diff mbox series

[BlueZ,8/9] obex: remove phonebook tracker backend

Message ID 20240124-disto-patches-v1-8-97e0eb5625a3@gmail.com
State Superseded
Headers show
Series Distribution inspired fixes | expand

Commit Message

Emil Velikov via B4 Relay Jan. 24, 2024, 11:44 p.m. UTC
From: Emil Velikov <emil.velikov@collabora.com>

Similar to the previous commits - the file was seemingly never build,
according to git log. Unlike the other cases, here the user can provide
the backend name via configure.ac toggle.

Although the case of tracker was never properly handled - no pkg-config
or probe based checks for includes, link library, etc.

Remove the file and enforce the two backend options - dummy and ebook.
 Makefile.obexd                    |    3 +-
 configure.ac                      |    6 +-
 obexd/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c | 1704 -------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1709 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/Makefile.obexd b/Makefile.obexd
index 5d1a4ff65..d2aa06de3 100644
--- a/Makefile.obexd
+++ b/Makefile.obexd
@@ -42,8 +42,7 @@  obexd_builtin_sources += obexd/plugins/pbap.c \
 				obexd/plugins/vcard.h obexd/plugins/vcard.c \
 				obexd/plugins/phonebook.h \
-EXTRA_DIST += obexd/plugins/phonebook-dummy.c obexd/plugins/phonebook-ebook.c \
-				obexd/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
+EXTRA_DIST += obexd/plugins/phonebook-dummy.c obexd/plugins/phonebook-ebook.c
 obexd_builtin_modules += mas
 obexd_builtin_sources += obexd/plugins/mas.c obexd/src/map_ap.h \
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index cab5da581..e6daf00ac 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@  AC_ARG_WITH([phonebook], AS_HELP_STRING([--with-phonebook=PLUGIN],
 if (test -z "${plugin_phonebook}"); then
-if (test "${plugin_phonebook}" = "ebook"); then
+else if (test "${plugin_phonebook}" = "ebook"); then
 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBEBOOK, libebook-1.2 >= 3.3)
 	PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBEDATESERVER, libedataserver-1.2 >= 3.3)
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([Unsupported phonebook backend ${plugin_phonebook}])
 AC_SUBST(PLUGIN_PHONEBOOK, [${plugin_phonebook}])
diff --git a/obexd/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c b/obexd/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a91c1ea..000000000
--- a/obexd/plugins/phonebook-tracker.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1704 +0,0 @@ 
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
- *  Phonebook access through D-Bus vCard and call history service
- *
- *  Copyright (C) 2010  Nokia Corporation
- *
- *
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <glib.h>
-#include <dbus/dbus.h>
-#include <libtracker-sparql/tracker-sparql.h>
-#include "obexd/src/log.h"
-#include "obexd/src/obex.h"
-#include "obexd/src/service.h"
-#include "obexd/src/mimetype.h"
-#include "phonebook.h"
-#include "vcard.h"
-#define TRACKER_SERVICE "org.freedesktop.Tracker1"
-#define TRACKER_RESOURCES_PATH "/org/freedesktop/Tracker1/Resources"
-#define TRACKER_RESOURCES_INTERFACE "org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Resources"
-#define TRACKER_DEFAULT_CONTACT_ME "http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#default-contact-me"
-#define AFFILATION_HOME "Home"
-#define AFFILATION_WORK "Work"
-#define COL_PHONE_AFF 0 /* work/home phone numbers */
-#define COL_FULL_NAME 1
-#define COL_FAMILY_NAME 2
-#define COL_GIVEN_NAME 3
-#define COL_NAME_PREFIX 5
-#define COL_NAME_SUFFIX 6
-#define COL_ADDR_AFF 7 /* addresses from affilation */
-#define COL_BIRTH_DATE 8
-#define COL_NICKNAME 9
-#define COL_URL 10
-#define COL_PHOTO 11
-#define COL_ORG_ROLE 12
-#define COL_UID 13
-#define COL_TITLE 14
-#define COL_AFF_TYPE 15
-#define COL_ORG_NAME 16
-#define COL_EMAIL_AFF 18 /* email's from affilation (work/home) */
-#define COL_DATE 19
-#define COL_SENT 20
-#define COL_ANSWERED 21
-#define CONTACTS_ID_COL 22
-#define CONTACT_ID_PREFIX "urn:uuid:"
-#define CALL_ID_PREFIX "message:"
-#define FAX_NUM_TYPE "http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#FaxNumber"
-#define MOBILE_NUM_TYPE "http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/03/22/nco#CellPhoneNumber"
-#define MAIN_DELIM "\30" /* Main delimiter between phones, addresses, emails*/
-#define SUB_DELIM "\31" /* Delimiter used in telephone number strings*/
-#define ADDR_DELIM "\37" /* Delimiter used for address data fields */
-#define MAX_FIELDS 100 /* Max amount of fields to be concatenated at once*/
-#define VCARDS_PART_COUNT 50 /* amount of vcards sent at once to PBAP core */
-#define CONTACTS_QUERY_ALL						\
-"SELECT "								\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(rdf:type(?aff_number),"			\
-"\"\31\", nco:phoneNumber(?aff_number)), \"\30\")"			\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"	?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?aff_number"				\
-"}) "									\
-"nco:fullname(?_contact) "						\
-"nco:nameFamily(?_contact) "						\
-"nco:nameGiven(?_contact) "						\
-"nco:nameAdditional(?_contact) "					\
-"nco:nameHonorificPrefix(?_contact) "					\
-"nco:nameHonorificSuffix(?_contact) "					\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat("					\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:pobox(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:extendedAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:streetAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:locality(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:region(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:postalcode(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:country(?aff_addr), \"\"), "			\
-"\"\31\", rdfs:label(?_role) ), "					\
-"\"\30\") "								\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"?_role nco:hasPostalAddress ?aff_addr"					\
-"}) "									\
-"nco:birthDate(?_contact) "						\
-"(SELECT "								\
-"	?nick "								\
-"	WHERE { "							\
-"		{ "							\
-"			?_contact nco:nickname ?nick "			\
-"		} UNION { "						\
-"			?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?role . "		\
-"			?role nco:hasIMAddress ?im . "			\
-"			?im nco:imNickname ?nick "			\
-"		} "							\
-"	} "								\
-") "									\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat( "					\
-	"?url_val, \"\31\", tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?_role), \"\") "\
-	"), \"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-		"?_role nco:url ?url_val . "				\
-"})"									\
-"nie:url(nco:photo(?_contact)) "					\
-"nco:role(?_role) "							\
-"nco:contactUID(?_contact) "						\
-"nco:title(?_role) "							\
-"rdfs:label(?_role) "							\
-"nco:fullname(nco:org(?_role))"						\
-"nco:department(?_role) "						\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(?emailaddress,\"\31\","			\
-	"tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?_role), \"\")),"			\
-	"\"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-	"?_role nco:hasEmailAddress "					\
-	"		[ nco:emailAddress ?emailaddress ] "		\
-	"}) "								\
-"\"NOTACALL\" \"false\" \"false\" "					\
-"?_contact "								\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"	?_contact a nco:PersonContact ."				\
-"	OPTIONAL {?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .}"		\
-"}"									\
-"ORDER BY tracker:id(?_contact)"
-	"SELECT ?c nco:nameFamily(?c) "					\
-	"nco:nameGiven(?c) nco:nameAdditional(?c) "			\
-	"nco:nameHonorificPrefix(?c) nco:nameHonorificSuffix(?c) "	\
-	"(SELECT "							\
-		"?nick "						\
-		"WHERE { "						\
-			"{ "						\
-				"?c nco:nickname ?nick "		\
-			"} UNION { "					\
-				"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?role . "	\
-				"?role nco:hasIMAddress ?im . "		\
-				"?im nco:imNickname ?nick "		\
-			"} "						\
-		"} "							\
-	") "								\
-	"nco:phoneNumber(?h) "						\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-		"?c a nco:PersonContact . "				\
-	"OPTIONAL { ?c nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . } "			\
-	"OPTIONAL { "							\
-		"?c nco:hasAffiliation ?a . "				\
-		"?a nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h . "				\
-	"} "								\
-	"} GROUP BY ?c"
-" WHERE { "								\
-	"?_call a nmo:Call . "						\
-	"?_unb_contact a nco:Contact . "				\
-	"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_cpn . "			\
-CONSTRAINT								\
-	"OPTIONAL { "							\
-		"{ SELECT ?_contact ?_no ?_role ?_number "		\
-			"count(?_contact) as ?cnt "			\
-		"WHERE { "						\
-			"?_contact a nco:PersonContact . "		\
-			"{ "						\
-				"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?_role . "\
-				"?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number . " \
-			"} UNION { "					\
-				"?_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?_number" \
-			"} "						\
-			"?_number maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_no . "	\
-		"} GROUP BY ?_no } "					\
-		"FILTER(?cnt = 1) "					\
-		"?_cpn maemo:localPhoneNumber ?_no . "			\
-	"} "								\
-"} "
-#define CALLS_LIST(CONSTRAINT)						\
-"SELECT ?_call nco:nameFamily(?_contact) "				\
-	"nco:nameGiven(?_contact) nco:nameAdditional(?_contact) "	\
-	"nco:nameHonorificPrefix(?_contact) "				\
-	"nco:nameHonorificSuffix(?_contact) "				\
-	"(SELECT "							\
-		"?nick "						\
-		"WHERE { "						\
-			"{ "						\
-				"?_contact nco:nickname ?nick "		\
-			"} UNION { "					\
-				"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?role . "	\
-				"?role nco:hasIMAddress ?im . "		\
-				"?im nco:imNickname ?nick "		\
-			"} "						\
-		"} "							\
-	") "								\
-	"nco:phoneNumber(?_cpn) "					\
-"ORDER BY DESC(nmo:sentDate(?_call)) "
-"SELECT "								\
-"(SELECT fn:concat(rdf:type(?role_number),"				\
-	"\"\31\", nco:phoneNumber(?role_number))"			\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-	"{"								\
-	"	?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?role_number "		\
-	"	FILTER (?role_number = ?_number)"			\
-	"} UNION { "							\
-		"?_unb_contact nco:hasPhoneNumber ?role_number . "	\
-	"	FILTER (!bound(?_role)) "				\
-	"}"								\
-"} GROUP BY nco:phoneNumber(?role_number) ) "				\
-	"nco:fullname(?_contact) "					\
-	"nco:nameFamily(?_contact) "					\
-	"nco:nameGiven(?_contact) "					\
-	"nco:nameAdditional(?_contact) "				\
-	"nco:nameHonorificPrefix(?_contact) "				\
-	"nco:nameHonorificSuffix(?_contact) "				\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat("					\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:pobox(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:extendedAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:streetAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:locality(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:region(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:postalcode(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-	"tracker:coalesce(nco:country(?aff_addr), \"\"), "		\
-	"\"\31\", rdfs:label(?c_role) ), "				\
-	"\"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?c_role . "			\
-	"?c_role nco:hasPostalAddress ?aff_addr"			\
-	"}) "								\
-	"nco:birthDate(?_contact) "					\
-"(SELECT "								\
-	"?nick "							\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-	"	{ "							\
-	"	?_contact nco:nickname ?nick "				\
-	"		} UNION { "					\
-	"			?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?role . "	\
-	"			?role nco:hasIMAddress ?im . "		\
-	"			?im nco:imNickname ?nick "		\
-	"		} "						\
-	"	} "							\
-	") "								\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(?url_value, \"\31\", "			\
-	"tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?c_role), \"\")), \"\30\") "	\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-		"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?c_role . "		\
-		"?c_role nco:url ?url_value . "				\
-"})"									\
-	"nie:url(nco:photo(?_contact)) "				\
-	"nco:role(?_role) "						\
-	"nco:contactUID(?_contact) "					\
-	"nco:title(?_role) "						\
-	"rdfs:label(?_role) "						\
-	"nco:fullname(nco:org(?_role)) "				\
-	"nco:department(?_role) "					\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(?emailaddress,\"\31\","			\
-	"tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?c_role), \"\")),"			\
-	"\"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-	"?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?c_role . "			\
-	"?c_role nco:hasEmailAddress "					\
-	"		[ nco:emailAddress ?emailaddress ] "		\
-	"}) "								\
-	"nmo:receivedDate(?_call) "					\
-	"nmo:isSent(?_call) "						\
-	"nmo:isAnswered(?_call) "					\
-	"?_call "							\
-"ORDER BY DESC(nmo:sentDate(?_call)) "
-"?_call nmo:from ?_unb_contact . "	\
-"?_call nmo:isSent false . "		\
-"?_call nmo:isAnswered false . "
-"?_call nmo:from ?_unb_contact . "	\
-"?_call nmo:isSent false . "		\
-"?_call nmo:isAnswered true . "
-"?_call nmo:to ?_unb_contact . "	\
-"?_call nmo:isSent true . "
-"{ "						\
-"	?_call nmo:from ?_unb_contact .  "	\
-"	?_call nmo:isSent false "		\
-"} UNION { "					\
-"	?_call nmo:to ?_unb_contact . "		\
-"	?_call nmo:isSent true "		\
-"} "
-"FILTER (?_call = <%s>) "
-"SELECT "								\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(rdf:type(?aff_number),"			\
-"\"\31\", nco:phoneNumber(?aff_number)), \"\30\")"			\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"	?_role nco:hasPhoneNumber ?aff_number"				\
-"}) "									\
-"nco:fullname(<%s>) "							\
-"nco:nameFamily(<%s>) "							\
-"nco:nameGiven(<%s>) "							\
-"nco:nameAdditional(<%s>) "						\
-"nco:nameHonorificPrefix(<%s>) "					\
-"nco:nameHonorificSuffix(<%s>) "					\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat("					\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:pobox(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:extendedAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:streetAddress(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","	\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:locality(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:region(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:postalcode(?aff_addr), \"\"), \"\37\","		\
-"tracker:coalesce(nco:country(?aff_addr), \"\"), "			\
-"\"\31\", rdfs:label(?_role) ), "					\
-"\"\30\") "								\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"?_role nco:hasPostalAddress ?aff_addr"					\
-"}) "									\
-"nco:birthDate(<%s>) "							\
-"(SELECT "								\
-"	?nick "								\
-"	WHERE { "							\
-"		{ "							\
-"			?_contact nco:nickname ?nick "			\
-"		} UNION { "						\
-"			?_contact nco:hasAffiliation ?role . "		\
-"			?role nco:hasIMAddress ?im . "			\
-"			?im nco:imNickname ?nick "			\
-"		} "							\
-"		FILTER (?_contact = <%s>)"				\
-"	} "								\
-") "									\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat( "					\
-	"?url_val, \"\31\", tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?_role), \"\") "\
-	"), \"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-		"?_role nco:url ?url_val . "				\
-"})"									\
-"nie:url(nco:photo(<%s>)) "						\
-"nco:role(?_role) "							\
-"nco:contactUID(<%s>) "							\
-"nco:title(?_role) "							\
-"rdfs:label(?_role) "							\
-"nco:fullname(nco:org(?_role))"						\
-"nco:department(?_role) "						\
-"(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(fn:concat(?emailaddress,\"\31\","			\
-	"tracker:coalesce(rdfs:label(?_role), \"\")),"			\
-	"\"\30\") "							\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-	"?_role nco:hasEmailAddress "					\
-	"		[ nco:emailAddress ?emailaddress ] "		\
-	"}) "								\
-"\"NOTACALL\" \"false\" \"false\" "					\
-"<%s> "									\
-"WHERE {"								\
-"	<%s> a nco:PersonContact ."					\
-"	OPTIONAL {<%s> nco:hasAffiliation ?_role .}"			\
-	"SELECT fn:concat(\"TYPE_OTHER\", \"\31\", nco:phoneNumber(?t))"\
-	"\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" "			\
-	"\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" \"\" "		\
-	" \"NOTACALL\" \"false\" \"false\" <%s> "			\
-	"WHERE { "							\
-		"<%s> a nco:Contact . "					\
-		"OPTIONAL { <%s> nco:hasPhoneNumber ?t . } "		\
-	"} "
-#define CONTACTS_COUNT_QUERY						\
-	"SELECT COUNT(?c) "						\
-	"WHERE {"							\
-		"?c a nco:PersonContact ."				\
-	"}"
-	"SELECT COUNT(?call) WHERE {"					\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:isSent false ;"					\
-		"nmo:from ?c ;"						\
-		"nmo:isAnswered false ."				\
-	"}"
-	"SELECT COUNT(?call) WHERE {"					\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:isSent false ;"					\
-		"nmo:from ?c ;"						\
-		"nmo:isAnswered true ."					\
-	"}"
-	"SELECT COUNT(?call) WHERE {"					\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:isSent true ;"					\
-		"nmo:to ?c ."						\
-	"}"
-	"SELECT COUNT(?call) WHERE {"					\
-	"{"								\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:isSent true ;"					\
-		"nmo:to ?c ."						\
-	"}UNION {"							\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:from ?c ."						\
-	"}"								\
-	"}"
-	"SELECT COUNT(?call) WHERE {"					\
-		"?c a nco:Contact ;"					\
-		"nco:hasPhoneNumber ?h ."				\
-		"?call a nmo:Call ;"					\
-		"nmo:isSent false ;"					\
-		"nmo:from ?c ;"						\
-		"nmo:isAnswered false ;"				\
-		"nmo:isRead false ."					\
-	"}"
-typedef int (*reply_list_foreach_t) (const char **reply, int num_fields,
-							void *user_data);
-typedef void (*add_field_t) (struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-						const char *value, int type);
-struct pending_reply {
-	reply_list_foreach_t callback;
-	void *user_data;
-	int num_fields;
-struct contact_data {
-	char *id;
-	struct phonebook_contact *contact;
-struct phonebook_data {
-	phonebook_cb cb;
-	void *user_data;
-	int index;
-	gboolean vcardentry;
-	const struct apparam_field *params;
-	GSList *contacts;
-	phonebook_cache_ready_cb ready_cb;
-	phonebook_entry_cb entry_cb;
-	int newmissedcalls;
-	GCancellable *query_canc;
-	char *req_name;
-	int vcard_part_count;
-	int tracker_index;
-struct phonebook_index {
-	GArray *phonebook;
-	int index;
-static TrackerSparqlConnection *connection = NULL;
-static const char *name2query(const char *name)
-	if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CONTACTS))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_INCOMING))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_OUTGOING))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_MISSED))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_COMBINED))
-	return NULL;
-static const char *name2count_query(const char *name)
-	if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CONTACTS))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_INCOMING))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_OUTGOING))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_MISSED))
-	else if (g_str_equal(name, PB_CALLS_COMBINED))
-	return NULL;
-static gboolean folder_is_valid(const char *folder)
-	if (folder == NULL)
-		return FALSE;
-	if (g_str_equal(folder, "/"))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_TELECOM_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CONTACTS_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_INCOMING_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_OUTGOING_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_MISSED_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_COMBINED_FOLDER))
-		return TRUE;
-	return FALSE;
-static const char *folder2query(const char *folder)
-	if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CONTACTS_FOLDER))
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_INCOMING_FOLDER))
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_OUTGOING_FOLDER))
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_MISSED_FOLDER))
-	else if (g_str_equal(folder, PB_CALLS_COMBINED_FOLDER))
-	return NULL;
-static const char **string_array_from_cursor(TrackerSparqlCursor *cursor,
-								int array_len)
-	const char **result;
-	int i;
-	result = g_new0(const char *, array_len);
-	for (i = 0; i < array_len; ++i) {
-		TrackerSparqlValueType type;
-		type = tracker_sparql_cursor_get_value_type(cursor, i);
-			/* For null/unbound type filling result part with ""*/
-			result[i] = "";
-		else
-			/* Filling with string representation of content*/
-			result[i] = tracker_sparql_cursor_get_string(cursor, i,
-									NULL);
-	}
-	return result;
-static void update_cancellable(struct phonebook_data *pdata,
-							GCancellable *canc)
-	if (pdata->query_canc)
-		g_object_unref(pdata->query_canc);
-	pdata->query_canc = canc;
-static void async_query_cursor_next_cb(GObject *source, GAsyncResult *result,
-							gpointer user_data)
-	struct pending_reply *pending = user_data;
-	TrackerSparqlCursor *cursor = TRACKER_SPARQL_CURSOR(source);
-	GCancellable *cancellable;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	gboolean success;
-	const char **node;
-	int err;
-	success = tracker_sparql_cursor_next_finish(
-						result, &error);
-	if (!success) {
-		if (error) {
-			DBG("cursor_next error: %s", error->message);
-			g_error_free(error);
-		} else
-			/* When tracker_sparql_cursor_next_finish ends with
-			 * failure and no error is set, that means end of
-			 * results returned by query */
-			pending->callback(NULL, 0, pending->user_data);
-		goto failed;
-	}
-	node = string_array_from_cursor(cursor, pending->num_fields);
-	err = pending->callback(node, pending->num_fields, pending->user_data);
-	g_free(node);
-	/* Fetch next result only if processing current chunk ended with
-	 * success. Sometimes during processing data, we are able to determine
-	 * if there is no need to get more data from tracker - by example
-	 * stored amount of data parts is big enough for sending and we might
-	 * want to suspend processing or just some error occurred. */
-	if (!err) {
-		cancellable = g_cancellable_new();
-		update_cancellable(pending->user_data, cancellable);
-		tracker_sparql_cursor_next_async(cursor, cancellable,
-						async_query_cursor_next_cb,
-						pending);
-		return;
-	}
-	g_object_unref(cursor);
-	g_free(pending);
-static int query_tracker(const char *query, int num_fields,
-				reply_list_foreach_t callback, void *user_data)
-	struct pending_reply *pending;
-	GCancellable *cancellable;
-	TrackerSparqlCursor *cursor;
-	GError *error = NULL;
-	DBG("");
-	if (connection == NULL)
-		connection = tracker_sparql_connection_get_direct(
-								NULL, &error);
-	if (!connection) {
-		if (error) {
-			DBG("direct-connection error: %s", error->message);
-			g_error_free(error);
-		}
-		return -EINTR;
-	}
-	cancellable = g_cancellable_new();
-	update_cancellable(user_data, cancellable);
-	cursor = tracker_sparql_connection_query(connection, query,
-							cancellable, &error);
-	if (cursor == NULL) {
-		if (error) {
-			DBG("connection_query error: %s", error->message);
-			g_error_free(error);
-		}
-		g_object_unref(cancellable);
-		return -EINTR;
-	}
-	pending = g_new0(struct pending_reply, 1);
-	pending->callback = callback;
-	pending->user_data = user_data;
-	pending->num_fields = num_fields;
-	/* Now asynchronously going through each row of results - callback
-	 * async_query_cursor_next_cb will be called ALWAYS, even if async
-	 * request was canceled */
-	tracker_sparql_cursor_next_async(cursor, cancellable,
-						async_query_cursor_next_cb,
-						pending);
-	return 0;
-static char *iso8601_utc_to_localtime(const char *datetime)
-	time_t time;
-	struct tm tm, *local;
-	char localdate[32];
-	int nr;
-	memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
-	nr = sscanf(datetime, "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02u",
-			&tm.tm_year, &tm.tm_mon, &tm.tm_mday,
-			&tm.tm_hour, &tm.tm_min, &tm.tm_sec);
-	if (nr < 6) {
-		/* Invalid time format */
-		error("sscanf(): %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
-		return g_strdup("");
-	}
-	/* Time already in localtime */
-	if (!g_str_has_suffix(datetime, "Z")) {
-		strftime(localdate, sizeof(localdate), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", &tm);
-		return g_strdup(localdate);
-	}
-	tm.tm_year -= 1900;	/* Year since 1900 */
-	tm.tm_mon--;		/* Months since January, values 0-11 */
-	time = mktime(&tm);
-	time -= timezone;
-	local = localtime(&time);
-	strftime(localdate, sizeof(localdate), "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S", local);
-	return g_strdup(localdate);
-static void set_call_type(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-				const char *datetime, const char *is_sent,
-				const char *is_answered)
-	gboolean sent, answered;
-	if (g_strcmp0(datetime, "NOTACALL") == 0) {
-		contact->calltype = CALL_TYPE_NOT_A_CALL;
-		return;
-	}
-	sent = g_str_equal(is_sent, "true");
-	answered = g_str_equal(is_answered, "true");
-	if (sent == FALSE) {
-		if (answered == FALSE)
-			contact->calltype = CALL_TYPE_MISSED;
-		else
-			contact->calltype = CALL_TYPE_INCOMING;
-	} else
-		contact->calltype = CALL_TYPE_OUTGOING;
-	/* Tracker gives time in the ISO 8601 format, UTC time */
-	contact->datetime = iso8601_utc_to_localtime(datetime);
-static gboolean contact_matches(struct contact_data *c_data, const char *id,
-							const char *datetime)
-	char *localtime;
-	int cmp_ret;
-	if (g_strcmp0(c_data->id, id) != 0)
-		return FALSE;
-	/* id is equal and not call history entry => contact matches */
-	if (c_data->contact->calltype == CALL_TYPE_NOT_A_CALL)
-		return TRUE;
-	/* for call history entries have to compare also timestamps of calls */
-	localtime = iso8601_utc_to_localtime(datetime);
-	cmp_ret = g_strcmp0(c_data->contact->datetime, localtime);
-	g_free(localtime);
-	return (cmp_ret == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE;
-static struct phonebook_contact *find_contact(GSList *contacts, const char *id,
-							const char *datetime)
-	GSList *l;
-	for (l = contacts; l; l = l->next) {
-		struct contact_data *c_data = l->data;
-		if (contact_matches(c_data, id, datetime))
-			return c_data->contact;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static struct phonebook_field *find_field(GSList *fields, const char *value,
-								int type)
-	GSList *l;
-	for (l = fields; l; l = l->next) {
-		struct phonebook_field *field = l->data;
-		/* Returning phonebook number if phone values and type values
-		 * are equal */
-		if (g_strcmp0(field->text, value) == 0 && field->type == type)
-			return field;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-static void add_phone_number(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-						const char *phone, int type)
-	struct phonebook_field *number;
-	if (phone == NULL || strlen(phone) == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Not adding number if there is already added with the same value */
-	if (find_field(contact->numbers, phone, type))
-		return;
-	number = g_new0(struct phonebook_field, 1);
-	number->text = g_strdup(phone);
-	number->type = type;
-	contact->numbers = g_slist_append(contact->numbers, number);
-static void add_email(struct phonebook_contact *contact, const char *address,
-								int type)
-	struct phonebook_field *email;
-	if (address == NULL || strlen(address) == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Not adding email if there is already added with the same value */
-	if (find_field(contact->emails, address, type))
-		return;
-	email = g_new0(struct phonebook_field, 1);
-	email->text = g_strdup(address);
-	email->type = type;
-	contact->emails = g_slist_append(contact->emails, email);
-static gboolean addr_matches(struct phonebook_addr *a, struct phonebook_addr *b)
-	GSList *la, *lb;
-	if (a->type != b->type)
-		return FALSE;
-	for (la = a->fields, lb = b->fields; la && lb;
-						la = la->next, lb = lb->next) {
-		char *field_a = la->data;
-		char *field_b = lb->data;
-		if (g_strcmp0(field_a, field_b) != 0)
-			return FALSE;
-	}
-	return TRUE;
-/* generates phonebook_addr struct from tracker address data string. */
-static struct phonebook_addr *gen_addr(const char *address, int type)
-	struct phonebook_addr *addr;
-	GSList *fields = NULL;
-	char **addr_parts;
-	int i;
-	/* This test handles cases when address points to empty string
-	 * (or address is NULL pointer) or string containing only six
-	 * separators. It indicates that none of address fields is present
-	 * and there is no sense to create dummy phonebook_addr struct */
-	if (address == NULL || strlen(address) < ADDR_FIELD_AMOUNT)
-		return NULL;
-	addr_parts = g_strsplit(address, ADDR_DELIM, ADDR_FIELD_AMOUNT);
-	for (i = 0; i < ADDR_FIELD_AMOUNT; ++i)
-		fields = g_slist_append(fields, g_strdup(addr_parts[i]));
-	g_strfreev(addr_parts);
-	addr = g_new0(struct phonebook_addr, 1);
-	addr->fields = fields;
-	addr->type = type;
-	return addr;
-static void add_address(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-					const char *address, int type)
-	struct phonebook_addr *addr;
-	GSList *l;
-	addr = gen_addr(address, type);
-	if (addr == NULL)
-		return;
-	/* Not adding address if there is already added with the same value.
-	 * These type of checks have to be done because sometimes tracker
-	 * returns results for contact data in more than 1 row - then the same
-	 * address may be returned more than once in query results */
-	for (l = contact->addresses; l; l = l->next) {
-		struct phonebook_addr *tmp = l->data;
-		if (addr_matches(tmp, addr)) {
-			phonebook_addr_free(addr);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	contact->addresses = g_slist_append(contact->addresses, addr);
-static void add_url(struct phonebook_contact *contact, const char *url_val,
-								int type)
-	struct phonebook_field *url;
-	if (url_val == NULL || strlen(url_val) == 0)
-		return;
-	/* Not adding url if there is already added with the same value */
-	if (find_field(contact->urls, url_val, type))
-		return;
-	url = g_new0(struct phonebook_field, 1);
-	url->text = g_strdup(url_val);
-	url->type = type;
-	contact->urls = g_slist_append(contact->urls, url);
-static GString *gen_vcards(GSList *contacts,
-					const struct apparam_field *params)
-	GSList *l;
-	GString *vcards;
-	vcards = g_string_new(NULL);
-	/* Generating VCARD string from contacts and freeing used contacts */
-	for (l = contacts; l; l = l->next) {
-		struct contact_data *c_data = l->data;
-		phonebook_add_contact(vcards, c_data->contact,
-					params->filter, params->format);
-	}
-	return vcards;
-static int pull_contacts_size(const char **reply, int num_fields,
-							void *user_data)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = user_data;
-	if (num_fields < 0) {
-		data->cb(NULL, 0, num_fields, 0, TRUE, data->user_data);
-		return -EINTR;
-	}
-	if (reply != NULL) {
-		data->index = atoi(reply[0]);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	data->cb(NULL, 0, data->index, data->newmissedcalls, TRUE,
-							data->user_data);
-	return 0;
-	/*
-	 * phonebook_data is freed in phonebook_req_finalize. Useful in
-	 * cases when call is terminated.
-	 */
-static void add_affiliation(char **field, const char *value)
-	if (strlen(*field) > 0 || value == NULL || strlen(value) == 0)
-		return;
-	g_free(*field);
-	*field = g_strdup(value);
-static void contact_init(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	if (reply[COL_FAMILY_NAME][0] == '\0' &&
-			reply[COL_GIVEN_NAME][0] == '\0' &&
-			reply[COL_ADDITIONAL_NAME][0] == '\0' &&
-			reply[COL_NAME_PREFIX][0] == '\0' &&
-			reply[COL_NAME_SUFFIX][0] == '\0') {
-		if (reply[COL_FULL_NAME][0] != '\0')
-			contact->family = g_strdup(reply[COL_FULL_NAME]);
-		else
-			contact->family = g_strdup(reply[COL_NICKNAME]);
-	} else {
-		contact->family = g_strdup(reply[COL_FAMILY_NAME]);
-		contact->given = g_strdup(reply[COL_GIVEN_NAME]);
-		contact->additional = g_strdup(reply[COL_ADDITIONAL_NAME]);
-		contact->prefix = g_strdup(reply[COL_NAME_PREFIX]);
-		contact->suffix = g_strdup(reply[COL_NAME_SUFFIX]);
-	}
-	contact->fullname = g_strdup(reply[COL_FULL_NAME]);
-	contact->birthday = g_strdup(reply[COL_BIRTH_DATE]);
-	contact->nickname = g_strdup(reply[COL_NICKNAME]);
-	contact->photo = g_strdup(reply[COL_PHOTO]);
-	contact->company = g_strdup(reply[COL_ORG_NAME]);
-	contact->department = g_strdup(reply[COL_ORG_DEPARTMENT]);
-	contact->role = g_strdup(reply[COL_ORG_ROLE]);
-	contact->uid = g_strdup(reply[COL_UID]);
-	contact->title = g_strdup(reply[COL_TITLE]);
-	set_call_type(contact, reply[COL_DATE], reply[COL_SENT],
-							reply[COL_ANSWERED]);
-static enum phonebook_number_type get_phone_type(const char *affilation)
-	if (g_strcmp0(AFFILATION_HOME, affilation) == 0)
-		return TEL_TYPE_HOME;
-	else if (g_strcmp0(AFFILATION_WORK, affilation) == 0)
-		return TEL_TYPE_WORK;
-	return TEL_TYPE_OTHER;
-static void add_aff_number(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-				const char *pnumber, const char *aff_type)
-	char **num_parts;
-	char *type, *number;
-	/* For phone taken directly from contacts data, phone number string
-	 * is represented as number type and number string - those strings are
-	 * separated by SUB_DELIM string */
-	num_parts = g_strsplit(pnumber, SUB_DELIM, 2);
-	if (!num_parts)
-		return;
-	if (num_parts[0])
-		type = num_parts[0];
-	else
-		goto failed;
-	if (num_parts[1])
-		number = num_parts[1];
-	else
-		goto failed;
-	if (g_strrstr(type, FAX_NUM_TYPE))
-		add_phone_number(contact, number, TEL_TYPE_FAX);
-	else if (g_strrstr(type, MOBILE_NUM_TYPE))
-		add_phone_number(contact, number, TEL_TYPE_MOBILE);
-	else
-		/* if this is no fax/mobile phone, then adding phone number
-		 * type based on type of the affilation field */
-		add_phone_number(contact, number, get_phone_type(aff_type));
-	g_strfreev(num_parts);
-static void contact_add_numbers(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	char **aff_numbers;
-	int i;
-	/* Filling phone numbers from contact's affilation */
-	aff_numbers = g_strsplit(reply[COL_PHONE_AFF], MAIN_DELIM, MAX_FIELDS);
-	if (aff_numbers)
-		for (i = 0; aff_numbers[i]; ++i)
-			add_aff_number(contact, aff_numbers[i],
-							reply[COL_AFF_TYPE]);
-	g_strfreev(aff_numbers);
-static enum phonebook_field_type get_field_type(const char *affilation)
-	if (g_strcmp0(AFFILATION_HOME, affilation) == 0)
-		return FIELD_TYPE_HOME;
-	else if (g_strcmp0(AFFILATION_WORK, affilation) == 0)
-		return FIELD_TYPE_WORK;
-static void add_aff_field(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-			const char *aff_email, add_field_t add_field_cb)
-	char **email_parts;
-	char *type, *email;
-	/* Emails from affilation data, are represented as real email
-	 * string and affilation type - those strings are separated by
-	 * SUB_DELIM string */
-	email_parts = g_strsplit(aff_email, SUB_DELIM, 2);
-	if (!email_parts)
-		return;
-	if (email_parts[0])
-		email = email_parts[0];
-	else
-		goto failed;
-	if (email_parts[1])
-		type = email_parts[1];
-	else
-		goto failed;
-	add_field_cb(contact, email, get_field_type(type));
-	g_strfreev(email_parts);
-static void contact_add_emails(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	char **aff_emails;
-	int i;
-	/* Emails from affilation */
-	aff_emails = g_strsplit(reply[COL_EMAIL_AFF], MAIN_DELIM, MAX_FIELDS);
-	if (aff_emails)
-		for (i = 0; aff_emails[i] != NULL; ++i)
-			add_aff_field(contact, aff_emails[i], add_email);
-	g_strfreev(aff_emails);
-static void contact_add_addresses(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	char **aff_addr;
-	int i;
-	/* Addresses from affilation */
-	aff_addr = g_strsplit(reply[COL_ADDR_AFF], MAIN_DELIM, MAX_FIELDS);
-	if (aff_addr)
-		for (i = 0; aff_addr[i] != NULL; ++i)
-			add_aff_field(contact, aff_addr[i], add_address);
-	g_strfreev(aff_addr);
-static void contact_add_urls(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	char **aff_url;
-	int i;
-	/* Addresses from affilation */
-	aff_url = g_strsplit(reply[COL_URL], MAIN_DELIM, MAX_FIELDS);
-	if (aff_url)
-		for (i = 0; aff_url[i] != NULL; ++i)
-			add_aff_field(contact, aff_url[i], add_url);
-	g_strfreev(aff_url);
-static void contact_add_organization(struct phonebook_contact *contact,
-							const char **reply)
-	/* Adding fields connected by nco:hasAffiliation - they may be in
-	 * separate replies */
-	add_affiliation(&contact->title, reply[COL_TITLE]);
-	add_affiliation(&contact->company, reply[COL_ORG_NAME]);
-	add_affiliation(&contact->department, reply[COL_ORG_DEPARTMENT]);
-	add_affiliation(&contact->role, reply[COL_ORG_ROLE]);
-static void free_data_contacts(struct phonebook_data *data)
-	GSList *l;
-	/* freeing contacts */
-	for (l = data->contacts; l; l = l->next) {
-		struct contact_data *c_data = l->data;
-		g_free(c_data->id);
-		phonebook_contact_free(c_data->contact);
-		g_free(c_data);
-	}
-	g_slist_free(data->contacts);
-	data->contacts = NULL;
-static void send_pull_part(struct phonebook_data *data,
-			const struct apparam_field *params, gboolean lastpart)
-	GString *vcards;
-	DBG("");
-	vcards = gen_vcards(data->contacts, params);
-	data->cb(vcards->str, vcards->len, g_slist_length(data->contacts),
-			data->newmissedcalls, lastpart, data->user_data);
-	if (!lastpart)
-		free_data_contacts(data);
-	g_string_free(vcards, TRUE);
-static int pull_contacts(const char **reply, int num_fields, void *user_data)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = user_data;
-	const struct apparam_field *params = data->params;
-	struct phonebook_contact *contact;
-	struct contact_data *contact_data;
-	int last_index, i;
-	gboolean cdata_present = FALSE, part_sent = FALSE;
-	static char *temp_id = NULL;
-	if (num_fields < 0) {
-		data->cb(NULL, 0, num_fields, 0, TRUE, data->user_data);
-		goto fail;
-	}
-	DBG("reply %p", reply);
-	data->tracker_index++;
-	if (reply == NULL)
-		goto done;
-	/* Trying to find contact in recently added contacts. It is needed for
-	 * contacts that have more than one telephone number filled */
-	contact = find_contact(data->contacts, reply[CONTACTS_ID_COL],
-							reply[COL_DATE]);
-	/* If contact is already created then adding only new phone numbers */
-	if (contact) {
-		cdata_present = TRUE;
-		goto add_numbers;
-	}
-	/* We are doing a PullvCardEntry, no need for those checks */
-	if (data->vcardentry)
-		goto add_entry;
-	/* Last four fields are always present, ignoring them */
-	for (i = 0; i < num_fields - 4; i++) {
-		if (reply[i][0] != '\0')
-			break;
-	}
-	if (i == num_fields - 4 && !g_str_equal(reply[CONTACTS_ID_COL],
-		return 0;
-	if (g_strcmp0(temp_id, reply[CONTACTS_ID_COL])) {
-		data->index++;
-		g_free(temp_id);
-		temp_id = g_strdup(reply[CONTACTS_ID_COL]);
-		/* Incrementing counter for vcards in current part of data,
-		 * but only if liststartoffset has been already reached */
-		if (data->index > params->liststartoffset)
-			data->vcard_part_count++;
-	}
-	if (data->vcard_part_count > VCARDS_PART_COUNT) {
-		DBG("Part of vcard data ready for sending...");
-		data->vcard_part_count = 0;
-		/* Sending part of data to PBAP core - more data can be still
-		 * fetched, so marking lastpart as FALSE */
-		send_pull_part(data, params, FALSE);
-		/* Later, after adding contact data, need to return -EINTR to
-		 * stop fetching more data for this request. Data will be
-		 * downloaded again from this point, when phonebook_pull_read
-		 * will be called again with current request as a parameter*/
-		part_sent = TRUE;
-	}
-	last_index = params->liststartoffset + params->maxlistcount;
-	if (data->index <= params->liststartoffset)
-		return 0;
-	/* max number of results achieved - need send vcards data that was
-	 * already collected and stop further data processing (these operations
-	 * will be invoked in "done" section) */
-	if (data->index > last_index && params->maxlistcount > 0) {
-		DBG("Maxlistcount achieved");
-		goto done;
-	}
-	contact = g_new0(struct phonebook_contact, 1);
-	contact_init(contact, reply);
-	contact_add_numbers(contact, reply);
-	contact_add_emails(contact, reply);
-	contact_add_addresses(contact, reply);
-	contact_add_urls(contact, reply);
-	contact_add_organization(contact, reply);
-	DBG("contact %p", contact);
-	/* Adding contacts data to wrapper struct - this data will be used to
-	 * generate vcard list */
-	if (!cdata_present) {
-		contact_data = g_new0(struct contact_data, 1);
-		contact_data->contact = contact;
-		contact_data->id = g_strdup(reply[CONTACTS_ID_COL]);
-		data->contacts = g_slist_append(data->contacts, contact_data);
-	}
-	if (part_sent)
-		return -EINTR;
-	return 0;
-	/* Processing is end, this is definitely last part of transmission
-	 * (marking lastpart as TRUE) */
-	send_pull_part(data, params, TRUE);
-	g_free(temp_id);
-	temp_id = NULL;
-	return -EINTR;
-	/*
-	 * phonebook_data is freed in phonebook_req_finalize. Useful in
-	 * cases when call is terminated.
-	 */
-static int add_to_cache(const char **reply, int num_fields, void *user_data)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = user_data;
-	char *formatted;
-	int i;
-	if (reply == NULL || num_fields < 0)
-		goto done;
-	/* the first element is the URI, always not empty */
-	for (i = 1; i < num_fields; i++) {
-		if (reply[i][0] != '\0')
-			break;
-	}
-	if (i == num_fields &&
-			!g_str_equal(reply[0], TRACKER_DEFAULT_CONTACT_ME))
-		return 0;
-	if (i == 7)
-		formatted = g_strdup(reply[7]);
-	else if (i == 6)
-		formatted = g_strdup(reply[6]);
-	else
-		formatted = g_strdup_printf("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s",
-					reply[1], reply[2], reply[3], reply[4],
-					reply[5]);
-	/* The owner vCard must have the 0 handle */
-	if (strcmp(reply[0], TRACKER_DEFAULT_CONTACT_ME) == 0)
-		data->entry_cb(reply[0], 0, formatted, "",
-						reply[6], data->user_data);
-	else
-		data->entry_cb(reply[0], PHONEBOOK_INVALID_HANDLE, formatted,
-					"", reply[6], data->user_data);
-	g_free(formatted);
-	return 0;
-	if (num_fields <= 0)
-		data->ready_cb(data->user_data);
-	return -EINTR;
-	/*
-	 * phonebook_data is freed in phonebook_req_finalize. Useful in
-	 * cases when call is terminated.
-	 */
-int phonebook_init(void)
-	g_type_init();
-	return 0;
-void phonebook_exit(void)
-char *phonebook_set_folder(const char *current_folder, const char *new_folder,
-						uint8_t flags, int *err)
-	char *tmp1, *tmp2, *base, *path = NULL;
-	gboolean root, child;
-	int ret = 0;
-	int len;
-	root = (g_strcmp0("/", current_folder) == 0);
-	child = (new_folder && strlen(new_folder) != 0);
-	switch (flags) {
-	case 0x02:
-		/* Go back to root */
-		if (!child) {
-			path = g_strdup("/");
-			goto done;
-		}
-		path = g_build_filename(current_folder, new_folder, NULL);
-		break;
-	case 0x03:
-		/* Go up 1 level */
-		if (root) {
-			/* Already root */
-			path = g_strdup("/");
-			goto done;
-		}
-		/*
-		 * Removing one level of the current folder. Current folder
-		 * contains AT LEAST one level since it is not at root folder.
-		 * Use glib utility functions to handle invalid chars in the
-		 * folder path properly.
-		 */
-		tmp1 = g_path_get_basename(current_folder);
-		tmp2 = g_strrstr(current_folder, tmp1);
-		len = tmp2 - (current_folder + 1);
-		g_free(tmp1);
-		if (len == 0)
-			base = g_strdup("/");
-		else
-			base = g_strndup(current_folder, len);
-		/* Return: one level only */
-		if (!child) {
-			path = base;
-			goto done;
-		}
-		path = g_build_filename(base, new_folder, NULL);
-		g_free(base);
-		break;
-	default:
-		ret = -EBADR;
-		break;
-	}
-	if (path && !folder_is_valid(path))
-		ret = -ENOENT;
-	if (ret < 0) {
-		g_free(path);
-		path = NULL;
-	}
-	if (err)
-		*err = ret;
-	return path;
-static int pull_newmissedcalls(const char **reply, int num_fields,
-							void *user_data)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = user_data;
-	reply_list_foreach_t pull_cb;
-	int col_amount, err;
-	const char *query;
-	int nmissed;
-	if (num_fields < 0) {
-		data->cb(NULL, 0, num_fields, 0, TRUE, data->user_data);
-		return -EINTR;
-	}
-	if (reply != NULL) {
-		nmissed = atoi(reply[0]);
-		data->newmissedcalls =
-			nmissed <= UINT8_MAX ? nmissed : UINT8_MAX;
-		DBG("newmissedcalls %d", data->newmissedcalls);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (data->params->maxlistcount == 0) {
-		query = name2count_query(PB_CALLS_MISSED);
-		col_amount = COUNT_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT;
-		pull_cb = pull_contacts_size;
-	} else {
-		query = name2query(PB_CALLS_MISSED);
-		col_amount = PULL_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT;
-		pull_cb = pull_contacts;
-	}
-	err = query_tracker(query, col_amount, pull_cb, data);
-	if (err < 0) {
-		data->cb(NULL, 0, err, 0, TRUE, data->user_data);
-		return -EINTR;
-	}
-	return 0;
-void phonebook_req_finalize(void *request)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = request;
-	DBG("");
-	if (!data)
-		return;
-	/* canceling asynchronous operation on tracker if any is active */
-	if (data->query_canc) {
-		g_cancellable_cancel(data->query_canc);
-		g_object_unref(data->query_canc);
-	}
-	free_data_contacts(data);
-	g_free(data->req_name);
-	g_free(data);
-void *phonebook_pull(const char *name, const struct apparam_field *params,
-				phonebook_cb cb, void *user_data, int *err)
-	struct phonebook_data *data;
-	DBG("name %s", name);
-	data = g_new0(struct phonebook_data, 1);
-	data->params = params;
-	data->user_data = user_data;
-	data->cb = cb;
-	data->req_name = g_strdup(name);
-	if (err)
-		*err = 0;
-	return data;
-int phonebook_pull_read(void *request)
-	struct phonebook_data *data = request;
-	reply_list_foreach_t pull_cb;
-	const char *query;
-	char *offset_query;
-	int col_amount;
-	int ret;
-	if (!data)
-		return -ENOENT;
-	data->newmissedcalls = 0;
-	if (g_strcmp0(data->req_name, PB_CALLS_MISSED) == 0 &&
-						data->tracker_index == 0) {
-		/* new missed calls amount should be counted only once - it
-		 * will be done during generating first part of results of
-		 * missed calls history */
-		col_amount = COUNT_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT;
-		pull_cb = pull_newmissedcalls;
-	} else if (data->params->maxlistcount == 0) {
-		query = name2count_query(data->req_name);
-		col_amount = COUNT_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT;
-		pull_cb = pull_contacts_size;
-	} else {
-		query = name2query(data->req_name);
-		col_amount = PULL_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT;
-		pull_cb = pull_contacts;
-	}
-	if (query == NULL)
-		return -ENOENT;
-	if (pull_cb == pull_contacts && data->tracker_index > 0) {
-		/* Adding offset to pull query to download next parts of data
-		 * from tracker (phonebook_pull_read may be called many times
-		 * from PBAP core to fetch data partially) */
-		offset_query = g_strdup_printf(QUERY_OFFSET_FORMAT, query,
-							data->tracker_index);
-		ret = query_tracker(offset_query, col_amount, pull_cb, data);
-		g_free(offset_query);
-		return ret;
-	}
-	return query_tracker(query, col_amount, pull_cb, data);
-void *phonebook_get_entry(const char *folder, const char *id,
-				const struct apparam_field *params,
-				phonebook_cb cb, void *user_data, int *err)
-	struct phonebook_data *data;
-	char *query;
-	int ret;
-	DBG("folder %s id %s", folder, id);
-	data = g_new0(struct phonebook_data, 1);
-	data->user_data = user_data;
-	data->params = params;
-	data->cb = cb;
-	data->vcardentry = TRUE;
-	if (g_str_has_prefix(id, CONTACT_ID_PREFIX) == TRUE ||
-				g_strcmp0(id, TRACKER_DEFAULT_CONTACT_ME) == 0)
-		query = g_strdup_printf(CONTACTS_QUERY_FROM_URI, id, id, id, id,
-					id, id, id, id, id, id, id, id, id);
-	else if (g_str_has_prefix(id, CALL_ID_PREFIX) == TRUE)
-		query = g_strdup_printf(CONTACT_FROM_CALL_QUERY, id);
-	else
-		query = g_strdup_printf(CONTACTS_OTHER_QUERY_FROM_URI,
-								id, id, id);
-	ret = query_tracker(query, PULL_QUERY_COL_AMOUNT, pull_contacts, data);
-	if (err)
-		*err = ret;
-	g_free(query);
-	return data;
-void *phonebook_create_cache(const char *name, phonebook_entry_cb entry_cb,
-		phonebook_cache_ready_cb ready_cb, void *user_data, int *err)
-	struct phonebook_data *data;
-	const char *query;
-	int ret;
-	DBG("name %s", name);
-	query = folder2query(name);
-	if (query == NULL) {
-		if (err)
-			*err = -ENOENT;
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	data = g_new0(struct phonebook_data, 1);
-	data->entry_cb = entry_cb;
-	data->ready_cb = ready_cb;
-	data->user_data = user_data;
-	ret = query_tracker(query, 8, add_to_cache, data);
-	if (err)
-		*err = ret;
-	return data;