From patchwork Mon Feb 3 21:24:17 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Adhemerval Zanella X-Patchwork-Id: 861574 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a05:6000:11cb:b0:385:e875:8a9e with SMTP id i11csp14935wrx; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 13:26:31 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=3; AJvYcCU6EJZXBRqMoVpc7wwdpRxA6UnWN/d7qY1yZKjJwJlU6cIcZuGQxOF4yd1O12CE5zGApf4z/ X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IEGEZ3KnP4J9z1vYgkHUNTIGUnMB26Tb/zFy1Rl8jrXVRpBr0CVEoa+8XAEhpIoHOI2puo0 X-Received: by 2002:ad4:576c:0:b0:6d4:1530:a0a3 with SMTP id 6a1803df08f44-6e243befa81mr261283116d6.6.1738617991366; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:26:31 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1738617991; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=QOTlO2q8U7PIGAuJpQH/aHL/gDblWdyaUSRBQorFuoBO0B6uY9ed9MjoYkEcXjX3/0 rMHxru9tFBFYatdCJy0ujHAswn4ffcbn5u93F5wU7/VRK5kHCIfl03oV/lJQzZxaWu4v z/e0Pkx9deMLMtWcFfznwA9dQZZXczYUlY0D/Gjkgs4ULRSxOJ1RQ2tt5xAyIAEUG2Fh fmww4rgDappIxwXbbeJbJQH6X3jG95w2gUTFapRDrVrS+A+IJs0ihjOtbSqezTFVHQQZ PJfoB01lnXdo3Qk/uxwMUCMCt0Xf9FXBiOuW/PkAPT7ewJz1jZJpdaZhMfxktqSm9YIW KuuQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; 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Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:26:31 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates 2620:52:3:1:0:246e:9693:128c as permitted sender) client-ip=2620:52:3:1:0:246e:9693:128c; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=M3wVIROY; arc=pass (i=1); spf=pass ( domain of designates 2620:52:3:1:0:246e:9693:128c as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=""; dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E0FF33858415 for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:26:30 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 E0FF33858415 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key, unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=google header.b=M3wVIROY X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::1035]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id E4C313858CDA for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:25:55 +0000 (GMT) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.2 E4C313858CDA Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Filter: OpenARC Filter v1.0.0 E4C313858CDA Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.remote-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::1035 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617956; cv=none; b=Nv3yCws6tAGRo/s8kEAg5PqKOZ/2zu64DnNIzVrBW5U0Q9tbbZwlYAyDAA59PJzPusZUueZf8vvyzIjkk4tCQML8WMf7AuoHD5fxN+vBzNTosODyo11BU+kpRnqpruC+PbKNklcicLOU11FR3NClAc4Qv5KD9gNkfeiqjtKznbs= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617956; c=relaxed/simple; bh=jmcX3oVLx8WyM92Yq/N3+UkyeBJ8odVw4LP7cwnYaXU=; h=DKIM-Signature:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version; b=fAiGrxooR7+Z7Ra5GM2ihlYlOUpmpxNreoswRR8uRnhFPigwHnMBuHuKrkDXUacTbLhyySPWdjILJdaM2vxOwWBGJAoofZn+9yvpIJQVTdG6Q4lsI0OzcV5+0mWmQxpIx5Zp5p5EG0PM/HXygG6OZfVAvOPYeqQjevUbhrz0uUE= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 E4C313858CDA Received: by with SMTP id 98e67ed59e1d1-2f9bac7699aso310564a91.1 for ; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:55 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1738617954; x=1739222754;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=fFVtRqDbWriaU+1zf9ObrAAzDKxedsrgl9XxY3ynFIk=; b=M3wVIROYNdo1U4fJ9uqJ7j+HHEshfPlakI5HLxnBbsOR5g1N7hiV6lv1uB7VLDqP9l CE0/E73UDhelT70HCaj2If98SBuJV44Ax0xsKstKXvhUn+qRCS5MgAaYxgfZGTYYm9ai tXFpTIw9iNeAWGeShDoYNvNkq2v0FJjR2KJGksjlo70TkUxPJP95It/ifthzU98/qyLU OPs1ieTSX8UCOiGKsT+w73HJHKJto4X9i434SYub1y3/fL9hGXZS1yi+ifJQypVuttN0 ktdcQUWRXxOwICyGcpFv0+O2Y+R5caHcijuUjSa43/Le0Amh8am/+0BWf/fW9bnWjUr1 mUjw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1738617954; x=1739222754; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=fFVtRqDbWriaU+1zf9ObrAAzDKxedsrgl9XxY3ynFIk=; b=b6cK/l4m6sK61Z3aIsn3ZOqQvRcR7NsUGETfey7ltOMsf6cBcq/MTq1gux1GdCjk3c 8nEgW0+2JgPgA3JFz5AcfUTZj3tII+KU2SmxV6RisMo/hpxglkmd1UwlUeLzpJ7pZO42 2riJCXKkl5k8AJbkGPb/nM2u0x9IaKzXYjl+oEgtiIWJo3WxrPPon22nyO4wpgBPY+2O Bo7w3bcrd9vw2qOZP3mW3a5+iEFrnXiM1SjizUgSf1dyFQcegRUWxB9B1xvFCCtl2VkZ hpd9NtoYo5W/WI6ChyOOKQ05CPMAVbIVn89iuMJAuSZVDnTf6W5zu+edK1/xRIzEbzzi RXSQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yw+5wLr4KicYolV0CYkQ67rwPg+Kt2no+LMfCUdzKpxG8AKoCKs eVNBdFa1CTWYeg3RQ5b83gyZHBzP7UfhBruH7CGlBFIvod5m02GWm4rGWeXj0cJkJicMWCkt0VU U X-Gm-Gg: ASbGnculm2+ULn03s7e2w3+wwYfZBbH2+YQwdG3ZdevRI313XQujLXPPkYUvHmhS3SA bJ3VuJRhTrNpU7OgdnYjLJs3k/pDfTuKsg1xaq8wlKhh7cSgY8CQb28SUN6J1Z4i60/cpTOaIdd cKJdm5kPj69Qb54p7vxCM/4ngy0X4htzG0NRlgi7unf+01JzAA6I1Lp9qHzbwivc3h5gjpZ49Kw s1vT38Qm0e2+m8fvB0K4qOW9P3fEyxecyOdPyMePGk9rT4Lm8xdO/QVztX8hNZxlDzvOnbc0TzL nvvk7NFE5xPMc8YKSVgVy2a023k+ X-Received: by 2002:a05:6a00:4608:b0:724:5815:62c1 with SMTP id d2e1a72fcca58-72fd0c5f1b2mr35179015b3a.19.1738617954240; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:54 -0800 (PST) Received: from ubuntu-vm.. ([]) by with ESMTPSA id d2e1a72fcca58-72fe69ba418sm9184218b3a.105.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:53 -0800 (PST) From: Adhemerval Zanella To: Cc: Joseph Myers , Paul Zimmermann , Alexei Sibidanov , DJ Delorie Subject: [PATCH 1/3] math: Consolidate acosf and asinf internal tables Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 18:24:17 -0300 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.30 Precedence: list List-Id: Libc-alpha mailing list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: The libm size improvement built with "--enable-stack-protector=strong --enable-bind-now=yes --enable-fortify-source=2": From: text data bss dec hex filename 587896 860 12 588768 8fbe0 aarch64-linux-gnu-master/math/ 963175 1068 12 964255 eb69f x86_64-linux-gnu-master/math/ 1191542 5544 368 1197454 12458e powerpc64le-linux-gnu-master/math/ To: text data bss dec hex filename 587304 860 12 588176 8f990 aarch64-linux-gnu/math/ 962855 1068 12 963935 eb55f x86_64-linux-gnu/math/ 1191222 5544 368 1197134 12444e powerpc64le-linux-gnu/math/ The are not code changes for x86_64 and powerpc64le, but on aarch64 with gcc-14 I see a slight better code generation due the usage of ldq for floating point constant loading. --- math/Makefile | 1 + sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acosf.c | 36 ++++------------ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.c | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.h | 37 +++++++++++++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asinf.c | 38 ++++------------- 5 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-) create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.c create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.h diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile index f24cee5c39..a6da38a135 100644 --- a/math/Makefile +++ b/math/Makefile @@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ type-double-routines := \ # float support type-float-suffix := f type-float-routines := \ + e_asincosf_data \ e_exp2f_data \ e_log2f_data \ e_logf_data \ diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acosf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acosf.c index a5a4de4fc2..90196ac61e 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acosf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acosf.c @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "e_asincosf_data.h" static __attribute__ ((noinline)) float as_special (float x) @@ -77,15 +78,6 @@ __ieee754_acosf (float x) return as_special (x); if (__glibc_likely (ax < 0x7ec2a1dcu)) /* |x| < 0x1.c2a1dcp-1 */ { - static const double b[] = - { - 0x1.fffffffd9ccb8p-1, 0x1.5555c94838007p-3, 0x1.32ded4b7c20fap-4, - 0x1.8566df703309ep-5, -0x1.980c959bec9a3p-6, 0x1.56fbb04998344p-1, - -0x1.403d8e4c49f52p+2, 0x1.b06c3e9f311eap+4, -0x1.9ea97c4e2c21fp+6, - 0x1.200b8261cc61bp+8, -0x1.2274c2799a5c7p+9, 0x1.a558a59cc19d3p+9, - -0x1.aca4b6a529ffp+9, 0x1.228744703f813p+9, -0x1.d7dbb0b322228p+7, - 0x1.5c2018c0c0105p+5 - }; /* Avoid spurious underflow exception. */ if (__glibc_unlikely (ax <= 0x40000000u)) /* |x| < 2^-63 */ /* GCC <= 11 wrongly assumes the rounding is to nearest and @@ -97,11 +89,11 @@ __ieee754_acosf (float x) double z4 = z2 * z2; double z8 = z4 * z4; double z16 = z8 * z8; - r = z * ((((b[0] + z2 * b[1]) + z4 * (b[2] + z2 * b[3])) - + z8 * ((b[4] + z2 * b[5]) + z4 * (b[6] + z2 * b[7]))) - + z16 * (((b[8] + z2 * b[9]) + z4 * (b[10] + z2 * b[11])) + r = z * ((((B[0] + z2 * B[1]) + z4 * (B[2] + z2 * B[3])) + + z8 * ((B[4] + z2 * B[5]) + z4 * (B[6] + z2 * B[7]))) + + z16 * (((B[8] + z2 * B[9]) + z4 * (B[10] + z2 * B[11])) + z8 - * ((b[12] + z2 * b[13])+ z4 * (b[14] + z2 * b[15])))); + * ((B[12] + z2 * B[13])+ z4 * (B[14] + z2 * B[15])))); float ub = 0x1.921fb54574191p+0 - r; float lb = 0x1.921fb543118ap+0 - r; if (ub == lb) @@ -110,33 +102,19 @@ __ieee754_acosf (float x) /* accurate path */ if (ax < (0x7eu << 24)) { - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.555555555529cp-3, 0x1.333333337e0ddp-4, 0x1.6db6db3b4465ep-5, - 0x1.f1c72e13ac306p-6, 0x1.6e89cebe06bc4p-6, 0x1.1c6dcf5289094p-6, - 0x1.c6dbbcc7c6315p-7, 0x1.8f8dc2615e996p-7, 0x1.a5833b7bf15e8p-8, - 0x1.43f44ace1665cp-6, -0x1.0fb17df881c73p-6, 0x1.07520c026b2d6p-5 - }; if (t == 0x328885a3u) return 0x1.921fb6p+0f + 0x1p-25; if (t == 0x39826222u) return 0x1.920f6ap+0f + 0x1p-25; double x2 = xs * xs; - r = (pi2 - xs) - (xs * x2) * poly12 (x2, c); + r = (pi2 - xs) - (xs * x2) * poly12 (x2, C0); } else { - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.6a09e667f3bcbp+0, 0x1.e2b7dddff2db9p-4, 0x1.b27247ab42dbcp-6, - 0x1.02995cc4e0744p-7, 0x1.5ffb0276ec8eap-9, 0x1.033885a928decp-10, - 0x1.911f2be23f8c7p-12, 0x1.4c3c55d2437fdp-13, 0x1.af477e1d7b461p-15, - 0x1.abd6bdff67dcbp-15, -0x1.1717e86d0fa28p-16, 0x1.6ff526de46023p-16 - }; double bx = fabs (xs); double z = 1.0 - bx; double s = copysign (sqrt (z), xs); - r = o[t >> 31] + s * poly12 (z, c); + r = o[t >> 31] + s * poly12 (z, C1); } return r; } diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2ffc2c28f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.c @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* Common data for asinpif/acospif implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +The original version of this file was copied from the CORE-MATH +project (src/binary32/sinpi/sinpif.c, revision f786e13). + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#include "e_asincosf_data.h" + +const double __asincosf_b[] = + { + 0x1.fffffffd9ccb8p-1, 0x1.5555c94838007p-3, 0x1.32ded4b7c20fap-4, + 0x1.8566df703309ep-5, -0x1.980c959bec9a3p-6, 0x1.56fbb04998344p-1, + -0x1.403d8e4c49f52p+2, 0x1.b06c3e9f311eap+4, -0x1.9ea97c4e2c21fp+6, + 0x1.200b8261cc61bp+8, -0x1.2274c2799a5c7p+9, 0x1.a558a59cc19d3p+9, + -0x1.aca4b6a529ffp+9, 0x1.228744703f813p+9, -0x1.d7dbb0b322228p+7, + 0x1.5c2018c0c0105p+5 + }; + +const double __asincosf_c0[] = + { + 0x1.555555555529cp-3, 0x1.333333337e0ddp-4, 0x1.6db6db3b4465ep-5, + 0x1.f1c72e13ac306p-6, 0x1.6e89cebe06bc4p-6, 0x1.1c6dcf5289094p-6, + 0x1.c6dbbcc7c6315p-7, 0x1.8f8dc2615e996p-7, 0x1.a5833b7bf15e8p-8, + 0x1.43f44ace1665cp-6, -0x1.0fb17df881c73p-6, 0x1.07520c026b2d6p-5 + }; + +const double __asincosf_c1[] = + { + 0x1.6a09e667f3bcbp+0, 0x1.e2b7dddff2db9p-4, 0x1.b27247ab42dbcp-6, + 0x1.02995cc4e0744p-7, 0x1.5ffb0276ec8eap-9, 0x1.033885a928decp-10, + 0x1.911f2be23f8c7p-12, 0x1.4c3c55d2437fdp-13, 0x1.af477e1d7b461p-15, + 0x1.abd6bdff67dcbp-15, -0x1.1717e86d0fa28p-16, 0x1.6ff526de46023p-16 + }; diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.h b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dffb00dbe --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asincosf_data.h @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/* Common data for asinpif/acospif implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +The original version of this file was copied from the CORE-MATH +project (src/binary32/sinpi/sinpif.c, revision f786e13). + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#ifndef _ASINCOSF_DATAH +#define _ASINCOSF_DATAH + +extern const double __asincosf_b[] attribute_hidden; +extern const double __asincosf_c0[] attribute_hidden; +extern const double __asincosf_c1[] attribute_hidden; +#define B __asincosf_b +#define C0 __asincosf_c0 +#define C1 __asincosf_c1 + +#endif diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asinf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asinf.c index 944bf6f5ce..854466361e 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asinf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_asinf.c @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "e_asincosf_data.h" static __attribute__ ((noinline)) float as_special (float x) @@ -69,25 +70,16 @@ __ieee754_asinf (float x) { if (__glibc_unlikely (ax < 115 << 24)) return fmaf (x, 0x1p-25, x); - static const double b[] = - { - 0x1.0000000000005p+0, 0x1.55557aeca105dp-3, 0x1.3314ec3db7d12p-4, - 0x1.775738a5a6f92p-5, 0x1.5d5f7ce1c8538p-8, 0x1.605c6d58740fp-2, - -0x1.5728b732d73c6p+1, 0x1.f152170f151ebp+3, -0x1.f962ea3ca992ep+5, - 0x1.71971e17375ap+7, -0x1.860512b4ba23p+8, 0x1.26a3b8d4bdb14p+9, - -0x1.36f2ea5698b51p+9, 0x1.b3d722aebfa2ep+8, -0x1.6cf89703b1289p+7, - 0x1.1518af6a65e2dp+5 - }; double z = xs; double z2 = z * z; double z4 = z2 * z2; double z8 = z4 * z4; double z16 = z8 * z8; - r = z * ((((b[0] + z2 * b[1]) + z4 * (b[2] + z2 * b[3])) - + z8 * ((b[4] + z2 * b[5]) + z4 * (b[6] + z2 * b[7]))) - + z16 * (((b[8] + z2 * b[9]) + z4 * (b[10] + z2 * b[11])) - + z8 * ((b[12] + z2 * b[13]) - + z4 * (b[14] + z2 * b[15])))); + r = z * ((((B[0] + z2 * B[1]) + z4 * (B[2] + z2 * B[3])) + + z8 * ((B[4] + z2 * B[5]) + z4 * (B[6] + z2 * B[7]))) + + z16 * (((B[8] + z2 * B[9]) + z4 * (B[10] + z2 * B[11])) + + z8 * ((B[12] + z2 * B[13]) + + z4 * (B[14] + z2 * B[15])))); float ub = r; float lb = r - z * 0x1.efa8ebp-31; if (ub == lb) @@ -95,16 +87,9 @@ __ieee754_asinf (float x) } if (ax < (0x7eu << 24)) { - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.555555555529cp-3, 0x1.333333337e0ddp-4, 0x1.6db6db3b4465ep-5, - 0x1.f1c72e13ac306p-6, 0x1.6e89cebe06bc4p-6, 0x1.1c6dcf5289094p-6, - 0x1.c6dbbcc7c6315p-7, 0x1.8f8dc2615e996p-7, 0x1.a5833b7bf15e8p-8, - 0x1.43f44ace1665cp-6, -0x1.0fb17df881c73p-6, 0x1.07520c026b2d6p-5 - }; double z = xs; double z2 = z * z; - double c0 = poly12 (z2, c); + double c0 = poly12 (z2, C0); r = z + (z * z2) * c0; } else @@ -116,14 +101,7 @@ __ieee754_asinf (float x) double bx = fabs (xs); double z = 1.0 - bx; double s = sqrt (z); - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.6a09e667f3bcbp+0, 0x1.e2b7dddff2db9p-4, 0x1.b27247ab42dbcp-6, - 0x1.02995cc4e0744p-7, 0x1.5ffb0276ec8eap-9, 0x1.033885a928decp-10, - 0x1.911f2be23f8c7p-12, 0x1.4c3c55d2437fdp-13, 0x1.af477e1d7b461p-15, - 0x1.abd6bdff67dcbp-15, -0x1.1717e86d0fa28p-16, 0x1.6ff526de46023p-16 - }; - r = pi2 - s * poly12 (z, c); + r = pi2 - s * poly12 (z, C1); r = copysign (r, xs); } return r; From patchwork Mon Feb 3 21:24:18 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Adhemerval Zanella X-Patchwork-Id: 861576 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a05:6000:11cb:b0:385:e875:8a9e with SMTP id i11csp15615wrx; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 13:28:58 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=3; X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IGoHk6KgizPTBlcBgFTjZYGwP5gM3y8n3f1wPuPa6NbK3AnVqgiU9vEAtOILsWXWjWnDYVX X-Received: by 2002:ac8:580b:0:b0:467:67db:ef7a with SMTP id d75a77b69052e-46fd0bb9fc8mr349000181cf.44.1738618138366; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:28:58 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1738618138; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=YxSZYVBF4+nxjOLwGcFZ4KpyR+u5R8TuzrHYU1IkIqnrQ3hJy2TbPgwCMliMhWIaRJ BegpxP0CjMkIDCiIDVeZZK75yQIUvHob8mx00Fk+J2rUPyLKlVeJPJJkwNc74hoHTxWX FkrFmmIY+l5kpaVKK3gItDCwnEliYJbGSH9HDWIuSnoe3w5pDBXwCTYonk+xzq3YruMQ rZv+70es7/TdS8CmMR2EI65/hFwbkW5geY0LxAMyDql91FAg16Vb+M/Dn/cyKS4iLU9c 1DblG3OqJWMtAU1rYP911Gb/yG4t9+dPwLWJ+GdrVQyMOUkKxlaf8LfD8dXzzXFcJxQ3 X8pw== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; 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Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:28:58 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=ewzxPMV1; arc=pass (i=1); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=""; dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id E3C413858430 for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:28:57 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 E3C413858430 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key, unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=google header.b=ewzxPMV1 X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::632]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 8FA893858C56 for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:25:58 +0000 (GMT) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.2 8FA893858C56 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Filter: OpenARC Filter v1.0.0 8FA893858C56 Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.remote-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::632 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617958; cv=none; b=DItSrxu3KKQW6YWns4sNZgnOvBzyH69LuhLGyLF7BkDC451L3OlZqLnF6OOE9cn6YfTdmx+BTQ3rUf2Rsfoh9nQ6GfQkG/DsMackue2TOaP28KQHWsUhoEUk94OMgSTswBelAjuNXsBvk/IRK1vwID7fK8+e05p6joh/Xs70I7I= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617958; c=relaxed/simple; bh=iR9yLybn0XxHElgq/0n3YYSZ5IaId5jnsMZ1sWVNiT0=; h=DKIM-Signature:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version; b=by055cu/h6a0u+xtcPpR/tJpVOokGSMg2xVzaxewlMMtP55AZtvWi0hWqZlTNJOFN8DfNM47UTpnQkqgxd+4zEMBoH6XevnAQpida1Q54d+e3qNqI9rnC5YT31WMVvXLGSYnQQ27FFB1iMRCsKo2RRanotJ8fT0GFztnlqGdd6M= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 8FA893858C56 Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-21628b3fe7dso89102355ad.3 for ; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:58 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1738617957; x=1739222757;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=f8GIxAiX+zBNDMiZsPbQOXSPbK6iSpQXu/pl9qGBq/M=; b=ewzxPMV1FEq5e0TyVcsqPnqhQ5jGTq0Enb5TCXynEAQxVRl2VXC82YaMlhBhzzXXl+ RoFMfv+OWkBhnaIJsNrXxHLzfdYDv1m7mL/JU63eEGc/rji7rbC0z9ZRbFFejS8pVJ8l nCjkMHSF+bQgvCibojki061PahGQofcu6WpKvVm2y+lNpp2PV7q9zfr4sGv48eoEY1jp yy7S9CcCeSIMTOWMsaEa9/hEuXnFj4Pin6s9sfbEFbYjKB2vdU3VdsvoejjK3xXCGtBy 9iPyJ6//7eJrAHrl/tWQh4vpVigM1eGr+XB60kwFVwIpUHSGTsd0P+YwpcI5DdtHd4db tUTw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1738617957; x=1739222757; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=f8GIxAiX+zBNDMiZsPbQOXSPbK6iSpQXu/pl9qGBq/M=; b=DPubo5uEoOk/1pexA6IdlXl0jLuAKif41eKSFa/61EPx5ruZqMe66f88lVM8WKrKWE 1kXS0JiidV8vHBX4eULYUrDRYCZElTAax319SpJXis/CvIOhtb1lYfHyQwPx2J+mF4tk x03aTrIGaqX4abdX9wvqq3v2ManFS+Rf/aApvA1YkitywPD5VyhPDpIRgNU6qlSJzWqc 5aClO0IF5ZPR10q97St4gwHFO2qRLRgvu67EuTJDVawIaBAZCoMf+koFqmx+A5BHuH3Z HR39sVaiK518KC9u1yPgvlnCknA2XzqRbRrhX9oE3KKgwa0getVqKetTtzWE4Of9WH0C 7LSw== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0Yzb+WcgR4sHK9Sy7490zD2WpMAvU/yBJGmYufbIQtfTAneD2MFo hbBVtUXeNwHlENBuWKUOsV2p/JaFtyDqdzIHD+6q9U4+/Nhs/UH+l9snhkhZw/IxBWbmJMX+p8l C X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncvOm6TyWH26rpxi6gNYQBLC50I6AM7vdehvlY9/d7u5HxFriqN24jjCjjTf7v8 gUT9DCPCOXkoPazXvGQCRYDKiJdh7OQxtZFHiILxymst9UvtW8dasICqBN3+XtCX1yse+NIaTYI dZcvcv8hoTnLbKlO8c64xdXERBllZw4+cF25jygsxD0DgmswG6WM1XHhLCcqNHodhWhK/HxJsD7 jeItqbLm5dgzSKo/YXeEpS05W1V7ISI4R0CyPqojYKpRMjp+9gyZyLeYhA0XrklpIvRi1JiDi8S tOy/I9rzGEUaGMOcAzHPI1IOHfGC X-Received: by 2002:a05:6a00:b8b:b0:72d:35ed:214b with SMTP id d2e1a72fcca58-72fd0c8bfb4mr36509770b3a.24.1738617956590; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:56 -0800 (PST) Received: from ubuntu-vm.. ([]) by with ESMTPSA id d2e1a72fcca58-72fe69ba418sm9184218b3a.105.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:56 -0800 (PST) From: Adhemerval Zanella To: Cc: Joseph Myers , Paul Zimmermann , Alexei Sibidanov , DJ Delorie Subject: [PATCH 2/3] math: Consolidate acoshf and asinhf internal tables Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 18:24:18 -0300 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.30 Precedence: list List-Id: Libc-alpha mailing list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: The libm size improvement built with "--enable-stack-protector=strong --enable-bind-now=yes --enable-fortify-source=2": Before: text data bss dec hex filename 587304 860 12 588176 8f990 aarch64-linux-gnu-master/math/ 962855 1068 12 963935 eb55f x86_64-linux-gnu-master/math/ 1191222 5544 368 1197134 12444e powerpc64le-linux-gnu-master/math/ After: text data bss dec hex filename 585192 860 12 586064 8f150 aarch64-linux-gnu/math/ 960775 1068 12 961855 ead3f x86_64-linux-gnu/math/ 1189174 5544 368 1195086 123c4e powerpc64le-linux-gnu/math/ The are small code changes for x86_64 and powerpc64le, which do not affect performance; but on aarch64 with gcc-14 I see a slight better code generation due the usage of ldq for floating point constant loading. Reviewed-by: Andreas K. Huettel --- math/Makefile | 1 + sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acoshf.c | 111 ++------------------ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.c | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.h | 36 +++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asinhf.c | 109 ++----------------- 5 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-) create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.c create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.h diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile index a6da38a135..febeb253f6 100644 --- a/math/Makefile +++ b/math/Makefile @@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ type-float-routines := \ e_logf_data \ e_powf_log2_data \ math_errf \ + s_asincoshf_data \ s_sincosf_data \ # type-float-routines diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acoshf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acoshf.c index a0a0abc2dd..b2a9c6b2f0 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acoshf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_acoshf.c @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "s_asincoshf_data.h" static __attribute__ ((noinline)) float as_special (float x) @@ -45,90 +46,6 @@ as_special (float x) float __ieee754_acoshf (float x) { - static const double ix[] = - { - 0x1p+0, 0x1.fc07f01fcp-1, 0x1.f81f81f82p-1, 0x1.f44659e4ap-1, - 0x1.f07c1f07cp-1, 0x1.ecc07b302p-1, 0x1.e9131abfp-1, 0x1.e573ac902p-1, - 0x1.e1e1e1e1ep-1, 0x1.de5d6e3f8p-1, 0x1.dae6076bap-1, 0x1.d77b654b8p-1, - 0x1.d41d41d42p-1, 0x1.d0cb58f6ep-1, 0x1.cd8568904p-1, 0x1.ca4b3055ep-1, - 0x1.c71c71c72p-1, 0x1.c3f8f01c4p-1, 0x1.c0e070382p-1, 0x1.bdd2b8994p-1, - 0x1.bacf914c2p-1, 0x1.b7d6c3ddap-1, 0x1.b4e81b4e8p-1, 0x1.b2036406cp-1, - 0x1.af286bca2p-1, 0x1.ac5701ac6p-1, 0x1.a98ef606ap-1, 0x1.a6d01a6dp-1, - 0x1.a41a41a42p-1, 0x1.a16d3f97ap-1, 0x1.9ec8e951p-1, 0x1.9c2d14ee4p-1, - 0x1.99999999ap-1, 0x1.970e4f80cp-1, 0x1.948b0fcd6p-1, 0x1.920fb49dp-1, - 0x1.8f9c18f9cp-1, 0x1.8d3018d3p-1, 0x1.8acb90f6cp-1, 0x1.886e5f0acp-1, - 0x1.861861862p-1, 0x1.83c977ab2p-1, 0x1.818181818p-1, 0x1.7f405fd02p-1, - 0x1.7d05f417ep-1, 0x1.7ad2208ep-1, 0x1.78a4c8178p-1, 0x1.767dce434p-1, - 0x1.745d1745ep-1, 0x1.724287f46p-1, 0x1.702e05c0cp-1, 0x1.6e1f76b44p-1, - 0x1.6c16c16c2p-1, 0x1.6a13cd154p-1, 0x1.681681682p-1, 0x1.661ec6a52p-1, - 0x1.642c8590cp-1, 0x1.623fa7702p-1, 0x1.605816058p-1, 0x1.5e75bb8dp-1, - 0x1.5c9882b94p-1, 0x1.5ac056b02p-1, 0x1.58ed23082p-1, 0x1.571ed3c5p-1, - 0x1.555555556p-1, 0x1.5390948f4p-1, 0x1.51d07eae2p-1, 0x1.501501502p-1, - 0x1.4e5e0a73p-1, 0x1.4cab88726p-1, 0x1.4afd6a052p-1, 0x1.49539e3b2p-1, - 0x1.47ae147aep-1, 0x1.460cbc7f6p-1, 0x1.446f86562p-1, 0x1.42d6625d6p-1, - 0x1.414141414p-1, 0x1.3fb013fbp-1, 0x1.3e22cbce4p-1, 0x1.3c995a47cp-1, - 0x1.3b13b13b2p-1, 0x1.3991c2c18p-1, 0x1.381381382p-1, 0x1.3698df3dep-1, - 0x1.3521cfb2cp-1, 0x1.33ae45b58p-1, 0x1.323e34a2cp-1, 0x1.30d19013p-1, - 0x1.2f684bda2p-1, 0x1.2e025c04cp-1, 0x1.2c9fb4d82p-1, 0x1.2b404ad02p-1, - 0x1.29e4129e4p-1, 0x1.288b01288p-1, 0x1.27350b882p-1, 0x1.25e22708p-1, - 0x1.24924924ap-1, 0x1.23456789ap-1, 0x1.21fb78122p-1, 0x1.20b470c68p-1, - 0x1.1f7047dc2p-1, 0x1.1e2ef3b4p-1, 0x1.1cf06ada2p-1, 0x1.1bb4a4046p-1, - 0x1.1a7b9611ap-1, 0x1.19453808cp-1, 0x1.181181182p-1, 0x1.16e068942p-1, - 0x1.15b1e5f76p-1, 0x1.1485f0e0ap-1, 0x1.135c81136p-1, 0x1.12358e75ep-1, - 0x1.111111112p-1, 0x1.0fef010fep-1, 0x1.0ecf56be6p-1, 0x1.0db20a89p-1, - 0x1.0c9714fbcp-1, 0x1.0b7e6ec26p-1, 0x1.0a6810a68p-1, 0x1.0953f3902p-1, - 0x1.084210842p-1, 0x1.073260a48p-1, 0x1.0624dd2f2p-1, 0x1.05197f7d8p-1, - 0x1.041041042p-1, 0x1.03091b52p-1, 0x1.020408102p-1, 0x1.01010101p-1, - 0x1p-1 - }; - - static const double lix[] = - { - 0x0p+0, 0x1.fe02a6b146789p-8, 0x1.fc0a8b0fa03e4p-7, - 0x1.7b91b07de311bp-6, 0x1.f829b0e7c33p-6, 0x1.39e87b9fd7d6p-5, - 0x1.77458f63edcfcp-5, 0x1.b42dd7117b1bfp-5, 0x1.f0a30c01362a6p-5, - 0x1.16536eea7fae1p-4, 0x1.341d7961791d1p-4, 0x1.51b073f07983fp-4, - 0x1.6f0d28ae3eb4cp-4, 0x1.8c345d6383b21p-4, 0x1.a926d3a475563p-4, - 0x1.c5e548f63a743p-4, 0x1.e27076e28f2e6p-4, 0x1.fec9131dbaabbp-4, - 0x1.0d77e7ccf6e59p-3, 0x1.1b72ad52f87ap-3, 0x1.29552f81eb523p-3, - 0x1.371fc201f7f74p-3, 0x1.44d2b6ccbfd1ep-3, 0x1.526e5e3a41438p-3, - 0x1.5ff3070a613d4p-3, 0x1.6d60fe717221dp-3, 0x1.7ab890212b909p-3, - 0x1.87fa065214911p-3, 0x1.9525a9cf296b4p-3, 0x1.a23bc1fe42563p-3, - 0x1.af3c94e81bff3p-3, 0x1.bc2867430acd6p-3, 0x1.c8ff7c7989a22p-3, - 0x1.d5c216b535b91p-3, 0x1.e27076e2f92e6p-3, 0x1.ef0adcbe0d936p-3, - 0x1.fb9186d5ebe2bp-3, 0x1.0402594b51041p-2, 0x1.0a324e27370e3p-2, - 0x1.1058bf9ad7ad5p-2, 0x1.1675cabaa660ep-2, 0x1.1c898c16b91fbp-2, - 0x1.22941fbcfb966p-2, 0x1.2895a13dd2ea3p-2, 0x1.2e8e2bade7d31p-2, - 0x1.347dd9a9afd55p-2, 0x1.3a64c556b05eap-2, 0x1.40430868877e4p-2, - 0x1.4618bc219dec2p-2, 0x1.4be5f9579e0a1p-2, 0x1.51aad872c982dp-2, - 0x1.5767717432a6cp-2, 0x1.5d1bdbf5669cap-2, 0x1.62c82f2b83795p-2, - 0x1.686c81e9964afp-2, 0x1.6e08eaa2929e4p-2, 0x1.739d7f6b95007p-2, - 0x1.792a55fdb7fa2p-2, 0x1.7eaf83b82efc3p-2, 0x1.842d1da1ecb17p-2, - 0x1.89a3386be825bp-2, 0x1.8f11e87347ac7p-2, 0x1.947941c1f26fbp-2, - 0x1.99d958119208bp-2, 0x1.9f323ecbd984cp-2, 0x1.a484090e5eb0ap-2, - 0x1.a9cec9a9cf84ap-2, 0x1.af1293245606bp-2, 0x1.b44f77bc98f63p-2, - 0x1.b9858969218fbp-2, 0x1.beb4d9da96b7cp-2, 0x1.c3dd7a7d0354dp-2, - 0x1.c8ff7c79ada22p-2, 0x1.ce1af0b855bebp-2, 0x1.d32fe7e039bd5p-2, - 0x1.d83e72587673ep-2, 0x1.dd46a04c204a1p-2, 0x1.e24881a7cac26p-2, - 0x1.e744261d8a788p-2, 0x1.ec399d2457ccp-2, 0x1.f128f5fac86edp-2, - 0x1.f6123fa71c8acp-2, 0x1.faf588f76631fp-2, 0x1.ffd2e08580c98p-2, - 0x1.02552a5a4f0ffp-1, 0x1.04bdf9da8b6d2p-1, 0x1.0723e5c1b4f4p-1, - 0x1.0986f4f589521p-1, 0x1.0be72e423ca83p-1, 0x1.0e44985d0f48cp-1, - 0x1.109f39e2be497p-1, 0x1.12f71959283bcp-1, 0x1.154c3d2f4f5eap-1, - 0x1.179eabbd9c9a1p-1, 0x1.19ee6b466516fp-1, 0x1.1c3b81f723c25p-1, - 0x1.1e85f5e6ec0dp-1, 0x1.20cdcd193f76ep-1, 0x1.23130d7beb743p-1, - 0x1.2555bce9887cbp-1, 0x1.2795e1288211bp-1, 0x1.29d37fec2308bp-1, - 0x1.2c0e9ed45768cp-1, 0x1.2e47436e5ae68p-1, 0x1.307d7334ff0bep-1, - 0x1.32b1339134571p-1, 0x1.34e289d9b39d3p-1, 0x1.37117b5481bb6p-1, - 0x1.393e0d3549a1ap-1, 0x1.3b6844a017823p-1, 0x1.3d9026a70eefbp-1, - 0x1.3fb5b84cfeb42p-1, 0x1.41d8fe844b2aep-1, 0x1.43f9fe2fb9267p-1, - 0x1.4618bc21d86c2p-1, 0x1.48353d1e928dfp-1, 0x1.4a4f85db1debbp-1, - 0x1.4c679afcc323ap-1, 0x1.4e7d811b77bb1p-1, 0x1.50913cbff8c6bp-1, - 0x1.52a2d265be5abp-1, 0x1.54b2467998498p-1, 0x1.56bf9d5b34b99p-1, - 0x1.58cadb5cbe989p-1, 0x1.5ad404c33af2dp-1, 0x1.5cdb1dc6ad765p-1, - 0x1.5ee02a9241e75p-1, 0x1.60e32f447a8d9p-1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1 - }; - uint32_t t = asuint (x); if (__glibc_unlikely (t <= 0x3f800000u)) return as_special (x); @@ -160,36 +77,26 @@ __ieee754_acoshf (float x) int j = (m + (UINT64_C(1) << (52 - 8))) >> (52 - 7); int e = (tp >> 52) - 0x3ff; double w = asdouble (m | UINT64_C(0x3ff) << 52); - double z = w * ix[j] - 1.0; - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.0000000066947p+0, -0x1.00007f053d8cbp-1, 0x1.555280111d914p-2 - }; + double z = w * IX[j] - 1.0; double z2 = z * z; - double r = ((lix[128] * e + lix[j]) + z * c[0]) - + z2 * (c[1] + z * c[2]); + double r = ((LIX[128] * e + LIX[j]) + z * C[0]) + + z2 * (C[1] + z * C[2]); if (__glibc_unlikely (((asuint64 (r) + 259000) & INT64_C(0xfffffff)) < 260000)) /* accurate path */ { - static const double cp[] = - { - 0x1p+0, -0x1p-1, - 0x1.55555555030bcp-2, -0x1.ffffffff2b4e5p-3, - 0x1.999b5076a42f2p-3, -0x1.55570c45a647dp-3 - }; z2 = z * z; - double c0 = cp[0] + z * cp[1]; - double c2 = cp[2] + z * cp[3]; - double c4 = cp[4] + z * cp[5]; + double c0 = CP[0] + z * CP[1]; + double c2 = CP[2] + z * CP[3]; + double c4 = CP[4] + z * CP[5]; c0 += z2 * (c2 + z2 * c4); const double ln2l = 0x1.7f7d1cf79abcap-20; const double ln2h = 0x1.62e4p-1; double Lh = ln2h * e; double Ll = ln2l * e; - r = fma (z, c0, Ll + lix[j]) + Lh; + r = fma (z, c0, Ll + LIX[j]) + Lh; if (__glibc_unlikely ((asuint64 (r) & UINT64_C(0xfffffff)) == 0)) { - double h = fma (z, c0, Ll + lix[j]) + (Lh - r); + double h = fma (z, c0, Ll + LIX[j]) + (Lh - r); r = r + 64.0 * h; } } diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e852122c3e --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.c @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +/* Common data for asinhf/acoshf implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#include "s_asincoshf_data.h" + +const double __asincoshf_ix[] = + { + 0x1p+0, 0x1.fc07f01fcp-1, 0x1.f81f81f82p-1, 0x1.f44659e4ap-1, + 0x1.f07c1f07cp-1, 0x1.ecc07b302p-1, 0x1.e9131abfp-1, 0x1.e573ac902p-1, + 0x1.e1e1e1e1ep-1, 0x1.de5d6e3f8p-1, 0x1.dae6076bap-1, 0x1.d77b654b8p-1, + 0x1.d41d41d42p-1, 0x1.d0cb58f6ep-1, 0x1.cd8568904p-1, 0x1.ca4b3055ep-1, + 0x1.c71c71c72p-1, 0x1.c3f8f01c4p-1, 0x1.c0e070382p-1, 0x1.bdd2b8994p-1, + 0x1.bacf914c2p-1, 0x1.b7d6c3ddap-1, 0x1.b4e81b4e8p-1, 0x1.b2036406cp-1, + 0x1.af286bca2p-1, 0x1.ac5701ac6p-1, 0x1.a98ef606ap-1, 0x1.a6d01a6dp-1, + 0x1.a41a41a42p-1, 0x1.a16d3f97ap-1, 0x1.9ec8e951p-1, 0x1.9c2d14ee4p-1, + 0x1.99999999ap-1, 0x1.970e4f80cp-1, 0x1.948b0fcd6p-1, 0x1.920fb49dp-1, + 0x1.8f9c18f9cp-1, 0x1.8d3018d3p-1, 0x1.8acb90f6cp-1, 0x1.886e5f0acp-1, + 0x1.861861862p-1, 0x1.83c977ab2p-1, 0x1.818181818p-1, 0x1.7f405fd02p-1, + 0x1.7d05f417ep-1, 0x1.7ad2208ep-1, 0x1.78a4c8178p-1, 0x1.767dce434p-1, + 0x1.745d1745ep-1, 0x1.724287f46p-1, 0x1.702e05c0cp-1, 0x1.6e1f76b44p-1, + 0x1.6c16c16c2p-1, 0x1.6a13cd154p-1, 0x1.681681682p-1, 0x1.661ec6a52p-1, + 0x1.642c8590cp-1, 0x1.623fa7702p-1, 0x1.605816058p-1, 0x1.5e75bb8dp-1, + 0x1.5c9882b94p-1, 0x1.5ac056b02p-1, 0x1.58ed23082p-1, 0x1.571ed3c5p-1, + 0x1.555555556p-1, 0x1.5390948f4p-1, 0x1.51d07eae2p-1, 0x1.501501502p-1, + 0x1.4e5e0a73p-1, 0x1.4cab88726p-1, 0x1.4afd6a052p-1, 0x1.49539e3b2p-1, + 0x1.47ae147aep-1, 0x1.460cbc7f6p-1, 0x1.446f86562p-1, 0x1.42d6625d6p-1, + 0x1.414141414p-1, 0x1.3fb013fbp-1, 0x1.3e22cbce4p-1, 0x1.3c995a47cp-1, + 0x1.3b13b13b2p-1, 0x1.3991c2c18p-1, 0x1.381381382p-1, 0x1.3698df3dep-1, + 0x1.3521cfb2cp-1, 0x1.33ae45b58p-1, 0x1.323e34a2cp-1, 0x1.30d19013p-1, + 0x1.2f684bda2p-1, 0x1.2e025c04cp-1, 0x1.2c9fb4d82p-1, 0x1.2b404ad02p-1, + 0x1.29e4129e4p-1, 0x1.288b01288p-1, 0x1.27350b882p-1, 0x1.25e22708p-1, + 0x1.24924924ap-1, 0x1.23456789ap-1, 0x1.21fb78122p-1, 0x1.20b470c68p-1, + 0x1.1f7047dc2p-1, 0x1.1e2ef3b4p-1, 0x1.1cf06ada2p-1, 0x1.1bb4a4046p-1, + 0x1.1a7b9611ap-1, 0x1.19453808cp-1, 0x1.181181182p-1, 0x1.16e068942p-1, + 0x1.15b1e5f76p-1, 0x1.1485f0e0ap-1, 0x1.135c81136p-1, 0x1.12358e75ep-1, + 0x1.111111112p-1, 0x1.0fef010fep-1, 0x1.0ecf56be6p-1, 0x1.0db20a89p-1, + 0x1.0c9714fbcp-1, 0x1.0b7e6ec26p-1, 0x1.0a6810a68p-1, 0x1.0953f3902p-1, + 0x1.084210842p-1, 0x1.073260a48p-1, 0x1.0624dd2f2p-1, 0x1.05197f7d8p-1, + 0x1.041041042p-1, 0x1.03091b52p-1, 0x1.020408102p-1, 0x1.01010101p-1, + 0x1p-1 + }; + +const double __asincoshf_lix[] = + { + 0x0p+0, 0x1.fe02a6b146789p-8, 0x1.fc0a8b0fa03e4p-7, + 0x1.7b91b07de311bp-6, 0x1.f829b0e7c33p-6, 0x1.39e87b9fd7d6p-5, + 0x1.77458f63edcfcp-5, 0x1.b42dd7117b1bfp-5, 0x1.f0a30c01362a6p-5, + 0x1.16536eea7fae1p-4, 0x1.341d7961791d1p-4, 0x1.51b073f07983fp-4, + 0x1.6f0d28ae3eb4cp-4, 0x1.8c345d6383b21p-4, 0x1.a926d3a475563p-4, + 0x1.c5e548f63a743p-4, 0x1.e27076e28f2e6p-4, 0x1.fec9131dbaabbp-4, + 0x1.0d77e7ccf6e59p-3, 0x1.1b72ad52f87ap-3, 0x1.29552f81eb523p-3, + 0x1.371fc201f7f74p-3, 0x1.44d2b6ccbfd1ep-3, 0x1.526e5e3a41438p-3, + 0x1.5ff3070a613d4p-3, 0x1.6d60fe717221dp-3, 0x1.7ab890212b909p-3, + 0x1.87fa065214911p-3, 0x1.9525a9cf296b4p-3, 0x1.a23bc1fe42563p-3, + 0x1.af3c94e81bff3p-3, 0x1.bc2867430acd6p-3, 0x1.c8ff7c7989a22p-3, + 0x1.d5c216b535b91p-3, 0x1.e27076e2f92e6p-3, 0x1.ef0adcbe0d936p-3, + 0x1.fb9186d5ebe2bp-3, 0x1.0402594b51041p-2, 0x1.0a324e27370e3p-2, + 0x1.1058bf9ad7ad5p-2, 0x1.1675cabaa660ep-2, 0x1.1c898c16b91fbp-2, + 0x1.22941fbcfb966p-2, 0x1.2895a13dd2ea3p-2, 0x1.2e8e2bade7d31p-2, + 0x1.347dd9a9afd55p-2, 0x1.3a64c556b05eap-2, 0x1.40430868877e4p-2, + 0x1.4618bc219dec2p-2, 0x1.4be5f9579e0a1p-2, 0x1.51aad872c982dp-2, + 0x1.5767717432a6cp-2, 0x1.5d1bdbf5669cap-2, 0x1.62c82f2b83795p-2, + 0x1.686c81e9964afp-2, 0x1.6e08eaa2929e4p-2, 0x1.739d7f6b95007p-2, + 0x1.792a55fdb7fa2p-2, 0x1.7eaf83b82efc3p-2, 0x1.842d1da1ecb17p-2, + 0x1.89a3386be825bp-2, 0x1.8f11e87347ac7p-2, 0x1.947941c1f26fbp-2, + 0x1.99d958119208bp-2, 0x1.9f323ecbd984cp-2, 0x1.a484090e5eb0ap-2, + 0x1.a9cec9a9cf84ap-2, 0x1.af1293245606bp-2, 0x1.b44f77bc98f63p-2, + 0x1.b9858969218fbp-2, 0x1.beb4d9da96b7cp-2, 0x1.c3dd7a7d0354dp-2, + 0x1.c8ff7c79ada22p-2, 0x1.ce1af0b855bebp-2, 0x1.d32fe7e039bd5p-2, + 0x1.d83e72587673ep-2, 0x1.dd46a04c204a1p-2, 0x1.e24881a7cac26p-2, + 0x1.e744261d8a788p-2, 0x1.ec399d2457ccp-2, 0x1.f128f5fac86edp-2, + 0x1.f6123fa71c8acp-2, 0x1.faf588f76631fp-2, 0x1.ffd2e08580c98p-2, + 0x1.02552a5a4f0ffp-1, 0x1.04bdf9da8b6d2p-1, 0x1.0723e5c1b4f4p-1, + 0x1.0986f4f589521p-1, 0x1.0be72e423ca83p-1, 0x1.0e44985d0f48cp-1, + 0x1.109f39e2be497p-1, 0x1.12f71959283bcp-1, 0x1.154c3d2f4f5eap-1, + 0x1.179eabbd9c9a1p-1, 0x1.19ee6b466516fp-1, 0x1.1c3b81f723c25p-1, + 0x1.1e85f5e6ec0dp-1, 0x1.20cdcd193f76ep-1, 0x1.23130d7beb743p-1, + 0x1.2555bce9887cbp-1, 0x1.2795e1288211bp-1, 0x1.29d37fec2308bp-1, + 0x1.2c0e9ed45768cp-1, 0x1.2e47436e5ae68p-1, 0x1.307d7334ff0bep-1, + 0x1.32b1339134571p-1, 0x1.34e289d9b39d3p-1, 0x1.37117b5481bb6p-1, + 0x1.393e0d3549a1ap-1, 0x1.3b6844a017823p-1, 0x1.3d9026a70eefbp-1, + 0x1.3fb5b84cfeb42p-1, 0x1.41d8fe844b2aep-1, 0x1.43f9fe2fb9267p-1, + 0x1.4618bc21d86c2p-1, 0x1.48353d1e928dfp-1, 0x1.4a4f85db1debbp-1, + 0x1.4c679afcc323ap-1, 0x1.4e7d811b77bb1p-1, 0x1.50913cbff8c6bp-1, + 0x1.52a2d265be5abp-1, 0x1.54b2467998498p-1, 0x1.56bf9d5b34b99p-1, + 0x1.58cadb5cbe989p-1, 0x1.5ad404c33af2dp-1, 0x1.5cdb1dc6ad765p-1, + 0x1.5ee02a9241e75p-1, 0x1.60e32f447a8d9p-1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1 + }; + +const double __asincoshf_c[] = + { + 0x1.0000000066947p+0, -0x1.00007f053d8cbp-1, 0x1.555280111d914p-2 + }; + + +const double __asincoshf_cp[] = + { + 0x1p+0, -0x1p-1, + 0x1.55555555030bcp-2, -0x1.ffffffff2b4e5p-3, + 0x1.999b5076a42f2p-3, -0x1.55570c45a647dp-3 + }; diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.h b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2a7947a563 --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asincoshf_data.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Common data for asinpif/acospif implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#ifndef _ASINCOSHF_H +#define _ASINCOSHF_H + +extern const double __asincoshf_ix[] attribute_hidden; +#define IX __asincoshf_ix +extern const double __asincoshf_lix[] attribute_hidden; +#define LIX __asincoshf_lix +extern const double __asincoshf_c[] attribute_hidden; +#define C __asincoshf_c +extern const double __asincoshf_cp[] attribute_hidden; +#define CP __asincoshf_cp + +#endif diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asinhf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asinhf.c index 93750f5dae..9353b421d4 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asinhf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/s_asinhf.c @@ -28,94 +28,11 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "s_asincoshf_data.h" float __asinhf (float x) { - static const double ix[] = - { - 0x1p+0, 0x1.fc07f01fcp-1, 0x1.f81f81f82p-1, 0x1.f44659e4ap-1, - 0x1.f07c1f07cp-1, 0x1.ecc07b302p-1, 0x1.e9131abfp-1, 0x1.e573ac902p-1, - 0x1.e1e1e1e1ep-1, 0x1.de5d6e3f8p-1, 0x1.dae6076bap-1, 0x1.d77b654b8p-1, - 0x1.d41d41d42p-1, 0x1.d0cb58f6ep-1, 0x1.cd8568904p-1, 0x1.ca4b3055ep-1, - 0x1.c71c71c72p-1, 0x1.c3f8f01c4p-1, 0x1.c0e070382p-1, 0x1.bdd2b8994p-1, - 0x1.bacf914c2p-1, 0x1.b7d6c3ddap-1, 0x1.b4e81b4e8p-1, 0x1.b2036406cp-1, - 0x1.af286bca2p-1, 0x1.ac5701ac6p-1, 0x1.a98ef606ap-1, 0x1.a6d01a6dp-1, - 0x1.a41a41a42p-1, 0x1.a16d3f97ap-1, 0x1.9ec8e951p-1, 0x1.9c2d14ee4p-1, - 0x1.99999999ap-1, 0x1.970e4f80cp-1, 0x1.948b0fcd6p-1, 0x1.920fb49dp-1, - 0x1.8f9c18f9cp-1, 0x1.8d3018d3p-1, 0x1.8acb90f6cp-1, 0x1.886e5f0acp-1, - 0x1.861861862p-1, 0x1.83c977ab2p-1, 0x1.818181818p-1, 0x1.7f405fd02p-1, - 0x1.7d05f417ep-1, 0x1.7ad2208ep-1, 0x1.78a4c8178p-1, 0x1.767dce434p-1, - 0x1.745d1745ep-1, 0x1.724287f46p-1, 0x1.702e05c0cp-1, 0x1.6e1f76b44p-1, - 0x1.6c16c16c2p-1, 0x1.6a13cd154p-1, 0x1.681681682p-1, 0x1.661ec6a52p-1, - 0x1.642c8590cp-1, 0x1.623fa7702p-1, 0x1.605816058p-1, 0x1.5e75bb8dp-1, - 0x1.5c9882b94p-1, 0x1.5ac056b02p-1, 0x1.58ed23082p-1, 0x1.571ed3c5p-1, - 0x1.555555556p-1, 0x1.5390948f4p-1, 0x1.51d07eae2p-1, 0x1.501501502p-1, - 0x1.4e5e0a73p-1, 0x1.4cab88726p-1, 0x1.4afd6a052p-1, 0x1.49539e3b2p-1, - 0x1.47ae147aep-1, 0x1.460cbc7f6p-1, 0x1.446f86562p-1, 0x1.42d6625d6p-1, - 0x1.414141414p-1, 0x1.3fb013fbp-1, 0x1.3e22cbce4p-1, 0x1.3c995a47cp-1, - 0x1.3b13b13b2p-1, 0x1.3991c2c18p-1, 0x1.381381382p-1, 0x1.3698df3dep-1, - 0x1.3521cfb2cp-1, 0x1.33ae45b58p-1, 0x1.323e34a2cp-1, 0x1.30d19013p-1, - 0x1.2f684bda2p-1, 0x1.2e025c04cp-1, 0x1.2c9fb4d82p-1, 0x1.2b404ad02p-1, - 0x1.29e4129e4p-1, 0x1.288b01288p-1, 0x1.27350b882p-1, 0x1.25e22708p-1, - 0x1.24924924ap-1, 0x1.23456789ap-1, 0x1.21fb78122p-1, 0x1.20b470c68p-1, - 0x1.1f7047dc2p-1, 0x1.1e2ef3b4p-1, 0x1.1cf06ada2p-1, 0x1.1bb4a4046p-1, - 0x1.1a7b9611ap-1, 0x1.19453808cp-1, 0x1.181181182p-1, 0x1.16e068942p-1, - 0x1.15b1e5f76p-1, 0x1.1485f0e0ap-1, 0x1.135c81136p-1, 0x1.12358e75ep-1, - 0x1.111111112p-1, 0x1.0fef010fep-1, 0x1.0ecf56be6p-1, 0x1.0db20a89p-1, - 0x1.0c9714fbcp-1, 0x1.0b7e6ec26p-1, 0x1.0a6810a68p-1, 0x1.0953f3902p-1, - 0x1.084210842p-1, 0x1.073260a48p-1, 0x1.0624dd2f2p-1, 0x1.05197f7d8p-1, - 0x1.041041042p-1, 0x1.03091b52p-1, 0x1.020408102p-1, 0x1.01010101p-1, - 0x1p-1 - }; - - static const double lix[] = - { - 0x0p+0, 0x1.fe02a6b146789p-8, 0x1.fc0a8b0fa03e4p-7, - 0x1.7b91b07de311bp-6, 0x1.f829b0e7c33p-6, 0x1.39e87b9fd7d6p-5, - 0x1.77458f63edcfcp-5, 0x1.b42dd7117b1bfp-5, 0x1.f0a30c01362a6p-5, - 0x1.16536eea7fae1p-4, 0x1.341d7961791d1p-4, 0x1.51b073f07983fp-4, - 0x1.6f0d28ae3eb4cp-4, 0x1.8c345d6383b21p-4, 0x1.a926d3a475563p-4, - 0x1.c5e548f63a743p-4, 0x1.e27076e28f2e6p-4, 0x1.fec9131dbaabbp-4, - 0x1.0d77e7ccf6e59p-3, 0x1.1b72ad52f87ap-3, 0x1.29552f81eb523p-3, - 0x1.371fc201f7f74p-3, 0x1.44d2b6ccbfd1ep-3, 0x1.526e5e3a41438p-3, - 0x1.5ff3070a613d4p-3, 0x1.6d60fe717221dp-3, 0x1.7ab890212b909p-3, - 0x1.87fa065214911p-3, 0x1.9525a9cf296b4p-3, 0x1.a23bc1fe42563p-3, - 0x1.af3c94e81bff3p-3, 0x1.bc2867430acd6p-3, 0x1.c8ff7c7989a22p-3, - 0x1.d5c216b535b91p-3, 0x1.e27076e2f92e6p-3, 0x1.ef0adcbe0d936p-3, - 0x1.fb9186d5ebe2bp-3, 0x1.0402594b51041p-2, 0x1.0a324e27370e3p-2, - 0x1.1058bf9ad7ad5p-2, 0x1.1675cabaa660ep-2, 0x1.1c898c16b91fbp-2, - 0x1.22941fbcfb966p-2, 0x1.2895a13dd2ea3p-2, 0x1.2e8e2bade7d31p-2, - 0x1.347dd9a9afd55p-2, 0x1.3a64c556b05eap-2, 0x1.40430868877e4p-2, - 0x1.4618bc219dec2p-2, 0x1.4be5f9579e0a1p-2, 0x1.51aad872c982dp-2, - 0x1.5767717432a6cp-2, 0x1.5d1bdbf5669cap-2, 0x1.62c82f2b83795p-2, - 0x1.686c81e9964afp-2, 0x1.6e08eaa2929e4p-2, 0x1.739d7f6b95007p-2, - 0x1.792a55fdb7fa2p-2, 0x1.7eaf83b82efc3p-2, 0x1.842d1da1ecb17p-2, - 0x1.89a3386be825bp-2, 0x1.8f11e87347ac7p-2, 0x1.947941c1f26fbp-2, - 0x1.99d958119208bp-2, 0x1.9f323ecbd984cp-2, 0x1.a484090e5eb0ap-2, - 0x1.a9cec9a9cf84ap-2, 0x1.af1293245606bp-2, 0x1.b44f77bc98f63p-2, - 0x1.b9858969218fbp-2, 0x1.beb4d9da96b7cp-2, 0x1.c3dd7a7d0354dp-2, - 0x1.c8ff7c79ada22p-2, 0x1.ce1af0b855bebp-2, 0x1.d32fe7e039bd5p-2, - 0x1.d83e72587673ep-2, 0x1.dd46a04c204a1p-2, 0x1.e24881a7cac26p-2, - 0x1.e744261d8a788p-2, 0x1.ec399d2457ccp-2, 0x1.f128f5fac86edp-2, - 0x1.f6123fa71c8acp-2, 0x1.faf588f76631fp-2, 0x1.ffd2e08580c98p-2, - 0x1.02552a5a4f0ffp-1, 0x1.04bdf9da8b6d2p-1, 0x1.0723e5c1b4f4p-1, - 0x1.0986f4f589521p-1, 0x1.0be72e423ca83p-1, 0x1.0e44985d0f48cp-1, - 0x1.109f39e2be497p-1, 0x1.12f71959283bcp-1, 0x1.154c3d2f4f5eap-1, - 0x1.179eabbd9c9a1p-1, 0x1.19ee6b466516fp-1, 0x1.1c3b81f723c25p-1, - 0x1.1e85f5e6ec0dp-1, 0x1.20cdcd193f76ep-1, 0x1.23130d7beb743p-1, - 0x1.2555bce9887cbp-1, 0x1.2795e1288211bp-1, 0x1.29d37fec2308bp-1, - 0x1.2c0e9ed45768cp-1, 0x1.2e47436e5ae68p-1, 0x1.307d7334ff0bep-1, - 0x1.32b1339134571p-1, 0x1.34e289d9b39d3p-1, 0x1.37117b5481bb6p-1, - 0x1.393e0d3549a1ap-1, 0x1.3b6844a017823p-1, 0x1.3d9026a70eefbp-1, - 0x1.3fb5b84cfeb42p-1, 0x1.41d8fe844b2aep-1, 0x1.43f9fe2fb9267p-1, - 0x1.4618bc21d86c2p-1, 0x1.48353d1e928dfp-1, 0x1.4a4f85db1debbp-1, - 0x1.4c679afcc323ap-1, 0x1.4e7d811b77bb1p-1, 0x1.50913cbff8c6bp-1, - 0x1.52a2d265be5abp-1, 0x1.54b2467998498p-1, 0x1.56bf9d5b34b99p-1, - 0x1.58cadb5cbe989p-1, 0x1.5ad404c33af2dp-1, 0x1.5cdb1dc6ad765p-1, - 0x1.5ee02a9241e75p-1, 0x1.60e32f447a8d9p-1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-1 - }; - uint32_t t = asuint (x); t &= ~0u >> 1; double xs = x; @@ -152,35 +69,25 @@ __asinhf (float x) int j = (m + (UINT64_C(1) << (52 - 8))) >> (52 - 7); int e = (tp >> 52) - 0x3ff; double w = asdouble (m | UINT64_C(0x3ff) << 52); - double z = w * ix[j] - 1.0; - static const double c[] = - { - 0x1.0000000066947p+0, -0x1.00007f053d8cbp-1, 0x1.555280111d914p-2 - }; + double z = w * IX[j] - 1.0; double z2 = z * z; - double r = ((lix[128] * e + lix[j]) + z * c[0]) + z2 * (c[1] + z * c[2]); + double r = ((LIX[128] * e + LIX[j]) + z * C[0]) + z2 * (C[1] + z * C[2]); if (__glibc_unlikely (((asuint64 (r) + 259000) & INT64_C(0xfffffff)) < 260000)) /* accurate path */ { - static const double cp[] = - { - 0x1p+0, -0x1p-1, - 0x1.55555555030bcp-2, -0x1.ffffffff2b4e5p-3, - 0x1.999b5076a42f2p-3, -0x1.55570c45a647dp-3 - }; z2 = z * z; - double c0 = cp[0] + z * cp[1]; - double c2 = cp[2] + z * cp[3]; - double c4 = cp[4] + z * cp[5]; + double c0 = CP[0] + z * CP[1]; + double c2 = CP[2] + z * CP[3]; + double c4 = CP[4] + z * CP[5]; c0 += z2 * (c2 + z2 * c4); const double ln2l = 0x1.7f7d1cf79abcap-20; const double ln2h = 0x1.62e4p-1; double Lh = ln2h * e; double Ll = ln2l * e; - r = fma (z, c0, Ll + lix[j]) + Lh; + r = fma (z, c0, Ll + LIX[j]) + Lh; if (__glibc_unlikely ((asuint64 (r) & INT64_C(0xfffffff)) == 0)) { - double h = fma (z, c0, Ll + lix[j]) + (Lh - r); + double h = fma (z, c0, Ll + LIX[j]) + (Lh - r); r = r + 64 * h; } } From patchwork Mon Feb 3 21:24:19 2025 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Adhemerval Zanella X-Patchwork-Id: 861575 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a05:6000:11cb:b0:385:e875:8a9e with SMTP id i11csp14979wrx; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 13:26:42 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=3; AJvYcCWsePk4YLW+BiQgg44P8fWtnngFJfxAPo5sl3FFEB4H4HI6/ X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IF9avpFHHKdrLS9oMUalcGGsYg76vowRdJljpc6ICXdqJB6aNJQ8MQK6GTgerb0mfPoyM/R X-Received: by 2002:ac8:6903:0:b0:46e:2d0b:e1bf with SMTP id d75a77b69052e-470186c46bfmr15645421cf.11.1738618002303; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:26:42 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1738618002; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=bjf/A24u/niJIBSmtKQkD+agk76AA2peNz1LAKFYzwW2GFGS6xXaqPTF9qlJoHxsQA kJN+HGvEE9gzNd8SPHbyrVGy4E7jB+9wjyJapEadtegY0itwlyb8cHgFJsSUIvIkmI1x /AfyHBi8D/D/m2oFUJ63amTFctE9ONNcxwqK/V+dYXpV5YxlpNbKaKjezm3Vs46v1G7Q iOd/Ik5oUtb2sh5q+/uGjKgiZUVu+W9QCEWPF7txneMDIUvAtXKqZO2jh2v3uwWAjgge xTiyouVs0NCpd2pXWxILoCj66RTGCbPQ6vVgKhgTKZhhKQF5AW3+9Oquew53Ev1kHfgm mr3w== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arc-20240605; h=errors-to:list-subscribe:list-help:list-post:list-archive :list-unsubscribe:list-id:precedence:content-transfer-encoding :mime-version:references:in-reply-to:message-id:date:subject:cc:to :from:dkim-signature:dkim-filter:arc-filter:dmarc-filter :delivered-to:dkim-filter; bh=8lpJROTUOmAA+c1Z5Vi/bADJANnIXv0pi04hkgV3mBw=; fh=Pi2apwTyRle/crbOq6UOyUkSwIydBObhkp/dAjam2Pw=; b=dFhYh7ssG0mkZGz4Jz78adsxFt9kEWiTHpYdRSO1j+sbWUu/WgJNrYkwXfPJkGDSE4 GDNTn+1Fw6DjfI+78DDcWW1klgdHMyza5p7PVoMXvOIb8vCLNJtwkg1iGkc6hyOvvn7e RgBYSb1zUiWaPeSNkNVh44wymzWFReyo9mr8zZN3F1X9BnThv9RoM/QQMf1cUOe8cj+d GBb6/Kcu8BRtrdQ/rs9mguJSxRlf8lDfzk/luMkuGwK+V+VGnWC502iYtQGXfDOWDS+4 OzM3nYAKJlo5xLRPol2mnpiW/vH9EuIcNr6/5+8E+gYdHfU13DhIwUYJ4D0c2UV+Z605 tWhQ==; ARC-Authentication-Results: i=2;; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=li7+ZLqx; arc=pass (i=1); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=""; dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by with ESMTPS id d75a77b69052e-47016bae1e0si10450651cf.441.2025. for (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:26:42 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=li7+ZLqx; arc=pass (i=1); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=""; dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id C605D3858416 for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:26:41 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 C605D3858416 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key, unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=google header.b=li7+ZLqx X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::634]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 410933858C33 for ; Mon, 3 Feb 2025 21:26:00 +0000 (GMT) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.2 410933858C33 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Filter: OpenARC Filter v1.0.0 410933858C33 Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.remote-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::634 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617960; cv=none; b=qxR+wos6fYEXRwHjZ7bl4Z0FJ4Ge16EKgKBqj98+s4MITX//fu6LaPi/GX/sSackMnJMIVlVZ3isNsyJ3R/WHKpLAz5h+IHpt68FnX5Rc+9NP92xhLOlhZSm97RAUwVc5JB03Ps76aQ9kIT1RssY27OOdUqFM27/WWf43FfX/pI= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1738617960; c=relaxed/simple; bh=NMOsYg6TEmr9Aia49R5pG7BHgmCSag6+LqSwy29EPtI=; h=DKIM-Signature:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version; b=eDXXeXL6/lIAT5o8gmJJMTTYWQnRoKYgFunSe2cu78GjwnkyOZDUfY2nD3JkipkvLSfjMr8V9iAU0nxxsYQjNbwyHCedFz2TRcQCQskMU4nO/dH/2T2dtapi02q6TE4FmEmLY4xcbuXZO3W0cb9EE+Xx9L7CIJmuZ9iWKJ62sSw= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 410933858C33 Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-2162c0f6a39so103549145ad.0 for ; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:26:00 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1738617959; x=1739222759;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=8lpJROTUOmAA+c1Z5Vi/bADJANnIXv0pi04hkgV3mBw=; b=li7+ZLqxxOPQU90SPFHKmBShhZYAVBuIabB48OPs3Iyky9gbbGsmDwsE2We8NQob7k 6o+IwgF/JrPBiIfiaZzVakDF2TQqxQFCeVQLsIKTt7rZCNlMZhLOKRyKAjlrH6qgUSQ2 JNJBM8NdTvbcCROyHNuHccY8ymbpArM/svBpR0vcnt+izweyb4ydGWJs0jaM5fbCwRBE pQhzoNfmJ1uVJbOLcSD5XbBvGGZFl/0VbOqotUxT4HoWdE2HPZmYppSQ0BfPB0SKBL3v A1vSjX45yPfYP0mR58wno1jK7l7dp7GBZuyO43amHvx6LgJQfOm8Gem8QG2VrIaqemfx TnPQ== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1738617959; x=1739222759; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=8lpJROTUOmAA+c1Z5Vi/bADJANnIXv0pi04hkgV3mBw=; b=FD625hrI8GkYhBBRGNa4jTdUsgDiBEfE15eF60lLx4yY8K80uT3Yhj+EVmSVWQl6Zm rLPBR/myaYlDNabkVhI3/1bYIe3D8c5IfwRX0xD6P1eB63O2CA4VOKYWwmj91803mOcn tU1FLAu3eUzriJshvbyQ9vjdVRwOMCP4UZO4lUw3GDhAhBS36BxBXWIZKD4hdvvR+7HX bTGRrqtT7WSaZ/dyDiZgaju0XHTsYca948lZQ3ntrU9Oh9M7W++gBegR9PCaGiFqypnS G17i36qCHVzSLLfp+caBA71IDrgoJ5CA4vI1yqrhNFRNB4nuIDoaUINGSipkWQVtdwpY TfBw== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YxhYfWa8rfzCElZK2GTYUMADRnvhHzPDIHZCHCNNgZh4Ms/iZtM Im/hh1hbfVtMy0/+5qF4Gb5lipvxO2Qyu5WtPLPNX1v40vdHYvZC1dzFQj6xGHRuDQ8tocDcNP9 9 X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncsntW7id2gCeH/8G2YNxmFQGqy0SeJ3vpa0gw4Y2OmN+1nUOv0h78lNUvvrbY5 ESUyVdeqGDfzR3W90On4c1xF5GumnNPvb1+ifsxUbFGEDFq2x2pltRcBajVFc1dcB+NhRRvhgi3 Drq7xQeAx/ONZ9I+Ptw9lI4eMggT8BSMpYFUYNmhsOMrSAUjM9DCYVI7l9o2vWk+5mVwDec47pg W8XOQZ6UklaZ3LmpNEeOAYjSR5HuQ1MQKYaM8sX7eczWI053gzYRQIKAotR3/JWr7B6hq2nz1AN 33GaH6HlPnDtgSxCVYD8agNOAMbb X-Received: by 2002:a05:6a20:2d21:b0:1e1:ad90:dda6 with SMTP id adf61e73a8af0-1edd7732977mr1486992637.20.1738617958856; Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:58 -0800 (PST) Received: from ubuntu-vm.. ([]) by with ESMTPSA id d2e1a72fcca58-72fe69ba418sm9184218b3a.105.2025. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Mon, 03 Feb 2025 13:25:58 -0800 (PST) From: Adhemerval Zanella To: Cc: Joseph Myers , Paul Zimmermann , Alexei Sibidanov , DJ Delorie Subject: [PATCH 3/3] math: Consolidate coshf and sinhf internal tables Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2025 18:24:19 -0300 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.30 Precedence: list List-Id: Libc-alpha mailing list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: The libm size improvement built with "--enable-stack-protector=strong --enable-bind-now=yes --enable-fortify-source=2": Before: text data bss dec hex filename 585192 860 12 586064 8f150 aarch64-linux-gnu/math/ 960775 1068 12 961855 ead3f x86_64-linux-gnu/math/ 1189174 5544 368 1195086 123c4e powerpc64le-linux-gnu/math/ After: text data bss dec hex filename 584952 860 12 585824 8f060 aarch64-linux-gnu/math/ 960615 1068 12 961695 eac9f x86_64-linux-gnu/math/ 1189078 5544 368 1194990 123bee powerpc64le-linux-gnu/math/ The are small code changes for x86_64 and powerpc64le, which do not affect performance; but on aarch64 with gcc-14 I see a slight better code generation due the usage of ldq for floating point constant loading. Reviewed-by: Andreas K. Huettel --- math/Makefile | 1 + sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_coshf.c | 38 ++++-------------- sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.c | 49 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.h | 36 +++++++++++++++++ sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sinhf.c | 37 ++++-------------- 5 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-) create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.c create mode 100644 sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.h diff --git a/math/Makefile b/math/Makefile index febeb253f6..a591cd59cb 100644 --- a/math/Makefile +++ b/math/Makefile @@ -363,6 +363,7 @@ type-double-routines := \ type-float-suffix := f type-float-routines := \ e_asincosf_data \ + e_sincoshf_data \ e_exp2f_data \ e_log2f_data \ e_logf_data \ diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_coshf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_coshf.c index 602d2b413f..5f6ff8c29f 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_coshf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_coshf.c @@ -28,34 +28,11 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "e_sincoshf_data.h" float __ieee754_coshf (float x) { - static const double c[] = - { - 1, 0x1.62e42fef4c4e7p-6, 0x1.ebfd1b232f475p-13, 0x1.c6b19384ecd93p-20 - }; - static const double ch[] = - { - 1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-6, 0x1.ebfbdff82c58fp-13, - 0x1.c6b08d702e0edp-20, 0x1.3b2ab6fb92e5ep-27, 0x1.5d886e6d54203p-35, - 0x1.430976b8ce6efp-43 - }; - static const uint64_t tb[] = - { - 0x3fe0000000000000, 0x3fe059b0d3158574, 0x3fe0b5586cf9890f, - 0x3fe11301d0125b51, 0x3fe172b83c7d517b, 0x3fe1d4873168b9aa, - 0x3fe2387a6e756238, 0x3fe29e9df51fdee1, 0x3fe306fe0a31b715, - 0x3fe371a7373aa9cb, 0x3fe3dea64c123422, 0x3fe44e086061892d, - 0x3fe4bfdad5362a27, 0x3fe5342b569d4f82, 0x3fe5ab07dd485429, - 0x3fe6247eb03a5585, 0x3fe6a09e667f3bcd, 0x3fe71f75e8ec5f74, - 0x3fe7a11473eb0187, 0x3fe82589994cce13, 0x3fe8ace5422aa0db, - 0x3fe93737b0cdc5e5, 0x3fe9c49182a3f090, 0x3fea5503b23e255d, - 0x3feae89f995ad3ad, 0x3feb7f76f2fb5e47, 0x3fec199bdd85529c, - 0x3fecb720dcef9069, 0x3fed5818dcfba487, 0x3fedfc97337b9b5f, - 0x3feea4afa2a490da, 0x3fef50765b6e4540 - }; const double iln2 = 0x1.71547652b82fep+5; double z = x; uint32_t ax = asuint (x) << 1; @@ -92,10 +69,10 @@ __ieee754_coshf (float x) double h2 = h * h; int64_t jp = asuint64 (ia + 0x1.8p52); int64_t jm = -jp; - double sp = asdouble (tb[jp & 31] + ((jp >> 5) << 52)); - double sm = asdouble (tb[jm & 31] + ((jm >> 5) << 52)); - double te = c[0] + h2 * c[2]; - double to = (c[1] + h2 * c[3]); + double sp = asdouble (TB[jp & 31] + ((jp >> 5) << 52)); + double sm = asdouble (TB[jm & 31] + ((jm >> 5) << 52)); + double te = C[0] + h2 * C[2]; + double to = (C[1] + h2 * C[3]); double rp = sp * (te + h * to); double rm = sm * (te - h * to); double r = rp + rm; @@ -107,8 +84,9 @@ __ieee754_coshf (float x) const double iln2l = 0x1.5c17f0bbbe88p-26; h = (iln2h * z - ia) + iln2l * z; h2 = h * h; - te = ch[0] + h2 * ch[2] + (h2 * h2) * (ch[4] + h2 * ch[6]); - to = ch[1] + h2 * (ch[3] + h2 * ch[5]); + te = CH[0] + h2 * CH[2] + (h2 * h2) * (CH[4] + h2 * CH[6]); + to = CH[1] + h2 * (CH[3] + h2 + * CH[5]); r = sp * (te + h * to) + sm * (te - h * to); ub = r; } diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c1a34d1ab3 --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.c @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +/* Common data for sinhf/coshf implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#include "e_sincoshf_data.h" + +const double __sincoshf_c[] = + { + 1, 0x1.62e42fef4c4e7p-6, 0x1.ebfd1b232f475p-13, 0x1.c6b19384ecd93p-20 + }; +const double __sincoshf_ch[] = + { + 1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-6, 0x1.ebfbdff82c58fp-13, + 0x1.c6b08d702e0edp-20, 0x1.3b2ab6fb92e5ep-27, 0x1.5d886e6d54203p-35, + 0x1.430976b8ce6efp-43 + }; +const uint64_t __sincoshf_tb[] = + { + 0x3fe0000000000000, 0x3fe059b0d3158574, 0x3fe0b5586cf9890f, + 0x3fe11301d0125b51, 0x3fe172b83c7d517b, 0x3fe1d4873168b9aa, + 0x3fe2387a6e756238, 0x3fe29e9df51fdee1, 0x3fe306fe0a31b715, + 0x3fe371a7373aa9cb, 0x3fe3dea64c123422, 0x3fe44e086061892d, + 0x3fe4bfdad5362a27, 0x3fe5342b569d4f82, 0x3fe5ab07dd485429, + 0x3fe6247eb03a5585, 0x3fe6a09e667f3bcd, 0x3fe71f75e8ec5f74, + 0x3fe7a11473eb0187, 0x3fe82589994cce13, 0x3fe8ace5422aa0db, + 0x3fe93737b0cdc5e5, 0x3fe9c49182a3f090, 0x3fea5503b23e255d, + 0x3feae89f995ad3ad, 0x3feb7f76f2fb5e47, 0x3fec199bdd85529c, + 0x3fecb720dcef9069, 0x3fed5818dcfba487, 0x3fedfc97337b9b5f, + 0x3feea4afa2a490da, 0x3fef50765b6e4540 + }; diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.h b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ea4b38089f --- /dev/null +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sincoshf_data.h @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* Common data for sinhf/coshf implementations. + +Copyright (c) 2022-2025 Alexei Sibidanov. + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. +*/ + +#ifndef _SINCOSHF_H +#define _SINCOSHF_H + +#include + +extern const double __sincoshf_c[] attribute_hidden; +#define C __sincoshf_c +extern const double __sincoshf_ch[] attribute_hidden; +#define CH __sincoshf_ch +extern const uint64_t __sincoshf_tb[] attribute_hidden; +#define TB __sincoshf_tb + +#endif diff --git a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sinhf.c b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sinhf.c index dee96fc7cb..754b84abe0 100644 --- a/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sinhf.c +++ b/sysdeps/ieee754/flt-32/e_sinhf.c @@ -29,34 +29,11 @@ SOFTWARE. #include #include #include "math_config.h" +#include "e_sincoshf_data.h" float __ieee754_sinhf (float x) { - static const double c[] = - { - 1, 0x1.62e42fef4c4e7p-6, 0x1.ebfd1b232f475p-13, 0x1.c6b19384ecd93p-20 - }; - static const double ch[] = - { - 1, 0x1.62e42fefa39efp-6, 0x1.ebfbdff82c58fp-13, - 0x1.c6b08d702e0edp-20, 0x1.3b2ab6fb92e5ep-27, 0x1.5d886e6d54203p-35, - 0x1.430976b8ce6efp-43 - }; - static const uint64_t tb[] = - { - 0x3fe0000000000000, 0x3fe059b0d3158574, 0x3fe0b5586cf9890f, - 0x3fe11301d0125b51, 0x3fe172b83c7d517b, 0x3fe1d4873168b9aa, - 0x3fe2387a6e756238, 0x3fe29e9df51fdee1, 0x3fe306fe0a31b715, - 0x3fe371a7373aa9cb, 0x3fe3dea64c123422, 0x3fe44e086061892d, - 0x3fe4bfdad5362a27, 0x3fe5342b569d4f82, 0x3fe5ab07dd485429, - 0x3fe6247eb03a5585, 0x3fe6a09e667f3bcd, 0x3fe71f75e8ec5f74, - 0x3fe7a11473eb0187, 0x3fe82589994cce13, 0x3fe8ace5422aa0db, - 0x3fe93737b0cdc5e5, 0x3fe9c49182a3f090, 0x3fea5503b23e255d, - 0x3feae89f995ad3ad, 0x3feb7f76f2fb5e47, 0x3fec199bdd85529c, - 0x3fecb720dcef9069, 0x3fed5818dcfba487, 0x3fedfc97337b9b5f, - 0x3feea4afa2a490da, 0x3fef50765b6e4540 - }; static const struct { uint32_t uarg; @@ -106,10 +83,10 @@ __ieee754_sinhf (float x) double h2 = h * h; int64_t jp = asuint64 (ia + 0x1.8p52); int64_t jm = -jp; - double sp = asdouble (tb[jp & 31] + ((jp >> 5) << 52)); - double sm = asdouble (tb[jm & 31] + ((jm >> 5) << 52)); - double te = c[0] + h2 * c[2]; - double to = (c[1] + h2 * c[3]); + double sp = asdouble (TB[jp & 31] + ((jp >> 5) << 52)); + double sm = asdouble (TB[jm & 31] + ((jm >> 5) << 52)); + double te = C[0] + h2 * C[2]; + double to = (C[1] + h2 * C[3]); double rp = sp * (te + h * to); double rm = sm * (te - h * to); double r = rp - rm; @@ -121,8 +98,8 @@ __ieee754_sinhf (float x) const double iln2l = 0x1.5c17f0bbbe88p-26; h = (iln2h * z - ia) + iln2l * z; h2 = h * h; - te = ch[0] + h2 * ch[2] + (h2 * h2) * (ch[4] + h2 * ch[6]); - to = ch[1] + h2 * (ch[3] + h2 * ch[5]); + te = CH[0] + h2 * CH[2] + (h2 * h2) * (CH[4] + h2 * CH[6]); + to = CH[1] + h2 * (CH[3] + h2 * CH[5]); r = sp * (te + h * to) - sm * (te - h * to); ub = r; }