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[v2,2/2] tuna: Add idle-state control functionality

Message ID 20250227203944.23622-3-jwyatt@redhat.com
State Superseded
Headers show
Series Add cpupower idle-state functionality | expand

Commit Message

John B. Wyatt IV Feb. 27, 2025, 8:39 p.m. UTC
Allows Tuna to control cpu idle-state functionality on the system,
including querying, enabling, disabling of cpu idle-states to control
power usage or to test functionality.

This requires cpupower, a utility in the Linux kernel repository and
the cpupower Python bindings added in Linux 6.12 to control cpu

This patch revision includes text snippet suggestions by Crystal Wood.

Suggested-by: Crystal Wood <crwood@redhat.com>

Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <jwyatt@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: John B. Wyatt IV <sageofredondo@gmail.com>
 tuna-cmd.py      |  30 +++++++-
 tuna/cpupower.py | 184 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 tuna/cpupower.py
diff mbox series


diff --git a/tuna-cmd.py b/tuna-cmd.py
index d0323f5..81cd7c6 100755
--- a/tuna-cmd.py
+++ b/tuna-cmd.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@  from tuna import tuna, sysfs, utils
 import logging
 import time
 import shutil
+import tuna.cpupower as cpw
 def get_loglevel(level):
     if level.isdigit() and int(level) in range(0,5):
@@ -115,8 +116,12 @@  def gen_parser():
             "disable_perf": dict(action='store_true', help="Explicitly disable usage of perf in GUI for process view"),
             "refresh": dict(default=2500, metavar='MSEC', type=int, help="Refresh the GUI every MSEC milliseconds"),
             "priority": dict(default=(None, None), metavar="POLICY:RTPRIO", type=tuna.get_policy_and_rtprio, help="Set thread scheduler tunables: POLICY and RTPRIO"),
-            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task")
-         }
+            "background": dict(action='store_true', help="Run command as background task"),
+            "idle_info": dict(dest='idle_info', action='store_const', const=True, help='Print general idle information for the selected CPUs, including index values for IDLE-STATE.'),
+            "idle_state_disabled_status": dict(dest='idle_state_disabled_status', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Print whether IDLE-STATE is enabled on the selected	CPUs.'),
+            "disable_idle_state": dict(dest='disable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Disable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.'),
+            "enable_idle_state": dict(dest='enable_idle_state', metavar='IDLE-STATE', type=int, help='Enable IDLE-STATE on the selected CPUs.')
+    }
     parser = HelpMessageParser(description="tuna - Application Tuning Program")
@@ -127,6 +132,9 @@  def gen_parser():
     subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='command')
+    idle_set = subparser.add_parser('idle-set',
+                                    description='Manage CPU idle state disabling (requires libcpupower and it\'s Python bindings)',
+                                    help='Set all idle states on a given CPU-LIST.')
     isolate = subparser.add_parser('isolate', description="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST",
                                     help="Move all allowed threads and IRQs away from CPU-LIST")
     include = subparser.add_parser('include', description="Allow all threads to run on CPU-LIST",
@@ -146,7 +154,6 @@  def gen_parser():
     show_threads = subparser.add_parser('show_threads', description='Show thread list', help='Show thread list')
     show_irqs = subparser.add_parser('show_irqs', description='Show IRQ list', help='Show IRQ list')
     show_configs = subparser.add_parser('show_configs', description='List preloaded profiles', help='List preloaded profiles')
     what_is = subparser.add_parser('what_is', description='Provides help about selected entities', help='Provides help about selected entities')
     gui = subparser.add_parser('gui', description="Start the GUI", help="Start the GUI")
@@ -218,6 +225,13 @@  def gen_parser():
     show_irqs_group.add_argument('-S', '--sockets', **MODS['sockets'])
     show_irqs.add_argument('-q', '--irqs', **MODS['irqs'])
+    idle_set_group = idle_set.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-i', '--idle-info', **MODS['idle_info'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-s', '--status', **MODS['idle_state_disabled_status'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-d', '--disable', **MODS['disable_idle_state'])
+    idle_set_group.add_argument('-e', '--enable', **MODS['enable_idle_state'])
+    idle_set.add_argument('-c', '--cpus', **MODS['cpus'])
     what_is.add_argument('thread_list', **POS['thread_list'])
     gui.add_argument('-d', '--disable_perf', **MODS['disable_perf'])
@@ -647,6 +661,16 @@  def main():
             print("Valid log levels: NOTSET, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR")
             print("Log levels may be specified numerically (0-4)\n")
+    if args.command == 'idle-set':
+        if not cpw.have_cpupower:
+            print(f"Error: libcpupower bindings are not detected; please install libcpupower bindings from at least kernel {cpw.cpupower_required_kernel}.")
+            sys.exit(1)
+        my_cpupower = cpw.Cpupower(args.cpu_list)
+        ret = my_cpupower.idle_set_handler(args)
+        if ret > 0:
+            sys.exit(ret)
     if 'irq_list' in vars(args):
         ps = procfs.pidstats()
         if tuna.has_threaded_irqs(ps):
diff --git a/tuna/cpupower.py b/tuna/cpupower.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90b06da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tuna/cpupower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2024 John B. Wyatt IV
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
+from typing import List
+import tuna.utils as utils
+cpupower_required_kernel = "6.12"
+have_cpupower = None
+    import raw_pylibcpupower as lcpw
+    lcpw.cpufreq_get_available_frequencies(0)
+    have_cpupower = True
+    lcpw = None
+    have_cpupower = False
+if have_cpupower:
+    class Cpupower:
+        """The Cpupower class allows you to query and change the power states of the
+        cpu.
+        You may query or change the cpus all at once or a list of the cpus provided to the constructor's cpulist argument.
+        The bindings must be detected on the $PYTHONPATH variable.
+        You must use have_cpupower variable to determine if the bindings were
+        detected in your code."""
+        LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE = 1 # enum for common error messages
+        def __init__(self, cpu_list=None):
+            if cpu_list == None or cpu_list == []: # args.cpu_list == [] when the -c option is not used
+                self.__cpu_list = utils.get_all_cpu_list()
+            else:
+                self.__cpu_list = cpu_list
+        @classmethod
+        def handle_common_lcpw_errors(cls, e, error_type, idle_name):
+            match e:
+                case 0:
+                    pass
+                case -1:
+                    print(f"Idlestate {idle_name} not available")
+                case -2:
+                    print(f"Disabling is not supported by the kernel")
+                case -3:
+                    if error_type == cls.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE:
+                        print(f"No write access to disable/enable C-states: try using sudo")
+                    else:
+                        print(f"Not documented: {e}")
+                case _:
+                    print(f"Not documented: {e}")
+        @classmethod
+        def get_idle_states(cls, cpu):
+            """
+            Get the c-states of a cpu.
+            You can capture the return values with:
+            states_list, states_amt = get_idle_states()
+            Returns
+                List[String]: list of cstates
+                Int: amt of cstates
+            """
+            ret = []
+            for cstate in range(lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)):
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_name(cpu,cstate))
+            return ret, lcpw.cpuidle_state_count(cpu)
+        @classmethod
+        def get_idle_info(cls, cpu=0):
+            idle_states, idle_states_amt = cls.get_idle_states(cpu)
+            idle_states_list = []
+            for idle_state in range(0, len(idle_states)):
+                idle_states_list.append(
+                    {
+                        "CPU ID": cpu,
+                        "Idle State Name": idle_states[idle_state],
+                        "Flags/Description": lcpw.cpuidle_state_desc(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Latency": lcpw.cpuidle_state_latency(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Usage": lcpw.cpuidle_state_usage(cpu, idle_state),
+                        "Duration": lcpw.cpuidle_state_time(cpu, idle_state)
+                    }
+                )
+            idle_info = {
+                "CPUidle-driver": lcpw.cpuidle_get_driver(),
+                "CPUidle-governor": lcpw.cpuidle_get_governor(),
+                "idle-states-count": idle_states_amt,
+                "available-idle-states": idle_states,
+                "cpu-states": idle_states_list
+            }
+            return idle_info
+        @classmethod
+        def print_idle_info(cls, cpu_list=[0]):
+            for cpu in cpu_list:
+                idle_info = cls.get_idle_info(cpu)
+                print_str = f"""
+CPUidle driver: {idle_info["CPUidle-driver"]}
+CPUidle governor: {idle_info["CPUidle-governor"]}
+analyzing CPU {cpu}
+Number of idle states: {idle_info["idle-states-count"]}
+Available idle states: {idle_info["available-idle-states"]}
+                for state in idle_info["cpu-states"]:
+                    print_str += f"""{state["Idle State Name"]}
+Flags/Description: {state["Flags/Description"]}
+Latency: {state["Latency"]}
+Usage: {state["Usage"]}
+Duration: {state["Duration"]}
+                print(
+                    print_str
+                )
+        def idle_set_handler(self, args) -> int:
+            if args.idle_state_disabled_status != None:
+                cstate_index = args.idle_state_disabled_status
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.is_disabled_idle_state(cstate_index)
+                for i,e in enumerate(ret):
+                    if e == 1:
+                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is disabled.")
+                    elif e == 0:
+                        print(f"CPU: {self.__cpu_list[i]} Idle state \"{cstate_name}\" is enabled.")
+                    else:
+                        self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_TWO_CASE, cstate_name)
+            elif args.idle_info != None:
+                self.print_idle_info(self.__cpu_list)
+                return 0
+            elif args.disable_idle_state != None:
+                cstate_index = args.disable_idle_state
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 1)
+                for e in ret:
+                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
+            elif args.enable_idle_state != None:
+                cstate_index = args.enable_idle_state
+                cstate_list, cstate_amt = self.get_idle_states(self.__cpu_list[0]) # Assuming all cpus have the same idle state
+                if cstate_index < 0 or cstate_index >= cstate_amt:
+                    print(f"Invalid idle state range. Total for this cpu is {cstate_amt}")
+                    return 1
+                cstate_name = cstate_list[cstate_index]
+                ret = self.disable_idle_state(cstate_index, 0)
+                for e in ret:
+                    self.handle_common_lcpw_errors(e, self.LCPW_ERROR_THREE_CASE, cstate_name)
+            return 0
+        """
+        Disable or enable an idle state using the object's stored list of cpus.
+        Args:
+            state (int): The cpu idle state index to disable or enable as an int starting from 0.
+            disabled (int): set to 1 to disable or 0 to enable. Less than 0 is an error.
+        """
+        def disable_idle_state(self, state, disabled) -> List[int]:
+            ret = []
+            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_state_disable(cpu, state, disabled))
+            return ret
+        """
+        Query the idle state.
+        Args:
+            state: The cpu idle state. 1 is disabled, 0 is enabled. Less than 0 is an error.
+        """
+        def is_disabled_idle_state(self, state) -> List[int]:
+            ret = []
+            for cpu in self.__cpu_list:
+                ret.append(lcpw.cpuidle_is_state_disabled(cpu, state))
+            return ret