From patchwork Wed Jul 21 14:17:11 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Peng Fan X-Patchwork-Id: 483299 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a02:c94a:0:0:0:0:0 with SMTP id u10csp6213450jao; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 06:49:20 -0700 (PDT) X-Google-Smtp-Source: ABdhPJy9Lx/W1JknNLIq+r7/md8j7DH9AQN8x0TwJhgMh1xOYPIwY4HbQID4yi58XmNmnoEpsQwO X-Received: by 2002:a17:906:2d51:: with SMTP id e17mr37857427eji.500.1626875360624; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 06:49:20 -0700 (PDT) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1626875360; cv=pass;; s=arc-20160816; b=r3D/qb/5ejHUvwhkHK3bsWw6pfl49NwK5JspmlkV6Jn+9shfV3igyom8UzwC82EBh6 paMZbYDaIPO/XImS5vhpbZC1mTuGPl/joVdJJQJJUCdB0LqluTlEorX2fwENU//g/6V/ Atgv80+e7erPnaSqdgPppXcwojrLoCbfS/SaRTJFiQIxfuhvzhEEwXw0ycH214pLLoGA ZeSQipH290EJ6LxTCNT+jO7KWZiUUtYPZUzp17h/Sr8GyvmijbCSSpRyo1EDyC0mAAmv rJmZCCpSrb6JgI7hh1w5oZ5yApJQndnMzwqVrkDk6+wnlyLgPKydpu/NEteVO8eD3mJ+ nZwQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20160816; h=sender:errors-to:list-subscribe:list-help:list-post:list-archive :list-unsubscribe:list-id:precedence:mime-version :content-transfer-encoding:references:in-reply-to:message-id:date :subject:cc:to:from:dkim-signature; bh=60llg4HubmrqZlaIx9oPpFo2tpUa83jimkMpnqkrtac=; b=KERIX48VJZ/JZau/WYri4jmPes3HF1sGqSQ0coedCS4dFKovSn21wx9BlJWwQnmCd8 NSahElHNETekH+2TCnXsIXSXK8T7VnKcHIPcW3Uhtm67fl6Z8lGDq3aVgv5ZtCJtZp95 z2aPrFnhptlGsUh/OUY6fobHNtWYt2ouiTUD2Aq9K1LmZ/FBACxprmFIFalHSnt6gnQA I3NFkfwuUCs4nfsXWATu51CBfPWGKrTuoMTD7NGMljG+U9ALqGwvjYZ9fGwUWXcVwJFu y9/TSJGm1k1x1+fMKCyRnGhtxlDVmepbbohUyoHAHX3Mg7iAITmPvT6v+KTKvEC2xn9O aQ8Q== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dkim=pass header.s=selector2-NXP1-onmicrosoft-com header.b=f9c1NCiL; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender); dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Return-Path: Received: from ( [2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01]) by with ESMTPS id q5si28366627edi.242.2021. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 21 Jul 2021 06:49:20 -0700 (PDT) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender) client-ip=2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=selector2-NXP1-onmicrosoft-com header.b=f9c1NCiL; arc=pass (i=1 spf=pass dkim=pass dmarc=pass; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender); dmarc=fail (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 291EF82DBA; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:46:11 +0200 (CEST) Authentication-Results:; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key; unprotected) header.b="f9c1NCiL"; dkim-atps=neutral Received: by (Postfix, from userid 109) id 4FDC982BE5; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:44:48 +0200 (CEST) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,FORGED_SPF_HELO,MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER,SPF_HELO_PASS autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 Received: from ( [IPv6:2a01:111:f400:fe0e::622]) (using TLSv1.2 with cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256/256 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E044582977 for ; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:44:35 +0200 (CEST) Authentication-Results:; dmarc=none (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=Z19bg1F3qDZ9AAOGJ50khjOnjBJ6y8iWYGi7GvpVgiOBsSeTqLZxakncuEo+0xhEe08WowQA41MjXgYbcYw0OWJtdcobN1Fvqbv+wklAQDNOcCt/Vt6b3iJ6qCGhyz8rf7rISu67f5eQeWRbSGaThDJ9MCMD2bPGRUzwvYBdWpe478JpUHUzxcgIQgf4g6sAPwEKEsfQIci5DJsYyHarBG4lLpo/SY9ypJTB1aUhKDBBI4QBPtpbsXGmdmH8E+PM9y7KnYtQFdi1qw/7zeFKFfB8+Z8PM0cO9YMZn07K+pkFJ8EkgUdxGvTkoAJ4yurNng0hB9J8KWrbQZbdD1W4ng== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=60llg4HubmrqZlaIx9oPpFo2tpUa83jimkMpnqkrtac=; b=CVRb0nLQuHy8DELGwkeSUc5jxO9u+/ybUG222V0HUYNtS8Gnj08PvoOAPQb1ozMY/E+LMhsM5U5xJ0l9dfEUXZhvmmU6W53uUMzIsCsXcxc+xLuhtkzxXBwD+8QI5eyj2Z+Z687H/ChiHAX80itiv0uOXvcTjWLt1gEQRLmkdb9jJdVzqerJzEh7O2LeiKg38S5llLaFjpwHHFxuCB0jY764MDjZQYr8hQ8/vTVdrWJWCuiLcK0wq1o2TCG11/tLtElqSpjF20HAl/5b6l91AQV8BfnzA0iCsh32WM8s2UIT3904Kg85kgfRGhi7kKVEoURvN+5RIhlLpspDLPBrKA== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2-NXP1-onmicrosoft-com; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=60llg4HubmrqZlaIx9oPpFo2tpUa83jimkMpnqkrtac=; b=f9c1NCiLVtztlhFblUg3aquom5cD6b+mEG7ozlIDoGJKzq4PF3d6TIJ6PCu5dhyymoNhjwAt/tKzzVfG6B0gfPkng19CBo+QDLlCFKUt/mG/AB+XdyZ3UY7iUqh4hqkpbu50+Jhy13mTOGFSENWVj3UENHpSm828o3b4G9CP0w4= Authentication-Results:; dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;; dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10a6:4:a1::14) by (2603:10a6:4:94::23) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4331.29; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 13:44:33 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::c445:d742:eb76:86dd]) by ([fe80::c445:d742:eb76:86dd%9]) with mapi id 15.20.4331.034; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 13:44:33 +0000 From: "Peng Fan (OSS)" To:, Cc:,, Peng Fan Subject: [PATCH V4 30/44] imx8ulp: unify rdc functions Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 22:17:11 +0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.30.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:1096:3:1::25) To (2603:10a6:4:a1::14) MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-Exchange-MessageSentRepresentingType: 1 Received: from ( by (2603:1096:3:1::25) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.4331.21 via Frontend Transport; Wed, 21 Jul 2021 13:44:31 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: e57320b2-e127-46cb-abef-08d94c4dac10 X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: DB6PR0402MB2757: X-MS-Exchange-SharedMailbox-RoutingAgent-Processed: True X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:359; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; 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+ +int release_rdc(enum rdc_type type); +void xrdc_mrc_region_set_access(int mrc_index, u32 addr, u32 access); +int xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(u32 mrc_con, u32 region, u32 dom, u32 dxsel); +int xrdc_config_mrc_w0_w1(u32 mrc_con, u32 region, u32 w0, u32 size); +int xrdc_config_mrc_w3_w4(u32 mrc_con, u32 region, u32 w3, u32 w4); +int xrdc_config_pdac(u32 bridge, u32 index, u32 dom, u32 perm); +int xrdc_config_pdac_openacc(u32 bridge, u32 index); +int trdc_mbc_set_access(u32 mbc_x, u32 dom_x, u32 mem_x, u32 blk_x, bool sec_access); +int trdc_mrc_region_set_access(u32 mrc_x, u32 dom_x, u32 addr_start, u32 addr_end, bool sec_access); + +void xrdc_init_mda(void); +void xrdc_init_mrc(void); + +#endif diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/rdc.c b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/rdc.c index 7a098718da..e2eca0633e 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/rdc.c +++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/rdc.c @@ -1,18 +1,17 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ /* - * Copyright 2020 NXP + * Copyright 2021 NXP */ #include -#include -#include #include -#include -#include +#include +#include #include -#include - -DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; +#include +#include +#include +#include #define XRDC_ADDR 0x292f0000 #define MRC_OFFSET 0x2000 @@ -41,6 +40,45 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR; #define D4SEL_DAT (SP(RW) | SU(RW)) #define D3SEL_DAT SP(RW) +struct mbc_mem_dom { + u32 mem_glbcfg[4]; + u32 nse_blk_index; + u32 nse_blk_set; + u32 nse_blk_clr; + u32 nsr_blk_clr_all; + u32 memn_glbac[8]; + /* The upper only existed in the beginning of each MBC */ + u32 mem0_blk_cfg_w[64]; + u32 mem0_blk_nse_w[16]; + u32 mem1_blk_cfg_w[8]; + u32 mem1_blk_nse_w[2]; + u32 mem2_blk_cfg_w[8]; + u32 mem2_blk_nse_w[2]; + u32 mem3_blk_cfg_w[8]; + u32 mem3_blk_nse_w[2];/*0x1F0, 0x1F4 */ + u32 reserved[2]; +}; + +struct mrc_rgn_dom { + u32 mrc_glbcfg[4]; + u32 nse_rgn_indirect; + u32 nse_rgn_set; + u32 nse_rgn_clr; + u32 nse_rgn_clr_all; + u32 memn_glbac[8]; + /* The upper only existed in the beginning of each MRC */ + u32 rgn_desc_words[8][2]; /* 8 regions, 2 words per region */ + u32 reserved[16]; + u32 rgn_nse; + u32 reserved2[15]; +}; + +struct trdc { + u8 res0[0x1000]; + struct mbc_mem_dom mem_dom[4][8]; + struct mrc_rgn_dom mrc_dom[2][8]; +}; + union dxsel_perm { struct { u8 dx; @@ -142,3 +180,232 @@ int xrdc_config_pdac(u32 bridge, u32 index, u32 dom, u32 perm) return 0; } + +int release_rdc(enum rdc_type type) +{ + ulong s_mu_base = 0x27020000UL; + struct imx8ulp_s400_msg msg; + int ret; + u32 rdc_id = (type == RDC_XRDC) ? 0x78 : 0x74; + + msg.version = AHAB_VERSION; + msg.tag = AHAB_CMD_TAG; + msg.size = 2; + msg.command = AHAB_RELEASE_RDC_REQ_CID; +[0] = (rdc_id << 8) | 0x2; /* A35 XRDC */ + + mu_hal_init(s_mu_base); + mu_hal_sendmsg(s_mu_base, 0, *((u32 *)&msg)); + mu_hal_sendmsg(s_mu_base, 1,[0]); + + ret = mu_hal_receivemsg(s_mu_base, 0, (u32 *)&msg); + if (!ret) { + ret = mu_hal_receivemsg(s_mu_base, 1, &[0]); + if (!ret) { + if (([0] & 0xff) == 0xd6) + return 0; + } + + return -EIO; + } + + return ret; +} + +void xrdc_mrc_region_set_access(int mrc_index, u32 addr, u32 access) +{ + ulong xrdc_base = 0x292f0000, off; + u32 mrgd[5]; + u8 mrcfg, j, region_num; + u8 dsel; + + mrcfg = readb(xrdc_base + 0x140 + mrc_index); + region_num = mrcfg & 0x1f; + + for (j = 0; j < region_num; j++) { + off = 0x2000 + mrc_index * 0x200 + j * 0x20; + + mrgd[0] = readl(xrdc_base + off); + mrgd[1] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 4); + mrgd[2] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 8); + mrgd[3] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 0xc); + mrgd[4] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 0x10); + + debug("MRC [%u][%u]\n", mrc_index, j); + debug("0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", + mrgd[0], mrgd[1], mrgd[2], mrgd[3], mrgd[4]); + + /* hit */ + if (addr >= mrgd[0] && addr <= mrgd[1]) { + /* find domain 7 DSEL */ + dsel = (mrgd[2] >> 21) & 0x7; + if (dsel == 1) { + mrgd[4] &= ~0xFFF; + mrgd[4] |= (access & 0xFFF); + } else if (dsel == 2) { + mrgd[4] &= ~0xFFF0000; + mrgd[4] |= ((access & 0xFFF) << 16); + } + + /* not handle other cases, since S400 only set ACCESS1 and 2 */ + writel(mrgd[4], xrdc_base + off + 0x10); + return; + } + } +} + +void xrdc_init_mda(void) +{ + ulong xrdc_base = XRDC_ADDR, off; + u32 i = 0; + + /* Set MDA3-5 for PXP, ENET, CAAM to DID 1*/ + for (i = 3; i <= 5; i++) { + off = 0x800 + i * 0x20; + writel(0x200000A1, xrdc_base + off); + writel(0xA00000A1, xrdc_base + off); + } + + /* Set MDA10 -15 to DID 3 for video */ + for (i = 10; i <= 15; i++) { + off = 0x800 + i * 0x20; + writel(0x200000A3, xrdc_base + off); + writel(0xA00000A3, xrdc_base + off); + } +} + +void xrdc_init_mrc(void) +{ + /* The MRC8 is for SRAM1 */ + xrdc_config_mrc_w0_w1(8, 0, 0x21000000, 0x10000); + /* Allow for all domains: So domain 2/3 (HIFI DSP/LPAV) is ok to access */ + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 0, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 1, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 2, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 3, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 4, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 5, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 6, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(8, 0, 7, 1); + xrdc_config_mrc_w3_w4(8, 0, 0x0, 0x80000FFF); + + /* The MRC6 is for video modules to ddr */ + xrdc_config_mrc_w0_w1(6, 0, 0x80000000, 0x80000000); + xrdc_config_mrc_dx_perm(6, 0, 3, 1); /* allow for domain 3 video */ + xrdc_config_mrc_w3_w4(6, 0, 0x0, 0x80000FFF); +} + +int trdc_mbc_set_access(u32 mbc_x, u32 dom_x, u32 mem_x, u32 blk_x, bool sec_access) +{ + struct trdc *trdc_base = (struct trdc *)0x28031000U; + struct mbc_mem_dom *mbc_dom; + u32 *cfg_w, *nse_w; + u32 index, offset, val; + + mbc_dom = &trdc_base->mem_dom[mbc_x][dom_x]; + + switch (mem_x) { + case 0: + cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem0_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; + nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem0_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; + break; + case 1: + cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem1_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; + nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem1_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; + break; + case 2: + cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem2_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; + nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem2_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; + break; + case 3: + cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem3_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; + nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem3_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; + break; + default: + return -EINVAL; + }; + + index = blk_x % 8; + offset = index * 4; + + val = readl((void __iomem *)cfg_w); + + val &= ~(0xFU << offset); + + /* MBC0-3 + * Global 0, 0x7777 secure pri/user read/write/execute, S400 has already set it. + * So select MBC0_MEMN_GLBAC0 + */ + if (sec_access) { + val |= (0x0 << offset); + writel(val, (void __iomem *)cfg_w); + } else { + val |= (0x8 << offset); /* nse bit set */ + writel(val, (void __iomem *)cfg_w); + } + + return 0; +} + +int trdc_mrc_region_set_access(u32 mrc_x, u32 dom_x, u32 addr_start, u32 addr_end, bool sec_access) +{ + struct trdc *trdc_base = (struct trdc *)0x28031000U; + struct mrc_rgn_dom *mrc_dom; + u32 *desc_w; + u32 start, end; + u32 i, free = 8; + bool vld, hit = false; + + mrc_dom = &trdc_base->mrc_dom[mrc_x][dom_x]; + + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + desc_w = &mrc_dom->rgn_desc_words[i][0]; + + start = readl((void __iomem *)desc_w) & 0xfff; + end = readl((void __iomem *)(desc_w + 1)); + vld = end & 0x1; + end = end & 0xfff; + + if (start == 0 && end == 0 && !vld && free >= 8) + free = i; + + /* Check all the region descriptors, even overlap */ + if (addr_start >= end || addr_end <= start || !vld) + continue; + + /* MRC0,1 + * Global 0, 0x7777 secure pri/user read/write/execute, S400 has already set it. + * So select MRCx_MEMN_GLBAC0 + */ + if (sec_access) { + writel(start, (void __iomem *)desc_w); + writel(end | 0x1, (void __iomem *)(desc_w + 1)); + } else { + writel(start, (void __iomem *)desc_w); + writel((end | 0x1 | 0x10), (void __iomem *)(desc_w + 1)); + } + + if (addr_start >= start && addr_end <= end) + hit = true; + } + + if (!hit) { + if (free >= 8) + return -EFAULT; + + desc_w = &mrc_dom->rgn_desc_words[free][0]; + + addr_start &= ~0xfff; + addr_end &= ~0xfff; + + if (sec_access) { + writel(addr_start, (void __iomem *)desc_w); + writel(addr_end | 0x1, (void __iomem *)(desc_w + 1)); + } else { + writel(addr_start, (void __iomem *)desc_w); + writel((addr_end | 0x1 | 0x10), (void __iomem *)(desc_w + 1)); + } + } + + return 0; +} diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/soc.c b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/soc.c index 29f7d5be02..c5e20408c6 100644 --- a/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/soc.c +++ b/arch/arm/mach-imx/imx8ulp/soc.c @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -344,180 +345,29 @@ static void set_core0_reset_vector(u32 entry) setbits_le32(SIM1_BASE_ADDR + 0x8, (0x1 << 26)); } -enum rdc_type { - RDC_TRDC, - RDC_XRDC, -}; - -static int release_rdc(enum rdc_type type) -{ - ulong s_mu_base = 0x27020000UL; - struct imx8ulp_s400_msg msg; - int ret; - u32 rdc_id = (type == RDC_XRDC) ? 0x78 : 0x74; - - msg.version = AHAB_VERSION; - msg.tag = AHAB_CMD_TAG; - msg.size = 2; - msg.command = AHAB_RELEASE_RDC_REQ_CID; -[0] = (rdc_id << 8) | 0x2; /* A35 XRDC */ - - mu_hal_init(s_mu_base); - mu_hal_sendmsg(s_mu_base, 0, *((u32 *)&msg)); - mu_hal_sendmsg(s_mu_base, 1,[0]); - - ret = mu_hal_receivemsg(s_mu_base, 0, (u32 *)&msg); - if (!ret) { - ret = mu_hal_receivemsg(s_mu_base, 1, &[0]); - if (!ret) { - if (([0] & 0xff) == 0xd6) - return 0; - } - - return -EIO; - } - - return ret; -} - -struct mbc_mem_dom { - u32 mem_glbcfg[4]; - u32 nse_blk_index; - u32 nse_blk_set; - u32 nse_blk_clr; - u32 nsr_blk_clr_all; - u32 memn_glbac[8]; - /* The upper only existed in the beginning of each MBC */ - u32 mem0_blk_cfg_w[64]; - u32 mem0_blk_nse_w[16]; - u32 mem1_blk_cfg_w[8]; - u32 mem1_blk_nse_w[2]; - u32 mem2_blk_cfg_w[8]; - u32 mem2_blk_nse_w[2]; - u32 mem3_blk_cfg_w[8]; - u32 mem3_blk_nse_w[2];/*0x1F0, 0x1F4 */ - u32 reserved[2]; -}; - -struct trdc { - u8 res0[0x1000]; - struct mbc_mem_dom mem_dom[4][8]; -}; - -/* MBC[m]_[d]_MEM[s]_BLK_CFG_W[w] */ -int trdc_mbc_set_access(u32 mbc_x, u32 dom_x, u32 mem_x, u32 blk_x, u32 perm) -{ - struct trdc *trdc_base = (struct trdc *)0x28031000U; - struct mbc_mem_dom *mbc_dom; - u32 *cfg_w, *nse_w; - u32 index, offset, val; - - mbc_dom = &trdc_base->mem_dom[mbc_x][dom_x]; - - switch (mem_x) { - case 0: - cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem0_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; - nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem0_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; - break; - case 1: - cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem1_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; - nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem1_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; - break; - case 2: - cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem2_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; - nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem2_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; - break; - case 3: - cfg_w = &mbc_dom->mem3_blk_cfg_w[blk_x / 8]; - nse_w = &mbc_dom->mem3_blk_nse_w[blk_x / 32]; - break; - default: - return -EINVAL; - }; - - index = blk_x % 8; - offset = index * 4; - - val = readl((void __iomem *)cfg_w); - - val &= ~(0xFU << offset); - - if (perm == 0x7700) { - val |= (0x0 << offset); - writel(perm, (void __iomem *)cfg_w); - } else if (perm == 0x0077) { - val |= (0x8 << offset); /* nse bit set */ - writel(val, (void __iomem *)cfg_w); - } else { - return -EINVAL; - } - - return 0; -} - -int trdc_set_access(void) +static int trdc_set_access(void) { /* - * CGC0: PBridge0 slot 47 - * trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 47, 0x7700); - * For secure access, default single boot already support, - * For non-secure access, need add in future per usecase. + * TRDC mgr + 4 MBC + 2 MRC. + * S400 should already configure when release RDC + * A35 only map non-secure region for pbridge0 and 1, set sec_access to false */ - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 49, 0x7700); - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 50, 0x7700); - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 51, 0x7700); - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 52, 0x7700); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 49, false); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 50, false); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 51, false); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 52, false); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 53, false); + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 54, false); - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 47, 0x0077); + /* CGC0: PBridge0 slot 47 */ + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 0, 47, false); - /* iomuxc 0 */ - trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 1, 33, 0x7700); + /* Iomuxc0: : PBridge1 slot 33 */ + trdc_mbc_set_access(2, 7, 1, 33, false); return 0; } -static void xrdc_mrc_region_set_access(int mrc_index, u32 addr, u32 access) -{ - ulong xrdc_base = 0x292f0000, off; - u32 mrgd[5]; - u8 mrcfg, j, region_num; - u8 dsel; - - mrcfg = readb(xrdc_base + 0x140 + mrc_index); - region_num = mrcfg & 0x1f; - - for (j = 0; j < region_num; j++) { - off = 0x2000 + mrc_index * 0x200 + j * 0x20; - - mrgd[0] = readl(xrdc_base + off); - mrgd[1] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 4); - mrgd[2] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 8); - mrgd[3] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 0xc); - mrgd[4] = readl(xrdc_base + off + 0x10); - - debug("MRC [%u][%u]\n", mrc_index, j); - debug("0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x\n", - mrgd[0], mrgd[1], mrgd[2], mrgd[3], mrgd[4]); - - /* hit */ - if (addr >= mrgd[0] && addr <= mrgd[1]) { - /* find domain 7 DSEL */ - dsel = (mrgd[2] >> 21) & 0x7; - if (dsel == 1) { - mrgd[4] &= ~0xFFF; - mrgd[4] |= (access & 0xFFF); - } else if (dsel == 2) { - mrgd[4] &= ~0xFFF0000; - mrgd[4] |= ((access & 0xFFF) << 16); - } - - /* not handle other cases, since S400 only set ACCESS1 and 2 */ - writel(mrgd[4], xrdc_base + off + 0x10); - return; - } - } -} - int arch_cpu_init(void) { if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)) {