diff mbox

[API-NEXT,PATCHv3,12/13] test: validation: drv: shmem: testing SINGLE_VA flag

Message ID 1471679163-17240-13-git-send-email-christophe.milard@linaro.org
State New
Headers show

Commit Message

Christophe Milard Aug. 20, 2016, 7:46 a.m. UTC
Basic test for different drvshm_reserve() time in conjunction with
the usage of SINGLE_VA flag is added.

Signed-off-by: Christophe Milard <christophe.milard@linaro.org>

 .../common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.c | 221 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.h |   1 +
 2 files changed, 222 insertions(+)

diff mbox


diff --git a/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.c b/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.c
index 42ad844..9ca81fc 100644
--- a/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.c
+++ b/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.c
@@ -21,10 +21,14 @@ 
 typedef struct {
 	odpdrv_barrier_t test_barrier1;
 	odpdrv_barrier_t test_barrier2;
+	odpdrv_barrier_t test_barrier3;
+	odpdrv_barrier_t test_barrier4;
 	uint32_t foo;
 	uint32_t bar;
 	odpdrv_atomic_u32_t index;
+	uint32_t nb_threads;
 	odpdrv_shm_t shm[MAX_WORKERS];
+	void *address[MAX_WORKERS];
 } shared_test_data_t;
 /* memory stuff expected to fit in a single page */
@@ -323,9 +327,226 @@  void drvshmem_test_reserve_after_fork(void)
 	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("Test completion") == base);
+ * thread part for the drvshmem_test_singleva_after_fork
+ */
+static int run_test_singleva_after_fork(void *arg ODP_UNUSED)
+	odpdrv_shm_t shm;
+	shared_test_data_t *glob_data;
+	int thr;
+	int thr_index;
+	char *name;
+	int name_len;
+	int size;
+	shared_test_data_small_t  *pattern_small;
+	shared_test_data_medium_t *pattern_medium;
+	shared_test_data_big_t    *pattern_big;
+	uint32_t i;
+	int ret;
+	thr = odp_thread_id();
+	printf("Thread %i starts\n", thr);
+	shm = odpdrv_shm_lookup_by_name(MEM_NAME);
+	glob_data = odpdrv_shm_addr(shm);
+	/*
+	 * odp_thread_id are not guaranteed to be consecutive, so we create
+	 * a consecutive ID
+	 */
+	thr_index = odpdrv_atomic_fetch_inc_u32(&glob_data->index);
+	/* allocate some memory (of different sizes) and fill with pattern */
+	name_len = strlen(MEM_NAME) + 20;
+	name = malloc(name_len);
+	snprintf(name, name_len, "%s-%09d", MEM_NAME, thr_index);
+	switch (thr_index % 3) {
+	case 0:
+		size = sizeof(shared_test_data_small_t);
+		shm = odpdrv_shm_reserve(name, size, 0, ODPDRV_SHM_SINGLE_VA);
+		glob_data->shm[thr_index] = shm;
+		pattern_small = odpdrv_shm_addr(shm);
+		CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_small);
+		glob_data->address[thr_index] = (void *)pattern_small;
+		for (i = 0; i < SMALL_MEM; i++)
+			pattern_small->data[i] = i;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		size = sizeof(shared_test_data_medium_t);
+		shm = odpdrv_shm_reserve(name, size, 0, ODPDRV_SHM_SINGLE_VA);
+		glob_data->shm[thr_index] = shm;
+		pattern_medium = odpdrv_shm_addr(shm);
+		CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_medium);
+		glob_data->address[thr_index] = (void *)pattern_medium;
+		for (i = 0; i < MEDIUM_MEM; i++)
+			pattern_medium->data[i] = (i << 2);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		size = sizeof(shared_test_data_big_t);
+		shm = odpdrv_shm_reserve(name, size, 0, ODPDRV_SHM_SINGLE_VA);
+		glob_data->shm[thr_index] = shm;
+		pattern_big = odpdrv_shm_addr(shm);
+		CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_big);
+		glob_data->address[thr_index] = (void *)pattern_big;
+		for (i = 0; i < BIG_MEM; i++)
+			pattern_big->data[i] = (i >> 2);
+		break;
+	}
+	free(name);
+	/* print block address */
+	printf("In thread: Block index: %d mapped at %lx\n",
+	       thr_index, (long int)odpdrv_shm_addr(shm));
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier1);
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier2);
+	/* map each-other block, checking common address: */
+	for (i = 0; i < glob_data->nb_threads; i++) {
+		shm = odpdrv_shm_lookup_by_address(glob_data->address[i]);
+		CU_ASSERT(shm == glob_data->shm[i]);
+		CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_addr(shm) == glob_data->address[i]);
+	}
+	/* wait for main control task and free the allocated block */
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier3);
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier4);
+	ret = odpdrv_shm_free_by_address(glob_data->address[thr_index]);
+	CU_ASSERT(ret == 0);
+	fflush(stdout);
+	return CU_get_number_of_failures();
+ * test sharing memory reserved after odp_thread creation (e.g. fork()):
+ * with single VA flag.
+ */
+void drvshmem_test_singleva_after_fork(void)
+	int base;	/* memory usage when test starts */
+	pthrd_arg thrdarg;
+	odpdrv_shm_t shm;
+	odpdrv_shm_t thr_shm;
+	shared_test_data_t *glob_data;
+	odp_cpumask_t unused;
+	char *name;
+	int name_len;
+	int thr_index;
+	int i;
+	void *address;
+	shared_test_data_small_t  *pattern_small;
+	shared_test_data_medium_t *pattern_medium;
+	shared_test_data_big_t    *pattern_big;
+	base = odpdrv_shm_print_all("Before drvshmem_test_singleva_after_fork");
+	shm = odpdrv_shm_reserve(MEM_NAME, sizeof(shared_test_data_t),
+				 0, ODPDRV_SHM_LOCK);
+	glob_data = odpdrv_shm_addr(shm);
+	CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(glob_data);
+	thrdarg.numthrds = odp_cpumask_default_worker(&unused, 0);
+	if (thrdarg.numthrds > MAX_WORKERS)
+		thrdarg.numthrds = MAX_WORKERS;
+	glob_data->nb_threads = thrdarg.numthrds;
+	odpdrv_barrier_init(&glob_data->test_barrier1, thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	odpdrv_barrier_init(&glob_data->test_barrier2, thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	odpdrv_barrier_init(&glob_data->test_barrier3, thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	odpdrv_barrier_init(&glob_data->test_barrier4, thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	odpdrv_atomic_store_u32(&glob_data->index, 0);
+	odp_cunit_thread_create(run_test_singleva_after_fork, &thrdarg);
+	/* wait until all threads have made their shm_reserve: */
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier1);
+	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("After thread reserve")
+		  == base + thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	/* perform a lookup of all memories, by handle or name: */
+	name_len = strlen(MEM_NAME) + 20;
+	name = malloc(name_len);
+	for (thr_index = 0; thr_index < thrdarg.numthrds; thr_index++) {
+		if (thr_index % 2) {
+			snprintf(name, name_len, "%s-%09d",
+				 MEM_NAME, thr_index);
+			thr_shm = odpdrv_shm_lookup_by_name(name);
+			CU_ASSERT(thr_shm == glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+		} else {
+			odpdrv_shm_lookup_by_handle(glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+		}
+	}
+	free(name);
+	/* check that the patterns are correct: */
+	for (thr_index = 0; thr_index < thrdarg.numthrds; thr_index++) {
+		switch (thr_index % 3) {
+		case 0:
+			pattern_small =
+				odpdrv_shm_addr(glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+			CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_small);
+			for (i = 0; i < SMALL_MEM; i++)
+				CU_ASSERT(pattern_small->data[i] == i);
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			pattern_medium =
+				odpdrv_shm_addr(glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+			CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_medium);
+			for (i = 0; i < MEDIUM_MEM; i++)
+				CU_ASSERT(pattern_medium->data[i] == (i << 2));
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			pattern_big =
+				odpdrv_shm_addr(glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+			CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL(pattern_big);
+			for (i = 0; i < BIG_MEM; i++)
+				CU_ASSERT(pattern_big->data[i] == (i >> 2));
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * check that the mapping address is common to all (SINGLE_VA):
+	 */
+	for (thr_index = 0; thr_index < thrdarg.numthrds; thr_index++) {
+		address = odpdrv_shm_addr(glob_data->shm[thr_index]);
+		CU_ASSERT(glob_data->address[thr_index] == address);
+	}
+	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("After local lookup")
+		  == base + thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	/* unblock the threads and let them map each-other blocks: */
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier2);
+	/* then check mem status */
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier3);
+	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("After mutual lookup")
+		  == base + thrdarg.numthrds + 1);
+	/* unblock the threads and let them free all thread blocks: */
+	odpdrv_barrier_wait(&glob_data->test_barrier4);
+	/* wait for all thread endings: */
+	CU_ASSERT(odp_cunit_thread_exit(&thrdarg) >= 0);
+	/* just glob_data should remain: */
+	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("After threads free") == base + 1);
+	CU_ASSERT(0 == odpdrv_shm_free_by_name(MEM_NAME));
+	CU_ASSERT(odpdrv_shm_print_all("Test completion") == base);
 odp_testinfo_t drvshmem_suite[] = {
+	ODP_TEST_INFO(drvshmem_test_singleva_after_fork),
diff --git a/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.h b/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.h
index 12d738e..3f9f96e 100644
--- a/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.h
+++ b/test/common_plat/validation/drv/drvshmem/drvshmem.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ 
 /* test functions: */
 void drvshmem_test_basic(void);
 void drvshmem_test_reserve_after_fork(void);
+void drvshmem_test_singleva_after_fork(void);
 /* test arrays: */
 extern odp_testinfo_t drvshmem_suite[];