@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ TEST_PROGS := \
mode-2-recovery-updelay.sh \
bond_options.sh \
bond-eth-type-change.sh \
- bond_macvlan_ipvlan.sh
+ bond_macvlan_ipvlan.sh \
+ bond_ipsec_offload.sh
lag_lib.sh \
new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# IPsec over bonding offload test:
+# +----------------+
+# | bond0 |
+# | | |
+# | eth0 eth1 |
+# +---+-------+----+
+# We use netdevsim instead of physical interfaces
+# Example commands
+# ip x s add proto esp src dst \
+# spi 0x07 mode transport reqid 0x07 replay-window 32 \
+# aead 'rfc4106(gcm(aes))' 1234567890123456dcba 128 \
+# sel src dst
+# offload dev bond0 dir out
+# ip x p add dir out src dst \
+# tmpl proto esp src dst \
+# spi 0x07 mode transport reqid 0x07
+lib_dir=$(dirname "$0")
+source "$lib_dir"/../../../net/lib.sh
+algo="aead rfc4106(gcm(aes)) 0x3132333435363738393031323334353664636261 128"
+ local old_active_slave=$1
+ local new_active_slave=$(ip -n ${ns} -d -j link show bond0 | \
+ jq -r ".[].linkinfo.info_data.active_slave")
+ [ "$new_active_slave" != "$old_active_slave" -a "$new_active_slave" != "null" ]
+ # use ping to exercise the Tx path
+ ip netns exec $ns ping -I bond0 -c 3 -W 1 -i 0 $dstip >/dev/null
+ active_slave=$(ip -n ${ns} -d -j link show bond0 | \
+ jq -r ".[].linkinfo.info_data.active_slave")
+ if [ $active_slave = $nic0 ]; then
+ sysfs=$ipsec0
+ elif [ $active_slave = $nic1 ]; then
+ sysfs=$ipsec1
+ else
+ check_err 1 "bond_ipsec_offload invalid active_slave $active_slave"
+ fi
+ # The tx/rx order in sysfs may changed after failover
+ grep -q "SA count=2 tx=3" $sysfs && grep -q "tx ipaddr=$dstip" $sysfs
+ check_err $? "incorrect tx count with link ${active_slave}"
+ log_test bond_ipsec_offload "active_slave ${active_slave}"
+ if ! mount | grep -q debugfs; then
+ mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug/ &> /dev/null
+ defer umount /sys/kernel/debug/
+ fi
+ # setup netdevsim since dummy/veth dev doesn't have offload support
+ if [ ! -w /sys/bus/netdevsim/new_device ] ; then
+ modprobe -q netdevsim
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "SKIP: can't load netdevsim for ipsec offload"
+ exit $ksft_skip
+ fi
+ defer modprobe -r netdevsim
+ fi
+ setup_ns ns
+ defer cleanup_ns $ns
+ ip -n $ns link add bond0 type bond mode active-backup miimon 100
+ ip -n $ns addr add $srcip/24 dev bond0
+ ip -n $ns link set bond0 up
+ ifaces=$(ip netns exec $ns bash -c '
+ sysfsnet=/sys/bus/netdevsim/devices/netdevsim0/net/
+ echo "0 2" > /sys/bus/netdevsim/new_device
+ while [ ! -d $sysfsnet ] ; do :; done
+ udevadm settle
+ ls $sysfsnet
+ ')
+ nic0=$(echo $ifaces | cut -f1 -d ' ')
+ nic1=$(echo $ifaces | cut -f2 -d ' ')
+ ip -n $ns link set $nic0 master bond0
+ ip -n $ns link set $nic1 master bond0
+ # we didn't create a peer, make sure we can Tx by adding a permanent
+ # neighbour this need to be added after enslave
+ ip -n $ns neigh add $dstip dev bond0 lladdr 00:11:22:33:44:55
+ # create offloaded SAs, both in and out
+ ip -n $ns x p add dir out src $srcip/24 dst $dstip/24 \
+ tmpl proto esp src $srcip dst $dstip spi 9 \
+ mode transport reqid 42
+ ip -n $ns x p add dir in src $dstip/24 dst $srcip/24 \
+ tmpl proto esp src $dstip dst $srcip spi 9 \
+ mode transport reqid 42
+ ip -n $ns x s add proto esp src $srcip dst $dstip spi 9 \
+ mode transport reqid 42 $algo sel src $srcip/24 dst $dstip/24 \
+ offload dev bond0 dir out
+ ip -n $ns x s add proto esp src $dstip dst $srcip spi 9 \
+ mode transport reqid 42 $algo sel src $dstip/24 dst $srcip/24 \
+ offload dev bond0 dir in
+ # does offload show up in ip output
+ lines=`ip -n $ns x s list | grep -c "crypto offload parameters: dev bond0 dir"`
+ if [ $lines -ne 2 ] ; then
+ check_err 1 "bond_ipsec_offload SA offload missing from list output"
+ fi
+trap defer_scopes_cleanup EXIT
+# start Offload testing
+# do failover and re-test
+ip -n $ns link set $active_slave down
+slowwait 5 active_slave_changed $active_slave
+# make sure offload get removed from driver
+ip -n $ns x s flush
+ip -n $ns x p flush
+line0=$(grep -c "SA count=0" $ipsec0)
+line1=$(grep -c "SA count=0" $ipsec1)
+[ $line0 -ne 1 -o $line1 -ne 1 ]
+check_fail $? "bond_ipsec_offload SA not removed from driver"
@@ -9,3 +9,7 @@ CONFIG_NET_CLS_FLOWER=y