diff mbox series

[v4,2/2] tuna: Add idle_state control functionality

Message ID 20250311203034.8065-3-jwyatt@redhat.com
State New
Headers show
Series Add cpupower idle-state functionality | expand

Commit Message

John B. Wyatt IV March 11, 2025, 8:30 p.m. UTC
Allows Tuna to control cpu idle-state functionality on the system,
including querying, enabling, disabling of cpu idle-states to control
power usage or to test functionality.

This requires cpupower, a utility in the Linux kernel repository and
the cpupower Python bindings added in Linux 6.12 to control cpu

This patch revision includes text snippet suggestions by Crystal Wood
(v2) and small Python suggestions by John Kacur (v3 and v4).

Suggested-by: Crystal Wood <crwood@redhat.com>
Suggested-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>

Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <jwyatt@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <sageofredondo@gmail.com>
 tuna-cmd.py      |  30 +++++++-
 tuna/cpupower.py | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tuna/cpupower.py


Wander Lairson Costa March 12, 2025, 2:41 p.m. UTC | #1
On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 04:30:19PM -0400, John B. Wyatt IV wrote:
> Allows Tuna to control cpu idle-state functionality on the system,
> including querying, enabling, disabling of cpu idle-states to control
> power usage or to test functionality.
> This requires cpupower, a utility in the Linux kernel repository and
> the cpupower Python bindings added in Linux 6.12 to control cpu
> idle-states.
> This patch revision includes text snippet suggestions by Crystal Wood
> (v2) and small Python suggestions by John Kacur (v3 and v4).
> Suggested-by: Crystal Wood <crwood@redhat.com>
> Suggested-by: John Kacur <jkacur@redhat.com>
> Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <jwyatt@redhat.com>
> Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <sageofredondo@gmail.com>
> ---
>  tuna-cmd.py      |  30 +++++++-
>  tuna/cpupower.py | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100755 tuna/cpupower.py
> diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
> index d0323f5..96a25a5 100755
> --- a/tuna-cmd.py
> +++ b/tuna-cmd.py
> @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from tuna import tuna, sysfs, utils
>  import logging
>  import time
>  import shutil
> +import tuna.cpupower as cpw
>  def get_loglevel(level):
>      if level.isdigit() and int(level) in range(0,5):
> @@ -115,8 +116,12 @@ def gen_parser():
>              "disable_perf": dict(action='store_true', help="Explicitly disable usage of perf in GUI for process view"),
>              "refresh": dict(default=2500, metavar='MSEC', type=int, help="Refresh the GUI every MSEC milliseconds"),
>              "priority": dict(default=(None, None), metavar="POLICY:RTPRIO", type=tuna.get_policy_and_rtprio, help="Set thread scheduler tunables: POLICY and RTPRIO"),
> -            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task")
> -         }
> +            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task"),
> +            "idle_info": dict(dest='idle_info', action='store_const', const=True, help='Print general idle information for the selected CPUs, including index values for IDLE-STATE.'),
> +            "idle_state_disabled_status": dict(dest='idle_state_disabled_status', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Print whether IDLE-STATE is enabled on the selected	CPUs.'),
> +            "disable_idle_state": dict(dest='disable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Disable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.'),
> +            "enable_idle_state": dict(dest='enable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Enable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.')
> +    }
>      parser = HelpMessageParser(description="tuna - Application Tuning Program")
> @@ -127,6 +132,9 @@ def gen_parser():
>      subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command')
> +    idle_set = subparser.add_parser('idle_set',
> +                                    description='Manage CPU idle state disabling (requires libcpupower and it\'s Python bindings)',
> +                                    help='Set all idle states on a given CPU-LIST.')
>      isolate = subparser.add_parser('isolate', description="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST",
>                                      help="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST")
>      include = subparser.add_parser('include', description="Allow all threads to run on CPU-LIST",
> @@ -146,7 +154,6 @@ def gen_parser():
>      show_threads = subparser.add_parser('show_threads', description='Show thread list', help='Show thread list')
>      show_irqs = subparser.add_parser('show_irqs', description='Show IRQ list', help='Show IRQ list')
>      show_configs = subparser.add_parser('show_configs', description='List preloaded profiles', help='List preloaded profiles')
> -
>      what_is = subparser.add_parser('what_is', description='Provides help about selected entities', help='Provides help about selected entities')
>      gui = subparser.add_parser('gui', description="Start the GUI", help="Start the GUI")
> @@ -218,6 +225,13 @@ def gen_parser():
>      show_irqs_group.add_argument('-S', '--sockets', **MODS['sockets'])
>      show_irqs.add_argument('-q', '--irqs', **MODS['irqs'])
> +    idle_set_group = idle_set.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
> +    idle_set_group.add_argument('-i', '--idle-info', **MODS['idle_info'])
> +    idle_set_group.add_argument('-s', '--status', **MODS['idle_state_disabled_status'])
> +    idle_set_group.add_argument('-d', '--disable', **MODS['disable_idle_state'])
> +    idle_set_group.add_argument('-e', '--enable', **MODS['enable_idle_state'])
> +    idle_set.add_argument('-c', '--cpus', **MODS['cpus'])
> +
>      what_is.add_argument('thread_list', **POS['thread_list'])
>      gui.add_argument('-d', '--disable_perf', **MODS['disable_perf'])
> @@ -647,6 +661,16 @@ def main():
>              print("Valid log levels: NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR")
>              print("Log levels may be specified numerically (0-4)\n")
> +    if args.command == 'idle_set':
> +        if not cpw.have_cpupower:
> +            print(f"Error: libcpupower bindings are not detected; please install libcpupower bindings from at least kernel {cpw.cpupower_required_kernel}.")

Since it is an error message, print() should be called with

> +            sys.exit(1)
> +
> +        my_cpupower = cpw.Cpupower(args.cpu_list)
> +        ret = my_cpupower.idle_set_handler(args)
> +        if ret > 0:
> +            sys.exit(ret)
> +
>      if 'irq_list' in vars(args):
>          ps = procfs.pidstats()
>          if tuna.has_threaded_irqs(ps):
> diff --git a/tuna/cpupower.py b/tuna/cpupower.py
> new file mode 100755
> index 0000000..7913027
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/tuna/cpupower.py
> @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
> +# Copyright (C) 2024 John B. Wyatt IV
> +
> +from typing import List
> +import tuna.utils as utils
> +
> +cpupower_required_kernel = "6.12"
> +have_cpupower = None
> +
> +try:
> +    import raw_pylibcpupower as lcpw
> +    lcpw.cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(0)
> +    have_cpupower = True
> +except:

Catch all statements in Python are bad IMO, because they catch syntax
errors as well. We should at least print the exception.

> +    lcpw = None
> +    have_cpupower = False
> +
> +if have_cpupower:
> +    class Cpupower:
> +        """The Cpupower class allows you to query and change the power states of the
> +        cpu.
> +
> +        You may query or change the cpus all at once or a list of the cpus provided to the constructor's cpulist argument.
> +
> +        The bindings must be detected on the $PYTHONPATH variable.
> +
> +        You must use have_cpupower variable to determine if the bindings were
> +        detected in your code."""
> +
> +        LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE = 1 # enum for common error messages
> +        LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE = 2
> +
> +        def __init__(self, cpu_list=None):
> +            if cpu_list == None or cpu_list == []: # args.cpu_list == [] when the -c option is not used

Nit: use the "is" operator to compare against None.

> +                self.__cpu_list = utils.get_all_cpu_list()
> +            else:
> +                self.__cpu_list = cpu_list
> +
> +        @staticmethod
> +        def handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, error_type, idle_name):
> +            match e:
> +                case 0:
> +                    pass
> +                case -1:
> +                    print(f"Idlestate {idle_name} not available")
> +                case -2:
> +                    print("Disabling is not supported by the kernel")
> +                case -3:
> +                    if error_type == Cpupower.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE:
> +                        print("No write access to disable/enable C-states: try using sudo")
> +                    else:
> +                        print(f"Not documented: {e}")
> +                case _:
> +                    print(f"Not documented: {e}")

Error message should go to stderr by adding "file=sys.stderr" to the
print() statements.

> +
> +        @staticmethod
> +        def get_idle_states(cpu):
> +            """
> +            Get the c-states of a cpu.
> +
> +            You can capture the return values with:
> +            states_list, states_amt = get_idle_states()
> +
> +            Returns
> +                List[String]: list of cstates
> +                Int: amt of cstates
> +            """
> +            ret = []
> +            for cstate in range(lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)):
> +                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_name(cpu,cstate))
> +            return ret, lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)
> +
> +        @staticmethod
> +        def get_idle_info(cpu=0):
> +            idle_states, idle_states_amt = Cpupower.get_idle_states(cpu)
> +            idle_states_list = []
> +            for idle_state in range(0, len(idle_states)):
> +                idle_states_list.append(
> +                    {
> +                        "CPU ID": cpu,
> +                        "Idle State Name": idle_states[idle_state],
> +                        "Flags/Description": lcpw.cpuidle_state_desc(cpu, idle_state),
> +                        "Latency": lcpw.cpuidle_state_latency(cpu, idle_state),
> +                        "Usage": lcpw.cpuidle_state_usage(cpu, idle_state),
> +                        "Duration": lcpw.cpuidle_state_time(cpu, idle_state)
> +                    }
> +                )
> +            idle_info = {
> +                "CPUidle-driver": lcpw.cpuidle_get_driver(),
> +                "CPUidle-governor": lcpw.cpuidle_get_governor(),
> +                "idle-states-count": idle_states_amt,
> +                "available-idle-states": idle_states,
> +                "cpu-states": idle_states_list
> +            }
> +            return idle_info
> +
> +        @staticmethod
> +        def print_idle_info(cpu_list=[0]):
> +            for cpu in cpu_list:
> +                idle_info = Cpupower.get_idle_info(cpu)
> +                print_str = f"""
> +CPUidle driver: {idle_info["CPUidle-driver"]}
> +CPUidle governor: {idle_info["CPUidle-governor"]}
> +analyzing CPU {cpu}
> +
> +Number of idle states: {idle_info["idle-states-count"]}
> +Available idle states: {idle_info["available-idle-states"]}
> +"""
> +                for state in idle_info["cpu-states"]:
> +                    print_str += f"""{state["Idle State Name"]}
> +Flags/Description: {state["Flags/Description"]}
> +Latency: {state["Latency"]}
> +Usage: {state["Usage"]}
> +Duration: {state["Duration"]}
> +"""
> +                print(
> +                    print_str
> +                )

nit: I don't think we need three lines for this statement.

> +
> +        def idle_set_handler(self, args) -> int:
> +            if args.idle_state_disabled_status != None:
> +                cstate_index = args.idle_state_disabled_status
> +                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
> +                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
> +                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")

Nit: redirect error message to stderr.

> +                    return 1
> +                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
> +                ret = self.is_disabled_idle_state(cstate_index)
> +                for i,e in enumerate(ret):
> +                    if e == 1:
> +                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is disabled.")
> +                    elif e == 0:
> +                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is enabled.")
> +                    else:
> +                        self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE, cstate_name)
> +            elif args.idle_info != None:

nit: Use the "is" operator to compare against None.

> +                self.print_idle_info(self.__cpu_list)
> +                return 0
> +            elif args.disable_idle_state != None:


> +                cstate_index = args.disable_idle_state
> +                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
> +                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
> +                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")

Nit: redirect error message to stderr.

> +                    return 1
> +                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
> +                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 1)
> +                for e in ret:
> +                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
> +            elif args.enable_idle_state != None:

nit: Use the "is" operator to compare against None.

> +                cstate_index = args.enable_idle_state
> +                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
> +                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
> +                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")

nit: Use the "is" operator to compare against None.

> +                    return 1
> +                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
> +                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 0)
> +                for e in ret:
> +                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
> +            return 0
> +
> +        def disable_idle_state(self, state, disabled) -> List[int]:
> +            """
> +            Disable or enable an idle state using the object's stored list of cpus.
> +
> +            Args:
> +                state (int): The cpu idle state index to disable or enable as an int starting from 0.
> +                disabled (int): set to 1 to disable or 0 to enable. Less than 0 is an error.
> +            """
> +            ret = []
> +            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
> +                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_disable(cpu, state, disabled))
> +            return ret
> +
> +        def is_disabled_idle_state(self, state) -> List[int]:
> +            """
> +            Query the idle state.
> +
> +            Args:
> +                state: The cpu idle state. 1 is disabled, 0 is enabled. Less than 0 is an error.
> +            """
> +            ret = []
> +            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
> +                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_is_state_disabled(cpu, state))
> +            return ret
> -- 
> 2.48.1
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
index d0323f5..96a25a5 100755
--- a/tuna-cmd.py
+++ b/tuna-cmd.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@  from tuna import tuna, sysfs, utils
 import logging
 import time
 import shutil
+import tuna.cpupower as cpw
 def get_loglevel(level):
     if level.isdigit() and int(level) in range(0,5):
@@ -115,8 +116,12 @@  def gen_parser():
             "disable_perf": dict(action='store_true', help="Explicitly disable usage of perf in GUI for process view"),
             "refresh": dict(default=2500, metavar='MSEC', type=int, help="Refresh the GUI every MSEC milliseconds"),
             "priority": dict(default=(None, None), metavar="POLICY:RTPRIO", type=tuna.get_policy_and_rtprio, help="Set thread scheduler tunables: POLICY and RTPRIO"),
-            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task")
-         }
+            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task"),
+            "idle_info": dict(dest='idle_info', action='store_const', const=True, help='Print general idle information for the selected CPUs, including index values for IDLE-STATE.'),
+            "idle_state_disabled_status": dict(dest='idle_state_disabled_status', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Print whether IDLE-STATE is enabled on the selected	CPUs.'),
+            "disable_idle_state": dict(dest='disable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Disable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.'),
+            "enable_idle_state": dict(dest='enable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Enable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.')
+    }
     parser = HelpMessageParser(description="tuna - Application Tuning Program")
@@ -127,6 +132,9 @@  def gen_parser():
     subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command')
+    idle_set = subparser.add_parser('idle_set',
+                                    description='Manage CPU idle state disabling (requires libcpupower and it\'s Python bindings)',
+                                    help='Set all idle states on a given CPU-LIST.')
     isolate = subparser.add_parser('isolate', description="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST",
                                     help="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST")
     include = subparser.add_parser('include', description="Allow all threads to run on CPU-LIST",
@@ -146,7 +154,6 @@  def gen_parser():
     show_threads = subparser.add_parser('show_threads', description='Show thread list', help='Show thread list')
     show_irqs = subparser.add_parser('show_irqs', description='Show IRQ list', help='Show IRQ list')
     show_configs = subparser.add_parser('show_configs', description='List preloaded profiles', help='List preloaded profiles')
     what_is = subparser.add_parser('what_is', description='Provides help about selected entities', help='Provides help about selected entities')
     gui = subparser.add_parser('gui', description="Start the GUI", help="Start the GUI")
@@ -218,6 +225,13 @@  def gen_parser():
     show_irqs_group.add_argument('-S', '--sockets', **MODS['sockets'])
     show_irqs.add_argument('-q', '--irqs', **MODS['irqs'])
+    idle_set_group = idle_set.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-i', '--idle-info', **MODS['idle_info'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-s', '--status', **MODS['idle_state_disabled_status'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-d', '--disable', **MODS['disable_idle_state'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-e', '--enable', **MODS['enable_idle_state'])
+    idle_set.add_argument('-c', '--cpus', **MODS['cpus'])
     what_is.add_argument('thread_list', **POS['thread_list'])
     gui.add_argument('-d', '--disable_perf', **MODS['disable_perf'])
@@ -647,6 +661,16 @@  def main():
             print("Valid log levels: NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR")
             print("Log levels may be specified numerically (0-4)\n")
+    if args.command == 'idle_set':
+        if not cpw.have_cpupower:
+            print(f"Error: libcpupower bindings are not detected; please install libcpupower bindings from at least kernel {cpw.cpupower_required_kernel}.")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        my_cpupower = cpw.Cpupower(args.cpu_list)
+        ret = my_cpupower.idle_set_handler(args)
+        if ret > 0:
+            sys.exit(ret)
     if 'irq_list' in vars(args):
         ps = procfs.pidstats()
         if tuna.has_threaded_irqs(ps):
diff --git a/tuna/cpupower.py b/tuna/cpupower.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7913027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tuna/cpupower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+# Copyright (C) 2024 John B. Wyatt IV
+from typing import List
+import tuna.utils as utils
+cpupower_required_kernel = "6.12"
+have_cpupower = None
+    import raw_pylibcpupower as lcpw
+    lcpw.cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(0)
+    have_cpupower = True
+    lcpw = None
+    have_cpupower = False
+if have_cpupower:
+    class Cpupower:
+        """The Cpupower class allows you to query and change the power states of the
+        cpu.
+        You may query or change the cpus all at once or a list of the cpus provided to the constructor's cpulist argument.
+        The bindings must be detected on the $PYTHONPATH variable.
+        You must use have_cpupower variable to determine if the bindings were
+        detected in your code."""
+        LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE = 1 # enum for common error messages
+        def __init__(self, cpu_list=None):
+            if cpu_list == None or cpu_list == []: # args.cpu_list == [] when the -c option is not used
+                self.__cpu_list = utils.get_all_cpu_list()
+            else:
+                self.__cpu_list = cpu_list
+        @staticmethod
+        def handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, error_type, idle_name):
+            match e:
+                case 0:
+                    pass
+                case -1:
+                    print(f"Idlestate {idle_name} not available")
+                case -2:
+                    print("Disabling is not supported by the kernel")
+                case -3:
+                    if error_type == Cpupower.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE:
+                        print("No write access to disable/enable C-states: try using sudo")
+                    else:
+                        print(f"Not documented: {e}")
+                case _:
+                    print(f"Not documented: {e}")
+        @staticmethod
+        def get_idle_states(cpu):
+            """
+            Get the c-states of a cpu.
+            You can capture the return values with:
+            states_list, states_amt = get_idle_states()
+            Returns
+                List[String]: list of cstates
+                Int: amt of cstates
+            """
+            ret = []
+            for cstate in range(lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)):
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_name(cpu,cstate))
+            return ret, lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)
+        @staticmethod
+        def get_idle_info(cpu=0):
+            idle_states, idle_states_amt = Cpupower.get_idle_states(cpu)
+            idle_states_list = []
+            for idle_state in range(0, len(idle_states)):
+                idle_states_list.append(
+                    {
+                        "CPU ID": cpu,
+                        "Idle State Name": idle_states[idle_state],
+                        "Flags/Description": lcpw.cpuidle_state_desc(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Latency": lcpw.cpuidle_state_latency(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Usage": lcpw.cpuidle_state_usage(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Duration": lcpw.cpuidle_state_time(cpu, idle_state)
+                    }
+                )
+            idle_info = {
+                "CPUidle-driver": lcpw.cpuidle_get_driver(),
+                "CPUidle-governor": lcpw.cpuidle_get_governor(),
+                "idle-states-count": idle_states_amt,
+                "available-idle-states": idle_states,
+                "cpu-states": idle_states_list
+            }
+            return idle_info
+        @staticmethod
+        def print_idle_info(cpu_list=[0]):
+            for cpu in cpu_list:
+                idle_info = Cpupower.get_idle_info(cpu)
+                print_str = f"""
+CPUidle driver: {idle_info["CPUidle-driver"]}
+CPUidle governor: {idle_info["CPUidle-governor"]}
+analyzing CPU {cpu}
+Number of idle states: {idle_info["idle-states-count"]}
+Available idle states: {idle_info["available-idle-states"]}
+                for state in idle_info["cpu-states"]:
+                    print_str += f"""{state["Idle State Name"]}
+Flags/Description: {state["Flags/Description"]}
+Latency: {state["Latency"]}
+Usage: {state["Usage"]}
+Duration: {state["Duration"]}
+                print(
+                    print_str
+                )
+        def idle_set_handler(self, args) -> int:
+            if args.idle_state_disabled_status != None:
+                cstate_index = args.idle_state_disabled_status
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.is_disabled_idle_state(cstate_index)
+                for i,e in enumerate(ret):
+                    if e == 1:
+                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is disabled.")
+                    elif e == 0:
+                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is enabled.")
+                    else:
+                        self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE, cstate_name)
+            elif args.idle_info != None:
+                self.print_idle_info(self.__cpu_list)
+                return 0
+            elif args.disable_idle_state != None:
+                cstate_index = args.disable_idle_state
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 1)
+                for e in ret:
+                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
+            elif args.enable_idle_state != None:
+                cstate_index = args.enable_idle_state
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 0)
+                for e in ret:
+                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
+            return 0
+        def disable_idle_state(self, state, disabled) -> List[int]:
+            """
+            Disable or enable an idle state using the object's stored list of cpus.
+            Args:
+                state (int): The cpu idle state index to disable or enable as an int starting from 0.
+                disabled (int): set to 1 to disable or 0 to enable. Less than 0 is an error.
+            """
+            ret = []
+            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_disable(cpu, state, disabled))
+            return ret
+        def is_disabled_idle_state(self, state) -> List[int]:
+            """
+            Query the idle state.
+            Args:
+                state: The cpu idle state. 1 is disabled, 0 is enabled. Less than 0 is an error.
+            """
+            ret = []
+            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_is_state_disabled(cpu, state))
+            return ret