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Show patches with: none      |   6 patches
Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
Fix Android build errors --- 2017-01-19 Showliu Accepted
[PATCH/RFC,v3,3/3] add pipe link for display entity --- 2013-09-27 Showliu New
[PATCH/RFC,v3,2/3] Add display entity and set VGA output(site MB) as default --- 2013-09-27 Showliu New
[PATCH/RFC,v3,1/3] Add display entities and pipe link for pl111 --- 2013-09-27 Showliu New
[2/2] CDFv2 for VExpress HDLCD DVI output support --- 2013-07-17 Showliu New
[1/2] Fixed for compatible with kernel 3.10.0-rc6 --- 2013-07-17 Showliu New


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