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Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v9] ASoC: tas2781: Add tas2781 driver [v9] ASoC: tas2781: Add tas2781 driver --- 2023-03-28 Shenghao Ding New
[v9,9/9] ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: add audio routing and Kconfig [v9,1/9] ASoC: dt-bindings: wcd938x: add bindings for wcd938x --- 2021-06-09 Srinivas Kandagatla Accepted
[v9,8/8] dt-bindings: mediatek: mt8186: add mt8186-mt6366-rt1019-rt5682s document ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,7/9] ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: add playback dapm widgets [v9,1/9] ASoC: dt-bindings: wcd938x: add bindings for wcd938x --- 2021-06-09 Srinivas Kandagatla Accepted
[v9,7/8] ASoC: mediatek: mt8186: add machine driver with mt6366, rt1019 and rt5682s ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,7/7] pinctrl: qcom: Update clock voting as optional Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,7/7] ASoC: qcom: sc7180: Add support for audio over DP Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,7/7] ASoC: fsl_easrc: Add EASRC ASoC CPU DAI drivers [v9,1/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: rename asrc_priv to asrc --- 2020-04-16 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,6/8] dt-bindings: mediatek: mt8186: add mt8186-mt6366-da7219-max98357 document ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,6/7] pinctrl: qcom: Add SC7280 lpass pin configuration Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,6/7] Asoc: qcom: lpass-platform : Increase buffer size Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,5/8] ASoC: mediatek: mt8186: add machine driver with mt6366, da7219 and max98357 ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,5/7] pinctrl: qcom: Extract chip specific LPASS LPI code Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,5/7] ASoC: qcom: Add support for lpass hdmi driver Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,5/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: Move common definition to fsl_asrc_common [v9,1/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: rename asrc_priv to asrc --- 2020-04-16 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[V9,5/5] ASoC: dt-bindings: Add schema for "awinic,aw88395" ASoC: codecs: Add Awinic AW883XX audio amplifier driver --- 2023-01-06 Superseded
[v9,4/8] dt-bindings: mediatek: mt8186: add audio afe document ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,4/7] pinctrl: qcom: Update lpi pin group structure Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,4/7] Asoc: qcom: lpass:Update lpaif_dmactl members order Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,4/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: Support new property fsl,asrc-format [v9,1/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: rename asrc_priv to asrc --- 2020-04-16 Shengjiu Wang Accepted
[V9,4/5] ASoC: codecs: Aw883xx chip register file, data type file and Kconfig Makefile ASoC: codecs: Add Awinic AW883XX audio amplifier driver --- 2023-01-06 New
[v9,3/9] ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: add basic driver [v9,1/9] ASoC: dt-bindings: wcd938x: add bindings for wcd938x --- 2021-06-09 Srinivas Kandagatla Accepted
[v9,3/8] ASoC: mediatek: mt8186: add mt8186-mt6366 common driver ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,3/7] pinctrl: qcom: Update macro name to LPI specific Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,3/7] Asoc:qcom:lpass-cpu:Update dts property read API Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[V9,3/5] ASoC: codecs: Aw883xx common function for ALSA Audio Driver ASoC: codecs: Add Awinic AW883XX audio amplifier driver --- 2023-01-06 Superseded
[v9,3/4] ASoC: mediatek: mt8192: refactor for I2S8/I2S9 DAI links of headset [v9,1/4] ASoC: dt-bindings: mt8192-mt6359: add new compatible and new properties --- 2022-04-06 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,34/34] ASoC: usb: Rediscover USB SND devices on USB port add Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,3/3] ASoC: SOF: mediatek: Add mt8186 ipc support firmware: mtk: add adsp ipc protocol for SOF --- 2022-05-12 Tinghan Shen Accepted
[v9,3/3] ASoC: qcom: SC7280: Add machine driver Machine driver to support LPASS SC7280 sound card registration --- 2022-02-10 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,3/3] ASoC: qcom: sc7180: Add machine driver for sound card registration Add documentation and machine driver for SC7180 sound card --- 2020-09-11 Cheng-yi Chiang Superseded
[v9,33/34] ALSA: usb-audio: Allow for rediscovery of connected USB SND devices Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,32/34] ALSA: usb-audio: qcom: Use card and PCM index from QMI request Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,31/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Add headphone jack for offload connection status Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,30/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Add SND kcontrol for fetching offload status Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,29/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Add SND kcontrol to select offload device Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,2/8] ASoC: mediatek: mt8186: add platform driver ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,28/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Add support to track available USB PCM devices Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,2/7] dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom: Add sc7280 lpass lpi pinctrl bindings Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,2/7] ASoC: dt-bindings: Add dt binding for lpass hdmi Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,27/34] ALSA: usb-audio: qcom: Populate PCM and USB chip information Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,26/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: q6afe: Split USB AFE dev_token param into separate API Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[V9,2/5] ASoC: codecs: Aw883xx function for ACF file parse and check ASoC: codecs: Add Awinic AW883XX audio amplifier driver --- 2023-01-06 New
[v9,25/34] ASoC: dt-bindings: Update example for enabling USB offload on SM8250 Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,24/34] ASoC: dt-bindings: Add Q6USB backend Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,2/3] ASoC: SOF: mediatek: Add ipc support for mt8195 firmware: mtk: add adsp ipc protocol for SOF --- 2022-05-12 Tinghan Shen New
[v9,2/3] ASoC: qcom: dt-bindings: Add sc7180 machine bindings Add documentation and machine driver for SC7180 sound card --- 2020-09-11 Cheng-yi Chiang Superseded
[v9,2/3] ASoC: qcom: Add macro for lpass DAI id's max limit Machine driver to support LPASS SC7280 sound card registration --- 2022-02-10 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Accepted
[v9,23/34] ALSA: usb-audio: Prevent starting of audio stream if in use Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,2/2] ASoC: sun50i-dmic: dt-bindings: add DT bindings for DMIC controller Untitled series #185223 --- 2022-08-30 Ban Tao Accepted
[v9,2/2] ASoC: codecs: add wsa881x amplifier support ASoC: codecs: Add WSA881x Smart Speaker amplifier support --- 2019-12-19 Srinivas Kandagatla Superseded
[v9,22/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Ensure PCM format is supported by USB audio device Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,21/34] ASoC: usb: Add PCM format check API for USB backend Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,20/34] ALSA: usb-audio: Check for support for requested audio format Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,1/9] ASoC: dt-bindings: wcd938x: add bindings for wcd938x [v9,1/9] ASoC: dt-bindings: wcd938x: add bindings for wcd938x --- 2021-06-09 Srinivas Kandagatla Accepted
[v9,19/34] ALSA: usb-audio: qcom: Introduce QC USB SND offloading support Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,1/8] dt-bindings: mediatek: mt6358: add new compatible for using mt6366 ASoC: mediatek: Add support for MT8186 SoC --- 2022-07-12 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Superseded
[v9,18/34] ALSA: usb-audio: qcom: Add USB QMI definitions Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,1/7] dt-bindings: pinctrl: qcom: Update lpass lpi file name to SoC specific Add pin control support for lpass sc7280 --- 2022-02-23 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,1/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: rename asrc_priv to asrc [v9,1/7] ASoC: fsl_asrc: rename asrc_priv to asrc --- 2020-04-16 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,1/7] ASoC: Add sc7180-lpass binding header hdmi define Qualcomm's lpass-hdmi ASoC driver to support audio over dp port --- 2020-10-05 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,17/34] usb: host: xhci-plat: Set XHCI max interrupters if property is present Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,16/34] usb: dwc3: Specify maximum number of XHCI interrupters Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[V9,1/5] ASoC: codecs: Add i2c and codec registration for aw883xx and their associated operation functions ASoC: codecs: Add Awinic AW883XX audio amplifier driver --- 2023-01-06 New
[v9,15/34] dt-bindings: usb: dwc3: Limit num-hc-interrupters definition Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,15/15] media: vim2m-audio: add virtual driver for audio memory to memory Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,1/4] mfd: Add Rockchip rk817 audio CODEC support ASoC: codecs: add rk817 support --- 2021-05-05 Chris Morgan Superseded
[v9,1/4] ASoC: dt-bindings: mt8192-mt6359: add new compatible and new properties [v9,1/4] ASoC: dt-bindings: mt8192-mt6359: add new compatible and new properties --- 2022-04-06 Jiaxin Yu (俞家鑫) Accepted
[v9,14/34] dt-bindings: usb: xhci: Add num-hc-interrupters definition Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,14/15] media: imx-asrc: Add memory to memory driver Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,14/14] ASoC: Intel: Select catpt and deprecate haswell ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,1/3] firmware: mediatek: Add adsp ipc protocol interface firmware: mtk: add adsp ipc protocol for SOF --- 2022-05-12 Tinghan Shen Accepted
[v9,1/3] ASoC: hdmi-codec: Use set_jack ops to set jack Add documentation and machine driver for SC7180 sound card --- 2020-09-11 Cheng-yi Chiang Superseded
[v9,1/3] ASoC: google: dt-bindings: Add sc7280-herobrine machine bindings Machine driver to support LPASS SC7280 sound card registration --- 2022-02-10 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,13/34] ALSA: usb-audio: Export USB SND APIs for modules Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,13/15] media: uapi: Add an entity type for audio resampler Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang New
[v9,13/14] ASoC: Intel: bdw-5677: Remove haswell-solution specific code ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,13/13] ARM: dts: stm32: put ETZPC as an access controller for STM32MP13x boards Introduce STM32 Firewall framework --- 2024-01-05 Gatien CHEVALLIER New
[v9,1/2] dt-bindings: ASoC: Add WSA881x bindings ASoC: codecs: Add WSA881x Smart Speaker amplifier support --- 2019-12-19 Srinivas Kandagatla Superseded
[v9,1/2] ASoC: sunxi: Add Allwinner H6 Digital MIC driver [v9,1/2] ASoC: sunxi: Add Allwinner H6 Digital MIC driver --- 2022-08-30 Ban Tao Superseded
[v9,12/34] ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce USB SND platform op callbacks Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,12/15] media: uapi: Declare interface types for Audio Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,12/14] ASoC: Intel: bdw-5650: Remove haswell-solution specific code ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,12/13] ARM: dts: stm32: add ETZPC as a system bus for STM32MP13x boards Introduce STM32 Firewall framework --- 2024-01-05 Gatien CHEVALLIER Accepted
[v9,1/1] alsa: jack: implement software jack injection via debugfs audio jack software injection --- 2021-01-27 Hui Wang Accepted
[v9,11/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Add USB backend ASoC driver for Q6 Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,11/15] media: uapi: Add audio rate controls support Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,11/14] ASoC: Intel: broadwell: Remove haswell-solution specific code ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,11/13] ARM: dts: stm32: put ETZPC as an access controller for STM32MP15x boards Introduce STM32 Firewall framework --- 2024-01-05 Gatien CHEVALLIER New
[v9,10/34] ASoC: qdsp6: q6afe: Increase APR timeout Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
[v9,10/15] media: uapi: Add V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_FIXED_POINT Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang New
[v9,10/14] ASoC: Intel: haswell: Remove haswell-solution specific code ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,10/14] arm64: dts: allwinner: h6: Add I2S1 node Untitled series #64188 --- 2020-10-27 Clément Péron Superseded
[v9,10/13] ARM: dts: stm32: add ETZPC as a system bus for STM32MP15x boards Introduce STM32 Firewall framework --- 2024-01-05 Gatien CHEVALLIER Accepted
[v9,10/10] ASoC: qcom: lpass-sc7280: Add platform driver for lpass audio Add support for audio on SC7280 based targets --- 2021-12-06 Srinivasa Rao Mandadapu Superseded
[v9,09/34] ASoC: qcom: qdsp6: Introduce USB AFE port to q6dsp Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng New
[v9,09/15] media: uapi: Add V4L2_CTRL_CLASS_M2M_AUDIO Add audio support in v4l2 framework --- 2023-11-10 Shengjiu Wang Superseded
[v9,09/14] ASoC: Intel: catpt: Simple sysfs attributes ASoC: Intel: Catpt - Lynx and Wildcat point --- 2020-09-26 Cezary Rojewski Superseded
[v9,09/13] bus: etzpc: introduce ETZPC firewall controller driver Introduce STM32 Firewall framework --- 2024-01-05 Gatien CHEVALLIER Accepted
[v9,08/34] ASoC: dt-bindings: qcom,q6dsp-lpass-ports: Add USB_RX port Introduce QC USB SND audio offloading support --- 2023-10-17 Wesley Cheng Superseded
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