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[BlueZ,v1,0/1] Autoconnecttimeout max value increased to 20000 msecs

Message ID 20240329063534.56892-1-mahesh.talewad@nxp.com
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Series Autoconnecttimeout max value increased to 20000 msecs | expand


Mahesh Talewad March 29, 2024, 6:35 a.m. UTC
Hello Maintainers,

This Patch is for following point:
  In implementation Autoconnecttimeout max value is 16384 msecs.
  Increased this Autoconnecttimeout max value to 20000 msecs.
Thank you in advance for your review.

Thanks and regards,
Mahesh Vithal Talewad

Mahesh Talewad (1):
  Autoconnecttimeout max value increased to 20000 msecs from 16384 msecs

 src/main.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)


Paul Menzel March 29, 2024, 9:13 a.m. UTC | #1
Dear Mahesh,

Thank you for you patch.

Am 29.03.24 um 07:35 schrieb Mahesh Talewad:
>   - In implementation Autoconnecttimeout max value is 16384 msecs.
>     Increased this Autoconnecttimeout max value to 20000 msecs.

Please do *not* format it as a list item. I’d also rewrite the commit 
message summary/title to use imperative mood:

> Increase autoconnect timeout max from 16.384 s to 20 s

Please also add, why this change is necessary.

> Signed-off-by: Mahesh Talewad <mahesh.talewad@nxp.com>
> ---
>   src/main.c | 2 +-
>   1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
> index b1339c230..8ce72badc 100644
> --- a/src/main.c
> +++ b/src/main.c
> @@ -656,7 +656,7 @@ static void parse_le_config(GKeyFile *config)
>   		  &btd_opts.defaults.le.autoconnect_timeout,
>   		  sizeof(btd_opts.defaults.le.autoconnect_timeout),
>   		  0x0001,
> -		  0x4000},
> +		  0x4E20},

Please add a comment with the decimal value. (Or why not use a decimal 

Also, isn’t

2 * 16 + 15 * 256 + 4 * 16^3 = 20256

Why not just use 0x5000 (= 20480) to make it easier to calculate?

>   		{ "AdvMonAllowlistScanDuration",
>   		  &btd_opts.defaults.le.advmon_allowlist_scan_duration,
>   		  sizeof(btd_opts.defaults.le.advmon_allowlist_scan_duration),