From patchwork Sun Jan 23 19:42:31 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jeff LaBundy X-Patchwork-Id: 534362 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3E6ABC433F5 for ; Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:43:06 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S234820AbiAWTnE (ORCPT ); Sun, 23 Jan 2022 14:43:04 -0500 Received: from ([]:41949 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S230038AbiAWTnB (ORCPT ); Sun, 23 Jan 2022 14:43:01 -0500 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=hh7pRbcuNbsBFu/aY22/D+AW3evcbtSgb5Q7aMlZRKhj15fI25Iqv4B4nbnsbz9cwAa6fCSj5qrqW4+KekyvmCR4VghY3I9YXGeIxuU7ZZTXtGIwgAE+OpN+uZ9Rl+N/7OdLqS1MKMeb4jcCKbHp2ZS9AJo1/e6jNOavd95wY7W8LJizynNkQJ/P+AuRcL5WF4ySZCqZde6VL9de3UKgv/qWHDyRbI+TtAduBZdWI6fHycshgGxKMbx71Lj2QaCk/KgmM3kbtXnQiHiDKYNAdhMrXKORBfpcVUkpyksig9z3ZIB9EjXABrhb93YZr0mFoqzbtmzH+oqLHHfXasnInA== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; 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Received: from (2603:10b6:a03:2d3::16) by (2603:10b6:805:69::12) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4909.14; Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:42:58 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::e8be:49c5:397e:d3ba]) by ([fe80::e8be:49c5:397e:d3ba%5]) with mapi id 15.20.4909.017; Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:42:58 +0000 From: Jeff LaBundy To:, Cc:,, Jeff LaBundy Subject: [PATCH 1/2] dt-bindings: input: Add bindings for Azoteq IQS7222A/B/C Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 13:42:31 -0600 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:806:d2::9) To (2603:10b6:a03:2d3::16) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b4e0b1e8-d8fe-4b9e-0a0b-08d9dea88e82 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: SN6PR08MB4783:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:2000; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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Signed-off-by: Jeff LaBundy --- .../devicetree/bindings/input/iqs7222.yaml | 967 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 967 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs7222.yaml diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs7222.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs7222.yaml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..0c23d1d49ebd --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/iqs7222.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,967 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) +%YAML 1.2 +--- +$id: +$schema: + +title: Azoteq IQS7222A/B/C Capacitive Touch Controller + +maintainers: + - Jeff LaBundy + +description: | + The Azoteq IQS7222A, IQS7222B and IQS7222C are multichannel capacitive touch + controllers that feature additional sensing capabilities. + + Link to datasheets: + +properties: + compatible: + enum: + - azoteq,iqs7222a + - azoteq,iqs7222b + - azoteq,iqs7222c + + reg: + maxItems: 1 + + irq-gpios: + maxItems: 1 + description: + Specifies the GPIO connected to the device's active-low RDY output. + + reset-gpios: + maxItems: 1 + description: + Specifies the GPIO connected to the device's active-low MCLR input. The + device is temporarily held in hardware reset prior to initialization if + this property is present. + + "#address-cells": + const: 1 + + "#size-cells": + const: 0 + + azoteq,rf-filt-enable: + type: boolean + description: Enables the device's internal RF filter. + + azoteq,max-counts: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] + description: | + Specifies the maximum counts as follows: + 0: 1023 + 1: 2047 + 2: 4095 + 3: 16384 + + azoteq,auto-mode: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] + description: | + Specifies the number of conversions to occur before an interrupt is + generated as follows: + 0: 4 + 1: 8 + 2: 16 + 3: 32 + + azoteq,ati-frac-div-fine: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 31 + description: Specifies the preloaded ATI fine fractional divider. + + azoteq,ati-frac-div-coarse: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 31 + description: Specifies the preloaded ATI coarse fractional divider. + + azoteq,ati-comp-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 1023 + description: Specifies the preloaded ATI compensation selection. + + azoteq,lta-beta-lp: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the long-term average filter damping factor to be applied during + low-power mode. + + azoteq,lta-beta-np: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the long-term average filter damping factor to be applied during + normal-power mode. + + azoteq,counts-beta-lp: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the counts filter damping factor to be applied during low-power + mode. + + azoteq,counts-beta-np: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the counts filter damping factor to be applied during normal- + power mode. + + azoteq,lta-fast-beta-lp: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the long-term average filter fast damping factor to be applied + during low-power mode. + + azoteq,lta-fast-beta-np: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: + Specifies the long-term average filter fast damping factor to be applied + during normal-power mode. + + azoteq,timeout-ati-ms: + multipleOf: 500 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 32767500 + description: + Specifies the delay (in ms) before ATI is retried following an ATI error. + + azoteq,rate-ati-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: Specifies the rate (in ms) at which ATI status is evaluated. + + azoteq,timeout-np-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: + Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event before moving + from normal-power mode to low-power mode. + + azoteq,rate-np-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 3000 + description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during normal-power mode. + + azoteq,timeout-lp-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: + Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait for an event before moving + from low-power mode to ultra-low-power mode. + + azoteq,rate-lp-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 3000 + description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during low-power mode. + + azoteq,timeout-ulp-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: + Specifies the rate (in ms) at which channels not regularly sampled during + ultra-low-power mode are updated. + + azoteq,rate-ulp-ms: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 3000 + description: Specifies the report rate (in ms) during ultra-low-power mode. + +patternProperties: + "^cycle-[0-9]$": + type: object + description: Represents a conversion cycle serving two sensing channels. + + properties: + azoteq,conv-period: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 255 + description: Specifies the cycle's conversion period. + + azoteq,conv-frac: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 255 + description: Specifies the cycle's conversion frequency fraction. + + azoteq,tx-enable: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array + minItems: 1 + maxItems: 9 + items: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 8 + description: Specifies the CTx pin(s) associated with the cycle. + + azoteq,rx-float-inactive: + type: boolean + description: Floats any inactive CRx pins instead of grounding them. + + azoteq,dead-time-enable: + type: boolean + description: + Increases the denominator of the conversion frequency formula by one. + + azoteq,tx-freq-fosc: + type: boolean + description: + Fixes the conversion frequency to that of the device's core clock. + + azoteq,vbias-enable: + type: boolean + description: Enables the bias voltage for use during inductive sensing. + + azoteq,sense-mode: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] + description: | + Specifies the cycle's sensing mode as follows: + 0: None + 1: Self capacitive + 2: Mutual capacitive + 3: Inductive + + Note that in the case of IQS7222A, cycles 5 and 6 are restricted to + Hall-effect sensing. + + azoteq,iref-enable: + type: boolean + description: + Enables the current reference for use during various sensing modes. + + azoteq,iref-level: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: Specifies the cycle's current reference level. + + azoteq,iref-trim: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: Specifies the cycle's current reference trim. + + dependencies: + azoteq,iref-level: ["azoteq,iref-enable"] + azoteq,iref-trim: ["azoteq,iref-enable"] + + additionalProperties: false + + "^channel-[0-19]$": + type: object + description: + Represents a single sensing channel. A channel is active if defined and + inactive otherwise. + + Note that in the case of IQS7222A, channels 10 and 11 are restricted to + Hall-effect sensing with events reported on channel 10 only. + + properties: + azoteq,ulp-allow: + type: boolean + description: + Permits the device to enter ultra-low-power mode while the channel + lies in a state of touch or proximity. + + azoteq,ref-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 9 + description: Specifies a separate reference channel to be followed. + + azoteq,ref-weight: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: Specifies the relative weight of the reference channel. + + azoteq,use-prox: + type: boolean + description: + Activates the reference channel in response to proximity events + instead of touch events. + + azoteq,ati-band: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] + description: | + Specifies the channel's ATI band as a fraction of its ATI target as + follows: + 0: 1/16 + 1: 1/8 + 2: 1/4 + 3: 1/2 + + azoteq,global-halt: + type: boolean + description: + Specifies that the channel's long-term average is to freeze if any + other participating channel lies in a proximity or touch state. + + azoteq,invert-enable: + type: boolean + description: + Inverts the polarity of the states reported for proximity and touch + events relative to their respective thresholds. + + azoteq,dual-direction: + type: boolean + description: + Specifies that the channel's long-term average is to freeze in the + presence of either increasing or decreasing counts, thereby permit- + ting events to be reported in either direction. + + azoteq,rx-enable: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array + minItems: 1 + maxItems: 4 + items: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 7 + description: Specifies the CRx pin(s) associated with the channel. + + azoteq,samp-cap-double: + type: boolean + description: Doubles the sampling capacitance from 40 pF to 80 pF. + + azoteq,vref-half: + type: boolean + description: Halves the discharge threshold from 1.0 V to 0.5 V. + + azoteq,proj-bias: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3] + description: | + Specifies the bias current applied during mutual (projected) + capacitive sensing as follows: + 0: 2 uA + 1: 5 uA + 2: 7 uA + 3: 10 uA + + azoteq,ati-target: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + multipleOf: 8 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 2040 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI target. + + azoteq,ati-base: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + multipleOf: 16 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 496 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI base. + + azoteq,ati-mode: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + description: | + Specifies the channel's ATI mode as follows: + 0: Disabled + 1: Compensation + 2: Compensation divider + 3: Fine fractional divider + 4: Coarse fractional divider + 5: Full + + azoteq,ati-frac-div-fine: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 31 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI fine fractional divider. + + azoteq,ati-frac-mult-coarse: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI coarse fractional multiplier. + + azoteq,ati-frac-div-coarse: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 31 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI coarse fractional divider. + + azoteq,ati-comp-div: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 31 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI compensation divider. + + azoteq,ati-comp-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 1023 + description: Specifies the channel's ATI compensation selection. + + azoteq,debounce-enter: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: Specifies the channel's debounce entrance factor. + + azoteq,debounce-exit: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 15 + description: Specifies the channel's debounce exit factor. + + patternProperties: + "^event-(prox|touch)$": + type: object + description: + Represents a proximity or touch event reported by the channel. + + properties: + azoteq,gpio-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array + minItems: 1 + maxItems: 3 + items: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 2 + description: | + Specifies one or more GPIO mapped to the event as follows: + 0: GPIO0 + 1: GPIO3 (IQS7222C only) + 2: GPIO4 (IQS7222C only) + + Note that although multiple events can be mapped to a single + GPIO, they must all be of the same type (proximity, touch or + slider gesture). + + azoteq,thresh: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + description: + Specifies the threshold for the event. Valid entries range from + 0-127 and 0-255 for proximity and touch events, respectively. + + azoteq,hyst: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 255 + description: + Specifies the hysteresis for the event (touch events only). + + azoteq,timeout-press-ms: + multipleOf: 500 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 127500 + description: + Specifies the length of time (in ms) to wait before automatically + releasing a press event. Specify zero to allow the press state to + persist indefinitely. + + The IQS7222B does not feature channel-specific timeouts; the time- + out specified for any one channel applies to all channels. + + linux,code: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + description: + Numeric key or switch code associated with the event. Specify + KEY_RESERVED (0) to opt out of event reporting. + + linux,input-type: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + enum: [1, 5] + default: 1 + description: + Specifies whether the event is to be interpreted as a key (1) + or a switch (5). + + required: + - linux,code + + additionalProperties: false + + dependencies: + azoteq,ref-weight: ["azoteq,ref-select"] + azoteq,use-prox: ["azoteq,ref-select"] + + additionalProperties: false + + "^slider-[0-1]$": + type: object + description: Represents a slider comprising three or four channels. + + properties: + azoteq,channel-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array + minItems: 3 + maxItems: 4 + items: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 9 + description: + Specifies the order of the channels that participate in the slider. + + azoteq,slider-size: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: + Specifies the slider's one-dimensional resolution, equal to the + maximum coordinate plus one. + + azoteq,lower-cal: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 255 + description: Specifies the slider's lower starting point. + + azoteq,upper-cal: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 255 + description: Specifies the slider's upper starting point. + + azoteq,top-speed: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 65535 + description: + Specifies the speed of movement after which coordinate filtering is + no longer applied. + + azoteq,bottom-speed: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + multipleOf: 4 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 1020 + description: + Specifies the speed of movement after which coordinate filtering is + linearly reduced. + + azoteq,bottom-beta: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 7 + description: + Specifies the coordinate filter damping factor to be applied + while the speed of movement is below that which is specified + by azoteq,bottom-speed. + + azoteq,static-beta: + type: boolean + description: + Applies the coordinate filter damping factor specified by + azoteq,bottom-beta regardless of the speed of movement. + + azoteq,use-prox: + type: boolean + description: + Directs the slider to respond to the proximity states of the selected + channels instead of their corresponding touch states. Note the slider + cannot report granular coordinates during a state of proximity. + + linux,axis: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + description: + Specifies the absolute axis to which coordinates are mapped. Specify + ABS_WHEEL to operate the slider as a wheel (IQS7222C only). + + patternProperties: + "^event-(press|tap|(swipe|flick)-(pos|neg))$": + type: object + description: + Represents a press or gesture (IQS7222A only) event reported by + the slider. + + properties: + linux,code: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + description: Numeric key code associated with the event. + + azoteq,gesture-max-ms: + multipleOf: 4 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 1020 + description: + Specifies the length of time (in ms) within which a tap, swipe + or flick gesture must be completed in order to be acknowledged + by the device. The number specified for any one swipe or flick + gesture applies to all remaining swipe or flick gestures. + + azoteq,gesture-min-ms: + multipleOf: 4 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 124 + description: + Specifies the length of time (in ms) for which a tap gesture must + be held in order to be acknowledged by the device. + + azoteq,gesture-dist: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32 + multipleOf: 16 + minimum: 0 + maximum: 4080 + description: + Specifies the distance across which a swipe or flick gesture must + travel in order to be acknowledged by the device. The number spec- + ified for any one swipe or flick gesture applies to all remaining + swipe or flick gestures. + + azoteq,gpio-select: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array + minItems: 1 + maxItems: 1 + items: + minimum: 0 + maximum: 0 + description: | + Specifies an individual GPIO mapped to a tap, swipe or flick + gesture as follows: + 0: GPIO0 + 1: GPIO3 (reserved) + 2: GPIO4 (reserved) + + Note that although multiple events can be mapped to a single + GPIO, they must all be of the same type (proximity, touch or + slider gesture). + + required: + - linux,code + + additionalProperties: false + + required: + - azoteq,channel-select + + additionalProperties: false + + "^gpio-[0-2]$": + type: object + description: | + Represents a GPIO mapped to one or more events as follows: + gpio-0: GPIO0 + gpio-1: GPIO3 (IQS7222C only) + gpio-2: GPIO4 (IQS7222C only) + + allOf: + - $ref: ../pinctrl/pincfg-node.yaml# + + properties: + drive-open-drain: true + + additionalProperties: false + +allOf: + - if: + properties: + compatible: + contains: + const: azoteq,iqs7222b + + then: + patternProperties: + "^cycle-[0-9]$": + properties: + azoteq,iref-enable: false + + "^channel-[0-19]$": + properties: + azoteq,ref-select: false + + patternProperties: + "^event-(prox|touch)$": + properties: + azoteq,gpio-select: false + + "^slider-[0-1]$": false + + "^gpio-[0-2]$": false + + - if: + properties: + compatible: + contains: + const: azoteq,iqs7222a + + then: + patternProperties: + "^channel-[0-19]$": + patternProperties: + "^event-(prox|touch)$": + properties: + azoteq,gpio-select: + maxItems: 1 + items: + maximum: 0 + + "^slider-[0-1]$": + properties: + azoteq,slider-size: + multipleOf: 16 + maximum: 4080 + + azoteq,top-speed: + multipleOf: 4 + maximum: 1020 + + else: + patternProperties: + "^channel-[0-19]$": + properties: + azoteq,ulp-allow: false + + "^slider-[0-1]$": + patternProperties: + "^event-(press|tap|(swipe|flick)-(pos|neg))$": + properties: + azoteq,gesture-max-ms: false + + azoteq,gesture-min-ms: false + + azoteq,gesture-dist: false + + azoteq,gpio-select: false + +required: + - compatible + - reg + - irq-gpios + - "#address-cells" + - "#size-cells" + +additionalProperties: false + +examples: + - | + #include + #include + + i2c { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + iqs7222a@44 { + compatible = "azoteq,iqs7222a"; + reg = <0x44>; + irq-gpios = <&gpio 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; + azoteq,lta-beta-lp = <7>; + azoteq,lta-beta-np = <8>; + azoteq,counts-beta-lp = <2>; + azoteq,counts-beta-np = <3>; + azoteq,lta-fast-beta-lp = <3>; + azoteq,lta-fast-beta-np = <4>; + + cycle-0 { + azoteq,conv-period = <5>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; + azoteq,tx-enable = <1>, <2>, <4>, <5>; + azoteq,dead-time-enable; + azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; + }; + + cycle-1 { + azoteq,conv-period = <5>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; + azoteq,tx-enable = <5>; + azoteq,dead-time-enable; + azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; + }; + + cycle-2 { + azoteq,conv-period = <5>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; + azoteq,tx-enable = <4>; + azoteq,dead-time-enable; + azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; + }; + + cycle-3 { + azoteq,conv-period = <5>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; + azoteq,tx-enable = <2>; + azoteq,dead-time-enable; + azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; + }; + + cycle-4 { + azoteq,conv-period = <5>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <127>; + azoteq,tx-enable = <1>; + azoteq,dead-time-enable; + azoteq,sense-mode = <2>; + }; + + cycle-5 { + azoteq,conv-period = <2>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <0>; + }; + + cycle-6 { + azoteq,conv-period = <2>; + azoteq,conv-frac = <0>; + }; + + channel-0 { + azoteq,ulp-allow; + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; + azoteq,ati-target = <800>; + azoteq,ati-base = <208>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-1 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <208>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-2 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <208>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-3 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <208>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-4 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <3>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <208>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-5 { + azoteq,ulp-allow; + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; + azoteq,ati-target = <800>; + azoteq,ati-base = <144>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + }; + + channel-6 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <160>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + + event-touch { + linux,code = ; + }; + }; + + channel-7 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <160>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + + event-touch { + linux,code = ; + }; + }; + + channel-8 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <160>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + + event-touch { + linux,code = ; + }; + }; + + channel-9 { + azoteq,global-halt; + azoteq,invert-enable; + azoteq,rx-enable = <6>; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <160>; + azoteq,ati-mode = <5>; + + event-touch { + linux,code = ; + }; + }; + + channel-10 { + azoteq,ulp-allow; + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <112>; + + event-touch { + linux,code = ; + linux,input-type = ; + }; + }; + + channel-11 { + azoteq,ati-target = <496>; + azoteq,ati-base = <112>; + }; + + slider-0 { + azoteq,channel-select = <1>, <2>, <3>, <4>; + azoteq,slider-size = <4080>; + azoteq,upper-cal = <50>; + azoteq,lower-cal = <30>; + azoteq,top-speed = <200>; + azoteq,bottom-speed = <1>; + azoteq,bottom-beta = <3>; + + event-tap { + linux,code = ; + azoteq,gesture-max-ms = <600>; + azoteq,gesture-min-ms = <24>; + }; + + event-flick-pos { + linux,code = ; + azoteq,gesture-max-ms = <600>; + azoteq,gesture-dist = <816>; + }; + + event-flick-neg { + linux,code = ; + }; + }; + }; + }; + +...