From patchwork Tue Oct 13 13:48:49 2020 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Vladimir Oltean X-Patchwork-Id: 270020 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-12.8 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SIGNED_OFF_BY, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS, URIBL_BLOCKED, USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4C93DC433DF for ; Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:49:46 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id DEA5024765 for ; Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:49:45 +0000 (UTC) Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="GkTNRVoY" Received: ( by via listexpand id S2388004AbgJMNto (ORCPT ); Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:49:44 -0400 Received: from ([]:3086 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S2387949AbgJMNtk (ORCPT ); Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:49:40 -0400 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=LkoXSRUg94FHw9iYPTqZS8my7lRimcKwtfX8KQOEe0yPo9dKlEPQ+tjwuR2WtHMV+5gXETK6mVvE6NssKYllCbDKMVCte19CUbW9biwR5cL4whlahFzeekSGCp027r6JMtCGHLv1FpUzmiWyau3yGMqO8WuWOpyUAwpy5KdZnZ2IGkQKAZq7qEgg2H1HJw+tKjwrulq7klN1idtAnGT111w2EW8TPiYfYVvnr4SwsRWWVhAI2wztn08UMyZ8Adg9Z6YSs9aygz6tR3wtA0si7dySfTwsCyKevydzdyHSusRv0px2c9AxlyoWo+upD10dpgvBqk7inUeVgNPVGIhM5g== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=U/f5ohCo9EmTFpLnHA117jOZaNpcvgl9AOLRIyh+6wI=; b=gpLWdw+FYDyt3qR0fLPKxjFbmhz23TNsU5yYDvcFHzakfCJKfjry7r9GVAxbQlHTKomMahyRlUwAQSnFDKiKijCO4NRMe1PANnR94GsMoYUZe6M8sVM+i0m45ZPwU1b+oO7ixWIuhyBbr7ycmvM3mki3gXtUG7anx6+MpxWSm75vryMTb2Q0MmDdUmdd0j807X4HnFFCa38ODXcdTFHtyFIx8z5tHujb5j+VKZ1mtg39aZX04nLh/DouqQMNEDlBtOII+zMsxcHjyi9JC5xvoXd5FqA+IclMxS4taupRkYhtH5HyDt6LS5gOAEHvoDeEcTHJu2UW1IGgyRz7e5VDeg== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=U/f5ohCo9EmTFpLnHA117jOZaNpcvgl9AOLRIyh+6wI=; b=GkTNRVoYENUTE8m1RG4uMMCmV2LWNpqWjqXkLvaUd2ReAhYP3Xo2vkisnTuHTz63lu3OnSKC6kFCmL9v2Ro/z4cSgB8b9fixKXGNt20KDXDVYMOmhgwhAyEqPXUUvugEQcxeFC1Khzwl7TbwECZU9svSee3mkWJUKPDRw+ZHGOI= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:803:e7::13) by (2603:10a6:800:af::18) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3455.23; Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:49:25 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::983b:73a7:cc93:e63d]) by ([fe80::983b:73a7:cc93:e63d%3]) with mapi id 15.20.3477.020; Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:49:25 +0000 From: Vladimir Oltean To: Cc:,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: [RFC PATCH 10/10] net: mscc: ocelot: configure watermarks using devlink-sb Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2020 16:48:49 +0300 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.25.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-Originating-IP: [] X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10a6:208:10e::25) To (2603:10a6:803:e7::13) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from localhost.localdomain ( by (2603:10a6:208:10e::25) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.3477.20 via Frontend Transport; Tue, 13 Oct 2020 13:49:23 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: d17b014f-ee20-4770-0afa-08d86f7ecb97 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VI1PR0402MB2863: X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:10000; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 22zk5zGPAgdnJrFwnnB7RTSvy54PcCNb5b95of4PtH7bYPldvdnZ1R1qClis/M9n/8wHEhKJt9nE7Ow4LNT/jjry7BW9DU21NuyFED1nGp/RBerHA43kjGfWtuQXMcMxMucmE4Z9HkiT4mfQdiQvRBeqTzbfKcFWejAhyeEQIkYQxAvM04qnZE7lxmSiMhlHmsBi0QrfVSMk/igPH//+mEkT+0ynDKrWCduvOtuaNOScxV0TxSz9YnhtKvITiueV9cSa4kDFZjd9/bXtYKwhpodN/+4aZuPROswGe9x60Mf4Az2SE442pD88Kppp1RIiz+cKZFxQDN1jl8irav6fTniKIypboDdmhke5lXU0vMEhTLNvR0LjnYMTP3l8lAI3 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(4636009)(396003)(39850400004)(366004)(346002)(376002)(136003)(5660300002)(30864003)(86362001)(186003)(4326008)(8676002)(16526019)(66556008)(36756003)(6506007)(8936002)(66946007)(66476007)(478600001)(1076003)(44832011)(956004)(69590400008)(2616005)(6916009)(6512007)(6486002)(2906002)(83380400001)(316002)(26005)(52116002)(6666004); 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The following definitions can be made: SB_BUF=0 # The devlink-sb for frame buffers SB_REF=1 # The devlink-sb for frame references POOL_ING=0 # The pool for ingress traffic. Both devlink-sb instances # have one of these. POOL_EGR=1 # The pool for egress traffic. Both devlink-sb instances # have one of these. Editing the hardware watermarks is done in the following way: BUF_xxxx_I is accessed when sb=$SB_BUF and pool=$POOL_ING REF_xxxx_I is accessed when sb=$SB_REF and pool=$POOL_ING BUF_xxxx_E is accessed when sb=$SB_BUF and pool=$POOL_EGR REF_xxxx_E is accessed when sb=$SB_REF and pool=$POOL_EGR Configuring the sharing watermarks for COL_SHR(dp=0) is done implicitly by modifying the corresponding pool size. By default, the pool size has maximum size, so this can be skipped. devlink sb pool set pci/0000:00:00.5 sb $SB_BUF pool $POOL_ING \ size 103872 thtype static Since by default there is no buffer reservation, the above command has maxed out BUF_COL_SHR_I(dp=0). Configuring the per-port reservation watermark (P_RSRV) is done in the following way: devlink sb port pool set pci/0000:00:00.5/0 sb $SB_BUF \ pool $POOL_ING th 1000 The above command sets BUF_P_RSRV_I(port 0) to 1000 bytes. After this command, the sharing watermarks are internally reconfigured with 1000 bytes less, i.e. from 103872 bytes to 102872 bytes. Configuring the per-port-tc reservation watermarks (Q_RSRV) is done in the following way: for tc in {0..7}; do devlink sb tc bind set pci/0000:00:00.5/0 sb 0 tc $tc \ type ingress pool $POOL_ING \ th 3000 done The above command sets BUF_Q_RSRV_I(port 0, tc 0..7) to 3000 bytes. The sharing watermarks are again reconfigured with 24000 bytes less. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean --- drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.c | 118 ++++++ drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_devlink.c | 449 ++++++++++++++++++++- drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_net.c | 143 +++++++ drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_vsc7514.c | 27 +- include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h | 47 +++ 5 files changed, 778 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.c b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.c index ed2e00af8baa..f388c9cae5be 100644 --- a/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.c +++ b/drivers/net/dsa/ocelot/felix.c @@ -437,6 +437,7 @@ static int felix_init_structs(struct felix *felix, int num_phys_ports) ocelot->ops = felix->info->ops; ocelot->inj_prefix = OCELOT_TAG_PREFIX_SHORT; ocelot->xtr_prefix = OCELOT_TAG_PREFIX_SHORT; + ocelot->devlink = felix->ds->devlink; port_phy_modes = kcalloc(num_phys_ports, sizeof(phy_interface_t), GFP_KERNEL); @@ -599,6 +600,10 @@ static int felix_setup(struct dsa_switch *ds) felix_port_qos_map_init(ocelot, port); } + err = ocelot_devlink_sb_register(ocelot); + if (err) + return err; + /* Include the CPU port module in the forwarding mask for unknown * unicast - the hardware default value for ANA_FLOODING_FLD_UNICAST * excludes BIT(ocelot->num_phys_ports), and so does ocelot_init, since @@ -626,6 +631,7 @@ static void felix_teardown(struct dsa_switch *ds) struct felix *felix = ocelot_to_felix(ocelot); int port; + ocelot_devlink_sb_unregister(ocelot); if (ocelot->ptp) ocelot_deinit_timestamp(ocelot); ocelot_deinit(ocelot); @@ -766,6 +772,108 @@ static int felix_port_setup_tc(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, return -EOPNOTSUPP; } +static int felix_sb_pool_get(struct dsa_switch *ds, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, + struct devlink_sb_pool_info *pool_info) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_pool_get(ocelot, sb_index, pool_index, pool_info); +} + +static int felix_sb_pool_set(struct dsa_switch *ds, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, u32 size, + enum devlink_sb_threshold_type threshold_type, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_pool_set(ocelot, sb_index, pool_index, size, + threshold_type, extack); +} + +static int felix_sb_port_pool_get(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_threshold) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_port_pool_get(ocelot, port, sb_index, pool_index, + p_threshold); +} + +static int felix_sb_port_pool_set(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 threshold, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_port_pool_set(ocelot, port, sb_index, pool_index, + threshold, extack); +} + +static int felix_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 *p_pool_index, u32 *p_threshold) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(ocelot, port, sb_index, tc_index, + pool_type, p_pool_index, + p_threshold); +} + +static int felix_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 pool_index, u32 threshold, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(ocelot, port, sb_index, tc_index, + pool_type, pool_index, threshold, + extack); +} + +static int felix_sb_occ_snapshot(struct dsa_switch *ds, + unsigned int sb_index) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_snapshot(ocelot, sb_index); +} + +static int felix_sb_occ_max_clear(struct dsa_switch *ds, + unsigned int sb_index) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_max_clear(ocelot, sb_index); +} + +static int felix_sb_occ_port_pool_get(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_port_pool_get(ocelot, port, sb_index, pool_index, + p_cur, p_max); +} + +static int felix_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(struct dsa_switch *ds, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max) +{ + struct ocelot *ocelot = ds->priv; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(ocelot, port, sb_index, tc_index, + pool_type, p_cur, p_max); +} + const struct dsa_switch_ops felix_switch_ops = { .get_tag_protocol = felix_get_tag_protocol, .setup = felix_setup, @@ -806,6 +914,16 @@ const struct dsa_switch_ops felix_switch_ops = { .cls_flower_del = felix_cls_flower_del, .cls_flower_stats = felix_cls_flower_stats, .port_setup_tc = felix_port_setup_tc, + .devlink_sb_pool_get = felix_sb_pool_get, + .devlink_sb_pool_set = felix_sb_pool_set, + .devlink_sb_port_pool_get = felix_sb_port_pool_get, + .devlink_sb_port_pool_set = felix_sb_port_pool_set, + .devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_get = felix_sb_tc_pool_bind_get, + .devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_set = felix_sb_tc_pool_bind_set, + .devlink_sb_occ_snapshot = felix_sb_occ_snapshot, + .devlink_sb_occ_max_clear = felix_sb_occ_max_clear, + .devlink_sb_occ_port_pool_get = felix_sb_occ_port_pool_get, + .devlink_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get= felix_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get, }; struct net_device *felix_port_to_netdev(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_devlink.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_devlink.c index c96309cde82d..ca83aac943b7 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_devlink.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_devlink.c @@ -232,6 +232,14 @@ static void ocelot_wm_write(struct ocelot *ocelot, int index, u32 val) ocelot_write_gix(ocelot, wm, QSYS_RES_CFG, index); } +static void ocelot_wm_status(struct ocelot *ocelot, int index, u32 *inuse, + u32 *maxuse) +{ + int res_stat = ocelot_read_gix(ocelot, QSYS_RES_STAT, index); + + return ocelot->ops->wm_stat(res_stat, inuse, maxuse); +} + /* The hardware comes out of reset with strange defaults: the sum of all * reservations for frame memory is larger than the total buffer size. * One has to wonder how can the reservation watermarks still guarantee @@ -348,10 +356,14 @@ static void ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(struct ocelot *ocelot) ocelot_get_buf_rsrv(ocelot, &buf_rsrv_i, &buf_rsrv_e); ocelot_get_ref_rsrv(ocelot, &ref_rsrv_i, &ref_rsrv_e); - buf_shr_i = ocelot->packet_buffer_size - buf_rsrv_i; - buf_shr_e = ocelot->packet_buffer_size - buf_rsrv_e; - ref_shr_i = ocelot->num_frame_refs - ref_rsrv_i; - ref_shr_e = ocelot->num_frame_refs - ref_rsrv_e; + buf_shr_i = ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING] - + buf_rsrv_i; + buf_shr_e = ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR] - + buf_rsrv_e; + ref_shr_i = ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING] - + ref_rsrv_i; + ref_shr_e = ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR] - + ref_rsrv_e; buf_shr_i /= OCELOT_BUFFER_CELL_SZ; buf_shr_e /= OCELOT_BUFFER_CELL_SZ; @@ -366,6 +378,40 @@ static void ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(struct ocelot *ocelot) ocelot_wm_write(ocelot, REF_COL_SHR_I(1), 0); } +/* Ensure that all reservations can be enforced */ +static int ocelot_watermark_validate(struct ocelot *ocelot, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + u32 buf_rsrv_i, buf_rsrv_e; + u32 ref_rsrv_i, ref_rsrv_e; + + ocelot_get_buf_rsrv(ocelot, &buf_rsrv_i, &buf_rsrv_e); + ocelot_get_ref_rsrv(ocelot, &ref_rsrv_i, &ref_rsrv_e); + + if (buf_rsrv_i > ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING]) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Ingress frame reservations exceed pool size"); + return -ERANGE; + } + if (buf_rsrv_e > ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR]) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Egress frame reservations exceed pool size"); + return -ERANGE; + } + if (ref_rsrv_i > ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING]) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Ingress reference reservations exceed pool size"); + return -ERANGE; + } + if (ref_rsrv_e > ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR]) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Egress reference reservations exceed pool size"); + return -ERANGE; + } + + return 0; +} + /* The hardware works like this: * * Frame forwarding decision taken @@ -440,3 +486,398 @@ void ocelot_watermark_init(struct ocelot *ocelot) ocelot_disable_tc_sharing_watermarks(ocelot); ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(ocelot); } + +/* Pool size and type are fixed up at runtime. Keeping this structure to + * look up the cell size multipliers. + */ +static const struct devlink_sb_pool_info ocelot_sb_pool[] = { + [OCELOT_SB_BUF] = { + .cell_size = OCELOT_BUFFER_CELL_SZ, + .threshold_type = DEVLINK_SB_THRESHOLD_TYPE_STATIC, + }, + [OCELOT_SB_REF] = { + .cell_size = 1, + .threshold_type = DEVLINK_SB_THRESHOLD_TYPE_STATIC, + }, +}; + +/* Returns the pool size configured through ocelot_sb_pool_set */ +int ocelot_sb_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, + struct devlink_sb_pool_info *pool_info) +{ + if (sb_index >= OCELOT_SB_NUM) + return -ENODEV; + if (pool_index >= OCELOT_SB_POOL_NUM) + return -ENODEV; + + *pool_info = ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index]; + pool_info->size = ocelot->pool_size[sb_index][pool_index]; + if (pool_index) + pool_info->pool_type = DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS; + else + pool_info->pool_type = DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_pool_get); + +/* The pool size received here configures the total amount of resources used on + * ingress (or on egress, depending upon the pool index). The pool size, minus + * the values for the port and port-tc reservations, is written into the + * COL_SHR(dp=0) sharing watermark. + */ +int ocelot_sb_pool_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, u32 size, + enum devlink_sb_threshold_type threshold_type, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + u32 old_pool_size; + int err; + + if (sb_index >= OCELOT_SB_NUM) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Invalid sb, use 0 for buffers and 1 for frame references"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (pool_index >= OCELOT_SB_POOL_NUM) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Invalid pool, use 0 for ingress and 1 for egress"); + return -ENODEV; + } + if (threshold_type != DEVLINK_SB_THRESHOLD_TYPE_STATIC) { + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, + "Only static threshold supported"); + return -EOPNOTSUPP; + } + + old_pool_size = ocelot->pool_size[sb_index][pool_index]; + ocelot->pool_size[sb_index][pool_index] = size; + + err = ocelot_watermark_validate(ocelot, extack); + if (err) { + ocelot->pool_size[sb_index][pool_index] = old_pool_size; + return err; + } + + ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(ocelot); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_pool_set); + +/* This retrieves the configuration made with ocelot_sb_port_pool_set */ +int ocelot_sb_port_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_threshold) +{ + int wm_index; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + + *p_threshold = ocelot_wm_read(ocelot, wm_index); + *p_threshold *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_port_pool_get); + +/* This configures the P_RSRV per-port reserved resource watermark */ +int ocelot_sb_port_pool_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 threshold, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + int wm_index, err; + u32 old_thr; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + default: + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, "Invalid shared buffer"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + threshold /= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + old_thr = ocelot_wm_read(ocelot, wm_index); + ocelot_wm_write(ocelot, wm_index, threshold); + + err = ocelot_watermark_validate(ocelot, extack); + if (err) { + ocelot_wm_write(ocelot, wm_index, old_thr); + return err; + } + + ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(ocelot); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_port_pool_set); + +/* This retrieves the configuration done by ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set */ +int ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 *p_pool_index, u32 *p_threshold) +{ + int wm_index; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + + *p_threshold = ocelot_wm_read(ocelot, wm_index); + *p_threshold *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + *p_pool_index = 0; + else + *p_pool_index = 1; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_get); + +/* This configures the Q_RSRV per-port-tc reserved resource watermark */ +int ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 pool_index, u32 threshold, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + int wm_index, err; + u32 old_thr; + + /* Paranoid check? */ + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING && + pool_type != DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + return -EINVAL; + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR && + pool_type != DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_EGRESS) + return -EINVAL; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + default: + NL_SET_ERR_MSG_MOD(extack, "Invalid shared buffer"); + return -ENODEV; + } + + threshold /= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + old_thr = ocelot_wm_read(ocelot, wm_index); + ocelot_wm_write(ocelot, wm_index, threshold); + err = ocelot_watermark_validate(ocelot, extack); + if (err) { + ocelot_wm_write(ocelot, wm_index, old_thr); + return err; + } + + ocelot_setup_sharing_watermarks(ocelot); + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set); + +/* The hardware does not support atomic snapshots, we'll read out the + * occupancy registers individually and have this as just a stub. + */ +int ocelot_sb_occ_snapshot(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index) +{ + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_occ_snapshot); + +/* The watermark occupancy registers are cleared upon read, + * so let's read them. + */ +int ocelot_sb_occ_max_clear(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index) +{ + u32 inuse, maxuse; + int port, prio; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + for (port = 0; port <= ocelot->num_phys_ports; port++) { + for (prio = 0; prio < OCELOT_NUM_TC; prio++) { + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, BUF_Q_RSRV_I(port, prio), + &inuse, &maxuse); + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, BUF_Q_RSRV_E(port, prio), + &inuse, &maxuse); + } + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, BUF_P_RSRV_I(port), + &inuse, &maxuse); + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, BUF_P_RSRV_E(port), + &inuse, &maxuse); + } + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + for (port = 0; port <= ocelot->num_phys_ports; port++) { + for (prio = 0; prio < OCELOT_NUM_TC; prio++) { + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, REF_Q_RSRV_I(port, prio), + &inuse, &maxuse); + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, REF_Q_RSRV_E(port, prio), + &inuse, &maxuse); + } + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, REF_P_RSRV_I(port), + &inuse, &maxuse); + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, REF_P_RSRV_E(port), + &inuse, &maxuse); + } + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_occ_max_clear); + +/* This retrieves the watermark occupancy for per-port P_RSRV watermarks */ +int ocelot_sb_occ_port_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max) +{ + int wm_index; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = BUF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_index == OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING) + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_I(port); + else + wm_index = REF_P_RSRV_E(port); + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, wm_index, p_cur, p_max); + *p_cur *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + *p_max *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_occ_port_pool_get); + +/* This retrieves the watermark occupancy for per-port-tc Q_RSRV watermarks */ +int ocelot_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max) +{ + int wm_index; + + switch (sb_index) { + case OCELOT_SB_BUF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = BUF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + case OCELOT_SB_REF: + if (pool_type == DEVLINK_SB_POOL_TYPE_INGRESS) + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_I(port, tc_index); + else + wm_index = REF_Q_RSRV_E(port, tc_index); + break; + default: + return -ENODEV; + } + + ocelot_wm_status(ocelot, wm_index, p_cur, p_max); + *p_cur *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + *p_max *= ocelot_sb_pool[sb_index].cell_size; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get); + +int ocelot_devlink_sb_register(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + int err; + + err = devlink_sb_register(ocelot->devlink, OCELOT_SB_BUF, + ocelot->packet_buffer_size, 1, 1, + OCELOT_NUM_TC, OCELOT_NUM_TC); + if (err) + return err; + + err = devlink_sb_register(ocelot->devlink, OCELOT_SB_REF, + ocelot->num_frame_refs, 1, 1, + OCELOT_NUM_TC, OCELOT_NUM_TC); + if (err) { + devlink_sb_unregister(ocelot->devlink, OCELOT_SB_BUF); + return err; + } + + ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING] = ocelot->packet_buffer_size; + ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_BUF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR] = ocelot->packet_buffer_size; + ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING] = ocelot->num_frame_refs; + ocelot->pool_size[OCELOT_SB_REF][OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR] = ocelot->num_frame_refs; + + return 0; +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_devlink_sb_register); + +void ocelot_devlink_sb_unregister(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + devlink_sb_unregister(ocelot->devlink, OCELOT_SB_BUF); + devlink_sb_unregister(ocelot->devlink, OCELOT_SB_REF); +} +EXPORT_SYMBOL(ocelot_devlink_sb_unregister); diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_net.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_net.c index a11e5e7a0228..f5a2e59e6205 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_net.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_net.c @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR MIT) /* Microsemi Ocelot Switch driver + * + * This contains glue logic between the switchdev driver operations and the + * mscc_ocelot_switch_lib. * * Copyright (c) 2017, 2019 Microsemi Corporation + * Copyright 2020 NXP Semiconductors */ #include @@ -12,7 +16,146 @@ struct ocelot_devlink_private { struct ocelot *ocelot; }; +static struct ocelot_port_private * +devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(struct devlink_port *dlp) +{ + return container_of(dlp, struct ocelot_port_private, devlink_port); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_pool_get(struct devlink *dl, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + struct devlink_sb_pool_info *pool_info) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dl); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_pool_get(ocelot, sb_index, pool_index, pool_info); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_pool_set(struct devlink *dl, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, u32 size, + enum devlink_sb_threshold_type threshold_type, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dl); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_pool_set(ocelot, sb_index, pool_index, size, + threshold_type, extack); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_port_pool_get(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_threshold) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_port_pool_get(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + pool_index, p_threshold); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_port_pool_set(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 threshold, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_port_pool_set(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + pool_index, threshold, extack); +} + +static int +ocelot_devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 *p_pool_index, u32 *p_threshold) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + tc_index, pool_type, p_pool_index, + p_threshold); +} + +static int +ocelot_devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 pool_index, u32 threshold, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + tc_index, pool_type, pool_index, + threshold, extack); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_snapshot(struct devlink *dl, + unsigned int sb_index) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dl); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_snapshot(ocelot, sb_index); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_max_clear(struct devlink *dl, + unsigned int sb_index) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dl); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_max_clear(ocelot, sb_index); +} + +static int ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_port_pool_get(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, u32 *p_cur, + u32 *p_max) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_port_pool_get(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + pool_index, p_cur, p_max); +} + +static int +ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(struct devlink_port *dlp, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max) +{ + struct ocelot_devlink_private *dl_priv = devlink_priv(dlp->devlink); + struct ocelot_port_private *priv = devlink_to_ocelot_port_priv(dlp); + struct ocelot *ocelot = dl_priv->ocelot; + + return ocelot_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(ocelot, priv->chip_port, sb_index, + tc_index, pool_type, p_cur, p_max); +} + static const struct devlink_ops ocelot_devlink_ops = { + .sb_pool_get = ocelot_devlink_sb_pool_get, + .sb_pool_set = ocelot_devlink_sb_pool_set, + .sb_port_pool_get = ocelot_devlink_sb_port_pool_get, + .sb_port_pool_set = ocelot_devlink_sb_port_pool_set, + .sb_tc_pool_bind_get = ocelot_devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_get, + .sb_tc_pool_bind_set = ocelot_devlink_sb_tc_pool_bind_set, + .sb_occ_snapshot = ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_snapshot, + .sb_occ_max_clear = ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_max_clear, + .sb_occ_port_pool_get = ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_port_pool_get, + .sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get = ocelot_devlink_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get, }; static int ocelot_port_devlink_init(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port) diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_vsc7514.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_vsc7514.c index 6512ddeafd50..e9d7cc68f570 100644 --- a/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_vsc7514.c +++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/mscc/ocelot_vsc7514.c @@ -1173,6 +1173,29 @@ static int mscc_ocelot_init_ports(struct platform_device *pdev, return 0; } +static int mscc_ocelot_devlink_setup(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + int err; + + err = ocelot_devlink_init(ocelot); + if (err) + return err; + + err = ocelot_devlink_sb_register(ocelot); + if (err) { + ocelot_devlink_teardown(ocelot); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static void mscc_ocelot_devlink_cleanup(struct ocelot *ocelot) +{ + ocelot_devlink_sb_unregister(ocelot); + ocelot_devlink_teardown(ocelot); +} + static int mscc_ocelot_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device_node *np = pdev->dev.of_node; @@ -1292,7 +1315,7 @@ static int mscc_ocelot_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) } } - err = ocelot_devlink_init(ocelot); + err = mscc_ocelot_devlink_setup(ocelot); if (err) { mscc_ocelot_release_ports(ocelot); goto out_put_ports; @@ -1313,7 +1336,7 @@ static int mscc_ocelot_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct ocelot *ocelot = platform_get_drvdata(pdev); - ocelot_devlink_teardown(ocelot); + mscc_ocelot_devlink_cleanup(ocelot); ocelot_deinit_timestamp(ocelot); mscc_ocelot_release_ports(ocelot); ocelot_deinit(ocelot); diff --git a/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h b/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h index 19ce7ea11163..deefbd88f0f7 100644 --- a/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h +++ b/include/soc/mscc/ocelot.h @@ -574,6 +574,18 @@ struct ocelot_vcap_block { int pol_lpr; }; +enum ocelot_sb { + OCELOT_SB_BUF, + OCELOT_SB_REF, + OCELOT_SB_NUM, +}; + +enum ocelot_sb_pool { + OCELOT_SB_POOL_ING, + OCELOT_SB_POOL_EGR, + OCELOT_SB_POOL_NUM, +}; + struct ocelot_port { struct ocelot *ocelot; @@ -608,6 +620,7 @@ struct ocelot { const struct ocelot_stat_layout *stats_layout; unsigned int num_stats; + u32 pool_size[OCELOT_SB_NUM][OCELOT_SB_POOL_NUM]; int packet_buffer_size; int num_frame_refs; int num_mact_rows; @@ -772,4 +785,38 @@ int ocelot_port_mdb_add(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, int ocelot_port_mdb_del(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, const struct switchdev_obj_port_mdb *mdb); +int ocelot_devlink_sb_register(struct ocelot *ocelot); +void ocelot_devlink_sb_unregister(struct ocelot *ocelot); +int ocelot_sb_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, + struct devlink_sb_pool_info *pool_info); +int ocelot_sb_pool_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index, + u16 pool_index, u32 size, + enum devlink_sb_threshold_type threshold_type, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack); +int ocelot_sb_port_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_threshold); +int ocelot_sb_port_pool_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 threshold, struct netlink_ext_ack *extack); +int ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 *p_pool_index, u32 *p_threshold); +int ocelot_sb_tc_pool_bind_set(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u16 pool_index, u32 threshold, + struct netlink_ext_ack *extack); +int ocelot_sb_occ_snapshot(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index); +int ocelot_sb_occ_max_clear(struct ocelot *ocelot, unsigned int sb_index); +int ocelot_sb_occ_port_pool_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 pool_index, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max); +int ocelot_sb_occ_tc_port_bind_get(struct ocelot *ocelot, int port, + unsigned int sb_index, u16 tc_index, + enum devlink_sb_pool_type pool_type, + u32 *p_cur, u32 *p_max); + #endif