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[1/4] insane: fix expanded-d test

Message ID 1480031065-19435-1-git-send-email-ross.burton@intel.com
State Accepted
Commit cc545044cba51317bee32e3bf674723e422e3a8a
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Commit Message

Ross Burton Nov. 24, 2016, 11:44 p.m. UTC
This test should be looking for the expanded value of ${D} in the expanded value
of pkg_postinst and so on, but one of the getVar() calls was passing
expand=False so the test would never be true.

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>

 meta/classes/insane.bbclass | 3 +--
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)


Openembedded-core mailing list
diff mbox


diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index d51e73e..9f3065f 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -1000,9 +1000,8 @@  def package_qa_check_expanded_d(path,name,d,elf,messages):
     for pak in packages:
     # Go through all variables and check if expanded D is found, warn the user accordingly
         for var in 'FILES','pkg_preinst', 'pkg_postinst', 'pkg_prerm', 'pkg_postrm':
-            bbvar = d.getVar(var + "_" + pak, False)
+            bbvar = d.getVar(var + "_" + pak, True)
             if bbvar:
-                # Bitbake expands ${D} within bbvar during the previous step, so we check for its expanded value
                 if expanded_d in bbvar:
                     if var == 'FILES':
                         package_qa_add_message(messages, "expanded-d", "FILES in %s recipe should not contain the ${D} variable as it references the local build directory not the target filesystem, best solution is to remove the ${D} reference" % pak)