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[4/4] Documentation: gpio: Reconfiguration with unset direction (uAPI v2)

Message ID 20240626052925.174272-5-warthog618@gmail.com
State Accepted
Commit 6a9c15083b1662a4b7b36e787272deb696d72c24
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Series gpiolib: cdev: directionless line reconfiguration | expand

Commit Message

Kent Gibson June 26, 2024, 5:29 a.m. UTC
Update description of reconfiguration rules, adding requirement that a
direction flag be set to enable changing configuration for a line.

Signed-off-by: Kent Gibson <warthog618@gmail.com>
 .../userspace-api/gpio/gpio-v2-line-set-config-ioctl.rst   | 7 +++++--
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
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diff --git a/Documentation/userspace-api/gpio/gpio-v2-line-set-config-ioctl.rst b/Documentation/userspace-api/gpio/gpio-v2-line-set-config-ioctl.rst
index 9b942a8a53ca..cfaab801556c 100644
--- a/Documentation/userspace-api/gpio/gpio-v2-line-set-config-ioctl.rst
+++ b/Documentation/userspace-api/gpio/gpio-v2-line-set-config-ioctl.rst
@@ -35,11 +35,14 @@  Description
 Update the configuration of previously requested lines, without releasing the
 line or introducing potential glitches.
-The new configuration must specify the configuration of all requested lines.
+The new configuration must specify a configuration for all requested lines.
 The same :ref:`gpio-v2-get-line-config-rules` and
 :ref:`gpio-v2-get-line-config-support` that apply when requesting the lines
-also apply when updating the line configuration.
+also apply when updating the line configuration, with the additional
+restriction that a direction flag must be set to enable reconfiguration.
+If no direction flag is set in the configuration for a given line then the
+configuration for that line is left unchanged.
 The motivating use case for this command is changing direction of
 bi-directional lines between input and output, but it may also be used to