diff mbox series

[v2,23/42] meson: Introduce top-level libuser_ss and libsystem_ss

Message ID 20250318213209.2579218-24-richard.henderson@linaro.org
State New
Headers show
Series accel/tcg, codebase: Build once patches | expand

Commit Message

Richard Henderson March 18, 2025, 9:31 p.m. UTC
We already have two subdirectories for which we need
to build files twice, for user vs system modes.
Move this handling to the top level.

This cannot be combined with user_ss or system_ss,
because the formulation has not been extended to support
configuration symbols.

Reviewed-by: Pierrick Bouvier <pierrick.bouvier@linaro.org>
Signed-off-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>
 gdbstub/meson.build | 32 ++++++++------------------------
 meson.build         | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 tcg/meson.build     | 23 ++---------------------
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/gdbstub/meson.build b/gdbstub/meson.build
index dff741ddd4..0e8099ae9c 100644
--- a/gdbstub/meson.build
+++ b/gdbstub/meson.build
@@ -4,32 +4,16 @@ 
 # types such as hwaddr.
-# We need to build the core gdb code via a library to be able to tweak
-# cflags so:
-gdb_user_ss = ss.source_set()
-gdb_system_ss = ss.source_set()
 # We build two versions of gdbstub, one for each mode
-gdb_user_ss.add(files('gdbstub.c', 'user.c'))
-gdb_system_ss.add(files('gdbstub.c', 'system.c'))
+  'gdbstub.c',
+  'user.c'
-gdb_user_ss = gdb_user_ss.apply({})
-gdb_system_ss = gdb_system_ss.apply({})
-libgdb_user = static_library('gdb_user',
-                             gdb_user_ss.sources() + genh,
-                             c_args: '-DCONFIG_USER_ONLY',
-                             build_by_default: false)
-libgdb_system = static_library('gdb_system',
-                                gdb_system_ss.sources() + genh,
-                                build_by_default: false)
-gdb_user = declare_dependency(objects: libgdb_user.extract_all_objects(recursive: false))
-gdb_system = declare_dependency(objects: libgdb_system.extract_all_objects(recursive: false))
+  'gdbstub.c',
+  'system.c'
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index 7f75256acf..329e7f056a 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -3666,12 +3666,14 @@  io_ss = ss.source_set()
 qmp_ss = ss.source_set()
 qom_ss = ss.source_set()
 system_ss = ss.source_set()
+libsystem_ss = ss.source_set()
 specific_fuzz_ss = ss.source_set()
 specific_ss = ss.source_set()
 rust_devices_ss = ss.source_set()
 stub_ss = ss.source_set()
 trace_ss = ss.source_set()
 user_ss = ss.source_set()
+libuser_ss = ss.source_set()
 util_ss = ss.source_set()
 # accel modules
@@ -4049,6 +4051,26 @@  common_ss.add(qom, qemuutil)
 common_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_SYSTEM_ONLY', if_true: [system_ss])
 common_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_USER_ONLY', if_true: user_ss)
+libuser_ss = libuser_ss.apply({})
+libuser = static_library('user',
+                         libuser_ss.sources() + genh,
+                         c_args: '-DCONFIG_USER_ONLY',
+                         dependencies: libuser_ss.dependencies(),
+                         build_by_default: false)
+libuser = declare_dependency(objects: libuser.extract_all_objects(recursive: false),
+                             dependencies: libuser_ss.dependencies())
+common_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_USER_ONLY', if_true: libuser)
+libsystem_ss = libsystem_ss.apply({})
+libsystem = static_library('system',
+                           libsystem_ss.sources() + genh,
+                           c_args: '-DCONFIG_SOFTMMU',
+                           dependencies: libsystem_ss.dependencies(),
+                           build_by_default: false)
+libsystem = declare_dependency(objects: libsystem.extract_all_objects(recursive: false),
+                               dependencies: libsystem_ss.dependencies())
+common_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_SYSTEM_ONLY', if_true: libsystem)
 # Note that this library is never used directly (only through extract_objects)
 # and is not built by default; therefore, source files not used by the build
 # configuration will be in build.ninja, but are never built by default.
diff --git a/tcg/meson.build b/tcg/meson.build
index 69ebb4908a..7df378d773 100644
--- a/tcg/meson.build
+++ b/tcg/meson.build
@@ -27,24 +27,5 @@  if host_os == 'linux'
-tcg_ss = tcg_ss.apply({})
-libtcg_user = static_library('tcg_user',
-                             tcg_ss.sources() + genh,
-                             dependencies: tcg_ss.dependencies(),
-                             c_args: '-DCONFIG_USER_ONLY',
-                             build_by_default: false)
-tcg_user = declare_dependency(objects: libtcg_user.extract_all_objects(recursive: false),
-                              dependencies: tcg_ss.dependencies())
-libtcg_system = static_library('tcg_system',
-                                tcg_ss.sources() + genh,
-                                dependencies: tcg_ss.dependencies(),
-                                c_args: '-DCONFIG_SOFTMMU',
-                                build_by_default: false)
-tcg_system = declare_dependency(objects: libtcg_system.extract_all_objects(recursive: false),
-                                dependencies: tcg_ss.dependencies())