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[BlueZ,v2,01/11] doc/mesh: Add Remote Provisioning DBus APIs

Message ID 20230120194731.90065-2-brian.gix@gmail.com
State Superseded
Headers show
Series Mesh v1.1 additions | expand

Commit Message

Brian Gix Jan. 20, 2023, 7:47 p.m. UTC
From: Brian Gix <brian.gix@intel.com>

Remote Provisioning (introduced in Mesh Profile Specification v1.1)

* Allows Provisioners to use a remote server to scan for and
  provision devices.

* Allows Config managers to reprovision existing nodes to:
	* Refresh Device Keys
	* Reassign Node Addresses
	* Refresh Node Composition
 doc/mesh-api.txt | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/doc/mesh-api.txt b/doc/mesh-api.txt
index 85de6705e..393ae566f 100644
--- a/doc/mesh-api.txt
+++ b/doc/mesh-api.txt
@@ -484,7 +484,28 @@  Methods:
 			Specifies number of seconds for scanning to be active.
 			If set to 0 or if this key is not present, then the
 			scanning will continue until UnprovisionedScanCancel()
-			or AddNode() methods are called.
+			or AddNode() methods are called. If not present, and a
+			remote server is specified, the default timeout will be
+			60 seconds.
+		uint16 Server
+			Specifies a remote server on which to perform scanning.
+			If not present, scanning will be local. If present,
+			the timeout must be between 1 and 60 seconds.
+		uint16 Subnet
+			Specifies a subnet for the remote server. If not
+			present, primary subnet will be used. If Server not
+			present, the Subnet will be ignored.
+		array{byte}[16] Filter
+			Specifies a specific UUID to search for. If not
+			present, all found UUIDs will be returned.
+		uint8 array Extended
+			Specifies variable number of Bluetooth AD types to
+			return with scan result. Only valid if a Filter has been
+			specified.
 		Each time a unique unprovisioned beacon is heard, the
 		ScanResult() method on the app will be called with the result.
@@ -514,8 +535,48 @@  Methods:
 		of the unprovisioned device to be added to the network.
 		The options parameter is a dictionary that may contain
-		additional configuration info (currently an empty placeholder
-		for forward compatibility).
+		additional optional configuration info:
+		uint16 Server
+			Specifies a remote server to perform provisioning on. If
+			not present, provisioning will be done locally.
+		uint16 Subnet
+			Specifies a subnet for the remote server. If not
+			present, primary subnet will be used. If Server not
+			present Subnet will be ignored.
+		PossibleErrors:
+			org.bluez.mesh.Error.InvalidArguments
+			org.bluez.mesh.Error.NotAuthorized
+	void Reprovision(uint16 unicast, dict options)
+		This method is used by the application that supports
+		org.bluez.mesh.Provisioner1 interface to perform one of the
+		Node Provisioning Protocol Interface procedures with a remote
+		node to refresh its device key, unicast address, and
+		composition. Remote node being reprovisioned must have the
+		Remote Provisioning Server model.
+		The unicast parameter is the 16-bit primary node address of
+		the remote node being reprovisioned.
+		The options parameter is a dictionary that may contain
+		additional optional configuration info:
+		uint8 NPPI
+			Specifies the Node Provisioning Protocol Interface
+			behavior, as defined in the Mesh Profile Specification:
+				0 - Device Key Refresh Only
+				1 - Node Address Refresh
+				2 - Node Composition Refresh
+			If not present, behavior 0 will be used.
+		uint16 Subnet
+			Specifies the subnet remote node is on. If not
+			present, primary subnet will be tried.
@@ -1055,11 +1116,19 @@  Object path	freely definable
 		byte remote device UUID (always), a 16 bit mask of OOB
 		authentication flags (optional), and a 32 bit URI hash (if URI
 		bit set in OOB mask). Whether these fields exist or not is a
-		decision of the remote device.
+		decision of the unprovisioned device.
 		The options parameter is a dictionary that may contain
-		additional scan result info (currently an empty placeholder for
-		forward compatibility).
+		additional optional configuration info:
+		uint16 Server
+			Specifies the remote server that received the
+			Unprovisioned beacon. If not present, beacon was
+			received locally.
+		uint8 array ExtendedData
+			If Extended data was requested during scanning, any
+			received data will be returned here.
 		If a beacon with a UUID that has already been reported is
 		recieved by the daemon, it will be silently discarded unless it
@@ -1082,6 +1151,26 @@  Object path	freely definable
+	uint16 unicast RequestReprovData(uint16 original, uint8 count)
+		This method is implemented by a Provisioner capable application
+		and is called when the remote node being reprovisioned has been
+		fully authenticated and confirmed. This method will only be
+		called if the NPPI-1 procedure (Node Address Refresh) is being
+		performed.
+		The original parameter is the current unicast address of the
+		node being reprovisioned.
+		The count parameter is the number of consecutive unicast
+		addresses the remote node is requesting.
+		Return Parameter:
+		unicast - Primary Unicast address of the new node
+		PossibleErrors:
+			org.bluez.mesh.Error.Abort
 	void AddNodeComplete(array{byte}[16] uuid, uint16 unicast, uint8 count)
 		This method is called when the node provisioning initiated
@@ -1096,6 +1185,33 @@  Object path	freely definable
 		The new node may now be sent messages using the credentials
 		supplied by the RequestProvData method.
+	void ReprovComplete(uint16 original, uint8 nppi, uint16 unicast,
+								uint8 count)
+		This method is called when the node Reprovisioning initiated
+		by a Reprovision() method call successfully completed.
+		The original parameter is the former primary address of the
+		node that has been reprovisioned.
+		The nppi parameter indicates which NPPI behavior was performed.
+		If behavior 1 or 2 was performed, the node is materially
+		different than it was before reprovisioning, and Composition,
+		Bindings, Publication and Subscription settings should be
+		refreshed.
+		The unicast parameter is the new primary address that has been
+		assigned to the node, If NPPI behavior 1 was performed this
+		value may be different from the original. If behavior 0 or 2
+		was performed, the original and new primary address should be
+		the same.
+		The count parameter is the number of unicast addresses assigned
+		to the node.
+		The node may now be sent messages using the credentials
+		supplied by the RequestReprovData method.
 	void AddNodeFailed(array{byte}[16] uuid, string reason)
 		This method is called when the node provisioning initiated by
@@ -1109,6 +1225,18 @@  Object path	freely definable
 		"decryption-error", "unexpected-error",
+	void ReprovFailed(uint16 unicast, string reason)
+		This method is called when node reprovisioning initiated by
+		Reprovision() has failed. If reprovisioning has failed, the
+		prior credentials of the remote node may still be valid.
+		The reason parameter identifies the reason for provisioning
+		failure. The defined values are: "aborted", "timeout",
+		"bad-pdu", "confirmation-failed", "out-of-resources",
+		"decryption-error", "unexpected-error",
+		"cannot-assign-addresses".
 Provisioning Agent Hierarchy
 Service		unique name