From patchwork Tue Jan 14 05:11:39 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Bjorn Andersson X-Patchwork-Id: 857297 Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 0498323D3CF for ; Tue, 14 Jan 2025 05:05:55 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.client-ip= ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1736831164; cv=none; b=leIl/u3Ycl38t+7JIDYWXTvro4AdRljaVxIKTCHLQPtn747jzU0kHiAIc15e4MEKgE22BtXOrRxnnMogFiYiogOTWAH/5rfqV/IHySkc46yAAfkR6fHjaC4tbwA6txxvhlG8gRtLP2LGpb3WeCJdqclJGjqLXhfgQyN3Gtos0Dk= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=arc-20240116; t=1736831164; c=relaxed/simple; bh=eVZ1RmTHKgbnk1IWLkQv54xVHndrD+zNyODhTeRc7zc=; h=From:Date:Subject:MIME-Version:Content-Type:Message-Id:References: In-Reply-To:To:Cc; b=NK9G4vrGEsRBrB2O79iKXAyP//+oGX6DCv+ZewM6qn8VFIHodbwGLbG0lxekM5gnTu7qnnc8YkOfKzoCjqdgHOKN/+XMgad9+Ln6YtJAJV0XvoG5THlZ/dDf8YyuKmfmbaXqq30hJCwZglcxKhKZw9RnuOxFOmoOiqL+wqLi010= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none); spf=pass; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b=eHZYB7Gl; arc=none smtp.client-ip= Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=reject dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key) header.b="eHZYB7Gl" Received: from pps.filterd ( []) by ( with ESMTP id 50DJLZ9P002893 for ; Tue, 14 Jan 2025 05:05:55 GMT DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; h= cc:content-transfer-encoding:content-type:date:from:in-reply-to :message-id:mime-version:references:subject:to; s=qcppdkim1; bh= ZCBjS8nUjkynSvy/BD/OVnxm4MFnRm7rnyz4Vr/pees=; b=eHZYB7Glwk+E5V8E mkJ1nwlnJz80aUfH0ZOhqnp2OY1smKXahz1d7xSPL0OU63do33vxucxdR6w0VaTU 02+wlX9EBYVu/7h28Z+VQu9ZYIx4zpOtMgDEcP75QgSDoKZDa79/wWKyX0Yv1AbV fhHUjLUNd/4FsxuZ8eh/MrHkTJpgqNtYn3GmJtUSdRX7a94Fq1m/oBMT8a4nJUJN pIu9tTY0gX364O1ZhfCyzD68luCCrmGX82YeDwOq+4RXuq+xcApn4a89KDobjF7b A7woH+GQcuTvHOZkWHxOxGVc+Zyq8Qjr3Ajb5VulL5yyAaRt4LgasEHoZjV8K0xd qR/vpg== Received: from ( []) by (PPS) with ESMTPS id 4458ww92d8-1 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128 verify=NOT) for ; Tue, 14 Jan 2025 05:05:54 +0000 (GMT) Received: by with SMTP id 5614622812f47-3eb81b5cbfaso3845177b6e.3 for ; Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:05:54 -0800 (PST) X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1736831153; x=1737435953; h=cc:to:in-reply-to:references:message-id:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:subject:date:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=ZCBjS8nUjkynSvy/BD/OVnxm4MFnRm7rnyz4Vr/pees=; b=tcAhjNMywxaoDJVF5I9FnJPAeB9mF+3sQHkSqYsMCAu1TEnBIb+ViPkYKhyPWyz0zj u6gj0tt3Ijt9ePB8oIEahp/2s9p0W++gCwYF5W8JhSP6/qeQGpT8aq4w/wB5O0Gh6WDo FYTS3LvCSuYo/GRBwANP/GcP+QmlhYwyiqsljzYsfUB6O5Bmq3RJYpJ7GNOg5UdALH0t D/FiQc9Z0s9joAoQrubz2n3jNhp+BwfO+dlwTzgwuQG9KOFF4JajyE8HmcG1IjGkQFJ3 7inbulyAxyrWHenurgoYf8tmHvp6UVJ49Z7fmJqrfAX32f+nje1MelPHF0hJP99XBfvP oMzQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YzBAyMaOZy5zsDFqWPzS6gG52ttOicRXHUCM1v/4D/mul9H1BQY 2ngsLH6IKF01ULCB189+PHEjcYyxuRaOkmz6ic/xAMUOPyluGxAwzf+L9vUwrAspotCrVBeZOXZ KWjkB2xPGhR/Xk7mp9kciPJCiDYMhxd/fh/G0ty/OdbLpdgbahf9osvDrVat1K52q X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncs/VF0hV0D5E2ioSiSlbKykEUGbn7ZxGDhN/WopipJW+1MYODI+PhV+fNHrMJO /jQ61rl6aWV5egLZT4FQ/FW7ZF7u9dibaKwsX5RHiqbRxh9uJB8GC57lqDTsg65UTG1sgELT6lz AZ2wWfQe3/GgOZk0xdEuPa4Zw/uHoa5GA252LkTGNXEKRdS5nM30SdxXsxnVlhW6AgDV+B7cRJB fJTJOfox6QV4sqWmDCgaqNPaqAQD/DQ+IuFXfcoEtRDbXfTxpnICm3037H5lc12Laabf4aekni1 atOvLMMpixn6vxHgyGVARxaC0FqUOVxbZKZsyoLFiFD1KH7QRMBahPoT X-Received: by 2002:a05:6808:3c89:b0:3eb:5c27:f75c with SMTP id 5614622812f47-3ef2ec96edemr14883579b6e.12.1736831152085; Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:05:52 -0800 (PST) X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IE3gmdick5K1Gwg79wayWgfEZvhcQpgGj6YFljRD0zzdMoEYGxZ3On2Jv9CnQU0ZS1XCvdvOQ== X-Received: by 2002:a05:6808:3c89:b0:3eb:5c27:f75c with SMTP id 5614622812f47-3ef2ec96edemr14883544b6e.12.1736831151259; Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:05:51 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPSA id 006d021491bc7-5f882756603sm4001750eaf.29.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:05:50 -0800 (PST) From: Bjorn Andersson Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2025 21:11:39 -0800 Subject: [PATCH v3 06/12] of: overlays: dwc3-flattening: Add Qualcomm Arm64 board overlays Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 Message-Id: <> References: <> In-Reply-To: <> To: Greg Kroah-Hartman , Rob Herring , Krzysztof Kozlowski , Conor Dooley , Felipe Balbi , Wesley Cheng , Saravana Kannan , Thinh Nguyen , Philipp Zabel , Bjorn Andersson , Konrad Dybcio , Frank Li Cc:,,,, Bjorn Andersson X-Mailer: b4 0.14.0 X-Developer-Signature: v=1; a=openpgp-sha256; l=214742;; h=from:subject:message-id; bh=eVZ1RmTHKgbnk1IWLkQv54xVHndrD+zNyODhTeRc7zc=; b=owEBgwJ8/ZANAwAIAQsfOT8Nma3FAcsmYgBnhfIVxXk4c5S99sHGdclgsEd3uMJt9gL9q7gAI 8c9p2Hjw/uJAkkEAAEIADMWIQQF3gPMXzXqTwlm1SULHzk/DZmtxQUCZ4XyFRUcYW5kZXJzc29u QGtlcm5lbC5vcmcACgkQCx85Pw2ZrcULfA/9FXfyNOveoYMJOWiVPF2SZ6dEW2h2Yeu/LLqawtu 2rloO9Ra8GQ99E3yIQ700inj7TvN8hEq/VxphcDaN6VinhK6waXYKZyYh5qCyRaQu2LslQYa5b2 EslXO8RtN/4kqiOsY4AGHUbwVZ1qVEjEFexMeZCjQ6voRhYH31t29inn1x7jEzofeXojPgrPEj+ iooyDiXmHHT2+Q2PTSHDITG1FpFnXqHDlcehCdlcD6GIrDevUJwB7zEXoVrDxt9UCtasjcKWlYi P2oSMKiQJoXoE/Ksed8xwPjqh1CxQa0PmoqqEkLzFnr5kDvlewG6Jdnh7T91ekLNUDL1GmBBlnz 1WJdm93W6nchqY2tcpyzFcu9B0OV0dmoU4rGivFMMboM6+0o1JgQra6z21CI+0f7qyldAegxbz0 NBjrh7fHdk/mBJdyISJccBvYBPOiiqpb7xoYSRdhJ1iirS2G0h0W8NDuxyHtSTC0oeQ/eEnglJG XuIhLqoVb1RBNGIVyhswg4qOUEKJISVR0+eyuZAbGt3yL/ROdzJCutLHYcxm8scRQyxlI+f+2gT OARuIlkgwyXXz1Dprt02rxxgoGhjlrrPFf/N+uLrdBYhEgnuCOzzfe9Yk1CaukeOtaCaIwO17kn lVfivvLwqGfyWVyhtKRI6O2vI6B4q0PdfXEY+RAYB+Y0= X-Developer-Key:; a=openpgp; fpr=05DE03CC5F35EA4F0966D5250B1F393F0D99ADC5 X-Proofpoint-GUID: Ao3Rrp8VKxmX-BvqDrhSTtw0yUaMdppX X-Proofpoint-ORIG-GUID: Ao3Rrp8VKxmX-BvqDrhSTtw0yUaMdppX X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version: vendor=baseguard engine=ICAP:2.0.293,Aquarius:18.0.1039,Hydra:6.0.680,FMLib: definitions=2024-09-06_09,2024-09-06_01,2024-09-02_01 X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details: rule=outbound_notspam policy=outbound score=0 priorityscore=1501 spamscore=0 mlxlogscore=999 mlxscore=0 clxscore=1015 impostorscore=0 malwarescore=0 adultscore=0 bulkscore=0 phishscore=0 suspectscore=0 lowpriorityscore=0 classifier=spam adjust=0 reason=mlx scancount=1 engine=8.19.0-2411120000 definitions=main-2501140039 Introduce the overlays necessary for migrating Qualcomm Arm64 boards currently present in the upstream Linux kernel. Signed-off-by: Bjorn Andersson --- drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/Makefile | 84 +++ .../of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.c | 588 +++++++++++++++++++++ .../of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.h | 168 ++++++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8094.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096.dts | 60 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640.dts | 58 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5018.dts | 28 + .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5332.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5424.dts | 58 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq6018.dts | 54 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq8074.dts | 58 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq9574.dts | 29 + .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8953.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8992.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8994.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996.dts | 58 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3.dts | 56 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t.dts | 56 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row.dts | 57 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row.dts | 57 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row.dts | 57 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini.dts | 56 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium.dts | 56 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio.dts | 56 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998.dts | 34 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1.dts | 35 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger.dts | 32 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling.dts | 32 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac.dts | 35 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple.dts | 35 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar.dts | 35 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm2290.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm6490.dts | 63 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs404.dts | 56 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs615.dts | 62 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs8300.dts | 62 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qdu1000.dts | 38 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qru1000.dts | 38 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8155p.dts | 71 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8540p.dts | 129 +++++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8775p.dts | 90 ++++ .../dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sar2130p.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7180.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7280.dts | 63 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8180x.dts | 109 ++++ .../dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp.dts | 129 +++++ .../dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock.dts | 121 +++++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sda660.dts | 59 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm450.dts | 33 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm630.dts | 57 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm632.dts | 32 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm636.dts | 59 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm660.dts | 57 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm670.dts | 36 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845.dts | 64 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg.dts | 67 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdx75.dts | 36 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250.dts | 37 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2.dts | 35 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115.dts | 37 ++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f.dts | 35 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6125.dts | 36 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6350.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6375.dts | 36 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7125.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7225.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7325.dts | 60 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8150.dts | 67 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish.dts | 64 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8350_microsoft_surface_duo2.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk.dts | 69 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_mtp.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx214_generic.dts | 67 +++ .../dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx215_generic.dts | 67 +++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8450.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8550.dts | 39 ++ .../overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8650.dts | 39 ++ .../dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100.dts | 153 ++++++ .../dwc3-qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14.dts | 149 ++++++ 91 files changed, 5782 insertions(+) diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/Makefile b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/Makefile index 248ddabd424e..afc509d97d1b 100644 --- a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/Makefile +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/Makefile @@ -2,9 +2,93 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_OF_OVERLAYS_DWC3_FLATTENING) += dwc3-flattening-overlay.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-flattening.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_apq8094.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_apq8096.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq4018.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq4018_8dev_jalapeno.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq4019.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq5018.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq5332.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq5424.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq6018.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq8064.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq8074.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_ipq9574.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8953.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8992.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8994.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qcm2290.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qcm6490.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qcs404.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qcs615.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qcs8300.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qdu1000.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_qru1000.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sa8155p.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sa8540p.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sa8775p.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sar2130p.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sc7180.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sc7280.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sc8180x.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sda660.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm450.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm630.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm632.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm636.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm660.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm670.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdx55.dtb.o dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdx65.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sdx75.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm4250.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm6115.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm6125.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm6350.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm6375.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm7125.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm7225.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm7325.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8150.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8250.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8350.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8450.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8550.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_sm8650.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_x1e80100.dtb.o +dwc3-flattening-overlay-y += dwc3-qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14.dtb.o diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.c b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.c index 0a3a31c5088b..d33cdf6661c0 100644 --- a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.c +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.c @@ -21,6 +21,24 @@ struct dwc3_overlay_data { const char *migrate_match; }; +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_apq8094_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8094_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8094_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_apq8096_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_overlay = { .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_begin, .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_end, @@ -39,12 +57,372 @@ static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq4019_overlay = { .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", }; +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_overlay = { .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_begin, .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_end, .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", }; +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8953_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8953_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8953_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8992_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8992_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8992_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8994_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8994_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8994_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qcs404_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs404_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs404_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qcs615_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs615_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs615_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_qru1000_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qru1000_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qru1000_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sc7180_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7180_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7180_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sc7280_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7280_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7280_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sda660_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sda660_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sda660_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm450_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm450_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm450_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm630_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm630_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm630_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm632_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm632_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm632_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm636_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm636_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm636_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm660_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm660_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm660_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm670_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm670_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm670_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdx55_overlay = { .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx55_begin, .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx55_end, @@ -57,13 +435,223 @@ static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdx65_overlay = { .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", }; +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sdx75_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx75_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx75_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm4250_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm6115_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm6125_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6125_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6125_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm6350_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6350_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6350_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm6375_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6375_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6375_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm7125_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7125_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7125_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm7225_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7225_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7225_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm7325_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7325_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7325_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8150_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8150_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8150_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8250_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8350_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8450_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8450_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8450_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8550_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8550_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8550_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_sm8650_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8650_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8650_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + +static const struct dwc3_overlay_data dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_overlay = { + .fdt = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_begin, + .end = __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_end, + .migrate_match = "qcom,dwc3", +}; + static const struct of_device_id dwc3_flatten_of_match[] = { { .compatible = "8dev,jalapeno", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_8dev_jalapeno_overlay }, + { .compatible = "fxtec,pro1", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_overlay }, + { .compatible = "hp,omnibook-x14", .data = &dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_overlay }, + { .compatible = "inforce,ifc6640", .data = &dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_overlay }, + { .compatible = "lenovo,j606f", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_overlay }, + { .compatible = "lenovo,yoga-c630", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_overlay }, + { .compatible = "lg,judyln", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_overlay }, + { .compatible = "lg,judyp", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_overlay }, + { .compatible = "microsoft,blackrock", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_overlay }, + { .compatible = "oneplus,billie2", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_overlay }, + { .compatible = "oneplus,cheeseburger", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_overlay }, + { .compatible = "oneplus,dumpling", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_overlay }, + { .compatible = "oneplus,oneplus3", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_overlay }, + { .compatible = "oneplus,oneplus3t", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,apq8094", .data = &dwc3_qcom_apq8094_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,apq8096", .data = &dwc3_qcom_apq8096_overlay }, { .compatible = "qcom,ipq4018", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_overlay }, { .compatible = "qcom,ipq4019", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq4019_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq5018", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq5332", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq5424", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq6018", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_overlay }, { .compatible = "qcom,ipq8064", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq8074", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,ipq9574", .data = &dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,msm8953", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8953_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,msm8992", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8992_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,msm8994", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8994_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,msm8996", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,msm8998", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qcm2290", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qcm6490", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qcs404", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qcs404_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qcs615", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qcs615_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qcs8300", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qdu1000", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,qru1000", .data = &dwc3_qcom_qru1000_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sa8155p", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sa8540p", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sa8775p", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sar2130p", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sc7180", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sc7180_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sc7280", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sc7280_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sc8180x", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sda660", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sda660_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm450", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm450_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm630", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm630_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm632", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm632_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm636", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm636_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm660", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm660_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm670", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm670_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm845", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdm845-mtp", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_overlay }, { .compatible = "qcom,sdx55", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdx55_overlay }, { .compatible = "qcom,sdx65", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdx65_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sdx75", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdx75_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm4250", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm4250_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm6115", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm6115_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm6125", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm6125_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm6350", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm6350_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm6375", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm6375_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm7125", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm7125_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm7225", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm7225_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm7325", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm7325_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8150", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8150_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8250", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8250_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8350", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8350_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8350-hdk", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8450", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8450_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8550", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8550_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,sm8650", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8650_overlay }, + { .compatible = "qcom,x1e80100", .data = &dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_overlay }, + { .compatible = "samsung,starqltechn", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_overlay }, + { .compatible = "samsung,w737", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_overlay }, + { .compatible = "shift,axolotl", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,dora-row", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,kagura-row", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,keyaki-row", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,xperia-lilac", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,xperia-maple", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_overlay }, + { .compatible = "sony,xperia-poplar", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_overlay }, + { .compatible = "thundercomm,db845c", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,beryllium", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,beryllium-ebbg", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,elish", .data = &dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,gemini", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,natrium", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,sagit", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_overlay }, + { .compatible = "xiaomi,scorpio", .data = &dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_overlay }, {} }; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.h b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.h index 57d7dbc94980..bc897db4dd1e 100644 --- a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.h +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-flattening.h @@ -4,17 +4,185 @@ #include +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8094_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8094_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_8dev_jalapeno_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4018_8dev_jalapeno_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4019_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq4019_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5018_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5332_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq5424_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq6018_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8064_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq8074_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_ipq9574_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8953_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8953_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8992_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8992_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8994_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8994_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm2290_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcm6490_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs404_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs404_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs615_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs615_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qcs8300_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qdu1000_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qru1000_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_qru1000_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8155p_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8540p_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sa8775p_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sar2130p_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7180_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7180_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7280_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc7280_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8180x_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sda660_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sda660_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm450_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm450_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm630_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm630_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm632_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm632_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm636_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm636_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm660_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm660_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm670_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm670_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx55_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx55_end[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx65_begin[]; extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx65_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx75_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sdx75_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6125_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6125_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6350_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6350_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6375_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm6375_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7125_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7125_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7225_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7225_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7325_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm7325_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8150_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8150_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8450_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8450_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8550_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8550_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8650_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_sm8650_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_end[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_begin[]; +extern u8 __dtb_dwc3_qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14_end[]; #endif diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8094.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8094.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ca699460ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8094.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@f92f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8994-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0xf9200000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f05d6c905e85 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096.dts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&usb2_id>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&usb3_id>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1b9ae360f1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_apq8096_inforce_ifc6640.dts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5018.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5018.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..44266816a50b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5018.dts @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq5018-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x08a00000 0xe400>; + interrupts = , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&usbphy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5332.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5332.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6e6699e4f859 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5332.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq5332-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x08a00000 0xe400>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&usbphy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5424.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5424.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e14dc85d8b39 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq5424.dts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb2@1e00000"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq5424-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x01e00000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 396 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 395 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 397 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 387 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 388 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb3@8a00000"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq5424-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x08a00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 409 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 412 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 414 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 423 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 424 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_0>, + <&ssphy_0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq6018.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq6018.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..14e7fa720831 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq6018.dts @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@70f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq6018-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x07000000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8af8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq6018-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x08a00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_0>, + <&ssphy_0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq8074.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq8074.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..169da32fcd24 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq8074.dts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq8074-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x08a00000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_0>, + <&ssphy_0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8cf8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq8074-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x08c00000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb_phy_1>, + <&ssphy_1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq9574.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq9574.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ba644dde4845 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_ipq9574.dts @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,ipq9574-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x08a00000 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 140 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 134 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event"; + phys = <&usb_0_qusbphy>, + <&usb_0_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8953.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8953.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2c2d8e00ab78 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8953.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@70f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8953-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07000000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8992.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8992.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ca699460ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8992.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@f92f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8994-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0xf9200000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8994.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8994.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8ca699460ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8994.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@f92f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8994-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0xf9200000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..1b9ae360f1ce --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996.dts @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a583de320cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a583de320cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_oneplus_oneplus3t.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..da6e357b0cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_dora_row.dts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&usb3_id>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..da6e357b0cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_kagura_row.dts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&usb3_id>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..da6e357b0cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_sony_keyaki_row.dts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&usb3_id>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a583de320cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_gemini.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a583de320cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_natrium.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7a583de320cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8996_xiaomi_scorpio.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@6af8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x06a00000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@76f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8996-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07600000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..75824abf794b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998.dts @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f3aded0142d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_fxtec_pro1.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3b331d0e5283 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_cheeseburger.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3b331d0e5283 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_oneplus_dumpling.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f3aded0142d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_lilac.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f3aded0142d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_maple.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f3aded0142d --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_sony_xperia_poplar.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>, + <&usb3phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3b331d0e5283 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_msm8998_xiaomi_sagit.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8998-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm2290.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm2290.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4a43b3f1a51e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm2290.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcm2290-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 255 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 260 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&mpm 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x120 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm6490.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm6490.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c9c921d55e3f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcm6490.dts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8cf8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x08c00000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 242 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 241 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 240 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xa0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xe0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs404.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs404.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..794bac913137 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs404.dts @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@7678800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs404-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07580000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "qusb2_phy"; + phys = <&usb2_phy_prim>, + <&usb3_phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@79b8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs404-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x078c0000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "qusb2_phy"; + phys = <&usb2_phy_sec>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs615.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs615.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52f94ce9c327 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs615.dts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs615-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x140 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs615-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 664 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 663 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 662 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xe0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy_2>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs8300.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs8300.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..fa843e3ca9ff --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qcs8300.dts @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs8300-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 292 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 287 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 261 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x80 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qcs8300-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 442 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 444 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 443 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qdu1000.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qdu1000.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8d245859fae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qdu1000.dts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qdu1000-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xc0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qru1000.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qru1000.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..8d245859fae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_qru1000.dts @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,qdu1000-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xc0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8155p.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8155p.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..408d42c1649c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8155p.dts @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8150-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x140 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&usb2phy_ac_en1_default>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8150-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x160 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&usb2phy_ac_en2_default>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8540p.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8540p.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..553e8ddb91ce --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8540p.dts @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 857 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 856 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 860 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 859 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 127 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 126 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 129 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 128 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 131 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 130 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 133 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 132 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "pwr_event_3", + "pwr_event_4", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "hs_phy_3", + "hs_phy_4", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_3", + "dm_hs_phy_3", + "dp_hs_phy_4", + "dm_hs_phy_4", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x800 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy0>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy0>, + <&usb_2_hsphy1>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy1>, + <&usb_2_hsphy2>, + <&usb_2_hsphy3>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0", + "usb2-1", + "usb3-1", + "usb2-2", + "usb2-3"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 803 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 804 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 805 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x820 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_0_hsphy>, + <&usb_0_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 810 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 811 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 790 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x860 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8775p.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8775p.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4f218dbbef8b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sa8775p.dts @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sa8775p-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 292 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 287 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 261 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x80 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_0_hsphy>, + <&usb_0_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sa8775p-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 349 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 352 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 351 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 7 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xa0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sa8775p-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 442 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 444 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 443 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sar2130p.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sar2130p.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..582bcf1b13da --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sar2130p.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sar2130p-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 347 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 350 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 349 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_dp_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7180.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7180.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cd4caa173891 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7180.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7180-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x540 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7280.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7280.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c9c921d55e3f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc7280.dts @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8cf8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x08c00000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 242 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 241 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 240 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xa0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xe0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8180x.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8180x.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..e875fb9a39aa --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8180x.dts @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8180x-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 654 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 656 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 655 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 658 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 657 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 59 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 46 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 71 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 68 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 30 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x60 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_mp_hsphy0>, + <&usb_mp_qmpphy0>, + <&usb_mp_hsphy1>, + <&usb_mp_qmpphy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0", + "usb2-1", + "usb3-1"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8180x-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x140 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_prim_hsphy>, + <&usb_prim_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8180x-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 40 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x160 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_sec_hsphy>, + <&usb_sec_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..553e8ddb91ce --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp.dts @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 857 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 856 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 860 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 859 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 127 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 126 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 129 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 128 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 131 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 130 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 133 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 132 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "pwr_event_3", + "pwr_event_4", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "hs_phy_3", + "hs_phy_4", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_3", + "dm_hs_phy_3", + "dp_hs_phy_4", + "dm_hs_phy_4", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x800 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy0>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy0>, + <&usb_2_hsphy1>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy1>, + <&usb_2_hsphy2>, + <&usb_2_hsphy3>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0", + "usb2-1", + "usb3-1", + "usb2-2", + "usb2-3"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 803 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 804 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 805 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x820 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_0_hsphy>, + <&usb_0_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 810 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 811 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 790 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x860 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ce33abdccccf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sc8280xp_microsoft_blackrock.dts @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 857 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 856 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 860 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 859 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 127 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 126 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 129 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 128 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 131 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 130 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 133 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 132 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "pwr_event_3", + "pwr_event_4", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "hs_phy_3", + "hs_phy_4", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_3", + "dm_hs_phy_3", + "dp_hs_phy_4", + "dm_hs_phy_4", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x800 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy0>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 803 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 804 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 805 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x820 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_0_hsphy>, + <&usb_0_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc8280xp-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 810 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 811 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 790 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x860 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sda660.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sda660.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9628fea2adff --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sda660.dts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy0>, + <&usb3_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@c2f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0c200000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm450.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm450.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3970f8e38e0f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm450.dts @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@70f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8953-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07000000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm630.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm630.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eaa7ed8f8062 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm630.dts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@c2f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0c200000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm632.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm632.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..2c2d8e00ab78 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm632.dts @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@70f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,msm8953-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x07000000 0xd000>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&hsusb_phy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm636.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm636.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..9628fea2adff --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm636.dts @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy0>, + <&usb3_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@c2f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0c200000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm660.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm660.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..eaa7ed8f8062 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm660.dts @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0a800000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@c2f8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm660-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x0c200000 0xccd0>; + interrupts = , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq"; + phys = <&qusb2phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm670.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm670.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..baf418df6b54 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm670.dts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm670-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..292ea571e040 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845.dts @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lenovo_yoga_c630.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyln.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_lg_judyp.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_qcom_sdm845_mtp.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_starqltechn.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_samsung_w737.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_shift_axolotl.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_thundercomm_db845c.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4226f03daba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdm845_xiaomi_beryllium_ebbg.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x740 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdm845-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc_intc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc_intc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x760 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdx75.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdx75.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b1ce092b3231 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sdx75.dts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sdx75-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x80 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a05c49f22fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250.dts @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6115-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x120 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f250d65b780a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm4250_oneplus_billie2.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6115-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x120 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a05c49f22fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115.dts @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6115-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x120 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>, + <&usb_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f250d65b780a --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6115_lenovo_j606f.dts @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6115-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x120 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6125.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6125.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a01921cc6c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6125.dts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + interrupt-parent = <&intc>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6125-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0x04e00000 0xd100>; + interrupts = , + , + , + , + ; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "qusb2_phy", + "hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x100 0x0>; + phys = <&hsusb_phy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + extcon = <&extcon_usb>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6350.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6350.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b5063b99fe64 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6350.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x540 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6375.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6375.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a6d83c3d913b --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm6375.dts @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@4ef8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6375-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x04e00000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 255 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 302 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 254 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&mpm 94 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&mpm 93 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&mpm 12 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xe0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7125.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7125.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cd4caa173891 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7125.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7180-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x540 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7225.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7225.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b5063b99fe64 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7225.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm6350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x540 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7325.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7325.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..04a9ba7a63d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm7325.dts @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@8cf8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x08c00000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 242 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 241 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 240 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xa0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sc7280-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xe400>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0xe0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8150.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8150.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7ce8433b3f85 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8150.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8150-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 9 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 8 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 6 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x140 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8150-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 7 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x160 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..874569a52924 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8250-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8250-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..52fe5eb3f40e --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8250_xiaomi_elish.dts @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8250-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8250-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f25c7d330eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_microsoft_surface_duo2.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_microsoft_surface_duo2.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f25c7d330eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_microsoft_surface_duo2.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a68a5bb194b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_hdk.dts @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + pinctrl-names = "default"; + pinctrl-0 = <&usb_hub_enabled_state>; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_mtp.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_mtp.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f25c7d330eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_qcom_sm8350_mtp.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx214_generic.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx214_generic.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f25c7d330eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx214_generic.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx215_generic.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx215_generic.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..f25c7d330eb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8350_sony_pdx215_generic.dts @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8350-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 138 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 135 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 136 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 13 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 16 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x20 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>, + <&usb_2_qmpphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8450.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8450.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c3454cc229cf --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8450.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8450-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8550.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8550.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3d94046e75ae --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8550.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8550-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x40 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_dp_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8650.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8650.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dd0f6a727d5c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_sm8650.dts @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,sm8650-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 133 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 130 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 131 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 14 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_RISING>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "hs_phy_irq", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x40 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_hsphy>, + <&usb_dp_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..231c9b3c0357 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100.dts @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a0f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a000000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 353 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 370 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 58 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 57 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x14a0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss2_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss2_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a2f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a200000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 240 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 245 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 50 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 49 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x14e0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 307 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 313 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 314 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 309 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 312 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 52 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 51 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 54 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 53 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1400 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_mp_hsphy0>, + <&usb_mp_qmpphy0>, + <&usb_mp_hsphy1>, + <&usb_mp_qmpphy1>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0", + "usb2-1", + "usb3-1"; + }; + }; + + fragment@3 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 355 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 371 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 61 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1420 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss0_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss0_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@4 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 357 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 372 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 60 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 47 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1460 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +}; diff --git a/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14.dts b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14.dts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..29e9a870c20c --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/of/overlays/dwc3-flattening/dwc3-qcom_x1e80100_hp_omnibook_x14.dts @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause +/* + * Copyright (c) 2025 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. All rights reserved. + */ +/dts-v1/; +/plugin/; + +#include +#include + +/ { + fragment@0 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a0f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a000000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 353 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 370 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 58 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 57 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x14a0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss2_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss2_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@1 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a2f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a200000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 240 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 245 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 50 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 49 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x14e0 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_2_hsphy>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@2 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a4f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3-mp", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a400000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 307 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 313 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 314 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 309 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 312 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 52 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 51 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 54 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 53 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 55 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event_1", + "pwr_event_2", + "hs_phy_1", + "hs_phy_2", + "dp_hs_phy_1", + "dm_hs_phy_1", + "dp_hs_phy_2", + "dm_hs_phy_2", + "ss_phy_1", + "ss_phy_2"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1400 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_mp_hsphy0>, + <&usb_mp_qmpphy0>; + phy-names = "usb2-0", + "usb3-0"; + }; + }; + + fragment@3 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a6f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a600000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 355 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 371 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 61 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 15 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1420 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss0_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss0_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; + + fragment@4 { + target-path = "/soc@0/usb@a8f8800"; + #address-cells = <2>; + #size-cells = <2>; + + __overlay__ { + compatible = "qcom,x1e80100-dwc3", "qcom,snps-dwc3"; + reg = <0 0x0a800000 0 0xd100>; + interrupts-extended = <&intc GIC_SPI 357 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&intc GIC_SPI 372 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>, + <&pdc 60 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 11 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_BOTH>, + <&pdc 47 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; + interrupt-names = "dwc_usb3", + "pwr_event", + "dp_hs_phy_irq", + "dm_hs_phy_irq", + "ss_phy_irq"; + iommus = <&apps_smmu 0x1460 0x0>; + phys = <&usb_1_ss1_hsphy>, + <&usb_1_ss1_qmpphy QMP_USB43DP_USB3_PHY>; + phy-names = "usb2-phy", + "usb3-phy"; + }; + }; +};