new file mode 100644
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+<!-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 -->
+<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2024 Bartosz Golaszewski <> -->
+<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
+ "">
+ <!--
+ io.gpiod1.Chip:
+ @short_description: Represents a single GPIO chip in the system.
+ -->
+ <interface name='io.gpiod1.Chip'>
+ <!--
+ Name:
+ Name of the chip as represented in the kernel.
+ -->
+ <property name='Name' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Label:
+ Label of the chip as represented in the kernel.
+ -->
+ <property name='Label' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ NumLines:
+ Number of GPIO lines exposed by this chip.
+ -->
+ <property name='NumLines' type='u' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Path:
+ Filesystem path used to open this chip.
+ -->
+ <property name='Path' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ RequestLines:
+ @line_config: Line configuration. See below for details.
+ @request_config: Request configuration. See below for details.
+ @request_path: Object path pointing to the newly added request.
+ Requests a set of lines and makes it possible for the users of this API
+ to manipulate them depending on the line configuration.
+ Line configuration is a tuple of two arrays. The first one contains
+ mappings of arrays of line offsets to sets of line settings. The second
+ contains the list of default output values which are only used in output
+ mode.
+ Available line config options:
+ "direction" => String representing the line direction. Accepts the
+ following values: "input", "output".
+ "edge" => String representing the edge detection setting. Accepts the
+ following values: "falling", "rising", "both".
+ "active-low" => Boolean representing the active-low setting.
+ "drive" => String representing the drive settings. Accepts the
+ following values: "push-pull", "open-drain", "open-source".
+ "bias" => String representing the internal bias settings. Accepts the
+ following values: "disabled", "pull-up", "pull-down", "as-is".
+ "debounce-period" => Debounce period in milliseconds represented as a
+ signed, 64-bit integer.
+ "event-clock" => String representing the clock used to timestamp edge
+ events. Accepts the following values: "monotonic",
+ "realtime", "hte".
+ Output values are applied to the lines in the order they appear in the
+ settings mappings.
+ Example variant that allows to request lines at offsets 1, 5 and 11 in
+ output, push-pull and active-low modes and specifies the output values
+ as active (as visualized with g_variant_print()):
+ // Line config tuple
+ (
+ // Array of line settings mappings
+ [
+ // Single mapping tuple
+ (
+ // Offsets to map
+ [1, 5, 11],
+ // Line settings dict
+ {
+ 'direction': <'output'>,
+ 'drive': <'push-pull'>,
+ 'active-low': <true>
+ }
+ )
+ ],
+ // Output values
+ [1, 1, 1]
+ )
+ Request configuration is a hashmap mapping names of the available config
+ options to their values wrapped in a variant.
+ Available request config options:
+ "consumer" => Consumer name as a string
+ "event-buffer-size" => Requested size of the in-kernel edge event
+ buffer as an unsigned 32-bit integer.
+ The object path to the new request is returned on success. The user
+ should wait for it to appear before trying to use the requested lines in
+ any way.
+ -->
+ <method name='RequestLines'>
+ <arg name='line_config' direction='in' type='(a(aua{sv})ai)'/>
+ <arg name='request_config' direction='in' type='a{sv}'/>
+ <arg name='request_path' direction='out' type='o'/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>
+ <!--
+ io.gpiod1.Line:
+ @short_description: Represents a single GPIO line on a chip.
+ -->
+ <interface name='io.gpiod1.Line'>
+ <!--
+ Offset:
+ Uniquely identifies the line on the chip.
+ -->
+ <property name='Offset' type='u' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Name:
+ Name of the GPIO line as represented in the kernel.
+ -->
+ <property name='Name' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Used:
+ True if line is busy.
+ Line can be used by gpio-manager, another user-space process, a kernel
+ driver or is hogged. The exact reason a line is busy cannot be determined
+ from user-space unless it's known to be managed by gpio-manager (see:
+ the Managed property of this interface).
+ -->
+ <property name='Used' type='b' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Consumer:
+ Name of the consumer of the line.
+ -->
+ <property name='Consumer' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Direction:
+ Direction of the line. Returns "input" or "output".
+ -->
+ <property name='Direction' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ EdgeDetection:
+ Edge detection settings of the line. Returns: "none", "falling",
+ "rising" or "both".
+ -->
+ <property name='EdgeDetection' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Bias:
+ Bias setting of the line. Returns: "unknown", "disabled, "pull-up" or
+ "pull-down".
+ -->
+ <property name='Bias' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Drive:
+ Drive setting of the line. Returns "push-pull", "open-source" or
+ "open-drain".
+ -->
+ <property name='Drive' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ ActiveLow:
+ True if the line is active-low. False for active-high.
+ -->
+ <property name='ActiveLow' type='b' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Debounced:
+ True if line is being debounced on interrupts. Can only be true with
+ edge-detection enabled.
+ -->
+ <property name='Debounced' type='b' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ DebouncePeriodUs:
+ Debounce period in milliseconds. 0 if the line is not debounced. Can
+ only be non-zero with edge-detection enabled.
+ -->
+ <property name='DebouncePeriodUs' type='t' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ EventClock:
+ System clock used to timestamp edge events on this line. Returns:
+ "monotonic", "realtime" or "hte".
+ -->
+ <property name='EventClock' type='s' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Managed:
+ True if the line is managed by gpio-manager.
+ -->
+ <property name='Managed' type='b' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ RequestPath:
+ If this line is managed by gpio-manager then this property will contain
+ the DBus object path pointing to the managing request object.
+ -->
+ <property name='RequestPath' type='o' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ EdgeEvent:
+ @event_data: Contains the edge (1 for rising, 0 for falling), timestamp
+ in milliseconds and the global & line-local sequence numbers.
+ If the line is managed by the gpio-manager and is requested with edge
+ detection enabled then this signal will be emitted for every edge event
+ registered on this line.
+ -->
+ <signal name='EdgeEvent'>
+ <arg name='event_data' type='(ittt)'/>
+ </signal>
+ </interface>
+ <!--
+ io.gpiod1.Request:
+ @short_description: Represents a set of requested GPIO lines.
+ -->
+ <interface name='io.gpiod1.Request'>
+ <!--
+ ChipPath:
+ DBus object path pointing to the chip exposing the lines held by this
+ request.
+ -->
+ <property name='ChipPath' type='o' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ LinePaths:
+ Array of DBus object paths pointing to the lines held by this request.
+ -->
+ <property name='LinePaths' type='ao' access='read'/>
+ <!--
+ Release:
+ Release the requested lines. After this method returns successfully, the
+ request object on which it was called will be destroyed.
+ -->
+ <method name='Release'/>
+ <!--
+ ReconfigureLines:
+ @line_config: Line configuration. Refer to the RequestLines method of
+ the io.gpiod1.Chip interface for details.
+ Change the configuration of lines held by this request object without
+ releasing them.
+ -->
+ <method name='ReconfigureLines'>
+ <arg name='line_config' direction='in' type='(a(aua{sv})ai)'/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ GetValues:
+ @offsets: Array of line offsets within the request to read values for.
+ @values: Array of values in the order lines were specified in @offsets.
+ Read the values for a set of lines held by the request.
+ -->
+ <method name='GetValues'>
+ <arg name='offsets' direction='in' type='au'/>
+ <arg name='values' direction='out' type='ai'/>
+ </method>
+ <!--
+ SetValues:
+ @values: Array of mappings from line offsets to desired output values.
+ Set the values for a set of lines held by the request.
+ -->
+ <method name='SetValues'>
+ <arg name='values' direction='in' type='a{ui}'/>
+ </method>
+ </interface>