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[BlueZ,v5,1/8] doc: Introduce the quality report command and event

Message ID 20220525105015.2315987-1-josephsih@chromium.org
State Superseded
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Series [BlueZ,v5,1/8] doc: Introduce the quality report command and event | expand

Commit Message

Joseph Hwang May 25, 2022, 10:50 a.m. UTC
Add the MGMT quality report command and event in doc/mgmt-api.txt.


Changes in v5:
- Use Quality_Report instead of Action in mgmt-api.txt.
- Modify the description of Set Quality Report Command.

Changes in v4:
- Use "Quality Report Event" without the prefix "Bluetooth" word.
- Combine both MGMT quality report command and event changes in a
  single patch.

Changes in v3:
- Swap AOSP Bluetooth Quality Report Event and Intel Telemetry Event.
- Add 5 new patches (5/9 - 9/9) to enable the quality report
  feature via MGMT_OP_SET_QUALITY_REPORT instead of through the
  experimental features.

Changes in v2:
- This is a new patch for adding the event in doc/mgmt-api.txt

 doc/mgmt-api.txt | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 60 insertions(+)


bluez.test.bot@gmail.com May 25, 2022, 11:25 a.m. UTC | #1
This is an automated email and please do not reply to this email.

Dear Submitter,

Thank you for submitting the patches to the linux bluetooth mailing list.
While preparing the CI tests, the patches you submitted couldn't be applied to the current HEAD of the repository.

----- Output -----
error: patch failed: src/adapter.c:9698
error: src/adapter.c: patch does not apply
hint: Use 'git am --show-current-patch' to see the failed patch

Please resolve the issue and submit the patches again.

Linux Bluetooth
diff mbox series


diff --git a/doc/mgmt-api.txt b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
index ebe56afa4..a429f0ef3 100644
--- a/doc/mgmt-api.txt
+++ b/doc/mgmt-api.txt
@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@  Read Controller Information Command
 		15	Static Address
 		16	PHY Configuration
 		17	Wideband Speech
+		18	Quality Report
 	This command generates a Command Complete event on success or
 	a Command Status event on failure.
@@ -2924,6 +2925,7 @@  Read Extended Controller Information Command
 		15	Static Address
 		16	PHY Configuration
 		17	Wideband Speech
+		18	Quality Report
 	The EIR_Data field contains information about class of device,
 	local name and other values. Not all of them might be present. For
@@ -3858,6 +3860,45 @@  Add Advertisement Patterns Monitor With RSSI Threshold Command
 				Invalid Parameters
+Set Quality Report Command
+	Command Code:		0x0057
+	Controller Index:	<controller id>
+	Command Parameters:	Quality_Report (1 Octet)
+	Return Parameters:	Current_Settings (4 Octets)
+	This command is used to enable and disable the controller's quality
+	report feature. The allowed values for the Quality_Report command
+	parameter are 0x00 and 0x01. All other values will return Invalid
+	Parameters.
+	The value 0x00 disables the Quality Report, and the value 0x01
+	enables the Quality Report feature.
+	This command is only available for the controllers that support
+	either AOSP Bluetooth quality report or Intel telemetry event.
+	It is supported if the supported_settings indicate support for it.
+	This command requires to use a valid controller index. Otherwise,
+	an Invalid Index status will be returned.
+	The command is sent to the controller to enable/disable the quality
+	report feature, and generates a Command Complete event on success.
+	If the controller failed to execute the action, a Failed status will
+	be returned.
+	The quality report state is maintained by the kernel over the adapter
+	power cycle. When the adapter is powered off, the quality report
+	feature is disabled by the kernel. When the adapter is powered on, it
+	is enabled again by the kernel if it was enabled before.
+	Possible errors:	Failed
+				Invalid Index
+				Invalid Parameters
+				Not Supported
 Command Complete Event
@@ -4978,3 +5019,22 @@  Advertisement Monitor Device Lost Event
 		2	LE Random
 	This event will be sent to all management sockets.
+Quality Report Event
+	Event code:		0x0031
+	Controller Index:	<controller_id>
+	Event Parameters:	Quality_Spec (1 Octet)
+				Report_Len (2 Octets)
+				Report (0-65535 Octets)
+	This event carries the Bluetooth quality report sent by the
+	controller.
+	Possible values for the Quality_Spec parameter:
+		0	AOSP Bluetooth Quality Report Event
+		1	Intel Telemetry Event
+	This event will be sent to all management sockets.