From patchwork Tue Mar 4 15:24:54 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Jerome Forissier X-Patchwork-Id: 870116 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a05:6000:178f:b0:38f:210b:807b with SMTP id e15csp314160wrg; Tue, 4 Mar 2025 07:34:16 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=2; AJvYcCUOcS86x8ZXR/ X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHgjUxbUkuR7GZiiXsakjEFkjSqblnNfjkXOJwXGlilf6qgQFhTPwfvmS6lEAbG3D/I6MJ+ X-Received: by 2002:a05:6e02:3893:b0:3d2:c9e0:de42 with SMTP id e9e14a558f8ab-3d3e6e74babmr178834695ab.7.1741102455762; Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:34:15 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; t=1741102455; cv=none;; s=arc-20240605; b=IrVnRm46ZQarhW22LayFloTclfe2fMA6Cz/8TlXjcCRUNC9+rAolkgQ+VreDrutCX+ BJW9b38pS46OPDFyR7if4erh7B3QwMy8BZapJJneD84Oi2b9SLFrC9l68/rXr1vXkM28 MGNWUkI/oeixTGvG/cqtXcmJVM1rdoAYwd2WclsDEVj30T/e8Etgq2s7vFIeN7qIGRFk X1G4pf59QGIrlGoAbqJJZ7O1mlDB0s3LC5VhKbAYXMSNP+LrNlwr7K/nF7rFAzpwk6y/ EXw0Nz34KX6OC4UkeXrhJjW/oL3iRHEUNhAH/lvjW89UldwWEMlKEo8boVRtRRiipVUZ 9PTw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=sender:errors-to:list-subscribe:list-help:list-post:list-archive :list-unsubscribe:list-id:precedence:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:references:in-reply-to:message-id:date:subject:cc:to :from:dkim-signature; bh=y5+FHnnKlOsm/zGfnc1QpeuPrzdz/XlW9L07/HBqKxg=; fh=WQZowlqeSpAW84E5XszMsMqfBER27bVv7qnGxOI6gzg=; b=hnMK8zPtmaLp7sZrHU5HKC/Hmoo0N+powg5jUGWEt66Dk3KFG8kcZj124ZHOE3iVfb J/N8+hu2+BHn+d+PWdQAgIVLbYBjPKltijKzWkYRcVbFXAlxvuzbuMiZRfbzBB3vyNjX kuTkbemLekDtV22fnLCoC9aEc+wXMWLEYt6mRSrRQ7XuVHX0Y6qs8ct96NWXE35HqGcq 490DHjQgpYhDXSCljDr5bx00PwqJlBJ64JYElpIGyqyBlWVndJMww1WAPk6Q/Rw079I8 P/0znKKSrqTkATclXR7zUfFtDYRSVxFmjiGKoFM5C3boFFg/J1TnYh5CCwkQBptnhITJ 4lEw==; ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=frS0SB5X; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE); dara=neutral Return-Path: Received: from ( [2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01]) by with ESMTPS id e9e14a558f8ab-3d3dee5dcffsi93858955ab.16.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:34:15 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender) client-ip=2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=frS0SB5X; spf=pass ( domain of designates 2a01:238:438b:c500:173d:9f52:ddab:ee01 as permitted sender); dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE); dara=neutral Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 0923F814A4; Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:32:16 +0100 (CET) Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key; unprotected) header.b="frS0SB5X"; dkim-atps=neutral Received: by (Postfix, from userid 109) id BF955811B3; Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:32:13 +0100 (CET) X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.2 (2018-09-13) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-2.1 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID,DKIM_VALID_AU,DKIM_VALID_EF,RCVD_IN_DNSWL_BLOCKED, SPF_HELO_NONE,SPF_PASS autolearn=ham autolearn_force=no version=3.4.2 Received: from ( [IPv6:2a00:1450:4864:20::32d]) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (128/128 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 705B180F56 for ; Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:32:10 +0100 (CET) Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass Received: by with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-43bcc02ca41so7917765e9.0 for ; Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:32:10 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1741102294; x=1741707094;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=y5+FHnnKlOsm/zGfnc1QpeuPrzdz/XlW9L07/HBqKxg=; b=frS0SB5X1xOxxhqk5uxiQgmErVfsXlja0EWVsXSaIRZyOt10axj197Q6mGWv09XuwZ S39YQvya+f1+L80jSfcoHoeIW5hL/sjhyvmMBTsKUacx2+Fi9xHsK90rM9iJBtUEpd22 rqXPsxTD9z/GdQTnck41mst3HUF6P9uGCUPYfQ0Q8XCtWz8VLh36k40CzFwvhdylt5rF 4ER9On0KC+3YHTvza2fTESr1g+HGSnPmx6ZzQQPQKoUdjCk3eZIx5ShXhIHBQ9MTkdHh csHjAUubj6ncRu8Gnz+Vq6ne1AiyCpWYD+h74CZo0pUOvkqv3Mn5o2G26fwB/QAgBXd2 SOSw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1741102294; x=1741707094; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=y5+FHnnKlOsm/zGfnc1QpeuPrzdz/XlW9L07/HBqKxg=; b=wGyQGbm31GTbGb9SZD81VSrVXt8A3C1YB4sN3/WEB8TZ81spjIHJPsAGOVITyR3+Df jqeXizGOjxkekftQ1JAs21wWf2bIAskcVZC/spzOT1+s4QQ7QK5MRTSocS/Lwly3nJZ1 xIyXwURTuDSbxSo5clNX+lGHaiQgQ/KTUOnsuYB5wiTT/EPTQjhj2FE/Cw7aA/hJlpBG m1j2TFUnHQUItSNzHK0/+l81I6VFpBjEbY/xXerc/0w6aT6mT6Ktrc+j6p1CQ0K7Y/AX fs34duMZrOMhH8fzRUR3M1iHkF8EpFJSI30IrEjshil/jinA2daZNvV5Azl1yp5L9Jp6 qPLg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YxGzBQZqLxNn3Vb0KXjPPWekf1Jsyyr/aUPfI+i7H4dE9SITje1 jQpLrXFWZI8BOisP60YI4Qvnnbv6SI59/KnSaOiN7srrAenO9YynXDOAovk1i13PeqUR/3zOUIO d X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncvQxhaw5iVqt+/gVKl004w8KuJa7ZwckZXyvfV+ZCIq8RisRfhfQ/epKhjLMRQ Z3unf9Ej54kGLTBqwc5iHM+JGeV9bunX/Y1OvycWSOH1b9n7SQmjpurcIs2Kr1xHSWXYpfNqfMU PhBGKURuN6QoeTg88dDX4V7ZEtB1TxCDD2uBpb0XlPHT+AzV/4Blcp2j4QTV/AzRPmtrOuJp65D HwYKTE17JafUV5nhvoO9qGzvgF9Z0EpIG93FoEu3K/T4SMKPHVyUg5Oa7rzqsKAxbylMIkE+riZ 0NohcmpnXOu84EzBUMo3p67Bd2K+5aocQhYkjgU8UrMfPlIynVNBew== X-Received: by 2002:a05:600c:1384:b0:439:8bc3:a698 with SMTP id 5b1f17b1804b1-43ba66e5e9bmr145889065e9.6.1741102293911; Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:31:33 -0800 (PST) Received: from builder.. ([2a01:e0a:3cb:7bb0:771e:3d0f:d9c9:2f92]) by with ESMTPSA id ffacd0b85a97d-390e485db82sm17669254f8f.88.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:31:33 -0800 (PST) From: Jerome Forissier To: Cc: Ilias Apalodimas , Jerome Forissier , Tom Rini , Christian Marangi , Vasileios Amoiridis , Simon Glass , Heinrich Schuchardt , Sughosh Ganu , Raymond Mao , Michal Simek , Patrick Rudolph , Philippe Reynes Subject: [PATCH v3 06/14] uthread: add cooperative multi-tasking interface Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:24:54 +0100 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.39 Precedence: list List-Id: U-Boot discussion List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: Sender: "U-Boot" X-Virus-Scanned: clamav-milter 0.103.8 at X-Virus-Status: Clean Add a new internal API called uthread (Kconfig symbol: UTHREAD) which provides cooperative multi-tasking. The goal is to be able to improve the performance of some parts of U-Boot by overlapping lengthy operations, and also implement background jobs in the U-Boot shell. Each uthread has its own stack allocated on the heap. The default stack size is defined by the UTHREAD_STACK_SIZE symbol and is used when uthread_create() receives zero for the stack_sz argument. The implementation is based on context-switching via initjmp()/setjmp()/ longjmp() and is inspired from barebox threads [1]. A notion of thread group helps with dependencies, such as when a thread needs to block until a number of other threads have returned. The name "uthread" comes from "user-space threads" because the scheduling happens with no help from a higher privileged mode, contrary to more complex models where kernel threads are defined. But the 'u' may as well stand for 'U-Boot' since the bootloader may actually be running at any privilege level and the notion of user vs. kernel may not make much sense in this context. [1] Signed-off-by: Jerome Forissier Reviewed-by: Ilias Apalodimas --- doc/api/index.rst | 1 + doc/api/uthread.rst | 7 +++ include/uthread.h | 123 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lib/Kconfig | 21 +++++++ lib/Makefile | 2 + lib/uthread.c | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 files changed, 293 insertions(+) create mode 100644 doc/api/uthread.rst create mode 100644 include/uthread.h create mode 100644 lib/uthread.c diff --git a/doc/api/index.rst b/doc/api/index.rst index 0dc9ad45d41..506843ed74a 100644 --- a/doc/api/index.rst +++ b/doc/api/index.rst @@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ U-Boot API documentation sysreset timer unicode + uthread diff --git a/doc/api/uthread.rst b/doc/api/uthread.rst new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..21233ff6b22 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/api/uthread.rst @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later + +Uthread API +=========== + +.. kernel-doc:: include/uthread.h + :internal: diff --git a/include/uthread.h b/include/uthread.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ec3034c097a --- /dev/null +++ b/include/uthread.h @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ */ +/* + * Copyright 2025 Linaro Limited + */ + +#include +#include +#include + +#ifndef _UTHREAD_H_ +#define _UTHREAD_H_ + +/** + * DOC: Overview + * + * The uthread framework is a basic task scheduler that allows to run functions + * "in parallel" on a single CPU core. The scheduling is cooperative, not + * preemptive -- meaning that context switches from one task to another task is + * voluntary, via a call to uthread_schedule(). This characteristic makes thread + * synchronization much easier, because a thread cannot be interrupted in the + * middle of a critical section (reading from or writing to shared state, for + * instance). + * + * CONFIG_UTHREAD in lib/Kconfig enables the uthread framework. When disabled, + * the uthread_create() and uthread_schedule() functions may still be used so + * that code differences between uthreads enabled and disabled can be reduced to + * a minimum. + */ + +/** + * struct uthread - a thread object + * + * @fn: thread entry point + * @arg: argument passed to the entry point when the thread is started + * @ctx: context to resume execution of this thread (via longjmp()) + * @stack: initial stack pointer for the thread + * @done: true once @fn has returned, false otherwise + * @grp_id: user-supplied identifier for this thread and possibly others. A + * thread can belong to zero or one group (not more), and a group may contain + * any number of threads. + * @list: link in the global scheduler list + */ +struct uthread { + void (*fn)(void *); + void *arg; + jmp_buf ctx; + void *stack; + bool done; + unsigned int grp_id; + struct list_head list; +}; + +#ifdef CONFIG_UTHREAD + +/** + * uthread_create() - Create a uthread object and make it ready for execution + * + * Threads are automatically deleted when they return from their entry point. + * + * @uthr: a pointer to a user-allocated uthread structure to store information + * about the new thread, or NULL to let the framework allocate and manage its + * own structure. + * @fn: the thread's entry point + * @arg: argument passed to the thread's entry point + * @stack_sz: stack size for the new thread (in bytes). The stack is allocated + * on the heap. + * @grp_id: an optional thread group ID that the new thread should belong to + * (zero for no group) + */ +int uthread_create(struct uthread *uthr, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, + size_t stack_sz, unsigned int grp_id); +/** + * uthread_schedule() - yield the CPU to the next runnable thread + * + * This function is called either by the main thread or any secondary thread + * (that is, any thread created via uthread_create()) to switch execution to + * the next runnable thread. + * + * Return: true if a thread was scheduled, false if no runnable thread was found + */ +bool uthread_schedule(void); +/** + * uthread_grp_new_id() - return a new ID for a thread group + * + * Return: the new thread group ID + */ +unsigned int uthread_grp_new_id(void); +/** + * uthread_grp_done() - test if all threads in a group are done + * + * @grp_id: the ID of the thread group that should be considered + * Return: false if the group contains at least one runnable thread (i.e., one + * thread which entry point has not returned yet), true otherwise + */ +bool uthread_grp_done(unsigned int grp_id); + +#else + +static inline int uthread_create(struct uthread *uthr, void (*fn)(void *), + void *arg, size_t stack_sz, + unsigned int grp_id) +{ + fn(arg); + return 0; +} + +static inline bool uthread_schedule(void) +{ + return false; +} + +static inline unsigned int uthread_grp_new_id(void) +{ + return 0; +} + +static inline bool uthread_grp_done(unsigned int grp_id) +{ + return true; +} + +#endif /* CONFIG_UTHREAD */ +#endif /* _UTHREAD_H_ */ diff --git a/lib/Kconfig b/lib/Kconfig index 1a683dea670..8321f20e154 100644 --- a/lib/Kconfig +++ b/lib/Kconfig @@ -1255,6 +1255,27 @@ config PHANDLE_CHECK_SEQ enable this config option to distinguish them using phandles in fdtdec_get_alias_seq() function. +config UTHREAD + bool "Enable thread support" + depends on HAVE_INITJMP + help + Implement a simple form of cooperative multi-tasking based on + context-switching via initjmp(), setjmp() and longjmp(). The + uthread_ interface enables the main thread of execution to create + one or more secondary threads and schedule them until they all have + returned. At any point a thread may suspend its execution and + schedule another thread, which allows for the efficient multiplexing + of leghthy operations. + +config UTHREAD_STACK_SIZE + int "Default uthread stack size" + depends on UTHREAD + default 32768 + help + The default stack size for uthreads. Each uthread has its own stack. + When the stack_sz argument to uthread_create() is zero then this + value is used. + endmenu source "lib/fwu_updates/Kconfig" diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile index a7bc2f3134a..3610694de7a 100644 --- a/lib/Makefile +++ b/lib/Makefile @@ -164,6 +164,8 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_LIB_ELF) += elf.o obj-$(CONFIG_$(PHASE_)SEMIHOSTING) += semihosting.o +obj-$(CONFIG_UTHREAD) += uthread.o + # # Build a fast OID lookup registry from include/linux/oid_registry.h # diff --git a/lib/uthread.c b/lib/uthread.c new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3cb25784556 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/uthread.c @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only +/* + * Copyright (C) 2021 Ahmad Fatoum, Pengutronix + * Copyright (C) 2025 Linaro Limited + * + * An implementation of cooperative multi-tasking inspired from barebox threads + * + */ + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +static struct uthread main_thread = { + .list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(main_thread.list), +}; + +static struct uthread *current = &main_thread; + +/** + * uthread_trampoline() - Call the current thread's entry point then resume the + * main thread. + * + * This is a helper function which is used as the @func argument to the + * initjmp() function, and ultimately invoked via setjmp(). It does not return + * but instead longjmp()'s back to the main thread. + */ +static void __noreturn uthread_trampoline(void) +{ + struct uthread *curr = current; + + curr->fn(curr->arg); + curr->done = true; + current = &main_thread; + longjmp(current->ctx, 1); + /* Not reached */ + while (true) + ; +} + +/** + * uthread_free() - Free memory used by a uthread object. + */ +static void uthread_free(struct uthread *uthread) +{ + if (!uthread) + return; + free(uthread->stack); + free(uthread); +} + +int uthread_create(struct uthread *uthr, void (*fn)(void *), void *arg, + size_t stack_sz, unsigned int grp_id) +{ + bool user_allocated = false; + + if (!stack_sz) + stack_sz = CONFIG_UTHREAD_STACK_SIZE; + + if (uthr) { + user_allocated = true; + } else { + uthr = calloc(1, sizeof(*uthr)); + if (!uthr) + return -1; + } + + uthr->stack = memalign(16, stack_sz); + if (!uthr->stack) + goto err; + + uthr->fn = fn; + uthr->arg = arg; + uthr->grp_id = grp_id; + + list_add_tail(&uthr->list, ¤t->list); + + initjmp(uthr->ctx, uthread_trampoline, uthr->stack + stack_sz); + + return 0; +err: + if (!user_allocated) + free(uthr); + return -1; +} + +/** + * uthread_resume() - switch execution to a given thread + * + * @uthread: the thread object that should be resumed + */ +static void uthread_resume(struct uthread *uthread) +{ + if (!setjmp(current->ctx)) { + current = uthread; + longjmp(uthread->ctx, 1); + } +} + +bool uthread_schedule(void) +{ + struct uthread *next; + struct uthread *tmp; + + list_for_each_entry_safe(next, tmp, ¤t->list, list) { + if (!next->done) { + uthread_resume(next); + return true; + } else { + /* Found a 'done' thread, free its resources */ + list_del(&next->list); + uthread_free(next); + } + } + return false; +} + +unsigned int uthread_grp_new_id(void) +{ + static unsigned int id = 0; + + return ++id; +} + +bool uthread_grp_done(unsigned int grp_id) +{ + struct uthread *next; + + list_for_each_entry(next, &main_thread.list, list) { + if (next->grp_id == grp_id && !next->done) + return false; + } + + return true; +}