@@ -3893,24 +3893,55 @@ static struct conn_param *get_conn_param(GKeyFile *key_file, const char *peer,
uint8_t bdaddr_type)
struct conn_param *param;
+ int min_interval, max_interval, latency, timeout;
+ GError *gerr = NULL;
- if (!g_key_file_has_group(key_file, "ConnectionParameters"))
- return NULL;
+ min_interval = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, "LE",
+ "MinConnectionInterval", &gerr);
+ if (gerr) {
+ min_interval = -1;
+ g_clear_error(gerr);
+ }
+ max_interval = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, "LE",
+ "MaxConnetionInterval", NULL);
+ if (gerr) {
+ max_interval = -1;
+ g_clear_error(gerr);
+ }
+ latency = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, "LE",
+ "ConnectionLatency", NULL);
+ if (gerr) {
+ latency = -1;
+ g_clear_error(gerr);
+ }
+ timeout = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file, "LE",
+ "ConnetionSupervisionTimeout", NULL);
+ if (gerr) {
+ timeout = -1;
+ g_clear_error(gerr);
+ }
+ /* If no field was set don't attempt to load */
+ if (min_interval < 0 && max_interval < 0 && latecy < 0 && timeout < 0)
+ return;
param = g_new0(struct conn_param, 1);
- param->min_interval = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file,
- "ConnectionParameters",
- "MinInterval", NULL);
- param->max_interval = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file,
- "ConnectionParameters",
- "MaxInterval", NULL);
- param->latency = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file,
- "ConnectionParameters",
- "Latency", NULL);
- param->timeout = g_key_file_get_integer(key_file,
- "ConnectionParameters",
- "Timeout", NULL);
+ if (min_interval > 0)
+ param->min_interval = min_interval;
+ if (max_interval > 0)
+ param->max_interval = max_interval;
+ if (latency > 0)
+ param->latency = latency;
+ if (timeout > 0)
+ param->timeout = timeout;
str2ba(peer, ¶m->bdaddr);
param->bdaddr_type = bdaddr_type;
From: Luiz Augusto von Dentz <luiz.von.dentz@intel.com> Connection parameters options is part of LE group nowadays. Fixes: https://github.com/bluez/bluez/issues/293 --- src/adapter.c | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)