From patchwork Thu Feb 24 03:10:02 2022 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Ming Qian X-Patchwork-Id: 546090 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DAEDDC43219 for ; Thu, 24 Feb 2022 03:11:41 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S230199AbiBXDMI (ORCPT ); Wed, 23 Feb 2022 22:12:08 -0500 Received: from ([]:58030 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229614AbiBXDLx (ORCPT ); Wed, 23 Feb 2022 22:11:53 -0500 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E72752465F6; Wed, 23 Feb 2022 19:11:21 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=M7i+pfnttFjTPYLD+6K0AQAey7abnfDaUi5Fb9Su8M2zQaXa4o1j8GntFidM75lEXcR2hChWKBMKMidGnOFpanXaSo96RjpvrWsZmXcHRHm063VscmVR5MM1jGPyjIQqw/xAuRtQPYDWgVJXWxfdFBNSv7xARFblQ7LnxMkGLsVsyLrFhjClxwvO8vKIRxEJVnC99OwB5x7zFH4xMDaekceQfxsCRVBK5QYnJNPOANRD118bUDd3saOMaHM25TFhKDAiJ5ZXL6Fr1azfLRqQEylSiRYgwu8+3TQO2ef8SC0L2Q3OtDyMc22cg66ha9payc2mjNeSwr5JIUd1N8J18g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; 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Received: from (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) by (2603:10a6:102:c4::21) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.5017.24; Thu, 24 Feb 2022 03:11:18 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c39:69cf:c4ea:967]) by ([fe80::c39:69cf:c4ea:967%5]) with mapi id 15.20.5017.024; Thu, 24 Feb 2022 03:11:18 +0000 From: Ming Qian To:,,, Cc:,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v18 04/15] media: amphion: add vpu core driver Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:10:02 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.33.0 In-Reply-To: References: X-ClientProxiedBy: SG2P153CA0029.APCP153.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:1096:4:c7::16) To (2603:10a6:20b:d8::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: b06188cc-2040-475f-e2f6-08d9f743534d X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: PA4PR04MB8013:EE_ X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230001)(4636009)(366004)(316002)(2616005)(44832011)(6512007)(38100700002)(38350700002)(186003)(26005)(5660300002)(508600001)(6486002)(52116002)(6506007)(86362001)(6666004)(7416002)(66946007)(8936002)(30864003)(2906002)(8676002)(4326008)(83380400001)(66476007)(66556008)(36756003)(559001)(579004); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: f/kOtKZcI2GZkQBBEaYBEZfOVrsUUz23Dxsftg0cdW9LYzVnpqTQk5BUgvP1f0g4BKZrm2XaVNiu3iL028cL2AQ6jcfXfgCQbu8Prkj93/JWwN7SvmsbRAaSN+RJ7lvGQSMMgY3PZ7CEccMnXVQ6bZTfwA/6V+4FIMrIKmJ7UBUE11JntdHE8v3rOPCvVRAQD6uVnCjlXY9glJ+wt9cD0mcH7LRefZTdvaxwkatcgxSgk+3WG7dxCMPXXJ3epEVfeSlMCOzcZ+/NTpw+0bgbCVhGxBYoCznEeeAC2eSqEYeq0y98PyNzbLxkalQc075gAPFf6gyf9r/9C/20u2npJRMdLp2zFAlxRUQHVtsDMAiPNdxeDdeJ5dx01WpEe0nmStcHcSoGmMFAu6YGbyMI5iSfRXs9/a5OhZ6DAoxWsekhfTq9uLZXsiTkC2NtREESKVpAOREyppRjHkOEP/TN3QlzU0ntsU9fvYR81819K/5ADaWSTw+EOK7M6DKJ2eEg8Kw4Bn52y7/9N9P3aYQBooEAbFxTM2HuGUYMbwpcSczSkV4DxX4kBuGsFpUtdrjnWSv+zhkK2sQu8QRpWeL+SHyr0eotR7pfmM/+rTRF6j3LXLrfEMaJrTnvXYuaxsGXUBQcQx8yQMdIcQUaZRuKYzUVKFIUjlLo3X6JgdzuGGHuzMCELGZFfIRDq8U6lsMTXp4oDvDWPgvw5Ysf8lc+Ay74maui4C/Per5SzNYddvuPUxUeYuU9GFar1+F5bjjjrQLjczMXgWy1cXCF3LNKSKlN+Gi+qOzwnaqe4nJJcsyvkmw3bzJA3q+1aSssQYtXyLI4DnctwakGbtqKzg0GhtPt+JFfMfiQt+LEBoRbUZVhgj34xzcsd3YUnvbjaO2ziPJgM5R8UC09uWTSDvUynNX3JfbUEWV4Qtg7c/S8JZ6g2y8lIWilLkmMPQWuVGb4gviFgGI0DVfN5UhU53dpJVcmhgfYh+TAW5vfaOTACRRnUPlW4DGzb4Wb5UhJXgtLOe8H9pTAjqo0kgnbCrdCvbnSrJsst/QYA91REizYbK37RFb3ULXkVyiJqAo3IgxSCY2hh6mBOJW6KELvT9VT5shsoNiNbVQm+RkrYC/1YADnixlaLrohOEpXsnOZSj0Gcw4tMswXPKE+FX9OqG2lALZKeR4pf9liaVAyROSF/3S1c+3BhaTtzYmRrbn7kJBapBGIyRpaHsBYD9vIJM7UJvrcJ/zEdPK5vbl/wMzgqR79cj6vkThwrAsn+2rGriJGJ2bMgPryajuJV7vUqUEfVE5YG3r39uVCyW+y6qvApUfQ2J1bMK52/BdIWt601DBYSJxVYbiKBmxG0HsIoT6bwV8sLtJyaTkxQvnbDhoZOwoufrFjXlL7CbRiW/3SgDLrLEMeYgNBpntLj/Qv3BfIvB1FcLphjYX8xsLAIARl1EfaMXf4FMjpB1xntiMOPJZ5sl41ZOFcGUsklcPOlmFpNIEwW0k8JDXaxfnVX8DWg+k4NeO/ECWHa0DentJUJyd0g9mnv3NjiGUw8P/b7DsbXptfzNvH9wgGDIQT61doaydLycfVxH3d7jW3rBLItPIHP8F6paiHDdv8oNtnacF+Hk0HGrK1ecgswsWPX/JoXDY= X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: b06188cc-2040-475f-e2f6-08d9f743534d X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 24 Feb 2022 03:11:18.4618 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: FqLvpYnj1R80Vwnv8aMdoloDpe72LYTrwf8SCbAQNBaf5yoUFd/MweVIY5AzuxyiHBddFz2CDtYLn8Wmrattnw== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: PA4PR04MB8013 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: The vpu supports encoder and decoder. it needs vpu core to handle it. core will run either encoder or decoder firmware. This driver is for support the vpu core. Signed-off-by: Ming Qian Signed-off-by: Shijie Qin Signed-off-by: Zhou Peng Tested-by: Nicolas Dufresne --- drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_codec.h | 68 ++ drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.c | 871 +++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.h | 15 + drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_dbg.c | 494 ++++++++++++ drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.c | 257 ++++++ drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.h | 456 +++++++++++ 6 files changed, 2161 insertions(+) create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_codec.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.h create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_dbg.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.c create mode 100644 drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.h diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_codec.h b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_codec.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..528a93f08ecd --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_codec.h @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _AMPHION_VPU_CODEC_H +#define _AMPHION_VPU_CODEC_H + +struct vpu_encode_params { + u32 input_format; + u32 codec_format; + u32 profile; + u32 tier; + u32 level; + struct v4l2_fract frame_rate; + u32 src_stride; + u32 src_width; + u32 src_height; + struct v4l2_rect crop; + u32 out_width; + u32 out_height; + + u32 gop_length; + u32 bframes; + + u32 rc_enable; + u32 rc_mode; + u32 bitrate; + u32 bitrate_min; + u32 bitrate_max; + + u32 i_frame_qp; + u32 p_frame_qp; + u32 b_frame_qp; + u32 qp_min; + u32 qp_max; + u32 qp_min_i; + u32 qp_max_i; + + struct { + u32 enable; + u32 idc; + u32 width; + u32 height; + } sar; + + struct { + u32 primaries; + u32 transfer; + u32 matrix; + u32 full_range; + } color; +}; + +struct vpu_decode_params { + u32 codec_format; + u32 output_format; + u32 b_dis_reorder; + u32 b_non_frame; + u32 frame_count; + u32 end_flag; + struct { + u32 base; + u32 size; + } udata; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.c b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..016554387f3f --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.c @@ -0,0 +1,871 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_core.h" +#include "vpu_mbox.h" +#include "vpu_msgs.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" + +void csr_writel(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg, u32 val) +{ + writel(val, core->base + reg); +} + +u32 csr_readl(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg) +{ + return readl(core->base + reg); +} + +static int vpu_core_load_firmware(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + const struct firmware *pfw = NULL; + int ret = 0; + + if (!core->fw.virt) { + dev_err(core->dev, "firmware buffer is not ready\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = request_firmware(&pfw, core->res->fwname, core->dev); + dev_dbg(core->dev, "request_firmware %s : %d\n", core->res->fwname, ret); + if (ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "request firmware %s failed, ret = %d\n", + core->res->fwname, ret); + return ret; + } + + if (core->fw.length < pfw->size) { + dev_err(core->dev, "firmware buffer size want %zu, but %d\n", + pfw->size, core->fw.length); + ret = -EINVAL; + goto exit; + } + + memset(core->fw.virt, 0, core->fw.length); + memcpy(core->fw.virt, pfw->data, pfw->size); + core->fw.bytesused = pfw->size; + ret = vpu_iface_on_firmware_loaded(core); +exit: + release_firmware(pfw); + pfw = NULL; + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_core_boot_done(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + u32 fw_version; + + fw_version = vpu_iface_get_version(core); + dev_info(core->dev, "%s firmware version : %d.%d.%d\n", + vpu_core_type_desc(core->type), + (fw_version >> 16) & 0xff, + (fw_version >> 8) & 0xff, + fw_version & 0xff); + core->supported_instance_count = vpu_iface_get_max_instance_count(core); + if (core->res->act_size) { + u32 count = core->act.length / core->res->act_size; + + core->supported_instance_count = min(core->supported_instance_count, count); + } + core->fw_version = fw_version; + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_core_wait_boot_done(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int ret; + + ret = wait_for_completion_timeout(&core->cmp, VPU_TIMEOUT); + if (!ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "boot timeout\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + return vpu_core_boot_done(core); +} + +static int vpu_core_boot(struct vpu_core *core, bool load) +{ + int ret; + + reinit_completion(&core->cmp); + if (load) { + ret = vpu_core_load_firmware(core); + if (ret) + return ret; + } + + vpu_iface_boot_core(core); + return vpu_core_wait_boot_done(core); +} + +static int vpu_core_shutdown(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + return vpu_iface_shutdown_core(core); +} + +static int vpu_core_restore(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int ret; + + ret = vpu_core_sw_reset(core); + if (ret) + return ret; + + vpu_core_boot_done(core); + return vpu_iface_restore_core(core); +} + +static int __vpu_alloc_dma(struct device *dev, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + gfp_t gfp = GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA32; + + if (!buf->length) + return 0; + + buf->virt = dma_alloc_coherent(dev, buf->length, &buf->phys, gfp); + if (!buf->virt) + return -ENOMEM; + + buf->dev = dev; + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_free_dma(struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + if (!buf->virt || !buf->dev) + return; + + dma_free_coherent(buf->dev, buf->length, buf->virt, buf->phys); + buf->virt = NULL; + buf->phys = 0; + buf->length = 0; + buf->bytesused = 0; + buf->dev = NULL; +} + +int vpu_alloc_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + return __vpu_alloc_dma(core->dev, buf); +} + +static void vpu_core_check_hang(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (core->hang_mask) + core->state = VPU_CORE_HANG; +} + +static struct vpu_core *vpu_core_find_proper_by_type(struct vpu_dev *vpu, u32 type) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + int request_count = INT_MAX; + struct vpu_core *c; + + list_for_each_entry(c, &vpu->cores, list) { + dev_dbg(c->dev, "instance_mask = 0x%lx, state = %d\n", c->instance_mask, c->state); + if (c->type != type) + continue; + if (c->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) { + core = c; + break; + } + vpu_core_check_hang(c); + if (c->state != VPU_CORE_ACTIVE) + continue; + if (c->request_count < request_count) { + request_count = c->request_count; + core = c; + } + if (!request_count) + break; + } + + return core; +} + +static bool vpu_core_is_exist(struct vpu_dev *vpu, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_core *c; + + list_for_each_entry(c, &vpu->cores, list) { + if (c == core) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static void vpu_core_get_vpu(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + core->vpu->get_vpu(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + core->vpu->get_enc(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + core->vpu->get_dec(core->vpu); +} + +static int vpu_core_register(struct device *dev, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + dev_dbg(core->dev, "register core %s\n", vpu_core_type_desc(core->type)); + if (vpu_core_is_exist(vpu, core)) + return 0; + + core->workqueue = alloc_workqueue("vpu", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1); + if (!core->workqueue) { + dev_err(core->dev, "fail to alloc workqueue\n"); + return -ENOMEM; + } + INIT_WORK(&core->msg_work, vpu_msg_run_work); + INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&core->msg_delayed_work, vpu_msg_delayed_work); + core->msg_buffer_size = roundup_pow_of_two(VPU_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE); + core->msg_buffer = vzalloc(core->msg_buffer_size); + if (!core->msg_buffer) { + dev_err(core->dev, "failed allocate buffer for fifo\n"); + ret = -ENOMEM; + goto error; + } + ret = kfifo_init(&core->msg_fifo, core->msg_buffer, core->msg_buffer_size); + if (ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "failed init kfifo\n"); + goto error; + } + + list_add_tail(&core->list, &vpu->cores); + + vpu_core_get_vpu(core); + + if (vpu_iface_get_power_state(core)) + ret = vpu_core_restore(core); + if (ret) + goto error; + + return 0; +error: + if (core->msg_buffer) { + vfree(core->msg_buffer); + core->msg_buffer = NULL; + } + if (core->workqueue) { + destroy_workqueue(core->workqueue); + core->workqueue = NULL; + } + return ret; +} + +static void vpu_core_put_vpu(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC) + core->vpu->put_enc(core->vpu); + if (core->type == VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC) + core->vpu->put_dec(core->vpu); + core->vpu->put_vpu(core->vpu); +} + +static int vpu_core_unregister(struct device *dev, struct vpu_core *core) +{ + list_del_init(&core->list); + + vpu_core_put_vpu(core); + core->vpu = NULL; + vfree(core->msg_buffer); + core->msg_buffer = NULL; + + if (core->workqueue) { + cancel_work_sync(&core->msg_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&core->msg_delayed_work); + destroy_workqueue(core->workqueue); + core->workqueue = NULL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_core_acquire_instance(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + int id; + + id = ffz(core->instance_mask); + if (id >= core->supported_instance_count) + return -EINVAL; + + set_bit(id, &core->instance_mask); + + return id; +} + +static void vpu_core_release_instance(struct vpu_core *core, int id) +{ + if (id < 0 || id >= core->supported_instance_count) + return; + + clear_bit(id, &core->instance_mask); +} + +struct vpu_inst *vpu_inst_get(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return NULL; + + atomic_inc(&inst->ref_count); + + return inst; +} + +void vpu_inst_put(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return; + if (atomic_dec_and_test(&inst->ref_count)) { + if (inst->release) + inst->release(inst); + } +} + +struct vpu_core *vpu_request_core(struct vpu_dev *vpu, enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + int ret; + + mutex_lock(&vpu->lock); + + core = vpu_core_find_proper_by_type(vpu, type); + if (!core) + goto exit; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_get_sync(core->dev); + + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) { + ret = vpu_core_boot(core, true); + if (ret) { + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + core = NULL; + goto exit; + } + } + + core->request_count++; + + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +exit: + mutex_unlock(&vpu->lock); + + return core; +} + +void vpu_release_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core) + return; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + if (core->request_count) + core->request_count--; + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +int vpu_inst_register(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + struct vpu_core *core; + int ret = 0; + + vpu = inst->vpu; + core = inst->core; + if (!core) { + core = vpu_request_core(vpu, inst->type); + if (!core) { + dev_err(vpu->dev, "there is no vpu core for %s\n", + vpu_core_type_desc(inst->type)); + return -EINVAL; + } + inst->core = core; + inst->dev = get_device(core->dev); + } + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (inst->id >= 0 && inst->id < core->supported_instance_count) + goto exit; + + ret = vpu_core_acquire_instance(core); + if (ret < 0) + goto exit; + + vpu_trace(inst->dev, "[%d] %p\n", ret, inst); + inst->id = ret; + list_add_tail(&inst->list, &core->instances); + ret = 0; + if (core->res->act_size) { + inst->act.phys = core->act.phys + core->res->act_size * inst->id; + inst->act.virt = core->act.virt + core->res->act_size * inst->id; + inst->act.length = core->res->act_size; + } + vpu_inst_create_dbgfs_file(inst); +exit: + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + if (ret) + dev_err(core->dev, "register instance fail\n"); + return ret; +} + +int vpu_inst_unregister(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_core *core; + + if (!inst->core) + return 0; + + core = inst->core; + vpu_clear_request(inst); + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (inst->id >= 0 && inst->id < core->supported_instance_count) { + vpu_inst_remove_dbgfs_file(inst); + list_del_init(&inst->list); + vpu_core_release_instance(core, inst->id); + inst->id = VPU_INST_NULL_ID; + } + vpu_core_check_hang(core); + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_HANG && !core->instance_mask) { + dev_info(core->dev, "reset hang core\n"); + if (!vpu_core_sw_reset(core)) { + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + core->hang_mask = 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + return 0; +} + +struct vpu_inst *vpu_core_find_instance(struct vpu_core *core, u32 index) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + struct vpu_inst *tmp; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (!test_bit(index, &core->instance_mask)) + goto exit; + list_for_each_entry(tmp, &core->instances, list) { + if (tmp->id == index) { + inst = vpu_inst_get(tmp); + break; + } + } +exit: + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + return inst; +} + +const struct vpu_core_resources *vpu_get_resource(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + struct vpu_core *core = NULL; + const struct vpu_core_resources *res = NULL; + + if (!inst || !inst->vpu) + return NULL; + + if (inst->core && inst->core->res) + return inst->core->res; + + vpu = inst->vpu; + mutex_lock(&vpu->lock); + list_for_each_entry(core, &vpu->cores, list) { + if (core->type == inst->type) { + res = core->res; + break; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&vpu->lock); + + return res; +} + +static int vpu_core_parse_dt(struct vpu_core *core, struct device_node *np) +{ + struct device_node *node; + struct resource res; + int ret; + + if (of_count_phandle_with_args(np, "memory-region", NULL) < 2) { + dev_err(core->dev, "need 2 memory-region for boot and rpc\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + node = of_parse_phandle(np, "memory-region", 0); + if (!node) { + dev_err(core->dev, "boot-region of_parse_phandle error\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (of_address_to_resource(node, 0, &res)) { + dev_err(core->dev, "boot-region of_address_to_resource error\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + core->fw.phys = res.start; + core->fw.length = resource_size(&res); + + node = of_parse_phandle(np, "memory-region", 1); + if (!node) { + dev_err(core->dev, "rpc-region of_parse_phandle error\n"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (of_address_to_resource(node, 0, &res)) { + dev_err(core->dev, "rpc-region of_address_to_resource error\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + core->rpc.phys = res.start; + core->rpc.length = resource_size(&res); + + if (core->rpc.length < core->res->rpc_size + core->res->fwlog_size) { + dev_err(core->dev, "the rpc-region <%pad, 0x%x> is not enough\n", + &core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length); + return -EINVAL; + } + + core->fw.virt = memremap(core->fw.phys, core->fw.length, MEMREMAP_WC); + core->rpc.virt = memremap(core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length, MEMREMAP_WC); + memset(core->rpc.virt, 0, core->rpc.length); + + ret = vpu_iface_check_memory_region(core, core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length); + if (ret != VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED) { + dev_err(core->dev, "rpc region<%pad, 0x%x> isn't uncached\n", + &core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length); + return -EINVAL; + } + + core->log.phys = core->rpc.phys + core->res->rpc_size; + core->log.virt = core->rpc.virt + core->res->rpc_size; + core->log.length = core->res->fwlog_size; + core->act.phys = core->log.phys + core->log.length; + core->act.virt = core->log.virt + core->log.length; + core->act.length = core->rpc.length - core->res->rpc_size - core->log.length; + core->rpc.length = core->res->rpc_size; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_core_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct vpu_core *core; + struct vpu_dev *vpu = dev_get_drvdata(dev->parent); + struct vpu_shared_addr *iface; + u32 iface_data_size; + int ret; + + dev_dbg(dev, "probe\n"); + if (!vpu) + return -EINVAL; + core = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*core), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!core) + return -ENOMEM; + + core->pdev = pdev; + core->dev = dev; + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, core); + core->vpu = vpu; + INIT_LIST_HEAD(&core->instances); + mutex_init(&core->lock); + mutex_init(&core->cmd_lock); + init_completion(&core->cmp); + init_waitqueue_head(&core->ack_wq); + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + + core->res = of_device_get_match_data(dev); + if (!core->res) + return -ENODEV; + + core->type = core->res->type; + core->id = of_alias_get_id(dev->of_node, "vpu_core"); + if (core->id < 0) { + dev_err(dev, "can't get vpu core id\n"); + return core->id; + } + dev_info(core->dev, "[%d] = %s\n", core->id, vpu_core_type_desc(core->type)); + ret = vpu_core_parse_dt(core, dev->of_node); + if (ret) + return ret; + + core->base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0); + if (IS_ERR(core->base)) + return PTR_ERR(core->base); + + if (!vpu_iface_check_codec(core)) { + dev_err(core->dev, "is not supported\n"); + return -EINVAL; + } + + ret = vpu_mbox_init(core); + if (ret) + return ret; + + iface = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*iface), GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iface) + return -ENOMEM; + + iface_data_size = vpu_iface_get_data_size(core); + if (iface_data_size) { + iface->priv = devm_kzalloc(dev, iface_data_size, GFP_KERNEL); + if (!iface->priv) + return -ENOMEM; + } + + ret = vpu_iface_init(core, iface, &core->rpc, core->fw.phys); + if (ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "init iface fail, ret = %d\n", ret); + return ret; + } + + vpu_iface_config_system(core, vpu->res->mreg_base, vpu->base); + vpu_iface_set_log_buf(core, &core->log); + + pm_runtime_enable(dev); + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + if (ret) { + pm_runtime_put_noidle(dev); + pm_runtime_set_suspended(dev); + goto err_runtime_disable; + } + + ret = vpu_core_register(dev->parent, core); + if (ret) + goto err_core_register; + core->parent = dev->parent; + + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + vpu_core_create_dbgfs_file(core); + + return 0; + +err_core_register: + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); +err_runtime_disable: + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + return ret; +} + +static int vpu_core_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; + struct vpu_core *core = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); + int ret; + + vpu_core_remove_dbgfs_file(core); + ret = pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + WARN_ON(ret < 0); + + vpu_core_shutdown(core); + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + pm_runtime_disable(dev); + + vpu_core_unregister(core->parent, core); + memunmap(core->fw.virt); + memunmap(core->rpc.virt); + mutex_destroy(&core->lock); + mutex_destroy(&core->cmd_lock); + + return 0; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_runtime_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + return vpu_mbox_request(core); +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_runtime_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + + vpu_mbox_free(core); + return 0; +} + +static void vpu_core_cancel_work(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + + cancel_work_sync(&core->msg_work); + cancel_delayed_work_sync(&core->msg_delayed_work); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + list_for_each_entry(inst, &core->instances, list) + cancel_work_sync(&inst->msg_work); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +static void vpu_core_resume_work(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = NULL; + unsigned long delay = msecs_to_jiffies(10); + + queue_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_work); + queue_delayed_work(core->workqueue, &core->msg_delayed_work, delay); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + list_for_each_entry(inst, &core->instances, list) + queue_work(inst->workqueue, &inst->msg_work); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_resume(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_get_sync(dev); + vpu_core_get_vpu(core); + if (core->state != VPU_CORE_SNAPSHOT) + goto exit; + + if (!vpu_iface_get_power_state(core)) { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_boot(core, false); + if (ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "%s boot fail\n", __func__); + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + goto exit; + } + } else { + core->state = VPU_CORE_DEINIT; + } + } else { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_sw_reset(core); + if (ret) { + dev_err(core->dev, "%s sw_reset fail\n", __func__); + core->state = VPU_CORE_HANG; + goto exit; + } + } + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + } + +exit: + pm_runtime_put_sync(dev); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + vpu_core_resume_work(core); + return ret; +} + +static int __maybe_unused vpu_core_suspend(struct device *dev) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = dev_get_drvdata(dev); + int ret = 0; + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_ACTIVE) { + if (!list_empty(&core->instances)) { + ret = vpu_core_snapshot(core); + if (ret) { + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + return ret; + } + } + + core->state = VPU_CORE_SNAPSHOT; + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + + vpu_core_cancel_work(core); + + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + vpu_core_put_vpu(core); + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + return ret; +} + +static const struct dev_pm_ops vpu_core_pm_ops = { + SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(vpu_core_runtime_suspend, vpu_core_runtime_resume, NULL) + SET_SYSTEM_SLEEP_PM_OPS(vpu_core_suspend, vpu_core_resume) +}; + +static struct vpu_core_resources imx8q_enc = { + .type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC, + .fwname = "vpu/vpu_fw_imx8_enc.bin", + .stride = 16, + .max_width = 1920, + .max_height = 1920, + .min_width = 64, + .min_height = 48, + .step_width = 2, + .step_height = 2, + .rpc_size = 0x80000, + .fwlog_size = 0x80000, + .act_size = 0xc0000, +}; + +static struct vpu_core_resources imx8q_dec = { + .type = VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC, + .fwname = "vpu/vpu_fw_imx8_dec.bin", + .stride = 256, + .max_width = 8188, + .max_height = 8188, + .min_width = 16, + .min_height = 16, + .step_width = 1, + .step_height = 1, + .rpc_size = 0x80000, + .fwlog_size = 0x80000, +}; + +static const struct of_device_id vpu_core_dt_match[] = { + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8q-vpu-encoder", .data = &imx8q_enc }, + { .compatible = "nxp,imx8q-vpu-decoder", .data = &imx8q_dec }, + {} +}; +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, vpu_core_dt_match); + +static struct platform_driver amphion_vpu_core_driver = { + .probe = vpu_core_probe, + .remove = vpu_core_remove, + .driver = { + .name = "amphion-vpu-core", + .of_match_table = vpu_core_dt_match, + .pm = &vpu_core_pm_ops, + }, +}; + +int __init vpu_core_driver_init(void) +{ + return platform_driver_register(&hion_vpu_core_driver); +} + +void __exit vpu_core_driver_exit(void) +{ + platform_driver_unregister(&hion_vpu_core_driver); +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.h b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..00a662997da4 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_core.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _AMPHION_VPU_CORE_H +#define _AMPHION_VPU_CORE_H + +void csr_writel(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg, u32 val); +u32 csr_readl(struct vpu_core *core, u32 reg); +int vpu_alloc_dma(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_buffer *buf); +void vpu_free_dma(struct vpu_buffer *buf); +struct vpu_inst *vpu_core_find_instance(struct vpu_core *core, u32 index); + +#endif diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_dbg.c b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_dbg.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..3c12320e1708 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_dbg.c @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_defs.h" +#include "vpu_helpers.h" +#include "vpu_cmds.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_v4l2.h" + +struct print_buf_desc { + u32 start_h_phy; + u32 start_h_vir; + u32 start_m; + u32 bytes; + u32 read; + u32 write; + char buffer[0]; +}; + +static char *vb2_stat_name[] = { + [VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED] = "dequeued", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_IN_REQUEST] = "in_request", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_PREPARING] = "preparing", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_QUEUED] = "queued", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_ACTIVE] = "active", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_DONE] = "done", + [VB2_BUF_STATE_ERROR] = "error", +}; + +static char *vpu_stat_name[] = { + [VPU_BUF_STATE_IDLE] = "idle", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_INUSE] = "inuse", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_DECODED] = "decoded", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_READY] = "ready", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_SKIP] = "skip", + [VPU_BUF_STATE_ERROR] = "error", +}; + +static int vpu_dbg_instance(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_inst *inst = s->private; + char str[128]; + int num; + struct vb2_queue *vq; + int i; + + if (!inst->fh.m2m_ctx) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "[%s]\n", vpu_core_type_desc(inst->type)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "tgig = %d,pid = %d\n", inst->tgid, inst->pid); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "state = %d\n", inst->state); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "min_buffer_out = %d, min_buffer_cap = %d\n", + inst->min_buffer_out, inst->min_buffer_cap); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "output (%2d, %2d): fmt = %c%c%c%c %d x %d, %d;", + vb2_is_streaming(vq), + vq->num_buffers, + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 8, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 16, + inst->out_format.pixfmt >> 24, + inst->out_format.width, + inst->out_format.height, + vq->last_buffer_dequeued); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + for (i = 0; i < inst->out_format.num_planes; i++) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %d(%d)", + inst->out_format.sizeimage[i], + inst->out_format.bytesperline[i]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + if (seq_write(s, "\n", 1)) + return 0; + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "capture(%2d, %2d): fmt = %c%c%c%c %d x %d, %d;", + vb2_is_streaming(vq), + vq->num_buffers, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 8, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 16, + inst->cap_format.pixfmt >> 24, + inst->cap_format.width, + inst->cap_format.height, + vq->last_buffer_dequeued); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + for (i = 0; i < inst->cap_format.num_planes; i++) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), " %d(%d)", + inst->cap_format.sizeimage[i], + inst->cap_format.bytesperline[i]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + if (seq_write(s, "\n", 1)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "crop: (%d, %d) %d x %d\n", + inst->crop.left, + inst->, + inst->crop.width, + inst->crop.height); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_src_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + for (i = 0; i < vq->num_buffers; i++) { + struct vb2_buffer *vb = vq->bufs[i]; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + if (vb->state == VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "output [%2d] state = %10s, %8s\n", + i, vb2_stat_name[vb->state], + vpu_stat_name[vpu_get_buffer_state(vbuf)]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + vq = v4l2_m2m_get_dst_vq(inst->fh.m2m_ctx); + for (i = 0; i < vq->num_buffers; i++) { + struct vb2_buffer *vb = vq->bufs[i]; + struct vb2_v4l2_buffer *vbuf = to_vb2_v4l2_buffer(vb); + + if (vb->state == VB2_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "capture[%2d] state = %10s, %8s\n", + i, vb2_stat_name[vb->state], + vpu_stat_name[vpu_get_buffer_state(vbuf)]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "sequence = %d\n", inst->sequence); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + if (inst->use_stream_buffer) { + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "stream_buffer = %d / %d, <%pad, 0x%x>\n", + vpu_helper_get_used_space(inst), + inst->stream_buffer.length, + &inst->stream_buffer.phys, + inst->stream_buffer.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "kfifo len = 0x%x\n", kfifo_len(&inst->msg_fifo)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "flow :\n"); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + mutex_lock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows); i++) { + u32 idx = (inst->flow_idx + i) % (ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows)); + + if (!inst->flows[idx]) + continue; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "\t[%s]0x%x\n", + inst->flows[idx] >= VPU_MSG_ID_NOOP ? "M" : "C", + inst->flows[idx]); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) { + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + return 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&inst->core->cmd_lock); + + i = 0; + while (true) { + num = call_vop(inst, get_debug_info, str, sizeof(str), i++); + if (num <= 0) + break; + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_core(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + struct vpu_shared_addr *iface = core->iface; + char str[128]; + int num; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "[%s]\n", vpu_core_type_desc(core->type)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "boot_region = <%pad, 0x%x>\n", + &core->fw.phys, core->fw.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "rpc_region = <%pad, 0x%x> used = 0x%x\n", + &core->rpc.phys, core->rpc.length, core->rpc.bytesused); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "fwlog_region = <%pad, 0x%x>\n", + &core->log.phys, core->log.length); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "state = %d\n", core->state); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + if (core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "fw version = %d.%d.%d\n", + (core->fw_version >> 16) & 0xff, + (core->fw_version >> 8) & 0xff, + core->fw_version & 0xff); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "instances = %d/%d (0x%02lx), %d\n", + hweight32(core->instance_mask), + core->supported_instance_count, + core->instance_mask, + core->request_count); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), "kfifo len = 0x%x\n", kfifo_len(&core->msg_fifo)); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "cmd_buf:[0x%x, 0x%x], wptr = 0x%x, rptr = 0x%x\n", + iface->cmd_desc->start, + iface->cmd_desc->end, + iface->cmd_desc->wptr, + iface->cmd_desc->rptr); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + num = scnprintf(str, sizeof(str), + "msg_buf:[0x%x, 0x%x], wptr = 0x%x, rptr = 0x%x\n", + iface->msg_desc->start, + iface->msg_desc->end, + iface->msg_desc->wptr, + iface->msg_desc->rptr); + if (seq_write(s, str, num)) + return 0; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_fwlog(struct seq_file *s, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + struct print_buf_desc *print_buf; + int length; + u32 rptr; + u32 wptr; + int ret = 0; + + if (!core->log.virt || core->state == VPU_CORE_DEINIT) + return 0; + + print_buf = core->log.virt; + rptr = print_buf->read; + wptr = print_buf->write; + + if (rptr == wptr) + return 0; + else if (rptr < wptr) + length = wptr - rptr; + else + length = print_buf->bytes + wptr - rptr; + + if (s->count + length >= s->size) { + s->count = s->size; + return 0; + } + + if (rptr + length >= print_buf->bytes) { + int num = print_buf->bytes - rptr; + + if (seq_write(s, print_buf->buffer + rptr, num)) + ret = -1; + length -= num; + rptr = 0; + } + + if (length) { + if (seq_write(s, print_buf->buffer + rptr, length)) + ret = -1; + rptr += length; + } + if (!ret) + print_buf->read = rptr; + + return 0; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_inst_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_instance, inode->i_private); +} + +static ssize_t vpu_dbg_inst_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct seq_file *s = file->private_data; + struct vpu_inst *inst = s->private; + + vpu_session_debug(inst); + + return size; +} + +static ssize_t vpu_dbg_core_write(struct file *file, + const char __user *user_buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos) +{ + struct seq_file *s = file->private_data; + struct vpu_core *core = s->private; + + pm_runtime_get_sync(core->dev); + mutex_lock(&core->lock); + if (core->state != VPU_CORE_DEINIT && !core->instance_mask) { + dev_info(core->dev, "reset\n"); + if (!vpu_core_sw_reset(core)) { + core->state = VPU_CORE_ACTIVE; + core->hang_mask = 0; + } + } + mutex_unlock(&core->lock); + pm_runtime_put_sync(core->dev); + + return size; +} + +static int vpu_dbg_core_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_core, inode->i_private); +} + +static int vpu_dbg_fwlog_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) +{ + return single_open(filp, vpu_dbg_fwlog, inode->i_private); +} + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_inst_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_inst_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, + .write = vpu_dbg_inst_write, +}; + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_core_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_core_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, + .write = vpu_dbg_core_write, +}; + +static const struct file_operations vpu_dbg_fwlog_fops = { + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .open = vpu_dbg_fwlog_open, + .release = single_release, + .read = seq_read, +}; + +int vpu_inst_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + char name[64]; + + if (!inst || !inst->core || !inst->core->vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + vpu = inst->core->vpu; + if (!vpu->debugfs) + return -EINVAL; + + if (inst->debugfs) + return 0; + + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "instance.%d.%d", inst->core->id, inst->id); + inst->debugfs = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0644), + vpu->debugfs, + inst, + &vpu_dbg_inst_fops); + if (!inst->debugfs) { + dev_err(inst->dev, "vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_inst_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (!inst) + return 0; + + debugfs_remove(inst->debugfs); + inst->debugfs = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_create_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_dev *vpu; + char name[64]; + + if (!core || !core->vpu) + return -EINVAL; + + vpu = core->vpu; + if (!vpu->debugfs) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!core->debugfs) { + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "core.%d", core->id); + core->debugfs = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0644), + vpu->debugfs, + core, + &vpu_dbg_core_fops); + if (!core->debugfs) { + dev_err(core->dev, "vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + if (!core->debugfs_fwlog) { + scnprintf(name, sizeof(name), "fwlog.%d", core->id); + core->debugfs_fwlog = debugfs_create_file((const char *)name, + VERIFY_OCTAL_PERMISSIONS(0444), + vpu->debugfs, + core, + &vpu_dbg_fwlog_fops); + if (!core->debugfs_fwlog) { + dev_err(core->dev, "vpu create debugfs %s fail\n", name); + return -EINVAL; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +int vpu_core_remove_dbgfs_file(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + if (!core) + return 0; + debugfs_remove(core->debugfs); + core->debugfs = NULL; + debugfs_remove(core->debugfs_fwlog); + core->debugfs_fwlog = NULL; + + return 0; +} + +void vpu_inst_record_flow(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 flow) +{ + if (!inst) + return; + + inst->flows[inst->flow_idx] = flow; + inst->flow_idx = (inst->flow_idx + 1) % (ARRAY_SIZE(inst->flows)); +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.c b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.c new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..6e01abaa5d16 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.c @@ -0,0 +1,257 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include "vpu.h" +#include "vpu_rpc.h" +#include "vpu_imx8q.h" +#include "vpu_windsor.h" +#include "vpu_malone.h" + +u32 vpu_iface_check_memory_region(struct vpu_core *core, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->check_memory_region) + return VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID; + + return ops->check_memory_region(core->fw.phys, addr, size); +} + +static u32 vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc, bool write) +{ + u32 ptr1; + u32 ptr2; + u32 size; + + size = desc->end - desc->start; + if (write) { + ptr1 = desc->wptr; + ptr2 = desc->rptr; + } else { + ptr1 = desc->rptr; + ptr2 = desc->wptr; + } + + if (ptr1 == ptr2) { + if (!write) + return 0; + else + return size; + } + + return (ptr2 + size - ptr1) % size; +} + +static int vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 space = 0; + u32 *data; + u32 wptr; + u32 i; + + desc = shared->cmd_desc; + space = vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(desc, true); + if (space < (((cmd->hdr.num + 1) << 2) + 16)) + return -EINVAL; + wptr = desc->wptr; + data = (u32 *)(shared->cmd_mem_vir + desc->wptr - desc->start); + *data = 0; + *data |= ((cmd->hdr.index & 0xff) << 24); + *data |= ((cmd->hdr.num & 0xff) << 16); + *data |= (cmd-> & 0x3fff); + wptr += 4; + data++; + if (wptr >= desc->end) { + wptr = desc->start; + data = shared->cmd_mem_vir; + } + + for (i = 0; i < cmd->hdr.num; i++) { + *data = cmd->data[i]; + wptr += 4; + data++; + if (wptr >= desc->end) { + wptr = desc->start; + data = shared->cmd_mem_vir; + } + } + + /*update wptr after data is written*/ + mb(); + desc->wptr = wptr; + + return 0; +} + +static bool vpu_rpc_check_msg(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 space = 0; + u32 msgword; + u32 msgnum; + + desc = shared->msg_desc; + space = vpu_rpc_check_buffer_space(desc, 0); + space = (space >> 2); + + if (space) { + msgword = *(u32 *)(shared->msg_mem_vir + desc->rptr - desc->start); + msgnum = (msgword & 0xff0000) >> 16; + if (msgnum <= space) + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +static int vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, struct vpu_rpc_event *msg) +{ + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc; + u32 *data; + u32 msgword; + u32 rptr; + u32 i; + + if (!vpu_rpc_check_msg(shared)) + return -EINVAL; + + desc = shared->msg_desc; + data = (u32 *)(shared->msg_mem_vir + desc->rptr - desc->start); + rptr = desc->rptr; + msgword = *data; + data++; + rptr += 4; + if (rptr >= desc->end) { + rptr = desc->start; + data = shared->msg_mem_vir; + } + + msg->hdr.index = (msgword >> 24) & 0xff; + msg->hdr.num = (msgword >> 16) & 0xff; + msg-> = msgword & 0x3fff; + + if (msg->hdr.num > ARRAY_SIZE(msg->data)) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < msg->hdr.num; i++) { + msg->data[i] = *data; + data++; + rptr += 4; + if (rptr >= desc->end) { + rptr = desc->start; + data = shared->msg_mem_vir; + } + } + + /*update rptr after data is read*/ + mb(); + desc->rptr = rptr; + + return 0; +} + +static struct vpu_iface_ops imx8q_rpc_ops[] = { + [VPU_CORE_TYPE_ENC] = { + .check_codec = vpu_imx8q_check_codec, + .check_fmt = vpu_imx8q_check_fmt, + .boot_core = vpu_imx8q_boot_core, + .get_power_state = vpu_imx8q_get_power_state, + .on_firmware_loaded = vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded, + .get_data_size = vpu_windsor_get_data_size, + .check_memory_region = vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region, + .init_rpc = vpu_windsor_init_rpc, + .set_log_buf = vpu_windsor_set_log_buf, + .set_system_cfg = vpu_windsor_set_system_cfg, + .get_version = vpu_windsor_get_version, + .send_cmd_buf = vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf, + .receive_msg_buf = vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf, + .pack_cmd = vpu_windsor_pack_cmd, + .convert_msg_id = vpu_windsor_convert_msg_id, + .unpack_msg_data = vpu_windsor_unpack_msg_data, + .config_memory_resource = vpu_windsor_config_memory_resource, + .get_stream_buffer_size = vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_size, + .config_stream_buffer = vpu_windsor_config_stream_buffer, + .get_stream_buffer_desc = vpu_windsor_get_stream_buffer_desc, + .update_stream_buffer = vpu_windsor_update_stream_buffer, + .set_encode_params = vpu_windsor_set_encode_params, + .input_frame = vpu_windsor_input_frame, + .get_max_instance_count = vpu_windsor_get_max_instance_count, + }, + [VPU_CORE_TYPE_DEC] = { + .check_codec = vpu_imx8q_check_codec, + .check_fmt = vpu_imx8q_check_fmt, + .boot_core = vpu_imx8q_boot_core, + .get_power_state = vpu_imx8q_get_power_state, + .on_firmware_loaded = vpu_imx8q_on_firmware_loaded, + .get_data_size = vpu_malone_get_data_size, + .check_memory_region = vpu_imx8q_check_memory_region, + .init_rpc = vpu_malone_init_rpc, + .set_log_buf = vpu_malone_set_log_buf, + .set_system_cfg = vpu_malone_set_system_cfg, + .get_version = vpu_malone_get_version, + .send_cmd_buf = vpu_rpc_send_cmd_buf, + .receive_msg_buf = vpu_rpc_receive_msg_buf, + .get_stream_buffer_size = vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_size, + .config_stream_buffer = vpu_malone_config_stream_buffer, + .set_decode_params = vpu_malone_set_decode_params, + .pack_cmd = vpu_malone_pack_cmd, + .convert_msg_id = vpu_malone_convert_msg_id, + .unpack_msg_data = vpu_malone_unpack_msg_data, + .get_stream_buffer_desc = vpu_malone_get_stream_buffer_desc, + .update_stream_buffer = vpu_malone_update_stream_buffer, + .add_scode = vpu_malone_add_scode, + .input_frame = vpu_malone_input_frame, + .pre_send_cmd = vpu_malone_pre_cmd, + .post_send_cmd = vpu_malone_post_cmd, + .init_instance = vpu_malone_init_instance, + .get_max_instance_count = vpu_malone_get_max_instance_count, + }, +}; + +static struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_get_iface(struct vpu_dev *vpu, enum vpu_core_type type) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *rpc_ops = NULL; + u32 size = 0; + + switch (vpu->res->plat_type) { + case IMX8QXP: + case IMX8QM: + rpc_ops = imx8q_rpc_ops; + size = ARRAY_SIZE(imx8q_rpc_ops); + break; + default: + return NULL; + } + + if (type >= size) + return NULL; + + return &rpc_ops[type]; +} + +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_core_get_iface(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + return vpu_get_iface(core->vpu, core->type); +} + +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_inst_get_iface(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + if (inst->core) + return vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + return vpu_get_iface(inst->vpu, inst->type); +} diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.h b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c764ff52d026 --- /dev/null +++ b/drivers/media/platform/amphion/vpu_rpc.h @@ -0,0 +1,456 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ +/* + * Copyright 2020-2021 NXP + */ + +#ifndef _AMPHION_VPU_RPC_H +#define _AMPHION_VPU_RPC_H + +#include +#include "vpu_codec.h" + +struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc { + u32 wptr; + u32 rptr; + u32 start; + u32 end; +}; + +struct vpu_shared_addr { + void *iface; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *cmd_desc; + void *cmd_mem_vir; + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *msg_desc; + void *msg_mem_vir; + + unsigned long boot_addr; + struct vpu_core *core; + void *priv; +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_event_header { + u32 index; + u32 id; + u32 num; +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_event { + struct vpu_rpc_event_header hdr; + u32 data[128]; +}; + +struct vpu_iface_ops { + bool (*check_codec)(enum vpu_core_type type); + bool (*check_fmt)(enum vpu_core_type type, u32 pixelfmt); + u32 (*get_data_size)(void); + u32 (*check_memory_region)(dma_addr_t base, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size); + int (*boot_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*shutdown_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*restore_core)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*get_power_state)(struct vpu_core *core); + int (*on_firmware_loaded)(struct vpu_core *core); + void (*init_rpc)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, dma_addr_t boot_addr); + void (*set_log_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *log); + void (*set_system_cfg)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs, u32 index); + void (*set_stream_cfg)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 index); + u32 (*get_version)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + u32 (*get_max_instance_count)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + int (*get_stream_buffer_size)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared); + int (*send_cmd_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd); + int (*receive_msg_buf)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_rpc_event *msg); + int (*pack_cmd)(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, u32 index, u32 id, void *data); + int (*convert_msg_id)(u32 msg_id); + int (*unpack_msg_data)(struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data); + int (*input_frame)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_inst *inst, struct vb2_buffer *vb); + int (*config_memory_resource)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + u32 type, + u32 index, + struct vpu_buffer *buf); + int (*config_stream_buffer)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *buf); + int (*update_stream_buffer)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, u32 ptr, bool write); + int (*get_stream_buffer_desc)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc); + int (*set_encode_params)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_encode_params *params, + u32 update); + int (*set_decode_params)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_decode_params *params, + u32 update); + int (*add_scode)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + u32 instance, + struct vpu_buffer *stream_buffer, + u32 pixelformat, + u32 scode_type); + int (*pre_send_cmd)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); + int (*post_send_cmd)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); + int (*init_instance)(struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, u32 instance); +}; + +enum { + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_INVALID = 0, + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_CACHED, + VPU_CORE_MEMORY_UNCACHED +}; + +struct vpu_rpc_region_t { + dma_addr_t start; + dma_addr_t end; + dma_addr_t type; +}; + +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_core_get_iface(struct vpu_core *core); +struct vpu_iface_ops *vpu_inst_get_iface(struct vpu_inst *inst); +u32 vpu_iface_check_memory_region(struct vpu_core *core, dma_addr_t addr, u32 size); + +static inline bool vpu_iface_check_codec(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->check_codec) + return ops->check_codec(core->type); + + return true; +} + +static inline bool vpu_iface_check_format(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 pixelfmt) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_inst_get_iface(inst); + + if (ops && ops->check_fmt) + return ops->check_fmt(inst->type, pixelfmt); + + return true; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_boot_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->boot_core) + return ops->boot_core(core); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_power_state(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->get_power_state) + return ops->get_power_state(core); + return 1; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_shutdown_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->shutdown_core) + return ops->shutdown_core(core); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_restore_core(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->restore_core) + return ops->restore_core(core); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_on_firmware_loaded(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (ops && ops->on_firmware_loaded) + return ops->on_firmware_loaded(core); + + return 0; +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_data_size(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_data_size) + return 0; + + return ops->get_data_size(); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_init(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_shared_addr *shared, + struct vpu_buffer *rpc, + dma_addr_t boot_addr) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->init_rpc) + return -EINVAL; + + ops->init_rpc(shared, rpc, boot_addr); + core->iface = shared; + shared->core = core; + if (rpc->bytesused > rpc->length) + return -ENOSPC; + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_log_buf(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_buffer *log) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops) + return -EINVAL; + + if (ops->set_log_buf) + ops->set_log_buf(core->iface, log); + + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_system(struct vpu_core *core, u32 regs_base, void __iomem *regs) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops) + return -EINVAL; + if (ops->set_system_cfg) + ops->set_system_cfg(core->iface, regs_base, regs, core->id); + + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_size(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_stream_buffer_size) + return 0; + + return ops->get_stream_buffer_size(core->iface); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_stream(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + if (ops->set_stream_cfg) + ops->set_stream_cfg(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_send_cmd(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_rpc_event *cmd) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->send_cmd_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->send_cmd_buf(core->iface, cmd); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_receive_msg(struct vpu_core *core, struct vpu_rpc_event *msg) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->receive_msg_buf) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->receive_msg_buf(core->iface, msg); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_pack_cmd(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, + u32 index, u32 id, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->pack_cmd) + return -EINVAL; + return ops->pack_cmd(pkt, index, id, data); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_convert_msg_id(struct vpu_core *core, u32 msg_id) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->convert_msg_id) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->convert_msg_id(msg_id); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_unpack_msg_data(struct vpu_core *core, + struct vpu_rpc_event *pkt, void *data) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->unpack_msg_data) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->unpack_msg_data(pkt, data); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_input_frame(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vb2_buffer *vb) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->input_frame) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->input_frame(inst->core->iface, inst, vb); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_memory_resource(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 type, + u32 index, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->config_memory_resource || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->config_memory_resource(inst->core->iface, + inst->id, + type, index, buf); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_config_stream_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_buffer *buf) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->config_stream_buffer || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->config_stream_buffer(inst->core->iface, inst->id, buf); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_update_stream_buffer(struct vpu_inst *inst, + u32 ptr, bool write) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->update_stream_buffer || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->update_stream_buffer(inst->core->iface, inst->id, ptr, write); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_get_stream_buffer_desc(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_rpc_buffer_desc *desc) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_stream_buffer_desc || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + if (!desc) + return 0; + + return ops->get_stream_buffer_desc(inst->core->iface, inst->id, desc); +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_version(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_version) + return 0; + + return ops->get_version(core->iface); +} + +static inline u32 vpu_iface_get_max_instance_count(struct vpu_core *core) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(core); + + if (!ops || !ops->get_max_instance_count) + return 0; + + return ops->get_max_instance_count(core->iface); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_encode_params(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_encode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->set_encode_params || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->set_encode_params(inst->core->iface, inst->id, params, update); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_set_decode_params(struct vpu_inst *inst, + struct vpu_decode_params *params, u32 update) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->set_decode_params || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->set_decode_params(inst->core->iface, inst->id, params, update); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_add_scode(struct vpu_inst *inst, u32 scode_type) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (!ops || !ops->add_scode || inst->id < 0) + return -EINVAL; + + return ops->add_scode(inst->core->iface, inst->id, + &inst->stream_buffer, + inst->out_format.pixfmt, + scode_type); +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_pre_send_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (ops && ops->pre_send_cmd && inst->id >= 0) + return ops->pre_send_cmd(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_post_send_cmd(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (ops && ops->post_send_cmd && inst->id >= 0) + return ops->post_send_cmd(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + return 0; +} + +static inline int vpu_iface_init_instance(struct vpu_inst *inst) +{ + struct vpu_iface_ops *ops = vpu_core_get_iface(inst->core); + + if (ops && ops->init_instance && inst->id >= 0) + return ops->init_instance(inst->core->iface, inst->id); + + return 0; +} + +#endif