat = DtbPlatdata(dtb_file, include_disabled)
+    plat.scan_drivers()