diff mbox series

pinctrl: ralink: mt76x8: fix pinmux function

Message ID 20240527022036.31985-1-user@blabla
State Accepted
Commit 0a2bcac1a22d9b78852a6039775455a798a095a0
Headers show
Series pinctrl: ralink: mt76x8: fix pinmux function | expand

Commit Message

李维豪 May 27, 2024, 2:20 a.m. UTC
From: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>

The current version of the pinctrl driver has some issues:

1. Duplicated "gpio" pmx function

The common code will add a "gpio" pmx functon to every pin group, so
it's not necessary to define a separate "gpio" pmx function in pin

2. Duplicated pmx function name

There are some same function name in different pin groups, which will
cause some problems. For example, when we want to use PAD_GPIO0 as
refclk output function, the common clk framework code will search the
entire pin function lists, then return the first one matched, in this
case the matched function list only include the PAD_CO_CLKO pin group
because there are three "refclk" pin function, which is added by
refclk_grp, spi_cs1_grp and gpio_grp.

To solve this problem, a simple way is just add a pingrp refix to
function name like mt7620 pinctrl driver does.

3. Useless "-" or "rsvd" functon

It's really unnecessary to add a reserved pin mux function to the
function lists, because we never use it.

Signed-off-by: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
 drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c | 88 +++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)


李维豪 May 28, 2024, 7:55 a.m. UTC | #1
Hi. Thanks for your reply!

I forgot to reply all, so I resend this mail. Sorry about that orz.

Sergio Paracuellos <sergio.paracuellos@gmail.com> 于2024年5月28日周二 15:10写道:
> Hi,
> On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 4:21 AM liweihao <cn.liweihao@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > From: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
> >
> > The current version of the pinctrl driver has some issues:
> Regarding the dtsi file which is in the kernel tree mt76x8 is using
> 'pinctrl-single' for pin muxing [0].

You're right. But in my application, I need to set the PAD_GPIO0 as
refclk function, and the 'pinctrl-single' driver did not implement
this function, so I have to use 'ralink,mt76x8-pinctrl' instead of
'pinctrl-single'. And for some compatibility reasons, i prefer to use
the dedicated driver instead of 'pinctrl-single' driver. That's why I
just committed a single driver patch. the previous text 'current
version of the pinctrl driver' just means

> >
> > 1. Duplicated "gpio" pmx function
> >
> > The common code will add a "gpio" pmx functon to every pin group, so
> > it's not necessary to define a separate "gpio" pmx function in pin
> > groups.
> Do you mean that pin 0 always has a GPIO function? [1]

No. The mediatek pinctrl common code will add a 'gpio' function to
every pingrp [0].

> > 2. Duplicated pmx function name
> >
> > There are some same function name in different pin groups, which will
> > cause some problems. For example, when we want to use PAD_GPIO0 as
> > refclk output function, the common clk framework code will search the
> > entire pin function lists, then return the first one matched, in this
> > case the matched function list only include the PAD_CO_CLKO pin group
> > because there are three "refclk" pin function, which is added by
> > refclk_grp, spi_cs1_grp and gpio_grp.
> >
> > To solve this problem, a simple way is just add a pingrp refix to
> > function name like mt7620 pinctrl driver does.
> >
> > 3. Useless "-" or "rsvd" functon
> >
> > It's really unnecessary to add a reserved pin mux function to the
> > function lists, because we never use it.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
> > ---
> >  drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c | 88 +++++++----------------
> >  1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)
> >
> > diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c b/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
> > index e7d6ad2f62e4e..2bc8d4409ca27 100644
> > --- a/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
> > +++ b/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
> > @@ -37,36 +37,30 @@
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func pwm1_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("sdxc d6", 3, 19, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 19, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 19, 1),
> > +       FUNC("pwm1 utif", 2, 19, 1),
> >         FUNC("pwm1", 0, 19, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func pwm0_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("sdxc d7", 3, 18, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 18, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 18, 1),
> > +       FUNC("pwm0 utif", 2, 18, 1),
> >         FUNC("pwm0", 0, 18, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart2_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("sdxc d5 d4", 3, 20, 2),
> > -       FUNC("pwm", 2, 20, 2),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 20, 2),
> > +       FUNC("uart2 pwm", 2, 20, 2),
> >         FUNC("uart2", 0, 20, 2),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart1_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("sw_r", 3, 45, 2),
> > -       FUNC("pwm", 2, 45, 2),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 45, 2),
> > +       FUNC("uart1 pwm", 2, 45, 2),
> >         FUNC("uart1", 0, 45, 2),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func i2c_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("-", 3, 4, 2),
> >         FUNC("debug", 2, 4, 2),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 4, 2),
> >         FUNC("i2c", 0, 4, 2),
> >  };
> >
> > @@ -76,128 +70,100 @@ static struct mtmips_pmx_func wdt_grp[] = { FUNC("wdt", 0, 38, 1) };
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func spi_grp[] = { FUNC("spi", 0, 7, 4) };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func sd_mode_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 22, 8),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 22, 8),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 22, 8),
> > +       FUNC("sdxc jtag", 3, 22, 8),
> > +       FUNC("sdxc utif", 2, 22, 8),
> >         FUNC("sdxc", 0, 22, 8),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart0_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("-", 3, 12, 2),
> > -       FUNC("-", 2, 12, 2),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 12, 2),
> >         FUNC("uart0", 0, 12, 2),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func i2s_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("antenna", 3, 0, 4),
> >         FUNC("pcm", 2, 0, 4),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 0, 4),
> >         FUNC("i2s", 0, 0, 4),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func spi_cs1_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("-", 3, 6, 1),
> > -       FUNC("refclk", 2, 6, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 6, 1),
> > +       FUNC("spi refclk", 2, 6, 1),
> >         FUNC("spi cs1", 0, 6, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func spis_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("pwm_uart2", 3, 14, 4),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 14, 4),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 14, 4),
> > +       FUNC("spis utif", 2, 14, 4),
> >         FUNC("spis", 0, 14, 4),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func gpio_grp[] = {
> >         FUNC("pcie", 3, 11, 1),
> > -       FUNC("refclk", 2, 11, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 11, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 0, 11, 1),
> > +       FUNC("gpio refclk", 2, 11, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p4led_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 30, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 30, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 30, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p4led_kn jtag", 3, 30, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p4led_kn utif", 2, 30, 1),
> >         FUNC("p4led_kn", 0, 30, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p3led_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 31, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 31, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 31, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p3led_kn jtag", 3, 31, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p3led_kn utif", 2, 31, 1),
> >         FUNC("p3led_kn", 0, 31, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p2led_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 32, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 32, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 32, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p2led_kn jtag", 3, 32, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p2led_kn utif", 2, 32, 1),
> >         FUNC("p2led_kn", 0, 32, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p1led_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 33, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 33, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 33, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p1led_kn jtag", 3, 33, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p1led_kn utif", 2, 33, 1),
> >         FUNC("p1led_kn", 0, 33, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p0led_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 34, 1),
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 2, 34, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 34, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p0led_kn jtag", 3, 34, 1),
> >         FUNC("p0led_kn", 0, 34, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func wled_kn_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 3, 35, 1),
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 2, 35, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 35, 1),
> >         FUNC("wled_kn", 0, 35, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p4led_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 39, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 39, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 39, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p4led_an jtag", 3, 39, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p4led_an utif", 2, 39, 1),
> >         FUNC("p4led_an", 0, 39, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p3led_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 40, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 40, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 40, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p3led_an jtag", 3, 40, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p3led_an utif", 2, 40, 1),
> >         FUNC("p3led_an", 0, 40, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p2led_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 41, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 41, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 41, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p2led_an jtag", 3, 41, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p2led_an utif", 2, 41, 1),
> >         FUNC("p2led_an", 0, 41, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p1led_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 42, 1),
> > -       FUNC("utif", 2, 42, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 42, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p1led_an jtag", 3, 42, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p1led_an utif", 2, 42, 1),
> >         FUNC("p1led_an", 0, 42, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func p0led_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("jtag", 3, 43, 1),
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 2, 43, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 43, 1),
> > +       FUNC("p0led_an jtag", 3, 43, 1),
> >         FUNC("p0led_an", 0, 43, 1),
> >  };
> >
> >  static struct mtmips_pmx_func wled_an_grp[] = {
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 3, 44, 1),
> > -       FUNC("rsvd", 2, 44, 1),
> > -       FUNC("gpio", 1, 44, 1),
> >         FUNC("wled_an", 0, 44, 1),
> >  };
> >
> > --
> > 2.39.2
> >
> Changes look good to me. However I cannot test them.
> [+cc Shiji Yang] who probably has a related board to test.
> Thanks,
>     Sergio Paracuellos
> [0]: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/arch/mips/boot/dts/ralink/mt7628a.dtsi#L45
> [1]: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mtmips.c#L297

[0]: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mtmips.c#L217
Linus Walleij May 28, 2024, 1:54 p.m. UTC | #2
On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 4:21 AM liweihao <cn.liweihao@gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
> The current version of the pinctrl driver has some issues:
> 1. Duplicated "gpio" pmx function
> The common code will add a "gpio" pmx functon to every pin group, so
> it's not necessary to define a separate "gpio" pmx function in pin
> groups.
> 2. Duplicated pmx function name
> There are some same function name in different pin groups, which will
> cause some problems. For example, when we want to use PAD_GPIO0 as
> refclk output function, the common clk framework code will search the
> entire pin function lists, then return the first one matched, in this
> case the matched function list only include the PAD_CO_CLKO pin group
> because there are three "refclk" pin function, which is added by
> refclk_grp, spi_cs1_grp and gpio_grp.
> To solve this problem, a simple way is just add a pingrp refix to
> function name like mt7620 pinctrl driver does.
> 3. Useless "-" or "rsvd" functon
> It's really unnecessary to add a reserved pin mux function to the
> function lists, because we never use it.
> Signed-off-by: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>

The patch looks good to me and Sergio: patch applied so
it gets some testing in linux-next.

If Arinc has issues with it or something else occurs I can
always drop it again.

Linus Walleij
李维豪 May 29, 2024, 1:15 a.m. UTC | #3
Sergio Paracuellos <sergio.paracuellos@gmail.com> 于2024年5月28日周二 22:20写道:
> On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 3:54 PM Linus Walleij <linus.walleij@linaro.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 4:21 AM liweihao <cn.liweihao@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > From: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
> > >
> > > The current version of the pinctrl driver has some issues:
> > >
> > > 1. Duplicated "gpio" pmx function
> > >
> > > The common code will add a "gpio" pmx functon to every pin group, so
> > > it's not necessary to define a separate "gpio" pmx function in pin
> > > groups.
> > >
> > > 2. Duplicated pmx function name
> > >
> > > There are some same function name in different pin groups, which will
> > > cause some problems. For example, when we want to use PAD_GPIO0 as
> > > refclk output function, the common clk framework code will search the
> > > entire pin function lists, then return the first one matched, in this
> > > case the matched function list only include the PAD_CO_CLKO pin group
> > > because there are three "refclk" pin function, which is added by
> > > refclk_grp, spi_cs1_grp and gpio_grp.
> > >
> > > To solve this problem, a simple way is just add a pingrp refix to
> > > function name like mt7620 pinctrl driver does.
> > >
> > > 3. Useless "-" or "rsvd" functon
> > >
> > > It's really unnecessary to add a reserved pin mux function to the
> > > function lists, because we never use it.
> > >
> > > Signed-off-by: Weihao Li <cn.liweihao@gmail.com>
> >
> > The patch looks good to me and Sergio: patch applied so
> > it gets some testing in linux-next.
> >
> > If Arinc has issues with it or something else occurs I can
> > always drop it again.
> Thanks, Linus :)
> Best regards,
>     Sergio Paracuellos

Thanks for reviewing the code.

Best regards,
Weihao Li
diff mbox series


diff --git a/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c b/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
index e7d6ad2f62e4e..2bc8d4409ca27 100644
--- a/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
+++ b/drivers/pinctrl/mediatek/pinctrl-mt76x8.c
@@ -37,36 +37,30 @@ 
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func pwm1_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("sdxc d6", 3, 19, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 19, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 19, 1),
+	FUNC("pwm1 utif", 2, 19, 1),
 	FUNC("pwm1", 0, 19, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func pwm0_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("sdxc d7", 3, 18, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 18, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 18, 1),
+	FUNC("pwm0 utif", 2, 18, 1),
 	FUNC("pwm0", 0, 18, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart2_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("sdxc d5 d4", 3, 20, 2),
-	FUNC("pwm", 2, 20, 2),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 20, 2),
+	FUNC("uart2 pwm", 2, 20, 2),
 	FUNC("uart2", 0, 20, 2),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart1_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("sw_r", 3, 45, 2),
-	FUNC("pwm", 2, 45, 2),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 45, 2),
+	FUNC("uart1 pwm", 2, 45, 2),
 	FUNC("uart1", 0, 45, 2),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func i2c_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("-", 3, 4, 2),
 	FUNC("debug", 2, 4, 2),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 4, 2),
 	FUNC("i2c", 0, 4, 2),
@@ -76,128 +70,100 @@  static struct mtmips_pmx_func wdt_grp[] = { FUNC("wdt", 0, 38, 1) };
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func spi_grp[] = { FUNC("spi", 0, 7, 4) };
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func sd_mode_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 22, 8),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 22, 8),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 22, 8),
+	FUNC("sdxc jtag", 3, 22, 8),
+	FUNC("sdxc utif", 2, 22, 8),
 	FUNC("sdxc", 0, 22, 8),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func uart0_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("-", 3, 12, 2),
-	FUNC("-", 2, 12, 2),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 12, 2),
 	FUNC("uart0", 0, 12, 2),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func i2s_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("antenna", 3, 0, 4),
 	FUNC("pcm", 2, 0, 4),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 0, 4),
 	FUNC("i2s", 0, 0, 4),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func spi_cs1_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("-", 3, 6, 1),
-	FUNC("refclk", 2, 6, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 6, 1),
+	FUNC("spi refclk", 2, 6, 1),
 	FUNC("spi cs1", 0, 6, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func spis_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("pwm_uart2", 3, 14, 4),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 14, 4),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 14, 4),
+	FUNC("spis utif", 2, 14, 4),
 	FUNC("spis", 0, 14, 4),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func gpio_grp[] = {
 	FUNC("pcie", 3, 11, 1),
-	FUNC("refclk", 2, 11, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 11, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 0, 11, 1),
+	FUNC("gpio refclk", 2, 11, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p4led_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 30, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 30, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 30, 1),
+	FUNC("p4led_kn jtag", 3, 30, 1),
+	FUNC("p4led_kn utif", 2, 30, 1),
 	FUNC("p4led_kn", 0, 30, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p3led_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 31, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 31, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 31, 1),
+	FUNC("p3led_kn jtag", 3, 31, 1),
+	FUNC("p3led_kn utif", 2, 31, 1),
 	FUNC("p3led_kn", 0, 31, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p2led_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 32, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 32, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 32, 1),
+	FUNC("p2led_kn jtag", 3, 32, 1),
+	FUNC("p2led_kn utif", 2, 32, 1),
 	FUNC("p2led_kn", 0, 32, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p1led_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 33, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 33, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 33, 1),
+	FUNC("p1led_kn jtag", 3, 33, 1),
+	FUNC("p1led_kn utif", 2, 33, 1),
 	FUNC("p1led_kn", 0, 33, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p0led_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 34, 1),
-	FUNC("rsvd", 2, 34, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 34, 1),
+	FUNC("p0led_kn jtag", 3, 34, 1),
 	FUNC("p0led_kn", 0, 34, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func wled_kn_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("rsvd", 3, 35, 1),
-	FUNC("rsvd", 2, 35, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 35, 1),
 	FUNC("wled_kn", 0, 35, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p4led_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 39, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 39, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 39, 1),
+	FUNC("p4led_an jtag", 3, 39, 1),
+	FUNC("p4led_an utif", 2, 39, 1),
 	FUNC("p4led_an", 0, 39, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p3led_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 40, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 40, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 40, 1),
+	FUNC("p3led_an jtag", 3, 40, 1),
+	FUNC("p3led_an utif", 2, 40, 1),
 	FUNC("p3led_an", 0, 40, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p2led_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 41, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 41, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 41, 1),
+	FUNC("p2led_an jtag", 3, 41, 1),
+	FUNC("p2led_an utif", 2, 41, 1),
 	FUNC("p2led_an", 0, 41, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p1led_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 42, 1),
-	FUNC("utif", 2, 42, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 42, 1),
+	FUNC("p1led_an jtag", 3, 42, 1),
+	FUNC("p1led_an utif", 2, 42, 1),
 	FUNC("p1led_an", 0, 42, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func p0led_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("jtag", 3, 43, 1),
-	FUNC("rsvd", 2, 43, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 43, 1),
+	FUNC("p0led_an jtag", 3, 43, 1),
 	FUNC("p0led_an", 0, 43, 1),
 static struct mtmips_pmx_func wled_an_grp[] = {
-	FUNC("rsvd", 3, 44, 1),
-	FUNC("rsvd", 2, 44, 1),
-	FUNC("gpio", 1, 44, 1),
 	FUNC("wled_an", 0, 44, 1),